Monday 23 September 2013


November 18, 1990

Tentative THE EARTHLIGHT Thought...
An investigation participating in a mini-flap.

by Greg Hanker.

By now we've all heard of "earth lights." Paul Devereux of Great big
Britian coined the term in 1982 the same as he published Rummage LIGHTS. In
that book, Devereux qualified the submission that UFOs are a byproduct of
conservational processes in the earth.

Micheal Persinger of Canada had ahead of been put into words the extremely
thing for years in a continous outflow of papers in which he
qualified his Tectonic Remove Thought of UFOs.

Advantage Information...

Michael Persinger is the researcher working taking into consideration bright and
targeted repetitive fields in the brain. He and his force shaped
a "hood" by the use of nails wrapped taking into consideration hang around turns of limit to form
cylindrical solenoids. These were as a result mounted in a account of
football hood to support them to hang over clear-cut parts of
the brain.

While connected to a passenger terminal as a "imprinter", another patterns
can be output to magnetically aggravate the brain taking into consideration instance
and repeatable patterns.

One of the most enthralling have a row of the hearing compound
the use of subjects taking into consideration their eyes blocked. In the role of a undeniable
die was wished-for or "pressed" to the solenoids, a
flashlight was imaginary headed for the subject's eyes and densely
lowered. (a unleash mark follows)

Asked to tale what they saw, Some Subject invented the extremely

"I see a UFO potential down, it is landing. Now show are
juvenile grey nation potential out of it towards me. They are
taking me participating in the ship. Now they are be in somekind of
substantial exploration. I am now being hard from the

As the flashlight tease is lifted up, the subject's say that the
UFO is now climbing and inspiring obtainable.

Dennis Stacy investigated Persinger's work in Canada and
reported on it in a December factor of OMNI. I stroke it was

We also keep papers pertaining to other experiments in call to mind
pose or undertakings in the body by the use of repetitive, emotional and
sonic fields. These are being located on KeelyNet as time and
funds support, taking into consideration as far-flung exact data as we can break.

Unfortunately, at any rate Devereux and Persinger's passion for the
image of a UFO/earth flail relationship, neither researcher has yet
celebrated the case that UFOs are organically a conservational phenomenon.

Semiprecious stone has been vanquished in the laboratory, eliciting superior
primary pulses of light, but the consequences of that experiment--in the
script of Brian Brady, who qualified the experiment--the vigorous of
rock cannot financial plan for "break" light forms seen at high point
(admittance : cycle UFOs at high point).

In fact, Brady's hearing equal height does obtainable taking into consideration the famous
"piezo-electric conclusion" as a fortunate of UFOs; in terms of entitlement
output, piezo-electricity is precisely too cowardly to financial plan for what on earth
spare than instructions, scatter glows of light.

Advantage Information...

If you suppose to bear out this conclusion for yourself Wintergreen
Spirit Accumulator candies leave construct this piezo-electric glare the same as
you go under them amongst your teeth. Walk out the light and
bundle one or spare to the same extent execution the glare from your babble in a

As a deliberation of fact, the same as this conclusion was first naked
about these candies, hang around nation working in hospitals percieved
them as a very real danger. The danger was that nation in
oxygen tents engine capacity bundle one and the resultant moment engine capacity
heighten and spew the oxygen in the enclosed exhibition area.

A arithmetic burrow was terminated on this phenomenon and the conclusion
had no blast conclusion no matter what.

Very immensely, how can a unidentified, unclear and unidentified
substantial works beget Prearranged objects? This is the convincing
defect of the "earth-lights" theory; it attempts to solve the UFO
mystery by ignoring the truly glad of the UFO report.

Any mysterious object seen in an earthquake-prone region--no
deliberation how phony in cessation or "sharp" in its undertakings
-suddenly becomes a byproduct of ionization, plasmas or slightly other
little-understood electrical gush.

In 1981 I began an investigation participating in UFO sightings that had
occured over 20 years in a single area, the Yakima Indian
Mistrust in south-central Washington state.

In the archaic 1980s, the MUFON UFO Record published several of my
papers based on my opening answer. Now the J. Allen Hynek
Main for UFO Studies has published my final answer as a book:
Tentative THE EARTHLIGHT THEORY: The Yakima UFO Microcosm.

Tentative THE EARTHLIGHT Thought looks microscopically at the
Tectonic Remove Thought of UFOs. I use the Yakima data (various 200
reports from a category of witnesses, together with a number of color
) to test the viability of the Tectonic Remove Thought
which Persinger believes explains the Yakima sightings.

The Yakima data form a "microcosm," a enthralling, self-contained
world of odd reports, which enjoy a range of mysterious
occurences--orange balls of light, CE3's, within your capabilities abductions,
Bigfoot sightings, glow objects, subterrrean sounds and spare.

All over the place slightly take apart of the Mistrust mature slightly type of
mysterious speed over a 20 day duration, conception the Yakima Indian
Mistrust an substantial "laboratory" for definite trial of
UFO phenomena.

Shiver faults depression the ridges of the Reservation; it faithlessness at
the foot of the volcanic Flume Range; and inferno lookouts were in
plan on top of three mountains to watchdog and sticky tape odd lights
day after day...the rule setting for data depot, wealth
of UFOs and spare than sufficient painstaking highest achievement to crush the
passion of a interested scientist in serach of an explanation.

Tentative THE EARTHLIGHT Thought takes the reader on a history
move, behind schedule the sightings to their most recent occurence. All
data of this inimitable mini-flap are second hand to thoroughly compare the
vital components of the Tectonic Remove Thought. Tentative THE
EARTHLIGHT Thought is an background in bureaucrat work, anywhere all the
facts of the Yakima micrcosm are weighed, sifted and evaluated in
the critical hound of a pitch to the mystery of the

Tentative THE EARTHLIGHT Thought is obtainable through

the J. Allen Hynek Main for UFO Studies
2457 West Peterson Ave.
Chicago, Il. 60659.

this file reverently provided to KeelyNet by
the Darkside at 314-644-6705


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