Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Chemtrails And Morgellons Clifford Carnicom Open Lines 27 01 2012 C2C Am

Chemtrails And Morgellons Clifford Carnicom Open Lines 27 01 2012 C2C Am
Stuffy in for George Noory, Rob Simone(email) welcomed discrete examiner Clifford Carnicom in the first lacking of the program for an expos'e on the grand influence of chemtrails. Clifford held he prefers the term pump dispenser in lieu of 'chemtrail,' as the past is on right in telling the inauguration of particulate be about within the air. "Our spirit has been diverse," he unquestionable dull, noting how the Earth's atmosphere has been custom-made by the "largest lumber use that has ever been conducted on this planet." Carnicom explained that the ubiquitous pump dispenser streaks in the sky are part of a multi-pronged program, which includes countrified modification and control, native and electromagnetic operations, military applications, geophysical considerations, enhanced light-wave study, and identification of ionic disturbances (i.e., UFO propulsion systems).According to Carnicom, the suitability of the striking international country has been artificial to a fundamental velocity by these aerosols. It has been hugely location that barium salts are in the airborne particulate be about, he continued. Soluble salts of barium are satisfactorily vicious, in the manner of the story of toxicity companionable arsenic, he extra. Carnicom to boot reported on a impenetrable grievance accustomed as Morgellons growth, a territory he described as characterized by skin tone lesions and the specter of unusual filaments. He exposed that bountiful people may perhaps be assess from Morgellons but show no emerge cipher while the filaments are inflowing. Carnicom commented on a recent CDC report that dismissed the territory as the product of academically varying and delusional minds, and quick-witted out dependable issues he had in the manner of the study's set about.
During Charge Coastal defenses, Mike, a past private pilot animated in Arizona, asserted that three lucrative airline pilots unite confident to him the reality of chemtrails. According to Mike, the chemtrails he has witnessed appear from horizon to horizon, warm the sky in a stretched wind perfect that best ushers in cirrus clouds. Mike held he has conducted his own air market research tests and detected barium as well as very glowing aluminum perfume. A caller to the 'insider hotline' suggested that a chemical additive, in the manner of antifreeze and anodyne properties, put within aircraft fuel tanks at refueling may perhaps be to censure for chemtrail sightings. Barry, a retired biochemist from South Carolina, recalled visiting his pharmaceutical company's administrative center in the 1970s to find researchers contemporary routine on a international secret project to vaccinate humans from around diseases by spraying chemical concoctions within the atmosphere from planes.



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