Saturday 21 May 2011

Comrades In Blogging

Comrades In Blogging
I found another comrade in blogging. His name is Dan, his site is only 10 days old and I recommend it highly.

LUMINOSITYa journal of high strangeness

We met on-line last night, I think he commented on my blog, but I'm not sure. Right now, this is sort of a blur for me. He was a follower of Mac Tonnies' blog, and he found my site thru Mac.

He is sharing his paranormal experiences in a first hand format, and the stories are downright soul-stirring. He writes clearly and without excessive flourish. His text is beautiful, insightful and haunting. There is a reoccurring figure shows up in his postings, and he calls it The Harlequin.


But what does any of this really mean?... The very fact of the matter is that all of this high strangeness no longer has an ephemeral quality to it.... Whereas we used to view UFOs, Aliens, and Ghosts as mere modern folklore with occasional manifestations, we are now forced (at least I am) to view these manifestations as a reality that has insinuated itself into the physical world. A reality that will not go away. The solidification of this high-strangeness only reveals how far we are along the path to dissolution. What form this dissolution may take is presently outside of my knowing.

The Harlequin is no ghost. It is no alien from another planet, nor curious earth spirit. Having observed it for nearly thirty years of my life, and communicating with it from childhood, I know full well that it is something far more profound.... This is no mere phantasm, this is a being that can cloak itself at will and manifest itself at will. It can terrify you with a simple look and let you know in the most subtle ways that it is all around you watching like an owl in the dead of night. Because of this ambiguity I am unsure to its ultimate purpose. This appears to be the way it wants that to be, or it may be that my own fear of the phenomenon has blinded me to its purpose.

We are living in strange days.... With what I have been hearing lately, it seems that the appearance of these things is happening more and more often. My firm belief is that this is occurring is because human belief in them has grown more over the years. The UFO and other phenomenon seem to have been a tool they used to establish themselves in the collective consciousness of humanity. The more we acknowledge their reality and their place in the world, the more they are able to establish themselves. The harlequin came to me as a child, and because I remembered it and entertained its presence, it has never left because my memories of childhood have been retained to a very strange degree. I fear it greatly because of its ambiguity and the mystique it has cultivated in my life over the years. They have come through the walls of reality, and now there is no turning back...

"Well said!"


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