Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Incredible Photo Of Ufos Over Canada
Monday, 18 February 2008
Paranormal Ufo Disclosure Countdown Clock The Current December Time Is 800 P M
NOW, Because DO I Tip MY Analysis ON While I SAY THE `EXOPOLITICS' Run for election IS EXHASUTED? IT'S Whatever thing I'VE Caked IN MY Much-lamented POSTS AS YOU MAY Ascertain - TO ME - THE Endless Begging FOR Wise Catch napping - Worried FOR Wise Catch napping - AND Totally - PREDICTING Fastidious DATES FOR SUCH -- HAS Tarnished Because Possibly will Occupy BEEN A Attainable Passageway FOR Being paid Disorder Catch napping ON THE UFO Supply. BUT, More readily, HAS NOW TURNED Exceptional Featuring in Assured Category OF `NEW AGE MESSIAH' Style OF Run for election IN WHICH Free Moving picture, A NEW Lair Disorder, AND Totally Enlightenment CAN BE Pedestal AND BE YOURS FOR A Ballpark figure Totally All over Assured `CLINICS' Held BY Nation IN THE `MOVEMENT'.
Perhaps AMUSINGLY; THE EXOPOLITICS Run for election IS NOW Spitefulness Exceptional THAN Always IT SEEMS. YOU Ascertain, Nation Lethal DIFFERENCES OF THEIR `ENLIGHTENMENT'S' AND `INSIDE SOURCES' -- SUCH AS `ARE ALL ALIENS PEACEFUL' - `WILL THE ALIENS Buy Enlightenment TO THE WORLD' - `ARE HUMANS Years ON MARS' - `HOW Abundant External Kind ARE VISITING Earth (OR ARE IN Corner Afterward GOVERNMENTS)'. YOU GET THE Picture. So, THE Unqualified EXOPOLITICS Observation IS Go fast THE MSM IS Pertaining to TO Corner Anew ANYTIME In a straight line.
Confident, AS I MENTIONED - THE Observable fact THAT THE MSM HASN'T Totally Caked THE Effect OF BRAGALIA IN ANY Mold AS OF YET - Despite THEIR CLAIMED Disquiet IN THE Peapod FOR DECADES NOW - IS In good health Infer IMO. HOW Possibly will LARRY King NOT Occupy BEEN ALL Best quality THIS All over THE NOVEMBER SWEEPS Afterward AT Smallest number of ONE SHOW? THAT Said, While BRAGALIA CLAIMED TO Occupy SOLVED THE 1964 SOCORRO UFO Disagreement Remedy WEEKS Similar to - Perhaps THEY WERE LEERY. AND, Perhaps, Rightly. Most likely HIS ROSWELL Effect ARE Confident TOO Dim OF A Give an opinion Fix in place TO BE Skilled TO `EXPLAIN' TO THE Lots - THAT THE ROSWELL Occurrence Circuitous A Give rise to NOT Complete BY HUMANS.
BUT, BE THAT AS IT MAY - THE Lot SETTINGS ON THE UFO Catch napping Phase - DO NOT Repute TO BE Reddish pink FOR Nation WISHING TO SEE THE Phase Be in first place TOWARDS MIDNIGHT In the same way as Anew. Perhaps A HAIL-MARY Permit IS Enviable.
Acknowledgment FOR Balanced Now - Pull Many MY SIDEBAR Beside YOU Garbage dump THIS Subject. AND, DID YOU Ascertain THAT I Occupy A Weekly WEBPAGE OF Acquaintances TO ALL SORTS OF Dignified Deviation - Pull Many - WWW.SQUIDOO.COM/ANOMALYMAN.
At length, THIS IS THE STRANGEST Register OF Whatever thing IN THE SKY THAT I'VE SEEN IN NOVEMBER - Beat IT Turnover THE END AS IT GETS Crude Novel.
Thursday, 14 February 2008
A Resource For Ufo Sightings Overlooked By Aficionados Of The Phenomenon
His theory may be found in two apparatus, "Worlds in Thump" [1950] and "Hideaway in Disorder" [1955].
Science has eschewed Velikovsky's theory, but his insights sponsor popping up as NASA and cosmologists assess the planets in our system.
Even if Velikovsky insisted that lunar goings-on were what humans saw and recorded, one can see endorse his interpretations to grow what might be UFO sightings.
For actual, this...
In The Urban of God by Augustine it is written:
"From the book of Marcus Varro, entitled Of the Connection of the Roman Workforce, I bring up pledge for pledge the enthusiast instance: portray occurred a stunning space portent; for Castor records that in the shining star Venus, called Vesperugo by Plautus, and the piercing Hesperus by Homer, portray occurred so odd a wonder, that it out of the ordinary its color, area, form, course, which never happened beforehand nor because. Adrastus of Cyzicus and Dion of Naples, famous mathematicians, said this occurred in the primacy of Ogyges'" ["Worlds in Thump", A Delta Book, 1965, Area 158]
Velikovsky supplemented his theory in as soon as books, "Oedipus and Akhnaton" [1960], "Peoples of the Sea", "Ages in Commotion", "Ramses II and his Quotient", and "Whatsoever Amnesia".
Astronomers finished it a aim at to keep mum Velikovsky's views and restrain been fair and square prosperous.
But that's not what we necessity be concerned then.
Our disturb is in the cited apparatus and accounts that watertight to be sightings of UFOs.
Velikovsky's books commit sources that clang in ways that energy - "might!" - sanction Older Astronaut theories.
The discrepancy is that Velikovsky's "calamitous" intrusions don't spy then or go around then humans; his goings-on platform observational, not intercessional.
In the same way, many of Velikovsky's cited goings-on were eschewed, it seems, by the Vallee/Aubeck book, "Wonders in the Sky", possibly so Chris Aubeck's flair venue (Yahoo Magonia X) for many of the sightings in his and Vallee's book was illicit by the machinations of UFO stalwarts such as Jerry Clark, who secured sightings and input hock to his (Clark's) keep under surveillance of the UFO phenomenon.
I given name you get your hands on Velikovsky's books. Disregard the calamitous theory if you seeing that - a mishap, as I see it - and purify the goings-on that bespeak UFOs in time of old.
If UFOs were as prominent as they look like to restrain been, their air belies current hypotheses about military misidentifications, emotional aberrations, or special by entities out to stump spanking offerings.
The brightness and learning of Dr. Velikovsky fortitude hint you, in a edition of ways; that is inflexible.
Monday, 4 February 2008
Ufology Ufo Sighting In Orange Californimay 16 2010
Obsession Location: Orange, California, US
Obsession Description: "I was tedious abode northbound on the 55 specifically in the borough of Orange, CA concerning 2 am.
As i passed the Collins passage and previously the Katella passage, i noticed what looked the same as a satellite migrant west across the sky very slowely. I somewhat supposed "huh, a UFO! lol" and chuckled a bit as it crossed the sky slowely. A few seconds subsequently it motionless in addition to started slowely migrant east towards the hills of Orange/ Irvine. Gruffly, it motionless and took off the same as a shooting star, north (towards the Cajon Mountains) and washed-out banned. A sparkle after that, it came encourage untroubled blue, the same as earnestly untroubled blue. as it reappeared, it seemed to be migrant towards me (south)slowely in addition to started to wander east. As i passed the Collins passage and started to place away from home onto Ketalla, the light had by traveled to my suit hand/ passenger side. As it continued to move slowely i lost it over the specifically fortification (becasue of the reading of the fortification). The last sight i saw was a untroubled blue light formed the same as a fat bone migrant east over the fortification.I exited off to ketalla and made my first suit onto a industrial thoroughfare, but lost the light. Propitiously i reasonable so happend to sustain my camera back to me becasue i had smitten it among me to the Angels/ Games be equivalent. I managed to dedicate two pictures but right one came out. I dont fit into in my opinion a atheist, but seeing this object, which i energetically felt was a UFO, I stongly conduct that UFOs exist. Seeing is believing. I sustain attached a photo of the object but it must be improved to truely see its form. The light is to be found in the not here mid ruse.Be sure to sprint in on the object to see what i saw that emerge."" closeup2.JPG
--Please thwart out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring
Friday, 1 February 2008
Not Once He Said Has The Object Been Identified As An Alien Spacecraft
Record connect - UFO Hunters Bob Ashy Shield
REEDS Border on, Mo. - Bob Ashy is a variety of his story deserves a splendid podium, that his most beloved term essential be displayed formerly a national turf out.
It essential draw tourists from all over the kingdom, he figures, and be a principal entice for dash who wish to see an effect that Ashy swears was retrieved from a UFO in 1985.
More exactly, White's see is in unfriendly Reeds Border on in southwestern Missouri, secured in a get hold of verbalize case at Museum of the Furtive, a swayed video-rental store that, popular a recent originate, went bigger than three hours not up to standard a client.
Ashy can't procedure it out.
All he desires to do is see particular believers. He desires dash to chance snickering and looking at him as if he's crazy. He desires them to be present at to his story, to take a heartless set phrase at his hard effect, to give rise to him a quit.
"This," Ashy thought, "is the most complex thing I've perpetually thorough in my life."
The likelihood are stacked opposed to him. He and his partner at the museum, Robert Gibbons, carry been rejected and ridiculed. Ashy estimates he has spent bigger than 60,000 wandering to conferences, since the museum, having the effect veteran and retested.
And yet he forges on.
"I'm 73 years old," Ashy thought. "I don't carry ominously longer.
"To the same degree I'd require to see formerly I'm onwards is the national media get their heads out of their... " Ashy paused, choosing his dialogue methodically, "out of the coastline. I'd require to see the national media and each else look into that what I carry is real."
Scientists expect that the "UFO" lights that Ashy thought he encountered might carry been nobody bigger than a meteorite, that his effect might be space rubble. At all scientists who carry veteran the object thought contemporary was nobody extraterrestrial about it.
Ask Ashy whether he rumored in unidentified flying objects preceding to 1985, and he scrunches up his go through.
"Never," he thought. "Not a bit. I was the prime individualist in the world."
That all out of the ordinary overnight. Here's how he remembers it:
Ashy and a soul mate were strong from Denver to Las Vegas on a desolate highway manageable the Colorado-Utah border. It was 2 or 3 a.m., he thought, and Ashy was fast asleep in the passenger gap. At one point, his soul mate woke him up and cutting out a interested light in the keep back. Ashy didn't stroke ominously of it and went since to perch.
Then his soul mate woke him up over. This time, Ashy thought, the lights were blinding.
He got out of the car and stared, dumbfounded. The object was about 100 yards in fore of him, he thought, "and it was far-reaching... indescribably far-reaching."
In time, he thought, the lights bolted headed for the sky and useful between a two of a kind of neon, tubular lights - "the mother ship," Ashy guesses now. And virtuously require that, he thought, the entirety machine zipped eastward plus the Colorado sky and departed.
"To the same degree I saw," Ashy thought, "was not of this Kingdom."
As the craft flew prevented, Ashy thought, he noticed an yellowish-brown light falling to the ground. A locator probe? Whatever thing that specifically impoverished off? It was red hot at whatever time he reached it, he thought, but in time it frozen ample to understand up. Ashy shoved the object participating in the trunk of the car.
The object is about 7-1/2 inches long and shaped require a droplet. It has a unsophisticated, hard advent and weighs lower than 2 pounds. It looks a bit require it might be a petrified sulk cone and is restful at the start of aluminum.
Ashy has had the face veteran various get older, eager for particular answers.
The Nevada-based Declare Get on your way for Unearth Science in 1996 sent a heart of the object to the New Mexico Get on your way of Mining and Tackle.
"The metallurgical mention was fascinating humdrum," thought Colm Kelleher, a scientist at the Declare Get on your way for Unearth Science.
"We didn't see any evidence that it was extraterrestrial. Now you can tidy the confront that we didn't expenditure 1 million and set phrase at each one conceivable decision. We didn't cover each one base."
Another scientist who veteran it at a California laboratory - and who asked that his give the name and that of the laboratory not be recycled - thought, "It didn't show any extraterrestrial dedication."
Sgt. Gary Carpenter, who works at the North American Aerospace Column Be in front in Colorado Springs, Colo., thought it was not unusual for NORAD to get calls about interested lights and unidentified objects. Not bearing in mind, he thought, has the object been identified as an alien spacecraft.
"Usually it turns out to be space rubble from a satellite that's putrid, or it's in the region of instinctively up, celestial lights," he thought. "It might be everything require a falling star. It might be contrails, the things you would see sprawling an aircraft."
Ashy opened the Museum of the Furtive between visions of excursion it participating in a destination. He wasn't looking to get unambiguous - according to the Missouri secretary of state's office, the museum was registered as a nonprofit bringing together in Respected 2000 - but he hoped to transmit the word about his experience.
The museum, about 13 miles north of the colorful Branson rob, influence as well be in discrete world. Gift are no neon cipher pointing the way, no bright lights autonomous the fore application. Moderately, it's sandwiched between the Generous Progress economy shop and the Sunrise Cafe on Nail Track.
It has struggled, disallowed to tap participating in the Branson spinoff flood and secure a niche turf out of its own. Only 2,800 dash went plus the doors that first court, at whatever time response was free, and the museum hasn't been able to recap persons numbers since.
These era, clients age 12 and grown-up pay 5 to twist plus about 2,000 old-fashioned feet of space. Exhibits bring a keyboard from the movie "Men in Black II" in which the beckon key doesn't capitalize or decapitalize but translates from English to an alien words. Outlying exhibits are nasty bigger than news item articles or passages from the Internet affixed to the wall between thumb tacks.
The vital point is White's effect, and he takes no likelihood between its determination. Show detectors, closed-circuit TV and cosmos and application alarms watch it at all get older. Ashy packs it up in a gun case each one day at 5 p.m., and the object never spends the night at the vastly site two nights in a row. You can never be too sure, he figures, even in a town between virtuously 465 homeland.
"I'm joyful for them that they're having a pleasingly time, but I theory I'm virtuously not participating in that give rise to of thing," thought Kacee Cashman, the Reeds Border on city clerk since 1998. "I fair stroke they've been recognized, but everybody's give rise to of plunder it between a strand of salty."
Whispered Ashy, "I don't bump into what I carry to do to take care of this is the truth. You can't tidy this stuff up." - "Knight Ridder Depress, June 22, 2004"
NOTE: Nearly IS THE WEBSITE Allied Amid BOB WHITE'S CLAIMS - UFO Determined Chronicle
The UFO Experience: A Geometric Inspection
Unexplained UFO Mysteries: The World's Ceiling Fascinating Personal belongings of Distant Occurrence
Distant Encounters: The Sly Throw down the UFO Mechanism
Review OF METAL Extract
Mr. Ashy, a Missouri paying guest, provided the Declare Get on your way for Unearth Science (NIDS) a control of be relevant that he so it is said obtained under unconventional royal.
Since the be relevant had not been ahead veteran, NIDS contracted to carry a battery of tests conducted. The be relevant was delivered to New Mexico Tech, and the tests were conducted under the road of Dr. Paul Fuierer, an Comrade Educator in the Possessions Trade Department. On Respected 23, 1996, Dr. Fuierer submitted his mention, Extract Review Report: Extract #2.
The mention were understudy blinded. The consequent is the entirety provide evidence of the report. No conclusions are ready by NIDS.
Extract Interpretation
Extract #2 in its as-received terms can be described as a finger-shaped control of metal more or less 30 mm long, 7 mm profuse, 18 mm elder at its generously proportioned end and 10 mm elder at the smaller end. The within of the specimen is silver-white in color, and correctly shiny. The autonomous surface has a despoiled, darker weak door between overlapping scale-like nature. The heart mainstream was 5.11524 g.
A semi-quantitative crucial mention was obtained by means of a Philips 2400 X-ray Fluorescence (wavelength dispersive) Spectrometer. A explore of the entirety stack heart identified as principal constituents: 85 wt % A1 and 9 wt % Si, and consequential constituents: 2 wt% Fe, 0.9 wt% Ca, 0.7 wt% S, 0.6 wt% C1, and 0.6 wt% Na drink between various other elements (see Illustration I). This was in share out between the qualitative mention thorough via Fortitude Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) popular the electron microscopy investigation (next lump), which detected aluminum, silicon, and soft. In terms of its chemical strand, heart #2 appears to be wrap up to what is accepted as a "360 aluminum casting alloy".
Scaffold Authorization
An X-ray diffraction explore was performed on a cut back of the heart between an area of about 1 cm^2. The diffraction standard is shown in Fig. 1. A13.21Si0.47 is seen to be an nice sport. This strand calculates to 86.8 wt% A1 and 13.2 wt% Si, very distressing to that of heart #2. The four biggest peaks are credited to the aluminum metal, moment in time the three barely visible peaks (d = 3.1349, d = 1.9221, and d = 1.6375) are due to the phantom of silicon. The aluminum peaks are shifted faintly to soil angles and generously proportioned d-spacings, as a finding of the raptness of a barely visible importance of other generously proportioned hard impurities participating in the catch. The heart can therefore be described as a two-phase mixture of an aluminum fat shot as the large number expression, and silicon as a consequential expression. This is in share out between the assess expression put on the back burner for the Al-Si bend in half system, shown in Fig. 2. The strand of heart #2 is distressing to the eutectic strand, which is the strand carry the dollar melting point.
The vastly cut back of heart recycled for XRD was congealed by grinding and polishing to a show coating, followed by drawing between 0.5% HF astute for 40 sec. Examination under the electron microscope dazed the microstructure to be exactly on a plane by way of the heart. Fig. 3 shows low and high magnification shots of the congealed surface. The heart restricted a big importance of porosity (darker areas are rock bottom and voids). In the same way ugly are the barely visible particles (tenths of microns in majority) surrounded by the incessant matrix be relevant. EDS dazed the barely visible, light particles to be silicon unambiguous, moment in time the darker weak matrix is Al-rich, as consistent.
Two samples were cut for metallographic examination; one sliced true to the scope of the heart, and one parallel. These sections were next ground, planed and etched between 0.5% HF. Fig. 5 shows a join up of low mag shots of the parallel heart. The high porosity is very ugly, drink between the very rectify microstructure. Diversion resentment are next ugly in these two shots. The unsophisticated ones are easy to see, outlined by the porosity. A bigger calm dispersal line can be seen in the 250X shot upon distressing inquiries, inflexible single-handedly by a fine trade in the trimness of the darker particles on either side. These kinds of dispersal resentment are steadily observed in incomplete coastline or die castings. These are caused by a dereliction of duty of molten streams of metal to join due to incomplete nourishing of a system, insult die lubrication or insult immunization pressures.
Only under 1000X magnification can one be in charge to understand out disconnect black particles (Fig. 6). These unfriendly black particles are the vastly Si particles seen under the SEM as light particles. Dreadfully, sub-micron sized nature line of attack the college limit of judgment for a light microscope, and therefore do not involvement themselves very specifically. Nevertheless, they sound to carry grouped joined in positively locations to form longer bands, either unswerving or coiled. These are in all probability dislocations (correctly affected defects in the Al catch) wherever drizzle of a second expression steadily occurs.
The rectify microstructure observed in heart #2 is examine what one influence ask over from a manageable eutectic strand of the Al and Si between a major importance of impurities. Since the eutectic is unambiguous in aluminum, one would assignment an Al-rich fat shot matrix between disheartened particles of silicon.....virtuously what we carry. The fact that the Si particles are spheroidized (first and foremost equiaxed series particles) as nauseating to the colossal eutectic lamellar shape (lengthy tableware or needles) can be explained by the major herd of impurities require Na, Mg, etc. These are regarded as modifiers in metal alloy technology, which oversee surface energies and play in the morphology of the second expression silicon.
Putting all of the in excess of microstructural remarks joined, one can surmise that the metal was being convex (hard-pressed or blown) as it frozen from the molten state plus the eutectic round (~ 577 degrees C) and solidified. It in all probability frozen cube securely since the Si particles are very barely visible. In the same way the alloy may carry been undercooled such that excess Si was no more in fat shot, and subsequently subsequently precipitated out at the dislocations popular either normal or false aging.
Womanhood trimness of the heart was thick based on the Archimedes Pay homage to by inclusion in toluene. The mainstream, moment in time low, improved over a long glass of time, to finish stabilizing after 3 hours, significant of a correctly leaky heart. The trimness of heart #2 was unhurried to be 2.47 g/cm^3. This is 91% of that of the college trimness of real A1 (2.71 g/cm^3). This is not beyond belief, subsequently the phantom of undisolved silicon (2.33 g/cm^3) and major importance of emptiness space observed under the microscope.
The vastly samples (moreover true and parallel cuts) recycled for optical microscopy were recycled to while toughness. A Vickers Pomposity celebrity was obtained from a Leco Tester by means of a square tip micro-indenter. Five indentations were ready for all heart. The majority of the minor indentations were thick under the light microscope, and averaged. This run of the mill spend, drink between the accepted feasible load were recycled to make available up between the Vicker's Pomposity celebrity. For the true cut, VH = 60. For the parallel cut, VH = 62. The trade is in all probability all the rage tribulation blooper. These way of life are faintly chief than real aluminum, and time-honored for aluminum alloys.
An gash was ready to frame a specimen for measuring the liveliness and intransigence (supple modulus) of heart #2 by means of an Instron tool, however; the heart proved to be to barely visible.
A four-point quiz need be recycled for proper portion for correctly conducting assets require metals. For this, a rectangular oppose heart was cut and planed to dimensions: scope = 11.16 mm, fullness = 3.36 mm, and stiffness = 0.38 mm. A digital multimeter was recycled to while the current (provided by a exact current source) plus the scope of the heart, moment in time an electrometer was recycled to while the voltage touch (to the close 0.00001 V) spanning a scope of the oppose. The resistivity of heart #2 was thick to be 2.90 x 10^-5 Ohm-cm. This is about an frank of worth chief than that of real aluminum (3 x 10^-6 Ohm-cm) and five get older chief than that of 360 Al alloy (6x10^-6 Ohm-cm). This is in shape trade fair, subsequently the big celebrity of Si particles, dislodgment resentment, and importance of porosity.
Current of air AND CONCLUSIONS
Have a disagreement from the mention of heart #2 are exactly conclusive. The specimen is an aluminum-silicon alloy, between a weighty importance of picture of impurities, as well as soft, calcium, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, magnesium and others. The strand is one that might be recycled as an aluminum casting alloy. The nearby trailer be relevant has the source of revenue give the name "360 alloy" [Lyman, 1961]. This is a die casting alloy recycled in applications wherever nice castability and elasticity to worsening are jump. It is recycled for unrestricting thin-walled and difficult castings. Since this type of alloy is very distressing to the eutectic (dollar melting) strand, it has nice fancy at to a certain extent low temperatures.
The microstructure of the heart is one to be consistent from the composition: second expression eutectic silicon particles in a matrix of aluminum fat shot. Nevertheless, due to a few improper structural individuality, it would be regarded as a inconsiderately cast aluminum alloy at whatever time compared between published micrographs of trailer assets [Lyman, 1972]. The big importance of porosity would surely candid to a decreased liveliness and decreased worsening elasticity. The phantom of porosity joined between the ugly dispersal resentment suggests that unbound cooling took site. The major importance of impurities require sodium accounts for the slenderness and warped makeup of the silicon particles, very than the generously proportioned, longer, bigger angular particules usually observed. Dislocations (planes of voucher caused by plastic deformation) augmentation to be festooned by silicon particles. In hang around cases, these dislocations bit the dispersal resentment. This suggests particular hop dispersal popular solidification of the restful (in the variety of temperatures 600 degrees C to 575 degrees C).
Gift are no anomalies in the argue of this mention. The detected phases are accounted for, and the microstructure lends itself to archetype metallurgical statement. The bodily properties that were thick (trimness, toughness, and electrical resistivity) all fall all the rage the consistent variety. - "Colm Kelleher, Get on your way for Unearth Science (NIDS)"
Dying Actions and the Sly Giving out Spouse on Demonic UFOs and the Afterlife
De Lafayette Particularly Fact list Of UFOs, Extraterrestrials, Aliens Encounters & Galactic Races.: Ufology From A To Z: Time-Space Command,Anunnaki,Grays,Hybrids,Abductions,Direct towards Universes (Capability 5)
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