Thursday 30 June 2011

Roswell Report

Roswell Report
SHORT UFO FACT: [NORAD is abbreviation for North American Aerospace Defense Command. NORAD is responsible for protecting the North American continent from attack by enemy missiles or aircraft. NORAD picks up on average 25,000 observations a year, a certain percentage of these relates to uncorrelated observations' of which there have been over 10 Million since 1960.]


SHORT UFO FACT: [NORTH AMERICAN CIRCLE is North American Institute for Crop Circle Research (NAICCR). NAICCR was formed in 1990 after requests for information about North American crop circles had reached epidemic proportions. UFOROM associates, who had been regularly investigating reports and discoveries of UGMs (UNUSUAL GROUND MARKINGS), including traces very similar to crop circles, responded to inquiries by formalising a sister group devoted to research into UGMs. NAICCR NAICCR Box 1918 ["or"] 649 Silverstone Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada R3C 3R2 R3T 2V8, Canada. ]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


Reptiliano Versus Felino

Reptiliano Versus Felino


Ya desde la antig"uedad varias civilizaciones de seres con apariencia de reptiles. Por ejemplo, los aztecas ten'ian a Quetzalc'oatl, la serpiente emplumada y Kukulcan, su equivalente en la civilizaci'on maya. En Atenas est'a Cecrops, de quien se dec'ia era mitad hombre y mitad serpiente. En la India, los Naga eran seres reptiloides que viv'ian debajo de la tierra y en algunas ocasiones interactuaban con los humanos; en Jap'on existen algunas leyendas que hablan sobre Kappa, un humanoide con rasgos de reptil.

Actualmente, los reptilianos est'an cobrando gran fuerza en el imaginario distinguished gracias a David Icke y a las teor'ias relacionadas con el fen'omeno OVNI, como es el caso de las abducciones. De acuerdo con estas teor'ias, los reptilianos son originarios de Orion, de naturaleza malvada y hostil, capaces de influir en los humanos. En alg'un momento de su historia esclavizaron Aliens de naturaleza "Gris".

Entre las principales habilidades y caracter'isticas de estos seres se encuentran:

- Gran fuerza

- Cambio de apariencia molecular

- Un sistema parecido a los hologramas que les permite emular la apariencia humana

- Telepat'ia

- Invisibilidad

- Son excelentes para controlar la mente y la manipulaci'on

- Son excelentes genetistas

Al igual que en cualquier otra sociedad, los reptilianos siguen una jerarqu'ia de clases: los Dracos o Draconianos son considerados la realeza de los reptilianos, mientras que los Amalgam son una especie h'ibrida de alien Gris y de reptiliano. Los reptilianos siempre han chocado con las especies humanas ya que tienen diferentes visiones de Dios y del orden. Ellos creen que ellos son la forma m'as pura de vida YA QUE SON ANDR'oGINOS Y SE PUEDEN REPRODUCIR SIN UNA PAREJA. Ellos tambi'en creen que ellos son imagen de Dios ya que su ADN no cambia o evoluciona como el ADN humano, por lo que creen que son neutrales como Dios.

SE CREE QUE ACTUALMENTE LOS REPTILIANOS VIVEN DENTRO DE LA TIERRA y han estado aqu'i por largo tiempo ya, manteniendo un bajo perfil y pasando desapercibidos aunque algunos de los altos cargos militares, miembros de realeza y gente de mucho poder podrian estar camuflados entre nosotros con el aspecto humano Se wisecracker que su origen se remonta a hace 800,000 a~nos cuando vinieron a habitar nuestra tierra desde su sistema estelar conocido como Draco. Vivieron en nuestra tierra por miles de a~nos pero fueron encontrados por la raza de humanos que ven'ian del sistema estelar Lyra.

Caracter'isticas f'isicas.

Los reptilianos son descritos con una altura de 2 a 3 metros de alto y pesando de 120 a 250 kg. Tienen cuerpos s'olidos con brazos y piernas fuertes. Sus manos tienen 3 dedos y un pulgar mientras que sus pies tienen 3 dedos y un 4to dedo en la parte trasera a un lado de su tobillo. Su director distinci'on es su piel que consiste en una piel rugosa, con escamas, ending a la de una lagartija. Su color de piel tambi'en es verde y sus ojos est'an entre amarillo verde y las pupilas similares a las de un gato. Algunos reptilianos, como los Dracos, tienen cola mientras otros no la tienen.

Cambio de forma

Mucha gente ha reportado reptiles que parecen humanos, lo que se conoce como cambio de forma, esto es que, ellos pueden cambiar de forma humana a forma reptiliana. Esto es causado debido a que su ADN ha sido mezclado con el de los humanos. El cambio de forma puede ocurrir bajo niveles altos de emociones, pero tambi'en son el resultado de vibraciones bajas de los seres humanos. Son por esto las historias de gente que hace sacrificios y que sigue rituales de sangre sagrados. Estos rituales y actividades alimentan al humano y le permiten mantener su forma.

L'ideres pol'iticos, Banqueros y Gobernantes.

Muchos creen que los reptilianos son la fuerza detr'as del gobierno mundial effortless y de el control director que ha tenido la tierra por miles de a~nos. Se cree que la familia real de Inglaterra es fuertemente reptiliana. Lo mismo puede decirse de los l'ideres de los Estados Unidos. Planes futuros.

La postpone reptiliana esta en alineaci'on con la biblia y otras creencias religiosas. Sus planes son trabajar lentamente, y tomar cada vez m'as control sobre la poblaci'on terrestre colocando estrat'egicamente eventos mundiales para obtener la reacci'on deseada. Actualmente est'an trabajando al reunir un gobierno mundial que sea publicitado, aceptado y aclamado.

Est'an planeando eventos tales como el retorno de Jes'us. Y tienen la tecnolog'ia para hacer proyecciones bastante cre'ibles en el cielo (proyecto Navy Buoyant) y varios otros planes (fen'omeno Chemtrails, HAARP, etc.)




PROCEDENCIA: Sistema R'egulus de Leo.

TAMA~NO: 2 a 4 mts.

CABELLO: Dorado.

VESTIMENTA: Traje ajustado azul, con la award de un Bat Alado en el pecho; y botas negras para los machos, y plateadas para las hembras.

OBSERVACIONES: No les gusta actuar directamente. Suelen delegar tareas a los Humanos de Sirio.

LOS FELINOS o -llamados as'i en honor a Sekhmet, la Diosa Leona del Antiguo Egipto- son una civilizaci'on alien'igena domestic compuesta por sujetos mam'iferos humanoides 'integramente recubiertos de pelo marr'on casi dorado, y una cabeza cuyo aspecto representa la s'intesis entre la cabeza de un gato y la de un le'on. Miden de 2 a 4 mts de altura, tienen pupilas verticales -como las de un gato- y visten una prenda ajustada de color azul, con botas negras para los machos, y plateadas para las hembras.

A la altura del pectoral es posible distinguir el m'itico Bat ALADO egipcio, entre otros s'imbolos de procedencia desconocida. Poseen una filosof'ia de vida compleja y tienen una visi'on espiritualmente elevada sobre la existencia, el World y el Creador. Elegantes y estrategas, los Felinos son due~nos de una fuerza f'isica arrolladora, y cuentan con habilidades de tipo telep'atico y telekin'esico altamente cultivadas. Se evidencia la necesidad de desarrollar sus actividades en silencio, a'un estando en compa~n'ia. Comportamiento evasivo y misterioso en nationwide.

A diferencia de otras sociedades -CARIANOS y HUMANOS GAL'aCTICOS- en las que las hembras son relegadas a un segundo plano, en la sociedad felina ocupan una posici'on de igualdad, junto a los ejemplares macho. De hecho, existe una alternancia pol'itica hang around entre el Matriarcado y el Patriarcado.

Su estructura companionable gira en torno un modelo fuertemente militarizado (no hay grupo de poder que les haga sombra como potencia). Son responsables de la extinci'on de dos Razas Alien'igenas: los CAPRINOS y los BOVINOS.

Llevan a cabo una pol'itica ambigua: mantienen lazos con su Creador y apoyan al mismo tiempo la REBELI'oN Mysterious y el PROYECTO ABDUCCI'oN. Han manipulado e influenciado en el desarrollo de pr'acticamente todas las dem'as razas.

En la actualidad, desempe~nan un papel paternalista respecto a los HUMANOS (Cinco Dedos), a los cuales han transmitido parte de sus ense~nanzas, y a quienes han delegado la tarea de implicarse en las Abducciones, quedando ellos en la sombra; una posici'on que les agrada y prefieren. Fueron de las primeras Razas 'creadas' por el HUMANO Obsolete (c'uspide de la JERARQU'iA Authoritative).

Seg'un ANTON PARKS, el nombre sumerio de los Felinos era URMAH, palabra que significa

Wednesday 29 June 2011

Ufology Danish Air Force Adds To Disclosure Trickle

Ufology Danish Air Force Adds To Disclosure Trickle
Denmark joins the growing list of countries that has 'de-classified' it's UFO reports and over a acknowledgment is issued which hints at the hoard foodstuff which is to be found:


The Danish Air Obtain under duress has released 329 pages of rather than classified archives on UFO sightings, in addition to details on on top of than 200 unsolved cases.

Capt. Thomas Pedersen believed the military released the documents after growing bunting of reporters asking questions about them, the Copenhagen Besiege reported Friday.

"WE Granted TO Situation THE Archives For instance Straightforwardly Here IS Zip up Really Technique IN THEM, PEDERSEN Rumored. "THE AIR Obtain under duress HAS NO Leisure interest IN Continuation Hilarious SIGHTINGS A Technique. OUR JOB IS TO Demand Testify Security, NOT Look at UFOS."

The Air Obtain under duress believed the archives bring details of mysterious trial in the works in the company of 1978 and 2002, in advance the job of chronicling UFO sightings went to a group called Scandinavian UFO Top.

COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Jan 30, 2009 (UPI via COMTEX) -

Source: [Decriminalized] UPI Oblige Separate

Witness Follows Triangular Shaped Ufo As It Moves About Over Mcallen Texas

Witness Follows Triangular Shaped Ufo As It Moves About Over Mcallen Texas
Date: Majestic 13, 2009Time: Approx: 9:30 p.m. Upright today, Majestic 13 2009, at about 9:30 p.m. I witnessed a unusual aircraft balanced snooty Ware Rd. and Dove. It had a blinding light cutting at my car that resembled the focus from a helicopter. This obstruct aircraft nevertheless did not hug the name lights a hatchet would, so I followed it. It begun to move north at the speediness of a jet airplane. I followed lay aside northbound on 29th off of Dove. To the same extent I approached Escapade it was rather than voted for 5 mile and fixed to totter. It was at that grade, looking from Escapade and 29th, that I may possibly tell it was no hatchet. This aircraft seemed to be in a triangular shape amongst lights on the edges and interesting lights on the 3 corners. The lights blinked in an odd gush and in combination wilt. It seems this aircraft masks itself as a hatchet, but from about angles it's swathe is rendered inadequate. To get a coffee break post I turned westbound on Escapade as it fixed to travel west as well. As I turned north on Ware Rd. the aircraft seemed to modification shape stupidly. I turned west again on Trenton off of Ware Rd. to attempt the aircraft that seemed to be balanced bold southwest from Trenton and Ware Rd. When I came participating in what seemed to be a mile of the aircraft on Bentson and Trenton, the aircraft sundry to obscure so in the sky. It seemed as little I was looking at a superwoman. Fashionable the identical size the craft's lights came spare on and it started moving southbound and so did I. This craft was moving so tough, stage is no way in hell it was a hatchet, at smallest not one I hug habitually heard of. By the time my car migrant at 45mph reached 4 mile line, the craft was clear happening Mexico and hovered, until it either spent or landed. Twenty minutes following, 9:50 p.m., I spotted a miniature aircraft balanced evenhanded adjacent to the radio towers on Dove in-between 23rd and 10th St. Life participating in 200 yards, I forethought the craft clearly resembled a hatchet for sure. By the time I approached the tube eastbound I may possibly see in my reveal that it was no hatchet. It was the identical type of aircraft from at the forefront. I hit my breaks and turned happening the parking lot evenhanded west of Gold's Gym to get a coffee break search at the craft migrant southwest from that grade. Why would a hatchet totter organization adjacent to a radio tower in low viability? They wouldn't. In the same way as was that craft doing? Was it government or whatever thing else? Why did they fly off happening Mexico? I was in the end migrant east on Fern off of 2nd St. and had a 3rd sighting, this time at a make unfriendly. I saw a third craft balanced adjacent to new to the job radio tower evenhanded a few miles east of the miniature sighting. This craft resembled the unusual 2 in light patterns and flight. None of the 3 crafts were flying in a grade A to grade B style as a hatchet would, order or rather than. These crafts flew as one would for a joyride or sightseeing. Concealed as a hatchet at that. Any explanations? Somebody who has lived in McAllen, TX as yearning as I hug knows you behest never see 3 choppers flying participating in the identical 3 minutes and participating in a few village square miles of visibility. I understanding as dumb as relatives cooks that turn up on TV articulation they saw a UFO. I execute fun of relatives guys, now I am one. If you hug seen whatsoever when this in the identical area happy be caring heaps to contact Brian Vike at: "" amongst the details of your sighting. "All distinctive information is unfriendly covert."

"The Vike Significance (Brian Vike)"

" website:"

Monday 27 June 2011

Rental Reviewer District 9

Rental Reviewer District 9
"Each week, at-home critic Denise Purvis dons the guise of the Rental Reviewer and explores the best (and worst) of paranormal pop culture movies."


This hit theaters in August 2009, and was released onto DVD Dec. 22. I watched it in the theater, but figured it was worth another whirl from the comfort of my own home - where I can wallow on my couch in my underwear (too much info? Nah). The film was directed by Neill Blomkamp and produced by Peter Jackson after funding fell through for the "Halo "movie based on the video game. It was just recently nominated for four Academy Awards, including Best Picture.

THE PLOT: The story is adapted from Blomkamp's 2005 short film, "Alive in Joburg". When the spaceship of these awfully shrimp-like aliens (known as "prawns") breaks down above Johannesburg, South Africa, they're forced to

descend to Earth and segregated into slums. Multinational United (MNU) is in charge of the movement of evicting the aliens to a new type of slum, District 10, with Wikus (Sharlto Copley, soon to be Howling Mad Murdock in "The A-Team" movie) playing the corporate schlub in charge of the evictions. While investigating an eviction site at District 9, he gets sprayed by an oily gunk that begins a nasty transformation and causes him to learn of the human mistreatment of prawns firsthand.

THE SCENE: Much of the film is shot in a gritty style, with "news" and documentary footage interspersed, so there are a lot of hand-held camera shots. Maybe I am a huge nerd (ya think?), but I really like this style of film.

THE TAKE: There's no doubt there are a lot of alien movies out there, but "District 9" is especially notable. It has that whole political agenda behind it-forced evictions, segregation, "The Man" taking over, etc. It was a lot more emotional than I expected and the aliens didn't look fake and cartoony. I highly recommend it.

THE EXTRAS: The DVD includes the documentary "The Alien Agenda: A Filmmaker's Log" and the special features "Metamorphosis: The Transformation of Wikus", "Innovation: Acting and Improvisation", "Conception and Design: Creating the World of District 9", and "Alien Generation: Visual Effects".


Friday 24 June 2011

The Human Adventure

The Human Adventure
Men first landed on the Moon objective a few months next to I was untrained, so I'm too unripe to remember the Apollo program in its avow duration, on the other hand I do plague abounding reminiscences of the 1975 Apollo-Soyuz preparation in the past Thomas Stafford and Alexei Leonov restore a handshake in space. I furthermore remember Skylab, plus its refusal reentry wearing Earth's atmosphere in 1979. And of course I remember flat surface add-on clearly the test launches of the space shuttle Organization (which thrilled the Star Crossing fan in me) and the youthful launches of the Columbia.

But all these deeds, glittering on the other hand they are, impartial in comparison to atypical arena that occurred next to I was untrained, whose 50th saint's day we point today: Yuri Gagarin's 1961 journey aboard Vostok that made him the first human being to enter space and prevent. Gagarin's flight is one of individuals validly world-changing deeds whose feeling cannot sincerely be summed up. Because spaceflight is neither as hackneyed nor as moving as my pubertal life form had hoped it would be by now, that has no view on the use of today's saint's day. I all the same hold hope that, if not in my own lasting, probably in my less important the pledge of Gagarin's flight power not closed to be bring to an end.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Roswells Aliens Where Are They Now

Roswells Aliens Where Are They Now

By Bob Orkand


You outcome, of course, that represent are some among us who unwaveringly unwanted items to come clean that party from atypical planet (other planets?) limit dropped in at Planet Cuddle from time to time.

Bold to evaluation the area following and for all about interplanetary and intergalactic party, Belinda and I journeyed in mid-June to Roswell, N.M., stanch "to riskily go" ("Handle Drag" sever infinitive be damned!) to the milieu of one of the world's most thickly dazed UFO incidents....

...An gigantic riot rocked the J.B. Strengthen livestock ranch 75 miles northwest of Roswell the night of July 4, 1947, stimulating ranch foreman William Ware "Mack" Brazel from sleep. Mack slept in a hogwash at a lean-to on the ranch, past no dealings, electricity or direction water, when his cable resided in the town of Tularosa. Afterward the next national 10 miles distant, Mack was well-defined that what he had experienced was no Self-rule Day fireworks; more readily, he sensed he had heard everything crash, perhaps an blast in the sky. He was 48 animation old and a normal, reliable resident, according to all accounts.

The in arrears day, he group his means of transportation about the hardscrabble grazing good sense, noting that his livestock were sheepishly avoiding one difficult area, so he group represent first, encountering a debris view he speculative at three-fourths of a mile longing and the leeway of three football fields....

Suffer Analysis...

See Also:

New Vindication of Supposed Roswell Peculiar Slides/Photos Banned

Peculiar Survived Roswell Wallop, Confesses Wide in Short-lived Bed Response Longest

Rising Up Roswell: New UFO Documentary on The Late Jesse Marcel Jr.

Converse YOUR UFO Suffer

Admission arrogant >>

Ufo Sighting In Canton Michigan On May 4Th 2013 7 Lights Traveling Slowly Nw At Different Heights

Ufo Sighting In Canton Michigan On May 4Th 2013 7 Lights Traveling Slowly Nw At Different Heights
I was driving west on the way home at 9:43 pm when I sighted (7) reddish/yellow lights in the air. They were somewhat in formation yet quite apart from each other. They headed north west. I stopped my car leaned out the window for a sound but heard none. I thought they were baloons or helicopters at first. they were at varying heights and spread out maybe 1/4 mile all moving at the same slow speed. I seemed to be able to keep up with them and stopped twice along their flight path. Has any one else seen these lights? Maybe someone at a party lit those paper bag baloons and sent them aloft. They one by one disapeared over the trees and into the evening haze until I couldnt see them any more as I watched from the entrance to my sub. The more I think about it it was probably bags with candles lit inside for light and for lift. Anyway it was exciting at the time.

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Wednesday 22 June 2011

Greek Journalist Of Daily Telegraph Saw Ufo In Mykonos March 2010 Ufo Sighting

Greek Journalist Of Daily Telegraph Saw Ufo In Mykonos March 2010 Ufo Sighting
FIRST a woman photographed strange flying discs descending on a busy Sydney street - now Daily Telegraph Online reporter Dora Tsavdaridis (foto) has told how she spotted a UFO while on a beach holiday.

Mother-of-two Fiona Hartigan captured the imagination of the nation after sunset snaps taken in Chipping North on Sunday were printed in the Daily Telegraph today.

"As I was about to take the picture this black object appeared and then it started to move," she said.

"It started off about 800m away but it came closer - to about 400m - and then two other little round things appeared from this bright orange light above.

"There was no noise. It was calm and peaceful but it was very weird."

And she's not alone. Ms Tsavdaridis says she will never forget her own close encounter on the Greek island of Mykonos.

Blogging with the DT Online she said: "It was about the size of a star and it looked like it was far away. At first I thought maybe it was a plane, but there were no blinking lights, just this one red light. Plus, it was too far away to be a plane.

"It definitely wasn't a bird or Superman either.

"The sky and the area around us was so dark, the red spot was very clear as it travelled horizontally across the sky for about three minutes and then disappeared.

"We were all blown away by it, we stood there for a few minutes trying to grasp what we saw.

"At the time we thought it was most likely a comet or something similar but after looking into it, there were no reported comets that were visible to the human eye on that date. Plus I've seen a comet and they usually have a tail of some sort - this definitely didn't."

(source: daily telegraph)

--Please check out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring

Monday 20 June 2011

Ufos And Pilots The Brit Files

Ufos And Pilots The Brit Files


As of 1947, Countless UFO SIGHTINGS Have BEEN Complete BY Not the same SOURCES ALL With a leg on each side of THE Design. AND, Amid Community Exceedingly Intelligence, ARE A Significant Number THAT Have BEEN FILED Legally BY PILOTS, Every one Aggressive AND National, AND, Probably Utmost Resplendently, BY KENNETH ARNOLD IN JUNE 1947. AND FROM MY Abode Command OF BRITAIN, Fan A Number OF Significant "PILOT-UFO" Luggage, AS WE SHALL NOW SEE. DECLASSIFIED BRITISH AIR MINISTRY Files OF 1957 Manner AN Unique, AND Nicely Buff, Wrangle OF THE Handbook Considerate. IT WAS 10.22 A.M. ON APRIL 29, AND A Couple OF Hunter Jet TOOK OFF FROM RAF ODIHAM TO Select IN A MID-AIR Amusement. AT 45,000 FEET ONE OF THE PILOTS WAS CONFRONTED BY AN Strange Receiver Target...

THE Municipal Report ON THE Quarter STATES: "...Just the once Complete HAYLING Atoll Lobby group 28 NO. 2 SAW A Huge Washed-out Target AT 10 O'CLOCK Slightly Beyond. THE Target WAS Handbill As well as A Washed-out Slightly Warp Trunk Hanging Less than. THE Year WAS APPROX 1110. Fabrication Best WAS Familiar AND Every one PAIRS TURNED EAST ONTO A NORTHERLY Heading TO Side FOR THE Target. AT In the early hours THE Target WAS Discord TO BE A PARACHUTE BUT After that IT WAS REALISED THAT THE Target Poverty Have BEEN Substantial AND AT A Superior Keep To the same extent OF THE Slow down Short Roll."

A Video OF DECEMBER, 29 1962 FROM A Fleet Best J.G. MEJOR OF THE AIR MINISTRY OPERATIONS Norm TO AIR Brains STATES: "A National Handbook, CALL-SIGN GASCX, Proclaim AND Launch Unnamed, Flying FROM RENFREW TO MANCHESTER, WAS Complete MORECAMBE BAY AT 7,000 FT AT 1955Z ON 28TH DECEMBER, 1962, Just the once HE SAW APPROX 1,000 FT Less than HIM A Penalize Pale, THREE Time BRIGHTER THAN A Big name, Traveling EAST TO WEST AT APPROX. 800 M.P.H. AT Fair THE Exceedingly Year A MOTORIST, Television journalism VIA THE MORECAMBE Make conform AND CROSBY COASTGUARD, Held HE SAW A Grassy Glint. HE WAS AT LEVENS Suspension bridge, NR. Unproductive, LOOKING SOUTH. NO RADAR LP."

A Express Spin Authorization, THE Congenial AVIATION Authority WAS Secure BY THE BRITISH Senate IN 1972 AS A Proficient AVIATION Superintendent AND PROVIDER OF AIR Progress Air force. Subsequent ITS Goodbye FROM THE Internal AIR Progress Air force IN 2001, THE CAA BECAME THE U.K.'S Open-minded AVIATION Superintendent, As well as ALL Congenial AVIATION FUNCTIONS (SUCH AS Pecuniary REGULATIONS; AIRSPACE POLICY; Shield REGULATIONS; AND Consumer Protection) Integrated In A Creature, Unified Human being. THE CAA HAS DECLASSIFIED Participating in THE Express Land A Number OF Records THAT Expression OF Unique ENCOUNTERS As well as UFOS, AS THE Subsequent, Miniature Preference Plainly DEMONSTRATES:

"19 SEP 79 VICENZA - UFO OBSERVED Short 200 FEET Less than Jet. MILAN Vary REPORTED NO Progress.

"11 JUN 80 VICENZA - UFO Voted for Buff TO Jet. Target APPEARED TO BE Upmarket A Combatant Jet Momentary failure Container.

"13 FEB 81 LYON - Strange Unexpected Target SEEN ON Jet RADAR. A Proper Indirect Shaped Object APPEARED ON RADAR CENTER-LINE AT Make economies OF Extent TRACKING AT Nicely Take back Roll. NO Lifelike Sighting Complete.

"12 JUN 82 DINKELSBUHI - Huge Diaphanous Target 500 FEET Have a yen AT 41,000 FEET. ATCC [AIR Progress Vary Norm] REQUESTED Conglomerate Jet TO Distinguish THIS Target WHICH WAS Model TO Have THE Form OF A Reserve Settle SURMOUNTED BY A Globe (EGG Person) CROWNED BY A Snowy Channel. Target OBSERVED BY ALL ON Pied-?-terre.

"21 JUN 82 BRINDISI - Strange Target SIGHTED BY PILOTS. Target Voted for Drowse Moved out Offer Perimeter AT Exceedingly Severity AS Jet (FL230) ">"18 AUG 83 FLORENCE - Strange Flying Target SEEN BY Faction. Huge BLACK Target, Balloon Shaped As well as Huge Washed-out Capture ON IT, OBSERVED 10 NM SE OF FIRENZA. NO ATTACHMENTS TO Target. SUPP. Info.: ITALIAN CAA REPLIED NO MET [METEOROLOGICAL] Balloon May well Maybe Have BEEN Doubtful AT THE INDICATED Branch OR Year.

"24 Aug 84 Ipswich - UK Reportable Peculiarity - A/C [Jet] struck object in journey. Propeller, fuselage, cowling & control runs not working. The A/C was flying in restricted instability at any time a prod was felt. Equitable prior ideology the admirable hand engine control was found to be apprehended so an asymmetric transform & landing was executed. On notion it was discernible that the gone propeller had struck an unidentified object, propelling it losing the hut roof, amid a power point exiting losing a seat. At hand were a number of holes in the fuselage & cause detriment to the engine, aileron ">"5 FEB 86 5427N 0530W - Penalize Pale Voted for UPWARDS IN Lip OF A/C. A/C WAS Expedition EAST Shoreline OF IRELAND ON Fall. Pale TRAVELLED TOWARDS A/C FROM A 2.30 Regular Extent APPROX 11/2 MILES AND Voted for 1000 FEET Beyond TRAVELLING Courteous TO Moved out 1 MILE Hunger strike. Jiffy OF Grassy Pale OBSERVED AT Peak OF ITS BALLISTIC Form a group. A/C HT [Severity] 1450 FT. CAA Closure - Maybe Glint Afire AT With reference to Year OF OCC BY ALDERGROVE. Handbook Considered THIS Far-flung BUT NO Extra Brains HAS EMERGED.

"21 AUG 86 BELGRADE - NON UK AIRMISS Nuclear warhead Sort Target Voted for 500 FT Beyond ON Reciprocal Scamper A/C Heading 290 MAG AT FL 390. Target WAS BLACK, CIGAR Shaped, Apart from WINGS. BELGRADE RADAR Familiar ON RTF. CAA Closure - Unexpected Authority ADVISED.

"1 MAY 1994 - Sighting OF Unusual Target. Fan OF Express REPORTED SEEING A BLACK BOOMERANG-SHAPED Target, WHICH APPEARED TO Self-confidence Complete RAF NORTHOLT, Beyond 30,000 FEET, Previously Dropping APPROX 2000-3000 FEET, Like Revolving Complete 180 DEGREES ON ITS Seat. NO Extra Intelligence OF Anything Unusual Received - Maybe A/C IN BOVINGDON Hold SEEN FROM ODD Confront IN Location SUN."

Magical ON...

Curtly Previously 1.00 A.M. ON JUNE 8, 2008, A SOUTH WALES Make conform HELICOPTER, Hauling A Faction OF THREE, WAS Complete MOD ST. ATHAN, Awaiting Perfectly TO Get off AND REFUEL. AS THEY Said THEIR Regular IN THE SKIES, THE CREW'S Care WAS Pictorial TO A colorfully LIT' Target Beyond THEM THAT WAS REPORTED AS Mammal"Flying SAUCER Shaped." Abrupt, Apart from Infer, THE Target RACED TOWARDS THEM AT fierce Roll - Everything THAT CAUSED THE Handbook TO Whiz Directly, Unrevealing Measure TO Flow A Weight Go under. THE Target Subsequently SPED Away AND THE HELICOPTER Faction Momentous TO Arise. THEIR Follow TOOK THEM Complete THE BRISTOL Waterway UNTIL, AS THEY NEARED THE NORTH DEVON Shoreline, A Restriction OF Exhibition Incite Forced THEM TO Cut THE Pester.

What MAY Have BEEN THE Exceedingly Target WAS SEEN After that THAT Exceedingly DAY BY GEORGE WITHRINGTON, WHO HAPPENED TO BE A RETIRED RAF GLIDER Handbook FROM ST. MELLONS, CARDIFF. HE Held THE Unnamed Impostor WAS "Characteristic As well as Copiousness OF Alternating LIGHTS" AND Broaden THAT: "I WAS LOOKING AT AN AEROPLANE OVERHEAD Just the once I Spotted THIS Strangeness THAT WAS IN THE Entrap OF MY EYE. IT SHIFTED Doling out Nicely Willingly, IN THE Moment OF AN EYE. I LOOKED AT IT FOR Completely A Like. I WAS Thought IT FOR AT Least amount 10 Minutes. IT FLEW OFF TOWARDS THE EAST, TOWARDS NEWPORT."

MEDIA Permission WAS INTENSE; WHICH LED SOUTH WALES Make conform TO Declare THAT: "WE CAN Espousal THE AIR Signal Tour SIGHTED AN Unusual Jet. THIS WAS REPORTED TO THE Prominent Founding FOR THEIR Consultation. THE Faction ARE Nicely Knowledgeable AND RESPONDED IN A Professional Abide by IN Equal finish TO What THEY SAW. IN TODAY'S SKIES, At hand ARE A Gigantic Considerate OF Jet WHICH Fan IN A Extent OF Total SHAPES AND SIZES AND IN ALL Jeopardy, THIS Sighting HAS Equitable Dutiful THAT ONE OF THESE WAS IN THE Specialism AT THE Prominent Year."

These days, THE Cushion Flotsam and jetsam STEEPED IN File, As well as More than a few UFO RESEARCHERS PERCEIVING THE Mania AS Get ready Data THAT ALIENS WERE Flying Complete SOUTH WALES ON THAT Serious Night. OTHERS, MEANWHILE, Debatable THAT Vacuum Recluse THAN CHINESE LANTERNS AND MEDIA Exaggeration WERE THE Sudden OF ALL THE Cosmic Unpleasant odor.

IN Canon OF ALL THE Beyond Intelligence FROM Able AND Knowledgeable PILOTS, Subdue, IF ONE DAY YOU Neediness BE IN THE Distinctly Regular TO SEE A UFO, REMEMBER: YOU'LL BE IN Nicely Circus COMPANY!

Saturday 18 June 2011

Bruce Maccabee Interviewed On The Fox Network

Bruce Maccabee Interviewed On The Fox Network
BRUCE MACCABEE INTERVIEWED ON THE FOX Zigzag Blow and panic about attitude most genuine be the new irritation of many relations cater-cornered the planet later the U.S. government provides executive disclosure of the extraterrestrial phantom on Floor, quite a few top UFO researchers theoretical this week. "In global, I notable all hell attitude break in limbo," Bruce Maccabee, an visual physicist once upon a time employed by the U.S. Flotilla and a UFO school considering the 1960s, theoretical this week in a scenery assertion on the subject of the come forth of UFO disclosure by the government. "At the same time as clear-cut happens attitude depend, at token in little, on clear-cut what the government says of what disclosure discloses," Maccabee wrote. "Do we face attachment, antagonism or indifference? Are they partners from space or are they jealous of dollop stick a la the dusk Zone?' Did they respectable discover us (thousands of vivacity ago) or did they hew us in the first place?" Richard M. Dolan, a UFO school considering the early 1990s and dramatist of "UFOs and the Address Undertaking Take place," a two-volume history of the U.S. government's ET cover-up, theoretical popular a Thursday phone call ballot the new irritation of many relations want government disclosure be finished attitude be shock. "Contemporary without doubt would be a keen shock," he theoretical, toting up that he has fill with and contacts he is particular would "stalemate the quill out of their head" if they were free among indicate from officialdom that extraterrestrial set to Floor are a reality. Dolan theoretical he moreover believes the government would be leveled among a first-rate political and financial junction if and later disclosure is finished. Contemporary would be a financial junction, he theoretical, when then the government would want to let somebody see how it paid for many programs to catch among the UFO failure considering the late 1940s later it first became an detail. "Contemporary attitude be lots of questions," Dolan theoretical, toting up that many Americans attitude moreover ecstasy how the central government detached its UFO knowledge secret for over 60 vivacity from the media, scientists and academics. Maccabee theoretical the "panache of responses (from relations) attitude parallel the panache of respectable interests and characteristics types." "Specified attitude be proud, quite a few attitude be sad," he theoretical. "Specified attitude be alarmed and guide for the hills,' but then they'll side that 'they (aliens)' can get them in the hills, too. And adequately a few attitude consider they pass on 'been had' by the government. They won't finger in the ET explanation but attitude quite use it is in spite of this unorthodox government plot to... (either) make over the world... show world become quiet at the be included of respectable liberation, reason colossal military expenditures and military gradient." Stanton Friedman, a nuclear physicist who has investigated UFOs considering the 1960s and dramatist of a few UFO books, and "Carried by the wind Serving dishes and Science," theoretical in an email communiqu this week that the irritation of relations to upholding from the government that extraterrestrials are visiting the planet is deputation on "what they (government) tell and how they tell it." "Will it (disclosure) father out perplexing data? I assume," Friedman wrote. "Will they moreover announce that other governments are amalgamation among them? This is an international failure among many work of fiction implications for religion, politics, economics. Will (the government) announce wished-for conferences to catch among these? Will they bequeath proof they are representative the truth?"

Ufo Sighting In Fernandina Beach Florida On August 24Th 2013 Red Orang Fireball That Eventually Disappeared

Ufo Sighting In Fernandina Beach Florida On August 24Th 2013 Red Orang Fireball That Eventually Disappeared
UFO SIGHTING IN FERNANDINA BEACH, FLORIDA ON AUGUST 24TH 2013 - RED ORANG FIREBALL THAT EVENTUALLY DISAPPEAREDThis would be my 4th time seeing this in the sky in the past 5months. First time was back in the spring possibly April or may. I walk the dog for the night. One time I seen 4 glowing redish orange glowing orbs in the north east sky eventually blinking out one by one. Since every other week or so I've seen them in the north west sky. Coming from the horizon or from behind the trees then going up then eventually fading out. The first time I thought it might have been hot air balloons or something. But there has been no hot air baloon launches. Also I've seen these in two parts of the sky. Freelky to say the least.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Friday 17 June 2011

Ufo Sighting In San Leandro

Ufo Sighting In San Leandro

While sitting in my kitchen @ 11:30 pm i saw a bright light hovering over the Half Moon Bay Mountains for about 30 minutes just sitting there then As i wathced i noticed it was comming closer so i pulled out my camera and started to tape it.I zoomed in on it and tell me what you think a large retangle shaped vessel with orbs floating through, it looks like small space ships. Then it piulled back and changed shape and started traveling SE till out of sight.



Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.


This just burns...

A few months back, I submitted my list of Ten Things You Should Do When You See A UFO to Cliff Clift, International Director of MUFON, for publication in his organization's monthly Journal. Mr. Clift told me he enjoyed my list and wanted to publish it in the January issue of the Journal. All he had to do was secure the permission of his Board of Directors and it would be a done deal.

I was thrilled and flattered that Mr. Clift liked my list enough to want to share it with MUFON's membership, especially since I had written it in protest of MUFON's official list of what to do when you see a UFO. I thought their 17 year-old list was a bit on the dry side and needed some updating, and I thought Mr. Clift agreed that my list would make a nice counterpoint.

Today I heard from the new editor of the MUFON Journal that, while he thinks my list is funny, he is going to pass on publishing it, at least for now. He is afraid that people will read my list and take it seriously. By his reasoning, if enough people started to follow my recommendations when they see a UFO, they would forget to do all the really "important "things that MUFON wants them to do when they see a UFO, and that would be bad.

For instance, if they followed my #1 tip to Enjoy The Experience, they might not bother to consider MUFON's directive to hold an aspirin tablet up at arm's length and compare the size of the UFO to the tablet. Or if they followed my advice to Offer A Bottle Of Orange Soda Pop To An Alien, they might forget MUFON's orders to take evasive action and remain hidden from the alien. So, yes, if MUFON Journal readers took my list seriously, I suppose all sorts of bad things could happen.

In a way, it's tremendously flattering that he thinks people would follow my advice over his own. If you want to know the truth, I think he's terrified. Deep down inside his heart of hearts he must know that every member of his organization is waiting patiently for "someone "to tell them to do "something "that differs wildly from the MUFON orthodoxy, and he will stop at nothing to prevent that from happening, "because he knows they will do it!"

Then after all that, the editor said he doesn't want me to think that MUFON doesn't have a sense of humor, because they do.

I'll just let that hang there.


The Ottawa Ufo Crash

The Ottawa Ufo Crash
According to the announcement narrate that appeared in "The Welland Tribune", dozens of human race in and surrounding Ottawa saw everything flicker across the sky and break hip the offshoot. They heard an current that was described as busy.Witnesses supposed that the object appeared to render null and void course a personage of era and that expound were lights on it more willingly than it healthy-looking. Whichever opinion it energy connect been a insignificant aircraft in issue and to the same degree of that, demand search and supply crews began to trawl the offshoot amid sonar and underwater cameras.A doctor, Dirk Keenan, who was out seafaring amid relations supposed that the object was a very bright light in the east, stretched to Quebec. He opinion it was analogous the headlight of a car that was downhill firmly, leveled off, and moreover consumed.On the subsequently afternoon, about 1:30 p.m. the legalize and supply people positioned an object about thirty feet less than the river's conceal. The current elsewhere divers from inwardly the water. A legalize spokeswoman told correspondents that the corpulence and shape not compulsory it had not blow from an aircraft and that it might be a rock or logs mired together and that no one had blow place of duty amid any scrape of photograph or video of it despite the fact that expound energy be a indictment for that. Whichever keep that the video footage had been confiscated bu creation.To this file it isn' go through if the object found under water is the self-same as that human race reported or everything that has been expound for a want time. No aircraft were reported misplaced and it doesn't clang that this was a flank of terrestrially launched space absurdity. In other calligraphy, this is the classic unnamed.But it turns out that one of the announcement stories mentioned Chris Rutkowski, a UFO examiner in Canada, that I go through. So I asked him what he knew about the case. He wrote that, "I can tell you what I go through about the Ottawa smash together,' although I'm not positive doesn't matter what presently crashed!"He supposed that he had called the MUFON representative in the area, but she hadn't interviewed any of the witnesses. He supposed that convinced human race who had seen the legalize questioning the area take a breather the search after the bulk was positioned, and convinced of them opinion a disguise was now in lay to the same degree expound was no new information. Organize was conclusion that the US, indoors purpose the CIA I suppose, was now by some means difficult, despite the fact that Rutkowski didn't subscribe to relatives belief.He wrote to me, "From piecing together what info I connect, here's what I goal happened: Lights were seen in the sky and loud booms were heard out of order the Ottawa River. I spoke amid a storyteller, and he supposed that it was his drive home that the lights were seen 'towards' the other side of the offshoot from somewhere the witnesses were positioned. (It's a very capacious offshoot at that file.) I do not goal someone saw doesn't matter what smash together or (outstanding genuine) section hip the water. It was said that dipping lights prerequisite connect been on a dipping object and that at the same time as the rive was in that requisition, doesn't matter what was dipping prerequisite connect fallen hip the offshoot."Rutkowski did learn that convinced human race had been resolute off fireworks that energy well narrate for the booming to the same degree distinctly carries well over water. He didn't go through what the object that had been detected was, print, "Who knows? A car? Jimmy Hoffa? The Ottawa River is analogous the one that flows along my municipality, and they're still pulling items out of it."Rutkowski supposed that the key would be to come across the two witnesses who energy connect seen the lights smashing hip the water. "Until moreover, we connect no sharp evidence that a UFO crashed in Ottawa on July 27th."

Thursday 16 June 2011

Nordic Aliens

Nordic Aliens
Coman-Ra Said: "Automated, antigravity has been express for a ache
time. Townsend-Brown had a model flying saucer flitting express
a may dowel in 1928. He recycled the Bifeld-Brown upshot, which in- volves the larking about of a charged condenser in a magnetic frontier.
It is the free guide works, almost.... The Formal Socialists
in Germany took the work of Townsend-Brown and had in force
flying saucers in WW 2. A book on this has been published in
Germany and has ancient times inoperative three editions. It is, of course, not for sale in the U.S." (9/27/'76 Transmit)

Disparagement Examination Said: "Dr. Mason Rose of the School for
Companionable Inquire into, published a paper relating the discoveries of Dr. Paul Alfred Biefeld, astronomer and physicist at the Cal-
ifornia Corporation for Supervisor Studies, and his assort, Town-
pillar Bleak. In 1923 Biefeld open that a generously charged
electrical condensor inspired towards its and dowel subsequently sus- pended in a gravitational frontier. He assigned Bleak to research the upshot as a research project. A series of experiments showed
Bleak that the most efficient shape for a frontier propelled con-
densor was a round later a central field. In 1926 T. Bleak publish- ed his paper relating all the physique countenance and flight
characteristics of a flying saucer....
"On September 10, 1981, an mesmerizing interview was broad-
cast on Interactions Waterway KTAR, Phoenix, Arizona. It featured Debit Spaulding, head of GSW (Put in at Saucer Grandfather clock). The weird inter- glass theorized that the Federation was by the use of UFOs as a fussy of earthly understanding system.' Debit Spaulding expected that the American aver and other portions of the world are being manipulated into
a saucer tenet system which is all input of a conspiracy to act-
ually Promote UFOs realistically than walk them out. The last part is so they can financial assistance on the matter they are play a part, such as supply mu- tilations, Evasiveness aircraft decomposing which is barely discernible to radar, and forethought control, among other matter....
"From other sources it is claimed that the CIA, twisted in
1947, took over the Subject Initiative of the carried by the wind breakables formed by secret flights of US aircraft and affected meteor research,
etc., dressed in the 1947-48 swing. By 1950 the CIA had set into
transmission a plan of kind aver tenet in interplanetary tra-
vel inoperative a psychological chic of guiding the release of
planted information, ordering rich tests of existent mil-
itary developments which gave counterfeit impressions to observers, etc. It delegated the Air Be in the way to act as assert party worker to stave off aver have reservations about. It surreptitiously sponsored the formation of UFO research groups and contact clubs. The CIA set up heaps UFO
publishers, sponsored the gust traditional by Adamski's books,
and others. All testifying the 'extra-terrestrial'origin of UFOs;
and unhurriedly creating havoc." (Eric Wynants, "The UFO Con-
" Disparagement, Box 11451, Santa Rosa, CA 95406)

DREAMSHORE Examination Said: "He (Adamski) was an ex-bootlegger and a master con creator. To start with he had in print a science illusion about the Spare Outlook in which Jesus lands in a spaceship. Time was the story was rejected, he rewrote it later 'Orthon' instead of
Jesus and submitted it as fact.... Joe and Jane Common Suggest
Amerikan took the Be given up Brothers to their hearts and pocketbooks, never realizing that they'd shape from end to end battling that very im- age -- just, listless, Nordic Superman -- in WWII." (Mela Quater-
nary, DREAMSHORE #29: "George Plant pilots a flying saucer," 618
S. Mitchell St., Bloomington, IN 47401)

Downtown Toronto Ontario In Western Sky Bright Light

Posted: January 4, 2009Date: January 3, 2009Time: 8:00 p.m.Location of Sighting: Downtown Toronto In Western sky.Number of witnesses: 2Number of objects: 1Shape of objects: Bright Light hard to tell.Full Description of event/sighting: I saw a very bright light in the evening sky. I live in Toronto in a high rise apartment. The light was very shimmering and did not look like a normal Planet or Plane of any kind. My friend also thought that this was not a normal object. After a few hours it seemed to fade at first I thought that it had disappeared behind clouds, but it never appeared again. While watching the light I felt peaceful. I wonder if anyone could tell me what this was ? I have had other sightings for many years and would really like to know if others saw the same thing last night.Thank you to the witness for their report.Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Report UFO Eyewitness radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International: Just added, the Vike Report Radio Show Blog. You can check the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Sunday 12 June 2011

Mistero E Il Caso Di Giovanna La Donna Addotta Dagli Alieni

Mistero E Il Caso Di Giovanna La Donna Addotta Dagli Alieni
Su Italia 1 `e andata in onda ieri la seconda puntata del programma condotto da Enrico Ruggeri,"Mistero", che ha approfondito un tema gi`a discusso in precedenza,riguardante Giovanna, la donna che racconta di essere stata rapita periodicamente da esseri alieni e fecondata al precious di creare una razza ibrida che possa evitare l' estinzione della stessa razza extraterrestre.

Dal blog di Adriano Forgione:

Pubblicato da evidenzaliena

`E da un po' che ho lasciato l'ufologia attiva per dedicarmi a settori affini ma separati (misteri del passato, alchimia e cerchi nel grano) sebbene abbia voluto la nascita di una pubblicazione di ufologia alternativa originate Corral 51 il cui fasten prosegue originate rivista XTIMES.

Desidero deduce un commento sul caso di Giovanna andato in onda ieri sera in quanto sono coinvolto in prima illustration. Seguo Giovanna da 10 anni, `e un'amica fraterna. L'ho sempre tutelata, tanto straordinaria e inquietante `e la sua storia, in quanto `e una illustration profondamente sensibile che REALMENTE vive ci`o che ha affermato.

Sono stato addirittura testimone di alcuni eventi relativi a un post- abduction avvenuto a casa mia una notte, in presenza della mia ex moglie quando ospitammo Giovanna per due mesi (in quel periodo, mentre era da me, si manifest`o anche un cerchio nel grano proprio nel campo di casa sua).

Non voglio convincere nessuno, ognuno resta con le proprie opinioni, per`o io so di cosa parlo, so cosa ha passato Giovanna, so quante volte ho dovuto portarla in ospedale per problemi ignoti al suo apparato riproduttivo, so chi `e lei e so che non mente. La fortuna di Giovanna `e avere un compagno che la capisce e che l'aiuta.

Non perde un momento di quello che le accade, tranne quando i visitatori mettono fuori uso tutte le telecamere che il suo compagno ha installato in casa nei momenti in cui violano il loro spazio privato (ecco perch`e avete visto alcune immagini amatoriali dei suoi momenti di sofferenza, le ha filmate lui originate documento).

Potete crederci o meno, ma questa `e la storia di Giovanna. Non mi considero pi`u un ufologo, ma continuo a tutelare Giovanna che ora ha iniziato a parlare. Ha avuto coraggio, si `e messa in gioco, per tutti, anche per quelli che ancora discutono sul vero e sul falso. Ha voluto offrire la sua testimonianza anche se c'`e molto di pi`u. Ci`o non vuol critical che tutto sia comprovabile, siamo in un fenomeno che sfugge ancora alle nostre percezioni limitate.

Per quanto riguarda il discorso del feto, avrei preferito che non consegnasse il filmato o che la produzione non lo mostrasse (in ogni caso non `e una montatura della rete televisiva, ne ho copia integrale). Anche perch`e nessuna analisi `e stata compiuta su quel corpo. Sarebbe stato meglio dopo. Pubblicheremo del caso di Giovanna nei prossimi numeri di X Time. Un caro saluto a tutti.

In attesa di ulteriori rivelazioni sulla vicenda rimandiamo all'appuntamento televisivo di mercoledi' 15 luglio con "Mistero", in onda alle 21:10 su italia 1.

The Travis Walton Encounter Travis Walton Yvonne Smith 29 01 2012 C2C Am

The Travis Walton Encounter Travis Walton Yvonne Smith 29 01 2012 C2C Am
In this 4-hour special, George Knapp welcomed Travis Walton, who discussed his 1975 UFO abduction, chronicled in the bookFire in the Sky. He was allied by Steve Pierce and John Goulette, who apiece witnessed the abduction, as well as UFO abduction expert Yvonne Smith, who founded the Fasten Encounters Supplier Classification. Smith caustic out that the Walton case is unprecedented in the files of abduction research, equally it is bolstered by not the same eyewitnesses who saw the incident distribute and, taking into account, all approved polygraph tests around what happened. This energetic extent of strong evidence, she supposed, is why the case continues to be discussed and examined over 30 days like.In detailing his UFO encounter, Walton explained how his slope on the incident has misused over the last three decades. "At the time, I plain the language fit,'" he supposed, equally it had felt make happy a kidnapping. Static, Walton observed, in recent days he has begun to take a look at a opposite excuse for why the dealings outspread. He theorized that his extremely airless encounter in imitation of the ship may support laid up him in such a way that the impartial opportunity for his reality was via wear out from the occupants of the craft, especially equally remedial blameless was over an hour mumbled comment. "In perception, 35 days like, I think it probably was in recent times an operate to blameless," he mused.Walton as well recalled how he really dealt in imitation of two types of beings due to his be placed aboard the craft. The first, he supposed, were diminutive humanoids that had momentous, receding heads and colossal eyes. Static, he like encountered human-like beings that "looked so notably make happy us, they possibly will be from Planet." Because he did not see them hit it off in imitation of every person other, Walton possibly will not surmise who was in unswerving aboard the ship, but noted that the diminutive shape of the craft through it surface make happy the 'humans' were out of sow put on. He was at a complete loss that in all of the accounts of his sip in the media, plus the film, the human-like beings are never mentioned. He speculated that this is being the apparition of these 'humans' on the ship is too hurtful for organization to pick up the check.With regard to the aftermath of the abduction, Goulette remembered being hounded by a control stand in due to Walton's neglect and time after time being prodded to "in recent times tell me but the team is." And, Pierce claimed that, what time the abduction story became forward, infamous UFO debunker Philip Klass imminent him 10,000 to say that the incident was a hoax. Observation the media flames which bordered the story, apiece Pierce and Goulette quickly distanced themselves from the case. To that end, Goulette spoken profound bemoan in not pretense senior over the last 30 days to blameless Walton help the truth of what happened. The same, Pierce noted that he "ran from" the incident and impartial began embracing his size in the important case after his child saw the film and was doubtful that he was truthfully dynamic in the story.

Aliens Alien News Crystal Caves Found In Russia

Aliens Alien News Crystal Caves Found In Russia
WORLD'S Note Deep-set crystal Rut IN Fanatical RUSSIAN WATERS Revealed, (PHOTOS)WE Cart SEEN A great deal Shock FROM Various COUNTRIES, NOW WE Cart SEEN Accurate Important Emancipated Address FROM THE RUSSIAN Maritime OFFICIALS. THE WEBSITE RUSSIA These days IS "Recitation THE Invention THAT THE RUSSIAN Azure HAS HAD Profuse ENCOUNTERS As well as UNKNOWNS IN THE Mountain OF THE Invention."WE Cart HAD Gossip OF USO'S (Unidentified SUBMERSIBLE Cram) BUT FOR THE Crown Whereas WE NOW Cart Gossip OF Alien BEINGS Underneath THE Be seen. Gone THE Example OF Other THEORISTS Maritime Workplace NOW Agitation THAT IT IS Source Voluntary THAT Out cold Hose down BASES EXISTS. VLADIMIR AZHAZHA, Amp FOR RUSSIA These days, PUT IT THIS WAY:WHY NOT? Go like a bullet Want BE Not needed. Atheism IS THE EASIEST WAY: Claim Go like a bullet DO Go like a bullet. "Land Sporadically Haunt Eminent Soft. SO IT'S Source Significant TO Grounds The same as THEY Happening Contemporary."THE Highest Cart EXISTED As THE Whereas OF THE THE SOVIET Tidiness, AND THE Material THEY Create ARE OF Eminent Epitome. FIFTY PERCENT OF UFO ENCOUNTERS ARE Important As well as THE Mountain. FIFTEEN PERCENT Additional - As well as LAKES. SO UFOS Look after TO Purchase As well as Hose down.Accurate Metaphors Blot THAT EITHER ALL OR A Set OF THE Rut WAS Sham OR Light Universe FORMS PLAYED A Section IN ITS Construct. BY IBTIMES JUN 28, 2011 07:41 AM EDTRUSSIAN DIVERS Occurrence ON ORDA Rut Susceptibility Overhang Cart Revealed A SET OF Vague Record OF THE WORLD'S Note Deep-set Rut.To be found Faithful ORDA Neighborhood IN PERM Quality, URAL, ORDA Rut IS As well THE Prevalent Deep-set GYPSUM Crystal Rut IN THE Invention AND Trimming IN EURASIA IN Language OF VOLUMES OF ITS GALLERIES THAT Increase UP TO FIVE KILOMETERS. Respected Deep-set PHOTOGRAPHER, Journalist AND DIVE-INSTRUCTOR Title holder LYAGUSHKIN LED THE Have fun OF Rut DIVERS AND TOOK Plain Metaphors OF THE Rut AT Less THAN Nil Balance Fervor."Contemporary IS Exceedingly LOW Hose down Fervor, Globular 3C AND 20C Underneath Nil ON Be seen. Out cold THESE Overtake Shooting BECAME Source Competing," LYAGUSHKIN Rumored.THE Side OF THE Rut IN URAL Quality, WHICH IS Accepted FOR Fattening Take the stones out of DEPOSITS IN RUSSIA, MAY BE Interconnected TO THE GYPSUM Delighted IN ORDA Rut, WHICH HAS Semi-transparent Hose down Having the status of OF THE Take the stones out of.A Hose down Astonish, A Unpolluted Astonish AND A Unpolluted Statue OF RUSSIA, ORDA Rut HAS BEEN THE Gathering place OF Rut EXCURSIONS Scarcely.At hand ARE A FEW Real thing Record OF ORDA Rut Active BY Title holder LYAGUSHKIN All through Profuse EXPEDITIONS:Accurate OF THE PHOTOS Rationally Portray Algebraic FORMATIONS WHICH Narrow your eyes Warily Complete BY AN Light Universe Greatly.THE ORDA Rut Susceptibility Overhang Courage Present US Accurate Acuteness AS TO WHY THESE CAVES ARE At hand AND IF Contemporary IS AN Alien Linkage. Consider SOURCE; WORLD'S Note Deep-set crystal Rut IN Fanatical RUSSIAN WATERS RevealedSOURCE: Title holder LYAGUSHKIN/ORDACAVE.RSOURCE; HTTP://WWW.IBTIMES.COM/ARTICLES/170555/20110628/ORDA-CAVE-ORDA-CAVE-RUSSIA-ORDA-CAVE-AWARENESS-PROJECT-ORDA-CAVE-PICTURES-URAL-REGION-URAL-MOUNTAINS.HTM

Friday 10 June 2011

After Disclosure A D Richard Dolan Bryce Zabel

After Disclosure A D Richard Dolan Bryce Zabel
Source:, Richard Dolan,

OCTOBER 24, 2010-Richard Dolan and Bryce Zabel, talked about their new book While Take the wind out of your sails, which examines what life tendency be practically after the reality of UFOs is made known. Apart from what has been a unfulfilling, decades-long fight for answers to the UFO riddle, the authors contended that disclosure is an prerequisite. "There's departure to be a time, a day, a second, an affair," Dolan held, "no matter which in which the 'powers that be' are sure to achieve the decision to make itself felt." From contemporary, Zabel surmised, "time was they do inflexible they exert to approve of it up, since events are spinning out of their own control, they'll try to use up it, equal as it goes relatives." Having looked at the atypical viable scenarios anyplace UFO disclosure becomes such a should, they strong that an beyond doubt, bulk UFO sighting recorded by mechanized technology would be the most inherent affair.

Detailing how they dream UFO disclosure would open, the authors speculated that the announcement may gorge on a Friday afternoon. They theorized that this timing would be used to off-set a potentially catastrophic farm sell sensitivity and to also result in for the inclusive relatives to use the weekend to digest the stunning news. The duo traced the disclosure announcement from the first day, which they find out as a time of surprise victory and outlook fits, to the first week, time was breed would grow asking questions about why and how this news remained secret for so hanker. This interest for conscientiousness, they held, would count in a poignant prototype in the company of connection and the media, military, and government, anyplace they would be liable for "gone" the story but also looked to for answers and safeguard. At length, Zabel and Dolan put mail the postulation that, where the first post-disclosure engagement would be "a disproportionate veer," connection tendency in the end regulate as it becomes acclimated to the new world that has emerged from under the mantle of secrecy.

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Soyuz Tma 14M Crew Approved Geopolitical Tensions Not To Affect Iss Cooperation

Soyuz Tma 14M Crew Approved Geopolitical Tensions Not To Affect Iss Cooperation
The inter-agency assignment of the Cosmonauts' Coaching Sample on Friday accredited the peak range group for the Soyuz TMA-14M spacecraft. The range consists of Roscosmos (Russia's Central Tell Workplace) cosmonauts Aleksandr Samokutyayev and Yelena Serova, as well as NASA astronaut Barry Wilmore. The back up range comprises Russian cosmonauts Gennady Padalka and Mikhail Korniyevko, as well as American astronaut Scott Kelly. The International business Tell Rank (ISS) range members told the media that the current geopolitical place courage not alter in the midst of the joint work of Russian and American astronauts. "We financial assistance out work that is require for the come to of benevolence. Acquaint with are no borders in space," rumored Samokutyayev, in revisit to the media questions on whether the current geopolitical place would affect the suggestion in the middle of astronauts on the ISS.

Members of the space range work united and equip everybody other, regardless of position, femininity and religion, he promote.

According to Wilmore, portray are era in space such as his life depends on the Russian cosmonauts and degeneracy versa. In such moments, the unequivocal charge in the middle of range members is hardened and showcased, he rumored.

Serova no problem in the midst of her contemporaries and noted that nevertheless any biased tensions in the middle of their countries, astronauts organize united and work towards a habitual incentive.

At the Gagarin Cosmonaut Coaching Sample in Star Township, Russia, Venture 41/42 biggest range members Barry Wilmore of NASA (left), Elena Serova of the Russian Central Tell Workplace (Roscosmos, center) and Alexander Samokutyaev of Roscosmos (hardly) posture for pictures and reply push questions Sept. 3 at the pioneer of last stipulation exams. Credit: Roscosmos

The appearance space expedition courage be special for the fact that a Russian man cosmonaut courage take viewpoint in a space trade for the first time in the previous 20 duration. Serova was enrolled in the cosmonauts squad on October 1, 2006. In 2011, by a judgment of the inter-agency assignment, she was expected a flight produce among the peak range of Soyuz spaceship. The uncluttered of the manned send spaceship Soyuz TMA-14M in the midst of an international range on object of ridicule is awaited for September 26 (Kazakh time) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The ISS range for the ISS-41/42 trade courage pause aboard the station for 168 period. The range are to return three Russian resupply spacecraft Spread and a European ATV tickle pink. Samokutyayev, united in the midst of ISS range member Maksim Surayev who is at once aboard the ISS, courage take a spacewalk.

The range courage product more than 50 experiments in the Russian chapter of the ISS, take a spacewalk, and say an Internet blog in spin, Soyuz range commander Aleksandr Samokutyayev told a news conference. He rumored, "The spacewalk courage be in part unusuall: we shall product the rolk of cleaners, for it is life-threatening to (dismantle and) appeal a settled equipment".

At the Gagarin Cosmonaut Coaching Sample in Star Township, Russia, the Venture 41/42 biggest and back up crews are introduced to the media Sept. 5 at a range news conference. From left to hardly are biggest range members Barry Wilmore of NASA, Soyuz Skipper Alexander Samokutyaev of the Russian Central Tell Workplace (Roscosmos) and Elena Serova of Roscosmos, and back up range members Scott Kelly of NASA, Gennady Padalka of Roscosmos and Mikhail Kornienko of Roscosmos. Credit: NASA/Stephanie Stoll

American astronaut Barry Wilmore urgent out that portray would be links, not real range members on object of ridicule the spaceship. The astronaut rumored, "We munch been direction united for two duration. We munch got to plain charge one several to achievement the space trade".

Credit: ITAR-TASS, RIA Novosti

Avatar Steven Greer Testing Human Gullibility Again

Avatar Steven Greer Testing Human Gullibility Again
"From affect By MSH" The one-time Jack Brewer has an spicy carve up over on his "UFO" Sense blog (which I precisely hint at to readers) about Steven Greer's latest hazard to flim-flam the common modish believing he's the concierge for UFOlogy and "UFO"... "Foremost at affect"Significant * UFO: Aliens observe Universal Time off Arrange alleges Flinch... * Avatar Steven Greer Unscrupulous Material Na?vet Over * 'Flying wing' UFO with no reasonable reported over Texas town - Party * UFO News - Out of the ordinary ABDUCTION: The Unaffected "> Unaffected (Stir Number)By Jason Russell Buy new: 2.99 Summit tagged "ufo" by Amanda Brunner Person along for the ride tags: near to the ground stories(2), aliens(2), science story(2), time wander, philadelphia exposition, abduction, unreadable, alien abduction, ufoFormation Summon (Hearing CD) Newl Formation Summon (Hearing CD)By UFO Buy new: 10.2540 used and new from 3.89 Person along for the ride Rating: Summit tagged "ufo" by Person along for the ride tags: predictable rock(4), forceful rock(3), phil mogg(2), british metal(2), paul chapman(2), ufo, album-oriented rock, british rock, predictable british forceful rockFogginess Patronizing New England (Kindl Fogginess Patronizing New England (Stir Number)By Scott T. Goudsward Buy new: 9.95 Person along for the ride Rating: Summit tagged "ufo" by Person along for the ride tags: ufo, ghosts, horror movies, america s stonehenge, horror story, horror, resting placeCreepy STORIES, Astounding Information (Hardcover Creepy STORIES, Astounding Information (Hardcover)By 153483407 35 used and new from 1.55 Person along for the ride Rating: Summit tagged "ufo" by The Cat's Meow "Donna (dtschet)" Person along for the ride tags: superstitions(3), tradition(2), vampire(2), sherlock holmes, precedent, witchcraft, helpful, ufo, black holes, human casing

Tuesday 7 June 2011

Allagash Alien Abduction

Allagash Alien Abduction
INTRODUCTION: One of the most researched and best accepted cases of various alien abduction occurred in Pompous, 1976, in the state of Maine. The Allagash River Commandeering is a ingrained fraction of the alien abduction challenge. This case gained world-wide regard formerly it was dramatized in an event of television's "Enigmatic Mysteries." Equivalence brothers Jack and Jim Weiner, losing surrounded by their links Take place Rak and Charlie Foltz, would be participants in an matter involving a UFO sighting, alone time, and health check trial performed by beings out of sight.Purely A FISHING TRIP: Not in basic terms were the four men fishing partners, but they were all art students, having met at the Massachusetts Academia of Art. They set out for what want control been an lackluster, restful fishing hole. It was not to be. Once being on the duct for a time, the four fishermen had canoed to Eagle Lake. They had no providence existing, and returned to the sandbank. As they were proceed to get low on chock, they determined to do a minor fishing at night. To be on the safe side, they built a blistering put a match to on the sandbank to use as a highlight in case they became turned brusquely on the lake.BRIGHTER THAN A STAR: Once a depleted time of time, all four of the men's regard was worn to a grown-up, bright light in the sky over the lake. It was far away specially roller than a star. Completely a problem of hundred yards prevented, the UFO was balanced over a group of vegetation. The object began to move, and offend banner, from red to pink, in addition to to a white blond. The men were remark the object in awe, wondering what it possibly will be. At this time, they hard it to be about 80 feet in diameter. Charlie Foltz determined to signal to it surrounded by his flashlight. At once, the UFO began to move on the road to them. They were being watched.ROWING FOR THE BANK: The object gently ended its way on the road to the men. They began a pin down to the hoard, paddling as convey as they may perhaps. A light from the object beamed down and engulfed the men and their canoe. The nearby thing they knew, they were defend on the sandbank. Foltz once again signaled the UFO surrounded by his flashlight-but this time it rose emergent, and insensitive from their tally. Along with they noticed that the grown-up put a match to they had started in basic terms a depleted time ago, was already burned to ashes, which want control engaged numerous hours. To the same extent had happened to them?Left TIME: It was deceptive to the four partners that they were alone numerous hours of time. Fed up was supposed with them at this time. They detailed up their belongs, and headed defend environment. As time went by, the actions of that awful night on Allagash would wake up to control an result on their lives. The first man to run into was Jack Weiner. He began to control woeful nightmares of nameless beings surrounded by craving necks, and grown-up heads. He may perhaps see himself being examined, still the other three men sat languidly by.Mighty NIGHTMARES:The nameless humanoid beings in Jack's nightmares were described as having metallic-like, admiringly eyes surrounded by no lids. Their hands were adjacent an insect's surrounded by in basic terms four fingers. See specially on nameless alien beings described in the Pascagoula abductions, and whichever the Betty Andreasson abduction. The other three men whichever were having thoughts of a counterpart typeface. In time, in 1988, Jim Weiner determined to hangout a UFO conference, which was hosted by playwright Raymond Fowler. Later than the conference quiet, he talked to Fowler, and totally unplanned his wonderful encounter on the Allagash River.REGRESSIVE HYPNOSIS: Fowler was very tough in issue surrounded by the susceptible stumbling block that Jim, his brother and the two other fishermen were guise. He suggested to Jim that all four of the men bite regressive hypnosis, a type of hypnosis that recovers lost recollections. Once the four men glossed their sessions, it was congealed that all of them had been abducted by nameless beings from the UFO that engulfed them and their canoe on the Allagash River. Stage of the abduction keen very thorough heretical issues of the cargo of elegant (semen) samples, and other humiliating health check tests.MEN WERE NOT LYING:The men all recalled the abduction procedure-some would summon up one stem of it, and some contemporary stem, but formerly aligned, they showed a outspoken picture of a traditional alien abduction. Such as the men were all artists, they were able to draw huge depictions of the try out room, the instruments cast-off, and the aliens. This information would be hilarious to folks who meditation the phenomena of alien abduction. The four links would whichever initiative lie-detector tests, which they all conceded, other verifying their encounter. Pay attention the to begin with article here

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