Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Ufo Sighting In British Columbia On September 8Th 2013 Initially Noted Moving Target With Night Vision And Then

Ufo Sighting In British Columbia On September 8Th 2013 Initially Noted Moving Target With Night Vision And Then
I was on my balcony on 21st floor of my condo in downtown Vancouver. I usually skywatch with night vision devices anywhere from 1 to 4 hours an evening. This week in question was very quite, no moving targets until early in the morning approx 254 AM I noticed a moving object what seemed to be a large satellite in night vision. I scan the skies up and down north to south and east to west when I sighted this object, its my typical grid search., It was moving very slow from about 60-70 degrees above the horizon NE, it would stop and hover for a moment and continue. I then noticed this object was "wobbling" and closer inspection was actually spinning. I looked with naked eye and noticed it looked like a star and I then grabbed my binoculars after about 3-4 mins into the observation and noticed is was white and quite bright but fuzzy, colour almost very light blue. What startled me it had a hole in the middle, did not seem to be a tower or bubble, just a hole. I followed it for about 15 mins, video edited to about 6 mins on attached video.It circled the NE sky about 2 times and on the second turn it took a direct path NE or more easterly direction and speed increased. I lost view of it over other downtown buildings. I have noticed similar wobbling craft in the past, this seems very similar to another capture I have on my collection of videos. I tried to get feedback from a lot of people to no avail so figure its time to send to MUFON. I have captured many odd objects and UFOs downtown Vancouver and I see a major trend and most objects are head in one specific area of the lower mainland. I have a background in Astronomy as a hobby and own telescopes, 2 night vision monoculars and binoculars and I have never seen an object like this in my life except for the other sightings earlier in the year. Please let me know what I am filming.! or if anyone else has seen something similar! Thank you so much! It seems to be a classic disk shape UFO, so I am quite excited! attached video is edited for time and digitally zoomed in to see the craft clearer, the original but edited for time is here. [Link moved to FI section/cms/tg]http://ifttt.com/images/no image card.pngUFO NewsUFO News on FacebookEviland News Just For You


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