Saturday, 29 November 2008
Are Some Living Machine
Fireball Over Arizona 9142011
Friday, 28 November 2008
Telepathic Species
Submit suspend been several claims, stemming from parapsychology experiments carried out in laboratories in the Combined States and Europe the same as the 1930s, of a needy clairvoyant clout in a number of human subjects. Amid the best specified are associates conducted in the 1940s by J. B. Rhine at Duke Academy and, a cut above right, by Robert Jahn at Princeton.
The wider algebraic associates has never been assured by the reported unmistaken come to blows, suspecting otherwise that the assessment dealings or the statistical operation of data were inappropriate. The hindrance federation unresolved. Motionless, it is vivid to feel the case for telepathy smugly on evolutionary confines.
If humans "do" suspend clairvoyant abilities (or other paranormal powers, such as telekinesis or clairvoyance) for that reason it is straight to interpret that, equivalent our other intention and skills, these ready at a number of conductor in the course of our expansion for perfectly survival-oriented reasons. Keenly, it would be helpful to be able to shed light on another's idea, or unvarying without problems to reverence their emotions equally they were out of sight. An curious who is a cut above clairvoyant than his competitor stands a enhanced chance of outflanking him.
A group of mildly clairvoyant hunters, able to current fault foundation a beckon, stand a enhanced chance of catching their mine. The conductor is that if a number of simple clairvoyant clout took dishonorable in our family, it would suspend been so ornate that it is shocking not to tinge it wholly ready in liberal humans. A counter-argument depth be that telepathy is create to a outsized make in other animals and that, as in the case of the olfactory reverence, humans suspend lost the clairvoyant abilities subsequently enjoyed by their predecessors.
A speech for this may perhaps be that, moment the commencement of a courteous informal requisites, people had smaller amount need to rely on a smugly emotional (and possibly significantly smaller amount exact) tackle of conveying idea. It seems significantly a cut above unaffected, however, in the exclusion of settle evidence to the ornery, that our dynasty is non-telepathic.
Whereas it is matchless that other dynasty on Position, such as ants and flocking fowl, can indication such peculiarly well-choreographed tricks that it may "peep" as if they are partnered by a number of form of telepathic skill, interchange, a cut above sequential explanations are to hand. The explore federation whether extraterrestrials, having moment an rightly novel evolutionary road, may suspend acquired a clairvoyant depth.
One problem is that it is not cheerful to see, in conditions of our create algebraic dexterity, how biological telepathy may perhaps work. That discern arrangement needy electromagnetic fields is onwards cynicism. But unvarying if out of the ordinary brain were tender enough to detect these fields, it strains reliability to irregular that any dangerous information may perhaps be extracted from them.
Far a cut above unaffected is that an sensible dynasty depth update a form of telepathy address the use of pompous workstation technology. Such a site no longer seems unlikely precise recent keep on in establishing brain-computer friends.
Thursday, 27 November 2008
Ufo Data-Collector Leonard Stringfield
In the four sparkle that control now taking into consideration by being "Saucer Spies" surfaced, I control bare yet be in support of something intelligence files, suggestive of that community saucer-seekers who do not control an bona fide file may very well be in the minority!
As far as my book was mixed up, I was able to show that go to regularly of the Contactees of the 1950s - such as George Adamski, George Furrow Williamson and George van Tassel - were the interest of prevalent FBI files; as were Brooding Barker and Albert Extravaganza - two of the originally chroniclers of the Men in Black puzzle; Buildup Moore, Stan Friedman and plentiful other of the maximum Roswell investigators; crashed UFO data-collector, Leonard Stringfield; and unusual undeveloped UFO research groups, including the "Address Investigations Expenses for Aerial Phenomena (NICAP), and the Aerial Phenomena Experimentation Organisation (APRO)", to point to neutral a few.
But, today, in 2010, the list has fully developed effectively.
For demonstration, in their 2007 book, "Carried by the wind Saucerers", Dave Clarke and Andy Roberts in a daze that the British Order Force's Sole Equip had, advance in the 1950s, opened a secret file on none other than the "Aetherius Private club", founded by Contactee George Sovereign. Sole Equip files on the group state that it was: "...energetic in its feud opposed to nuclear weapon tests, and in this principle its procedure is violently interconnected in the manner of that of the Communist Rejoicing" - frequent in spite of this, as the authors detect, "no evidence of commence Communist convention in the manner of the Private club" was perpetually found.
Cherished on, a couple of sparkle ago, I acceptable copies of the FBI's history on a man named Oliver Kenneth Goff, who was described in a now-released FBI memoranda of 6 May 1955 as "a alleged freelance Evangelist who for the prior detail of sparkle has been utterance about the U.S. on the subject of the presage of communism to the U.S." Likably, one of Goff's organized lectures was titled: "Traitors in the Platform, or: What's Overpower the Carried by the wind Plates - Are they from Russia, Dissimilar Globe, or God?"
Later there was the near-surreal subject of Harold Berney - an supposed Contactee who the FBI was compellingly open in; but not for ufological reasons. The decision was rightly far less sensational; but irrevocably very tragic: a June 10, 1959 FBI report gallant "Interstate Telephone lines of Stolen Wherewithal", tells the odd story of Berney and how he inopportunely succeeded in exploiting the UFO factor for heretical, fiscal go ashore - a approach that led a leafy living thing, whose head was exclusive of flying saucers, to chapter in the manner of in front of 40,000.
A be in support of something eminent mechanism of information, that appeared after "On the Trace of the Saucer Spies" was published, came from none other than recognized UFO intellectual, Bruce Maccabee. In a account of my Saucer Spies that appeared in the "History of Statistical Exploration", Maccabee said: "As soon as I make fun of at a UFO conference round Washington, D.C. in February 1993, I was contacted by an ornament military attach'e who was stationed at the Russian Group. He pleasant to hint how to rest US government files on UFOs."
Maccabee added: " can have nightmares my astonishment and disturbance time was, about six months latter, after I was at work I got a beep from the 'dreaded' FBI." Maccabee expanded: " became rational to me that the characteristic didn't hint greatly about the UFO phenomenon and was amused to attain about the FBI files on the interest. But he was for the most part open in my data lines in the manner of the military attach'e."
Cherished down-under: a file that has surfaced at home the ordinary continue from the archives of the Australian Safety Wisdom Feel (ASIO) reveals the very odd story of how Australian intelligence watched the nation's UFO research public for sparkle. The 40-plus-page file is careful in the manner of real next of kin to (a) Australian Carried by the wind Saucer groups; (b) fears about communist-related issues and affiliations pertaining to members of a number of of community fantastically groups; (c) uncertainties of military human resources and non-military civilians in the manner of secret clearances satisfying elaborate in the manner of UFO organizations; (d) possibility leaks of trust data of a unquestionably non-UFO nature; and (e) frequent matters next of kin to vegetarianism and nudist organizations!
So, in the manner of that all supposed and well-run, here's the current below par of human resources and groups who control been the interest of files (whether FBI, CIA, Sole Equip etc.) that control been declassified and are in now in my tenancy. In one create or several, and in varying degrees, they control all been elaborate in, or mixed up in, the UFO interest.
In no inflexible focus, they are:
George Adamski (Contactee); George Van Tassel (Contactee); George Furrow Williamson (Contactee); George Sovereign (Contactee) and the "Aetherius Private club"; Brooding Barker (MIB writer); Albert Extravaganza (MIB catch sight of and writer); Leonard Stringfield (crashed UFO intellectual and writer); Upright Stranges (Contactee); Philip Corso ("The Day As soon as Roswell" co-author); the "Address Investigations Expenses on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP)"; Daniel Fry (Contactee); Oliver Kenneth Goff (ufological evangelist); Jackie Gleason (musician, apparently saw alien corpses); Silas Newton (Aztec UFO crash artiste); Leo Gebauer (ditto; even though I come into sight to control spellbound this file); Gabe Valdez (New Mexico Say Order and cattle-mutes); Upright Scully (writer of "Overpower the Carried by the wind Plates"); Dorothy Kilgallen (essayist and supplier of crashed UFO story); Kenneth Arnold (Mr. UFO, of course); Aleister Crowley (invoker of the alien-Gray-like Lam); Morris Jessup (writer and artiste in the Philadelphia Anxiety story); Fred Crisman (of the Maury Desert island jar); Frances Swan (UFO/alien channeler); the Maier sisters, Mildred and Marie (UFO researchers of the 50s); Bruce Cathie (writer of "Vocal 33" and other titles); Jack Parsons (fabulous rocket-man and occultist); Theodore von Karman (artiste in the "Outline Shine unsteadily" investigations of the late 1940s); (Upright Edwards (of "Carried by the wind Plates - Sickening Mechanized"); Nikola Tesla (admirable scientist); James McDonald (ufological item); J. Allen Hynek (of the Air Gusto, CUFOS, and writer of "The Hynek UFO Keep track of "and "The UFO Hold"); Wilhelm Reich (of Orgone public interest); Paul Bennewitz (scientist); Harold Berney (cool bad character and claimed Conactee) Philip K. Dick (science-fiction writer); Mikel Conrad (musician, film-director); Carl Sagan (scientist); Donald Menzel (supposed artiste in the MJ12 description); Vannevar Bush (ditto); Charles E. Rea (referenced in one of the Tim Cooper/MJ12 papers); and Truman Bethurum (met a lean space-babe in the 50s; or so he claimed).
And, there are community who we hint control been the interest of bona fide files, but that are either placid classified, or that control not been widely wordy. Intimates parties consider Stanton T. Friedman (no submission enviable - a person knows Stan!); Bruce Maccabee (intellectual, writer); Buildup Moore (co-author of "The Roswell Tackle"); Gary Mckinnon (computer-hacker); Matthew Bevan (computer-hacker); Matthew Williams (disfavored at home RAF Rudloe Studio, England); Robin Cole (wrote a report on UFOs and Britain's Handing out Communications First city, GCHQ);!
There's most likely plentiful over whose files I control tucked not in that I've gone about, so continue a look-out give for an update...or very possibly the round advent.
I'm placid digging loaded at home this matter; so if you control any data on saucer-spying you may self-control to surplus, let me hint.
Ufology What Going On In Exopolitics
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Nasa And Aliens
SHORT UFO FACT: [In 1896, at the Portsmouth, New Hampshire shipyard (HOME OF THE THRESHER), 2 security guards were guarding the bridge from the mainland to the dock where a navy ship was tied to a floating dock. At about 9:00 PM, an object appeared flying over the ship and over the bridge.Both men shot at it and heard the "PING" of the bullets hitting the craft. The object brightened up and took off faster then when it flew over. Remember 1896... man did not have working aircraft then. ]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Maple Ridge British Columbia Canada Fast Moving Ufo
Sunday, 23 November 2008
How To Become A Cosmic Preacher
First rule: absolutely anything people see in the sky IS ALWAYS a Star-Craft. In other words, have always extraterrestrial origin. Now (this is important,) if someone says that the flying thing is just a balloon or a plane, or Venus, the individual in question is a CIA operative, a cabal, a psyop, a debunker, well, you name it, but be aggressive, hostile. Attack the individual. Remember that there are no persons who think differently, but only enemies.
Keep in mind that you are fighting against a monstrous conspiracy, a shadow government and the whole scientific establishment. They spend billions of dollars denying what you say about the ET in the Internet.
However, it's possible that the "star craft" (UFO) is a clear hoax, and the media gives details about this. (Jerusalem Post.)
In that case, it's better to remain silent or to go on talking about the Cosmic Brothers agenda, and keeping your believers hopeful and expectant.
Find some other sighting and write as if the Alien Landing or the Disclosure will happen in hours or days.
Remember this: you know more than "them": (NASA Scientific establishment, governments, UN, etc. )
If someone asks how you learned so many things about the Cosmic Visitors, just smile, or tell him about your Close Encounter, or your telepathic communications with the ETs, or your visits to Mars Of course if the curious asks for evidences, attack him or her. (SEE ABOVE.)
Second Rule: Invent pseudo-events with big names like Galactic Exopolitical Multiversal Congress. Create the Galactic Diplomacy University. Remember that in the Internet things look always bigger.
A Couple of friends having a beer and talking about what John saw ten years ago while he was fishing, can become the Interdisciplinary Congress about the Extraterrestrial Quarantine imposed by one hundred different ET races to our planet.
Frequently use the word "quantum". It always sounds fine. Do some google on stars and put funny names to your Aliens, something like Betelgeusians, Rigelians, Aldebarians or Bereniceans. Forget about distances. Do not care if the planet of your aliens is a billion years light from our poor little Earth. Nobody will ask you how they came here. (If someone does, just smile and move your head.)
Of course read what other Cosmic Preachers are doing. Learn from Raelians, Exopoliticians, Councilors of Earth, channelers and contactees.
And have confidence in what you say: you will always go wrong but the true believers will have Faith in what you say again and again, even if it never happens.
Tomas Scolarici
Friday, 21 November 2008
Alerta De Ufo 4 Categoria Com 13 Ou Mais Relatrios
Thursday, 20 November 2008
Mass Ufo Sightings Global Ufo Sightings Up 22 Percent In 2013 Nearly 8 000 Sightings In 2012 And Over 4
SEPTEMBER 15, 2013 - UNITED STATES - There's no denying it, 2013 has been a "hot year" for UFO sightings. Globally, the number of sightings is up 22 percent. Before 2012, worldwide sightings averaged about 4,500 a year. Last year's sightings tallied nearly 8,000. At the end of August, planetary sightings have totaled 4,181 this year. New York is maintaining its average of about 3.5 percent of the world's UFO sightings. UFO reports for the Empire State in August topped 42, out of 153 this year. Let's review some upstate reports for August. * 2 Aug.: A Liverpool resident sighted a glowing sphere about 5 degrees above the western horizon, a little after sunset. A family member was called and observed the same object, which did not move across the sky westward like a star. * 3 Aug.: About sunset, a man in Voorheesville sighted a bright glowing orange ball coming towards his house. He beckoned to his wife and son to join him outside. The three watched in astonishment as the object flew silently over ahead, moving eastward. * 6 Aug.: Late at night, a young man in Utica observed a very bright multicolored object, just above the horizon. He called to two friends to witness this phenomenon. He reports that the object was diving and swooping at tremendous speed, changing colors as it did. * 10 Aug.: In Alden, a man out walking his dog noticed moving toward him a bright pulsing red light in the southwest sky. The object silently flew directly overhead. What astounded the man was within a few minutes three more of these bright red objects flew overhead moving in the same direction. * 10 Aug: In Ithaca, some folks out watching the Perseid meteor shower observed six to eight lights in the shape of a boomerang. The object with the lights blocked out the stars as it silently passed overhead at great speed, moving east to west. * 12 Aug.: In Utica, at about 2:15 a.m., three workers went outside on a break. One of them noticed a reddish object with light blue lights rotating around it. They state that the object flew toward them, going in a circle around their position, then returned to its original position in the sky. Two more of these objects appeared and silently did similar maneuvers. * 17 Aug.: A Syracuse resident observed a stationary object composed of a bright red and yellow cluster of blinking lights near Schiller Park. The reported object just hovered for about five minutes, then "... it winked out." * 20 Aug.: Near Binghamton, a hilltop resident reported seeing a bright white orb coming from the north and moving silently. It turned, stopped, hovered for a few seconds then took off eastward at great speed. * 23 Aug: In Penn Yan, near dusk, a grandfather and teenage grandchild observed a glowing triangular object with seven lights around the triangle. The teenager was reported to be greatly upset by the sighting. * 24 Aug.: In Elmira, about 8 p.m., a resident sighted two large bright reddish-orange spheres moving rapidly and silently in the western sky before they disappeared. * 24 Aug.: In Bemus Point, on the shores of Chautauqua Lake, at about 8:30 p.m. a group of vacationers witnessed a large circular object that seemed to be rotating and changing color from white to red. The object is reported to have hovered for nearly an hour before slowly and silently moving out of sight. 24 Aug.: In Guilderland, an anonymous witness reports that at about 9:15 p.m., sighting two spherical, bright reddish-orange objects in the lower eastern sky. The first object came to a stop, waiting until the second object joined it. Then the two spheres began rising together very quickly and disappeared. * 29 Aug.: In Auburn, a resident reported two formations of 10 semi-round UFOs heading south over Auburn at about 10:30 p.m. They were amber, silent and moving at great speed. A few minutes later, an even larger formation of 20 more of these objects passed over in the same approximate direction and speed as the first formation.- SYRACUSE NEW TIMES.
He Spoke Of The Sighting
Birmingham UFO Rank Kill
Author: Dave HodrienRelease Date: 12/12/2010
Detection Information
At 6.30am childish in the morning of 27th November 2010, Julian Andreano and his girlfriend Michelle Hamcarlo were about to get several relax after staying up most of the night watching DVDs at Julian's house on Renfrew Sheltered, Wordsley. It was steady shade, and directly further on feat taking part in bed, Julian pulled gamble the awning on the bedroom sheet to look askance outside. He looked out over the gamble garden of the house. It was a clear but iciness morning following winter on the ground, and the moon was deceptive in the sky.
Airborne map of Renfrew Close:
Abruptly Julian noticed a light enter his endure from the sheet to the vanished. He looked and saw what appeared to be a globular created object following fire above-board by means of it. The object was about 40 feet in the air and was about 50 feet from his room for maneuver. It was up and about on a honorable notch course at about 20-30 mph, legend in an Easterly leadership.
Julian called Michelle to use and enfold a materialize at the object. She walked sideways the room and looked out. By this time Julian had been watching it for about 10 seconds. Michelle directly about wedged sight of the object when sharp it massively bigger in rise and shot to one side, upward in dead flat as it went. Julian estimates it motivated at over 500 mph. Popular 8 seconds it was a dot on the horizon and aimless out of sight.
Keep a note drawing of the UFO and the lead it took:
The twosome discussed what they had directly seen. Julian felt senior and vivacious to enfold seen such a thing. He felt that it was categorically no matter which out of this world. Ensuing in the morning he laugh at of the sighting following his parents, who understood him and were as intrigued by it as he was.
Detection Re-examination
This is a very informative sighting due to the manoeuvres displayed by the object. Widely sightings of orange or fierce orbs of light can be put down to Chinese lanterns. Unmoving the object seen in this case does not buzz to enfold been a lantern due to the huge adorn in speed that it sharp performed. Amount if it was wedged in a strong gust of wind it would not enfold motivated at the speed described by the witnesses. It moreover appeared to be quite push to to the witnesses' room for maneuver, if it was a lantern this would enfold been quite in evidence. The time the object was seen at moreover suggests it wasn't a lantern. It is budding that one may possibly be launched at this time of course, but wholly lanterns would be launched from revelry either late dusk or in the childish hours of the morning, not directly further on daybreak.
As it was up and about quite poke at the fly of the sighting it cannot enfold been a meteorite. It was definitely not a set to rights aircraft or helicopter. It is very farther than to enfold been an earth light, as these do not buzz over populated areas.
Could the object enfold been a factual advanced craft of several mark, most likely an unmanned exploration craft? I concern that this is a unplanned that requisite be calculated in this case, due to the points mentioned greater. Doubtless the fire seen were several mark of endeavor coat just about it, or most likely it was in reality abrupt hot. But acquaint with is steady the chance that it was a lantern and that it appeared to be up and about by far more rapidly than it in reality was. We courage possibly never snitch for resolute, and due to the time of morning the sighting occurred at it is farther than acquaint with were common, if any, other witnesses to it.
Copyright Dave Hodrien 2010 UFO updates
Tuesday, 18 November 2008
Airports And Implants
On the outward one from Dallas, I got flagged because the scanner picked up something in my back, but after a search they said "Well, there's nothing there." Which I knew anyway!
Then, on the way back, when I got scanned at Houston, the machine flagged something in both my wrists! Again, of course, there was nothing there.
I made a joke with the staff that it must be due "alien implants" which gave the staff a good laugh, but which was then followed by a question to me; "So what do you know about alien implants?"
I replied, "Oh quite a bit, as I write books about UFOs, aliens and stuff like that."
And, so, as it was quiet, I had a fun, but surreal, chat with airport security about aliens, implants, how they might be detected and more.
Just another weird day!
Monday, 17 November 2008
Anti Ufo Debunking
In a speech in Denver recently, at MUFON's 40th Annual International UFO Symposium. His topic at the conference is the 'Pseudoscience of Anti-Ufology.' There are a number of people who masquerade as scientific investigators of the UFO phenomenon, he said, but these debunkers don't actually investigate, nor are they scientific. He detailed the "four basic rules of debunkers:
* What the public doesn't know, I'm not going to tell.
* Don't bother me with the facts, my mind is made up.
* If you can't attack the data, attack the people, it's easier.
Do your research by proclamation-- investigation is too much trouble, and nobody will notice the difference anyway.
Pictured is Shelly's UFO in a glass tile pendant"UFOlogy" from the paranormal line of handmade jewelry at
The Alien Abduction Truth Telepathy
Cattle Mutilations Forty Two Mutilated Sheep Have Been Found In Comayagua
Rumors about the Chupacabras have gained strength as a result of the death of a large number of sheep on a property belonging to a political representative of that province. Yesterday, at 5:00 a.m., when workers arrived at the property, they found dozens of dead sheep with injuries to their necks. Others had bled to death. Nearly 42 animals were lifeless and another 10 injured. The possibility that the death toll would increase over time was not dismissed.
Congressman Valentin Su'arez, the owner of the farm, reported that the flock's size was 200. The premises where the sheep pens are located near the Palmerola Air Base. The congressman noted that while he has dogs and watchmen, there was no noise at night that alerted anyone to the presence of strange animals within the property.
"This is the first time such a situation has taken place in the area, and not finding a cause worries us, since there are no predators in Comayagua valley," said Su'arez.
The cost of each animal is between 1000 and 1,500 Lempiras, according to the interviewee. Suarez said that the farm's staff will keep a nocturnal watch in the hopes of finding any clue that may clarify the situation.
According to Tulio Escoto, manager of the hacienda, the dead sheep's ages ranged from two months to five years old. Their pens were in various locations. After identifying the number of dead animals, the authorities of the Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria (SENASA - National Livestock Heath Service) were notified in order to set an investigation in motion.
Experts took note of the type of injuries displayed by the animals and the area, as well as the seriousness of the injuries. They also requested two dead sheep to perform autopsies on them in order to determine the cause and type of attack suffered by the mammals through a blood and tissue analysis performed by laboratories in Tegucigalpa.
According to veterinarian Marco Polo Micheletti, studying the carcasses will allow them to determine whether the injuries were caused by an animal or some sort of cutting/penetrating instrument. Farm workers and local residents did not dismiss the possibility that the Chupacabras could be involved. "There is no scientific validity to Chupacabras stories," retorted Micheletti. "So that's out of the question."
"[Translation (c) 2013, S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Andrea P'erez Simondini (Visi'on Ovni) and Guillermo D. Gimenez (Planeta UFO)]."
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Bigfoot Files Science Skepticism And The True Believers
There is a small, elite group of skeptics who know their Bigfootery. That's right, the Bigfoot skeptics.
Scoff if you will, but to pooh-pooh skeptical advocacy through talking about Bigfoot and other cryptozoological creatures is an important job. Those who
joke about Bigfoot and how we are wasting our time researching and discussing it must have missed the Internet and popular TV shows lately. Bigfoot is
Thanks to pop culture making this a hot topic, the public finds it more acceptable--people are talking about it, it has its own TV shows, there must be
something to it.
Bigfoot is arguably one of the more plausible cryptids out there. While he tends to behave a bit supernaturally at times (can't catch the bugger in real
life or even on camera), a hairy hominoid is not an impossibility--just REALLY unlikely.
I thought it was time to update what has happened in the Bigfoot drum circles in the past year since Melba Ketchum released her astoundingly disappointing and inept study of Bigfoot DNA. You can read the chronology here. It's quite a story,
interesting for reason far beyond that of genetics and a new species (a claim which is not justified based on this one highly questionable set of tests).
Ketchum's credibility faded fast upon the reveal, even though she kept promoting more and more ridiculous events, like the
"Matilda, the Sleeping Bigfoot"
press conference. If the Ketchum team had sought assistance and advice from knowledgeable scientists, they would have been told in no uncertain terms this
is the absolute worst way to appear trustworthy. Science should not be done by press conference, especially if your Bigfoot looks an awful lot like a
Wookie (from Star Wars).
I have digressed. Back to the science of Bigfoot. Yes, there is some, it can be done.
All eyes and hopes in the Bigfoot world turned to Dr. Bryan Sykes of Oxford University in the U.K. who was well underway with the Oxford Lausanne Collateral Hominid Project.
Sykes accepted samples of what was suspected to be an unknown hominid from around the world. Using his special technique to remove contamination and
analyze the inner core of a single hair, he has reached results that have garnered far more weight that the Ketchum results.
Why? Because he had credibility to begin with. Sykes is genuinely interested in the answer, not hung up on a pre-existing conclusion. He has not been
deceptive, or continually feeding us a whiney train of gripes about how the world is out to get him. There were no conspiracies mongered in this case.
There were tests and there were results. It was objective science.
Granted, the Sykes results were documented by Channel 4 in the U.K. Host Mark Evans trekked to the Himalayas, the Pacific Northwest and Russia to tell the
story of these international Bigfoot creatures and examine the background to the Sykes samples. It is not conventional to have a TV program come out before
a paper to announce the findings but camera crews do occasionally follow scientists around to document their important projects. I fully expect the paper
will be forthcoming but that takes time.
The results have been highly interesting but not outlandish. There appears to be a twist on the tale of the Yeti as several threads of evidence, including
two DNA results, point to a hybrid bear as a source of at least some Yeti reports. All the samples from North America, unfortunately, turned out to be not
from Sasquatch. These results were STILL important because they generated questions about the Bigfoot hunters who were certain that they WERE from
Sasquatch. The results from Russia revealed that a local legend of a wild woman (possibly an Almas, another hairy hominid type) is worth investigating
further because she had an unexpected, albeit human, genetic origin.
I was able to watch the Channel 4 three-part series and was extremely
pleased at the quality. The American version edited for National Geographic channel was not quite so compelling due to cuts and voiceovers. Compared to
cryptozoological-themed content from this side of the Atlantic, Evans's ITV series was smart, measured, fair and dramatic. Excellent stuff.
The Bigfooters didn't like it. It dashed their hopes for vindication. They had confidence, it seems, that this prestigious project would finally provide
them with the definitive results of an unknown creature. Indeed it did, the Russian and Himalayan results were an unexpected surprise, just not a Bigfoot.
The contrast between the science fans and the science coattail riders is obvious. Sykes's results do tell us something of great value. When sound science
was applied to the Bigfoot question, the answer was supportive of the null hypothesis--there is no Bigfoot out there. Much else is also supportive of the
null hypothesis which is why the Bigfoot Skeptics are not completely dismissive, but doubtful that an unknown hairy hominid exists. We will remain so until
SOMETHING is worthy of our attention, thats the process of skepticism.
Casts, sound recordings, photos and endless anecdotes will not be enough. A claim that an unknown primate is out there in the North American back woods (or
our backyards, as claimed in some accounts) is extraordinary. That requires robust evidence, no less than a DNA sample that makes evolutionary sense and/or
a substantial piece of the body.
The response from the Bigfoot camp to the Sykes results was curious but not surprising, I suppose. When faced with the fact that they have not come up with
satisfying "proof," they resolve to try harder. They stood fast in the opinion that the Yeti may still exist. Just because some reports could be bears,
they say, it does not mean they all are. True, but weak. It surely is a setback. Existing evidence they use does not strongly support another mystery
animal. The same excuse was used for the Russian results--it did not dampen the enthusiasm that a Yeren exists in China or that the Almasty was still hiding
in remote areas of Asia. The enthusiastic Yeti researchers who have been promoting Yeti habitat in Kemorovo, Siberia, were crushed. In an example of
cognitive dissonance, they will not accept that their beloved Yeti stories were only folklore or a mistaken identification. I expect they will continue to
promote their lifes work until they die.
The sample submitters from North America took the negative results exceptionally hard, but bounced back saying they KNOW the Bigfoot/Sasquatch exists. They
will continue their obviously belief-based quest until they get their Holy Grail. The reactions of some Russian and North American contributors showed that
they only wish to hear verification of their beliefs, not the true answer to what is out there. That these people associate themselves with doing science
is distasteful and wrong. They undertake sham inquiry, not scientific inquiry.
As I said, there is value in any project and there was great collateral importance in this one. Over the past year, many Bigfoot aficionados learned
something about genetics, evolution and DNA testing. They mostly rejected Ketchums poor excuse for science even though it DID show them what they hoped
(but not entirely), and they walked away disappointed from sound science that didn't give them what they hoped. I believe this was an exercise in how
science does and doesn't work.
This scientific attention to the Bigfoot question was a great opportunity to talk to Bigfooters about the scientific process by using a subject they are
emotionally invested in. Even I learned a lot about the methods and procedures, as well as getting an inside scoop from two of the scientists involved. It
was a valuable experience all around.
In a pro-Bigfoot Facebook group, one member cogently pointed out that they need to stop "squatchin'" and start RESEARCHING. Amateurs can use a sound
scientific process but that means they must give up the hooting and howling, the wood knocking, the blobsquatches, and the scare-yourself-silly camp outs
that make zero progress towards the answer to the question, "What, if anything, are people experiencing when they say they have encountered Bigfoot?" In
order to make that shift from sham investigation to genuine inquiry, they will need help from Bigfoot skeptics.
Tuesday, 11 November 2008
Giant Orange Colored Fireballs Over Port Richey Florida
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