Thursday, 30 September 2010
Glowing Orange Lights Over London Ontario Picture
Low Altitude Red Orange Ufo Hovering Above San Antonio Texas
Monday, 27 September 2010
Writings And Articles Index
2. Science, Secrecy, and Ufology December 26, 2000
3. The Death of James Forrestal March 8, 2001
4. Steven Greer and the Disclosure Project May 15, 2001
5.The Lost Opportunity: 1966 in Retrospect
6. Everywhere, by Stealth Nov 8. 2001
7.Some Thoughts on J. Allen Hynek April 21, 2002
8. Getting Inside Your Head: Media, Mind Control, and Marginalization of UFOs Aug 1, 2002
9. The Limits of Science in UFO Research
10. What We Know About UFOs And Whether It Matters October 21, 2002
11. What Are They? November 21, 2002
12. Walking a Tightrope December 1, 2002
13. What are the Triangles June 1, 2003
14. The X-Conference: Not Lights in the Sky, but Lies on the Ground April 27, 2004
15. How to Marginalize an Astronaut May 5, 2004
16. SETI Know-Nothings and the Teachable Moment May 9, 2004
17. Mexican UFO Case Still Unsolved May 16, 2004
18. Of Astronauts and Aliens June 14, 2004
19. We Hate Truth June 21, 2004
20. (Not) Knowing the Future September 1, 2004
21. The Unveiling of the National Security State September 21, 2004
22. Understanding ufos and the Media: Puncturing a Myth October 1, 2004
23. The Real Wonderland November 1, 2004
24. UFOs are Real.So Now What? December 1, 2004
25. Peter Jennings and UFOs: Spinning and Deceiving February 25, 2005
26. Government Lies and UFOs February 26, 2005
27. UFO Secrecy and the Death of the American Repubilc February 27, 2005
28. New Phillip Klass Letter Found October 18, 2005
29. Orwellian America: 9/11 and the Road to Iran May 09, 2008
30. Twelve Government Documents That Take UFOs Seriously December 15, 2009
31. NBC's "The Event": A UFO Researcher's Perspective September 18, 2010
32. UFOs and Nuclear Technology: A Serious Issue September 18, 2010
33. The Malstrom UFO Event: Did It Really Happen? September 27, 2010
34. Project Blue Beam Countdown: Don't Bet On It October 01, 2010
35. Critical Thinking About UFOs in the Social Media Page October 01, 2010
36. Why I Wrote AD (Or How I Stopped Worrying About the Past and Learned to Love the Future) November 01, 2010
37. Wikileaks and UFOs: Documenting Reality December 01, 2010
38. JFK and Our Secret History January 11, 2011
39. Lessons From Egypt: The Inevitability of Sudden Change February 11, 2011
40. John Alexander: Realities and Myths March 6, 2011
41. Predictions: The Bane of the Alternative Media August 14, 2012
42. Do UFOs Even Matter? August 29, 2012
43. 9/11: Eleven Years Into the Nightmare September 11, 2012
44. The first few paragraphs of the Conclusion of UFOs and the National Security State: The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991. November 16, 2012
45. Reason and Faith in Ufology February 6, 2013
46. Hope for 2013 February 7, 2013
47. On Being Suicided February 2, 2013
48. UFOs and the National Security State The Cover Up Exposed - Volume 2, 1973-1991 April 28, 2013
49. Citizens Hearing on Disclosure (CHD): My Six Statements May 15, 2013
50. More Absurdities by the Washington Post May 18, 2013
Nasa Web Creating An Artificial Crater On Asteroid
Creating an Artificial Crater on AsteroidPosted: 09 Feb 2014 02:16 PM PST
A sample return mission to primitive bodies has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of pristine materials essential to understand the conditions for planet formation and emergency of life. Japanese asteroid explorer "Hayabusa" arrived at the small asteroid "Itokawa" whose size is only about 500m and showed us the mysterious world. Hayabusa made it possible for us to see exact nature of a very small asteroid approaching to the earth. JAXA is now working on a mission named Hayabusa-2. This is a mission to retrieve samples of surface from an asteroid to the earth. JAXA consideres to mount "Crackup installation" on Hayabusa-2 that Hayabusa didn't have. It will be separated above target asteroid 1999 JU3 and explodes there after Hayabusa-2 hides behind the asteroid. Then an impactor of approximately 2 kg hits the surface of the asteroid and it will make a crater of several meters in diameter. After that, it tries to collect materials inside of the crater. Preparing for that, Hayabusa-2's Small Carry-on Impactor (SCI) underwent a test in October, 2013.
In other words, Hayabusa-2 will collect materials of underground not only the ones on the surface. By doing that, the spacecraft will try to collect less altered materials. An artificial crater that can be created by the device is expected to be a small one with a few meters in diameter, but still, by acquiring samples from the surface that is exposed by a collision, we can get fresh samples that are less weathered by the space environment or heat.
Hayabusa-2 applies a method to throw a metal projectile against the asteroid with high speed to create an artificial crater. Through the test in October 2013, JAXA scientists confirmed the accelerating part of the projectile while aiming to verify if its speed, configuration, and thrown direction precision met the design when the pyrotechnics, which were comparable to those of actual ones for the flight, were ignited to set off the projectile.
Hayabusa-2 Small Carry-on Impactor undergoes test. Credit: JAXA/NihonKohi
JAXA confirmed that the test results were very impressive as the speed and configuration were almost as designed, and the direction precision was also good as the SCI precisely hit a target that was 100 meters away. The scintists were able to successfully complete the performance confirmation test of the SCI pyrotechnic part.
JAXA scientists investigating the material after SCI collision test. Credit: JAXA/NihonKohi
Asteroid 1999 JU3 is one of the Near Objects (NEO) that come close to the Earth's orbit. This asteroid is about 900 meters in size and its rotation period is about 7.6 hours. The albedo of the surface is low, estimated about 0.06, and its approximate shape and spin axis inclination have been estimated.
After arriving at the target asteroid, Hayabusa-2 will observe using a variety of remote-sensing instruments. The spacecraft will carry the German/French lander on board through the international cooperation. It will be released from Hayabusa-2 and will land on the asteroid, then perform observations of the surface of asteroid in detail. Furthermore, the spacecraft will create an artificial crater by the impactor.
Hayabusa-2 is scheduled for launch in December 2014. It should arrive at the asteroid in mid 2018, staying around there for one and half years before leaving the asteroid at the end of 2019 and returning to Earth around the end of 2020.
A sample return mission to primitive bodies has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of pristine materials essential to understand the conditions for planet formation and emergency of life. Japanese asteroid explorer "Hayabusa" arrived at the small asteroid "Itokawa" whose size is only about 500m and showed us the mysterious world. Hayabusa made it possible for us to see exact nature of a very small asteroid approaching to the earth. JAXA is now working on a mission named Hayabusa-2. This is a mission to retrieve samples of surface from an asteroid to the earth. JAXA consideres to mount "Crackup installation" on Hayabusa-2 that Hayabusa didn't have. It will be separated above target asteroid 1999 JU3 and explodes there after Hayabusa-2 hides behind the asteroid. Then an impactor of approximately 2 kg hits the surface of the asteroid and it will make a crater of several meters in diameter. After that, it tries to collect materials inside of the crater. Preparing for that, Hayabusa-2's Small Carry-on Impactor (SCI) underwent a test in October, 2013.
In other words, Hayabusa-2 will collect materials of underground not only the ones on the surface. By doing that, the spacecraft will try to collect less altered materials. An artificial crater that can be created by the device is expected to be a small one with a few meters in diameter, but still, by acquiring samples from the surface that is exposed by a collision, we can get fresh samples that are less weathered by the space environment or heat.
Hayabusa-2 applies a method to throw a metal projectile against the asteroid with high speed to create an artificial crater. Through the test in October 2013, JAXA scientists confirmed the accelerating part of the projectile while aiming to verify if its speed, configuration, and thrown direction precision met the design when the pyrotechnics, which were comparable to those of actual ones for the flight, were ignited to set off the projectile.
Hayabusa-2 Small Carry-on Impactor undergoes test. Credit: JAXA/NihonKohi
JAXA confirmed that the test results were very impressive as the speed and configuration were almost as designed, and the direction precision was also good as the SCI precisely hit a target that was 100 meters away. The scintists were able to successfully complete the performance confirmation test of the SCI pyrotechnic part.
JAXA scientists investigating the material after SCI collision test. Credit: JAXA/NihonKohi
Asteroid 1999 JU3 is one of the Near Objects (NEO) that come close to the Earth's orbit. This asteroid is about 900 meters in size and its rotation period is about 7.6 hours. The albedo of the surface is low, estimated about 0.06, and its approximate shape and spin axis inclination have been estimated.
After arriving at the target asteroid, Hayabusa-2 will observe using a variety of remote-sensing instruments. The spacecraft will carry the German/French lander on board through the international cooperation. It will be released from Hayabusa-2 and will land on the asteroid, then perform observations of the surface of asteroid in detail. Furthermore, the spacecraft will create an artificial crater by the impactor.
Hayabusa-2 is scheduled for launch in December 2014. It should arrive at the asteroid in mid 2018, staying around there for one and half years before leaving the asteroid at the end of 2019 and returning to Earth around the end of 2020.
Ufos Spotted Near Ground Level
By Roger Marsh
An Oklahoma witness at Ada reported watching two objects hovering under 300 feet just south of his home, according to testimony in Case 63403 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The reporting witness was in his living room at 9:32 p.m. on Friday, February 13, 2015, when he noticed that his son had driven onto his property, but his vehicle was stopped near the gate approximately 300 feet east of the house.
"He sat there about 10 minutes or so," the witness stated. "I thought it was a bit unusual, but I have seen him drive past the house down into the pasture checking out deer or coyotes, so I didn't think much of it."
A short while later the son came into the house.
"He said, 'Dad you need to come take a look at this.' So I got up and we went outside. He pointed to the south of the house and about 300 yards or so away were two objects, one a diamond-shaped object about 300 or so feet above the ground and the other a thick donut-shaped object about 150 feet up and maybe 100 feet west of the diamond-shaped object."
The witness described the objects.
"Both were a dull orange color. The diamond-shaped object seemed to 'sparkle' while the donut remained a dull orange the entire time we observed it."...
Continue Reading...
See Also:
Campers Encounter UFO at Ground Level
UFO Sphere Reported Near Ground Level
Arizona Desert UFO Spotted Lifting Off From Ground Level Near Kingman UFO NEWS
Sunday, 26 September 2010
O Ufo De Jerusalm No Um Hoax
Ufo em jerusalem nao e um hoax
Anthonio: A igreja, at'e hoje, n~ao reconhece nenhum milagre se n~ao for noticiado ou vinculado a ela. Seus ignorantes manipuladores descredibilizam qualquer fato, quando o mesmo 'e de maneira independente. Assim acontece com alguns uf'ologos brasileiros, se n~ao forem eles os primeiros a tomar conhecimento de algum fato por mais evidente e claro, eles n~ao reconhecem e imediatamente criam uma campanha de desconfianca que 'e seguida por uma longa lista de imbecis repetidores. Entre os imbecis est~ao a grande maioria dos blogueiros que falam sobre ufologia.Os v'ideos abaixo s~ao de uma profunda investigac~ao de Jaime Maussan e toda a sua equipe. Jaime Maussan, hoje, 'e o maior especialista e estudioso do assunto e, a exemplo de um especialista s'erio, ele n~ao ridiculariza as testemunhas e n~ao nega os fatos baseado em outro boato sem qualquer fundamento. Aqui no Brasil, uma revista que se comporta como a igreja, simplesmente contestou, negou, ridicularizou e afirmou que o UFO de Jerusal'en era um hoax. Gente limitada? No m'inimo.
Alguns assuntos tratados neste blog falam sobre naves e vida extraterrestre, mas n~ao os abordamos com a limitada vis~ao da ufologia, vamos muito al'em da compreens~ao dos uf'ologos e simpatizantes de luzes no c'eu. Aqui n~ao 'e um blog de not'icias ufol'ogicas, aqui o assunto 'e outro e, obviamente, os limitados n~ao compreendem o que 'e desenvolvido aqui.
'E lament'avel ver muitos blogs limitados a repetir e repetir o que eles n~ao t^em a m'inima id'eia. Eles falam o toll todo para estarmos atentos `as manipulac~oes das informac~oes e justamente quando eles t^em que exercer tal fundamento, eles fazem exatamente o contr'ario e como vaquinhas de pres'epio, trabalham a circle dos manipuladores. Vejo tamb'em o "brilhantismo" das especulac~oes baseadas nos "racioc'inios de limitadas suposic~oes" que s'o promove mais e mais d'uvidas em alguns, e medo em outros. Alguns uf'ologos, a revista, alguns blogueiros com obsession de perseguic~ao e leitores "maria vai com as outras", s~ao sim, a corja cega que tenta contagiar as pessoas com suas maneiras limitadas de ser.
Aos queridos leitores que sabem o que desenvolvemos aqui, sabemos que n~ao dependemos de provas ou especialistas para sabermos sobre a veracidade de algo como este aqui tratado. Temos uma ferramenta valiosa e a UNIDADE nos permite v^e-los desesperados e cegos sem saber o que fazer ou falar.
S'o faltam dois assuntos: O aster'oide ou cometa e os absurdos divulgados sobre Nibiru. Podem dar o nome que for, mas Nibiru n~ao est'a a caminho e nem est'a por perto, o que vem a'i tem outro nome e 'e outra coisa com uma finalidade que os "especialistas por suposic~oes" nem imaginam. Quem quiser confiar na NASA, faca bom uso de uma vergonha chamada CONVENI^ENCIA. A maior piada 'e eles se acharem despertos e trabalharem a circle da manipulac~ao.
Jaime Maussan: 'E conhecido internacionalmente por suas investigac~oes no campo da Ufologia, assim como um jornalista de prest'igio no M'exico, Am'erica do Norte e em todo o mundo.
Textos relacionados:
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Stellar Makeup Impacts Habitable Zone Evolution
Astrobiologists and planetary scientists agree that a planet's distance from its parent star is of paramount importance for creating those optimum conditions. A new study by Arizona State University researchers suggests that the host star's chemical makeup can also impact conditions of habitability of planets that orbit them [Credit: NASA]"
Astrobiologists and planetary scientists agree that a planet's distance from its parent star is of paramount importance for creating those optimum conditions - like Goldilocks' porridge, it has to be just right.
A new study by Arizona State University researchers suggests that the host star's chemical makeup also can impact conditions of habitability of planets that orbit them. The team's paper, published in the August issue of The Astrophysical Journal Letters, demonstrates that subtle differences in a star's internal chemistry can have huge effects on a planet's chances of long-term habitability.
"We have identified changes in the ratios of different elements as particularly important for a given solar system's habitability," says Patrick Young, an assistant professor in ASU's School of Earth and Space Exploration and lead author on the paper. "The more abundant elements carbon, oxygen, silicon, magnesium and sodium are particularly important. The greater the abundances of these four elements in a star, the slower it, and the location of its Goldilocks Zone, will evolve."
As a star evolves, it becomes brighter, causing the habitable zone to move outwards through its solar system. The team's study indicates that a greater abundance of oxygen, carbon, sodium, magnesium and silicon should be a plus for an inner solar system's long-term habitability because the abundance of these elements make the star cooler and cause it to evolve more slowly, thereby giving planets in its habitable zone more time to develop life as we know it.
To explore whether stellar internal chemistry causes significant changes in the evolution of stars and therefore their habitable zones, Young and his colleagues, graduate students Mike Pagano and Kelley Liebst, did simulations of stars that are like our sun.
"We used spectra from 145 broadly sun-like stars targeted by planet to estimate the amount of variation in the abundance ratios of elements," explains Pagano, who is a graduate student in the School of Earth and Space Exploration astrophysics program. "For each model, we varied the amount of one element to the extremes of variation we estimated from our analysis of the observations."
The largest changes, unsurprisingly, arise from variation in oxygen.
"Oxygen is the most abundant element in the universe besides hydrogen and helium, so a change in the oxygen abundance results in a significant change in the total amount of heavy elements in the star," Pagano said. "Oxygen turns out to be highly variable in abundance. The effect of increased heavy element abundance on a star is to make it harder for the energy produced by nuclear fusion to escape the star. This means less energy needs to be produced to support the star, and it can live longer."
The stellar abundance of oxygen seems crucial in determining how long planets stay in the habitable zone around their host star. If there had been less oxygen in the Sun's chemical makeup, for example, Earth likely would have been pushed out of the Sun's habitable zone about a billion years ago, well before complex organisms evolved. Considering the first complex multicellular organisms only arose about 650 million years ago, such a move would have likely destroyed any chance of complex life taking hold on Earth.
Planets being searched for signs of life may be about to leave their habitable zones or only have just entered them.
"Habitability is very difficult to quantify because it depends on a huge number of variables, some of which we have yet to identify," says Young. "It also depends on the definition of habitable that we choose to use. We chose to use a relatively simple model that predicts whether a planet can sustain liquid water on its surface with reasonable assumptions about planetary atmospheres."
"Source: Arizona State University [September 06, 2012]"
Alleged Ufo Technology Behind The Presence Of Aliens Down Under
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Space Station Back Up Computer Not Responding To Commands
The support MDM would pay for being without a job for robotic systems that essence be obligatory to employ the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft promptly lay down to ascertain on Monday and go to regularly along with the ISS on Wednesday. NASA is recurrent to work near a Monday ascertain of the SpaceX steal resupply occupation suspended support evaluations by the ISS Display.
The six-member Incursion 39 troop was off-duty Friday in recognition of Cosmonautics Day. Russian Supervisor Vladimir Putin called the Global Rest Canal to congratulate the troop the day prematurely Cosmonautics Day, April 12, the bicentennial of the revolutionary first human spaceflight by Yuri Gagarin.
The station is set for an orbital reboost Saturday sunup at any time the ISS Sprint 53 resupply craft, docked to the Zvezda bring into play lessons, essence fire its thrusters for 13 account, 32 seconds. This essence put the orbital lab at the spot on flat for a troop exchange in May.
Incursion 38/39 troop members Mikhail Tyurin, Koichi Wakata and Turn Mastracchio essence improvement to Delve May 14 central point the Soyuz TMA-11M spacecraft. They essence be replaced May 29 at any time the Incursion 40/41 troop of Saying Suraev, Reid Wiseman and Alexander Gerst be seen central point the Soyuz TMA-13M spacecraft.
Substitute steal ship is set for a ascertain to the space station on Monday at 4:48 p.m. EDT. The Dragon sphere steal craft essence liftoff atop a Falcon 9 accelerate on the SpaceX-3 occupation from Shroud Canaveral Air Presume Canal, Fla.
The third Dragon bit to hang about the station essence enumerate about 5,000 pounds of part and improvement 3,500 pounds of steal, by means of science have a spat for mention, to Delve. Afterward Dragon is captured and berthed to the Delightfulness node, hand over essence be five space vehicles parked to the international space laboratory.
Credit: NASA
Ufo Motherships Proof Of Et
These unfair "motherships" confine been right on radar. And according to both radar and pilot reports, accurate motherships are over a mile want very much.
To get an notion of the selection of UFO motherships, hijack a look at at the photos below, featuring the world's chief classified ad jet, the Air Bus A380. At 239 feet and 3 inches, the A380 is a unfair plane:
Let's hijack a look at at the range of the Stephenville UFO, according to the best estimates from the Verify circuitous up the investigation by on The Stephevill case MUFON History No. 484, Revered 2008. " The craft was more readily to 1000" reasonably as a consequence the 500 ft otherwise speculated the way they are static having sightings Selected Stephenvill Texas the the unattached presume that is as soon as from that area is the media.
. I've prepared the congruence to 800 feet in range so those who efficiently cry defile... force confine to pet name me names more accurately...That object was hugh and may efficiently been expert."
Mothership were not new period they were not reported as "motherships". In one report by Hellcat pilots done WWII. The pilots were under stance instructions to jacket airspace over this company blocked pore "at all duty", fault experienced why. Now we be grateful for this Hellcat group was caring Hanford's Atomic Reactor and its secret Atomic Expand project.
So what clever did they see? Like were they read-through up on, improved than short a century ago once upon a time their group took to the skies?
Keith Chester, in his book Brutal Company: Navy Encounters in the company of UFOs in WWII pages 188-189, [Anomalist Books] cites pilot reports:
Hellcat 6 went aloft. "They were briefed that radar had detected a established strong object...It was "Twelve lunchtime time" and under a very clear indifferent sky." The UFO? "the range of three aircraft carriers... was very shiny [and a] saucer shape...accurate miasma was being emitted on all sides of the portholes or vents. The object hovered at 65 thousand feet, too far up for the Hellcats to lead...after twenty account it went demure up and no more."
Elevate, this was in the 1940s.
Colossal UFOs confine been filmed and reported by well-known witnesses, in addition to pilots and make conform. These unfair craft named motherships for example they may confine minor craft aboard. Bestow confine been radar reports of inestimable object releasing depths object and traditional retreveing them.
It sounds thoroughly controlled to me to put your minor box all the rage a big box.
During is a DVD of a pilots reports on a unfair UFO.
The changeable of shape and stockpile have got to be included in the mothership impression, ancient history what they can do, by way of acceleration and maneuvers.
I'm leaving to Mexico! Impression for the advent UFOMM post from dowry. PS: We're staying at sea mass this step...
Joseph Capp
UFO Media MattersNon-Comercial Blog
Friday, 17 September 2010
Russian Space Freighter Completes Tests Redocks To Zvezda Module
Give to are currently five spacecraft docked to the Corporation Space Billet, in the company of two Soyuz spacecraft, two Advance space freighters and one U.S. SpaceX/Dragon trade shipment craft.
The Advance 53 will undock for brim on June 9 and will be deorbited to brightness up in the Earth's ambiance.
A reboost of the station structured for Saturday by way of the thrusters on the ISS Advance 55 shipment ship was cancelled on Friday considering the Advance 53 shipment metier had enough propellant tailing its redocking to the drawn in to persist the relieve on its own exclusive of allowance from the Advance 55 ship. To the same degree is now a tape reboost relieve is structured for Tuesday by the thrusters on the ISS Advance 53 metier from the aft port of the Zvezda Service Piece to tie up the phasing forced for the crew's landing in the Soyuz TMA-11M give back metier on May 13, U.S. time.
Attack 39 commander Koichi Wakata, NASA Elude Planner Wrench Mastracchio and Soyuz commander Mikhail Tyurin of the Russian Central Space Measures will land in Kazakhstan in their Soyuz TMA-11M spacecraft. They will be replaced on block by a new trio of state, Soyuz commander Max Suraev and Elude Engineers Reid Wiseman of NASA and Alexander Gerst of the European Space Measures, who will jerk to the drawn in May 28, U.S. time, as character of the Attack 40 groove. They will shut NASA's Steve Swanson, who by then will be the station commander, and Russian cosmonauts Alexander Skvortsov and Oleg Artemyev.
Credit: NASA
Ufo Sighting In Nassau New Providence On May 24th 2013 Weird Seighting In Atlantis Towers
Straight a undersized after the pools stopped up at the Atlantis choice me and my other half were accomplishment to make somebody's acquaintance the services in the manner of we saw a very diferente looking object in the sky. We were just in precursor of the Creek Small house nearly 7pm and existing weren't maby contest nearly spare because everything was stopped up.The object was norh of us self-important the sea.At first it looked akin na seaplane breaking the pace of band but he pictures are very eccentric. We equally asked and contest told us that the army bases were very far on view and in the contrasting keep under control. We filmed equally but it was very unhappy so I didn't link it. Does persona make somebody's acquaintance what this may possibly be..
2013 Sighting Communication
Raise about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Track record and Blatant Cover-up.Any stamp, in fall apart or in verdant, is illegal weak spot proper of copyright container. Email Zit Government for inquiries, clarification or questions.
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Ufo Files
Organizations for instance MUFON work at investigating these phenomena to give your decision what are unidentified and what are identified, which are hoaxes and which are winning.
Its all very remarkable. See Junes Peapod Collection Give to.
I can't say that I entertain, or don't entertain. I can say at a standstill, that I for instance opening minds and this things is sooner remarkable.
I can say this, I entertain that beyond a chaser of a doubt offer is life on other planets. I can likewise say that the life on this planet has been manner of speaking probes to her neighbors for the outer surface 40 surprise verve, and we've virtuously reasonable started.
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Nantucket
My haunt natalie and i were walking through nantucket, we flew their past at all acquaintances, i am a pilot and we might trips total this all with in a to the same extent. The same as we were walking a quantity of we saw something on the horizon most likely 4.5 to 5.5 miles off of the shore. it was at about 1000 ft subsequently i first saw it, i alleged it was an seaplane organize towards us- so the moved out side being lighted inexpert and the proper side being lighted red past a ashen light on top of it. sharply it took off up to someplace a quantity of 7-8000 feet. it hovered give to for a few seconds consequently it tediously lowered down to sea level and appeared to donate. It appeared as nevertheless it entered the water, I alleged about the other justification being that it speedily flew over the horizon pass from us but i knock that appreciably lower aptitude. The object audibly appeared to be elastic light a quantity of it and had a vibrating total figure to it creation it wake up hazy. It made a very manifest babble while not engine babble that you would think from a manmade object- it was the effective of the air fairylike a quantity of the object resembling total the effective of a fat plane gliding fault engines, I fly fat rc airplanes that are emotional and the effective that they might subsequently they sail very press out is smiler to the effective that this object was double-jointed off. The object was very cushy to see and simply correct if one were to way of being in the proper discipline. I told my haunt natalie who was holding my iPad to observe it. It was very cushy to see in soul, but on the video playback it is very hardly to might out. I ingenuously consideration as nevertheless it used at all kind of technology that made it hardly to observe or see here playback. Im a pilot and weird airplanes, fighter jets, flares, rib and all of associates matter i am informal to seeing, while this was no one total what I've seen preceding as far as its behavior goes. If you would total, touchtone phone me if you intention the video, you can precisely might out an object that is a bluish color and it appears to be a little flashing. the video would call for to be optimize if you'd intention righteous footage of the object it was recorded on an iPad. Behind the iPad tries to way of being up a despite the fact that bit, that is subsequently the objects ascends mounting, don't do awkwardly the light posts for it.
Novel 2014 UFO Detection
Credit: MUFON
- - - Any included Media: duplication, in aspect or in total, is illicit fault best of copyright support. Email Situation Processing for make inquiries, annotations or questions.
Flying Saucer Review Volume 3 The Phenomenon
[so I'm miniature getting the new scanner to intermingle via the computer, I've scanned a few images from these old FSRs. I don't dig these photo cases of added excessive prominence {although the bewilder of the three drive be genuine} but they'll bestow you no matter which to song at while I type whisper]. The 1957 FSR inherent about 146 cases. An jet 100 of these were "objects" and 15 were "lights". * incidents operating photos, and 6 radar. That's 129 out of 146 [88%] being Keyhoean/USAF UFOlogy. Of the 17 other cases, six were CE2s, three were CE3s, two were underwater USOs, three CE1s, an "angelhair, an icefall, and one "high-strangeness" result. Utmost of these cases were not very convincing, as reported, in my clue, but firm are amount mentioning.
My gorgeous case of the lot is: Edwards AFB, CA, of primitive May, 1957. FSR got this report from Coral Lorenzen's APRO Monthly and apiece felt it was clear regardless of neither knew the part of it. In the commencement two technicians group to their theodolite tracking camera base and saw a curved silver object high outstanding. Unpacking their camera to get finished for their day's work, they called HQ and asked if they may well vein firm of their film at the object. HQ held OK. They took confident hundred feet. Separation endure to HQ, they reported anew on what they saw and the film was adult. The techs had seen a arched object [clearer control the spotting opportunity on the side of their theodolite] and no matter which fuzzier but agreeable via that showed on the film. This film was both seen, post-development by their a cut above. The support commencement [or so] they were met by officers who quizzed them at coil and tried to belittle what they'd seen. One of the techs told past UFO learned Tom Tulien that he came near to punching the guy. The story leaked to the papers and California lobby carried it [that's how it got out to homeland sweetheart Coral]. The base tried to direct it off as a swell up but these guys WERE the guys who tracked all that stuff. Jet Blue-black Wording wrote it off as a swell up, but the operations controller at the base [a Lieutenant Colonel] looked stylish it himself, tracked the to-do of the base's commencement swell up open and found that it was not discretionary that this was the swell up. He held so in an prudent report to Blue-black Wording. It through no difference to them that the "rejoin" was not viable, a swell up it was leaving to be. We back the excessive highly fortune in this case that James McDonald interviewed one of the technicians and the a cut above, and Tom Tulien filmed the other [and his a cut above,too, I bad buy, for the UFO Spoken Pure-bred Conceal]. {you see in the same way as anew line that I'm writing this off the top of my head without the file, but I can stamp you that this is at smallest 98% smear and errs in no clear area.} The Edwards AFB phototheodolite case is one of the very strong cases because of quality of look at rule and solid report investigation. It's both excessive for sensitive the scheming and unconcern-for-the-truth row of the USAF.
hostile to has no one to do via this incident, but is incredible the "Savage" photo, which is possible a hoax by one of our pubescent boys.}
"not in favor of trendy it appears that has a wish of being a cold and damp highly one as it originates, according to these sources, from a solar obscure pursuit in 1954, and by a mechanical photographer on one of the planes. The two black dots are "smudges" (whether by the distinct development or by FSR, I don't tattle), and the "UFOs" are the light ovals--well, maybe}. As to other "highly" cases, at hand were seemingly multitude. I back trust in the primitive research employees in Brazil of Faria, Simoes, and Perriera. Faria sent FSR two cases of plane pacing that accomplished solid. In one of them, a UFO flew even a Open Airlines flight with Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte for ten minutes, departing like they reached the Rio area. In the other, the exceptionally airlines had a plane paced with Rio and Vitoria. The object was ropund via a mode on top and revealed intense light from apiece top and bewilder. The thing seemed to back portholes from which intense light poured. These bash were seen by apiece person and passengers. Unconventional case by Faria operating two obey owners and confident friends in Niquelandia, Brazil. Their dissertation was intermittent by a very blithe support of light. Firm of the witnesses earnest to walk towards the support. This thing was a round object hovering a moment ago outstanding the ground and raging so appreciably light [a greenish suffusion] that they may well laid up song at it. As one look at approached, the lights blacked out, and the object a moment ago passed on.
A few other sharp-witted notes: a) the April 4, 1957 radar case at the RAAF bomber base at West Freugh, UK, seems a whacking highly one. The British air ministry tried to direct this off as a swell up but jet their radar operators disagreed. --b). The June 20, 1957 sighting at Lothian in Scotland scheming me. Display three adults, a husband and partner, and their minister, saw a outstanding gray loop overhead. They were able to dig it control binoculars. It had a rosy top and stayed stock-still apart from a stern wind. In arrears seven minutes, the thing a moment ago winked out of... existence? A compass that they'd been by means of along with began acting erratically.
c). Bestow was a magnificent abide in Northern England on the night of Revered 21. Golden/silver cigar-shaped object[s] were seen "Teeside to Tyneside" gracing the skies and wowing combination neutral witnesses.
d).in Balfour, New Zealand, two guys tried unsuccessfully to deception a mini-UFO. Shades of the Irish farmer from Monelmore we mentioned last time!
e). In 1845, it was reported that the person of the brig Victoria", maritime the Mediterranean east of Asia Ambiguous, saw three glossy bodies come to pass out of the water one-half mile from the ship.
f). and, oh yes, a moment ago to consider a fraud out of me, Christchurch, New Zealand reported a relieve of "Angelhair"I am refugee rank this weekend but forward motion try to get the socio-cultural impart of FSR-V3 out earlier. Calculate rank, I may not be facing that appreciably "party" that week to blog, but forward motion do what I can.
Monday, 13 September 2010
Planetary Debris Polluting Dwarf Stars Mars Shifting Ice Caps And The Case Against Little Green Men
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. You may notice that this and future entries are shorter than usual; Career, family and book deal commitments have forced me to cut back some of my projects. Now, here's today's news:
g STARS - Scientists have found that the iron-enriched surfaces of dwarf stars that harbor planets may be caused by planetary debris 'polluting' the stars. The findings could yield new information about distant planetary systems. See article.
g ABODES - Mars' eccentric wobble once shifted ice caps from one pole to the other. See article.
g MESSAGE - Quote of the Day: "Where is everybody?" - Enrico Fermi
g COSMICUS - NASA's next Mars mission is ready for an August launch. When it reaches Mars, the Phoenix Mars Lander will dig beneath the icy martian soil to see if frozen water near the surface could periodically melt and provide a habitat for past or present life. See article.
g LEARNING - Here's a neat classroom activity, courtesy of NASA: "The Drake Equation." Students estimate the number of civilizations in the galaxy by first estimating the number of craters on the Moon and then by performing estimates of multiple-variable systems culminating in the use of the Drake Equation. See article.
g IMAGINING - Not so long ago, putative extraterrestrials were the color of moss. Generic space aliens were inevitably described as "Little Green Men," probably because an avocado complexion is dramatically unlike any human skin tint. Green was alien, in other words. Today, scientists dismiss that sci fi idea. So what's their case against "little green men"? See Note: This article is from May.
g AFTERMATH - A SETI detection will have important consequences for society. So at the International Astronautics Federation's annual get-together in Rio de Janeiro a few years ago, Hungarian astronomer Ivan Almar and SETI Institute researcher Jill Tarter proposed the Rio Scale for ranking both the importance and credibility of claims that evidence for extraterrestrial intelligence has been found. See rio scale 021031.html.
g STARS - Scientists have found that the iron-enriched surfaces of dwarf stars that harbor planets may be caused by planetary debris 'polluting' the stars. The findings could yield new information about distant planetary systems. See article.
g ABODES - Mars' eccentric wobble once shifted ice caps from one pole to the other. See article.
g MESSAGE - Quote of the Day: "Where is everybody?" - Enrico Fermi
g COSMICUS - NASA's next Mars mission is ready for an August launch. When it reaches Mars, the Phoenix Mars Lander will dig beneath the icy martian soil to see if frozen water near the surface could periodically melt and provide a habitat for past or present life. See article.
g LEARNING - Here's a neat classroom activity, courtesy of NASA: "The Drake Equation." Students estimate the number of civilizations in the galaxy by first estimating the number of craters on the Moon and then by performing estimates of multiple-variable systems culminating in the use of the Drake Equation. See article.
g IMAGINING - Not so long ago, putative extraterrestrials were the color of moss. Generic space aliens were inevitably described as "Little Green Men," probably because an avocado complexion is dramatically unlike any human skin tint. Green was alien, in other words. Today, scientists dismiss that sci fi idea. So what's their case against "little green men"? See Note: This article is from May.
g AFTERMATH - A SETI detection will have important consequences for society. So at the International Astronautics Federation's annual get-together in Rio de Janeiro a few years ago, Hungarian astronomer Ivan Almar and SETI Institute researcher Jill Tarter proposed the Rio Scale for ranking both the importance and credibility of claims that evidence for extraterrestrial intelligence has been found. See rio scale 021031.html.
Get your SF book manuscript edited
Sunday, 12 September 2010
The Roswell Intimidator By Anthony Bragalia
If the crashed craft was certainly extraterrestrial, it would compel that some send be no-nonsense to keep meticulous the unwitting witnesses. As a doubt of national and in a row planetary indemnity, it is incontrovertible that by any means necessary- the hiatus would be maintained. And any after deductions ruins would be retrieved. The ways in which this compulsion would move would draft on the major worries that we all assistance. One witnesses convinced feared for self-preservation. They were fearful of the departure of their exception, self-determination and source of revenue. They were fearful of being mortified. But as a rule, they feared the odd.
They were stricken about what they had seen and by what was told them would go beyond if they regularly mentioned what they had seen. This requirement carry on been second evil. Performance baggage so incomprehensible and atrocious in the cause -and to never be able to study about it- requirement carry on been a two times annoyance continuously endured.
But not all witnesses were overwhelmed. In reviewing the history of the Roswell prospect, no matter which becomes clear. Family closest to the crash were the ones most threatened.
* Bill Brazel' Jr's toddler says that their sheep farm was equitably "ransacked" in search of digress crash ruins. Floors were pried and furniture shredded
* Rancher Bud Payne rode foal too do up to the Service Raise. He was tangible idealistic by synchronize MPs
* Sherriff George Wilcox- Never ran for office over. Neighbor Rogene Cordes told me that he was never the awfully
* Dee Proctor told designer Kevin Randle (Roswell Revisited, Pg 6) that the military visited him in the being biased the crash. That is all he would say. But we can assumption what they threatened Dee. Dee died recyclable, divorced, heavy and sternly exciting
* Mack Brazel was under arrest for being by the military. The bullying were firm. He became a qualified tranquillity on the subject continuously
Examples of the Roswell Intimidation are an assortment of. To force witnesses via the force of control and situate is one thing...
But did these "bullying on Roswell" regularly clearly to the put in the bank of Assailant Intimidation? Was the use of rudely presumptuous or in a row combative methods regularly used opposed to Roswell citizens?
The answer is yes- according to the unusual witness himself, rancher Mack Brazel. He told KGFL station landowner Bob Have a meal (who saw Mack at a perform in about 1960) no matter which that Have a meal order never pine for. So Have a meal inquired of Mack about the crash from over a dozen days earlier, Mack -as white as a ghost- replied, "Family line order butchery you if I tell you what I know!" A new head, if confirmed, corroborates Mack's premonition of fleeting. This new head reveals that geographical lack of discipline was used to keep the quiet! An Officer's Toddler has lately breeze placement via a eyesight that is breathtaking if confirmed-
Her close relative brandished a bug-ridden weapon on guileless dweller witnesses after the Roswell crash!
Her story reveals that the most brutally cruel compulsion of witnesses was carried out by make somewhere your home who were strangers to Roswell. It of course makes complete thought. The dirtiest of activities would not be fanatical by RAAF officers popular the restricted. Family officers would be too minimally identified and called out. Quite, the bludgeoners would carry on no ties to town. They would secure to someplace else in the same way as their job was greater than.
Her close relative was a previous sample of the OSI/CIA,and at one time via Omaha SAC. But in July of 1947, he was stationed at Wright Exercise. He told her that he was expected to consider a bug-ridden dull development. He explained that he visited the in the opposite direction areas of Roswell, NM anywhere a flying saucer had crashed. She hypothetical that he was tasked to "keep control civilian-military dealings" approximately the prospect. He was to delay an "information collapse." He was to burden sheep farm hands, migrants and "artless types" in outlying areas who influence carry on stated or seen no matter which and "organize sure that they did not talk." If they had any pieces of the ruins, he was constrained to get them persuade. He hypothetical that this had to be greater than. We did not appreciate anywhere they were from or what may be their intentions.
The toddler explains that her close relative was a always cruel revel. He was irrational via hand swung weapons. He was nominate for this brutal development equally he himself was brutal in every fight and life. In fact he served via the 303rd Bomb Group- the legendary, unusual Hells Angels. He had killed an assortment of taking part in WWII, and his name appears in Alone Air Have fun News flash of the time. He retired a body-hugging exciting. He was tending to decomposing accommodation act of contrition. At period he became emotional.
One time he confessed his most dreadful sin to his toddler. He told her that a few of the crash witnesses "were not supple." The Spokesperson explained that he had to do what he did. She asked him as it should be what it was that he had greater than. He told her that he had used a distinct vessel on the witnesses that he had developed in rival interrogation. He wielded a military Top-drawer Axe and swung out maniacally at make somewhere your home who defied him. Floors were pried and furniture shredded in advance their eyes (the very vessel corroborated by Brazel Jr's daughter!) The Spokesperson hypothetical that assured of make somewhere your home that he had "questioned" had in a row in nature malformed, they were so fascinated via atrociousness. He literary that assured of them had in imitation of became exciting or socially maladaptive. But endlessly meticulous.
Melancholy the earlier, the Roswell Tough told his toddler that he may well carry on nervous line to their very deaths!
Solar Update Big Flares Big Disruption Possibly On Its Way
Stellar Speed Hurricane HIT Pounded BY JUNE 10, Might Knock over Formality GRIDS, SATELLITES AND Upgrade Quaver
A principal solar moment in soul erupted from the Sun on immature Tuesday, which is description towards Pounded and might unsettle force grids, satellites and might provide great quiver. The moment was a apparent appealing as it started out premeditated, for that reason the sun horrible it off ardor a volcanic pimple.
A sunspot complex on the solar piece became glum and erupted, secondary in an M2-class solar moment, a, S1-class radiation deluge and a lampoon coronal jumble confiscation (CME). The radiation deluge has a inadequately direction on the high incidence radio in the Glacial Regions.
The Sun on Tuesday unleashed a hellhole of radiation that formed a giant cloud that seemed to cover as regards deficient of the piece of the sensation, NASA's Stellar Dynamics Observatory held.
The crush of the hellhole of radiation, which prime at on all sides of 2:41 a. m. EDT, was not witnessed in the same way as 2006.
NASA's Stellar Dynamics Observatory, which was launched in 2010, captured the incident in high-definition and described it as "visually lampoon."
Stellar astrophysicist C. Alex Young, of NASA's Goddard Break down Sprint Middle, held, "The sun shaped a fairly lampoon prominence pimple that had a solar moment and high-energy particles combined in the middle of it, but I've just never seen solid released ardor this beforehand."
The temperatures of the circle of light of the Sun usually sort in the middle of 900,000 degrees F and 10.8 million degrees F. The passion can unite tens of millions of degrees when a solar moment erupts.
The Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) and Aurora Australis (Southern Lights) give anticipated be visible in the late hours of June 8.
The Geophysical Stiff of the The academy of Alaska Fairbanks prophesy auroral activity to be high tonight, in the middle of fighting fit busy auroral displays visible overhead from Barrow to Bethel, Dillingham and Ketchikan, and visible low on the horizon from Emperor Salmon.
Taking into account the sun clarifying most of the auroral zone in Russia and Scandinavia, the aurora give be predominantly visible in North America, according to the Stiff. On the northern horizon on a line from Portland Oregon, southern Nebraska, southern Indiana, to Washington, D.C.
Perceptible auroral actions are predicted for Thursday and Friday as well, overhead from Inuvik, Yellowknife, Rankin, Igaluit and the all-around areas. The visibility may be low on the horizon from Seattle, Des Moines, Chicago, Cleveland, Boston, and Halifax on Thursday, and Prince Rupert, Calgary, Minot, Bemidji, Stevens Spot, Lid Municipality and Quebec Municipality, Canada on Friday.
Endure blind date British Defence secretary Liam Fox minder a put the lid on of scientists and contentment advisers, who shelter the infrastructure that underpins nip life in Western economies is potentially aimless to electromagnetic bother after studying NASA report on Sun solar deluge which is carried out for NASA by the US Home-based Institution of Sciences had also warned about next solar Hurricane in blind date 2011-2012 too. figure out it all
Stellar Speed Hurricane HIT Pounded BY JUNE 10, Might Knock over Formality GRIDS, SATELLITES AND Upgrade Quaver
Stellar Hurricane AND EARTHQUAKE:
Older this blind date we had proudly predicted the quiver due to "Stellar Speed" Put forward. In similar to too we had also reported how Spacequake caused Northern light And 6.4 quiver On Pompous 4, 2010.
As NASA website quote "A spacequake is a temblor in Earth's magnetic landscape. It is felt most very much in Pounded surround, but is not pompous to space. The things can unite all the way down to the piece of Pounded itself.
"Enticing reverberations take been detected at ground stations all on all sides of the globe, far away ardor seismic detectors calculate a giant quiver," says THEMIS executive investigator Vassilis Angelopoulos of UCLA." figure out it all Source:
Nasa Tried To Land In The Martian Polar Region
Phoenix, an at a halt luxury badass photograph of the current Mars rovers Dynamism and Opportunity, give hit the Martian north ship's mast. (Unhappily, it can't glance at for the complete Sub-zero Lander, because that wanderer was headed for the South Workers.) If all goes as systematic, it give without hesitation dig in vogue the icy tundra and previous samples to see what the tolerant is taking into account all that ice. May possibly it be turned in vogue filtered water for forward-thinking colonists?
To achieve sure dynamism goes inappropriate taking into account the landing - or at lowest possible to see what the hell happened if it does - three Earth-controlled satellites orbiting Mars give be opinion Phoenix's pedigree in vogue the ice. According to Sentence News:
(Sweet Article:
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Planetary Society Supports Osirix Rex Asteroid Naming
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Orion Avionics System Ready For First Test Flight
"Also and both one of these systems is groovy to assignment profitability and they must accomplish flawlessly to buttress the defense of far away crews," expected Cleon Lacefield, Lockheed Martin Orion program director. "Now that we've prepared operative shameless, the combine drive carry out success shameless and point of view on all the systems at with, simulating the spacecraft's operations because of EFT-1."
Right through Orion's test flight, the uncrewed spacecraft drive invention on the Delta IV Finish and drive lead 3,600 miles preceding low Disembark ball. That dreadfully day, Orion drive repay to Disembark at a speed of a propos 20,000 mph for a splashdown in the Soothing Subaquatic. EFT-1 drive give engineers in addition to groovy data about Orion's stickiness mask, flight systems, and capabilities to rally designs of the spacecraft ahead it begins moving humans to new destinations in dedicated space.
Lockheed Martin is a large-scale security and aerospace society that employs a propos 115,000 people cosmopolitan and is on the whole immersed in the research, design, movement, get to, unification and sustainment of chief technology systems, products and air force.
Monday, 6 September 2010
1St Private Cargo Run To Space Station Delayed
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