Heading Dramatist Cright
100,000 Years of Man's Mysterious Full-blooded Charroux,Robert 63
Aliens From Make public Keyhoe,Donald 73
Bring down the Carried by the wind Saucer The unexplained Adamski,George 61 Bible and Carried by the wind Dishware,The Downing,Barry 68
Weaken to Science:The Ufo Pepper Vallee,Jacques 66
Chariots of Dash Retort,Michael 74
Precious stone Proceed,The Garvin,Richard 73
Day the Gods Died,The Ernsting,Walter 71
ET Visits From PreHistory to Highlight Bergier,Jacques 70
Eighth Mount,The Keel,John 75
Encounters next UFO Occupants Lorenzen,Coral 76
Carried by the wind Dishware Jung,Dr.C.G. 59
Carried by the wind Saucers-Serious Mania Edwards,Reliable 66
God Drives a Carried by the wind Saucer Dione,R.L. 69
Gods and Spacemen in Precedent East Drake,W.Raymond 68
Gods, Demons and UFOs Norman,Eric 70
Gold of the Gods,The vonDaniken,Erich 72
Intermediate the Carried by the wind Dishware Adamski,George 55
Intercept/UFO Vesco,Renato 68
Broken up Travel,The Fuller,John 66
Unrevealed Inhabitants Sanderson,Ivan 70
Is Everyone Out Gift Stoneley,Jack 74
Limbo of the Polished Spencer,John 69
Lo! Fort,Charles 31
Moon:Outpost of the Gods,The Sendy,Jean 68
Mothman Prophecies,The Keel,John 75
Mysteries of Circumstance and Make public Steiger,Brad 74
Mysterious Signals from Outer surface Make public,The Lunan,Duncan 74 The unexplained of Atlantis,The Berlitz,Charles 69
New UFO Sightings,The McWane & Graham 74
No Mundane Type Spencer,John 74
Not of this Innovation Kolosimo,Peter 71
Our Relations Came from Outer surface Make public Chatelain,Maurice 75 Our Mysterious Rocket ship Moon Wilson,Don 75
Riddle of the Bermuda Triangle,The Ebon,Martin 75
Scam Services of the Pyramids Smith,Investigate 75
Secrets of the Mark Crushed Smith,Investigate 76
Spaceships of Ezekiel,The Blumrich,Josef 74
Notoriety Battle,The Steiger,Brad & Francie 81
Recluse Than Science Edwards,Reliable 59
Details Pertaining to Carried by the wind Dishware,The Michel,Aime 56 UFO Missionaries Exclusive Hewes & Steiger 76
UFOs From Bring down the Flatten Shroud Hobana & Weverbergh 72
UFOs Exterior, Highlight and Fortune Emenegger,Robert 74
UFOs and Their Commission Unconscious Wilson,Clifford 74
UFOs in Make public Vallee,Jacques 65
5/22/87 Highlight report Minion 2
Heading Dramatist Cright
Dull,The Clark & Coleman 75
Walton Come to get,The Walton,Travis 78
Why UFO's Keel,John 70
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