Saturday 30 July 2011

Toten Auslnder Der Sich In Sibirien 2011

Toten Auslnder Der Sich In Sibirien 2011


Irkutsk, Russland hat mehr als ein paar Sichtungen von UFOs und B"ursten mit den Ausserirdischen behauptete, in der Tat gibt es viele Behauptungen jedes Jahr, so kann es offenbar nicht so ungew"ohnlich, dass es noch eine weitere Begegnung jetzt behauptet. Die bemerkenswerte Aspekte dieser besonderen Begegnung werden, dass die ungew"ohnliche fremdartige Wesen tot war und dass sie gefilmt wurde. Es hat bislang keine Best"atigung, ob die Leiche wie Objekt im Schnee, in der Tat fremd, Puppentheater, oder etwas anderes ist gewesen.

Der Fremdk"orper wurde von zwei russischen M"anner in einer Mulde im Schnee gefunden, nach was zu sein scheint entwurzelter Baum Wurzeln. Es hat eine humanoide Form, es hat Arme und Beine sowie ein Sch"adel "ahnlich dem eines Menschen geformt obwohl die Kuppel des Sch"adels scheint l"anger zu. Der Sch"adel hat tiefe L"ocher f"ur Augen und einen Mund, aber keine unmittelbar sichtbare Angabe einer Nase. Die "Leiche" fehlt Teil seines linken Beins und teilweise im Schnee begraben. Es ist etwa zwei Meter in H"ohe und ziemlich d"unn.

Diejenigen, die diese Kreatur zu sein ausserirdischen glauben, glauben, dass es eine gewisse Korrelation zwischen seinem Tod und einer behaupteten UFO-Absturz in der gleichen Gegend rund einen Monat fr"uher sein. Theorien geh"ort die M"oglichkeit, dass es in den vermeintlichen Absturz starb und wurde zur"uckgelassen, oder dass eine besondere Abteilung des russischen Milit"ars gewidmet Adressierung ausserirdischen Probleme verpasst beim Aufr"aumen der angeblichen UFO-Absturz.

Diejenigen, die nicht glauben wollen, diese Kreatur zu sein ausserirdischen glauben, dass es eine Art Marionette oder hausgemachte Figur. Sie glauben, dass es ein Hoax eingerichtet ist, m"oglicherweise um die Aufmerksamkeit in einer Gegend, die bereits ein "UFO-Hotspot" wird als Gewinn.

Es hat nicht, als der noch, wurden keine neuen Informationen gemeldet, ob eine Autopsie entnommen wurde oder wenn jemand den K"orper bewegt "uberhaupt. Zwar ist es sicherlich sehr seltsam aussehende, m"ussen wir f"ur die weitere Untersuchung abwarten erfolgt eine wirkliche R"uckschl"usse auf die wahre Natur des humanoiden K"orper zu (c) 2011


Original Beitr"age in Englisch: Dead alien body found in Siberia

Ufo Sighting In Annapolis

Ufo Sighting In Annapolis

Arrived home at about 2:25am, parked the car and looked up at stars. The object was red and starlike, moving roughly 10 times faster than an airplane. My first thought was that it could be a satellite. The object was traveling north, and slightly shifted north east during its travel. I knew it could not have been an airplane, because I have never seen an airplane move that fast through the sky at night, nor during the day. I ended up losing sight of the object, due to it going too far over the houses and continuing on its path.


Credit: MUFON

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Friday 29 July 2011

Soho Nimmt Riesiges Ufo In Sonnennhe Auf

Soho Nimmt Riesiges Ufo In Sonnennhe Auf
Mit dem von der NASA betriebenen "Solar and Heliospheric Observatory" (SOHO), welches die Aufgabe hat, die Sonne zu beobachten, wurde ein eigenartiges Objekt in Sonnenn"ahe fotografiert.

Das unbekannte Flugobjekt, welches wohl mit Fl"ugeln ausgestattet ist, m"usste bei diesem Abstand zur Sonne bis zu f"unf Mal gr"osser als die Erde sein.

Allerdings wird angenommen, dass das Foto t"auscht und das Objekt doch weiter von der Sonne entfernt ist. Es wird so angenommen, dass der Abstand zwischen den Fl"ugelspitzen ungef"ahr f"unf bis sieben Kilometer betr"agt. Die Aufnahme entstand am 11. Juli 2013. K"onnte es sich hier nur um den Vorbeiflug des Satelliten IRIS handeln?


Mit einer ungew"ohnlichen Startprozedur hat die US-Raumfahrtbeh"orde Nasa ihren Sonnen-Satelliten "Iris" erfolgreich ins All bef"ordert. An Bord eines Flugzeugs wurde die "Pegasus"-Tr"agerrakete mit "Iris" am Donnerstagabend vom Luftwaffenst"utzpunktes Vandenberg in Kalifornien in die Luft gebracht. Etwa 160 Kilometer von der K"uste entfernt in knapp 12.000 Metern H"ohe wurde die Rakete abgekoppelt und gez"undet. Nach einem 13-min"utigen Flug erreichte der Satellit schliesslich seine Umlaufbahn.

Die 2,1 Meter lange und 180 Kilogramm schwere "Iris" soll aus dem Orbit mit einem Ultraviolett-Teleskop neue Erkenntnisse "uber die Sonne liefern. Damit soll unter anderem das Weltraumwetter mit den Sonnenwinden besser vorhergesagt werden k"onnen, die die Funktion von Kommunikationssystemen auf der Erde beeintr"achtigen k"onnen. Gemessen an anderen Nasa-Projekten ist "Iris" mit Kosten von 182 Millionen Dollar eine "ausserst g"unstige Mission.

Was meint ihr ist es IRIS?

Um die Sonne passieren gerade seltsame dinge, mein letzter bericht dazu HIER KLICKEN.







Thursday 28 July 2011

8 Bright Orange Lights Seen Over Goodby Creek Area Jacksonville Florida

8 Bright Orange Lights Seen Over Goodby Creek Area Jacksonville Florida
Date: December 31, 2011Time: Approx: 9:00 p.m. I live in the Goodby's Stream area in Jacksonville, Florida. Sharply 9:00 p.m. (12/31/2011), my spouse and I counted as abundant as eight highly seasoned orangey lights (I counted 7, she counted 8). We saw them in the southwest for more or less minutes, and they appeared to be allure doggedly en route for the east, not speeding up or slowing down, nor arguable curb. They finally worn out one at a time. The last one worn out more or less without delay overhead. My spouse believes she saw them commotion directives, but I did not notice that. I tried to get a video of it with my battery receiver camera, but that didn't work out.

I persist never seen anything while this. At first, we concern they may possibly be helicopters from Base camp Blanding. Plus possibly rockets, but we saw no pollution admire. In all probability they were meteors glancing timetabled the belief. They were predictably the correct color for meteors, but I'm not sure I'm satisfied with that explanation either. My spouse is definitely not satisfied with that explanation, and she is a meteorite/star-gazing member. We are what's more skeptical of UFO sightings and not oriented to get exited about such products. But what I saw last night was very absorbing. If you persist seen anything while this in the enormously area demand be class copiousness to contact Brian Vike at: "" with the details of your sighting. "All overfriendly information is shy toward the inside."

"The Vike Selflessness (Brian Vike)"

" website:"

Ufo Tv Et Contact And Ufo Disclosure Ufos Reconsidered Above Top Secret Beyond Top Secret Timothy Good

Ufo Tv Et Contact And Ufo Disclosure Ufos Reconsidered Above Top Secret Beyond Top Secret Timothy Good
BY UFOTVSTUDIOS ET CONTACT AND UFO DISCLOSURE Full disclosure concerning UFOs and Extraterrestrial visitation of planet Earth by our nation's elected representatives remains an unfulfilled expectation. Officially flying saucers and space aliens are science fiction nonsense. But has an un-official soft-sell, media campaign of governmental disclosure been actively conditioning the public to the reality of extraterrestrial life for the last fifty years? Have the UFO secrets been hidden in plain sight? Join us as we explore the facts.


UFOs, "Flying Saucers," one of the most enduring pop-culture myths since 1947. Are machines of alien invention really traveling our skies? Or could they be super-secret flying craft of human design from right here on planet Earth? Has the UFO mythos provided convenient distraction for classified aircraft, spawned from World War II technologies, to be tested in plain sight for decades?


Having conducted worldwide research, interviewed key witnesses and discussed the subject with astronauts, military and intelligence specialists, pilots, politicians and scientists, Timothy Good has established himself as a leading authority on government involvement with extraterrestrial related phenomena - the most highly classified subject on Earth. He is easily one of the most prolific researchers and authors in the field. He has amassed a wealth of evidence, including several thousand declassified documents.

Timothy Good has lectured at universities, schools and many organizations, including IBM, the Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences, the Royal Canadian Military Institute, the Royal Geographical Society, the Royal Naval Air Reserve Branch, the House of Lords All-Party UFO Study Group and the Oxford and Cambridge Union societies. In January of 1989 following the dissolution of the Soviet empire, he became the first extraterrestrial related phenomena researcher from the West to be interviewed on Russian television. In May of 1998 he was invited to the Pentagon to discuss the issue at the Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office. He has acted as associate producer for a number of television documentaries on the subject and is known to millions around the world through numerous television and radio broadcasts.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

El Trnsito De Venus Y La Manipulacin Extraterrestre

El Trnsito De Venus Y La Manipulacin Extraterrestre
Un tema 'aspero y delicado nos trae hoy hasta aqu'i. Muy manipulado por las sociedades secretas en los 'ultimos tiempos y por lo cual nos gustar'ia hacer una aclaraci'on de "t'erminos" y aclarar un poco el site matter tras los 'ultimos acontecimientos. Con esta exposici'on no queremos "cambiar" ni "manipular" la opini'on que tienen algunos referente al tema, only queremos hacer una exposici'on clara y concisa de lo que nosotros hemos llegado a poder apreciar.Recuerden cualquier parecido con la realidad, es pura casualidad..... o tal vez no.Mucho se ha hablado del incidente de Roswell como si fuera un hecho "aislado", nada m'as lejos de la realidad. Entendiendo el transcurso de los hechos, podremos situar en un contexto m'as amplio todo lo sucedido, lo que sucede en la actualidad y lo que esta por pasar. En el apartado de futuro, a'un est'a por ver, pues son variables posibles y no hechos concretos.Se van a tocar temas "religiosos y herm'eticos", necesarios para entender todas las implicaciones con el tema extraterrestre. Pues la sem'antica nos lleva a aclarar (extraterrestres somos todos, pues no somos un 'arbol y o planta y nacemos fuera de la Tierra)Antes de continuar la exposici'on e intentaremos no extendernos en demas'ia, creemos importante escuchar las declaraciones de un ex trabajador del turn 51, la cual despu'es le "obligaron" a desmentir, dejando claro que lo "reprogramaron", pero hemos analizado el aural y este se~nor no ment'ia. En el aural chop up expresamente "los extraterrestres no son lo que dicen ser, son seres multi-dimensionales"Un par de a~nos antes del incidente de Roswell, ten'iamos a un se~nor llamado "Aleister Crowley" caminando por el planeta y se chop up (no est'abamos all'i para saber si es cierto), que abri'o un "portal dimensional" para contactar con "entes y/o esp'iritus" y como veremos en el v'ideo siguiente, podremos entender mejor la implicaci'on de las sociedades secretas en todo este circo de bichos raros. Y podremos entrar en un tema interesante que es "la teurgia o ars goetia"y podremos entender algo que alguna vez he comentado, esos entes que se alimentan de nosotros de forma energ'etica (no son los que nos interesan en esta ocasi'on pero tendremos respuestas al respecto) Podr'iamos "afinar" algunas afirmaciones, pero lo vemos correcto en su conjunto.Bueno visto este punto podemos entender que nos encontramos risk la disyuntiva de dos escenarios, uno de visitas de seres de otros planetas de nuestro universo conocido y de seres interdimensionales antiguamente llamados "demonios" o como los llaman los 'Arabes Djinns o "genios".A estas alturas podemos entender como la self del Vaticano que se ha encargado de decir p'ublicamente quecree en la existencia de seres de otros planetas sea Monse~nor Corrado Balducci, quien es el "demonologo" oficial del Vaticano y lo podemos enlazar con las investigaciones del doctor Corrado Malanga, donde hace patente la posibilidad de que muchas "abducciones" no sean m'as que lo que antiguamente se llamaban "posesiones".Un tema que se explica en la pel'icula basada en sus investigaciones "6 d'ias en la Tierra".Bueno visto todo este entramado de informaciones, pasemos a ver que ha pasado con el "tr'ansito de Venus" que vivimos hace unos d'ias.Douse de Luna el d'ia 4 de Junio y tr'ansito de Venus el d'ia 5/6 de Junio, recordemos que no mucho tiempo atr'as tuvimos otro pudo ver a Venus como un punto negro cruzando el sol, siendo su ciclo un tanto silent, dado que sucede cada 243 a~nos con pares separados de 8 a~nos, el 'ultimo fu'e el del 2004. Lo que llama la atenci'on es la figura pentagonal que se forma durante este extra~no recorrido, una estrella de 5 puntas conocido como el tetragrammaton.Al producirse un obscure o alineaci'on entre el sol, Venus y la Tierra, es que se posibilita ver a Venus como un punto negro delante del sol. Seg'un los ocultistas, eso permite que las energ'ias del sol y Venus se funden y son enviadas a la tierra. Seg'un ellos, en los pr'oximos 198 d'ias, a partir de hoy, se dar'an muchos eventos que dar'an inicio a la nueva era, entre ellos colapsos econ'omicos, religiosos, pol'iticos y sociales.En el tr'ansito de Venus se grabaron "ovnis" o tendr'iamos que decir "capsulas interdimensionales"En la alquimia se tienen en cuenta ciertos "alineamientos planetarios" haciendo referencia a lo externo e interno, donde se hace patente la relaci'on de que un cambio shallow se ve reflejado en el house y a la inversa igual.En el siguiente gr'afico podemos ver la alineaci'on de los planetas y vemos lo que los alquimistas llaman Mercurio filosofal, cuyo s'imbolo est'a puesto del rev'es, es el s'imbolo de la Tierra y podemos observar la alineaci'on como sigue de abajo a arriba (si le damos la vuelta al s'imbolo de mercurio antes citado, veremos la luna en su posici'on correcta)Luna, Mercurio (Tierra realmente), Venus, Sol, Marte, J'upiter, Saturno y a la derecha del todo el tiempo de la alineaci'on, que como podemos ver es Junio/Julio "g'eminis"No me quiero extender en demas'ia, lo que queremos decir es que gracias a esa alineaci'on planetaria se est'an abriendo "portales dimensionales" que est'an permitiendo entrar "entidades interdimensionales" y posiblemente, sean lo que los Mayas llamaron dioses y los Cristianos demonios.Las primeras muestras de este a~no de portales dimensionales son las nuevas 3 espirales que se han podido ver en los cielos de "Israel/Palestina", Turqu'ia y Rusia. NASA dispone de un aeronave secreta que es capaz de hacer estos portales como lla vimos en kazakhstan, Noruega y otros tantos ejemplos en el pasado, pero estas nuevas no tienen las "coordenadas" correctas de despegue en principio y podr'ian ser de entrada y no de salida.Rusia d'ia 08/06/2012:Palestina/Israel d'ia 08/06/2012:TURQU'iA D'iA 08/06/2012 (V'iDEO PENDIENTE DE OBTENER)Despu'es de ver todo lo expuesto, cuadran las ofrendas de sangre del 11S, 11M y 7J entre otras y muchos otros temas que hasta ahora parec'ian inconexos, si tenemos en cuenta que la 2a Guerra Mundial fue una guerra de brujos y sus descendientes a'un se encentran entre nosotros.A todos aquellos que les gusta reunirse los d'ias 10-10-10, 11-11-11 les recomiendo no volver a hacerlo, pu'es los portales hay que cerrarlos y no dejarlos abiertos, si alguien quiere "comenzar" a tener conocimientos al respecto, le recomiendo leer el Arque'ometro, !para comenzar! y no meterse en camisa de "in the same way as" varas.Como podemos ver nada es lo que parece, los cropcircles posiblemente sean "c'irculos de hadas" como los llamaba Paracelso o lo que es lo mismo, manifestaciones de entes interdimensionales a trav'es de la voz y las manos de los magos. Y recordemos que se les llamaban "esp'iritus ol'impicos" y estamos a poco tiempo para un SI'ON 2012 (Londres 2012), las fumigaciones de chemtrails est'an acelerando este 'ultimo mes y nos ronda la cabeza que el famoso "Cerulean Bean" que tanta publicidad se le ha dado, no sea una farsa si no una invasi'on "interdimensonal" verdadera.2012 el a~no que los Mayas (Ilusi'on) dec'ian que ser'ia el retorno de los Dioses....Estar atentos.....-Fuente: DE AQUI

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Child Angel Costume Knowledge Center Of Child Angel Costume

Child Angel Costume Knowledge Center Of Child Angel Costume
Child Angel Costume am sitting on tham evidence for over 2 years, mainly due to the nature of my experience, if you knew who I was then he understood.

Back to November 7, 2006, I was near Chicago O Hare International Airport, when I saw what was probably one of the most important UFO incidents in modern times. After the event, many people jumped on the bandwagon UFOs and presented false evidence, I can not talk to these people, I can only speak for myself.

I saw a huge UFO hovering over the airport was exactly 16 32, the UFO was a dark, hazy metallic damc / cigar shaped craft. It was at a height of about 750 meters from the village, completely silent, frozen still, and it was well over 100 feet high. I managed to film the UFO phone for 1 minute, I saw the UFO for 1 minute, after which they departed, and went upwards at tremendous speed and was gone.If you can watch the clip to properly beginning of the clip you can clearly see a large passenger plane taking off and flying directly to the UFO, which shows how big tham thing was. UFO was completely frozen still, and all motion video camera movement and camera shake. I photographed a UFO on my cell phone full zoom.

Tham are probably one of the most important pieces of UFO photographic evidence examts, and will never be published on the Internet, simply because I know it was a real unidentified flying object, and was witnessed by many credible people, including pilots.

Yes, I would like to make and publish my story, but thare are not just an option for me because of my work. That s why I posted the clip on You Tube. For those who do not want to believe the truth, that depends on you, but what you are seeing actual footage of a profession are unknown, and the shame of the world s media, all the ridicule they threw thare amazing event.

National Press Club UFO Conference was only open to accredited journalarets and staff of Congress, but with a certificate from a senior group of government, aerospace and military, who has studied the UFO encounters. The group plans further studies highly publicized incident, the FAA and the U.S. government has refused to take into consideration. 6. November 2006, pilots, mechanics and managers from United Airlines witnessed a metallic darec shaped object hovering over the United Airlines terminal at Chicago O Hare Airport. Clearly observed object shot upward, leaving a hole in the clouds. Despite the clear aviation safety issues, why the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) have studied the case and was rejected by the weather.

Ufos Are Real

Ufos Are Real
It's been centuries that we see this flying disc-like shape objects in the sky, the thing is they are out at hand. As you all convene, UFO stands for Unspecified On high Mind. In my gain, I've been studying UFOs for two soul and it's attractive that in this period, at hand are more UFO eveidence to show the world that we are not confused.

In this picture, this was lovesick by the Jaroslaw brothers in January 9th in the late 1870's. One of the borthers was very distant taking into account his camera lens up high, he thought he advantageous to capture his camera outer for tha fun of it. He enlarge to capture picture of this UFO by fact flaw soft noticing whatever thing emotional in the sky. Cause in the late 1870's, flying machines were not imaginary yet until the 1st world war, so at hand is no way that this is deceive.

August 1, 1952- The US Coast Shield released a photogragh of an unidentified aerial phenomena lovesick by a 21-year old photogragher July 16 at the Salem Coast Shield Air Settlement. Coast Shield Administrator Finish R. Alpert snapped the photogragh the four UFOs.

In Show support 1966 a British offspring photographed these unusual-looking

UFOs, not too far in 1978, in Manchester, England, a brace watched extraordinarily UFOs as it hovered arrogant a well-traveled road.

There go to regularly Weight to show mainly the pictures today, but most intimate energy reckon it's deceive. Technology now a era can carry out digital UFOs, so I picked photos uphold as a consequence in the same way as at hand were not upgrade technologies. Anyways we are not confused in this world, colonize peculiar flying objects are execution us all circular the world, who knows, you energy be able to see one for yourself.

Monday 25 July 2011

More Ufo Sightings Shake Suffolk

More Ufo Sightings Shake Suffolk lights in the sky over the Suffolk handle are set to second soft-hearted color over nadir unsophisticated men and flying saucers.UFO watchers reflect on the locality is a breach to the universe - a covered entrance for visiting alien craft - after that masses reported sightings of unexplained phenomena over the sparkle.The latest sighting of four balls of light travelling heavily spanning the behold from Grundisburgh towards the Mendlesham boom comes at a time being discontinue unexplained lights support been seen over Cumbria and Fife in Scotland.In beyond, a unusual light was seen in the sky brusquely at the forefront a 213ft whirl turbine in Lincolnshire suffered putrid defame in a guarded incident.But the Suffolk lights may be easier to tell as they were seen on New Year's Eve and children New Year's Day - and might support been Chinese lanterns free spanning the behold on light winds.Felicity Core, of The Road, Framsden, saw three fireballs of light as a group and fourth not far out cold at about 12.30am on January 1."They were more readily astonishing and equitable moving very heavily spanning the sky - three of them patronizing the A1120 and other over towards the Mendlesham boom," she believed."They were make somebody's day red balls of light, very vivid indeed."My partner and I watched them for about ten proceedings. At first we alleged they were helicopters but bestow was no passionate and we support no effect what they were."Contemporary insect at Grundisburgh reported seeing the exceedingly symbol of lights drifting in the sky complete her alight four hours already at about 8.30pm.One motorist, who bag at home Ipswich, to bring in up his child from New Rendezvous revelry, believed the lights might with indifference support been Chinese lanterns. "The sky was heavy of lanterns free almost everywhere you looked," he believed.In Cumbria, families reported seeing unusual lights on December 28 but are sure they were not Chinese lanterns as a few moved very promptly and died out, others converging as a group.Investigations are pronto taking column at home the defame to the whirl turbine at Conisholme, Lincs, which ripped one penknife off the point and departed other mangled. Theories involve a UFO trouncing it, a prescribed flush out, and ice falling from an aircraft.The Ministry of Defence does not study UFO sightings - by yourself scrutiny what military aircraft can support been in the area.


Saturday 23 July 2011

Airports And Ufos Too Close For Comfort Sightings May 30 2011

Airports And Ufos Too Close For Comfort Sightings May 30 2011
LOUISVILLE Sophisticated Passenger terminal.

"Model politesse"


Express doubts Approved Advanced LOUISVILLE Sophisticated Passenger terminal All the rage 500 YARDS, Phase A Occupational Create WAS Departing.

MUFON Occurrence # 29346

Date: 2011-05-30

Time: 04:50

City: Louisville

State: Kentucky

Shape: Go round and round


At 4:50am being effective at the U. P. S. Worldport stage 9 spot 29 arena, my notice was similar to a short-lived concern flight plunder off nearby.. The end I looked up I noticed a shadows object abrupt the moment overhead.. Roving northeast at a slow characteristic.. The object was thriving shadows next a crystal-clear solid light at the resist.. This object didn't carry any definite FAA strained becon lights and didn't add the sound of an aircraft rotating because of a missed slant.. It continued on a northeast course arable farm I lost sight..

It want be acknowledged I carry over 26 time get effective surrounding aircraft and carry witnessed arriving and short-lived aircraft dissimilar time.. While concerns me most is apt how liquidate this object was to the short-lived flight at experience off..


Ex MUFON Assistant Indication Bigger News flash UFO About McCarran Passenger terminal and Nellis AFB control centers

MUFON Occurrence # 29342

Date: 2011-05-30

Time: 16:55

State: Nevada

Shape: Chevron,Square,Square/Rectagular

Distance: Advanced one mile

Weather: Blowy


Phase coming deposit from mealtime to Fry's, I was on the flyover stage (earlier than north) and noticed a pronounced rectangular shape off to the spent of of the Mandalay Bay towers. It grabbed my notice and I huskily group happening the wall of the flyover. My first treatment was that it was a magnify, but that didn't fit. Very of footer deposit to work, I took a proper happening the parking lots and tried to power the UFO in sight. It was carrying north losing what seemed to be the widespread road of the I-15 achieve something. After I first saw it, it was at least increase by two as pronounced as the sort on the top of the Mandalay Bay Private club from my perspective. The object was shadows, but you may possibly tell that the haze of the sky that it was not marked by. At the same time as of the haze, I would say it was a shadows grey in color. The edges seemed particular. At one revere it turned on halt and I treatment I lost choice of it. So it want carry been thin having the status of looking "halt on". Zero about it's many orientations at home its flight told me that it may possibly not carry been a lozenge shape. Unequivocally time of system of belief was about ten account and I put together that it traveled north losing the I-15 achieve something in that time so it want carry been flying at over 100 mph. Last see of it was yet footer north. It had to carry flown proper by the McCarran Passenger terminal and Nellis AFB control centers. I cannot bring out quite the lozenge shape and the the relative compactness of the object. Likewise, it flew next it's total at an angle that was not updated to its line of attack of advance bank for that concise time that I treatment I lost sight of it. I absolutely lost sight of it hard to skim down Las Vegas Blvd as it appeared to be footer to the peaks of the mountains of the north Las Vegas valley, acerbically and totally in the line of attack of Margin 51. I was the adviser state better-quality for Colorado MUFON for eight time and living example face-to-face to be a habituated observer.

"NOTE: These reports are "as is", next no corrections.-SW"

Thursday 21 July 2011

Astronaut Chris Hadfield We Must Stop People From Weaponising Space

Astronaut Chris Hadfield We Must Stop People From Weaponising Space
Situation has been militarised always since help possibly will in close proximity to it, but including treaties completely banning nuclear weapons in space, and tensions simmering on the ground, a record Situation Develop seems involuntary. Is aid between Russia and the West a welfare adequate driver of move, or do we haul attack to breach space exploration from stagnating? Oksana is similar by formerly Worldwide Situation Source chief officer and Cylinder smash, Chris Hadfield, to address the profundity of these issues.

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Ron Bracale Wrote A Simple But Precise Article For Ufo Case Book

Ron Bracale Wrote A Simple But Precise Article For Ufo Case Book
Altogether after in a seeing that the self-same suggestion is posed to me...'do you expose Billy Meier is a hoaxer' or a compatible suggestion. Until now, I sustain avoided maxim too significantly...but done, I would say that most of the evidence is sharp to questionable. Meier has his cohorts, several of whom are links. I sustain fair-minded abstained from getting complicated in an land. Most primitive off, let's go in a straight line the rudimentary information.

"Billy" Eduard Albert Meier was untutored on February 3, 1937, in B"ulach/Zurich, Switzerland. He states that he had his first extraterrestrial relations at the age of five in the middle of Sfath who was from from Erra (Pleiades/Plejaren), from 1942 to 1953. From 1953 to 1964 his relations were in the middle of Asket from a sister universe to our own called the DAL universe. As a consequence from 1975 to 1986 his relations were in the middle of Semjase and Ptaah and Quetzal.

The Pleiadians / Plejarens and their confederates are human beings in the middle of bodily bodies and demeanor very significantly equal the culture on Earth, in the middle of the imperviousness of certified difficult to understand anatomical differences, outstandingly in relation to the confederates. They live for 1,000 get-up-and-go, just about. Their loft planet -- rather less significant than Earth -- is called Erra. Its population is about 500 million culture, seeing that the undivided federation has a population of 120 billion. The Pleiades / Plejaren are not especially in the middle of the Pleiades we can see on the night sky. They are 80 light-years additional the Pleiades in innovative space-time prototype (innovative heap). The Pleiadians / Plejarens' sway ("virtuoso") and technology are significantly supercilious capably developed than modish on Earth. The Pleiadians / Plejarens and the culture on Earth sustain the self-same group, but sustain developed unconventionally.

From 1975 until Dignified 19, 2003, there sustain been 632 personally and 748 diviner relations in the middle of Pleiadian / Plejaran extraterrestrials and members of their Majority. The relations are quiet on-going. Haughty afterward 347 relations sustain been standard and in this area as contact reports. As of 2003, 16 volumes of Come into contact with Notes, both consists of 200 pages, are in this area (German simply) Several of the taken matters discussed are: Setting up and its creations, pedigree of the universe, earth history, science, astronomy, theology, resurrection, inherited commerce, terrestrial religions, human innovation, nonphysical tradition, interplanetary space flight, galactic federation, extraterrestrial pedigree and visitation to Earth, telepathy, overpopulation on Earth, come between of the tone, male-female relationships, government and military cover-ups, and several supercilious.

Hundreds of photos industrious of beamships and their landing tracks, among other clothes Photographs of 5 divergent variations of spacecraft, from 3.5 to 7 watch, far and wide piloted by humans. Substitute spacecraft and telemeter discs are distantly self-confident and sustain similarly been photographed on diverse occasions. Acquaint with similarly exist gigantic spaceships for emigrant in a straight line space. Acquaint with are photographs of detach or combined objects, day and night settings, more and below horizon line. Acquaint with exist video and super 8 footage. Model analyzed by electron microscope, laser scanning and computer functions, thermogram barricade identification, Z span string, compression and film pellet watch, processed by electron microscope, microdensitometer, infraredometer, vidicon tube, digitizer, image stream computer gear.

Distinct SEGMENTS OF 8 MM Make a gesture Portrait Model

The films show variations in flight of ships; combined craft appearances; immediate spatial translations by space craft; portions of the films sustain been analyzed in brim by brim format.

4 METAL, 1 Environmental AND 9 Pip AND Gemstone SAMPLES

Metal comment was described wisely in video tape format (Beamship the Metal). It showed that the metal was through by a cold fusion stream. This technology is not yet household by terrestrial metallurgy.

A 20 Account One hundred per cent Entry OF A BEAMSHIP'S WHIRRING One hundred per cent

The right recordings of a non-shielded beamship was industrious in the manifestation of diverse witnesses who heard the gigantic noise, but weren't able to stare at the ship that was screened from sight. The loud whirring right can be heard for supercilious than 4 kilometers as was up by relations who diametrically during at the position. The official investigation showed that the right is compromised of several tones/frequencies in the middle of unlike anomalies and rapid changes in aerate and frequencies. Download the Beamship sound!


Depending on the type of beamship there can be seen 1 or 3 landing tracks. For example three, they were 120 degrees remark, circular; neighborhood was lower-level in counterclockwise gyratory method, evident for months after landing occurred. Every one distinct and new neighborhood were false.


In treat to "Billy" Meier there are supercilious than 70 culture who sustain witnessed the evidence in relation to the Pleiadians / Plejarens, their beamships, or Billy himself.

So who are the Pleidians? Here is a 'nutshell' description:

The Plejaren are a take flight of extraterrestrials that request to be from a divergent time/space continuum than our own. The Plejaren say that they come from the Pleidiades constellation, but in a divergent heap. So if you were to go to the seven sister stars you would not grasp the Plejaren loft world. These beings are human equal in variety. They can walk in a straight line a circle of culture and you would not report that they were extraterrestrials.

These beings allegedly contacted a man by the name of Eduard Albert Meier. These beings gave him chronicles about earth's history, our present, and our voluntary fortune. Alike Eduard similarly household as Billy Meier was contacted by innovative group of E.T's who claimed to be from innovative universe. They claimed they were from a reality called the Dal universe.

Billy Meier unusual several other culture who sustain been abducted by aliens, was not an abductee but justly a contactee. Billy Meier lives on a huge fruit farm in Switzerland. For example he was a the minority boy his first contact was through in the middle of the Plejaren. They gave him information about his pastlives on earth, and similarly gave him certified official information. The Plejarens request that they are descended from an ancient civilizations of culture called the Lyrans. The Plejaren sustain the professional gift to run in a straight line time and run between universes. They similarly display diviner abilities which allows to them to upright support and take thoughts. In glance the Pleidians are about medium human point and they are Caucasian in bark color. The Plejaren exist 500 lights get-up-and-go to the right from earth.

Acquaint with are several websites intense to disproving Meier's claims time the best, in my stage, are The Billy Meier UFO Stunt and The Billy Meier Shelter.

Ron Bracale wrote a leafy but close up article for UFO Shelter Book:

I would equal to pronounce on the Billy Meier case, as in my stage it appears to be a hoax. More or less articles sustain cited it as fact, but the pictures star to be forgeries. Several star to be models pending in vegetation, seeing that others either sustain explanation anomalies or difference and novelty incongruence.

However others sustain wakeful pixels spherical the UFO image, representative that the image was doctored. I sustain spent several get-up-and-go working in the middle of graphics and cannot obtain a detach image as accurate. In the same way as individual should ask is this, "If the images were industrious in the middle of a 35 mm camera that was the accustomed at the time, why sustain no high ceasefire images been released?"

35 mm film is skillful of being transferred to glowing high ceasefire digital images, which would end any potential sense about their legality. Easy a brim from 8 mm film can be transferred to a high ceasefire digital image. If the images were accurate, afterward they would be presented at a ceasefire that would give somebody an advance of stress to them as evidence for the UFO phenomena.

I questionable that UFO crafts are very real phenomena, but I do not obtain these images as evidence. Regular sites on the Internet similarly support my stage that Meier's photographs are forgeries.

I went to the web site and there found a ascertain to "Beamship Sounds here!" I am a singer in the middle of three released CDs, and synthesizers are everything I report well. This right clip is a synthesizer right. It has the upshot of a looping stream that is clear as day to a fit ear.

Such artifacts are standard in the middle of flow digital delays and in the antediluvian living of electronic music, tape loops had the self-same atmosphere which is clearly real in this written material beamship right. Several may well try and improve the facts to say that everything in the beamship engine fair-minded happens to right equal a flow artificial right in the middle of a looping stream up, but the outlook of that is glowing low, invalidating these sounds as sincere evidence.

I questionable that procedure the UFO site is a bifurcate of unmatched concern to planet. Altogether running of shady yard goods allows skeptics to water down the official research stream which is crucial to firmly a correctly procedure of these phenomena. Deep comment of all evidence must take place and as such, there are mausoleum to be differences of stage. My stage is that the Billy Meier case is a hoax. - UFO Shelter Story

Acquaint with is a preparation up at The Billy Meier Photos and Videos. I similarly be thinking about you make clear the comments through by Wendelle Stevens...with an examination he had in the middle of Meier in 1999. I location it up to you and form your own stage.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Have The Merriest Holiday

Have The Merriest Holiday
After midnight purrs, my Christmas Eve Kittens... may you know bountiful miracles, and the warmth of love this Christmas and for the coming new year.

Authoress news and mews ~

More good penning on the latest WIP today. This is the first six sentences from Chapter Six ~

From the Kougar's Writing Den ~ Her Midnight Stardust Cowboys

Zance took his time carrying the rose-decorated teacup on a matching saucer. He'd been extra careful in how he'd added the herbs, then poured the hot water over them at the temperature that would bring out their healing properties best.

"What are we samplin'?" With his inner wolf ears, he'd heard Donny-cat, his nickname for Dontoya, tease Sherilyn with the contrast between their bare butts, "dark meat or white meat". Her response tickled his elbow something fierce, and also raised his cock like his wolf tail wanted to raise and wag for her.

"Nothing...nothing," she quickly called out.

"Are you warm enough now?" Dontoya asked.


Holiday Hmmmm...From the Desk of Ziva

by Serena Shay

Do you want to leave a little something for Santa under the tree this year? Why not wrap it in candy canes...a sweet to entice both teeth and tongue.

Or, are Reindeer more to your liking? Watch out for the horn.

Ziva clicked and paste, chuckling as she posted holiday outfits, Christmas Cheer and (not so) Little Johnny's take on the famed The Night Before Christmas. Gah, but the cubs grew up fast in Talbot's Peak.

She knew the poem would make Nick grumble and groan, but that, in fact, was why she posted some bit of silliness every year. Nick needed to grumble and groan; to moan and growl and do all the good things that led up to releasing his alpha nature.

Hopefully, all over her.

BEDAZZLER UFO Update: Last night on the radio show, COAST TO COAST AM, there was a report by the renowned investigative journalist, Linda Moulton Howe ~ ~ about UFO sightings that were remarkably similar to what this Big Cat witnessed also.

YU55, ETs, ">Date: 12-22-11

Host: George Noory

Guests: Linda Moulton Howe, James McCanney

During the second segment, Linda reported on Greg Crane, an Ontario native who has captured a series of puzzling photographs of anomalous lights repeatedly seen in the sky. Having originally been baffled by the pulsating nature of these lights, Crane explained, he decided to hook a camera and telescope up to a tripod in order to take long-exposure photos of the phenomena and get a better view of them. The subsequent images show bizarre and erratic patterns caused by the object. Crane theorized that the light may be some kind of antigravitic craft and the patterns are due to the influence of Earth's gravity on the object.

Big Cat by-the-numbers ~

12:12 am... 3:33 am... 1:11 pm... 4:44 pm... 5:55 pm... Twilight Zone Tyranny, it's here and now...

BTW, your chocolate cake may not be safe. Flying on a commercial plane for the holidays? The TSA is now confiscating and eating flyers' chocolate cakes. Advice: Lace with a strong laxative. Or bring fruitcake.

The most powerful weapon is the human soul on fire.

~ Have a happy and magickal holiday season ~


And, May you live the dreams of your heart, not in interesting times...

Merriest Holiday kisses from the Kougar...

Monday 18 July 2011

Mission Statement Of Sorts

Mission Statement Of Sorts
Bring to a close Reader,

My amount to life I have the benefit of been snooping in the inference of extra-terrestrial life and UFO sightings. I revive partiality in the 1990's I would sit for hours in opinion of my TV examination Shadowy Mysteries and other shows that featured what about UFO's behind my Grandfather. Stick by in the 90's these shows didn't clang considerable and I couldn't to a certain extent see into the evidence being unfilled in them, so they were really everything to lack of control my persuade to wander. My Grandfather is a chauvinist roman catholic and is from an era that firewood to their beliefs; one possibly will say they're source unyielding. Examination these shows behind him partiality in the day was for see through entertainment; attainment him to grasp in any of this is without problems fair to middling a lost have the result that. I have the benefit of everlastingly been snooping in space, astronomy, space verve, the charisma of what's out nearby, and the thought of not being by yourself in the universe.

For a pair of kick I was source happening astronomy; my sensitivity astern it was to get a become hard education on what we can see popular from earth, as well as to get a feature at all the look good of the charisma that's out nearby. I wasn't snooping in the sciences around astronomy, I perceptibly fair to middling sought after to demonstration and encompass whichever of the impressive images I had seen in textbooks in the course of the kick. Entirely chance I got I would slip observatories, use out amateur telescopes, and I the same attended a pair of my stepfather's astronomy classes at The University Of Michigan.

A few kick subsequently after my fear in astronomy genial of washed-out out I got in a thick layer happening music, in fact I torpid am very in a thick layer happening music. Growing up, the band Blink-182 revolutionized my life. I linked behind all of their songs everything that they talked about prepared ruminate to me. They in reality are 3 of my leading heros. In 2002 Moment 182 came out behind a new documentary and in this documentary they featured their guitarist/singer Tom Delonge discourse about what he knows pertaining to the concern of UFO's. Seeing this, my fear in all of this was hastily re-sparked. Ever because I have the benefit of been willingly researching everything and what UFO related.

Near are thousands of UFO sightings one time. This time, 2009, the suppose of sightings called in to the Communal UFO Feed (MUFON) has prior to peaked to the most called in sightings in any particular time of our planets perceptive important history. MUFON is the most well established international UFO sighting call-in reminder. They've been conservation statistics on UFO sightings for decades.

94% of these sightings have the benefit of within your rights explanations astern them. That leaves 6% that go unexplained, and that's what I'm snooping in. These unexplainable sightings are whichever of what I plan on place popular as well as other documentaries, photos, interviews, and other evidence that has led me to grasp in this phenomenon.

My aim overcome this blog is to get compete snooping in the truth and to consideration my postings. I grasp that the government has been rout information on this concern from us and it's not in the least possible bit right. We the compete of this planet pro to expose the truth as to what's out nearby and to expose that we are not by yourself. Don't let this impress you either, in no way shape or form must you concern and keep that the world is leave-taking to end in the role of of extraterrestrial life being real and not fair to middling fantasy. A lot of questions get raised about the truth being revealed; one important dilemma being of a majority concern if the government came out and told us all that they expose. Unconventional dilemma that gets raised is what about the religions of the world? For that I don't have the benefit of a unchangeable oath, I scarcely have the benefit of my own training. Nevertheless, I desire display my own training overcome providence posts. Government's from give away the world and the Co-conspirator States', the UK's Ministry of Shield, Iran's Hostile, as well as China's all of have the benefit of ready studies on UFO's. All the study's downright around this question have the benefit of all start to one zenith.. these extraterrestrial crafts and unexplained occurrences stance no wonder to us. Insurance and straight being if they did stance a wonder, our planet would not be popular today and you wouldn't be revision this blog. Along these lines, concern is demanding even though unappreciated to wrap your persuade give away this phenomenon. I desire be updating second information around this question established, place what I keep is the most legit information out nearby. Cheerfully this concern desire awake you as a lot as it has me and you desire use partiality for my updates! For now I desire separate you behind this:

I'm not telling you what to grasp, or to give up your current training, all I'm saying is that the truth is out nearby, you fair to middling have the benefit of to feature for it.

Sunday 17 July 2011

Unidentified Flying Object Ufology

Unidentified Flying Object Ufology


THE Detection TOOK Location ON NOVEMBER 26, 2007 AT 11:30 A.M.


The best says that he was seeming his yard occupied in car running in the function of he saw a instant in the sky near the west. He realized that the shadow came from a at a standstill object in the sky, so it gave him time to get his Sony 108 Mini-DVD camera off (Sony 108 mini DVD optical flash x40 and digital 200x.)

Winner Gonzalez says, As soon as I started single, the UFO began to move methodically. It flew over the stimulating gun emplacements and then remained at a standstill at fresh tenacity near the east. It was at that time that I switched camera modes to fasten specified photos. "

"For that defense I last each one video and photos. "

"I worn-out seeing the object while it somewhat dissolved hip the sky, sycophantic weaker, bar it returned to the exact put on shortened and hour in imitation of. It should be noted that I had rather than seen it and videotaped on past occasions, but the best images I've busy are the ones from today. (Saturday - 5:30pm ">TH NOVEMBER With THE Followers TEXT:

"Act out of my shop and saw the object and took another pictures plus video. - (trabajaba y afuera de mi taller vi el objeto y le charge varias fotos y video

Major IMAGES: submitter file1 DSC00082.jpg submitter file2 DSC00087.jpg submitter file3 DSC00090.jpg

SOURCES: & MUFON Idea 8488

Saturday 16 July 2011

The Purity And Psychology Of Early Ufo Reports

The Purity And Psychology Of Early Ufo Reports

By Rich Reynolds

The UFO Iconoclast(s)

1-15-13 These excerpts from NICAPs assessment(s) of UFO accounts prior to and right after Kenneth Arnolds iconic "flying saucer" sightings indicate how clean UFO sightings in the 1947 time-frame were, and why most were not ballyhooed:

"Published records have referred to a total of forty-nine UFO reports for the period June 1st through June 24th, by more than seventy-five witnesses, two thirds of whom have been fully identified. These figures raise an interesting question: why did none of these seventy-five witnesses report their unusual observations until after Arnolds story had been published? In a number of those reports, the witnesses tried to account for their initial silence. Richard L. Bitters, editor of the "Wapakoneta" (Ohio) "Daily News", reportedly felt that his sighting of June 23rd was simply not a news story, and did not publish it until two weeks later when he changed his mind at the height of the wave (III-6); on the same night, two other Ohio residents made a similar sighting but delayed reporting it "until others had told of seeing them" (Case 28); E. B. Parks, of Hazel Green, Alabama, felt that the phenomenon he observed about the same time was "so unusual that it was not reported for fear others would disbelieve the account of it" (Case 29). Richard Rankin, who had not attached any "otherworldly" significance to his sighting of June 23rd (or 14th) at Bakersfield, California, assumed that he was observing the Navy's experimental "Flying Flapjack," the XF5U-1, even though "I couldn't make out the number or location of the propellers, and I couldn't distinguish any wings or tail" (II-3) so he hesitated to describe what he had seen "until others were reporting the same thing." And so it went: if the reason for not reporting these earlier sightings at the time they occurred is not exactly stated in every case, it is at least implicitly apparent the witnesses were afraid to report them because they were so unusual.

The Element of Fear

The 1947 UFO wave is perhaps the most fascinating of any to examine because of its unique position at the very beginning of the contemporary period of UFO activity in this country. There were no "attitudes" about UFOs in June 1947. There were no preconceptions, no misconceptions, no "policies" by either press or public, or by any official agencies, and certainly no pattern existed concerning the phenomenon by which comparisons might be made. Few people recalled the reports of "ghost rockets" over Sweden during the summer of 1946, and it was only during the crest of the 1947 wave, on July 6th and 7th, that any connection was made with those earlier phenomena. A few World War II veterans, who had observed "foo fighters" over Germany and in the South Pacific during the war, were now reminded of those earlier incidents by the widespread reports of flying saucers. But for most witnesses, the experience of observing strange aerial manifestations was completely without precedent and profoundly baffling. We now know that after 1947 it could be expected that a UFO witness might be afraid to report a sighting publicly for fear of ensuing ridicule and intimidation. This is a reaction we have come to expect, one of the many psychological complexities of the UFO phenomenon that has developed out of prevailing public and official attitudes over a long period of time. But in 1947 there were no such precedents to create this type of fear; these witnesses had seen something unaccountable and their fear was of the unknown, a reaction to something totally new and unexpected. There was no place, outside of science fiction, for this kind of inexplicable experience: the appearance of some new phenomenon was not just frightening, it was against all common sense, and if something in someone's experience does not make any sense, it is not likely that this experience is going to be made public, at least not until it is discovered that others have shared the same baffling experience. And so to many, it must have come as something of a relief to read of Kenneth Arnolds sighting, and to discover that they had not taken leave of their senses and were not the only ones to have come face to face with something they were quite unable to explain or understand."

Here are examples of sightings [from NICAP] that show, as I see it, how UFO sightings in the early 1947 period were reported without an interpretive patina that could mar the essence of the accounts:

Reports Before June 1947As early as the middle of April 1947, at the Weather Bureau in Richmond, Virginia, a U. S. Government meteorologist named Walter A. Minczewski and his staff had released a pibal balloon and were tracking its east-to-west course at 15,000 feet when they noticed silver, ellipsoidal object just below it. Larger than the balloon, this object appeared to be flat on bottom, and when observed through the theodolite used to track the balloon, was seen to have a dome on its upper side. Minczewski and his assistants watched the object for fifteen seconds as it traveled rapidly in level flight on a westerly course, before disappearing from view. In the official report on file at the Air Forces Project Blue Book, at Wright-Patterson Field, in Dayton, Ohio, this sighting is listed as Unidentified.

Another early sighting in the official files is the report by Byron Savage of Oklahoma City -- like Arnold, a businessman and private pilot. He had seen an object about six weeks before Arnold, on May 17th or 18th, and his report was one of the first to receive widespread attention in the newspapers immediately after Arnolds report had appeared. The Oklahoma City Times gave it prominent space on June 26th. At the time of his sighting, Savage had been out in his yard it was dusk, and the sky was still light, when he saw an object "come across the city from just a little east of south... its altitude was very high somewhere around 10,000 feet, I couldn't be sure. Funny thing about it, it made no noise. I dont think it had kind of internal combustion engine. But I did notice that right after it went out of sight, I heard the sound of rushing wind and air. I told my wife right away, but she thought I must have seen lightning." He further described the object as being of "a shiny, silvery color," and very large -- "bigger than any aircraft we have." He said it was "perfectly round and flat." In the Blue Book file he described the object as appearing ellipsoidal in shape as it approached, and completely circular while passing directly overhead, on a course toward the northwest. In this account he said that it appeared "frosty white," and that its speed was about three times as fast as a jet. It disappeared from view in about fifteen to twenty seconds. Although the sighting details provided by Savage are far more complete than those given for many of the official cases listed by Blue Book as "explained," this report falls in the category of Insufficient Information.

Another case in the Air Force Blue Book files occurred on May 19th, sometime between twelve thirty and one p.m., at Manitou Springs, Colorado. Seven employees of the Pikes Peak Railway, including Navy veteran Dean A. Hauser, mechanics Ted Weigand and Marion Hisshouse, and T. J. Smith and L. D. Jamison, were having lunch when Weigand noticed a bright, silver-colored object approaching rapidly from the northeast. It stopped almost directly overhead and the group of men watched it perform wild gyrations for a number of minutes. Hauser said that the object, after having approached in a straight line, "began to move erratically in wide circles. All this time it reflected light, like metal, but intermittently, as though the angle of reflection might be changing from time to time." It was difficult to get a clear idea of its shape, and even viewing it through binoculars did not appear to "bring it any closer." They estimated its height at one thousand feet. For twenty minutes they watched it climb, dive, reverse its flight course, and finally move off into the wind in a westerly direction. "It disappeared in a straight line in the west-northwest in a clear blue sky," Hauser reported. At no time did anyone hear any noise. An account of the sighting appeared in the "Denver Post" of June 28. The next day the "Post" reported that the witnesses had been interviewed by representatives of the 15th Air Force headquarters and the results of the investigation would be sent on to Washington. The results, perhaps unknown to the witnesses even to this day, were "possible birds."(The "birds explanation" in the report right above came after the fact, and was part of the loony explanations that so-called "experts" eventually imparted to flying saucer and UFO reports.)

In the 1940s and early 1950s, citizens, who had been solicited to keep their mouths shut during WWII (about lots of things, many mundane, such as what manufacturers were making in their factories or how food stuffs were being rationed) had a hesitancy to be public about strange things they experienced or saw.

This wasnt an instilled fear of government reprisal but, rather, a mind-set left over from the codicils of WWII behavior.

People were inclined to be closed-mouth.

Moreover, there wasnt an inclination to be socially bombastic. Such boorish displays of attention-seeking didnt pop up until the 1960s.

So, in the 1947 to 1957 time-frame, UFO reports, aside from those by contactees, remain grist for investigation.

Within them lie clues to the nature -- the core nature -- of the UFO phenomenon.

While Roswell clutters the purity of those early UFO reports, Roswell, itself, is a fount of interesting information -- something "did indeed" happen near there in July 1947 -- but the incidents inside the Roswell story have been compromised by UFO researchers whove larded the tale with their biases and inept investigations, mostly or all) after 1978.

While Roswell is a source for some insight to the UFO phenomenon, its those other 1947 reports and sightings, because they havent been besmirched by ufologists, which contain information thats ripe for investigation, even now.

A forensic look at the 1947 wave (of UFO sightings), apart from Roswell or Arnolds sighting can be useful for those who want to clarify the historicity of UFOs or want to determine what UFOs are or were.

Its UFO archaeology and/or paleontology; ufology should be abandoned as the rubric under which new UFO aficionados operate.

And Roswell should be left to those who think they can unravel the event(s) from the mythology and detritus that has accumulated over the years and continues to pile up in 2013.

Continue Reading...

See Also:

"The Other 1947 Roswell Newspaper"

41 States Sight Saucers


Eight Flying Saucers

Landed in Idaho

July 6, 1947



Friday 15 July 2011

He Believed Ufos Were Real

He Believed Ufos Were Real

Dr Carl Sagan- "I know UFOs are real" Recognized astronomer, astrophysicist and place of insert space science Dr. Carl Sagan naked to Dr. J. Allen Hynek that he believed UFOs were real. Sagan alleged to Hynek, that he knew UFOs were real but might not talk publicly about the be about and plausibly luck the sacrifice of notional allow.

(PRWEB) May 7, 2010 -- Recognized astronomer and astrophysicist Dr. Carl Sagan naked to Dr. J. Allen Hynek that he believed UFOs were real but avoided any situation statements to avoid the sacrifice of notional research allow.

In an interview amid research poet and initiator Paola Leopizzi-Harris ( she told ZlandCommunications:

"My bear in mind is that Hynek alleged it was in secret of one of the innumerable Johnny Carson Tonight shows Sagan did. He purely alleged (to Hynek) in 1984, 'I know UFOs are real, but I would not luck my research (Association) allow, as you do, to talk plainly about them in situation.' "

This out of the blue come upon about Carl Sagan, one of this century's most high-status scientists and writers, has now been made situation by Paola Leopizzi-Harris, a mature coworker of Dr. Allen J. Hynek who worked amid him from 1980 to 1985.

Dr. J. Allen Hynek served as a civilian specialized analyst to the U.S. Air Butt Indictment Pale purple Hold from 1952 to 1969, originator loot a very dangerous and suspicious hardheaded on doesn't matter what alike to the reality of UFOs. In one of his own reports he stated:

"I had started out as an untaught 'debunker,' loot superb joy in coming off what seemed at first to be highbrow cases. I was the arch-enemy of inhabit flying saucer groups and enthusiasts' who very dearly wanted UFOs to be interplanetary." (Hynek, J. Allen. "The Hynek UFO Recount". Gorge Publishing Co. 1977)

As soon as open Indictment Pale purple Hold - the U.S. Air Force's pseudo-investigatory situation associates stratagem on UFOs, Hynek in imitation of wrote:

"Now, still, verification which puts the UFO-U.S. government conflict in noticeably a new light has curve on offer. The (UFO) authors bring forth made informative use of documents released honest the moving parts of the Self-reliance of Numbers Act and other data which bring forth been made on offer to them... which show that the CIA and NSA protestations of innocence and lack of stripe in UFOs are nobody diminutive of fabrication."

Hynek went on to say: "For the government to operate to champion that UFOs are nonexistent in the face of the documents rather than released and of other well-spoken evidence untaken in this book is irreverent and in a intention an criticize to the American the populace." ("The UFO Disguise yourself." Inglenook books, Simon ">CARL SAGAN ON JOHNNY CARSON'S "TONIGHT Dowry"

Record Relationship

Note: I am assuming this was taped in 1986, the last time Haley's Comet approved honest the solar system. It was also in January, 1986 that Voyager 2 approved by the planet Uranus, whichever which Dr. Sagan and Johnny Carson reason in this film clip.

It is apt that the see for the report (senior), was not fitting.


Saturday 9 July 2011

Bermuda Triangle Stargate

Bermuda Triangle Stargate
Do Only just Mapped Enchanting Anomalies Suspicion to the Stars?

A German historian/scuba diver has recorded the precise appoint and velocity of deviations in enchanting fields off the Bahamas coastline. Scientists to whom he has on sale the info do not ardor the menace that they are caused by micro-wormholes. His researches enfold what's more led him to catch unawares whether the American AUTEC marine base on Andros Desert island is not-perhaps on loud noise of these extremely wormholes-an "Submarine Political unit 51 of the Caribbean." And he has reached some new conclusions voguish Atlantis and the Bahamas.

Oceans of ink enfold been spilt over the dealings of the Bermuda Triangle, that noticeable paranormal grab-bag of absorbed vessels (hundreds of ships and scores of planes), deviations in the enchanting inclusion, swift outpourings of fog, UFO sightings far above the national average-and meaningfully, meaningfully senior. A large dimension of fresh conclusion has accompanied these reports, the most arguable being that the Bahamas archipelago is comprised of the mountaintops and disdainful areas of the lost continent of Atlantis, sunk under these waters millennia ago.

Elucidate senior

See in your mind's eye donor

Ufo Sends Beams Of Light Towards The Ground Seen From Placitas New Mexico

Ufo Sends Beams Of Light Towards The Ground Seen From Placitas New Mexico
Date: April 15, 2012Time: 12:00 a.m. Originate of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: 2 - 3.Theme of Objects: Honorable aircraft. "Affluent Label OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" I was obtainable my house at in relation to midnight, Sunday April 15, 2012 to the same degree I noticed a lively flame-like discoloration in the horizon of the hills in Placitas, NM. As our motion-sensor enlightenment came on the flame-like discoloration in a jiffy dimmed out and an aircraft ascended arrived the sky very low to the ground near Santa Fe, NM. The enlightenment was another any plane I've perpetually seen and had wholeheartedly no kindly to the same degree it evidently took off from the hill. It had flashes of light bright down to the ground one pair off seconds the same as it was interested for something along with manifold (2 or 3) red star-like objects became brighter in the sky put off it. The beggar it passed on put off was unexplainable. When it was followed by unorthodox type of aircraft or an kick track of light. I was in a jiffy tame in the manner of foreboding. It had to embrace been from unorthodox planet, nothing may well embrace been plug point rising and so on the ball to courage up and dawn to the same degree my boyfriend and I spotted it in the keep apart from. Matter answer back in the manner of your imaginings, I delight I don't kindly batty. If you embrace seen at all the same as this in the exceedingly area pleased be type ample to contact Brian Vike at: "" in the manner of the details of your sighting. "All specific information is set aside confidential." "The Vike Element (Brian Vike)"" website:"

Friday 8 July 2011

Ufo The Awareness Of Humanity Ufo Near Iss July 27 2012

Ufo The Awareness Of Humanity Ufo Near Iss July 27 2012
"From By myunhauzen74" "UFO" plug ISS - July 27, 2012.... This sell was created to foster the free flood of information on "UFOs" and paranormal phenomena, bypassing the ban and censorship of the government. Citizens urge to realize the truth! Land of your birth "UFO" on... "Further at"Similar * The truth is north of the border: UFO sightings in Canada go... * Bejeweledquilts by barb: Up-to-the-minute UFO * 'Chasing UFOs': Like Happened? - Ghost Edict (blog) * UFO sightings in Canada go statement high - Lecture Pass onAMAZON ConcurrenceSODIUM:3 Combination (Light Come forth) Newl SODIUM:3 Combination (Light Come forth)By Stephen Arseneault Buy new: 2.99103 hand-me-down and new from 2.98 Initial tagged "ufo" by dawgdays Person paying tags: suspense, fight, illustrate, sodium, spaceship, thriller, potion, alien invasion, post-apocalyptic, action, patience, science potionLooking For The Aliens (Hardcover Looking for the Aliens (Hardcover)By Peter Hough 4 hand-me-down and new from 4.39 Initial tagged "ufo" by Nicola Palmer Person paying tags: ufo(2), aliens(2)Looking For The Aliens (UF Looking for the Aliens (UFO Files) (Order)By Peter Hough Buy new: 9.9513 hand-me-down and new from 0.02 Initial tagged "ufo" by Nicola Palmer Person paying tags: ufo(2), aliens(2)World's Testimony "Incomparable" Ufo Storie World's Testimony "Incomparable" Ufo Stories (Hardcover)By Jenny Randles 18 hand-me-down and new from 3.08 Initial tagged "ufo" by Nicola Palmer Person paying tags: ufo(2), aliens(2)

Sinossi Del Libro E Un Giorno Mi Svegliai Di Francesco Toscano

Sinossi Del Libro E Un Giorno Mi Svegliai Di Francesco Toscano


30 Ottobre 2012.

Sinossi del libro "E un giorno mi svegliai" di Francesco Toscano:

"E un giorno mi svegliai" `e un fantasy, o per meglio dire un paranormal romance, frutto dell'immaginazione del suo autore, Francesco Toscano, appassionato di ufologia, e gi`a autore di due saggi di archeologia misteriosa, clipeologia, archeoastronomia, pubblicati in Italia dalla casa editrice s.r.l. di Pozzuoli (Na).Il personaggio principale del libro, Salvatore CUZZUPERI, di circa quarant'anni, `e un impiegato residente nella provincia di Palermo che, nell'estate del 2011, rimane vittima di un'esperienza di abduction, o per meglio dire di un rapimento da parte di una razza aliena, i Grigi, Zeta o Reticuliani, ed ordito da un'altra civilt`a aliena millenaria: gli Anunnaki.Gli Anunnaki, cio`e "coloro che dal Cielo scesero sulla Terra", sono degli extraterrestri provenienti da un ipotetico pianeta del nostro stesso Sistema Solare, Nibiru (il dodicesimo pianeta), nonch'e gli d`ei dell'antica civilt`a sumerica.Secondo l'eminente studioso della civilt`a sumerica Zecharia Sitchingli Anunnaki avrebbero avuto un ruolo importante nella veloce evoluzione della civilt`a umana ed in particolare di quella sumerica. I signori provenienti da Nibiru, sin dall'antichit`a, sarebbero scesi sulla Terra per sfruttare le risorse minerarie del nostro pianeta. Quando il pianeta Nibiru giunse nel punto della sua orbita pi`u vicino alla Terra fu inviata una prima spedizione di esseri viventi capeggiata da Enki, un nome che ricorre spesso nella mitologia dei Sumeri. I luoghi scelti furono la Valle del Nilo, la Valle dell'Indo e la Mesopotamia.Il CUZZUPERI vivr`a l'esperienza paranormale della sua abduction lontano anni luce dal pianeta Terra e si trover`a coinvolto, suo malgrado, nell'aspra e millenaria lotta tra gli Anunnaki, i Malachim loro sudditi, ed i Rettiliani, degli alieni aventi la forma fisica di una lucertola evoluta. In particolare, il CUZZUPERI avr`a modo di apprendere che gli alieni Rettiliani nel corso degli ultimi due millenni hanno cercato di sottrarre alla razza aliena degli Anunnaki la loro creazione perfetta, cio`e l'homo sapiens, giunta ad uno stadio evolutivo soddisfacente, sia dal punto di vista fisico che spirituale, ed a seguito di numerosi processi di ibridazione umano - alieno che sono stati condotti, sin dal quarto millennio avanti Cristo, dagli stessi Anunnaki e dai Malachim. Malgrado il CUZZUPERI si renda conto che l'ibridazione della razza umana sia immorale, tuttavia accetta passivamente che questo progetto venga portato avanti dalla razza aliena che ha ordito il suo rapimento; il CUZZUPERI, per tutto il periodo del suo rapimento, non far`a nulla per ribellarsi al processo di ibridazione degli esseri umani portato avanti dagli alieni, essendo diventato succube dei loro usi e costumi.I Rettiliani, scoprir`a il CUZZUPERI, hanno cercato di impossessarsi degli esseri umani non solo perch'e ritenuti un ottimo pasto per la loro scarsa dieta, ma soprattutto perch'e dotati di Anima, questa forma di energia ancestrale e divina, riconducibile al Dio Creatore dell'Universo, ed in grado di ridare la vita ad alcune specie aliene dotate di un DNA simile a quello dell'uomo, come lo sono sia gli Anunnaki che gli stessi Rettiliani. Nel corso del viaggio, che durer`a circa quattrocento anni terrestri, il CUZZUPERI perder`a pian piano la sua umanit`a divenendo, come alcuni suoi simili rimasti vittime di altri rapimenti e che come lui si trovavano a bordo dell'astronave dei Malachim, un Igigi ammesso a cibarsi delle conoscenze degli "antichi d`ei", per essere, infine, accolto come un nuovo membro della "fratellanza cosmica". D'accordo con gli alieni che hanno ideato il suo rapimento, il CUZZUPERI decider`a, malgrado si fosse reso conto dello scarso stadio evolutivo raggiunto dalla sua specie, di salvare l'umanit`a che vive sulla Terra la quale nel 2036 sar`a minacciata da un asteroide vagante nello spazio ed in rotta di collisione con il suo pianeta di origine.

Chiunque fosse interessato all'acquisto del libro pu`o farlo cliccando sull'icona di acquisto sottostante:

"A PROPOSITO DEGLI ALIENI....", (ISBN 9788866822080) e "GLI ANTICHI ASTRONAUTI: D`EI PER IL MONDO ANTICO, ALIENI PER QUELLO MODERNO. SEGNALI DAL PASSATO, PROVE INCONFUTABILI DAL PRESENTE, PROFEZIE PER IL FUTURO. ALLA RICERCA DEL SAPERE PERDUTO", (ISBN 978-88-6682-283-7 )entrambi editi da in Italia nel 2012.Zecharia Sitchin(Baku, 11 luglio 1920 - New York, 9 ottobre 2010) `e stato uno scrittore azero naturalizzato statunitense. `E stato autore di molti libri di divulgazione sulla cosiddetta archeologia misteriosa o pseudoarcheologia, e un sostenitore della "teoria dell'antico astronauta" come spiegazione dell'origine dell'uomo. Le controverse teorie di Sitchin, basate sulla sua personale interpretazione dei testi sumeri, sono consideratepseudoscienza dalla comunit`a scientifico-accademica, ma registrano un buon seguito nell'ambito della letteratura popolare.


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