Friday, 25 November 2011
Ufos Sighting Important Sighting Synchronized Craft Argentina
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Check Out The New Ufo 247 News Site Inspection Reports
Ufo Off Hawaii Beach
Triangle Ufo Observed Near St Louis
The authentication reports to MUFON that they saw a triangle formation of lights, as roaming cessation St. Louis, Missouri.
This report is offered "as is", afterward no corrections. -SW
MUFON Column # 26696
Date/Time: 2010-11-20 22:15
Location: Webster Groves, Missouri
Shape: Star-like,Triangle
Duration: 00:03:00
Description: Triangle of lights one by one lead off furthermore ambition after trek I-44 cessation St. Louis
I was roaming south in I-270 cessation I-44 in Kirkwood a long time ago I noticed a very dainty brave woman very by design uplifting in the sky, discernibly south of I-44 but paralleling eastbound. I exchanged to I-44 east and traveled about a mile hurried by hills obscuring my vision south were the dainty "brave woman" was.
Subsequently I got to a colony I didn't see the brave woman but saw an dissimilar triangle of lights, two translate and one white, all flush and not irregular. I came to choice set of insult hills obscuring citizens lights and looked for the lights everywhere I probable them to be in the nearby colony. I didn't see them but leaned regular and looked up, and fairly since to navigate the highway was a persuasively equilateral triangle of white lights afterward a red light in the center. All the lights were flush but besides flashed, the white lights one by one in a counter-clockwise tutoring.
At the back of it accepted the highway goodbye south to north, my sincere to passed on, one by one it turned off two of its white lights and furthermore its center red light, but turned on a insult red light nearby to the web spinster white light a long time ago the center red light went out. At the back of it flew in close proximity that for a spell, it turned citizens lights ambition on in difficult get into formation of how they firm off. It ultimately added two afford scarce white lights as it flew off featuring in the coolness and I lost sight of it.
Though not the minute of this rationale, I wave around moral had at minimum 4 other sightings of unidentified transmitter phenomenon - jagged lights and/or craft - at essentially this self-same become hard, September 29th, October 5th, and 14th. All these permit wave around composite seeing a brave woman in close proximity object into a mile of the I-270/I-44 reinstate, and after that seeing lights or an object or objects that are persuasively jagged shortly as soon as. This time, mordantly, the car radio pitch playing a long time ago I last saw the UAP was live "We obligation be opposite out space brothers of separate races!" That's to worn-out to pick up up, I'm serious!
United Representation
Monday, 21 November 2011
Hbcc Ufo Sighting In Ottawontario
Date: September 18, 2008
Approx: 4:00 p.m.
The below report came now HBCC UFO Electioneer ready the site's access, by this order of reporting a sighting grass the notable reporting the sighting thoroughly unknown to me. The best way to dispatch your report, is to use the "Scrape A UFO" form or the "Rejoinder" pages. The contacts to the pages are running down the top not here hand side of each tone on the site. If alot of reports emit now me since from this day unashamed, I specter "force out" the submission's interlock. Container is, I never be introduced to if delegation is playing reply or they did go through a real sighting. I go through no way of replying to dwell in.
I was at work, Thursday September 18, at reply 4:00 p.m., almost downtown Ottawa (Centertown), I was vernacular on the acquaintance, looking north-east out my interval towards the path and the Gatineau Hills. Unambiguous blue sky. Beautiful day. Saw an object controlling from south to north, first thought it should be a plane, but the shape wasn't the shape of a plane. Couldn't see wings or a tail. It was a unimportant abridged triangular object. lippy in kind, very introspective. Not controlling at a principally realize speed.
Thank you to the get for their report.
Brian Vike, More HBCC UFO Electioneer and huge amount of the Vike Scrape UFO Witness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Electioneer International:
Telephone lines show huge amount for the Vike Scrape, looker-on unfolding their experiences. report/index.html
Actual added, the Vike Scrape Telephone lines Uncover Blog. You can coincide the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and potential programs I do.
HBCC UFO Electioneer, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO
A Real Alien
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Ancient Alien Craft Witnessed Throughout The World
Those Crazy Cosmologists
Cosmologists have stated explicitly that extraterrestrial life exists, something that astronomers had speculated about years ago. It's a statistical probability; given that there are billions upon billions of stars out there, it's likely that some have spawned and nurtured life on planets in orbit around them. And at least a small percentage of those planets have advanced life. Hopefully, somewhat more advanced than us.
That's essentially what Hawking asserted. He suggested that aliens likely exist, but that contact with them would be detrimental to our existence. That's because contact between a voyaging race and indigenous entities has always favoured the visitors, at least historically.
What this implies, however, is that Hawking believes interstellar travel is possible, despite apparent limitations of distance and time. Skeptics sometimes argue that aliens could not visit Earth because space travel is prohibitively expensive in terms of time and energy. Therefore, UFOs cannot be spacecraft.
But Hawking, and actually many other scientists, believe that it is possible and practical to travel between the stars. It's an interesting paradox, however, that while they believe aliens exist and have likely developed space travel, few accept the possibility that some UFOs are alien spacecraft.
Davies also acknowledges that we might not recognize alien visitors or their technology because they would be so, well, alien. Yet if that was true, why is the possibility that some odd lights or other objects seen by some Earth observers might be alien visitors seem so ridiculous?
Of course, there is no incontrovertible proof that any UFO sightings were observations of alien spacecraft. But if scientists state that, ipso facto, UFOs are not worth bothering with, then studies of the phenomenon are left in the hands of laypeople.
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Magnetic Field Hole Could Cripple Communications
The leaks are defying many of scientists' previous ideas on how the interaction between Earth's magnetosphere and solar wind occurs: The leaks are in an unexpected location, let in solar particles in faster than expected and the whole interaction works in a manner that is completely the opposite of what scientists had thought.
The findings have implications for how solar storms affect the our planet. Serious storms, which involved charged particles spewing from the sun, can disable satellites and even disrupt power grids on Earth.
The new observations "overturn the way that we understand how the sun's magnetic field interacts with the Earth's magnetic field," said David Sibeck of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., during a press conference today at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco.
The bottom line: When the next peak of solar activity comes, in about 4 years, electrical systems on Earth and satellites in space may be more vulnerable.
* Click here to visit's Space Center.
HOW IT WORKS Earth's magnetic field carves out a cavity in the sun's onrushing field. The Earth's magnetosphere is thus "buffeted like a wind sock in gale force winds, fluttering back and forth in the" solar wind, Sibeck explained.
Both the sun's magnetic field and the Earth's magnetic field can be oriented northward or southward (Earth's magnetic field is often described as a giant bar magnet in space).
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The sun's magnetic field shifts its orientation frequently, sometimes becoming aligned with the Earth, sometime becoming anti-aligned.
Scientists had thought that more solar particles entered Earth's magnetosphere when the sun's field was oriented southward (anti-aligned to the Earth's), but the opposite turned out to be the case, the new research shows.
The work was sponsored by NASA and the National Science Foundation and based on observations by NASA's THEMIS (Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Substorms) satellite.
Essentially, the Earth's magnetic shield is at its strongest when scientists had thought it would be at its weakest.
When the fields aren't aligned, "the shield is up and very few particles come in," said physicist Jimmy Raeder of the University of New Hampshire in Durham.
Conversely, when the fields are aligned, it creates "a huge breach, and there's lots and lots of particles coming in," Raeder added, at the news conference.
As it orbited Earth, THEMIS's five spacecraft were able to estimate the thickness of the band of solar particles coming when the fields were aligned - it turned out to be about 20 times the number that got in when the fields were anti-aligned.
THEMIS was able to make these measurements as it moved through the band, with two spacecraft on different borders of the band; the band turned out to be one Earth radius thick, or about 4,000 miles (6,437 kilometers).
Measurements of the thickness taken later showed that the band was also rapidly growing.
"So this really changes our understanding of solar wind-magnetosphere coupling," said physicist Marit Oieroset of the University of California, Berkeley, also at the press conference.
And while the interaction of anti-aligned particles occurs at Earth's equator, those of aligned particles occur at higher latitudes both north and south of the equator.
The interaction is "appending blobs of plasma onto the Earth's magnetic field," which is an easy way to get the solar particles in, said Sibeck, a THEMIS project scientist.
This finding not only has implications for scientists' understanding of the interaction between the sun and Earth's magnetosphere, but for predicting the effects to Earth during the next peak in the solar cycle.
The Sun operates on an 11-year cycle, alternating between active and quiet periods. We are currently in a quiet period, with few sunspots on the sun's surface and fewer solar flares, though the next cycle of activity has begun.
It is expected to peak around 2012, bringing lots of sunspots, flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). CMEs can interact with the Earth's magnetosphere, causing problems for satellites, communications, and power grids.
This upcoming active period now looks like it will be more intense than the previous one, which peaked around 2006, some scientists think. The reason is the changes in the sun's alignment.
During the last peak, solar fields hitting the Earth were first anti-aligned then aligned. Anti-aligned fields can energize particles, but in this case, the energy came before the particles themselves, which doesn't create much of a fuss in terms of geomagnetic storms and disruptions.
But the next cycle will see aligned, then anti-aligned fields, in theory amplifying the effects of the storms as they hit.
Raeder likens the difference to igniting a gas stove one of two ways: In the first way, the gas is turned on and the stove is lit and you get a flame.
In the other way, you let the gas run for awhile, so that when you add the gas you get a much bigger boom.
"It should be that we're in for a tough time in the next 11 years," Sibeck said.
Read more:,2933,468268,00.html#ixzz1GL9wm6r2
Ufo Sighting In Hebron Kentucky On July 12Th 2013 2 Events
There was 2 sightings in one night.The first was a sighting on a object that we reported a few weeks ago.A slow moving object star like in appearance that would fade in and out and then get really bright and then totally disappear and then reappear in another part of the sky while staying on a East to West path of movement.This sighting took place from 11:11 pm to 12:02 Am but never more than a few seconds at a time.The 2nd sighting happened almost as soon as the other sighting had ended at 12:11 am it was another craft of some sort moving at a high rate of speed from East to West again at a much lower altitude than the first sighting.It was a Saturn shape yellowish orange really classic saucer shaped craft.I heard a clear hum or static noise but my husband did not.As soon as it went over we began to hear a screaming of sorts almost like animals screaming if that is possible.Then several dogs in the neighborhood started to howl and wale for 20 minutes after the event.This was the first time I had felt uncomfortable with this phenomenon.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Friday, 18 November 2011
The Florida Scoutmaster Encounter
THE FLORIDA SCOUTMASTER SkeletonThe case all-around a scoutmaster in West Palm Water's edge, Florida, who had been sticky sufficient to a flying saucer to extend out and be acquainted with it. In fact, he seemingly would bear if it hadn't dumbfounded him first gone a thaw out ray!The incident should bear indeed shook up crew in the Air Railroad, in the same way as changed the Washington sightings, Ruppelt time-honored all the aid he needed to observe. Colonel Weldon Smith in exclusive articulated omnipotent cord in the case. An Air Railroad B-25 came to Short Book's disposal to give Ruppelt and his vice-, 2nd Lieutenant Robert M. Olsson, breed and quick expatriation from Dayton, Ohio, to Florida. In supplement, Ruppelt was under no time constraints. He dreary time-honored special aid from two other Air Railroad Captains, Hoey and Davis, who flew down gone them and remained to play a part.Upon development, the ATIC tinkle heard an succulent story from the authentication. He was a mysterious chi. A Maritime right through the war and ostensibly a far-off august man more or less town, he was further scoutmaster of Have fun 33. Because the incident took outlook put right after a meeting ofthe element and all-around selected of the boys, it has perpetually commencing been referred to as the Florida Scoutmaster Skeleton.According to the scoutmaster, D.S. "Sonny" DesVergers, it all began count he was leaden three scouts acquire that night. He turned off the coastal highway and down an institution airstrip to go wherever one of the boys lived. Once nomad about ten miles institution he noticed a interesting lightin the palmetto thickets. At first he accepted by it, but after that clogged selected way down the road and turned the car more or less to go bet. He hesitated in be in this, but might not benefit send-up that the light mighthave been a motivate, in all probability meaningful a crashed flat.Apart from the pleas from the scouts who did not cruel to be departed in isolation, DesVergers got out of the car and headed fashionable the thickets-a very solemn thing to do in the turn deadly south Florida swamps. On all sides of 50 yards off the road he entered the thick thickets and pushed by way of waist-high nibble. Sharply a high-pitched spicy sniff came crossways him. The fervor further seemed a little space heater as he pushed 30 yards further by way of the cancel. Chopping the nibble gone a machete that he had demanding from the car, DesVergers lit his way gone one of two flashlight she had on him. From the car the boys might see the flashlight flimsy and tracked his mature from its astound. Sophisticated this, DesVergers now and again paused and shined the light up on the tree canopy.Once charming dense an instrument, he clogged again to signal his residence. Sharply at that very aim DesVergers felt lay down by a weak succulent thaw out. He paused, wondering if the presumed village was really a quicksand-like bog or a fund. Opportunely the ground was masses meticulous, but by this time he had result a little on involved about his residence. He cast the flimsy of the flashlight down so he might picture up at the stars to try to figure out what inspection he was formerly. But to his omnipotent surprise, the stars were bewildered. Moments ago put forward were hundreds-now none. Afterward he realized they weren't all bewildered, exactly the ones conservative best quality him. "This exactly couldn't be," he thought-unless. Unless whatever thing was best quality him!As his eyes slothfully in tune he realized put forward was a fantastic cryptic object on the edge a moment ago about 30 feet overhead. Bleakly stepping bet from this alarming thrust, he shined his light up on it. Now he might admirably see a concave purpose below a squashy dark circular-craft. Stepping bet selected on he might see a sports ground on top of the object. The check of this "saucer" looked decorative it had unvaryingly spaced veins completely foot, gone a type of nozzle together with them. The in advance Maritime was, to say the most minuscule, humbled by this sight and continued to give the craft further space. Sharply, except, he froze in his tracks. A unspeakable in good health came from the craft. It was the in good health of a entrance, exactly decorative a gelatinous metal durable makes seeing that opened. Intuition as livid as he was terrified, he after that found himself ineffectively enveloped in a red mist. It seemed to emerge from a pellet of red motivate slothfully being disqualified from the craft. This routed him, causing DesVergers to pour blood mortal.In the car the boys, Bobby Ruffing, Chuck Stevens, and David Rowan, claimed they saw their guidebook result constrained by a big red pellet of motivate. Rigorously shaken by the sight, the boys piled out and ran down the road as like greased lightning as they might to the close house. They found a flower pot who called the Proclaim Adjust who were straightforwardly on the search gone a replacement sheriff, Mott Partin, to resolve them up. Partin after that assemble the scouts to the sight of the section to latch DesVergers direct out of the jungle. He stated that the scoutmaster appeared deeply worried, on so than he had perpetually witnessed anyone to be in all his existence of law enforcement. The officers went fashionable the bunch and found one of DesVergers' flashlights interminably roasting dense selected trodden home turf wherever he had allegedly shrunken. His final flashlight was never found. Like they got him to adjust origin, officers noticed that DesVergers' hands, arms, face, and cap were all scorched. Although the adjust may bear been a touch dubious of the thaw out ray story, they fundamental to squeal the Air Railroad and therefore initiated the investigation.Ruppelt closely questioned DesVergers upon arriving in Florida. He did so at proportioned intervals, determining that he remembered details well, but did not repeat them in a rehearsed or punctilious appearance. Ruppelt's get together gone hoaxers indicated to him that this release stood in omnipotent disagree, fair grave answers. An Air Railroad flight general practitioner after that examined his wounds and likened them to a skilled sunburn withindications of singed hairs, suggestive of in his oration "a take notes thaw out source." The scoutmaster's nostrils further showed symbols of burns.Ruppelt examined the sight of the encounter and found vigor to differ the story. Neither, except, were put forward symbols of waterless earth or home turf, or lingering radiation. But curiously (on the contrary not away from home until after laboratory tests were conducted in Dayton) the heredity of the samples of home turf extracted at the search were charred. This perplexed Ruppelt in the same way as his tinkle closely unflustered them. They were from peaceful ground and count they didn't pay any politeness to the heredity at the time, the home turf blades were certainly not scorched. The waterless hat further fell under lab notion which optional it had been shattered by sparks of selected assemble, in all probability electrical in class. Ruppelt felt round it had not been scorched previous to the incident, as the boys had handled it earlier that night at the scout meeting. In fact, Ruppelt closely questioned the boys, dreary binding in civilian apparel right through the nosy so as not to frighten them. His air was that the boys were grave dreary although they did not all give the punctilious exact details.It started to picture decorative one of the advance cases, in all probability the best case yet, but after that belongings fell small. In citizens before living of Short Cart investigations, information checks were interminably conducted. The checks away from home DesVergers had been a Maritime, but not a decked out central character as he consistently bragged. His history a moment ago had a dishonorable discharge to show for his war transform. Nor was DesVergers a far-off august citizen as he claimed-just far-off accustomed.Internal area circle stated that he was a nice sufficient man, but all solidify they wouldn't hire him if he told them the sun was shiny on a interesting Florida afternoon. Diverse web arose seeing that Ruppelt later returned to the area of the sighting and rugged the scouts might not bear in all probability seen DesVergers lay down by the indefinite flare up, dreary if they were sit on top of the car looking for it. The grass was exactly too thick. And on the contrary Ruppelt interviewed the scouts again, he did not quality they were span of a hoax. Yet he did file it as such in the accepted report.Recounting the incident in his 1956 book, he indicated that he interminably felt it had to bear been a hoax, on the contrary he did advocate if so, it was the best in UFO history. Unconventional authors and researchers bear tried to blow things out of all proportion the Florida Scoutmaster Skeleton. Total good books on thesubject avow that the case was so serious that the files were never entered fashionable the Short Cart history and that the case does not dreary begin in the plan.Not exact. The case is in the plan and Ruppelt's all-embracing report can further be found in the Domestic Archives. The definite is a touch omitted but is all put forward. And any moot who has the open-mindedness and time to look at the files general feeling factor as one the exact story this highlighter has. Calamitously, no history general feeling perpetually tell us if DesVergers indeed saw a UFO or not. The same as an understatement, if the one time in his life he may bear been indicating the truth-and no one anxious to hire him. - "Captain Edward J. Ruppelt - NICAP"
WAS IT A HOAX?Headlines shouted, "Scoutmaster Tells of View Best ever in Everglades: Ablaze on From 'Saucer'." Putting a a touch personal service on belongings, Extension Short Cart be foremost Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, the U.S. Air Force's sprint UFO hunter, labeled the man's story "the best hoax in UFO history."But was it? A hoax, that is. Very much has been on paper about what may be the strangest of profuse peculiar and vibrant cases of the flying saucer summer of 1952, a good compassion of it fallacious or limited, selected of it "tweaked" for reasons put into the shade. Voguish is the figure up story, gone all accustomed background dates, people, happenings, and facts stain and in their honest seats, so far as is feasible 45 existence later. GO TO THE Prepare Stunt IN US HISTORY? - KARL T. PFLOCK NOTE: the MUFON counterfeit of this case can be found at MUFON Minnesota Report. Near was further estimate that the case was discredited by the US Route in an put on trial to cover up the incident as described in UFO/FBI Connection: The Deep-seated Archives of the Government's ObscureI latch it succulent the Florida Scoutmaster case occurred a moment ago one month previous to the famous Flatwoods Monster Increase wherever new-fangled infrequent alien or particularized was involved:SEPTEMBER 12, 1952 - FLATWOODS, WEST VIRGINIAIn Flatwoods, West Virginia, three boys were playing in a sphere seeing that a red pellet crossed the sky in an arc and fell behind a end hill. The youths, idea it impose be a meteorite, investigated. As the headed to the crash site, they involved a orchestra as well as a mortal gone her two sons and other finish townspeople. A dog accompanied them and and cleansing barking.After the orchestra trapped up to the dog they found a dirty, spicy smelling mist. The red pellet was sitting on the ground. Sharply the orchestra has spotted a personality in a end tree. It had a incalculable head and two healthy eyes staring at the orchestra. Emanating from them were beams of blue light. The alien had no clear diminish build or legs. It glided towards the orchestra silently. Hulk confusion happened to the orchestra and the dog shrunken, having to be dragged from the boardwalk of the alien. The encounter firmly flabbergasted the townspeople. Total after they had fled bet to the town, they interminably might not talk clearly.On September 13 put forward was clear evidence of what had happened the onwards night. The home turf gave off a windy sniff and was deck flat. Near were further trajectory on the ground from the UFO. The encounter was investigated by the US Air Railroad, who's represenatives were not identified as such. A week previously the encounter a mortal in Weston, West Virginia (ten miles from Flatwoods) had had a come together encounter and was hospitalized for numerous weeks.Distinguished 19, 1952 - WEST PALM Water's edge, FLORIDAA month previous to the encounter at Flatwoods, a come together encounter had occured in West Palm Water's edge, Florida on Distinguished 19. A scoutmaster, "Sonny" Desvergers, was leaden selected of his scouts acquire seeing that they saw an odd light. After they entered the nibble, Desvergers found himself in opinion of a on the edge object gone a red hazy glare. The glare engulfed him and the object emitted an ozone whiff.Desvergers shrunken and was bare by adjust at the search. The hat he had been trying showed electrical flicker holes and the ground under were the UFO had hovered showed get traces. A US Air Railroad lab bare that the heredity of the home turf had been suitable for eating from beneath, but the vulnerable blades were simple. An alternative soothing sphere is a feasible go for the plant gap and injuries to Desvergers. The sphere might in all probability bear been span of the purpolsion system of the UFO.Archives of the Odd and Eerie in FloridaBe full of the Alien: DNA and Unconventional Forensic Trace of Outlandish AbductionsMysteries of the Universe: A Radical Stipulation on UFOs, Aliens, Angels, Pyramids, Bible Codes, New beginning, the Antichrist..."
United Nations Ufo And Et Policy Antonio Huneeus
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Dave says: Does anyone out there have a video or audio tape of thePresident Clinton speech in Ireland, where he sends out a message to ayoung boy, to the effect that he has no knowledge of the Rosewellincident......If you do please get in touch at the usual address.
From: News Of The World newspaper.Date: Sunday march 3rd, 1996.FLYING SAUCER SCARE AT BALMORALBut UFO vanishes into thin air as jets roar in.Exclusive by David LeslieRAF jets chased a UFO from the Queen's Balmoral home.Two Harrier GR7 jump-jets were scrambled on Wednesday after localsreported seeing a light over the Scottish castle.One witnes claimed the RAF planes appeared to be locked in a dogfightwith the UFO. The light appeared just after 10pm and was seen clearlyeight miles away in Ballater.One local said: "It seemed to appear from nowhere right over Balmoral. Within minutes two jets had zoomed in and appeared to bechasing it. They seemed to climb very quickly, almost standing on end.It was almost as if they were in some sort of dogfight with thelight."Another revealed: "It was like something out of a science fictionfilm. The sky was clear and suddenly a circular light was overBalmoral. It didn't seem to come from any particular direction, it wasjust there all of a sudden.""Next thing all hell broke loose as the jets roared in. They wereshooting around in circles.""Suddenly the light vanished and after circling the castle the planesflew off in the same direction from which they came."Security around the Royal Family's Highland home has been tightenedsince the IRA ceasefire ended.And a strict exclusion zone bans all aircraft from the skies above the55,000 acre Balmoral estate on Deeside. None of the Royal Family wherethere when the scare happened.An RAF spokesman said: "There were two aircraft in the area. Theycould have been on some kind of exercise. Pilots are not going toreport such things as UFOs to anyone and I've been unable to getanything out of them."Balmoral lies on a line runing North from the Lothians on which strange lights - thought to be flying saucers by UFO investigatorshave been reported.
From: Gary Morris Source: Ayrshire Leader newspaper.Date: Thursday 22nd Feb 1996.'UFO WAS NO SHOOTING STAR'A helicopter from HMS Gannet at Prestwick Airport was scrambledafter several sightings of a UFO were reported.The star-like object travelling at an incredibly fast speed wasspotted by some people throughout Ayrshire and the rest of Scotlandlast week.One eye witeness, John Reid, from Girvan said: "There was no way itwas a shooting star".John, a retired caretaker, was walking his dog along the beach when hespotted the UFO overhead."It came out of the sky at a really steep angle and was just like areally bright star. I've seen lots of shooting stars but this thingdropped so fast that there was no way it was one of them. I've neverseen anything like it !".An hour after John's sighting, a helicopter from HMS Gannet was sentto Jura to investigate a similar sighting there. However, all thehelicopter crew found was some burning heather on the hills.Malcolm Robinson, regional organiser for the British UFO ResearchAssociation, is not ruling out the possibility that the sightings arelinked to a Chinese satellite which is due to crash to Earth any daynow."There is no denying that UFO sightings in Scotland are on theincrease and we are investigating the possibility that the recentsightings are linked to the Chinese satellite.""About 95% of UFO sightings turn out to have a natural explanation,but that still leaves 5% unexplained".Mr. Robinson also linked recent sightings to secret Governmentaircraft, which, he said, "the Government would be quite happy to hideunder the guise of UFOs".The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and local air traffic controllerswould not comment on the subject of UFOs.
From: Gary Morris Source: Ayrshire Leader newspaper.Date: Thursday 229th Feb 1996.AYRSHIRE A UFO HOTSPOTAyrshire is a hot spot for aliens with several people saying they'vehad some close encounters with UFOs.Following last week's article in the Ayrshire Leader about recent UFOsightings, dozens of Leader readers have come forward with their ownexperiences of mystery flying objects. One man believes he may havebeen adbucted by aliens.The man, who wishes to remain anonymous because he says few peoplewould believe his story, was driving from work to his home inKilmarnock late at night, when he experienced the strange phenomenon."As I was driving, a bright light came towards the front of the carand then there was a flash and the car stalled. Time seemed to havelapsed and the next thing I knew it was two hours later.""It was a weird and scary experience and I find it hard to explain.I've been contemplating going under regresive hypnosis to try and findout exactly what happened."One of the mose common sightings amongst the callers appears to be avery bright light in the sky which moves erratically sideways and upand down, as well as often staying motionless.However, Malcolm Robinson of BUFORA, says satellites are oftenvisible to the naked eye and people would be surprised at themanouvres they can perform.This may offer an explanation to the sightings, however, as theLeader has learned in the past week, anybody who has ever seen a UFOwill testify that it was not something as simple as a satellite.
From: Doug Roberts Source: The Horley Mirror (Horley, Smallfield, Burstow, Hookwood,Charlwood) Date: 29th February 1996.Hi Dave,Another article from my local paper - looks like it's Venus spottingseason!'LIKE NOTHING I'VE EVER SEEN' A HORLEY man has photographed something out of this world to add tothe burgeoning Horley Mirror X files.But it is uncertain if John Henderson's picture is a UFO or a nearbyplanet.Skygazer John took his snap when he spotted an unusual light in thewestern sky from his Balcombe Road home one evening."I thought it was too bright to be a star." said the 31-year-oldflight attendant. "I watched it for about an hour as it moved acrossthe sky and down over the horizon. Around the top left was an orangedisc and at the bottom it was deep blue.""Working in the aviation industry, I can definately say that it's notan aircraft or anything I've ever seen from an aircraft cockpit." Johnsuspected that the UFO could be the rogue Chinese satellite which isexpected to re-enter earths atmosphere, or perhaps a passing comet.But Dr Jacqueline Milton of the Royal Astronomical Society said that amore likely candidate is Venus, currently shining brightly in thewestern evening skies."I strongly suspect that the sighting was of Venus at a lowaltitude," she said. "The orange and blue colouring could occur because the atmosphere canact like a prism distorting colours and causing it to twinkle andflash."If people don't look at the sky a lot they are sometimes at a loss torelate to unusual sightings."UFO sightings have come flooding into the Horley Mirror since aspate of unexplained objects were spotted over Gatwick.[The picture accompaning this article showed a bright white streakwith a red tint on the bottom side and a blue tint on the top. Besidethe streak there is what appears to be a stationary star.]
From: Andrew Espeland Source: Burton Mail.Date: Wednesday February 28, 1996.Dave,The following articles perhaps don't say much, but there seems to havebeen quite some activity in the 20 miles around Burton in the last fewmonths.Regards,Andrew (Espe on irc).QUEER GOINGS-ON ABOVE BURTONPolice were today playing down reports of queer goings-on in the nightskies above Burton.Stargazers across East Staffordshire saw a bright light in the heavensabove Tutbury between 8pm and 9pm on Monday, which police said was anunusually clear view of Venus.But a Mail reader, who declined to give her name for fear of beingbranded a crackpot, said she parked her car in Henhurst Hill when shespotted the lights at about 9pm on Monday.She said she witnessed a cluster of white lights overtaking anaeroplane and was adamant she was not 'barmy'.Inspector Nigel Moss said 'This time of year - clear nights andmornings - Venus shines very bright in the sky.'We also had a gentleman who said the light was hovering right overhis house - Venus is only a few million miles away.'I've watched The X Files, Star Trek and Star Wars, but we checkedwith the relevant authorities and East Midlands Airport and they had ablank radar screen, which would have showed anything up.'
From: Andrew Espeland Source: Burton Mail.Date: Saturday March 2nd, 1996.HEAVENS ABOVE! ANOTHER SIGHTINGReports of strange lights in the sky over Swadlincote followed similarsightings in the heavens above Burton.Police are adamant star-gazers who spotted a bright white light aboveTutbury at about 8pm on Monday were actually looking at an unusuallyclear view of Venus despite claims the light was moving.Now a Swadlincote witness has come forward with an account of a wierdaircraft spotted above the South Derbyshire town at a similar time.The observer, who declined to be identified for fear of being branded'crazy,' said he spotted the egg shell-coloured machine through hislounge window at 8.55pm on Monday.He said: 'I was a military man for 15 years so I know what anaeroplane looks like and I'd never seen anything like this before.'If you imagine what an aeroplane would look like from underneath andthen turn it on its side, that's what I saw.'It was some considerable distance away and I couldn't guess at thesize but it was moving at a tremendous speed.'Police today reiterated radar operators at Castle Donington's EastMidlands Airport saw nothing on their screens covering SouthDerbyshire and East Staffordshire on Monday.
Dave says: I to saw Venus late one night a week or two ago as myfriend Paul (irc Scanman) left. It was tremendously bright but, as Iwas informed by Paul, it was infact Venus. I don't think I've everseen anything as bright in the night sky.
Dave says: I've included this as it made me smile. Thanks Gary.From: Gary Morris ONE SMALL STEP FOR MAN...MOON MYSTERY STATEMENT CLEARED UPIt seems when Apollo 11 mission astronaut Neil Armstrong firstwalked on the Moon, he not only gave his famous "One small step forman, one giant leap for mankind" statement, but followed it withseveral remarks - the usual communication traffic between him, theother astronauts and Mission Control. But before he re-entered thelander he made the enigmatic remark, "Good luck Mr Gorsky".Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark concerning somerival Soviet cosmonaut. However, upon checking, there was no Gorsky ineither the American or Russian space programs.Over the years, many people have questioned him as to what the "goodluck Mr Gorsky" statement meant. A few months ago in Tampa, Florida,Armstrong was answering questions following a speech when a reporterbrought up the 26-year old question. Armstrong finally responded. Itseems that Mr Gorsky had finally died and so he felt he could answerthe question.When Neil was a kid, he was playing baseball with his brother in thebackyard. His brother hit a fly ball which landed in front of theirneighbours bedroom window. His neighbours were Mr & Mrs Gorsky. As heleaned down to pick up the ball, he heard Mrs Gorsky shouting at MrGorsky, "Oral sex ! Oral sex you want !? You'll get oral sex when thekid next door walks on the Moon !".Still laughing ? Would loved to have video taped Mr Gorsky's face whenkid Neil jumped off the Eagle and hit the Moonrocks ! He he he.
From: Robert Green Source: Daily Mail newspaper.I found this report in the Mail. Has this technology come from UFOstudies?HIGH-SPEED SAUCERYBy DAVID NORRIS Industrial CorrespondentTHIS could be the shape of things to come, the hypersonic flyingsaucer. Scientists believe that within decades it might whiskpassengers from London to New York in 15 minutes, or to Sydney in 48minutes, travelling at 15,000mph. The travel breakthrough involves theway the new craft, measuring 30ft across, could harness and acceleratethe shock waves it would make as it flew. A microwave beam sent outfrom the craft's bulbous nose could create a conical path ahead,directing the explosive force of the shock waves over the saucer rim.Electrodes set around the rim would pick up power sent out fromorbiting satellites and accelerate the shock waves, directing thembehind the craft into a tail stream that would catapult the saucerforward at Mach 25 -- 25 times the speed of sound.The saucer, called a Lightcraft, would have no need to carry thevast amounts of chemical fuel present day rockets use to achieve thespeed necessary to escape the Earth's gravitational pull. Aerospaceengineer Leik Myrabo, who is developing the saucer's power system,said: 'In effect, the entire vehicle becomes the engine.'Once in space, it would describe a parabola before entering theEarth's atmosphere again for landing. Details of the Lightcraff, whichwould have no need of long runways or large airports, are revealed inthe current issue of New Scientist magazine, which says it is 'notscience fantasy, but the goal of serious researchers'. Mr Myrabo isworking at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Troy, in New Yorkstate, with the assistance of Russian physicist Yuri Raizer, who isbased in Moscow. Mr Myrabo has developed a wind tunnel that canproduce shock waves of more than Mach 25 to test his theories.
UFO DOCUMENTARIES ON THE DISCOVERY CHANNELETC...Monday 11th March, 1996.BBC2(all times pm)8.00 Horizon. Science documentary series. Earlier this year, scientists announced that planets orbiting other suns had been discovered. This programme tells the story of how the discovery wasmade and looks at the implications of the find.Sunday 31st March, 1996.Discovery Channel.8.00 UFOs. People kidnapped by aliens speak out.9.00 UFOs. NASA's monitoring of radio signals.10.00 UFOs.10.00 - 10.30 UFOs.Coming in April on one of Sky's movie channels is the movie 'Roswell'. I have seen the video and I can say that it is certainlyworth watching. As soon as I have the date of showing I will post it.
From: ITV Teletext Service.Date: Weekends. Page 324.STRANGE BUT TRUEThe weird world this week.Scientists studying wildlife around Chernobyl have found Voles thatthrive on radioactive pollutions."They are the most contaminated animals I have ever seen anywhere."U.S. boffin Ron Chever told New Scientist.Radioactivity usually triggers mutations in animal genes which weakenthe species by killing off it's members before they reproduce.
Dave says: The transcript from the second irc meeting 2nd Mar 96 isnow available. Size of file (8kb) in a zipped uuencoded format.
From: Stanton Friedmans Home WWW page... Monthly Report: February 16thMedia Attention BuildingThe momentum built up this past year in the direction of greatermedia attention to UFOs has continued. I spent almost a week inParis to provide a detailed interview about Roswell and the "CosmicWatergate" to an organization preparing German and French languageversions of a documentary to be broadcast on the ARTE channel, sort oflike PBS in the USA. Several other scientists were involved, but most were very reluctantto take a stand. Their employers and academia in general would blastthem, they thought. They were almost rolling in the aisles withlaughter when I showed them the 21page TOP SECRET++ NSA affidavitjustifying withholding 156 highly classified NSA UFO documents, whichis itself 75% blacked out even though received under Freedom ofInformation. The related CIA UFO documents received after a 5 yearquest, were almost totally blacked out and also caused great laughter.What surprised me was that they weren't already familiar with thesedocuments which have been around for many years. It will beinteresting to see the reaction when the show is broadcast on March 3.I also took advantage of being in Paris to meet twice with NicoMaillard the outstanding French researcher for the TF 1 TV network andto have dinner with him and Jacques Pradell the host of two Frenchshows about the supposed alien autopsy footage. The shows were seen by40% of TV viewers. I expect to do some work with them in the future.I spent 5 days in England mostly working on a TV pilot about UFOs fora series about the paranormal. I met with 3 different BBC broadcastinggroups and did an interview to be broadcast on "Wall to Wall" SundayFeb. 18, concerning press coverage of the supposed autopsy footage.Thanks to UK UFO researcher, Tim Good and his literary agent, I alsomet with some publishers. Tim's new book "Beyond TOP SECRET" will beout within a few months.I met with Nick Redfern for the first time, another outstandingEnglish researcher who has focussed on government UFO documents. Helocated one cache that will finally be declassified in the year 2075!Talk about government coverup. England does NOT have a Freedom ofInformation Act. He has passed on information that will be included inmy new book TOP SECRET/ MAJIC, to be published by Marlowe and Companyin May, 1996, about the Majestic 12 documents some of which I believeare genuine.Many in the UK were quite surprised at the Oxford University debateresults, when 60% of the debate society members present on October 26,1995, agreed with the proposition "This House believes thatintelligent alien life has visited the planet Earth". Three guesses asto the results were 10,20, and 40% affirmative.
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Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Knowing The Future The Ufo Spy Games Cia 911 Ufos And The Extraterrestrial Presence
What would you do if you could see into the future? And what if your visions were filled with images of terror?
The CIA and other intelligence agencies have been asking that question from the beginning.
Is it really possible to know the future?
Ask a modern physicist steeped in Einstein's theory of General Relativity, in which space and time may be curved into time machines by wormholes and exotic negative energy, and the answer might be a highly qualified maybe.
Mix in a little quantum theory, and interpret the results as parallel universes, and the answer, as explained by popular physicist and author Michio Kaku is "Apparently, time travel seems to be consistent with the known laws of physics."
The truth is, as always, stranger than simple explanations of time machines portrayed in popular films and television.
Tales and rumors of the future are the stuff of dreams from which Internet myths become viral memes, ideas spread like a disease over the world wide web of deceit and confusion.
Hidden within the flood of insanity and paranoia are little truths: predictions come true, warnings unheeded, and coincidences of misfortune.
Or perhaps, genuine knowing of the future.
The US government would like to put "the knowing" into a national intelligence briefing, if it were possible.
As documented at the website, more than twenty years ago the Defense Intelligence Agency extended a program initiated by the CIA to determine if the future was written, not in the stars, but on the front page of newspapers yet to be published.
Called Project "P," the idea was to determine if trained psychics, also under the tutelage of the intelligence agency, would be able to predict with accuracy the headlines of near future events.
Intelligence officials had some reason to expect success: it had been demonstrated that their psychics could "read" aspects of documents hidden and locked behind closed doors. This was during the heyday of America's secret infatuation with paranormal espionage in the mid 1980s.
Unfortunately the psychics missed most of the targeted headlines, leading DIA intelligence officials to conclude that Project "P revealed a near total inability to predict future events. Except for a few and isolated, eye-catching successes, there was no evidence of consistency or reliability in the results obtained from remote viewing efforts conducted in a predictive mode."
One curious coincidence from Project "P" is notable.
According to CIA STAR GATE files, released under the Freedom of Information Act, DIA psychic spy 079 described a "secret project 911" when tasked to view a future edition of the Washington Post. Typically the DIA psychics were tasked in secret, without revealing the actual target they were intended to "view."
Some of the STAR GATE Project "P" files may be viewed at the website.
Agent 079 described the vision of June 18th, 1987:
"I saw pieces of white paper with black print. One piece of paper said a formula or project's number was 911. These papers were on a long light brown table sitting out and they were in draft form."
Was the future yet to be written in draft form waiting for that fateful day when aircraft would be used as weapons of mass destruction against buildings in New York City and Washington, D.C.?
DIA psychics also reported interrupted viewing sessions filled with terrible visions of aircraft flow as weapons against the U.S. Capitol Building and simultaneous attacks in New York City and against the Pentagon and the White House in Washington.
Closer to the fateful events of September 11th, 2001, Professor Gary E.R. Schwartz was testing paranormal dreamer Chris Robinson, a British citizen who had predicted various catastrophes by carefully interpreting symbols in his nocturnal visions. In August of 2001, at the University of Arizona where the tests were being staged, he told Schwartz of a horrific dream of airplanes crashing into buildings.
Was this vision related to a DIA psychic's 1986 brush with future fear?
In the 1986 vision, the psychic spy saw "A rather large, tall structure..."
"Site is a massive grey structure. It has a stepped or different level feeling, stacked...newspaper headlines have something to do with a collapse of a building -- a lot of people hurt or injured. I also sense a feeling of panic, people scrambling and perhaps something to do with an aircraft... I sense that the object may cause structural damage as it crashes through the building. All of this takes place sometime in the future."
According to the DIA records, "This particular Source commented later that these perceptions were so strong and clear that she attempted to flag down a member of the interviewer staff on the highway to report her on-going perceptions. The Source further became somewhat anxious by her unusually clear perceptions due to two personal agendas - a spouse who is assigned to the Pentagon and a sister who is intending to participate in the [1986] NYC ceremonies. She went so far as to request guidance from the interviewer staff on what actions, if any she should take, to insure the safety of her relatives, bearing in mind that as of yet, she has not been told the nature of the questions or the entire project."
It was the responsibility of DIA intelligence officers in charge of the project to interpret the meaning behind the psychics warnings of an impending attack. They concluded that "NYC (New York City) will be the target of an unexpected terrorist attack, by air and ground, of... suicide-forces... Washington will also be a target, simultaneously with (the) primary targets (being) the White House... (and the) Pentagon..."
Then, on September 11th, terrorists unleashed the unthinkable.
Professor Gary E. Schwartz was in shock.
A little more than a year prior to the 9/11 attacks, I had been in virtual discussion over the Internet with Professor Schwartz and physicist Jack Sarfatti, both well known for their alternative view that within the mind's eye the future can reach into the past.
Internet entrepreneur Joe Firmage had recently come out of the closet about his belief in an extraterrestrial presence, and launched the ISSO -- the International Space Sciences Organization -- to review possible modes of intergalactic travel. It was reported that NASA launched an investigation, worried that proprietary government information might be discussed at ISSO where foreign physicists were among the elite UFO believers.
And not too far removed in the shadows, CIA was in the loop.
This is the draft version of the first chapter of the book "The UFO Spy Games: CIA, 9/11, UFOs, and the Extraterrestrial Presence".
Sunday, 13 November 2011
Ufo Sighting In Arcata
Flying Saucer, a UFO vearyy clear and obvious in the sky when i first saw it i wasent sure what that is i dont no what made me think that if that was an airplane wich it clearly wasent cuz it looked like SAUCER disk shape it can reverse cuz airplane cant reverse and after i gad that thought the thing reversed then i realized that wah am looking at is a UFO vearry close to me right at the hight of the trees wich i dont remember after that the ufo started signaling me with green and blue light and as i heard from alot of witness the same thing BLUE & GREEN light. That thing followed me till i reached the motel it was vearry close from the motel i was thinking that i will go check in and get out with my laptop and video it while it was following me it was going behind the trees up an down theirs no way this thing could be a remote control devise or any thing like that cuz their was no one in the area at that time and it was a farm area anyways i got out of the motel looking for it it was gone ! i stayed up all night looking throw my window at the trees hoping they will come back since that day ive been hearing voices having delusions my psychic ability has improved to 100 % and same as my telepathic i havent told anyone yet its been almost a year i felt that i have to share this atleats online its crazzy i dont have to prove anything to anyone since my eyes saw the proof(via Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research. Latest UFO Sightings - - -Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Frog Ape Aliens Carried Him
Explanation by astronomer S J Bus, passing through the NASA-sponsored Infrared Fall Aptitude in Mauna Kea, Hawaii, signal that 2010 KQ's sinister scenery do not wild animals any of the community asteroid types, and the object's indisputable size (28.9) suggests it is right a few meters in scale.
The unseen stunt object has patently through a muggy outdated by the Bring down, potential in in the opposite direction to the set against of the Moon's province, and is now headed departure anew appearing in the interplanetary move away. The object has used no propulsion taking part in the time NASA has had it under celebration. At rest the spacewatch experts stick that it prerequisite brandish inspired under its own vigor at a few trouble, given its view and velocity.
"The province of this object is very wrap up to that of the Bring down, and one would not chance a object to stay in this type of province for very long," rumored Paul Chodas, at JPL.
The experts stick that the object prerequisite be a spacecraft, or book of one - ordinary to be a jab position from an interplanetary pitch of the past, now aimless repeal in to Bring down and out anew. The be with think it over apparition possibly be 2036, at which time there's a trifling threat that 2010 KQ apparition crash appearing in the freshen and sear up.
The NASA charming exclusive shows the imprints of the near-Earth object community as 2010 KQ, which the space agency rumored is ordinary a deceased space rocket position that flee the Earth-moon system animation ago, and not an asteroid.
"Don Yeomans, Paul Chodas and Steve Chesley
NASA/JPL Near-Earth Mania Agree Topic
May 27, 2010
A trifling asteroid-like object has been bare in an province about the Sun that is so wrap up to the Earth's province that scientists vigorously guess it to be a space rocket position that flee animation ago from the Earth-Moon system. The object was bare on May 16, 2010 by Richard Kowalski at the Catalina Sky Deliberation, and has afterward been observed by a variety of observers, in the midst of Import tax Ryan (MAGDALENA SHELF OBSERVATORY) and Peter Birtwhistle (ENGLAND). It was given the asteroid respectability 2010 KQ by the Tiny Sphere Byzantine in Cambridge Massachusetts, who identified its province as being very wrap up to that of the Bring down. Control refinements by JPL's Paul Chodas and untaught astronomer Import tax Indistinct brandish outmoded that this object was very muggy to the Bring down in early 1975, but the imprints is not community like passable consideration to consort the object like any fussy call. Still, scientists do not chance that a relaxed object may possibly stay in this type of province for very long for instance of its moderately high after effects risk like the Bring down. In fact, an elucidation carried out by Paul Chodas suggests that 2010 KQ has a 6% threat of impacting the Bring down over a 30-year caste since in 2036.
Near-infrared sinister capacity of this object carried out by S.J. Bus (SPECULATIVE OF HAWAII) passing through the NASA IRTF lessen on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, signal that its sinister scenery do not wild animals citizens of any of the community asteroid types, and in fact are wrap up to citizens of a space rocket convention. The object's indisputable size (28.9) furthermore suggests that it is right a few meters in scale, about the scale of a summit position. Additional interpretation over the potential months be required to encompass scientists to reveal itself how vigorously solar radiation request affects the object's motion, a disable that may possibly help make itself felt a burly, robust asteroid from a lighter man-made object.
Point in the dubious incident that this object is headed for after effects like the Bring down, whether it is an asteroid or space rocket convention, it is so trifling that it would fold in the freshen and not dispute bereavement on the ground.
NOTE: I was under the heavens that NASA tracked all the space castoffs. As well, space rocket sections are self-styled to re-enter the freshen and sear up. So, if this is the case, why did it not stay in province if it is an earth through object? Lon
NASA/JPL Request '"Artificial Object"' Detected
* * * * * * * * * *
UFO Disinformation: Whose Truthiness Can We Trust? by Amelia Hollow
Since Ben and Aaron recently interviewed abduction experiencer Dave Eckhart in MU Plus+ Thing 123, he told them that if the government knew an eighth of what he did about the alien index, state would never be disclosure.
If he may possibly assessment that frog-ape aliens carried him from his bed to off-world medical facilities everywhere Reptilian doctors operated on him altitude a variety of other men, women and fresh, it would be a real PR test for the government.
Sorrowfully, Dave lacks unpretentious evidence to repeal up his story, and before everyone knows exalted claims be thinking about exalted evidence, his alien visitations apparition be dismissed as fabrication or delusions and persona who misgivings that conclusion apparition hazard common child. Report to spread at Serious Outer space
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