Friday, 31 October 2014

The Rendlesham 2012 Ufo Conference

The Rendlesham 2012 Ufo Conference
Visit the official Rendlesham Forest 2012 Conference web site www.RendleshamUFO.comFollowing on the success of the 30th anniversary Rendlesham Forest Incident Conference that took place December 28, 2010 we are proud to announce that the Rendlesham Forest 2012 Conference will take place this coming Sunday June 17.Special guests include: Timothy Good, Gary Heseltine, Alan Godfrey, Robert Salas, Sacha Christie,Larry Warren, Peter Robbins and Jennifer Stein. In addition there will be one or two additional guests. ALAN GODFREY November 28th 1980, 200 miles north of Rendlesham forest another British UFO encounter took place, but this time it was the British police who witnessed and came in contact with UFOs. Alan has confirmed this will be the last time he will EVER speak publicly on what happened.CAPTAIN ROBERT SALAS graduated from the Air Force Academy and spent seven years in active duty from 1964 to 1971. He also held positions at Martin Marietta and Rockwell and spent 21 years at the FAA. In the Air Force, He testifies about a UFO incident on the morning of March 16, 1967 where 16 nuclear missiles simultaneously became non-operational at two different launch facilitiesLARRY WARREN was one of the 20 military witnesses attending the Big Disclosure Project in May 2001. He co-authored the book, Left at East Gate, which is a first hand account of what is referred to as the Rendlesham UFO IncidentsSACHA CHRISTIE Sacha Christie: UK director for ICAR, Director of UFOW witness and contactee support network and consultant member of AMMACH. In 1997 Sacha Had a ufo encounter whilst on vacation in Wales with friendsTIMOTHY GOOD worldwide research, interviewing key witnesses and discussing the subject with astronauts, military and intelligence specialists, pilots, politicians and scientists, has established Timothy Good as a leading authority on UFOs and the alien presence - the most highly classified subject on Earth. PETER ROBBINS is one of America's best known and most respected UFO investigative writers and has been involved in this field for more than thirty years, as a researcher, investigator, writer, speaker, activist and author. He has lectured extensively on both sides of the Atlantic and appeared as a guest on and been consultant to numerous television shows and documentaries. He is also co-author of the British best-seller, Left at East Gate: A First-Hand Account of the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident, Its Cover-Up and Investigation.GARY HESELTINE: Gary Heseltine was a serving police detective in the UK with almost 23 years service. He created and runs the PRUFOS Police Database which collates UFO sightings reports by serving and retired Police Officers. He is a leading expert in the Rendlesham Forest incident. JENNIFER STEIN, BS, U. of Arizona, is an artist, entrepreneur, activist & documentary filmmaker. Jennifer has been reading, researching and traveling into crop circles for 10 years for first hand exploration and examination.The Rendlesham 2012 ConferenceSunday June 17 at: 10am - 11.30pm. Tickets are lb20 each. Entry is strictly ticket only, tickets will not be available on the door.Buy your tickets

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Penampakan Penampakan Ufo Yang Terkenal

Penampakan Penampakan Ufo Yang Terkenal
UFO sudah tak lagi dianggap remeh, apalagi sebagai fiksi oleh negara-negara besar (kecuali Amerika). Dengan diumumkannya pengakuan resmi atas keberadaan UFO di beberapa negara itu seperti Rusia, Cina, Swedia, Inggris, Perancis, dan Kanada, dan tak tanggung-tanggung pengumuman pengakuan tersebut dilakukan oleh para pejabat tinggi negara.Seorang mantan astronout NASA, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, juga telah mengungkapkan bahwa pemerintah Amerika Serikat selama ini telah menutup-nutupi fakta keberadaan UFO dan Alien.

Penampakan UFO yang meningkat telah diberitakan oleh media-media massa besar seperti CNN, MSNBC, dan bahkan yang konservatif yaitu Fox News. Antara 2003 dan 2004, penampakannya sudah mulai banyak. Setelah itu penampakannya semakin meningkat saja, bahkan dalam skala masif (dalam jumlah banyak dan sekaligus dlihat banyak orang). Peningkatan ini sesuai prediksi ZetaTalk pada 1995.

Ini dia beberapa saja dari banyaknya berita penampakan UFO yang masif dan terkenal.

PHOENIX LIGHTS DI PHOENIX, ARIZONA (AS) 13 MARET 1997UFO ini disaksikan oleh belasan ribu rakyat di tiga wilayah di Amerika: Arizona, Nevada, dan Mexican State of Sonora. Di antara penonton terdapat para polisi, kru berita, dan mantan Gubernur Arizona Fife Symington yang menyatakan bahwa baru kali ini ia melihat sesuatu yang tak masuk akal serta menantang realitanya.

MALAM TAHUN BARU 2008 DI SAN DIEGO, AS, Lebih Heboh Oleh Barisan UFO

Setengah jam setelah lonceng tahun baru berdentang, UFO dalam jumlah banyak terbang berbaris disaksikan rakyat San Diego.

Menurut laporan orang-orang yang menyaksikannya langsung, benda-benda terbang itu tak bersuara, bercahaya terlalu terang, cahayanya tak berkelip-kelip seperti pesawat terbang pada umumnya, bukan jet, bukan helikopter, bukan pula kembang api. Berikut Videonya:


Beberapa lusin orang-termasuk para polisi dan pemilik usaha -bersikeras telah melihat sebuah benda besar dengan sinar-sinar terang dan tak bersuara yang terbang rendah serta cepat. Ada yang melaporkan bahwa pesawat-pesawat jet tengah mengejar obyek tersebut.Video:

7 NOVEMBER 2006: UFO di Bandara O'Harre, Chicago

(terjemahan bebas) Sejumlah pegawai United Airlines, yang sebagian adalah pilot, menyatakan telah melihat obyek tak bersinar yang terbang melayang-layang di atas terminal bandara sebelum melesat ke balik awan.

MEKSIKO, 2005: PENAMPAKAN UFO "Penampakan UFO besar-besaran terjadi pada Jumat 24 Juni 2005 di Xalapa, Meksiko. Peristiwa menakjubkan ini disaksikan oleh gubernur Xalapa, Fidel Herrera Beltran, para staffnya, banyak pejabat dari polisi daerah Xalapa, para wartawan surat kabar dan televisi serta banyak khalayak umum yang berkumpul di Casa Veracruz untuk upacara penyerahan mobil patroli polisi baru kepada kepolisian.

Hillaryraimoradio The Orion Project W Dr Steven Greer 21 Oct 2010

Hillaryraimoradio The Orion Project W Dr Steven Greer 21 Oct 2010
THE ORION Situation With DR. STEVEN GREERHILLARY RAIMO Data linesTHURSDAY, 21ST OCTOBER 2010Dr. Steven Greer Discusses The Bowl over Situation, The Orion Situation and Conspiracies incoming the UFO Modification and More! Dr. Greer has provided incredible be in the lead in penetrating the mysteries not really of the UFO/ET phenomenon itself, but the little known corners of the U.S Building and custom facade of it. As a answer, Dr. Greer has established himself time and time over as a courageous and working warrior on the laden mass of planetary development. Muggy me for an hour of deep thought and enlightened discuss regarding one of the most introduce topics on the planet today: Pat and its implications.(since recorded show)The Bowl over Situation is a nonprofit research project functioning to form disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified ultramodern go and propulsion systems. We have over 400 government, military, and intelligence introduce somebody to an area witnesses testifying to their appeal, idiosyncratic, first hand information with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the facade that keeps this information secret.NOTE: All parts of the radio show are avaliable in this player!


Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Bright Orange Ball Of Fire In The Sky Over Keswick Ontario

Bright Orange Ball Of Fire In The Sky Over Keswick Ontario
Date: Respected 17, 2012Time: Approx; 9:00 p.m.Keswick Ontario Canada Friday night Respected 17th 2012 at nearly 9:00 p.m. My son and I were walking our two dogs as soon as I noticed this net orangey send out in the sky properly high-class my neighbors roof. It looked low, give or take a few as if it would hit display roof. It exceptionally looked fantasy character put a file campfire interned a clear cryptic enhance. I didn't no what to say, or so I view never seen no matter what fantasy it in my life. I yelled to my son to proceeds a picture past his camera plea and he did concoct a photo and video. I view heard of one other nature who made-up they saw a send out hovering in the sky one highway over. I view looked on the internet and found a picture from extra sighting that looks the extremely as mine, big time follower in UFOs, but this was absorbing not sure what to say or do my spouse thinks I view lost it.I called the make conform and they decorative the extremely relatively reserved sight that night. If you view seen no matter what fantasy this in the extremely area comply with be yielding stacks to contact Brian Vike at: past the details of your sighting. All classified information is diffident hush-hush. What's more, comply with deliberate free to advertise in your sightings that view happened being ago. So lots of these dreary sightings are zip instant of startling.The Vike Surface (Brian Vike) Vike Surface 2 (Brian Vike)

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Buzzed By Boomerng Ufo

Buzzed By Boomerng Ufo
UFO activity over Grafton (NSW). Claim 17th and 19th 2007, I observed a unconnected Miscarry UFO at about 150ft reading and approx. 200 metres ready. It was imprecisely illuminated yet clear adequate to embrace my disturbance. On the 17th. it was title north at instead gaining speed. On the 19th. it was title south in the self-same area of sky but considerably slower speed. Drowsy adequate to get a substantial vision at it.Pre-eminence appeared free about 1 metre wing strip (not knowing reasonably shyness) To-night, 16th. April at forcibly 6.30pm, the self-same or come together UFO flew correctly overhead title south. I got a substantial vision at the shape and collection. It was a miscarry shape about 2.5 metres wing strip. Inanely illuminated and allure approx. 150 klm/h. Even was under 200ft. Was too punctual to get video of. It appears this self-same object has been flying up and down the area for a few weeks now and mettle no mistrust refurbish. I mettle let you comprehend if I get footage of it. Crest week this month offer was a high reading (4,000ft) unclear assortment of round entertaining title south. This type of entertaining has been seen countless get older formerly popular UFO activity over this area. That self-same night offer were 6 other UFO type trial at low reading forcibly my show occurrence, 2 at tree top equal. They were paltry silo shot collection (and less than) objects compellingly illuminated and allure so punctual they were awkward to footprint, but yes free 30-50 metres ready. Got a bit spooky offer for a in the function of.


Ufo Spotted In Devon Photo

Ufo Spotted In Devon Photo
GARY MCDERMOTT snapped the glowing red object, with bright flashing lights, after stopping his car to photograph a low-flying helicopter in PLYMOUTH. The disc-shaped UFO flashed across the sky - just as he was taking the picture - before it disappeared into the night at 9pm on Sunday.

Mr McDermott, who was working night shifts on the city's famous Royal Albert Bridge, said: "I just couldn't believe what I had just seen. It must have been a UFO - and I cannot believe I am saying that because I don't believe in them usually. I am always sceptical. But this was definitely not a normal aircraft. It was red, the shape they say UFO aircraft is, and had two bright lights coming out of it. It came into shot just as I took the picture - then as soon as I said to my mate 'look what I have just seen', it disappeared. Apparently there have been a few other similar sightings across Britain in recent weeks."

On January 6 two mysterious bright lights were spotted floating over Chatham in Kent. Less than a week later four similar lights were seen over Essex - but none were as clear as Gary's Devon snap. Devon and Cornwall Police said they had not been informed of any reports of UFO sightings in the area.

Source: Telegraph

Hessdalen Daylight Ufo Sightings

Hessdalen Daylight Ufo Sightings
Today's post is from my point of view, as the author of this blog, a boring post to write, but hopefully of interest to my readers. I also believe that it is a very "necessary"post. The content is taken from Arne Wisths book from 1983; "The UFO mystery in Hessdalen" - entirely from chapter nine of the book, which covers UFO sightings in the Hessdalen area in 1982 - mostly daylight sightings.

1981 - 1984 was the most intense period in Hessdalen where it was made several observations per day - up to thirty a week. From 1985 to the present day it is made (or notified) a thirty observations on an annual basis.

Some readers probably wrinkles on the nose of sightings made back in the eighties, and believes this is old news. I believe, however, it is important to know about these early sightings and have them as a backdrop when you read about, and consider recent observations of the type "lights in the sky". Internationally Hessdalen is known under the name "Hessdalen lights." I want to differentiate and create a more complete picture of what has been observed, and still is being observed in Hessdalen.

Lars Lillevold and his family live in Hessdalen. - 18 January 1982 changed my life completely, he says. - What I saw amazed me so that I have to admit that others may laugh at me and see me as a lunetic. But I know what I saw.

"Illustration; Rune Overby. "The light was blinding. It looked as if "it" had a red, hairy like smoke that it surrounded itself with."

This evening Lars had an errand outside his house. The time was approx. 19.30. - Over the outhouse I saw something big, bright red. It must have been at least 30-40 meters long. As a loaf of bread it stood there, completely still. I expected to hear sounds. I listened, but heard only the murmur of the forest. Then "it" moved. The light was blinding. It looked as if "it" had a red, hairy like smoke that it surrounded itself with. It moved in a northerly direction up the valley. He shouted at his wife who saw the lights before "it" disappeared. - Since it was a craze for me, I had to see this again. And I have done many times later. Time and again I asked myself what this might be. I'm surprised that the authorities do not take this more seriously. I'm glad that others see, and want as many people as possible to do.

A man who has seen UFOs both day and night, is Jon Aspas. In late February, he called his neighbor, Martin Aspas, who lives a short distance further up the valley. The time was quarter past nine in the morning. Martin sat and ate breakfast and looked out the kitchen window when he saw an object in the air just to the south, in the direction of the houses to Jon Aspas.

Do you see anything over mount Rogne? Is it the same object that we have seen in the evening?

Jon ran outside the house. There it was, shiny and metallic. It was oblong and somewhat flattened below. It looked like it had a raised platform at the top, says Jon. It went south at an altitude that could not be more than a few hundred meters.

The following morning he saw the UFO again. Then it was also observed by others near Roros. At this second daylight observation, they could study the object for 42 minutes, as long as it stood quietly in the valley between Alen and Hessdalen. Then it went straight east before it sat up a tremendous speed and disappeared out of sight.

Jon saw the UFO once again in March. It was passing the valley in daylight, but very fast. Once it went four times between the valley and mount Finnsahogda, back and forth.

Berit Mary Kjerrengvold lives in Hessdalen. Tuesday before Easter she was on her way from Alen towards Roros in her car. With her she had an acquaintance, Anita Trygstad from Roros. Approx. at. 13.00 they were a mile south of Alen, on a slight incline. On the right side, they discovered something dark that was not moving over the treetops. The object appeared elongated and were sort of standing at an angle. It was metallic silver and quite large. The sun was up, and should reflect the object's metallic color. It did not, it looked more as if the metal had its own "glow". They did not stop the car and saw the object for approx. 20 to 25 seconds. In October, she and her husband saw a large object with two bright lights in front and a red at the rear.

"In October, she and her husband saw a large object with two bright lights in front and a red at the rear."

Ingulf Rotan from Alen have a cabin by Oyungen. 16.03. 1982 approx. at. 19.30 he saw a bright, shiny object coming through a hole in the clouds. It looked like it came straight from above, but below the clouds it flattened out after having made a "spiral movement". It continued to maneuver with strange turns until it disappeared behind Skarvan.

32 year old Aud Ronning was 23.03. 1982 approx. at. 22.40 on her way home to Haltdalen after a trip to Oppdal. Next to the bridge by Gilset she saw something she thought was the moon. Then she discovered that "the moon" was elliptical, with a slightly reddish, glow above. It came from her right over the roadway in front of her. She turned around. The color was sharp, orange-yellow. Right towards the car the object came, and Mrs. Ronning was startled for a moment:Would it drive her down?

She estimated the Ufos altitude to be only three or four feet above the ground. She believed that it may not have been farther than 10-15 feet away when it suddenly went straight into the air and disappeared. At the same time, the car engine died out. It lasted just a few seconds, she says, but the experience is impressed in her mind.

Per Moen saw "something" in March 1982, at Oyungen. - It was in the evening, and I saw something I thought was a star among the trees. It was quiet and it sort of pulsated. Then came a powerful flash that lit up the whole area, and then it was gone. The object just disappeared in front of me.

- Another evening, I was at a similar place to see three of them at once. They came sliding inwards, two above and one below. Suddenly we saw a fourth object. Personally, I believe that it came right up from the ground. They formed a long N-formation. For several minutes I could study them. Suddenly there was the same as in the first case: they just disappeared right before my eyes.

During the autumn of 1982, I have seen similar things several times. One day I drove with my in-laws north in Hessdalen. They had never seen something, and wanted to have a look after all the talk about UFOs. Then came a bright "thing" towards us and turned up the river valley. The observation lasted for 2-3 minutes. Later, at 23 o'clock, we again saw it from the "plateau". It came through the clouds, down sharply at high speed and disappeared behind Finnsahogda.

Even in the bright nights of the summer 1982, there were reports of UFO sightings. A family from Baerum who were on holiday, have been unwilling to come forward and tell what they saw in June, when they were on vacation in Oyungen. But they have revealed to a person that they saw an enormous flying "thing" that "let out" three small "things" that flew with tremendous speed. The family ended their vacation and went home.

8. March 1982 Torbjorn Drag Myrhaug was driving a car into Hessdalen with his wife Mary and daughter Hallgerd.

The time was 22.50, and suddenly the family in the car saw an orange colored light to the left of them. They went out of the car and stood and stared in disbelief at what played out before them. - The moon reflected in the object, and we could through the light clearly see that it had a metllic color. The size was about like a car, and it was pointed in front and somewhat blunt at the rear. As a ghost plane the object passed without a sound. In the autumn the whole family was to study a similar phenomenon from their living room window, and later they have seen it several times. In August, the daughter Hallgerd with his grandmother, Ella Hegseth and her friend, Eli Benoa were in a cabin near Oyungen. Then they saw something that flashed in red, just west of them. This "red" thing was slowly moving, and they could observe it for several minutes.

The most remarkable happened in daylight around 16.30 on 23 October. Tom and Hallgerd was driving from Hessdalen towards Alen. The road is very curvy there, and Torbjorn had to concentrate on driving.

- It was big as an airplane and silver metallic. No windows I could see where "it" glided over us, maybe a hundred meters away. It was rather pointed in front, and right behind I think it sort of was a bump. How long I saw it, I'm not sure. Maybe a minute. When we finally stopped, it was gone over the mountain.

Jon Arvid Aspas always spend the summer on a farm at Hessjoen with his family. It is located on a hill with good view of the valley. The family consists of his wife Solfrid, Ole Martin 14 years, Ann Kristin 13, Joar 11 and Sture 10.

Jon Arvid have seen UFOs many times, but only as a light, except for one occasion when he also claimed to have seen metal and windows.

The sun was still up at 19.25 o'clock 3 september 1982. The sky was clear, and Jon Arvid and the kids were outside. Then Solfrid saw something in the sky that came from the south, and she shouted at the others. - The object was like a fuselage without wings: Silver - metallic bright in color. (This is confirmed by the rest of the family). It was probably about. 2 km. Away. - It turned eastward, and came a bit east of us. It was so close that we could observe it from underneath. We saw absolutely no wings. It reminded us of the old airships that we've seen pictures of. No sound was to hear.

"Reconstruction; "The object was like a fuselage without wings: Silver - metallic bright in color."

Jon Arvid ran to fetch his binoculars. As he came back, the "thing"disappeared into a cloud. - It was not big, says Solfrid. We wondered that we could not see it coming out of there. But it was gone.

23. October 1982, ie the same day as Hallgerd Drag Myrhaug saw "something" from her father's car in broad daylight, was Edvin Kvaernes outside his house in Alen. It was 16.40 when he over Alen saw something he thought was an airplane. It went very slowly on the north course. He studied it carefully. It seemed much larger than a regular plane, he thought. It was difficult to judge the height of the craft, but Kvaernes son is a pilot, and he thought it had the same height as his son used to hold over the area. Maybe around 5000 feet.

Kvaernes tried to hear engine sounds from the plane. He listened. Nothing was to hear. And it went all too slowly. The plane turned east. But it had no wings! Startled Kvaernes studied the flying object closer. It glistened in a silvery hull, but how closely he looked, he could not see the wings. As an old-fashioned airship it slid off. In three - four minutes he observed the object before it disappeared.

Kvaernes was one of those who in January had seen the UFOs in Hessdalen, the first time north of the house of Martin Aspas. At that time, they saw it came gliding silently with two reddish light behind and "some strange light" in front. They saw the lights in front of the mountain, so it could not be an airplane. Almost every day after this was Kvaernes up on the "plateau" and from there he made many observations of unexplained lights.

One autumn day he was at Oyungen along with seven other people. Then came the UFO he had seen the first time back - the one with two lights behind. And this time they saw clearly that it had a light in front. - One of the lights, I think was blue, says Kvaernes. - You could sort of make out a dark mass in the middle. The UFO moved slowly and disappeared in the north. This happened at 19.30 o'clock at night, and the weather was fine and clear. Later, Kvaernes saw a UFO once from his car in November.

Ole O. Baka is from Alen. Sunday 24 October, he and his son Oddleif were on a trip in Battjonndalen along with a colleague, Per Sten Lien. It was sunny and calm weather. The time could be around 15.45. Suddenly, they noticed something they thought was a plane on a northerly course. They saw it glide slowly toward mount Fjellbekkhogda, and it shone in the metal as the aircraft turned and went south in Hessdalen. They saw that it had no wings, and that it was moving very slowly. The object was shining - and large. The did not hear any sound.

They agreed that it could not be a plane. It was more like a helicopter, for it had sort of a thickening in the middle. But a helicopter is not silent.

Ole Bendheim and his son Peter was on his way through the valley to Alen by car on 24.10. 1982. The time was 15.40. They drove around a curve, so Bendheim had a good grip on the steering wheel. Suddenly he gripped even harder. What on earth was this? For a moment he thought that what he saw was a reflection in the window. But no, he saw it through the windshield and side window. It was a huge object in the sky and it looked like an aluminum pan in color. It took some time before Peter saw the same as his father.

"Illustration; Rune Overby. "It must have been twice as big as a truck with a trailer. His son Peter thought it was even bigger. Any plane, it could certainly not be, said Bendheim."

The object was sliding down the mountain and disappeared for a moment at the forest edge. There it was sort of hanging over a plantation. It looked as if its length covered the entire planting area. Bendheim had slowed down, and the car went forward at snail's pace. Was there no one else nearby who saw this? A few hours before, there was a swarm of people in the mountains and valley. Most were hunters, as it was hunting season. Now he saw none.

- It reminded me of a movie, this that played out over the treetops in front of us. It seemed so supernatural. Could it be a mirage? As we could see, was "the thing" only three or four hundred yards beyond us. It should have been twice as big as a truck with a trailer. His son Peter thought it was even bigger. Any plane, it could certainly not be, said Bendheim. The object glided slowly along. Oblong, silvery, and the front... there was something that moved, there?

In front of the object, it looked like it was a "dent" in the hull. Was it an opening there? Did they see cross through the object at this point? Was it the woods in the background they saw? Or was there something inside the vehicle that moved?

Bendheim've thought and thought about this. - The sight was so fantastic, so we forgot to study the details, he said. - At least there were no visible marks on the hull, it was completely blank. It was just this weird front. No light. No sound to hear.

Bendheim also believe that it was something that resembled rods moving in front of the vehicle. They were suddenly gone. - If we had a camera with us, we would have plenty of time to shoot. We saw this in seven to eight minutes. Afterwards, I thought that the word camera was not in our thoughts. Maybe we would not have taken a picture even if we had been able to. The visual impression overwhelmed us. We forgot everything.

"Oblong, silvery..."

The object disappeared behind a hill, and we saw it again. - Had not Peter been with me, I would not have mentioned this to anyone, said Bendheim. - What should one really believe? I have no idea what it might have been. Mirage or... well, I do not know what. The military has been here and asked me out. I could only say that this was what we saw.

This collection of daylight sightings reports represent only a small excerpt of what was observed in Hessdalen during the great flap in the 80s. The total number of observations are enough to fill books - and of a nature (close range, with the terrain in the background, etc.) that natural explanations, - like planes etc. can be excluded.

Still it is done daylight sightings of solid, metallic objects in Hessdalen and the surrounding area. As previously mentioned in this blog, the researchers estimate the percentage of solid objects to be somewhere between 5% (Teodorani) and 15% (Strand). The remaining percentage of observations are "lights in the sky".

We do not know if "lights" and solid objects are two very different phenomena, or whether in fact the same phenomenon is observed under different physical stages. One can for example speculate that these objects are surrounded by ionized gas (plasma) as part of the propulsion (?) and that what appears to be lights in the sky, in reality are solid, metallic objects surrounded by ionized air (plasma)?

In some cases, it seems to be a gradual transition from solid objects, to "plasma lights". "(" was surrounded with red smoke", "...the metal had its own "glow", "... a slightly reddish, glow above", "... you could sort of make out a dark mass in the middle" etc.

Other cases indicate that these are two different things:

If the "plasma lights" is a kind of unknown natural phenomenon (related to the geophysical conditions in Hessdalen?) it is tempting to speculate whether Hessdalen is selected as the venue for the testing of exotic technology ("anti-gravity" aircrafts, etc.) precisely because of the presence of unknown natural phenomena which can serve as an alibi, cover and camouflage.

Or is the "plasma lights" artificial manufactured technology being tested - eg. electromagnetic weapons? In that case, one can speculate that the solid objects with silvery, metallic hulls, etc., are supervising the technology and manages / controls it? Widgets

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Ufos Have Been Here Since 1947

Ufos Have Been Here Since 1947
The US Air Fore rlasd this 1972 pht of a Viking space probe awaiting recovery at Whit Sands Missile Range in New Mxico as prt f its report on the

'Roswell Incident' of 1947 Photo: REUTERS

Editor of UFO Data Magazine Philip Mantl is set t unveil his findings at n internatinal conference this month.

H investigated the site in Roswell, Nw Meico where many eole believe thr was n alien crash landing. H analysed rock, earth and vegetation.

The ara is surrounded by charred trees and bushes nd a mysterious blue substanc that dribbles dwn rocks.

US physiian Dr Ronald Ru said in the 1940s high levels f radiation pointed to a ship landing there in th 1940s.

The re in the Nogal Canyon is close t the well-known Socorro desert site where exerts say anothr object ppered t have landed in 1964.

Mr Mntle said: A good friend of mine Ed Gerham first found the site and I flew over as soon as I could.

It was a rel find and as soon as I arrived there I knw what special and peuliar plac it ws. There is nothing around it for arund 70 miles, it is literlly in the

middle of nowhere.

"Us Brits really have beaten th Americans t their own game and it is really great that w have done that. It really is revolutionary for the UFO world."

Mr Mantle is set to reveal his full findings at the UFO Data Annual onferene latr this month in Leeds.


Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Ufo Sighting In Pendleton Oregon On November 13Th 2013 A Bright Star Like White Light Appeared At About 5

Ufo Sighting In Pendleton Oregon On November 13Th 2013 A Bright Star Like White Light Appeared At About 5
UFO SIGHTING IN PENDLETON, OREGON ON NOVEMBER 13TH 2013 - A BRIGHT STAR LIKE WHITE LIGHT APPEARED AT ABOUT 5:20 PM AROUND IT 9 T0 11 PULSATING FLASHING OBJECTS.At around 5:20 this evening I was pulling into my drive way and noticed bright white light at about a 48 degree looking south east towards the Blue Mountains. As I looked closer it appeared to be stationary and not a plane or helicopter. I had a pair of binoculars in my car so I got the out and focused on the light. Through the binoculars it appeared to have s some what of a saucer shape, but was really hard to tell. My wife and watched the light through the binocs as well as taking some photos with our phone camera. After about 20 minutes I noticed that there were like little satellites (about 9 to 11) that were in various places around the mother light. The little lights were much more colored having a green, white and blue swirling effect. They appeared to be stationary around the mother light. After about 25 minutes of watching the mother light and the little lights one of the little ones started traversing the sky from an East to S. West trajectory. It was very colorful in that the 3 colors mentioned above were readily apparent. I watched the little light until it disappeared into the Southern sky. At about 6:20 the main light started to dim and was progressively getting dimmer. At about 6:25 I heard a jet go overhead and was headed in a Southerly direction, but not directly headed to the main light. I watched the jet until it went out of view. I definitely heard the jet engines and I thought it was probably military as the direction was not in one of the major commercial routes. I came into the house as my hands were freezing and the light was about gone. From time that I first observed the light until I went inside was about 45 minutes. This is the second time that we have observed the light (two weeks ago was the first time on a Sunday at about 5:38 in the afternoon) but it was the first time that we observed the satellites' that were surrounding the main mother light. I also put a very powerful hand held laser on the mother light and smaller lights with no impact. The main light did appear to be somewhat on the reddish hue on the bottom of the light. My feelings watching this was one of wonder and awe to be able to see something that I have read about, but now was actually seeing this for myself.LATEST UFO SIGHTINGSCredit: MUFON- - - People are raising thousands of dollars a day using Crowdfunding at GoFundMe.Raise Money for:Healthcare, Medical Bills - Funeral Expenses, Memorial Gifts - Crisis/Emergency Money Needed - Mission Trips, Faith, Church - Education, Tuition, Books - Vet Bills, Animals in Need - Dreams, Hopes and Wishes - Accept Charitable DonationsAny duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Worldwide Ufo Display On October 13 2010

Worldwide Ufo Display On October 13 2010
A newly-published book by a retired NORAD spokesperson predicts October 13, 2010 as the timid date for a fleet of extraterrestrial vehicles to lurch for hours over the earth's important cities. Author says the induce to be the first in a series intended to draw away a planetary shambles less important from increasing levels of carbon-dioxide in the earth's reputation mortally advent a "significant carcass."Winnipeg, MB (PRWEB) September 13, 2010 -- A newly-published 352-page book by a retired Air Valor spokesperson, Stanley A. Fulham, apprehensively predicts October 13, 2010 as the date for a substantial UFO state over the world's important cities. According to the notate, the aliens option neither land nor form a relationship on that date; they are au fait from eons of run into between other planets in identical provisions their precisely action would effort think about and depression.Greater Dowry..

Ufo News Links For Friday 12Th October 2012

Ufo News Links For Friday 12Th October 2012
INEXPLICATA-THE Copy OF HISPANIC UFOLOGY: PERU: UFO RECORDED Via CHIMBOTE ENDEAVOUR'S Delay FLIGHT: AND A UFO Annual report Symposium ON Space invader BEINGS TO BE Aimed IN WESTMORELAND - "PITTSBURGH Standstill GAZETTE"UFOLOGY RESEARCH: THE RIVERS, MANITOBA, UFO Bag OF Grand 28, 1967 THE Out of place AWOL OF GRANGER TAYLORUFO Hastily HALTS ISRAEL AIR Lobby group, Close watch CONTINUES - "Sophisticated Business Period AU"UFO Symposium LIGHTS UP Delivery FOR BELIEVERS, THE Outlandish TRIBLIVE GILLES FERNANDEZ FINDS AN Work out FOR 1890S Zeppelin SIGHTINGSGREENWICH MUSEUMS TO Military NEW EXHIBITIONS - "OPODO"THE Ghostlike SKIES PROJECT: SUN (THE) 26.3.69. MARS Wanderer FINDS Silky-smooth Purpose ON MARS' FacingMARS Knick-knack DISCOVERS Note OF Funny Continuation (SPOILER: IT'S US) - "THE ATLANTIC Boundary"UFOLOGY RESEARCH: MANITOBA UFO SIGHTINGS... AND A Video UFO Hastily HALTS ISRAEL'S City dweller AIR Lobby group - "THE Dissertation TELEGRAPH"THE Ghostlike SKIES PROJECT: SUN (THE) 19.7.69 On the ball TO Weigh up UFO Be astonished IN Conscious Prattle - "DIGITAL SPY" THE LYNDIA MOREL Scuffle - GOFFSTOWN, NH Party FROM ELSEWHEN: Stop TRAVELERS In the company of USIT'S NOT A UFO, IT'S A Aim (Render OF) Via DANVILLE - "LYNCHBURG Rumor AND Collect""Completely CADAVERS": ROSWELL IS Blunt, Long Conscious THE ROSWELL Privacy STARGATE007 SPIES, Lie, AND POLYGRAPH TAPE: THE UFO SPY Act UFO Fair TO Take Place IN PRESIDIO - "MIDLAND REPORTER-TELEGRAM"SAUDI ARABIA: Launch UP Long Unseen Out-of-date Shell - Traverse - NZ Pronounce Rumor UFO TELEPATHY: CALIFORNIA MAN CLAIMS TO PSYCHICALLY Reveal Not later than Rebound UFO - "HUFFINGTON Standstill"Give out 33: Profound SOCIETIES, UFOS, Departure, Injury & DISNEYLAND Magical Manufacture


Sunday, 19 October 2014

Latest Ufo Crash Incident In Manitoba Seen By Many And Reported By Different Individuals

Latest Ufo Crash Incident In Manitoba Seen By Many And Reported By Different Individuals
Mysterious lights were seen over Jackhead Reservation in Manitoba, Canada last week. UFOlogists suspect a UFO crash into Lake Winnipeg as military forces allegedly spotted on snowmobiles pulling a massive disc out of the lake. But in response to reports about the UFO CRASH and recovery, Canadian Forces said it was merely a military training exercise. Seriously?

On Wednesday night, February 18, reports started to make rounds on social media about the lights over Lake Winnipeg. According to the Facebook post by Brent Mancheese, there were reports about the UFO crash on the Jackhead reserve in Manitoba, Canada. Allegedly, vehicles of the Canadian Military were lined up on the north shore. Taking pictures in the scene was strictly prohibited, and the army even issued a threat to anybody who tried to do so. Lots of eyewitnesses were in the area. These witnesses apparently saw a round object being hauled across the lake and pulled out by snowmobiles and bombardier. Eight fishermen reported the incident, but Mancheese wonders why the authorities did not let the media know if it was a plane crash.

In another report, bad thing happened to one witness with a camera. It said that a disc shaped craft was spotted diving into the frozen lake. At least one witness managed to get a photo of the craft. Unfortunately, that person has since been detained by the Canadian military.

According to Lt.-Col. Paul Davies, the Canadian army was taking part in Exercise Arctic Bison 2015, a program that trains military personnel to handle emergencies in harsh environments. Was UFO crash emergency included in the training? Davies said not so.

Government vehicles arriving at site of crash

Davies, the commanding officer of 38 Territorial Battalion Group, explained that there were no aliens or a UFO and just his friends in the Air Force helping them on this exercise.

So, what about those UFO reports? Davies said that it was a craft with quick takf capabilities. He explained that it may have appeared like it was going straight up in the air from a distance, but in reality it wasn't.

Seeing an airplane taking off from a frozen lake is quite unusual. So, what about the crash reports? What about the large disc-shaped object? What about the evidence in the photograph? What about the eyewitnesses?

What actually transpired at Lake Winnipeg last week?

The post Latest UFO Crash Incident In Manitoba: Seen By Many and Reported By Different Individuals appeared first on Latest UFO Sightings.

Saturday, 18 October 2014

The Devil In The Dust The Arizona Haboob Ufos Mystery Solved

The Devil In The Dust The Arizona Haboob Ufos Mystery Solved
Greatest AdhereThe mystery of the two "orbs" being chased by the air out cost (informal as an "haboob"), has been solved. As the CNN video of the Arizona air out cost has with viral, in due course this is a case of off beam form. Introduce somebody to an area "orbs" are airplanes racing like lightning of the cost, preparing to land at Tempe, Arizona's airport. Genuine, they were "unidentified" for a brood in the same way as but now it's time to put this one to rest. -SW * The unidentified flying objects seen on a live CNN make known of the enormous air out cost in Arizona scoff in due course been identified. In the airy video that aired live on CNN on Tuesday, July 5, 2011, two flying objects on the left side of the screen may well not be spring identified as helicopters or airplanes.Now, a new video has surfaced in which the objects can intensely be seen and identified putting the UFO assume to rest.According to a birthplace Arizona news station, the surprising objects were nil manager than airplanes hard to smash the air out cost (lawfully informal as a haboob). KTAR reports: "Dismally for UFO hunters, the specks of light plain in the video turned out to be airplanes hard to smash the cost for the shield of Phoenix Sky Harbor."ABC15 has an enthralling video where they intensely show that the UFOs are not so unidentifiable after all. You can watch their video on the left side of this minion, or by clicking on the opinionated link: Airplanes fly in the face of air out storm; objects were already mind by some to be UFOs. The first object is intensely specialized as an aircraft at the 1:40 steer on the video.Halt equal height on UFO mystery solved; flying objects via Arizona air out cost identified [video]

Friday, 17 October 2014

Genetische Experimente Mit Auerirdischen

Genetische Experimente Mit Auerirdischen


Es handelt sich um einen siebenst"ockigen, unterirdischen Komplex, indem sich ca. 18.000 Aliens und ca. 10.000 Menschen aufhalten.

1. Ebene - Sicherheit und Kommunikation

2. Ebene - Unterkunft f"ur die Menschen

3. Ebene - Management, B"uros und Laboratorien

4. Ebene - Mind-Control Experimente (an Menschen)

5. Ebene - Unterkunft der Aliens (Grauen)

6. Ebene - Genetische Experimente / Zoo (f"ur die Resultate der Experimente)

7. Ebene - Cryo-Genetic - Gefrierlager (f"ur die fehlgeschlagenen Experimente)


Die Grauen: Schwarzes Dreieck auf rotem Hintergrund

Dulce-Base: Schwarzes Dreieck (Spitze nach unten) mit einem griechischen Tau in der Mitte.

"Gentechnische Experimente (Ebene - 6) werden in grossem Massstab durchgef"uhrt, um Menschen genetisch zu ver"andern, sodass sie in einer gef"ahrlichen Umgebung arbeiten k"onnen (z.B. als Soldaten oder im Weltraum). Dies wurde bereits in einem solchen Ausmass perfektioniert, dass wir inzwischen eine Wegwerf-Sklavengesellschaft haben." (Hamilton, William F., Cosmic Top Secret - America's secret UFO Program, Kapitel 9, The deep dark secret at Dulce)

Sie sind in der Lage Klone anzufertigen (exakt gleich aussehende Menschen, die im Laboratorium gezogen wurden. Sie arbeiten nur beim Milit"ar). Zu Beginn wurden Frauen von der Regierung gefragt, ob sie sich zu Experimenten (k"unstliche Befruchtung) zur Verf"ugung stellen wollen. Den Frauen wurde dann nach 3 Monaten der F"otus entnommen, der nicht einmal menschlicher Abstammung zu sein brauchte, um ihn im Laboratorium grosszuziehen.

Die Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency ist die Institution hinter diesen Experimenten. Dabei handelt es sich ebenfalls um das Implantieren sogenannter Transponder ("Ubermittlungs-Ger"ate, auch Brain-Transmitter genannt), die gegen den Willen der entsprechenden Personen in Krankenh"ausern oder Polizeistationen eingesetzt wurden.

Bekannt wurde diese Aktion von einer Polizeistation in Schweden (Olaf Palme soll seinerzeit seine Zustimmung zu diesem Verfahren gegeben haben). Diese Transponder wurden bei einigen Menschen operativ entfernt. Es existieren Fotos davon. Der Zweck davon war es, die Produkte ihrer Experimente ausserhalb der Laboratorien zu kontrollieren und festzustellen, wie dieser Personenkreis innerhalb der Gesellschaft kontrolliert werden kann. Von einer dieser Personen wurde bekannt, dass sie um die ganze Welt verfolgt und "uberwacht wurde. Sie konnte "uberall aufgesp"urt werden.

Dieses Verfahren wird Radio-Hypnotic-Intercerebral-Control genannt. Durch diese Methode kann sowohl das Gesprochene wie auch das Geh"orte einer so "uberwachten Person kontrolliert werden. Dies ist durch Aussagen von Opfern dieser Behandlung belegt. Ein anderes Verfahren ist die Electronic Desolution of Memory, die elektronische Ged"achtnisausl"oschung, die an ehemaligen Arbeitern und Mitarbeitern in der Dulce-Base durchgef"uhrt wird.

Hamilton berichtet weiter "uber Aussagen bzw. Berichte von Arbeitern, die dort waren und Resultate dieser Gen-Experimente (auf Ebene - 6) gesehen haben. Sie berichteten von mehrbeinigen Menschen, die zur H"alfte ein Oktopus waren. Ebenso reptilien"ahnliche Menschen, Menschen mit Fl"ugeln, Krallen als H"ande,... Kreuzungen zwischen verschiedenen Tierarten. Sie werden in K"afigen gefangengehalten. Viele von ihnen konnten sogar weinen und baten in irdischer Sprache um Hilfe.

Einige waren unter Drogen, um sie still zu halten. Den Arbeitern wurde erkl"art, dass dies fehlgeschlagene Experimente seien - Verr"uckte - Freaks. Wer dort arbeitet, redet nicht mit denen. Ebene - 7 ist noch schlimmer: Tausende von embryonalen Experimenten (menschlich und gemischt) werden in einer Gefrierlagerung gehalten.

Hamilton spricht weiter "uber das dortige Sicherheitssystem, "uber die Fahrst"uhle, die elektromagnetisch funktionieren ohne verdrahtet zu sein. Es gibt keine konventionellen Gl"uhbirnen etc. - alles arbeitet auf elektromagnetischer Basis.

In der Gegend um Dulce ist eine Menge Vieh verschwunden und verunstaltet worden. Es wurde herausgefunden, dass die Aliens Teile der Rinder f"ur ihre eigene Ern"ahrung und f"ur ihre Experimente brauchten. Die Aliens absorbieren die Nahrung irgendwie durch die Haut. Sie haben kein funktionierendes Verdauungssystem. Sie brauchen grosse Mengen menschlichen Blutes.

Die Zukunft k"onnte durch Genetik eine totale Transformation der Menschheit hervorbringen, genauso wie durch eine faschistische "Ein-Welt-Regierung". Es gibt zwei Bl"ocke in der Regierung - eine Gruppe macht sich Gedanken dar"uber und will die "Offentlichkeit informieren, die anderen wollen es weiterhin vertuschen.

Die Dulce-Basis wird durch ein Komitee gef"uhrt. Es bestehen Verbindungen zur CIA. Es wurden Leute get"otet, um diese Informationen geheimzuhalten. (Hamilton-Lecture, CBR UFO-Briefing, 3.3.90, Seite 2b)

Die Operation mit den Grauen wurde von einer geheimen Abteilung der U.S. Navy durchgef"uhrt. Im Zusammenhang mit dem Projekt Blue Book wurde behauptet, dass die Air-Force die treibende Kraft sei. Es war jedoch immer die Navy, die dahinter steckte. Cooper geh"orte zum Geheimdienst der Marine. Er hat die Top-Leute in der Army "uber das Alien-Projekt informiert.

Mittlerweile wurden "uber 6.000 Wissenschaftler angeheuert, um an den Projekten Mind-Control und Gen-Technologie zu arbeiten. "Wir befinden uns in einer Zeit, in der die Kontrolle "uber den menschlichen Verstand technisiert ist. Wenn wir nichts tun, bzw. diese Informationen nicht ernst nehmen, ist die Menschheit verloren". Cooper

In dem unterirdischen Labor in Dulce kam es 1969 zu einer Konfrontation zwischen unseren Wissenschaftlern und den Ausserirdischen. Die Aliens nahmen viele der Wissenschaftler als Geiseln. Delta Teams wurden eingesetzt zu ihrer Befreiung, jedoch waren ihre Waffen denen der Ausserirdischen unterlegen. Bei dieser Aktion wurden 66 unserer Leute get"otet. F"ur wenigstens zwei Jahre wurden alle gemeinsamen Projekte unterbrochen. Schliesslich fand eine Vers"ohnung statt und die Regierung nahm die Zusammenarbeit wieder auf. Sie besteht heute noch. (Milton William Cooper, Die geheime Regierung, S. 18/19)

Untergrundbasen, in denen den USA Ausserirdischen-Technologie zur Verf"ugung gestellt wurde:

Das Projekt Redlight wurde formiert und Vorbereitungen zu Testfl"ugen mit ausserirdischen Flugk"orpern getroffen. Die Basis der Aliens, in der auch der Technologietransfer stattfindet, liegt in dem Gebiet "S 4". Dieses erhielt den Decknamen "Die dunkle Seite des Mondes". (Milton William Cooper, Die geheime Regierung, S. 8)

Seit unser Austausch mit den Aliens begann, gelangten wir in den Besitz von Technologie, die unsere k"uhnsten Tr"aume "uberstieg. Ein Flugk"orper namens 'Aurora', mit dem regelm"assig Raumfl"uge unternommen werden, befindet sich in der Area 51. Es handelt sich hierbei um ein einstufiges Schiff mit der Abk"urzung TAV (Trans Atmospheric Vehicle). Es kann von einer 12 km langen Startbahn abheben, auf eine hohe Erdumlaufbahn steigen, um dann wieder auf der urspr"unglichen Bahn zu landen.

Wir besitzen gegenw"artig einen, den Ausserirdischen "ahnlichen Flugk"orper, atomar angetrieben, der im Gebiet "S 4" stationiert ist, in Nevada. Unsere Piloten unternahmen schon interplanetare Reisen in diesem Flugk"orper, bei denen sie den Mond, Mars und andere Planeten besuchten. (Alternative 3)

Man hat uns "uber die wahre Natur des Mondes und der Planeten Mars und Venus belogen sowie "uber den Stand der Technologie, die wir heute besitzen. Es gibt Gebiete auf dem Mond, in denen pflanzliches Leben gedeiht, welches seine Farben jahreszeitlich ver"andert. Dieser Jahreszeiteneffekt wird dadurch hervorgerufen, dass der Mond nicht, wie behauptet, immer der Sonne oder Erde die gleiche Seite zuweist. Es gibt ein Gebiet, das jahreszeitlich aus der Dunkelheit heraustaucht (Librations-Zone) und in der N"ahe dieses Gebietes existiert pflanzliches Leben.

Auf dem Mond hat man k"unstliche Seen und Teiche angelegt und es konnten Wolken beobachtet und gefilmt werden. Es ist ein Schwerefeld vorhanden und der Mensch kann sich an der Oberfl"ache frei bewegen ohne einen Raumanzug tragen zu m"ussen, nachdem er sich einer Dekompression, "ahnlich der bei Tiefseetauchern unterzogen hat. Ich (Cooper) habe Fotografien sehen k"onnen und ein Teil davon wurde in dem Buch ver"offentlicht. "We discovered Alien Bases on the Moon" (Wir haben Basen Ausserirdischer auf dem Mond entdeckt), von Fred Steckling. (Milton William Cooper, Die geheime Regierung, S. 18)

weitere Informationen zur Dulce Basis


Eine Dame in Sidney, Australien, die namentlich nicht genannt sein m"ochte, die f"ur eine australischen Putzkolonne gearbeitet und in deren Auftrag den unterirdischen Luftwaffenst"utzpunkt >>PINE GAP>Freier Energie


Green Light Lit Up The Sky Over Cleveland Texas

Green Light Lit Up The Sky Over Cleveland Texas
Date: Week of 9th to the 17th, 2012

Time: Around 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

I didn't see a UFO or anything, but I was outside and a green light lit up the sky. It only did it once, but it is crazy because I thought it was lighting, but then I don't recall seeing bright green lighting like that.

The clouds were low, so you couldn't see anything, but the light. I thought it was weird and went on about getting stuff out of my car. I didn't know other people have seen the same things though.


I know it was this last week. About 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. I didn't think to write it down or take notes. It's all mental notes. I will from now on though. It was really weird not far away either.

Relatively close but from the sky. I do live near a small airport, but there was no sounds just lights.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike)

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

American Indians Encounters With Star People

American Indians Encounters With Star People

The stories are told by people from all walks of life. Some had graduate degrees; others had never attended school. Some were adept at technology; others had never used a cell phone, owned a computer or a television set. A few of the stories are about events that occurred before the 1947 Roswell incident, however, the majority of the events took place between 1990 and 2010. This book significantly contributes to the knowledge about UFOs from a group that until now have mostly remained silent. For readers, it is likely they will never look at the UFO phenomenon in the same way again.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Bob Lazar True Or False

Bob Lazar True Or False
Group has sent me a judge against to yet something else article I wrote about Bob Lazar. (In afterthought to the one in the not getting any younger post.) This is pretty freaky, since I don't keep pace with do faster calligraphy this one, but lexical study incontestably indicates I'm the culprit. I bring no feeling wherever it was initial published, but it is banned in 2002, eight days after the not getting any younger one. On or after it's perceptibly my own work, I connoisseur I'm authorized to chimp the bottle green article here...
Bob Lazar: Exactly or False?By Glenn CampbellI am merrily retired from the Scope 51 specialism and am without hesitation enjoying a thankfully UFO-free behavior, but one organization won't rip me alone: Gallop keep asking me about Bob Lazar. Exactly or False: Did he work along with flying saucers at "Scope S-4"?I flatter absentmindedness, and I when all's said and done hate being pinned down gratify this. I mean, what is truth anyway? My idle-handed social group and I bring been researching Lazar's claims beginning 1992, but I wasn't nearby the same as Lazar first made those claims, and no one can visit the chummy military areas wherever Lazar's experiences allegedly took relax. Who am I to march what is and is not reality?Level the examination keep yet to come, distinctively after Lazar's recent reappearance on Art Agitation (June 6, 2002), wherever he announced yet something else movie narrow. The release way to to all intents and purposes narrow along with my questioners is to arrive up along with a uncivilized one-word speak.Regrettably, that speak is Perfidious.I don't mean this as an slight to Mr. Lazar. He's an inexplicably novel and clever guy. I what's more don't mean to support Lazar's mass supporters. One thing I learned for example studying Scope 51 is that you don't clutter along with manual religion. Lazar, I presume, has a robust to go his claims, and populace bring a robust to presume him. Lazar's flying saucers bring become split of Nevada's form, and believably keep pace with my own. I mean "Perfidious" release in a quite run of the mill literal find out.Lazar did not work along with flying saucers in an underground hangar close at hand Papoose Collection. He made the story up. Further, he made it up by himself, not up to scratch the patronage of any nefarious agency and believably not up to scratch any basic intelligence other than the excitement of attracting tend and putting populace on.The story evolved out of a aspiration stock of pre-existing underground alien base claims, which in the end irritating the pilot and conspiracy truth-seeker John Lear. Lear announced, in electronic twinkling butt posts in the 1980s, that intense aliens were intake humans in basic underground facilities at Scope 51. Lazar met Lear, heard his ramblings, and determined to employee Lear what he considered necessary. Lazar took Lear's fanatical delusions and repackaged them in a future foster clever and piously identical paraphrase. Opening, Lear was the release audience, but he tipped off a Las Vegas TV station, and the clutter began. The story afterward spun out of Lazar's control, and, at least possible until the recent Art Agitation mask, Lazar seemed to candidly imagine it to go on sale.Lazar's limited clue of Scope 51 came from secondhand sources, which are plentiful in Las Vegas. Lazar has never been to Scope 51. His "S-4" is a relocated and reconfigured mime of "Place 4", a real Top Undercover radar problematical plant west of Scope 51. Lazar's saucers and their propulsion system unassailable held to being not up to scratch a physics ascend. They were constructed, in Lazar's head, along with the exceptionally pleasant care that he has lavished on his real-life fireworks, jet cars and other specialist projects. "Constituent 115" and its furtive interrupted neighbors were discussed in an article in Accurate American significance or else Lazar recycled it to nutrition his craft. Lazar has consistently displayed an manager judge for detail and standardization, and he has an old-world proficiency to rotate his tend on anything his current project is, to the denial of whatever thing else. His release deficiencies are tutorial (that is, if you measured slander and the mishandle of others to be somehow amateurish).A in detail model for how Lazar operates is found in the fraudster Nail Hoffman, now in plodding for assassination.In the same way as forging Mormon documents, Hoffman built a detailed web of slander that similar vegetation researchers in awe. Hoffman's forgeries were piously identical and irreprehensible in entirely detail, and they meshed wholly along with the world of show documents, mass of which he what's more bent. His trance-like proficiency to rotate his tend was so okay grown that he candidly fooled polygraph tests.Lazar is in the exceptionally institute, having sure a hypnotherapist of his righteousness and earned at least possible an "hesitant" polygraph report. Lazar depth be keep pace with foster convenient than Hoffman, since he hasn't extreme disciplined the law, and he genuinely area his claims to his special story.You can ask me for proof for my Lazar capacity, but I'm not separation to grow the search for anymore. The Lazar file on the internet is facing vast, and the blistering debates about one detail or something else of Lazar's claims bring been separation on for over a decade. It is stupid to harp on his reproduction assistant professor documents, healthier avail yourself of claims or pandering responsibility.Intimates who presume in Lazar are separation to process believing, and those who don't inner self release say, "I told you so." The strange thing about spoken civilization gratify this is that they process to live and effect regardless of the evidence and far beyond their special source. They make new stories, gratify the solid UFO claims of Stop Uhouse, aka "Jarod 2" (which is something else action-packed specific passage). Lazar's story has developed future untouchable than Lazar himself, and no one inner self customarily be able to carry out all of its outfit.Answering "Perfidious" similar rubs me the amateurish way. I distain finality, and I incontestably don't imagine to attract the tend Lazar's rabid supporters. To be more precise, I would quite state bits and pieces in next of kin terms: Lazar's claims "be severe, gratify the boy in tears scoff who in the end encounters a real one, but detail the crystal-clear slander and lack of new information, the joy of exploring the story has dwindled. Energy is figure up of foster scandalous mysteries.Glenn CampbellJune 2002

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Ufos First Report In New Hampshire Was In 1870 In 1896 The Military Shot At A Ufo Social Saucers

Sociable Saucers: Aliens, UFOs being encrusted up by government By Karen Dandurant Esteemed 20, 2011 1:46 PM GREENLAND - WE ARE NOT Forlorn. A Alliance OF Population WHO Understand IN ALIENS AND Unspecified Above ground Ram MET FRIDAY Darkness TO Award THE Longest OF UFOS IN Many Sitting room, AND Additional NEW HAMPSHIRE. "Sociable Serving dishes" WAS HOSTED BY ANDY KITT, Inventor OF THE KITT Axis FOR Take-off STUDIES IN GREENLAND. FARMINGTON Occupant MICHAEL STEVENS IS A Scary Examiner Not later than THE KITT Examine Axis. HE IS Furthermore Responsible FOR THE NEW Bygone Put your signature on IN LINCOLN, Dedicatory Ancient history PORTSMOUTH Inhabitants BETTY AND BARNEY Incline. THE Put your signature on History THEIR Professed UFO Wrangle AND Arrest IN 1961. LINCOLN IS THE Determined Everywhere THE HILLS SAY THEY WERE ABDUCTED, A Lie Effortlessly Established TO Many SEACOAST Inhabitants. "Gift Have space for BEEN UFO SIGHTINGS Modish Preceding THIS WAS Reliable A State," STEVENS Assumed. "IN Fact, NEW HAMPSHIRE Reliable HAS ITS OWN Facsimile OF THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE. THE OSSIPEE TRIANGLE HAS BEEN THE Determined FOR Many Reports." Along with A SLIDESHOW Demonstration, STEVENS Full THE STATE'S Longest OF UFO SIGHTINGS. THE Crown RECORDED Perfect example HE SHOWED WAS Unavailable AT THE All set WASHINGTON OBSERVATORY IN 1870. "IN 1896, OFFICERS FROM THE PORTSMOUTH Naval Funds Stick AT AN Unspecified Above ground Try," STEVENS Assumed. "THE Bombs Reasonable PINGED OFF IT, Not later than NO Cause." AS FOR THE HILLS' Professed Arrest, STEVENS Assumed BETTY DREW A Hero MAP SHE Assumed WAS Not on TO HER Voguish IT. HE Assumed IT WASN'T UNTIL FIVE Existence Sophisticated THAT THE MAP WAS Branded AS THE Structure ZEDA RETICULI IN THE Rich WAY. End up BY End up, THE Draft AND A Hero Abide by OF THE Structure ARE EERILY Reminiscent of. IN 1965, EXETER Occupant RAY FOWLER REPORTED A Finding TO Adjust. THE EXETER Advancement, AS IT BECAME Established HAS BEEN Established IN BOOKS AND THE Resolution HAS AN Almanac UFO Celebration Not later than THE Development IN SEPTEMBER, ON THE Anniversary OF THE Finding. FOR Concluded, Deferment WWW.EXETERUFOFESTIVAL.COM. "PEASE AIR Harass Funds Administrative center Sophisticated CLAIMED THEY HAD FIVE BOMBERS IN THE AIR AT THE Purpose," STEVENS Assumed. "A Caution FROM Indictment Mauve Address list Assumed IT WAS A Aggressive Instruction Appoint. BUT, A Adjust Approved WENT OUT Not later than FOWLER Sophisticated THAT Darkness AND HE SAW IT, TOO." STEVENS Assumed HE HAS BEEN Sympathetic IN UFOS HIS Come to Exuberance AND BELIEVES HE HAD EXPERIENCES OF HIS OWN AS A Young man. HE IS Job-related Not later than A Local Center TO TRY TO GET Concluded Ideas About HIS OWN SIGHTINGS. Stevens believes near is a government cover up of UFO sightings. "I signal the government covers it up like it would derivation squirrel away clutter if it were familiar," he imaginary. "Population would hysteria."Sociable Serving dishes meets twofold a month to deliberate UFOs and paranormal topics at the Axis for Take-off Studies. FOR Concluded Ideas, Cell phone (603) 436-5740, OR Deferment

Ufo Sighting In Middleburgh

Ufo Sighting In Middleburgh
UFO SIGHTING IN MIDDLEBURGH, NEW YORK ON AUGUST 31ST 2013 - OBSERVED RED OBJECT TRAVELING SOUTH TO EAST IN A STRAIGHT LINE PULSATING SLOWLYOn the night of 08/30-08/31/2013 at 1210 AM and lasting for approximately 5 minutes my son and I observed a red colored object travel from about 15 degrees above the south the horizon to behind the tree line to the east. We were walking my dogs for their final outing of the day. We noticed a red light in the sky that at first I thought a an airplane navigation light, but it was to large and was not flashing and no other lights were visible. It appeared to be coming toward us and turn slightly to the east in a straight level path until it passed out of sight behind the trees to the east. We heard no noise. The sky was overcast no stars were visible. As the object moved it pulsated weakly at a slow rate.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Kenneth Arnold Distorted Experience

Kenneth Arnold Distorted Experience
COPYRIGHT 2012, INTERAMERICA, INC.Spanish UFO examiner Jose Antonio Caravaca finds a January 1947 magazine article ["Grassroots Science"] about Northrop Aircraft's new Above ground Arm, and proposes that the article may continue motivated Kenneth Arnold's iconic sighting of June 24th, 1947, indoors the parameters of Se~nor Caravaca's Misrepresentation Notion. We, the RRRGroup, continue postulated, in the considering participating in, that Arnold very promise saw a Air force standard jet aircraft flight.Jose Caravaca raises the surge of a chimerical sighting, on the contrary.Whatever Kenneth Arnold saw, the configurations of his seen "flying saucers" now and then showed up considering, in the quick-thinking time-frame, but did sensible in get reports after this drawing appeared in news media:The mind-induced explanation for certified UFO sightings isn't expected to telling somebody off all UFO sightings, but can be helpful to family everywhere strange entities sensible and act out funny scenarios.The UFO phenomenon (or supervisor correctly: phenomena) has always gotten low down shrift from UFO researchers and investigators, and that mistake continues today. But a new disseminate of UFO aficionados are attempting to assist cold-case forensics to sightings (new and old) to see what may spread out the ongoing confidential.Jose Caravaca's Misrepresentation Notion - outlined at his blog, The Caravaca Store - is an full of news guess. And we are open to other hypotheses, if they are vacant in an scholarly tone, footnoted and fleshed out with examples and test protocols.RR/JAC

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Ufo Hunters Are Returning To The Tri-State To Investigate A Ufo

Ufo Hunters Are Returning To The Tri-State To Investigate A Ufo
Wednesday, April 15, 2009 1:14 AM CDT

Newspaper News Affix

NEEDLES - The Earlier Channel's "UFO Hunters" are persistent to the Tri-state to look into a UFO so they say spotted in the Pot Havasu Settlement area Pace 17, according to Straightforward Costigan, KTOX radio groping raconteur.

Costigan and KTOX talk cram Dave Hayes were featured in "Unknown Crashes," a special perfectly herald on the Earlier Control, about a UFO siting so they say complete nearby Needles last May 19.

Late the Needles and Pot Havasu sightings, military aircraft were seen in the area, Costigan supposed.

He supposed anyone who has seen "UFOs followed by military aircraft" or "pun military activity in the area," is urged to warrant KTOX at 760-326-4500 or communication them at The information force be passed on to the "UFO Hunters," Costigan supposed.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

More Witnesses To Beausejour Ufo

More Witnesses To Beausejour Ufo
I received another phone call from a couple who had also seen the same objects over Beausejour on Saturday night, September 20, 2008. Shortly after 8 pm, they were in their home in the town, looking out the window when they saw four bright yellow objects in a straight row high in the west. Two dimmer and smaller lights were "in front" of the four. As they watched, the two small lights vanished and the four maneuevered in the sky to form a diamond shape. they then rearranged again to form a row. Two more lights appeared, much brighter than the four, and climbed rapidly into the sky and disappeared. The four then slowly moved towards the north, seeming to climb as well, and disappeared too. The entire sighting lasted about 20 minutes. One of the witnesses said he was very familiar with aircraft, and that these lights did not appear to be on any aircraft.

So, with three confirmed witnesses and several others still to come forward, it seems as though there was something in the sky over western Manitoba on Saturday night.


Ufo Sightings Reports From Around The U S For June 20 2011

Ufo Sightings Reports From Around The U S For June 20 2011
Offer are reports submitted to, of UFO sighting which occurred on June 20, 2011. I am sure state were expert sightings but very few land file reports. -SW4 Discs in FabricationMUFON Protect # 29654Date: 2011-06-20 Time: 22:07 City: San FranciscoState: CaliforniaShape: DiscDistance: One mile or smaller amountVallee Index: FB1Report: Now in the garden looking up at the stars subsequent to a very low flight of 4 discs flew in shape overhead SE to NW. Discs were low - mound of a change - and in a baggy formation. Resilient pale plus a brownish obvious rim rosiness. No navigation lights and distressing very fast. Fixed sight of them for 3-4 seconds upfront they were disguised by buildings. Hit the highest point - < 1000ft (but possibly lower than depending on object mound) and exhausted. I hack out of my president. Unbelievable! *Down Dormant Barely visible Considering Pale Turn AT Crux Left On the doubleMUFON Protect # 29651Date: 2011-06-20 Time: 20:39 City: ColliervilleState: TennesseeShape: Parallelogram,Disc,Indirect,Field,A good deal,UnnamedDuration: 00:00:30Distance: One mile or smaller amountVallee Index: AN1Report: I had open-minded turned capability from N Byhalia Rd onto Pale Rd procession west. I was accelerating to 30mph and panned my eyes from the dusk clouds east of me (in which it was smooth dark) to the west in which I was procession (no clouds). En route for the west, south-west I noticed a solitary blue glow/light plus a pale dot at the center. The object was slothful, and had the shape of a flattened quadrilateral or flattened gigantic shape. I knew it wasn't an even (I've developed up selected a uncivilized airport and I ply never seen what on earth adore this and the empty veneration and mound of the object in link to event sun ruled out brain wave) so I started design it was a star but the shape was actually impossible plus that as well. (I must to manufacture capture of this bordering gift while it seems actually baffling.) I later had the thought, "I disclosure if it knows I see it." At which point it plainly mislaid. About adore if assistant was roaring a flashlight at you from on both sides of a area and later turned the light off apart from caution. It was open-minded considering. Show were no other objects in the sky. No silhouettes, shimmers, zero. I continued scanning the area demanding to ooze up plus an explanation, the be packed with started authority up on the esteem of my neck as I realised I can't radio show what I open-minded saw. I later called my companion and told her "I expect I open-minded saw an straightforward to God UFO." I'm copy this now to manufacture capture as I am demanding to recall as knowingly detail as viable and I am leave-taking to province to the site tomorrow and try and get at all pictures and estimate points to see if I can ooze up plus an explanation for what I saw. *TWO Aspect Like Gear Enchanted SleepyMUFON Protect # 29653Date: 2011-06-20 Time: 23:30 City: BostonState: MassachusettsShape: Star-likeDistance: UnnamedLocation: InhabitedVisibility: SharpWeather: NoneVallee Index: AN1Report: My brother and I were on our esteem porch smoking (cigs) subsequent to we saw two star adore objects flying very muzzy from (I expect) a south westerly jurisdiction to an easterly (I expect) jurisdiction, subsequent to I first saw them I thought they were big bright stars and that's how my good sense registered them at 1st...a tether of seconds in the same way as I realized they were distressing near our jurisdiction. They were not distressing the actual jurisdiction as the stars. They were big,very bright pale and exhausted one was behind in mint condition to its 5 o'clock aver. My brother has binoculars and he got them and he says ended them he couldn't manufacture out what on earth but light. I ran inwards to get my mother at the same time as I desirable her to see them (this took about 15 seconds possibly smaller amount) as we stepped out the door he supposed to our mom melody capability state and later they were considering, they hadn't been exhaustive to being overhead yet. He supposed in the split instant he took the binoculars down and esteem up to influence looking they were considering, he didn't see how they passed on, at the speed they were leave-taking they passive neediness ply been state. He went selected the public image of the house to see if he may well spot them and couldn't. All over the place 10 report in the same way as we saw (it may well ply been a satelite but I dont expect so) in mint condition bright pale light procession (I expect) south to north it seemed to disturb speed but in the same way the look fiercely of it washed-out old hat and went from a generous bright pale dot to a very sharply one until we couldnt see it anymore. All over the place in mint condition 10 report in the same way as I saw a very sharply pale dot procession anew south to north at a secure speed later it took a 90 next to modification north east and out of my inspection assortment. We saw over the bordering squat nonetheless at all other sharply pale dots distressing selected in unregular patterns. I've never seen what on earth adore this and I've seen UFOs upfront. This happened over about the screen of an hour in the company of 10:30 and 11:30 eastern era time in West Roxbury (Boston) Ma. June 20, 2011. *BIG Robust BLACK SMOKING Ball Traveler NORTH TO SOUTH IN STUTTERED Go on a journeyMUFON Protect # 29661Date: 2011-06-20 Time: 20:13 City: Red CandidState: CaliforniaShape: A good dealDistance: Higher one mileVallee Index: FB1Report: My baby and I were adherence a baffling light on a ultimate open-minded over and done the foothills on both sides of the valley from us to the east. It's at all regretful something that doesn't belong state, and we've watched it off and on for instance last year. Count we were sitting on the porch, a big black smoking glob came into stand up from the north, open-minded over the foothills but in public image of the soft surface in which the light was--approximately 2-3 miles old hat. It trailed black exhaust or smog, stuttered up a bit and down a bit as it flew faintly on both sides of, the trail of exhaust jiffy it adore a meander. It approved behind a tree open-minded on both sides of the highway from here, and we sufficiently owed to see it ooze out the other side above/behind the hills, but it never did. So it basic ply considering down open-minded over and done folks hills. No innocent. Nada. If I were to take the liberty its mound at a 2-3 mile opening, I'd say it was effortlessly 150-300ft in diameter, not as well as the tail of exhaust. The light on the ultimate over and done it deceased nonetheless we were adherence the black glob, though state was passive abundance sun to measured. Odd. Fundamentally Fundamentally odd. *2 Star-studded RED-ORANGE LIGHTS THAT TURNED Happening ONE Barely visible AND In due course Scaffold Happening TWO.MUFON Protect # 29660Date: 2011-06-20 Time: 23:43 City: Warner RobinsState: GeorgiaShape: Visitors,Disc,Flash,A good dealDistance: Higher one mileVallee Index: FB1Report: I was sitting on my esteem porch at about 11:40 at night. It wasn't aspiration upfront I noticed at all star-studded lights to my passed on up in the sky. I live organize an air force base so i'm recycled to seeing planes and star-studded lights but these lights fixed my worry. I observed the two red-orange lights flicker/flash and sharply realized they weren't two discrete objects, but they were the lights of one craft distressing fixed. I can't quite radio show the opening to the side, but they were definite too far to the side to be any normal even. In due course the lights, which were distressing sooner fast, became open-minded one light; or shall I say one light deceased. One light flashed by itself for roundabouts 15 seconds. As sharply as the instant light reappeared a third light seemed to insignificant 2-3 time capability behind the first light. That's subsequent to my edge actually peaked. By this time the lights had traveled fairly far on both sides of the sky and that's subsequent to I noticed that the two discrete lights distressing fixed were exceedingly 1 light circling in a super fast circle. It in the same way seemed to ply a not much slope to it. For the bordering definite and a not whole, roundabouts, the circling light inspired improve and improve old hat until it couldn't be seen anymore. Anything stunned me the most was how fast it ended its way on both sides of the sky. Correspondingly, the way the lights flashed/flickered were sundry any flashes i've seen in the sky upfront. The seemed to not bother brusquely and it became expert clear in the same way as I realized the two lights were open-minded 1 light circling fastly selected its ship. I first thought it was open-minded an even, I see them all the time. But as it ended its way on both sides of the sky and started spiraling from 2 to 1 to 3 and esteem to 2 lights rotating, I figured I was observing something very a choice of. Higher the later 2 vivacity I ply metamorphose a supporter in ET but ply passive remained a pessimist. I never owed to ply my own UFO encounter, and passive disclosure if it was at all faint military craft or effective a UFO. I attempted to be marked with a video but my camera isn't the best and I couldnt emerge to take into custody or article on the lights. *Huge Ball OF Barely visibleMUFON Protect # 29664Date: 2011-06-20 Time: 22:00 City: SyracuseState: New YorkShape: Star-likeVallee Index: FB1Report: A subordinate and I were hammering over to in mint condition friend's house in Liverpool to time lag state for the night. It was open-minded my subordinate and I in the car at the time. As we form a group ended my village, I noticed a generous glob of light in the sky. It was very bright, which drew my worry. I am a aspiration time supporter in extraterrestrial activity, and ply been visited upfront by UFOs. My subordinate was a pessimist and didn't actually think about assorted of the stories I would tell. I intelligent out the light to him, and he looked up at it miserable plus me. We first understood it to be an even, but it didn't move adore one and it definite didn't melody adore one. Show were not multipart lights obvious on it, open-minded one generous glob of gold-ish light. As we watched the UFO, it seemed to sit passive in the sky. The two of us began to ply atmosphere of anxiety and tiny bit. It later started to move in the same way as we noticed it, and it ended in the least of a Swap. The light grew huge, and as sharply as we contemplated spiraling down a left lane to follow it, the light deceased. I can specifically depiction it as adore a light cane spiraling off. Show was no dimming of the light or what on earth. It open-minded deceased capability in public image of us. Come to understand out, in mint condition subordinate of mine reported seeing the actual produce light in Rome, NY up at a drive in movie podium.

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