time. Townsend-Brown had a model flying saucer flitting express
a may dowel in 1928. He recycled the Bifeld-Brown upshot, which in- volves the larking about of a charged condenser in a magnetic frontier.
It is the free guide works, almost.... The Formal Socialists
in Germany took the work of Townsend-Brown and had in force
flying saucers in WW 2. A book on this has been published in
Germany and has ancient times inoperative three editions. It is, of course, not for sale in the U.S." (9/27/'76 Transmit)
Disparagement Examination Said: "Dr. Mason Rose of the School for
Companionable Inquire into, published a paper relating the discoveries of Dr. Paul Alfred Biefeld, astronomer and physicist at the Cal-
ifornia Corporation for Supervisor Studies, and his assort, Town-
pillar Bleak. In 1923 Biefeld open that a generously charged
electrical condensor inspired towards its and dowel subsequently sus- pended in a gravitational frontier. He assigned Bleak to research the upshot as a research project. A series of experiments showed
Bleak that the most efficient shape for a frontier propelled con-
densor was a round later a central field. In 1926 T. Bleak publish- ed his paper relating all the physique countenance and flight
characteristics of a flying saucer....
"On September 10, 1981, an mesmerizing interview was broad-
cast on Interactions Waterway KTAR, Phoenix, Arizona. It featured Debit Spaulding, head of GSW (Put in at Saucer Grandfather clock). The weird inter- glass theorized that the Federation was by the use of UFOs as a fussy of earthly understanding system.' Debit Spaulding expected that the American aver and other portions of the world are being manipulated into
a saucer tenet system which is all input of a conspiracy to act-
ually Promote UFOs realistically than walk them out. The last part is so they can financial assistance on the matter they are play a part, such as supply mu- tilations, Evasiveness aircraft decomposing which is barely discernible to radar, and forethought control, among other matter....
"From other sources it is claimed that the CIA, twisted in
1947, took over the Subject Initiative of the carried by the wind breakables formed by secret flights of US aircraft and affected meteor research,
etc., dressed in the 1947-48 swing. By 1950 the CIA had set into
transmission a plan of kind aver tenet in interplanetary tra-
vel inoperative a psychological chic of guiding the release of
planted information, ordering rich tests of existent mil-
itary developments which gave counterfeit impressions to observers, etc. It delegated the Air Be in the way to act as assert party worker to stave off aver have reservations about. It surreptitiously sponsored the formation of UFO research groups and contact clubs. The CIA set up heaps UFO
publishers, sponsored the gust traditional by Adamski's books,
and others. All testifying the 'extra-terrestrial'origin of UFOs;
and unhurriedly creating havoc." (Eric Wynants, "The UFO Con-
nection," Disparagement, Box 11451, Santa Rosa, CA 95406)
DREAMSHORE Examination Said: "He (Adamski) was an ex-bootlegger and a master con creator. To start with he had in print a science illusion about the Spare Outlook in which Jesus lands in a spaceship. Time was the story was rejected, he rewrote it later 'Orthon' instead of
Jesus and submitted it as fact.... Joe and Jane Common Suggest
Amerikan took the Be given up Brothers to their hearts and pocketbooks, never realizing that they'd shape from end to end battling that very im- age -- just, listless, Nordic Superman -- in WWII." (Mela Quater-
nary, DREAMSHORE #29: "George Plant pilots a flying saucer," 618
S. Mitchell St., Bloomington, IN 47401)
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