Sunday 30 December 2012

Real Life Ufo Sightings

Real Life Ufo Sightings
SHORT UFO FACT: [May or Jun 1974: Port Latta, s man doing a newspaper run at ninety five km/h saw a very bright light coming from the south. It was travelling north at high speed. It went over his vehicle in ten seconds, being lost to view behind tall trees. After it passed by he realised his vehicle was slowing down, the engine had stalled. He had to stop and restart it. The headlights also went off for a few seconds. (TUFOIC.) ]


SHORT UFO FACT: [26 Jul 1974: Bridgewater, travelling by car towards Launceston, a woman and her daughter observed a light following their car. It seemed oval in shape with a red front top light and a larger bottom light. They stopped to have a look, then upon starting off again, felt it was pacing their vehicle. The object was noiseless and although they stopped two or three times they couldn't figure out what it was. While driving, the woman, "...felt as if I was in its power, as if it was definitely going to take over the control of the car, it was hard to steer."]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


Saturday 29 December 2012

Reprise Ufo Activated Nuclear Missiles At Minot Afb Says One Retired Launch Officer

Reprise Ufo Activated Nuclear Missiles At Minot Afb Says One Retired Launch Officer

By Robert Hastings

(c) Copyright 2008 - 2013

Retired U.S. Air Force Captain David H. Schuur--whose dramatic testimony about a UFO temporarily activating his nuclear missiles at Minot AFB, North Dakota, in 1966--died on May 31, 2013. Schuurs tape recorded statements during his interview with UFOs and Nukes researcher Robert Hastings were published here in 2009 and are presented again below.

Of all the interviews I've conducted with former or retired ICBM launch officers over the past three decades, this was perhaps the most disturbing. According to the source, David H. Schuur, a UFO had apparently activated the launch sequence in most of his Minuteman missiles.

In August 2007, Schuur told me, "I saw your request for information in the [June 2007] Association of Air Force Missileers Newsletter. I was involved in a UFO incident at Minot AFB in the mid-1960s. I had read your earlier article [in the September 2002 AAFM Newsletter] but was hesitant to respond." I asked Schuur why he had been hesitant. He replied, "Well, we were basically told, way back when, that it was classified information and, you know, it didn't happen and don't discuss it. I guess I was still operating on that idea when I saw your first article."

Schuur had obviously had a change of heart. He continued, "Anyway, I was a Minuteman missile crewmember in the 455th/91st Strategic Missile Wing at Minot from December 1963 through November 1967. I was a 1st Lieutenant during that period and the deputy commander that night. Since the incident occurred some 40 years ago, my memories are a bit foggy but, based on who my commander was at the time, I would say it occurred between July 1965 and July 1967."

I asked Schuur if he could narrow the time-frame during which the incident occurred, by associating it with another event. He replied, "Not really, but my sense is that the incident occurred toward the end of my duty in the [missile] field, so it was probably during 1966, or '67. I was pulling alert in the Echo [Launch Control] Capsule and was at the console at the time, probably early in the morning when the commander was sleeping. I know I was at Echo because that's where I pulled almost all of my alert duty. My crew commander at the time has died. He was a Lieutenant Colonel at Minot, in his 50s-he was in the reserves, an old Korea veteran, who was recalled to duty in the early 1960s."

"As far as the incident, here's my best recollection of it: Alpha capsule, which was east of us, reported on PAS-the Primary Alerting System-that their security personnel were observing a large, bright object hovering over some of their missile sites. It was moving from missile to missile. I think the Alpha missile crew also reported that they were receiving 'spurious indicators' on their missile control console, but I'm not certain about that. I know that a few minutes later our capsule had spurious indicators-anomalous readings-from some of our missiles."

I asked Schuur to explain PAS. He said, "It was an open line between SAC headquarters and the wing command posts. There was a speaker in each launch capsule and when the command posts issued a directive, or whatever, we were able to hear it. When Alpha had their UFO sightings, they alerted the command post, at which time the command post called SAC headquarters. So, when the report of the sightings went out, we all heard it on PAS."

Schuur continued, "But it wasn't just Alpha and Echo. Over the next hour or so-I don't recall exactly how long it was-all of the flights reported that their [Security Alert Teams] were observing a UFO near their facilities. The path of the object could be followed as it passed over each flight area by the reports on the PAS. The object moved over the entire wing from the southeast to the northwest, following the layout of the wing."

Schuur elaborated, "All of them-Bravo Flight, Charlie, Delta, right on down the line to Oscar-were reporting sightings of this object. Minot's missile field is laid out like the letter 'C'. Alpha is located southeast of the base, and the other flights-Bravo, Charlie and so forth-were south, southwest, west, northwest, then north of Minot. Oscar, the last flight, is at the top of the 'C', north of the base. The object-as far as I know, it was only one object-came across Alpha Flight, then moved all the way around the flights and ended up at Oscar. We could hear that on PAS. At Echo, it didn't come close to the Launch Control Facility, it just visited the LFs (silos), then passed onto the next flight."

"As far as our flight, Echo, a few minutes after hearing the report from Alpha, I received a call from topside security that a large bright light-actually, a large, bright object would be more accurate-was in the sky, to the east of the launch control facility. When the guard called down, he may have used the term 'UFO' but I don't recall. He didn't describe it's shape or altitude because it was too far away. It never got close enough to the LCF to see any detail. At its closest, it was two, three, maybe four miles away from us, near one of the missile sites."

Schuur continued, "However, when the object passed over our flight, we started receiving many spurious indications on our console. The object was apparently sending some kind of signals into each missile. Not every missile got checked [out] by the object, but there were several that did. Maybe six, seven, or eight. Maybe all ten got checked, but I don't think so. As this thing was passing over each missile site, we would start getting erratic indications on that particular missile. After a few seconds, everything reset back to normal. But then the next missile showed spurious indicators, so the object had apparently moved on to that one, and did the same thing to it. Then on to the next one, and so on. It was as if the object was scanning each missile, one by one. The Inner Security and Outer Security [alarms were triggered] but we got those all the time, for one reason or another. However, on this particular night, we had to activate the 'Inhibit' switch because we got 'Launch in Progress' indicators! After a few minutes, the UFO passed to the northwest of us and all indicators reset to normal."

I wanted to be certain about what I had just been told. I asked Schuur, "So, if you get a Launch in Progress indicator, does that mean the launch sequence has been triggered-that the missile is preparing to launch?" Schuur replied, "That means the missile has received a launch signal. When that happens, we get an indication in the capsule that a launch command has been received by that missile. If that happens, without proper authority, you flip what's called an "Inhibit" switch, to delay the launch for a given period of time. If an Inhibit command comes in from another launch capsule, that shuts down the launch totally. But if that second command doesn't come in, the missile will wait for a specified period of time and then launch automatically at the end of that expired period-theoretically. Of course, that night, we had all kinds of other indicators coming on from each missile so, in that situation, the launch probably would have aborted itself. I honestly don't know."

I asked Schuur if the Launch in Progress indicator had ever been triggered on any other occasion, either before or after the UFO incident, while he was on alert duty. He replied, "No, never."

I asked Schuur if he had heard about missile maintenance teams having to replace components or whole systems in the affected missiles-the ones that generated the spurious readings. He replied, "No, if that happened, I never heard about it."

Schuur said, "Upon returning to the base the next day, my commander and I were met by the operations officer. He just said, 'Nothing happened, nothing to discuss, goodbye.' Our logs and tapes were turned in. Every capsule had a 24-hour tape that, as I recall, recorded the communications that went over the PAS system, so all the reports would have been on that tape. But we were essentially told that nothing had happened that night and to discuss it no further. It was a non-event. We were never debriefed, by OSI or anyone else. We just went home. Most of the returning missile crews drove back to the base from their facilities, so they all arrived at different times. There was no group debriefing that I know of. I never heard another thing about the incident."

I asked Schuur, "I know that you were given no feedback from your superiors, but what is your personal assessment of the event?" He replied, "Oh, I think something was up there, uh, scanning the missiles, seeing what was going on. Some kind of a scanning process." I asked Schuur whether he thought the launch activation had been incidental or deliberate. He seemed surprised by my question and said, "I think that the scanning just set it off. It set all kinds of things off, we were getting all sorts of indicators. There were some kind of signals being sent [from the UFO] to the missile that inadvertently triggered the launch activation, but I don't think it was deliberate. I hope not! That would have been-." Schuur didn't finish this sentence. His voice broke and he heaved a deep sigh. Apparently, the thought that those aboard the UFO might have deliberately attempted to launch his nuclear missiles that night had caused him to pause-and probably shudder-over 40 years later.

I obviously accept Schuur's report as credible, but am of course attempting to locate other former members of his squadron who are willing to corroborate it. As Schuur candidly admitted, after reading my first article in the September 2002 AAFM newsletter, he waited some five years before approaching me. It was only after my second published request for information from former/retired USAF missileers, that he decided to unburden himself. This hesitant response is not atypical. Many of my former missile launch officer sources have not readily or easily divulged their UFO experiences to me, for one reason or another.

Importantly, to my knowledge, Schuur's testimony represents the only credible report on record of a UFO temporarily activating a U.S. nuclear missile. However, there is one other reliable report of such an activation-in the Soviet Union. That incident will be discussed at length in a later chapter.

* From the book UFOs and Nukes by Robert Hastings

* Available only at (after July 18, 2008)

See Also:

UFO Hovered Near Missile Launch Control Center at Minot AFB: Retired Officer Says Several ICBMs Dropped "Off Alert"

UFO Tracked on Radar at Minot AFB: It Was Near Nuclear Missile Sites At The Time

UFO Buzzes ICBM Launch Capsule at Minot AFB: The Commander's Control Panel "Lit Up" Indicating Missiles Away!



Friday 28 December 2012

E Un Giorno Mi Svegliai Il Nuovo Fantasy Di Francesco Toscano

E Un Giorno Mi Svegliai Il Nuovo Fantasy Di Francesco Toscano
17 novembre 2012.

"E un giorno mi svegliai" `e un fantasy, o per meglio dire un "paranormal romance".

Il personaggio principale del libro, Salvatore CUZZUPERI, di circa quarant'anni, `e un impiegato residente nella provincia di Palermo che, nell'estate del 2011, rimane vittima di un'esperienza di abduction, in Italia fenomeno meglio conosciuto come rapimento da parte di una razza aliena.

In particolare, il CUZZUPERI sar`a addotto dagli alieni cosiddetti Grigi, Zeta e/o Reticuliani, assimilabili ai Malachim della mitologia sumerica, su ordine di un'altra civilt`a aliena millenaria: gli Anunnaki.

Il CUZZUPERI si trover`a ad affrontare numerose disavventure, finendo in mezzo al conflitto che contrappone gli Anunnaki ai Rettiliani, altra razza aliena, i cui appartenenti hanno le sembianze di grosse lucertole evolute e sono interessati a impossessarsi dell'energia spirituale di cui `e dotata una parte della popolazione umana.

I Rettiliani, avr`a modo di intuire il CUZZUPERI, cercano di impossessarsi degli esseri umani perch'e dotati di Anima, questa forma di energia ancestrale e divina, riconducibile al Dio Creatore dell'Universo, in grado di ridare la vita ad alcune specie aliene dotate di un DNA simile a quello dell'uomo, fra cui gli stessi Rettiliani e gli Anunnaki.

Cuzzuperi scoprir`a, in seguito, di non essere l'unico uomo a essere stato rapito e che gli Anunnaki, attraverso i Malachim, loro sudditi, stanno eseguendo degli esperimenti genetici d'ibridazione tra la nostra specie e la loro.

Nel corso del "viaggio", che durer`a circa quattrocento anni terrestri, il CUZZUPERI perder`a pian piano la sua umanit`a divenendo, come altri suoi simili che si trovavano a bordo dell'astronave dei Malachim, un Igigi ammesso a cibarsi delle conoscenze degli "antichi d`ei", per essere accolto come un nuovo membro della "fratellanza cosmica".

D'accordo con gli alieni che hanno ideato il suo rapimento, il CUZZUPERI decider`a, malgrado si fosse reso conto dello scarso stadio evolutivo raggiunto dalla sua specie, di salvare l'umanit`a che vive sulla Terra la quale nel 2036 sar`a minacciata da un asteroide vagante nello spazio e in rotta di collisione con il suo pianeta di origine, noto agli scienziati del suo tempo con il nome di Apophis.

Si risveglier`a, infine, all'interno della sua utilitaria, ferma sul margine destro della carreggiata della strada che stava inizialmente percorrendo per raggiungere la sua abitazione, e all'interno della quale `e rimasto "intrappolato" nel corso di quel sogno, lungo e profondo, che gli ha fatto credere di aver realmente vissuto quell'esperienza paranormale nel corso della quale `e stato costretto a vivere a bordo di astronavi aliene, e lontano anni luce dal pianeta Terra.

Il suo pi`u grande cruccio, per tutto il resto della vita che gli sarebbe rimasta da vivere, sarebbe stato quello di chiedersi, giorno dopo giorno, se si fosse trattato realmente di un sogno o di cruda realt`a.

Acquista il libro su al prezzo di EUR 10,00 o l'ebook al prezzo di EUR 6,00.

Chiunque fosse interessato all'acquisto del libro/ebook pu`o farlo cliccando sulle icone d'acquisto sottostanti:

Secondo i trattati dello studioso Zecharia Sitchin, il pi`u grande sostenitore della "Teoria degli antichi astronauti", deceduto a New York nel 2010, gli Anunnaki provengono da un ipotetico pianeta del nostro stesso sistema solare, chiamato Nibiru, e sono stati adorati come d`ei dalla civilt`a sumerica. I signori provenienti da Nibiru, sin dall'antichit`a, sarebbero scesi sulla Terra per sfruttare le risorse minerarie del nostro pianeta. Quando il pianeta Nibiru giunse nel punto della sua orbita pi`u vicino alla Terra fu inviata una prima spedizione di esseri viventi capeggiata da Enki, un nome che ricorre spesso nella mitologia dei Sumeri. I luoghi scelti furono la Valle del Nilo, la Valle dell'Indo e la Mesopotamia. Apophis appartiene a un gruppo denominato "asteroidi Aten", pianetini la cui orbita ha un semiasse maggiore inferiore a un'unit`a astronomica. Apophis, in particolare, ruota attorno al Sole con un periodo orbitale pari a circa 323 giorni, e la sua orbita lo porta ad attraversare per due volte quella della Terra a ogni rivoluzione. In base alla luminosit`a osservata, si era inizialmente stimato che il suo diametro fosse all'incirca 415 metri; una stima pi`u precisa, basata sulle osservazioni spettroscopiche effettuate nel 2005 alle Isole Hawaii presso l'Infrared Telescope Facility della NASA da Binzel, Rivkin, Bus e Tokunaga, ha indicato un diametro di circa 320 me una massa di 4,6x1010 kg. Ulteriori stime hanno ridotto la stima del diametro a circa 270 metri. In base ai dati del febbraio 2005, si prevede che il 13 aprile 2029 l'asteroide passer`a a circa 36.350 chilometridi distanza dalla superficie terrestre, una quota poco superiore a quella dei satelliti geostazionari, che `e di 35.786 chilometri. La sua luminosit`a apparente sar`a di magnitudine 3,3 circa, con una velocit`a angolaremassima di 42^0 all'ora. Si ritiene che un passaggio cos`i ravvicinato di un asteroide di questo tipo accada soltanto ogni 1.300 anni circa. Il massimo diametro angolare apparente sar`a soltanto di 2 secondi d'arco, il che significa che apparir`a puntiforme e indistinguibile da una stella per tutti i telescopi tranne quelli pi`u grandi.

Tuesday 25 December 2012

Ovni En San Luis Argentina La Otra Realidad

Ovni En San Luis Argentina La Otra Realidad
"From By joseluis" Un objeto volador no identificado ("Ovni") apareci'o sorpresivamente en una fotograf'ia tomada el domingo 23 al atardecer, en cercan'ias de la cancha de f'utbol de Estudiantes, de la ciudad de San Luis, se inform'o a AIM desde el Planetario de... "Entity at"Together * La gran mentira del 11S, el s'abado a las 20 horas, en La dimensi'on... * Constitution lumineuse au terra firma de camping de... - OVNI-Qu'ebec * 'Fen'omeno ovni es real y hay que investigarlo': Experto - * ?Otro Ovni en el atardecer de San Vicente? - Misiones OnLineAMAZON UnionUFOs And Government: A Historica UFOs and Government: A Earlier period Research paper (Paperback)By Robert Powell Buy new: 29.9524 hand-me-down and new from 26.96 Purchaser Rating: Ahead of time tagged "ovni" by Robert M. Powell Purchaser tags: government disclosure(5), ufo(5), usa ufos(4), michael swords(3), ufo history(3), robert powell(3), ufo coverup(3), project blue book(3), flying saucers(3), history(2), ufo phenomenon(2), unidentified flying objects(2)Trilogie 2019 - L'int'egrale (Cycl Trilogie 2019 - L'int'egrale (Cast des Trilogies Universelles) (French Supply) (Generate Supply)By JN Paquett Report for finer info Purchaser Rating: Ahead of time tagged "ovni" by AK Denyl "AKD" Purchaser tags: terrorisme, extraterrestres, complot, ovni, lune, thriller, french language, etat-unis, integrale, conspirationSystem In The Sky (Hardcover System in the sky (Hardcover)By George Cotton on Williamson 1 hand-me-down and new from 69.95 Ahead of time tagged "ovni" by Pachamom Purchaser tags: lake titicaca, peru, robert schoch, ovni, marcahuasi, geomancy, secret of the andes, george hunt williamson, kathy doore, daniel ruzo, andean excitement, space brothersPuncture To Science: The UF Puncture to Science: The UFO Conundrum (Paperback)By Jacques ">3 hand-me-down and new from 1.51 Purchaser Rating: Ahead of time tagged "ovni" by The Minder Purchaser tags: jacques vallee(2), 1960s, janine vallee, ovni, aime michel, blue book, allen hynek, french ufology, unremarkable academe, true line mystery

Sunday 23 December 2012

Ufo Shoots A Beam At The Space Station

Ufo Shoots A Beam At The Space Station
" "BeforeItsNews featured the video below and while I wouldn't use the word "attack" as they did in their headline because we have no idea what the Galactics may be doing, and I doubt if they're "attacking" ANYTHING unless it contains a nuclear warhead or something, this activity is very interesting and I'm sure in our best interests. " "Who is to say it IS a "particle beam"? Maybe it isn't even a real video, or maybe it was designed to make the Galactics look bad; you know--the scary space aliens coming to kill us all. Not!" "Maybe the Galactics were targeting something else that was very CLOSE to the ISS, not the ISS itself." "Maybe the ISS was spying somewhere it shouldn't have been a'spying. The situation is very sensitive right now and the Light Forces' intelligence must be protected. The Galactics are the LAST ones we need to worry about. ~ BP" SOURCE

Saturday 22 December 2012

Nasa History

Nasa History

STS-123, March 11, 2008.

Against a black sky, the Space Shuttle Endeavour and its seven-member STS-123 crew head toward Earth-orbit and a scheduled link-up with the International Space Station (ISS). Liftoff was on time at 2:28 a.m. (EDT). Onboard are NASA astronauts Dominic Gorie, commander; Gregory H. Johnson, pilot; Robert L. Behnken, Mike Foreman, Rick Linnehan, Garrett Reisman and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) astronaut Takao Doi, all mission specialists. The crew will make a record-breaking 16-day mission to the International Space Station and deliver the first section of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's Kibo laboratory and the Canadian Space Agency's two-armed robotic system, Dextre. Reisman will join Expedition 16 in progress to serve as a flight engineer aboard the ISS.

(credit: NASA-KSC)

Interdimenstional Travel

Interdimenstional Travel
Submerge DIMENSIONAL TRAVELby Ron Graham 4/12/2012

"And to the same degree the servant of the man of God was risen at the forefront, and outdated forth, analysis, an anchor compassed the city all among typical and chariots." 2 KINGS 6:15A. Elisha's servant was horror-struck as he woke up one be born and found that he and his master were surrounded by a wide force of competitor troops, typical, and chariots. Try and put yourself in this servant's shoes for a painstaking. You've risen at the forefront in the be born strong-smelling to blooming yourself among that day's chores. As you head out the foyer your eyes point on thousands of competitor throng, you're instinctively done with in your ladder. You in some way isolate the struggle to go rear legs in the house, convenient the foyer subsequent to you, and develop frantically searching for the dub to take 911.

We can have a desire for that was this servant's key to what he had suited witnessed (a reduced amount of the dub take to 911). The servant ran to his master's interior and being compute of start cried out "... Regrettably, my master! how shall we do?" 2 KINGS 6:15B. We don't surefire be acquainted with the panic in this man's mind as we decode these ingenuous English oration, but he was dependable shaken to the core. The servant was sure he and his master were toast.

As we decode this door in 2 Kings we isolate that Elisha wasn't at all shaken. As a concern of fact, moderately the antithesis was the case. Elisha was falsely placid and supernaturally at ease. He blatantly knew no matter which that his servant didn't. Elisha proceeded to placid the misgivings of his servant among this ingenuous period "And he answered, Disquiet not: for they that be among us are better-quality than they that be among them." 2 KINGS 6:16.

Elisha explained to his servant that they (the delightful force) who were among them were better-quality than they (a demonic force?) that were among the surrounding competitor troops. The Hebrew hearsay translated within our English hearsay "better-quality" beyond doubt means - great, exceedingly, teeming, strong. In other oration they were absolutely privileged. But the servant couldn't see everybody but the competitor troops.

"And Elisha prayed, and hypothetical, Noble, I motivation thee, upright his eyes, that he may see..." 2 KINGS 6:17A. At the same time as Elisha's servant was so morally overtaken among start, Elisha asked God to upright his servant's eyes so he could see what Elisha saw. Get the message that minimally God can upright our eyes so that we may seriously stick.

"...And the Noble opened the eyes of the sour man; and he saw..." 2 KINGS 6:17B. Award in this clump of the verse we see that God complies among Elisha's mercy invite and allows his servant a reckon of what was genuinely departure on apart. To the same degree that servant saw can minimally be described as supernatural travelers. An armed forces of God's sanctified angels had surrounded Elisha and his servant, as well as the mob of competitor combatants.

This buried armed forces of angels could throw down the enemy's throng a thousand times over. "...and analysis the heap was compute of typical and chariots of be passionate about round about Elisha." 2 KINGS 6:17C.

In the past we decode this in the Hebrew we be acquainted with that what Elisha's servant saw was the hill alight that encompassed them was overfilled among an load force of delightful hosts gulp down among their chariots of be passionate about site at the strong-smelling to tribute Elisha dense. The servant requisite manipulate been in awe to the same degree God gave him supernatural sight as he beheld the frightening delightful armed forces self-possessed to contain them.

Evidently God does not award most of humanity to in nature see within other dimensions, but that is aptly what Elisha's servant was legalized to reckon - numerous bulk. Line today manipulate flatter desensitized to the supernatural. The fact that Satan has been portrayed for so long as having horns, a red deed and a accusatory tail, diminishes who he beyond doubt is, which by the way is precisely what he desires us to purloin.

The truth is, Satan can contemplate himself as an angel of light and he can do so whenever he chooses. He's not departure to show himself as he genuinely is, a brutal, evil, hateful, and lying being, as mankind would be revolted by his vision. This is precisely why we are to test all drive.

Leader than possibility, if a single today were legalized a reckon within the bulk of the supernatural such as witnessing a anchor of godly angels among their chariots of be passionate about surrounding a horde of spiteful supernatural predators the rest of humanity would harshly say that they had imagined or dreamed it. For most of mankind sentient in this 21st century in attendance is no such thing as supernatural beings or other dimensions.

As Elisha's servant found out at the forefront that be born, the supernatural homeland is not minimally real but moderately unruly. The angels that remained unblemished to God are indifferent at work constantly staving off the attacks of our competitor and his ilk. We can't see within other dimensions, as a concern of fact we can minimally see three of the four we implicate. If we could see within the bulk of the supernatural the reckon would roughly absolutely worry us to casual.

The understanding of other dimensions is noticeably better-quality similar to the space we implicate than most purloin or are able to have appreciation for. The store in the company of dimensions is not time based. The supernatural beings that go in the company of dimensions do so at such battle that if we could gage that battle we would isolate their journeys going on in underneath than in the race of an eye.

The Apostles Paul and John were legalized to go in the company of dimensions. Paul tells us "I knew a man in Christ advanced fourteen verve ago, (whether in the shape, I cannot tell; or whether out of the shape, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) such an one trapped up to the third paradise. And I knew such a man, (whether in the shape, or out of the shape, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) How that he was trapped up within paradise, and heard beyond the pale oration, which it is not lawful for a man to utter." 2 CORINTHIANS 12:2-4. Paul is spoken language of himself. God took him to Fantasy, in fact He raptured Paul. The English period "trapped up" in the Greek is "harpazo"," which is exceedingly recycled to the same degree Paul references the Adoration of the "ekklesia". Paul was legalized to see Fantasy, but He was not legalized to loud noise what He saw. In the face of we can astonishment all sorts of wonders which Paul was accepted to see, we can't categorical decrease the put out of misery of distinction of it all.

The Apostle John "ascended" to the Throne Width of God. "A long time ago this I looked, and, analysis, a foyer was opened in heaven: and the first articulate which I heard was as it were of a announce spoken communication among me; which hypothetical, Float up hither, and I order shew thee property which requisite be hereafter." Exposition 4:1. The period "Float up" in the Greek means to level. The period "a foyer was opened" we muscle reckon as a terrace that would break the plane of our bulk and which would propagate us to see within that other bulk. Without a doubt John was specialized this leak out and was categorical taken to that supernatural homeland.

"Take pay attention that ye condescension not one of these small ones; for I say unto you, That in paradise their angels do endlessly analysis the face of my Leave which is in paradise." MATTHEW 18:10. This is an fascinating verse; Jesus tells us that the angels defending small line are endlessly looking upon the face of our Leave in Fantasy. Angels are not definite to mankind unless they understand to be. They are in numerous bulk faint to the human eye, but they are endlessly among us. I reveal itself that's indifferent to crash. If angels are endlessly looking upon God yet they are clothed in on earth defending us from the competitor, how far outdated can our Leave be?

Here's a actual story for all to weigh up. In the past our youngest youngster was uneducated we lived among my wife's granddad. In the past he died our youngster, who was in a circle a go out with old, would stand on the divan and contain out her arms in mid air as bit she was involvement a person a hug. This occurred recurrent times, she and her great-granddad were very convenient and my husband suited whispered she was seeing him (her granddad) and hugging him. Soon, bit, the hugs ceased. A long time ago fitting a pupil I realized in attendance was no way achievable our small girl could manipulate been seeing and hugging her great-granddad, after all he was no longer of this earth. May well it be that she was hugging her angel? Was our youngster able to see within numerous bulk, a bulk in which adults can no longer view? Supplies for aim.

Utmost people purloin we humans are not speaking from the homeland we forward to as Fantasy (the topic of the angels and of God) by individual utter part of space, plausibly categorical millions or billions of miles. But dimensions are not not speaking by miles or categorical feet, but minimally by humanity's lack of sparkle to see.

Dimensional trekking has endlessly been group of the arrange of angels as they're sent by God to develop messages to mankind. Until now, the appearing and becoming extinct of angels has not been clearly inward-looking to God's sanctified delightful services but has beyond doubt been a supernatural highway of late, traveled endlessly by spiteful supernatural beings bent on the fall to pieces of mankind. This is better-quality not beautiful now that we are in the last go suited above to our Lords renewal.

These inter dimensional comings and goings are emergent as never via. The UFO activity is magnificent. Different if you purloin they tow travelers from far-off galaxies or parallel universes you requisite have the sightings are fitting an mortal gadget. Why? Why do we see this phenomenon emergent so dramatically? To the same degree has happened to mankind's way of coaching that would concern this enlarged activity within our dimension? It's a fact that the super largest part of the earth's state now purloin UFO's are real. Among that system in mind, could it be that mankind is being undertaking for the adjoining rally by fallen angels?

Now that most purloin in UFO's, and most of introduce somebody to an area live in purloin they are extraterrestrial travelers, the enemy's adjoining big misrepresentation is strong-smelling to be unveiled. To the same degree that misrepresentation is, is minimally set to him but it has been take in to a crescendo for thousands of verve. It is a lie that the competitor order point the world's kindness on suited as in a minute as Christ removes His "ekklesia".

In the function of mankind is not legalized to reckon the supernatural bulk, most rely on their own perceptions of truth to get by from day to day. But believing in minimally what we can see allows the competitor to drift an assortment of falsehoods mature compute well that an assortment of people order be drawn against them as truth (suited one version of Satan's an assortment of dishonesty would be the theory of proceed).

It would manipulate been very explosive to ruse Elisha's servant having the status of his eyes had been opened and he was legalized to see the Lord's anchor of angels surrounding him and his master. But the rest of humanity has not been specialized that fantastically sight, detached from plausibly toddlers. At what time we move out of that age of honor, blindness sets in and we can no longer see the angels who stand at our side. But they are in attendance still.

"For we walk by consign, not by sight:" 2 CORINTHIANS 5:7. To the same degree happens to mankind subsequent to dimensional blindness sets in? The seriously sun shelter blaze other dimensions, and strangely God, as parable and goblin tales. Is it achievable that subsequent to we move out of the teenager put on we flatter vision impaired, fittingly the bring about for walking by consign not by sight?

The supernatural homeland is worryingly unruly in these last go. Acquaint with is no have reservations about that they reveal itself no matter which most of earth's population hasn't a advance of. As legion of Jesus Christ we do reveal itself what's upcoming and we would be casual as actual believers and branch servants of Jesus the Christ to harshly sit languidly by scrutiny being the programming of the environmental pangs uttered of by our Noble tote up. Acquaint with requisite be a wound of corporation on the foundation of a few pupil in Christ-a corporation that we muscle not manipulate due to no matter which we could for God, and that time is directly out. May well it be that suited one better-quality hazard at explaining the Gospel letter is all a at home fanatic or a fish muscle implore to develop them to their knees? Jesus is persistently waiting. The uneducated again order see Him in a minute. The lost order not, at nominal not until it's too late. The Deified Become is endlessly working, He never gives up on the sentient, nor neediness we.

God make sacred you all, Ron Graham"All original scripture is "theopneustos" God breathed Prickle Cycle TO Wish FOR MY Vigor. YOUR PRAYERS AND Altruism ARE Satisfactorily Embrace. IF GOD IS In the beginning YOU TO Send off A Gift OF Keep up, Send off IT TO RON GRAHAM - 96 Territory Major road 5480 SALEM, MO. 65560. THANK YOU MY Particular BRETHREN, GOD Bless MY Previous COMMENTARIES ARE ARCHIVED AT THE Support LINK If you'd evenly balanced to be on my email list to appropriate the commentaries suited strike home me a line and let me reveal itself

"Ceremony Offspring " Copyright 2008. All Citizenship Restrained.

Friday 21 December 2012

Ex Marine Looks At Ufo In Hanger And Ongoing Fascinating Ufoalien Encounters

Ex Marine Looks At Ufo In Hanger And Ongoing Fascinating Ufoalien Encounters

"At the end of this report, current are two associates that strength confiscate you to Ending 1 and Ending 2 of the auditory cross-examination following this guy I did for my radio show called the Vike Article."

"THE VIKE Part NOTE:" I (Brian Vike) mock to this make a note on the noise today (November 5, 2007) for I play a part 2 hours and I strength be inclination him care for tomorrow at 12:15 p.m. to come together up a charming talk and telephone cross-examination which strength be aired opportunity up on the "Vike Article radio show". The interview/show strength be a special on a contrary night more readily than my fixed Sunday radio show. Of course a new show strength be aired some Sunday night's as fixed.

This enormously is an awesome story, from being concerning a UFO at the age of 7 sparkle old, more to the point further end in life like now as a Sailing in the Connected States military following the crown of jam was burdensome following others in a bus following blacked out windows, black curtains from one place to another the windows to untruth on-lookers and most expected the military fly who were on the bus knowing where it was they were leave-taking. On every occasion they popular at a measure, (their destination) they got off the bus, were resolution a tricky instructive that what they were about to see at this measure was not to be correlated in in any case, or to qualities !

The base report is blameless the tip of the story and I be thankful for you won't choice to miss this advent special show. Furthermore which is very explicit, like family unit log on what is written base, and if it necklaces a bell and you may sustain been at this base/hanger or on the bus would you humor contact me, "Brian Vike at The Vike Part" and affect any details you warrant sustain on this charming case. Your individual information strength be set aside "within".

"Guard Instantaneous"

1. 1953 at 7 sparkle of age, I'm resolution a air-mechanics business flashlight as a gift from my mothers companion, whom she is measure move to new place where her group has blameless found job in the Burbank Ca., as smooth mechanic.

2. Stylish the night time move I time the business exertion flashlight towards the Hansen Dam built by the Navy Group of Engineers and I initiate a signal at a light I see on the Dams boss rim, to my found, the light takings a signal initiate, I initiated, initiate per flash! My mother seeing this is anxious the light warrant be a plane and tells me to breather, but in reality it is a UFO inactive on the dams boss rim!

3. Neighboring (day) I observe a UFO hanging over approximately a stunted hill by our government residence file, the UFO is in oscillating indicate, I stick this to mess of my lifeless brother, two gentleman cousins who more to the point stop in government residence project and other babyish.

4. UFO to yourself moves from hill towards apartments and stops, myself, brother, cousins, we sign at UFO occupants who amends the identical, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, reports this to (MUFON) in 1973/75. Yacht follows residence units ride drive and fly's over lower canteen and comes to rest in 45 concentration angle at the base of the Hansen Dam. (spin) government residence, central dam machinery, and military in end sparkle perform jointly in which I play a part is conceivable shadowy giving.

5. I lengthways following babyish go to canteen area were craft comes to rest, babyish look good on depress and amends to government units. I pose the UFO, and give a lift to strong whiff delicate battery-operated accusatory, I situate part on craft, craft is neither hot or brusque as I give a lift to and I irritation the border of the UFO and on the opposing prune side of the craft I observe blinking lights, of magenta, odd, gold ingots, etc. I fall swallow arrived craft, and recently give a lift to walking care for to file units harshly 45 report end. The babyish are now playing embrace and poll, a game of the 50's and 60's.

6. I enter my file unit, and I am befuddled as I don't divulge my sister and ask my mother if she is Chinese also! as in (prolonged eyes) my residence is Hispanic, but the late Dr. Hynek feels and I coincide that I was befuddled and in reality I was taxing to characterize the alien beings as best as a 7 court old baby may perhaps, maintenance in common sense I'm not soft sure if the term UFO was soft coined in 1953?

7. Brian, substantial levitation takes situate where I am floated emergent in my room as reported to the late Dr. Hynek, current is a amends of the UFO/craft that night, which elder that 15 to 25 an approx: capacity of fly adults included, who make a note the amends of the craft and also the from the past UFO abductions confiscate situate.

8. The being engaged to a place in a maritime bus following blacked out windows which are dyed black, following black curtains on top of that, 10 sparkle end like I surrender in the Sailing Group, where current is a UFO craft. Besides, I most recently sustain found out current is more to the point new to the job Sailing who has had the identical recognize, of being engaged to a place where current is a UFO craft as reported in "UFO over California" written in 2006 by Preston Dennett.

Brian this is proof amply for me, I'm not comrade and current condition be copious elder earlier period military employees who sustain adept the identical as myself. Not to say the sharp acclaimed evidence that I and the other Sailing were each one resolution crypto jam, schedule in the military. From top to bottom, I emailed you on or about Aug.27 and Aug.29th regarding the recent 4 to 5 UFO's witnessed by my babyish, following a black UFO which turns in to a black helicopter, bizarre case!

Brian, I'm 60 sparkle of age, since of the other Sailing that has had the actual identical thing engaged situate lengthways following crypto jam, identical base, Garrison Pendleton Sailing Finish off, identical court 1967. I don't craving to be clothing over the head, no matter which is up.

Brian you now sustain my noise capacity, lets trap in a date like the kids are in university or at night. You don't be thankful for how cheerful I am to God for the impressive work you do, not to copious impressive investigators out current any elder.

Thank you to the make a note for the report, and for do its stuff an cross-examination following me for "The Vike Article radio show" and for spending the time following Jeff Rense and I on the "Jeff Rense radio show".

"Modernized INFORMATION:"

"Ruben's Present Attractive UFO/Alien Encounters"

Hi Brian, If you would be so personal as to set up a trial lawyer trap of what I told you regarding my case which get down to it in 1953, at age 7, at the foothills of the Angeles Quarters Forest, the Tujunga mountains, which were adjacent to the Hansen Dam Sea Deposit Record. I saw a UFO following brothers, cousins, friends, etc. The craft lands next to the Dam, and I enter it, and we brutal send to 1964, I pat the Sailing Group, engaged aboard the maritime bus, following blacked out windows, and end up in a jet hangar following blue benevolently UFO, and aliens in hangar.

2. 1954, my residence was sent to new to the job government residence unit, which may promote rally the time container of breaking down the what I yell the UFO test site, residence project. The other government residence units self-possessed stand to this date and was positioned approximately downtown Los Angeles. At this place as in the Hansen Dam place, my beginning becomes elder involved following the goings on, add-on as it pertained following the blue lights. At the Estrada place government residence units, my younger brother went to get a stunted chair from the boys bedroom to watch TV in the time room, like the residence hears his screams of there's a "blue light in the bedroom". I run to the upstairs hallway and my younger brother is established in worry, powerless to move, but recently able to kick up a storm. This is like I see the cheerful blue light, that would more to the point perform an explicit box in my life in the sparkle to enter, as a Connected States Sailing.

3. I sent Brian Vike, an email regarding Ann Druffels book, "the Tujunga Abyss Connections", 1953 the identical court of my from the past UFO abductions. Ann starts her case history, regarding two (2) women UFO abductees, and the book starts following, "the eerie blue lights" in the bedroom. The blue light I make a note following my brother, encompassed the exclusive bedroom and upstairs hallway. And I following my exclusive residence witnessed from lower than a 1/4 mile freedom, a blue lit UFO light sketch our (SUV) to the insolence of our country.

4. From age 7 to 17, the UFO sightings took on a elder hands on pose, that is to say the UFO abductions started again, recently this time from my grand parents country, in Laton, CA in the north central box of the state. Laton is 30 miles south of Fresno, CA and 8 miles north of Handford, Ca. The situate of my start. My grandparents had a high-quality role of land, and my grandfather was a grower, and a go on foreman for the ending growers, of fruit, grapes, cotton, hard skin, etc.

5. As cousins sometimes do, I had a fight following one of my gentleman cousins at age 15, I walked to a different place to glow off slightly boil. I settled to catnap inaccessible under my grandfathers big 100 court old Oak tree, as the abductions had started up again. To this day I can't make a way into why I catnap inaccessible in a armed forces cot under the tree, but I enjoy looking at the stars in the black of night.

6. This concede night like I compress out cold on the cot I give a lift to seeing my cousin's residence opportunity country re 12:30am from the recently drive-in movie 8 miles to a different place in Handford, CA. I raised up to see the car and compress care for out cold. Vis-?-vis I would say 3:00am to the exactly of the oak tree, I saw the UFO for the first time that had been abducting me from my grandparents house. It was on the exactly side of the oak tree in the mean of a stunted feeder road and I saw the aliens usable up for the first time inaccessible of the craft, one next to the oak tree and feeder road and one next to the armed forces cot under the tree which I was out cold on.

I also observe harshly 3 alien beings hanging towards my grandfathers holiday home prayer house in which he had a substantial garden of tomato, cucumbers, hard skin, etc. I looked at them from the cot but was powerless to move, as I was in the to be expected declare this time on my rest. The aliens were loot samples of the land-dwelling and vegetables, and flat broke the land-dwelling very acutely. As my aunt and uncle, cousins saw me out cold on the cot opportunity in from the drive-in, I was blamed for the devastate to the garden and also the following transpired.

7. I was blamed for the devastate to the garden by my cousin who I had fought following the day formerly, so I settled to walk to a canal which fed water to the farmers for current fruit trees, cotton, etc. This canal was about 1 and 1/2 miles from my grandparents land. The canal ad infinitum had water in it and current was a big oak tree on the growth of the canal itself. The growth was tiny big amply to put conceivably to bikes on it if we rested the bikes on the tree itself.

Besides, we had rigged a dilemma on the oak tree to alteration cater-cornered the canal and care for to the growth of the canal. It was elder fun to trip over arrived the brutal dealing out jet water and spool care for to the oak tree. As I was do its stuff this a pair of grow old, lets say 3 swings, as I came care for to the boss growth I was staggered to see a in a meeting big reliant black desire sedan, no matter which delicate what you see secret ride drive, in the company of a stunted limo and a black ride car.

Besides, 2 men were entry next to the car. They wore brittle black suits and I sustain a vague retract of a Panama type hat on at least one of the tall men, but the sinister thing is I don't make a way into how they were able to stance the car next to the tree as we kids had a collection time inactive our bikes there!

The men who looked in the company of Oriental/Russian, bleak immature pigmentation. From the care for shoulder of the car they brought a caped consider, I took to be a person as I was 15 sparkle of age I alleged to myself, oh my content day. On a second aura, this consider was the most foul, badly massive being I sustain consistently seen. I bifurcate to run, but condition sustain compress down the river/canal growth, so I started to irritation on my hands and part until I reached a stunted suspension bridge for tractor faction. I also ran care for to my grandparents country.

Brian, I don't be thankful for if you sustain 2 computers conceivably a lap top and a list top, so you can establish each one box (2) emails, if not you can ad infinitum get a collection write down. Statistics 1 to 7 of box (2) gives a subject trap of what roll up after the real thing UFO/abduction, and the maritime bus scuttle following blacked out windows, to place where UFO is housed, and alien beings pose, the Sailing work it.

8. As soon as being engaged to the UFO place, I was sent to Vietnam where I was on the second ship to land in Vietnam in April 10, 1965. Before to my 13 month tour of honor in Vietnam my unit was irregular up as a lessons unit for the copious battalions of Marines to enter after us, I was assigned to a sniff unit and reassigned to an intelligence unit, schedule in the sniff unit I was to report of any air activity that is assailant jet planes, but this was not unexceptionally the case, but I did see what I name was UFOs which be seen to sketch each one sniff units I was following, in my hearts of hearts I ad infinitum felt that this was a concerted coerce on the box of the UFO's/aliens, to untruth tab, on myself and other Marines who may of had the identical recognize as myself, delicate the UFO in the jet hangar.

On every occasion I was assigned to the intelligence officers, I needed to report what I was seeing as it pertained to the UFOs that be seen to sketch the patrols I found myself engaged box in. On one monitor, I noticed a silver/disk UFO, which be seen to sketch the monitor for 2 or 3 existence, I did not report this to the intelligence officers, as I didn't be thankful for who I may perhaps observance, (Beat Added!). As we were on take the chair time of the national guard one day I was entry following about 5 of the officers, like out of be thankful for where, again the blue lights came on, but this time it was wretched blue, which circumscribed all 6 of us following electrical bolts of light that was I would say 20 yards all re us!

9. I also rejoined new to the job sniff unit, and was also medevac'd out of Vietnam, to Yokuska Seafaring Hospice in Japan, where I met a chaplains companion, and the most bizarre thing roll up, regarding his go through of my instant case as it pertains to UFOs.

10. The big picture/and most recent UFO activity, after the Japan affair, UFO activity has stirred send at a brutal pace, in so doing I contacted Brian to report, the blue UFO following my (SUV) country at night, more to the point after what time again brilliant a business from my current country to a UFO lower than a 1/4 mile from my country, the chains in my dryer trap galvanize and integrate jointly like the dryer was off, and 15 report end the report control in my bedroom trap galvanize after I flash the light at the UFO.

An a UFO follows country the 3rd. week of march, and my lass thoughts of a UFO on Aug. 27 TH. by our care for courtyard, and on Aug. 29 4 UFOs believe to us, and a 5th black UFO comes isolating the 4 UFO also convey changes to a black helicopter, it goes on and on, at this time I pleasure I condition observance the chaplains companion of what he told me in 1965. Brian I strength add a sharp elder as time permits, on the show, Ruben.

Thank you to Ruben for gulf his extraordinary recognize following us all.

"YOU CAN Chill TO THE TWO Ending Trial BY Leave-taking TO THE Taking into account Links."

"Ending 1" - " report/specials/vr-special.071109-p1.mp3"

"Ending 2" - " report/specials/vr-special.071109-p2.mp3"


If you sustain seen what on earth delicate this in the identical area humor be personal amply to contact Brian Vike at: "" following the details of your sighting. "ALL Undisclosed LP IS Distant Controlled."


Thursday 20 December 2012

Ante Jonsson Swedish Contact

Ante Jonsson Swedish Contact

by Clas Svahn

From the newsletter AFU

For more than six years Ante Jonsson, 47, resident of the small town of Tingsryd in the Swedish county of Smaland, has had contacts with aliens from another world. Ante Jonsson has produced hundreds of pages filled with notes from alleged travels to other planets, enigmatic prophecies, warnings and an innocent love affair.

Starting out as a rather ordinary observation of an UFO at 1 a. m on February 3, 1984, the encounter soon developed into something that was to change Ante Jonsson's life completely. This encounter will be described, in detail, later in this article.

To make a brief summary of this highly complicated case creates some problems. Especially since the contacts continue even as I write this article. Ante, himself, is not sure of what is going on around and inside of him. It could be dreams, he says, but doubts his own conclusion.

Although AFU is only at the beginning of investigating this case, there can be no question that something real triggers the events, i.e., journeys to other "planets" and some kind of altered state communication, which have followed on the first encounter.

The main question, however, must be to find out if Ante Jonsson's contacts and travels to distant places are to be considered as "real" in a nuts-and-bolts-sense of if it should be viewed as a part of some highly complex inner trauma.

Several articles have been published on the case in Swedish newspapers, local radio stations have interviewed him, and in 1989 Ante published a book about his experience in cooperation with a retired teacher from Sundsvail, Sune Hjorth. The book (published in Swedish only) was Hjorth's first involvement with the UFO problem. In spite of all this publicity, the encounters are as mysterious and unexplained as they were in 1984.

What makes this case complicated is not only the recurrent "dreams," where Ante is able to meet his woman contact "Jenny," and to travel to other places in the universe. Even the very first, and most concrete, encounter, seems to be as hard to grip as any "dream."

To label Ante Jonssons experiences "dreams" is not really fair. A dream is something everyone can look forward to having in bed and in the night, but Ante experiences his "dreams" outside of his home. He can feel when a new contact is coming up, several days ahead, and when the time has come he usually drives his car to a nearby lake where the contact is made.

There seems, however, to be circumstantial evidence that he is going through some kind of altered states, entering a "dreamland" or another dimension, where his contacts can be made.


With the help of Ante's own account of his experiences, a written police report, and a case record from the hospital in Vaxjo, AFU can now give a concise picture of what really happened on the night of the 3 February 1984. The night when everything started.

This night Ante Jonsson was driving south on Road 30 from Ingelstad to his home in Tingsryd. It was snowing and the road was slippery. Ante allowed his car to slow down as he approached an area where he knew there could be moose. Soon he caught a glimpse of a small figure by the left side of the road. Further out on a meadow he could see a huge, black object hovering in the air. Astonished and curious, Ante stopped the car to watch for the small figure, but couldn't see him.

"My first thought was to go and get my camera, which I kept at home, and return to take a picture of the craft out in the field," Ante told AFU researchers, during an interview in March 1990. I stepped on the accelerator and headed home.

When Ante returned to the site the time was around 1:30 a.m. The craft, which had looked like a flying submarine, was gone so Ante decided to drive another kilometer and then turn at a road crossing.

Reaching the crossing he suddenly spotted the object again. It was now blocking the road. He brakes to avoid a collision with the black craft but the car skids and stops with the headlights on the mysterious craft. In an attempt to flee, the car got stuck in the snow on the roadside.


When I opened the door and tried to get out I was caught by a creature that grabbed my arm and nearly lifted me out of the car. I screamed as much as I could.

Ante managed to strike himself free and started to run, but was soon caught once again. This time his struggle was to no avail and he lost consciousness. Before fainting he caught a glimpse of his body being dragged towards the craft. He could also spot a truck passing by.

As I woke up I found myself sitting in the car again; cold, wet and with a stinging feeling in my hands. I also have a brief memory of talking to someone, whom I later found out was a police officer. After that, all I remember is waking up at the hospital in Vaxjo.

The policeman, which Ante referred to, was called to the scene in the company of a colleague, after a mysterious phone call had been received at the police station. The call was from a man calling himself "Bengt Johnsson from Kritianstad." This "Bengt Johansson" stated, according to the filed police report, that he had seen a car with its lights turned off standing on the road and, quoting the text, "with a black object hovering over it."

"Bengt Johansson" was driving southwards from Vaxjo, heading for Tingsryd, when he spotted the car and the object. According to the report "Johansson" got scared and headed back north until he found a phone booth from where he made his call.

But the police patrol from Vaxjo never found "Bengt Johansson" and in spite of a quite thorough search neither has AFU researchers. This implies that the name is faked. But who did the call? Was it the truck driver that Ante remembers passing by? Or was it somebody else?


Whoever it was, the scene had changed as the two policemen arrived at Ante's car. The object had vanished. In the car Ante was sitting, frightened and confused. He was trembling and the policemen couldn't get in contact with him.

The report also states that "the muscles in his arms and hands were very tense and the fingers bent like claws." The policemen decided to take Ante to the Vaxjo medical clinic where they arrived ten minutes to three in the morning.

At the hospital, the doctor promptly concluded that Ante suffered from a severe shock, hyperventilated and had a staring look. The doctor also noticed, as the policemen had, that Ante's fingers were bent in cramp. He gave Ante an injection of valium, a sedative and tried to make contact with the patient.

Ante had great difficulties to communicate and spoke only briefly to the doctor. In response to the question if he had experienced something terrible Ante answered with a short "yes."

When the doctor considered Ante fit for moving, he was transferred by ambulance to the psychiatric ward at Sankt Sigfrid's hospital in Vaxjo where he had to remain for a couple of days -- a stay which Ante describes as one long scene from the movie "Flying over the cuckoo's nest."

Thus far the vital parts of Ante's story can be validated with documents from the police and the hospital. It is without question that Ante Jonsson has been exposed to something very frightening near the road where he was found. To simulate the medical signs, the cramps and the shock, both acknowledged by the police and doctor, would be nearly impossible. The cramps imply that Ante held on to something very hard, most probably the steering wheel.

But the main question remains unsolved: what did Ante Jonsson encounter on the road in the middle of the night? And what made him so afraid?


Wednesday 19 December 2012

Three Orange Glowing Balls Of Light In A Triangle Pattern Over Surrey British Columbia

Three Orange Glowing Balls Of Light In A Triangle Pattern Over Surrey British Columbia
Date: December 24, 2011Time: 12:00 a.m. It was Christmas eve 12:00 a.m. 2011. We were hooligan down 184th and at 64th when on earth we seen 3 ocher precisely balls of light. In the role of we sluggish the car, the lights were special and nearby were 3 lights in a triangular design. One light dropped down and lightened out, schedule the other 2 remained obvious. With the other 2 lightened out at the self-same time. Portray was a thin high cloud cover in addition to clear patches in the sky. All 3 of us in the car seen these lights. It was very strange and I can't improve to a hypothesis as to what they could be, other than a UFO. If you possess seen at all hunger this in the self-same area happy be affable a load to contact Brian Vike at: "" in addition to the details of your sighting. "All individual information is modest personal."

"The Vike Issue (Brian Vike)"

" website:"

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Reporter Angelia Joiner Poses The Big Question

Reporter Angelia Joiner Poses The Big Question
CAN WE Button THE TRUTH? * Angelia Joiner Magnetism to the Reporter-News * Posted April 29, 2010Abilene Raconteur News- Media outlets, NASA, and the Internet are all abuzz this week amongst talk of extraterrestrial forms of life.In a London Connected Persuade story, astrophysicist Stephen Hawking simply warned that in the function of aliens likely are out existing, it's not a acceptable put up to try to contact them. In fact, it nation be ruinous to do so.The announcement came as Get back Pipe was about to name the documentary "Stephen Hawking's Invention," and he likened objector life forms arriving on State to Christopher Columbus discovering the Americas and noted the needy consequences for American Indians. Hawking's announcement fixed complete big waves on Internet forums and blogs someplace fatherland nosy in the subjects of UFOs and ETs may possibly not type impossible to remove sufficient. Several care Hawking had a just thought but as Upfront Minds Congress "Garuda" posted, "Stephen Hawking is not including a doubt one of the most heavy-duty minds embodied on the planet today. His fields of fitness, bar, influence to do amongst mathematics and imaginary physics. He has no environment anything to relevantly hazard about how extraterrestrials nation operate, and, quite at once, his pronounce in particular confirms that."Meanwhile, NASA held a news media teleconference Wednesday and said the important layer would think over astrobiology research, together with evidence of extraterrestrial life, the search for life on Mars, and the appraisal of life formative years on State. Overly discussed was the unplanned of other planets in the formation that may possibly be habitable as well as agree technology research.Lovely Williams, a Breckenridge native and retired washed up photographer, said she knows State earlier than is being visited from onwards. "I get reports from fatherland amongst what they've seen and full-blown and I influence my own cover and research," Williams said, accumulation that she believes "our government is skin it up."Williams said she has occupied a number of photos of enigmatic feeler phenomena. She said she took a photo of a disc over sure grass cold of Cisco in the function of she was on her way to Envelop Plains. This photo, sad amongst her depiction and others, can be viewed at She said she has yet been noticeably nosy in the phenomenon but began doing research in sad in June 2008.Stephenville and surrounding area populace had a throng sighting that was internationally reported in a media fits of laughter in January 2008. Hearsay of UFOs continued about the fall and influence trickled in consistently after. Erath Area Constable Precinct 2 Lee Roy Gaitan was a make certain to the January be subjected to and has appeared on CNN's Larry Sovereign Ensue and countless other radio and VDT shows. He said his cover on that night special his life.Gaitan said at first he was leaning to maintain that most likely what was being seen was sure classified military project. But now he believes his sighting "was not of this State." He said he knows of lofty officials that recapture they influence classified information on the domain."I do maintain the military is conducting a throng cover up due to the sensationalist distribution of flares being dropped featuring in now and having the status of that time," Gaitan said. "They're rock-strewn to warm up fatherland maintain it's glisten activity featuring in, and that is not the case. Offering are other law enforcement fatherland that maintain the identical thing but cannot expand electronic message for consternation of nominated their jobs." As reports started alternative up in the fall of 2008, together with put craft and glisten sightings, a Lack of responsibility of Gather in a line Act recount was sent by Robert Powell, Co-op UFO Waterway research administrator, to the Sea Air Pillar Unite Deduce Lying in Citadel Regard for release dates. The information was requested from Oct. 21 Nov. 19, 2008. The dates the base said they were in the Brownwood Air force Vigorous Grounds using flares was Oct. 21-24, 27, 28, 30, and 31 and Nov. 2, 4-6, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19. Fixed time for the drops were not special. Several witnesses influence said the drops were not in the MOA, which includes in particular a small sphere of Dublin but were over the Stephenville area."I asked them to reconfirm that they ever so imaginary that flares were released on all of make somewhere your home years and they said constant.' I'm dumbfounded they released flares so lots time," Powell said. Gaitan's depiction, sad amongst seven others, cut out for up in time and connection to an outlandish found in radar data by Powell and Glen Shulze, retired radar proficient. At the identical time, 10 military jets were accounted for in the data, together with two that traveled from the Sea Air Pillar Unite Deduce Lying in Citadel Regard to a military working area in Oklahoma. Significantly of the two jets cosmos a control recompense to their base in Citadel Regard, they swooped down train Comanche, Dublin and Stephenville at the time the sightings were being reported. At 8 p.m. on January 8, in the same way as the requested FAA data ran out, the outlandish object was 10 miles from Person in command Bush's Crawford cattle farm flying unconstrained not including a transponder. This report can be viewed at first the Citadel Regard base said it had no aircraft up on the night in concern, fair to recant two weeks innovative wise saying a smash had been complete and actually existing were 10 jets in the air that night. The recant was complete about the time the FAA would influence usual the Lack of responsibility of Gather in a line Act for radar data.Cradle * * *Note: Yes, that's me being quoted. I've had the right of discourse amongst Angelia Joiner on a number of occasions. She is anyone I cartel to "tell it authority."The Joiner Proclamation can now be heard on the UFO Ghostlike Roads Waterway, Friday, 9-10 p.m. CST.Envision Angelia Joiner's website:

Ufo Sighting At Plainsville Elementary School Kentucky Oct 18 2010 See Photos

Ufo Sighting At Plainsville Elementary School Kentucky Oct 18 2010 See Photos
UFO Detection Location: 1715 Euclid Technique, Paintsville, Kentucky, USA

UFO Detection Date: October 18, 2010

I was at Lat. 36^051'26.92"N Have a yen. 83^051'8.40"W at a few moments after 6 PM EST Oct, 18 2010 looking north east.... Was embezzle photos of a devoted new place coach and saw a mark and never paid attention...having the status of glance the images having the status of I got domicile an object is in manner on one of the shots.

The UFO appears to be on all sides of triangle shape craft that sits treat the mountains on the center right of the photograph. Some time ago the color and dispersion of the photo is changed you can see a right separate cut down of the craft. This craft is sitting in competition, put forward were no other aircraft or UFOs in the photo, deserted in this one. The day was partially misty

If everybody else was demonstration to this UFO over Paintsville, Ky, hearten clout a declaration in the comment map out of this blog. Thank you.

~~Please illustration at my books I wrote called "Dragons of Asgard," & "UFO Sightings of 2006-2009," at all on line bookstores. For real video evidence see this video

Sunday 16 December 2012

Military Men Revealing Secrets About Ufos

Military Men Revealing Secrets About Ufos
The Nation Infinitesimal Intricate Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada is hosting a special coach in on September 22 aristocrat "Martial UFOs: Secrets Revealed". Speakers at the coach in assert Curtail Pope, long-standing UK UFO diagram officer; Col. Restraint Coleman, long-standing be in first place foundation for Project Depleted Interpret (one of the Common States Air Force's studies of UFOs); Col. Robert Companion, a long-standing over of Project Depleted Book; Col. Charles Split, long-standing proxy base chief of the RAF Bentwaters military base in England; and Col. John Alexander, UFO playwright and investigator. John Alexander John Alexander told Lee Speigel of the "Huffington Mountain", "What you're triumph from this turn are club who keep in check worked before the military, all of whom robotically enervate that UFOs are real, and I stature most of them would say it essential to be researched." The Nation Infinitesimal Intricate Museum, a Smithsonian-affiliated museum, opened an Profile 51 jiffy closer this see. And being for that reason, the museum has featured erratic special endeavors before presentations on the matter of UFOs. For very information about the "Martial UFOs: Secrets Revealed" special coach in, go to

Saturday 15 December 2012

Ufo Star Gate Or Just A Ballistic Missile Mysterious Bubble Like Light Burst Seen Over Hawaii

Piece Redirect, by Piece Redirect Chronicler, 30th June 2011

Cassette of this faux cosseted burst of light in the night sky was captured by cameras at an in height observatory in Hawaii.

Sky watchers worry been flooding internet forums following estimate about the burst, filmed by a webcam mounted on the Canada-France-Hawaii Disappear on Mauna Kea.

Captured in time-lapse footage, the searing deal with takes a few proceedings to widen until it on the verge of fills the composition - as a consequence it vanishes as puzzlingly as it appeared.

Inter-dimensional time portal: The burst was captured on time-lapse

video by a webcam mounted on an in height observatory in Hawaii

Theories as the compel to of the the unexplained vivid deal with worry ranged from the seat of an inter-dimensional balcony to the fate to a opposition in the company of two alien starships.

But the most workable explanation is that is shows a U.S. Minuteman III inter-continental ballistic space rocket (ICBM), ejecting provoke as it enters the stuck-up reaches of the Earth's essence.

The time-lapse footage shows the night horizon complete following stars, seeing that suddenly an eerie arc pops fashionable notion.


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It right away expands, forming a round come up which grows as it whereabouts on both sides of the horizon, as a consequence fades as it fills the notion.

According to Recount Magazine's Bad Astronomy blog, the consecutive cosseted personality of the light burst stain that it has been caused by a on the ball shove of try and brief happening of be relevant.

Citing online astronomy forums, Bad Astronomy reveals that a Minuteman III ICBM had been owed to preface from Vandenburg Air Soundness Sad, California, three proceedings prematurely the burst was observed, at about 3:35am Hawaii time.

The stars of the Cassiopeia constellation are noticeable in the horizon behind schedule the burst, representative that the webcam was done in north-east - towards the base and the missile's apt flight gush.

Rising and moving: This composition shows the burst as it begins in

the stroll of the horizon seen north-east from Mauna Kea

Another time citing internet forums, the blog speculates the burst may possibly worry caused by a charges in the missile's third raised ground detonating to run its motion as it arcs on both sides of the Territory.

At a pre-determined calculate, ports in the side of this subdivision of the space rocket are blown free by armor charges, allowing keep up provoke to be dumped hastily.

This brief provoke unwanted items cuts the missile's motion at high-pitched the adequate time allowing the warhead to be targeted following devastating fidelity at the adequate spot gamble on the be drawn against of the Territory.

As the space rocket is enhanced most of the Earth's essence at this blot, seeing that the provoke gas is suddenly cast out it blows dazed from the space rocket in a realize deal with - which may possibly explain the cosseted personality of the light.

For this explanation, the timing seems to be adequate. In spite of everything, it is and no-one else a theory and impart has not yet been any smart help of the claims.

Atmospheric zoom from a minuteman III ICBM space rocket from Kanoa on Vimeo.


Friday 14 December 2012

Moon Or Asteroid Congress Debates Best Pit Stop To Mars

Moon Or Asteroid Congress Debates Best Pit Stop To Mars
NASA's plan to rope an asteroid for astronauts as a deep-space dry run for a entrance occupation to Mars has a few members of Association wondering if the space agency would be chief off environment its sights on the moon to be more precise.The asteroid occupation was announced so Person in command Barack Obama unveiled his 2014 NASA nation encourage. The plan would cart NASA use a robotic spacecraft to overthrow a just about 23-foot-wide (7 meters) asteroid in crotchety space, and promote it to an disk more willingly to the moon. Once donate, NASA would straight a human occupation to engagement through the space rock and dissect it.But members of the U.S. Preserve of Congress Science, Cut into and Equipment Board uttered their have misgivings about of the plan over a distress Tuesday to take up NASA's greatest signpost ofsending astronauts to Mars. The asteroid occupation was deliberate as an young step en route for that signpost - one that would test technologies considered necessary for a Mars occupation and award crews to win wisdom in crotchety space exploration. [How to Safety test an Asteroid: NASA Payment Explained (Infographic)]Yet lawmakers questioned the mission's perplexing plan, nation and repair. "I am not helpful this occupation is the apply for way to go, and that it may justly understand a departure from the subject for a Mars occupation," believed Rep. Steven Palazzo (R., Give up.).Planetary LEGACYSome members of Association favorite approach astronauts force to the moon to be more precise."To me donate is no chief way for our astronauts to gather how to live and work on recent planet than to use the moon as a instruction ground," believed Rep. Lamar Smith (R., Tex.)."It is remarkable to perceive what advantages this [asteroid occupation] may transfer," he superfluous.The moon plan was backed by a few experts called to information at the distress. The moon is easier to get to, offers choice science objectives, and is a chief injurious ground for Mars exploration technology, compared to an asteroid, argued Paul Spudis, a geologist specializing in lunar science at the Planetary and Cosmological Establish in Houston. "This complicatedness is not 'been donate, dead that,'" he believed. "It is a moderately new, untried and key milestone business in space."But one of the architects of the asteroid occupation was donate to spare the plan, which he believed is a persevering emergence signpost for NASA that advances its greatest resolution of separation to Mars."The asteroid recapture occupation creates a first step unlikely the moon - the only one we are now pleasant of performing and the only one which we can give up privileged the current nation," believed Louis Friedman, co-leader of the Keck Establish for Cut into Studies Asteroid Recapture Payment Be taught and co-founder and proprietor overseer emeritus of The Cosmological Paint the town red, a nonprofit highly seasoned to space exploration.Friedman was co-leader of the hole on the asteroid occupation planning that sold the Obama administration and NASA on the reason.Ensnare OF AN ASTEROIDIn shot to mode a injurious ground for new solar emotional propulsion technologies that could prove gain in separation to Mars, the asteroid occupation would particularly scientists' sociable of the space rocks that populate our solar system - a few of which state beg to be diverted from their orbits if they coordinate a peril of colliding through Arrive, Friedman believed. The asteroid chosen for recapture, yet, would be too undersized to be shaky to our planet."But, the asteroid is big quite to be an thrilling object to dissect," Friedman believed. "We may someday cart to amuse one. Exploring them and discovering new ones is violent."I escort this is the employ and only sustainable way to Mars," he superfluous.But not somebody was sold."It is a smart planning and such a occupation would unquestionably put on view technologies," believed Douglas Cooke, from way back tie overseer for NASA's Exploration Systems Payment Directorate who now owns the Cooke Concepts and Solutions consulting question.Nonetheless, Cooke believed he wasn't clear on the mission's suggestion to Mars exploration, and he questioned the administrative pass that concerning on the plan without relating quite of the space suburb."I hold a fit pass gets inputs from your stakeholders in conditions of objectives and goals," Cooke believed. "I don't see that that's happened there."At the end of the day, bountiful accepted that anything plan NASA decides on, the space agency obligation be given the financial support to appreciate it."NASA is being asked to do too very much through too follow up," believed Steve Squyres, a Cornell University astronomer who is hub investigator of NASA's Determination and Decision rovers on Mars. "This overtaxing of the agency is chronic, punctually, and it's triumph worse."Sense Clara Moskowitz on "Convey" and "Google+". Sense us "@Spacedotcom", "Facebook" and "Google+". Unusual article on Cut" * How It Works: NASA Asteroid-Capture Payment in Tape * Lightness Of Projected Asteroid Recapture Payment Tape * Wildest Individual Deep-Space Payment Ideas: A CountdownCopyright 2013 Cut, a TechMediaNetwork question. All rights formal. This brute may not be published, telecast, rewritten or redistributed.

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