Date/Time: 2009-07-16 22:10
Location: Lubbock, TX
Shape: Square/Rectagular,Triangle
Distance: Unseen
"A subordinate and I were edge having a cigarette being I spotted a muscular pallid light in the western sky. The light did at first expression very faraway to be a star. I may well see no broken lights. After sole a few seconds it became very definite that the light was fairy-tale and legend east, my following weighing up was it is an airplane. We display an international airport in lubbock so I am in the swing of things to seeing atleast 10-15 planes on any subject night. i saw the object fair a firmly important transformation in bearing due north, after almost certainly two or three proceedings of fairy-tale southeast. At that determination i may well see what appeared to be a faraway slighter and unexpected incline of pallid discontinuous on what I life-force exact the support end of the object and what appeared to be the flowerbed. Rapidly the object made unlike important bearing transformation legend support east. secret sole a few proceedings we may well see this object burgeoning faraway huge actually flying very low and very relaxed rectify over the join which it fitting in fore of my pied-?-terre. I felt seeing that I would display been able to punch out and hint this object. Definately not any airplane I display regularly seen. Here was a entity set of two rows of lights, a top and flowerbed row, if you life-force. The top had a very denouement set of pallid beams or bar looking lights. The top had a blue discontinuous light on the western recognize, the flowerbed had a red discontinuous light on the eastern recognize, the rest were hot pallid. Total time this object appeared to be flying low and relaxed, but, based on the inexperienced determination I first spotted it, this thing was colossal and fairy-tale very, very brief. For a break up tick we saw the object fair unlike important bearing transformation to the north while again. Like the object was rotating we may well see a very entity triangular shape to the object. The very tempting thing was were we may well not see a lights it justly unemotional looked as time portray was oblivion portray, unemotional sky and the few spotted clouds in the sky. Oh and did I see that we never heard any sort of picture from this thing! This is one of the best sightings I display had yet. I couldn't pick up it."
Source: MUFON
Date/Time: 2009-07-18 06:31
Location: Breckenridge, TX
Shape: Track record, Globe
Distance: Greater than one mile
July 18, 2009 Saturday, 6:31 a.m. Intention observed from 0631 to 0636 hours CDST. I woke in advance and at 6:30 a.m. I let the dogs out and tartan the rain hook, as it had rained shortly prematurely. The sun was moments exposed from inching over the Eastern horizon. The sky was light blue and muscular once the in advance dawning sun. We had unemotional acknowledged a 1/2 inch rain, so portray were cyclone cloud banks to my south, actual to the west and a few blown up clouds exceptional. That is being I noticed a muscular light significantly to my SW at approx. 80 degrees AGL. This light couldn't be Venus, as Venus and Mars are "dawning stars" now, rebel in the East. Jupiter was about 20-25 degrees exceptional the southwest horizon and not perceptible. Anything this was, it was roughly rectify overhead. I retrieved my binoculars, which were adjusted for vetting stars at night (unrestricted). I had to re-adjust my binocs for closer vetting, in neatness to school on this muscular object. The object appeared to be a fondly round, pallid lucid sphere, at smallest 3 era the range of Venus at it's closest and brightest, if not huge. It looked seeing that a bulky axis, high up in the sky. From my perspective and once the exposed eye, it was the range of a.22 cartridge. Amongst 7x35mm binoculars it appeared the range of a very significant pea. No exotic lights observed. I lost sight of the object being it was impalpable by clouds. As the clouds drifted exposed, the object was gone. No picture, no clear hustle and bustle, unaffected subtle (muscular pallid). I may well not quantity the glassy of the object other than to say that it was well exceptional the clouds. If I had to idea, I would say at smallest 50,000 ft. My correctly tend at the time, "Oh, crap." I am enclosing a photo I took moments after the object passed on. I display tired in a set phrase of how the object appeared to the exposed eye. The sole maintain as to why I did not enterprise to grasp a photo of the object being I saw it, was that I "knew" the object would effect as in the future as I took my eyes off of it.
Source: LITS
Date/Time: 2009-07-18 20:30
Location: Houston, TX
Shape: Ascend
Distance: Unseen
"A cyclone had unemotional voted for set down the area an I was regard edge remark the lightning to the south. I then noticed a round object hanging under a cloud top to the snowstorm. When trapped my concern was the black dot regard out unwilling the cloud and lightning. I was able to watch the object for over 4 proceedings.I first weighing up the object was a blow up but once the create in the area from the cyclone it was deskbound. Intention gave the aspect it was rotating.It was black and a tick color that was very nearly the color of a scorch or copper color. As I watched it it began to do faster arrived the clouds and the scorch color passed on. This happened about 30 seconds prematurely a jetliner headed to Awareness airport flew unemotional under the area the object was in. I then noticed it unemotional to the side of a cloud and it lifted unbelievably brief arrived the clouds as a tick jet flew arrived the area. I did not see the object after that. THe two jets were Southwest Airline 737s."
Source: MUFON
Date/Time: 2009-07-21 18:10
Location: Houston, TX
Shape: Globe
Distance: 500 feet or underneath
"I was tiring burrow on Fodren waiting to progress departed on Westhiemer. I noticed in the cloudy sky a black orb fairy-tale straight in a NOrth West bearing. It moved plausibly promptly, about the actual speed and glassy as I display seen helicopters redeploy in that area. It maintained the actual glassy as it traveled accross th sky. I had to progress eventually and buildng and leaves hindered my grasp. One time I may well see the Northern horizon again, the object was gone. It didn't flounder, it moved once purpoe and didn't side seeing that a blow up."
Source: MUFON
Date/Time: 2009-07-24 22:03
Location: San Marcos, TX
Shape: Triangle
Duration: 00:01:45
Distance: 500 feet or underneath
"Like walking at night from my house to my friend?s there pied-?-terre, my subordinate and I witnessed an unidentified flying object. I was looking at the stars, identifying constellations, being I turned to side at the sky in the southeast, over the top of a farmhouse I saw a flying object enter my zone of vision. The UFO flew actually in untouched, strange quiet, at a low glassy maybe round about a few hundred feet and looked to be round about significantly underneath than lacking the glassy I traditionally see planes at. It moved at an strangely relaxed, unaffected velocity which is inflexible to quantity but fixed to say that it was now the slowest air craft I display regularly observed, almost certainly round about the speed of the entail bird. The object was threatening once three significant muscular pallid lights in a triangular blueprint on its base, one near the fore, two in the support. It was remotely inflexible to fair out the correctly shape due to its angle, the public figure of it?s lights, and the faintness of it's current of air conflicting sharply once the night sky. Still it appeared to be lying on your front and triangular, once each pallid light reach to a vertex. The range appeared to be round about that of a significant helicopter but wider. Here was one far-off, unimportant discontinuous light towards the fore on the fitting side of the object (the sole side I may well see) which seemed to gush complex, blinking banner of which I learn leafy, white/yellow, and blue. The object flew over us westward near the university academy and was perceptible for round about one and a lacking, conceivably two proceedings. My subordinate who was about 30 feet in fore of me and who witnessed it for round about 30 seconds, saw the actual object."
Source: MUFON
Date/Time: 2009-07-24 22:50
Location: Texas
Shape: Ascend,Agree with,Globe
Distance: One mile or underneath
Surrounding 10:50 I stepped out my support open and at once noticed a low-flying sphere seeing that object fairy-tale unhurriedly towards me from the north. Pondering it may be an airplane at first but it looked a sharply too muscular. I waited to see if portray were any discontinuous lights and the object seemed to be unhurriedly weaving support and forth as it moved. I watched it for almost certainly 15 seconds and it unhurriedly started to progress red and dim out until it departed. Entirely no screech potential from the object and i widely hear any aircraft that reach. Relating to 5 proceedings gone I was uniform looking round about the sky, looked straight up and saw a very muscular pallid light shine that lasted for underneath than 1 tick. Looked roughly Venus appearing and disappering. 10 tick gone unlike shine but very dim in correctly actual spot. No clouds in the sky or what to smear my grasp.
Source: MUFON
Date/Time: 2009-07-25 22:45
Location: Austin, TX
Shape: Agree with,Triangle
Duration: 00:01:00
Distance: One mile or underneath
"My brother, a subordinate, and I were on our deck in Lakeway Texas. We were having a fortuitous discussion being the ufo appeared. I was staring off arrived the horizon, finish NW, unemotional staring at the lake and stars. All of a firmly, (and I mean out of nowhere) portray recklessly appeared a very muscular red light. I shouted, "what is that?" My brother and subordinate turned and saw the muscular red light, we in passing inquired amid ourselves whether or not it was a encouragement. James, my brother, grabbed a twosome of (8X42)Bushnell Excursions Binoculars, (we slouch a twosome on the deck to bird watch etc.)he promptly got them assiduous. My subordinate and I sat bemused, commenting that portray was no picture at all, we in addition to prearranged it increased in brilliancy. James was promptly able to work out that the muscular red light (cycle or around, as viewed from the deck) being assiduous in the binoculars was now an object once lights, he explained a red one and a slighter purple-ish/white. All the to the same extent we are promptly analyzing conceivable explanations in our heads. He hands the binoculars to me and I get the object assiduous and clear in your mind portray was a critical object, once lights plateful to separate its countenance. The lights appeared as a muscular red and in my take offense a slighter white/yellow one, conceivably two, I yelled to him to pull the camera and in that diminutive it blinked out, it "turned-off." It was portray and then gone. Further on we got as well hotheaded the inexperienced individualist shout in our heads was job out. We all three prearranged that portray was NO WAY that it was a helicopter of any sort. This is based on the fact that we display lived in this conventional all of our lives and display seen "Handle - flight" and other helicopters at all hours at any angle etc. and portray is ever a picture, this made NO Dazzling. The encouragement feeling was shot down as well, after we assiduous the object it clear in your mind was not a encouragement, the sole maintain a encouragement was weighing up of was to most likely pick up its firmly aspect. It in addition to did not pulse or instant out seeing that a encouragement, nor did it stir in feature as a encouragement would. After what appeared to be mute and no energy of the object and/or it's flight footpath, it's course seemed to be legend, albeit very unhurriedly, in our widespread bearing (throughout SE as it was potential in from the NW), and while again it was cut down on the horizon and in the sky than what customary. I am very in sync once planes appearing on the horizon and potential closer and closer and closer until it passes over. This was not the case it was to low on the horizon to be a plane, at smallest compared to any plane we display seen from this deck, in addition to portray was NO Dazzling. It was not definite private plane; it (the light) appeared, continued to get longer in brilliancy, then seemed to fly towards our bearing, very unhurriedly and once no picture (so it appeared), and then blinked out, to be clear -- it did not drop out, or unhurriedly dim, it precisely "turned off." I cleave to myself to be remotely (as well as my brother)an ametuar skywatcher; we display a Celeston NexStar 130 SLT and sugar gazing at the stars. Our position were of amazement, fear, shock, achievement, etc. We realized we saw an unidentified object in the sky, one that appeared to be cruising at a very low glassy and speed, once no picture. All of us are in sync once ufology superfluous what has only this minute been goodbye on in Texas. I am no leader, but if I were to discriminate this point type of object, I (and my brother) suite it was remotely triangular in shape and appeared to be improved than a helicopter or unimportant plane, but was not improved than a trailer aircraft. Basically the grasp set down the binoculars was occupied up once the object, the object and its lights seemed to fit utterly secret the vetting context (lens of the 8X42 Bushnell Curve). As to its conventional, it was top-quality than the horizon on the other side of the lake by a few inches, that is to say if you are looking out at the horizon the object was throughout 1-3 inches top-quality than the leafy hills on the other side of the lake. We may well in addition to clear in your mind tell it was not past the horizon, it appeared to be in the midst of us and the other side of the lake, our widespread classlessness was that it was over the lake at the time of our vetting area."
Source: MUFON
Date/Time: 2009-07-26 22:15
Location: Tilden, TX
Shape: Ascend
Distance: One mile or underneath
"It was very squally this night once a strong create blowing from the SE. I went edge to walk my dog being I noticed everything in the sky out of the recognize of my eye. I saw what appeared to be everything about as muscular as a Path light. But in attendance in Tilden, TX we do not display multiple highway lights and this light was weird high off the ground so I knew this was not what it was. I am guessing it was about a 1000 ft off the ground. I weighing up it muscle be the fore landing lights of an aircraft but portray is not airfield reach by in attendance and this was muscular ocher. We do get military aircraft in attendance due to the bombing wideness but this was no airplane. This was fairy-tale very, very relaxed from West to East. I was yelling for my ensemble to get out in attendance to see it but by the time she got portray it was failing exposed. I am not sure if it was brief glassy or unemotional failing exposed but it was gone once no sign of it someplace. I looked for it to riposte off in the horizon, but portray was oblivion. I am not sure what I saw but I display seen a thousand aircraft in the night sky and this was no aircraft or sattelite. If portray was what else reported seeing that this round about this date happy let me order. Gabe Spencer"
Source: MUFON
Date/Time: 2009-07-28 21:35
Location: Anahuac, TX
Shape: Star-like
Distance: Greater than one mile
"On 7-28-2009 at round about 9:25 pm i went edge in the same way as i weighing up the space shuttle was perceived to be assembly re-entry at round about 9:30. I gone found it i had the date wrong. Capably inspiration this my ensemble and i were in the support stand remark the sky and waiting to watch the shuttle form burrow. While we live in Anahuac Texas portray is a George Bush in Jolt flight footpath that comes fitting over our burrow as these planes fair portray trustworthy for Houston. Therfore we are hand-me-down to remark and observing all kinds of air society and this night was no differnt once inbound flights arriving to the same extent we were waiting on the shuttle. At round about 9:35 i noticed a muscular light to my north and it appeared to be fairy-tale. I acerbic this out to my ensemble and she noticed it in addition to. The light was muscular and was fairy-tale in a south south east bearing at a high rate of speed. I then noticed unlike light unemotional seeing that it almost certainly 10 miles the length of the first one fairy-tale in the actual bearing. Neither light was discontinuous and what's more were fairy-tale fitting set down the flight footpath i mentioned. If i had to idea a glassy i would say round about 20,000 feet. All lights were gone from grasp in about 10 to 15 seconds. Relating to one warm gone i observed unlike one far away to the west but at faraway top-quality glassy and fairy-tale the actual bearing. The first two light looked low heaps that i penury display heard the engines if they were military or trailer flights but i heard oblivion and observed no discontinuous lights. All three light wherever pallid."
Source: MUFON
Date/Time: 2009- 07-30
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