Thursday, 30 October 2014

Hillaryraimoradio The Orion Project W Dr Steven Greer 21 Oct 2010

Hillaryraimoradio The Orion Project W Dr Steven Greer 21 Oct 2010
THE ORION Situation With DR. STEVEN GREERHILLARY RAIMO Data linesTHURSDAY, 21ST OCTOBER 2010Dr. Steven Greer Discusses The Bowl over Situation, The Orion Situation and Conspiracies incoming the UFO Modification and More! Dr. Greer has provided incredible be in the lead in penetrating the mysteries not really of the UFO/ET phenomenon itself, but the little known corners of the U.S Building and custom facade of it. As a answer, Dr. Greer has established himself time and time over as a courageous and working warrior on the laden mass of planetary development. Muggy me for an hour of deep thought and enlightened discuss regarding one of the most introduce topics on the planet today: Pat and its implications.(since recorded show)The Bowl over Situation is a nonprofit research project functioning to form disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified ultramodern go and propulsion systems. We have over 400 government, military, and intelligence introduce somebody to an area witnesses testifying to their appeal, idiosyncratic, first hand information with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the facade that keeps this information secret.NOTE: All parts of the radio show are avaliable in this player!



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