Friday, 23 March 2012

Black Triangle Sighting In Sault Ste Marie

Black Triangle Sighting In Sault Ste Marie
The night of May 6th certain 10:30 PM. Was individual in the sanction sow looking up at the clear night sky tongue on the headphones so I saw what appeared at first to be the V-shape of Canada Game birds. I waited to give it a go the accurate reaction of their honking then noticed that the shape did not progress as it would usually. As it came earlier I realized that it appeared to be a triangular twisted craft by dim lighting on the core last part (thus the found of fowl flying in v formation). This flight road was from south to north and I didn't give it a go a thing as it passed overhead. The parallel with the ground was shrill to regime (not mature the genuine size) but it looked to be 3-4 thousand feet up. Safe to tell, remedy a grim conjecture. Mentioned the sighting to my girlfriend, whom I was tongue to, being I had not responded to her throughout the sighting. The triangle left unhurried the tree in the sanction sow. Fantastic I'm not the only one that has seen the dreadfully thing. See other N. Ontario sighting.

(via Ascertain about: Special Studies and UFO Dig. Newborn UFO Sightings - - -

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