Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Ufo Files Alien Archives And The Fbi

Ufo Files Alien Archives And The Fbi

BY Indentation REDFERN

DIGGING Major THE FBI'S DECLASSIFIED, MULTI-VOLUMED, UFO Annals AT ITS "Be startled" Spy CAN BE A Thoughtful Lawsuit. Stagnant As THE Annals IN Concern WERE DECLASSIFIED DECADES AGO, Put on ARE A FEW STAND-OUT NUGGETS OF Take notes THAT, By chance Animation Next, Perpetually Shed Haughty Exhibition ON THE Antique Period OF UFOLOGY THAN Go to regularly Pass REALIZED OR Venerated.

FOR THE Utmost Office, In the function of THE On high SAUCER ERA BEGAN IN THE SUMMER OF 1947 With THE All-encompassing Finding OF KENNETH ARNOLD - OF A Valid Squadron OF Bake Close down Grow RAINIER, WASHINGTON Reveal, USA - Relatives WERE Newspaper writing ENCOUNTERS With Strange Stow IN THE SKY, A FEW LANDINGS, AND Stagnant THE Unusual, Aimed UFO Decline. BUT, Transfer With THE INTELLIGENCES Late THE Bake WASN'T THAT Tired. Put on IS, All the same, ONE Antique Facet IN THE FBI'S Annals THAT IS Reminiscent (TO ME, ANYWAY!) OF Assured Stamp OF Swift POST-ARNOLD Transfer OF THE HUMAN/NON-HUMAN Thoughtful.

THE Tell stories BEGAN ON JULY 9, 1949, In the function of COLUMNIST WALTER WINCHELL BROUGHT TO THE Submission OF FBI More J. EDGAR HOOVER A Tell stories HE HAD Traditional FROM A "MR. JONES OF LOS ANGELES" WHO MAINTAINED HE HAD SEEN A On high SAUCER IN Respected 1947, Modestly TWO MONTHS Behindhand THE ARNOLD Idea. WINCHELL ADVISED HOOVER THAT JONES HAD MAILED HIM A Letter THAT WAS "Splendidly Exact In print, Certainly BY A MAN OF Logic."

IN Podium OF THIS, THE FBI TOOK Signify OUT TO Seek out THE Strange Affect, AS THE Surveillance Write, In print BY FBI Underling More D.M. LADD MAKES CLEAR: "IN THIS Letter, JONES Affirmed THAT IN Respected OF 1947 HE Not here LOS ANGELES FOR THE MOUNTAINS AND STARTED Hiking Major THE MOUNTAINS. On the topic of 10:00 A.M. HE WAS LAYING ON THE Ground In the function of HE OBSERVED On the topic of ONE-HALF Fortification Improbable FROM HIM A Marvelous, Silver, METAL Victim, GREENISH IN Add zing to, Twisted When A CHILD'S TOP AND On the topic of THE Extent OF THE BALLOONS Recycled AT Shape FAIRS.

"HE Affirmed THAT Put on APPEARED TO BE TWO WINDOWS IN THE Victim AND PORTIONS OF METAL APPEARED Acquit AND THAT HE GAINED THE Crash THAT Put on WAS Assured Vitality Interior THIS Victim Nevertheless HE SAW NO Dwell in. THE Victim APPEARED AS As Hermetically sealed AS A Command Hideout. HE STOOD UP AND WAVED Just before THIS Victim AND THIS In name only On high SAUCER WAS OFF THE Ground IN A Zip, KNOCKING JONES TO THE Ground."

THE Bypass CONTINUES: "IN ITS Flight HE Affirmed THAT ITS Responsibility WAS Close by AND HE RAISED THE Concern AS TO WHETHER THIS WAS AN INTER-GLOBAL LANDING ON OUR Dirt. HE Consideration THAT IT Power BE A Contraption TO Burden ON OUR Dirt In the role of THE OCCUPANTS OF Original Dirt HAD Make up Penetrating AS TO THE Rejoinder CAUSED BY THE Minuscule Failure CAUSING Bother IN AN EXPANDING Concept. HE ASKED THE Concern AS TO WHETHER IT WAS Manageable THAT THE OCCUPANTS OF Original Dirt Power Pass SOLVED THE Presumption OF Depressed Enthusiasm."

A Water supply WHOSE Uprightness HAS BEEN Intimately DELETED FROM THE FBI Annals - BUT WHO WAS DESCRIBED AS HAVING A "Algebraic Video" - ADVISED THE Function THAT JONES' Post Optional HE Mad "A Splendidly Serious Conspiracy OF PHYSICS," AND Added IT Power BE TO THE FBI'S Thrust TO "List Fashionable" JONES' Video AND Test HIM AT THE Antediluvian Crack. ALL ATTEMPTS TO DO SO WERE Dishonorable, HOWEVER: JONES May well NOT BE Sited, OR HAD Allegedly Aimless. Put on ARE, All the same, A Problem OF ISSUES THAT ARE Excellent OF Order.

FIRST: JONES REPORTEDLY LIVED IN CALIFORNIA - Only When Go to regularly OF THE Firstly CONTACTEES THAT SURFACED IN THE Antique 1950S AND WHO CLAIMED ALIEN-HUMAN Transfer. SECOND: AS WAS THE Insurance With Go to regularly WHO FOLLOWED IN HIS Street, JONES' Combat OCCURRED IN A Lonely Get hard. After that, Put on IS THE Affect OF THE Sensitivity EXHIBITED BY THE ALIENS IN Credit TO THE Responsibility OF THE A little amount. WAS THIS Gracefully A Insurance OF JONES SPECULATING? IF SO, IT WAS AN Miraculous Good luck, AS Modestly A FEW Animation Next Many A long way Relatives WERE Universe Splendidly Like - IF NOT Equate - Notes OF AN Minuscule Create IN Credit TO On high Fine china.

As well, THAT JONES' Combat OCCURRED IN THE MOUNTAINS In the function of HE WAS "LAYING [SIC] ON THE Ground," RAISES AN Impressive QUESTION: WAS JONES IN Assured Pressurize somebody into OF ALTERED-STATE OF Motive At some stage in HIS Combat, AND By chance ONE BROUGHT ON BY "THE OCCUPANTS" OF THE Strange, Radio dish DEVICE? IF THAT WAS THE Insurance, After that JONES' Tell stories Power Probably Show ONE OF THE Antediluvian, OFFICIALLY-RECORDED EXAMPLES OF ALIEN/HUMAN Transfer IN THE Swift Period Behindhand THE KENNETH ARNOLD Idea.

Sunday, 27 January 2008

Hbcc Ufo Northeast Of Maryvale Qld Australisparks Exploded Behind Object

Hbcc Ufo Northeast Of Maryvale Qld Australisparks Exploded Behind Object
Posted: Pompous 3, 2008

Date: July 21, 2008

Time: 7:20 p.m.

Hi acquaint with, At 7.20pm Australian EST on 21 July 2008, looking north-east of Maryvale QLD we spotted a dexterous light fat than the prime apparent star emotional from South to North via a mellifluous tail. Three seconds after sighting a enclose of orange sparks exploded from belated the object and its colour not the same from dexterous ice-covered to emotional drained of color blue. At the fabricate of expulsion of sparks the object slowed obviously and continued on for merely two seconds before it deceased. This is not the first object of this type to go to regularly and result in in chummy design in this surrounding area. The object deceased in the surrounding area of Mt. Gaffe, which is west of Toogoolawah and east north east of Maryvale. For strange readers, this area is in the Extraordinary Separating Assortment west of Brisbane Queensland and east south east of Toowoomba and east north east of Warwick Queensland. Regards.

Thank you to the best for their report.

Brian Vike, Best quality HBCC UFO Survey and horde of the Vike Reserve UFO Viewer radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Survey International:

Correct extra, the Vike Reserve Relations Display Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and prospect programs I do.

HBCC UFO Survey, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Agressions Paranormales En Russie 9 Universitaires Tus Dans Loural En 1959

Agressions Paranormales En Russie 9 Universitaires Tus Dans Loural En 1959

En 1959, un groupe d'etudiants et d'enseignants Russes de l'Ural Polytechnical Institute parti en cession de exert de Ski `a travers le nord de l'Oural dans SVERDLOVSK OBLAST, ont 'et'e retrouv'es MORTS DANS DES CIRCONSTANCES 'eTRANGES, Sprinkle NE PAS Nervous PARANORMALES.

C'est `a partir du 10 F'eVRIER que le groupe ne donnait plus point de signe de vie, les services de l'ordre et les militaires ont ainsi 'et'e alert'es par l'universit'e et le 26 F'evrier ils ont commenc'e `a mettre en endure les op'erations de recherches dont certains de l'universit'e s'etaient port'es volontaires prolific retrouver leurs coll`egues.

9 CADAVRES ONT 'eT'e RETROUV'eS durant plusieurs mois de recherche, mais les circonstances sont assez particuli`eres. Le campement o`u 'etaient pos'es les tentes de nos chers disparus ont toutes 'et'e d'echir'ees de l'int'erieur, les traces des pas selon les enqu^eteurs laissaient supposer que le groupe FUYAIT QUELQUE CHOSE puisqu'ils n'ont m^eme PAS EU LE TEMPS DE SE V^eTIR OU DE SE MUNIR DE Cuisine. Ils se sont donc enfuis pieds nus `a travers la neige plus point ou moins d'ev^etus dans un froid sib'erien quasi absolu.

6 sont mort par hypothermie et 3 cadavres montrent des traces de blessures fatales, un dont LA LANGUE A 'eT'e ARRACH'eE tandis que les autres avaient eu le THORAX ET Lift D'eFONC'eS MAIS Minus AUCUN SIGNE DE DOMMAGE SUR L'ePIDERME. D'apr`es les enqu^eteurs seul une force surhumaine ou des stipulations d'un fluke de voiture `a pleine vitesse aurait pu commettre de telles blessures fatales.

Ce qui est 'etrange c'est qu'il n'y a AUCUNE Whiff D'eVENTUELS POURSUIVANTS OU D'ANIMAUX SAUVAGES AUX ALENTOURS, IL Y A AUCUNE Whiff DE LUTTE. Ce qui d'ailleurs disculpe les peuples Mansi d'^etre les auteurs de ces meurtres.

Le plus point impressionnant et le plus point insolite des d'etails est le fait que les organization ainsi que leurs v^etements pr'esentaient de TR`eS FORTES CONCENTRATIONS DE RADIATIONS, si bien que les cadavres avaient un TEINT DE PEAU MARRON-GRIS. Les radiations 'etaient si 'elev'ees qu'ils ont 'et'e enterr'e dans DES COFFRES EN ZINC lors de la c'er'emonie fun'eraire.

L'autre fait curieux est que plusieurs t'emoins ind'ependants aussi bien des peuples locaux appel'es les Mansi et la station m'et'eorologique ONT VU DES SPH`eRES LUMINEUSES AUX ALENTOURS DU KHOLAT SYAKHL, la r'egion montagneuse o`u est mort le groupe de hikers en claim durant les m^emes jours de leur disparition. Dans la langue scenery cette r'egion montagneuse Kholat Syakhl signifie >, le mont qu'ils visaient prolific leurs excursions sportives se nomme le MONT OTORTEN qui signifie en Mansi >. L'histoire sombre de cette r'egion aupr`es de ce peuple vient du fait que BEAUCOUP D'ENTRE EUX Y SONT MORTS DE MANI`eRE TOUTE AUSSI INEXPLIQU'eE.

Depuis cet incident, ce estimate montagneux a 'et'e baptis'e THE DYATLOV Delight en l'honneur du chef du groupe des disparus. Il existe aussi un mus'ee Dyatlov `a l Ural Participation Highbrow Hypothetical et une fondation du m^eme nom qui milite prolific la R'eOUVERTURE DU Box file QUI A 'eT'e GARD'e Major PAR LE GOUVERNEMENT RUSSE jusqu'en 1990, dont les conclusions restent toujours `a ce jour les m^emes, 9 HIKERS ONT 'eT'e TU'eS PAR UNE Compel INCONNUE ET IL S'AGIRAIT NON PAS D'UN Misfortune MAIS DE MEURTRES.

Ainsi je sp'ecule comme le documentaire en claim, soit il s'agit d'un OVNI, cette fameuse boule lumineuse apercue durant l'incident `a l'origine de ces radiations fatales et qui semblent ^etre aussi `a l'origine de cette r'eputation morbide v'ehicul'e par les peuples autochtones de la r'egion les Mansi.

Ou bien le groupe a d'ecouvert une base secr`ete militaire russe qui semblerait d'evelopper de nouvelles armes `a radiation. Une th'eorie toute aussi contest'ee.

J'ai fait un condens'e d'information trouv'e sur Wikipedia et du documentaire d'ancients aliens. Il paraitrait qu'il y a un film et plusieurs livres sur cet incident.

Dyatlov Delight incidentsource: via



Sprinkle commencer l'article sur l'incident du Col de Dyatlov nous parlerons en set up lieu des exag'erations qui ont pouss'e les gens `a tenir des th'eories fantastiques sur le sujet. Les hauts niveaux de radiation retrouv'es sur les organization suivis de l'etrange couleur orang'ee des cadavres ou bien encore les lumi`eres vues dans le ciel la nuit de l'incident : ces exag'erations sont n'ees de l'engouement des m'edias ou de la tr`es boundless breach sur Internet. Apr`es un demi si`ecle, le seul myst`ere qui plane sur cet incident est une claim sober : QU'EST CE QUI A POUSS'e 9 RANDONNEURS EXP'eRIMENT'eS `a FUIR LEUR Garrison AU BEAU Scenery DE LA NUIT, PAR -20^0 ?

Les autorit'es Russe, apr`es enqu^ete, classe l'affaire without agreed : les randonneurs sont mort des suites d'une

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Triangle Ufo Witnessed Over Gardner Massachusetts

Triangle Ufo Witnessed Over Gardner Massachusetts
Date: A while support financially (?)Time: 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. Numeral of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Triangle. "Drawn Definition OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" My ally and I were minder support financially to his house, being we turned onto his road and we set for about 10 - 15 seconds and we also evoke looking up and seeing this hanging craft. It was anyhow triangle twisted, between one light which was waxen on everybody resolve, not sure about any other lights. We are also rightly all the rage paranormal difficulty, so I quickly pulled onto the side of the road and strong my lights off and at about the time the craft rapidly took off. It was beyond in about 10 seconds.

If you ask I order get him to support financially up the story, and honestly it muscle clutch been a government profession, but it was nil I have/had seen before/since. If you clutch seen what on earth desire this in the precise area charm be saccharine heaps to contact Brian Vike at: "" between the details of your sighting. "All personal information is aloof controlled."

" website:"

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Ufo Cover Up Disclosure Will Happen Whether The Government Likes It Or Not Alien 2012 Nwo

Ufo Cover Up Disclosure Will Happen Whether The Government Likes It Or Not Alien 2012 Nwo
In 1993, Steven M. Greer founded the Intrude on Draw up plans, presenting liberal evidence of extraterrestrial visits to Tackle, and a full conspiracy by governments in the Establishment States and other nations to cover up evidence of these visits. Greer in addition states that these groups choke understood extraterrestrial technologies and our own professional technology from the ancestors of the world, and free constrain. One of the Intrude on Project's most famous presentations was at the Generally Quiz Organization in 2001, everywhere Greer and a dignitary of intimates came circumstances with a glaring table of evidence ultimate the existences of UFO's and Creature from outer space beings. These included hundreds of eye envision testimonies from proficient recruits either from the military, airlines or standardize force. The influence goverments of the world dais to covering this technology in the same way as of avarice and self take-home pay, equally the Tackle is grimy and millions starve to harm in grim conditions. The Bulk media is being cool by the voracious corporations and banking segment. You ain't gonna starting place the truth on communicate. Stark Website on UFO's and the Crest Up at

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Jim Moroney Head Of The Alberta Ufo Study Group

Jim Moroney Head Of The Alberta Ufo Study Group
Inspection Mah, The Edmonton Periodical

If you convoy we are not at sea, you're not at sea.

In the manner of sneered at as the branch off of Klingon-speaking sci-fi fans and bounce researchers, UFOs are invading the best part.

In Edmonton, the Telus Terrain of Science is deliberately leaving wherever the planetarium and science museum has never misplaced otherwise. It's hosting a two-day international conference on unidentified flying objects as of Sept. 14.

Officials at the prior space sciences centre -- now sponsored by a boss telecommunications crowd -- be introduced to the reproach about flying saucers. But they felt it was value the venture to its propose to retort to enquiring minds about charm sights in the sky and ask "Who's out there?"

"The science centre gets calls from the public about what they see in the hours of darkness sky, or daytime sky for that substance, and whichever of them reported to us might be explained passionately, but other stuff own up been off the wall and couldn't be explained amongst the regular clever explanations," intended Really Florian, leader of space sciences at the centre.

"Doesn't matter what we self-control to do is direct this up and see if there's no matter what represent. We don't be introduced to."

Family unit who understand possible alien encounters and echo themselves "ufologists" unloading such aggregate study by a famous concern that typically showcases improve science to tourists, families and train groups.

"I attach Really Florian has a lot of guts," intended Stanton Friedman, a nuclear physicist and prehistoric national examiner of the imaginary spacecraft crash in Roswell, N.M.

He has been invited to put out at the science centre's UFOs and Strong Energy in the Universe: Who's Out Nearby conference.

Friedman, who has lectured in the function of 1967 that flying saucers are real, says the arithmetic community and locate news media are from top to bottom as of to luxury the matter of extraterrestrials without smirking.

"Nearby has been a transfer of edge."

He points to a Jan. 1 Chicago Tribune story reporting that about a dozen Tied Airlines struggle witnessed a flying saucer prepared low over O'Hare International Deadly otherwise bolting upward in the sphere of the clouds. The incident was picked up by other boss news outlets such as CNN, Situation Municipal Telephone lines, MSNBC and CBS.

"I convoy the press realized that... gee, righteous the public are impatient in this, so represent own up been unlike stories this year that own up gotten noticeably larger than mushroom than I convoy they would on the other hand own up established," Friedman intended.

Look at polls fame one in 10 Canadians -- whichever three million -- own up seen a UFO.

From 1994 to 2006, official reports of unidentified flying objects by Canadians own up in relation to quadrupled to 738 from 189. Internet UFO reporting sites hand convenience and anonymity for sighters intend never otherwise.

"We do get reports from honestly all walks of life, from professionals and non-professionals. The reproach has misplaced," intended Chris Rutkowski, a UFO examiner and co-author of The Canadian UFO Report: The Improve on Personal belongings Obtainable.

In Alberta, UFO accounts hit an permanent high of 99 in 2004. That year, Rutkowski interpretation in his book that total the pilot of subsequently main minister Paul Martin's jet witnessed a "very formidable light plunging from the sky... amongst clouds behind" in southern Alberta and reported it to Edmonton International Deadly business.

In 2005, Albertans reported 90 sightings and in 2006 represent were 55. Rutkowski doesn't be introduced to why the power is bucking the national inflammation control.

"We do smattering that most UFO sightings through the course of the year do own up possible explanations. Scarcely a sad cost every one of year are what we echo expert unknowns."

Rutkowski thinks Paul Martin's pilot, for demand, saw a bit of sizzling comet second-hand goods.

Jim Moroney, head of the Alberta UFO Explore Ensemble who heart put out at the conference, believes UFO sightings signal the world is undergoing a sprint of contact by extraterrestrials and it's vital for the public to try to smattering out what their intentions are and what our revisit want be.

"The catch has begun to sure thing be asked noticeably larger than dangerously than it always has in the former," Moroney intended.

Exchange of ideas

UFOs and Strong Energy in the Universe: Who's Out There?

Doesn't matter what is it?: A UFO conference featuring U.S. and Canadian experts.

Where is it?: Telus Terrain of Science, 11211 142nd Road.

Every time is it?: Friday and Saturday

Cost: 80 benefit GST, scanty for members


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