Friday 16 April 2010

Kathleen Marden Commonalities Study Final Report

Kathleen Marden Commonalities Study Final Report
I expected an email from Kathleen Marden (which is not to say that it came single to me, but one that she had sent to many of us inquisitive in UFOs), niece of Betty Ridge, about a arithmetic recite she and Denise Stoner had been active on. "The Marden-Stoner Investigate on Commonalities Amid UFO Removal Experiencers," as it is called, was a multiple-choice importance of make somewhere your home who assume they swallow been abducted by aliens, and a piece of non-abductees as a control group. Kathleen MardenAccording to Marden, "Roughly speaking a time ago, Denise Stoner and I met to be concerned with the commonalities that alien abduction experiencers come between. As longtime abduction investigators/researchers, we were aware of vault repeating patterns of information and kind. The ideas prose, the learned expansive science studies and the works of David Jacobs, PhD, Thomas Bullard, PhD, and the late Budd Hopkins, John Mack, MD, and others had identified abundant commonalities among abduction experiencers. But we had not been able to endure an learned recite that was strict to our fastidious interests."This is whatever thing that must swallow been refined lifetime ago, after it was clear that whatever thing was know-how to these state. It is not consequentially alien abduction, but donate is whatever thing departure on donate. Like Russ Estes, Sign Cone-shaped tool and I conducted our research in the mid-1990s, we had noticed whichever trends and wondered if donate was any attract to them. If a in-thing can be spotted, next we intensity revision whatever thing that would money get a hold this ingredient of UFOs or, at the very least amount, the state who were reporting it. As Kathleen noted, other abduction researchers had anyway noticed whichever of this, but donate had been no unplanned to strum data about it. Even as a craving time in forthcoming, this is the ask for of numerical research that desires to be conducted, and it seems that Kathleen has the background to unplanned it, based on her learned and work texture.The recite, as it stands, has had about 50 participants, and whichever of make somewhere your home are self-reported. She wrote, "Participants for our recite were solicited via the "MUFON UFO Go over "and abundant alien abduction and UFO oriented websites. We anyway appeared on abundant radio shows and invited spectators to form. Plunk, donate were questionnaires at my teller table at abundant UFO conferences and at Denise's meetings. I posted the questionnaires, a report of explanation, and an perceptive give permission to bill on my website at We communicated to participants that all questionnaires would be cold in a safe and block class and shattered at the end of the recite. All privileged identifying information that was volunteered would be concealed. As a word of warning degree, we advised all prospect participants that they must simply flawless the materialize if they can do so without suggestion ill at ease."In the wake of analyzing the data, donate were a twosome of innovative conclusions drawn. Marden wrote: The king-size bulk was revisited-some extra than 10 times-and was demanding from their homes to an alien craft. Regularly the abduction experiencers sensed an forthcoming visitation by alien entities beforehand it occurred. The mode of speaking between alien entities and humans is not quite moderately telepathic. A new psychic good judgment has emerged in the bulk of experiencers and about curtailed swallow found that they now swallow new curative abilities. Hardly beforehand or in a moment after a visitation they crowd aware of paranormal activity in their homes, such as light orbs, objects flying consume the air or from bulwark, doors falling-out and last without spend, etc. The bulk noticed malfunctioning electrical goods, appliances, watches, computers, TVs, radios, cameras, etc. Scarcely extra than curtailed industrialized a new gentleness to light and now need salty. They makeup a surprising object in their develop and are anxious of being abducted once more. Ceiling swallow encumbrance falling sedated and earn sedated in the night. Fill with who swallow traditional their frightfulness are extra native to doze peacefully. Currently, we lead to to accent our put on the right track recognition to make somewhere your home who participated in this recite. It wasn't an proverbial assignment. We asked them to escort my website and lure the 45 corporation or 16 corporation form. Also we requested that they refill in the combined route questions and add their explanation and accounts of their privileged experiences that would treat us vis-?-vis their strict information. They were next asked to send out their questionnaires to me or to addition them via email. Even as it affected whichever workers on their drink greedily, it condensed the gamble that hoaxers would on purpose destabilize the recite. In the end, we were very satisfied amid the live through we gained and the gap it gave us to support abduction experiencers and explode the UFO research community's live through of the alien abduction phenomenon. Fill with who take aim to edit the totality report, who lead to to see the arithmetic fiasco and the questions addressed, must escort her web site, be fluent in noted terminated. It is under the tab labeled "Commonalities Investigate Complete Report," actual under the colors (at the end of a list of sitting room on the site). It is an innovative edit.


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