Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Life On Mars Strange Things On The Surface

Life On Mars Strange Things On The Surface
Recently there has been some confusion and questions from the Public about the strange objects and "man-made" looking things that have begun to

appear in many of the satellite Photos from the surface of MARS that have been released recently. Even an immensely clear foto of a what seems to be a

humanoid face gazing up at the sky from the surface etched into the rock surface of the RED PLANET.

Is it possible that MARS was once, or even still is, Inhabited. If there was once life there, then where have they gone to? what happened to them?

Were they destroyed, or are the signs left on Mars a message from our Cosmic Forefathers, to guide us in making the right steps and deducing the way

to follow them to whatever Dimension they have chosen to go to?

So many different Theories do we Humans have about these matters. Are they just hopes that we have some kind of importance for Greater, more

highly Advanced Beings?. Are the Mayan and Sumerian Nibiru prophecies true? The beings who may visit our world in 2012 Benevolent? or Malevolent? - if the purported messages transmitted by "chanelling" from the "Pleadians" are correct, then it can be supposed that the "Anunnaki" are Reptilian beings that will come to tell us that they Created us. The Pleadians insist that this is not true, and that we should be dubious and follow our own instincts as to what we are.

Do the Planet-X/Nibiru theories and the Phaenomena on the surface of Mars have anything in connection?

I would say, Yes, if there is any truth in the theories then the objects and Artefacts seen in Photos of the Mars Planetary surface definitely have some connection.

Gigantic Deep Holes On Mars Surface

Mars. Originally, it was first indentified and documented with low-res fotos were first made by the Oddysee spacecraft.

Faces on the Surface of Mars?

Known as the Cedonia Face, this was part of the search for potential landing sites for Viking Lander 2.

On 25 July, 1976, Viking photographed a region of buttes and mesas in the region of the escarpment that separates heavily cratered highlands in the south from low lying, relatively crater-free, flatlands in the north.Of all the hills Photographed, there was one hill that resembled a face to the Viking investigators looking at these images to find landing sites. Due to the importance of the landing site search, and also the a need to provide the public with at least one familiar-looking landform amid the craters and unearthly terrain forms found on Mars, an image including the face-like hill was released as part of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's public relations effort. The text of that release notes the face-like hill;

Quote -

Caption of JPL Viking Press Release P-17384




(213) 354-6000

Viking 1-61

P-17384 (35A72)

PHOTO CAPTION July 31, 1976

This picture is one of many taken in the northern latitudes of Mars by

the Viking 1 Orbiter in search of a landing site for Viking 2.

The picture shows eroded mesa-like landforms. The huge rock formation

in the center, which resembles a human head, is formed by shadows

giving the illusion of eyes, nose and mouth. The feature is 1.5

kilometers (one mile) across, with the sun angle at approximately

20 degrees. The speckled appearance of the image is due to bit errors,

emphasized by enlargement of the photo. The picture was taken on July

25 from a range of 1873 kilometers (1162 miles). Viking 2 will arrive

in Mars orbit next Saturday (August 7) with a landing scheduled for

early September.

Above Pic: the Cedonia Face on Mars

After this comment was released, some people argued, mostly in the non-scientific faction, that the face-like hill is artificial. Although there are many other features of the Mars' Surface that are raised as matters of contention, none commands public interest as does the "Face.

It has been rumoured that there has been official tampering with the images to discredit any suspicion of strange happenings.The documentary clip below shows much evidence to support this, dealing with the cases of the Cedonia Face, and also some UFO - Like images that appeared too.

NASA Dr. Tom Van Flandern (Astronomical Editor - Meta Research Bulletin), made the following statement on Quantum television news release.

"The image that JPL released to the media in 1998 is not at all a faithful representation of even the raw data, let alone of what is actually there. Image processing experts who have now treated the image properly, have shown me that it does indeed look very much like a hominid (humanoid) face. When we got the original image of the face in 1976, there was always the possibility that it was just a trick of light and shadow, or something that was an accident of nature. When we got the high resolution image, to our amazement, all of the secondary features were there too. Eyebrow, irises, nostrils and lips, with the correct size, shape, location and orientation to be 'Portrayals of a Humanoid face'.

Thje odds against each of those happening by accident range from one in ten to one in ten thousand. When you put them together, the odds against all of them being accidents of Nature, are a hundred billion billion to one! - Based on the results of the test, the object IS artificial beyond a reasonable doubt "


Discussion of the Face on Mars

Malin Space Systems

Sunday, 27 June 2010

February 21 2012 Paranormal And Weird News

February 21 2012 Paranormal And Weird News












Thursday, 24 June 2010

Ufo Photos Unknown Daytime Object Over Plymouth New Hampshire 25 Nov 2010

Ufo Photos Unknown Daytime Object Over Plymouth New Hampshire 25 Nov 2010
Just starting out UFO SIGHTINGS - This eerie daytime object was photographed in the sky over Plymouth in New Hampshire (NH), USA on 25th November 2010.

Recording report: "Day after Elegance (2010) my family and I went up to Plymouth,NH to a tree look after for the afternoon in search of a tree."Superior that day we got rank to no-win situation something odd on one of our pictures. I maintain seen load ufo's and I maintain atypical"photos in the in the same way as but this one is very substitute from whatsoever I am second hand to seeing."

"I can see what concerning appears to be voguish. It's delight the focal point came out and up it went."You can see offer are 2 other round objects in the sky better it. My partner took this picture of me and thought he never saw a thing."This generally happens and I maintain so load that I am starting to incident if this is my family being followed?"I maintain prosperity a story and would kindliness for gather to put away me an reflection of what's departure on."Ghostly load maintain been voguish to me so I was 8 and now it's not sole me but one of my sons"is having the exceptionally experiences. But no other part in my family is. Fitting the 2 of us."

"I equally may maintain captured a reptilian on camera if any person is questioning in seeing this photo. Looks supervisor delight a dinosaur to me."

"Esteem, and I am on the verge of to e-mail supervisor photos if desired."Author: Tonya Bsource: submitted to


El Da En El Que Un Ovni Sali En Todas Las Televisiones Y Nadie Se Dio Cuenta

La NASA enfoca a nuestro planeta las 24 horas del d'ia y si hay alguien en el mundo que es capaz de saber qu'e ocurre en el espacio, esos son ellos. Bajo esa premisa y dada la impresionante oleada OVNI que vivimos desde hace a~nos, no ser'ia extra~no afirmar que, dada esa actividad an'omala, la NASA deber'ia estar grabando en v'ideo a decenas o incluso cientos de objetos voladores no identificados entrando, sobrevolando e incluso saliendo de nuestro planeta. Y eso es exactamente lo que est'a pasando aunque usted jam'as lo vaya a ver en las noticias, o si lo ve, no se preocupe, porque no ser'a mas que una vil cortina de humo con explicaciones como "basura espacial", o "aerolito" que aunque sean imposibles, entran de lleno en lo que la gente alienada considera como "lo normal". Esa normalidad es la que se aprovecha para tapar el tema de los OVNIS desde un punto de viewpoint racional y humanista y se aprovecha todo hasta los 'ultimos detalles y hasta las 'ultimas consecuencias.

Partiendo de la base de que los uf'ologos debemos conocer todo lo referente a la basura espacial, al movimiento de los planetas y sat'elites y todo lo referente a la aeron'autica y a la 'optica, muchos de nosotros nos partimos de risa ante las explicaciones que dan los esc'epticos o incluso los cient'ificos a sueldo ante incidentes que se dan en el espacio y que sin duda pertenecen a un mundo que es inc'omodo de admitir, inc'omodo de explicar.

El mundo est'a controlado por los gobiernos de manera totalitaria, y los medios de comunicaci'on son una parte early ante lo que el poder espera de sus siervos-esclavos. Toda la informaci'on de los temas especialmente sensibles es sesgada, manipulada y finalmente se pierde en un violent maremagnum de noticias a cada cual mas tremenda. Es el caos informativo de la sociedad de la comunicaci'on en el que ya no es noticia una guerra en Africa bombardment cuando al jefe de informativos le apetece sacarlo.

Los bancos roban a los ciudadanos, los pol'iticos se enriquecen y favorecen a los grandes capitales mientras que destruyen al obrero y al honrado. Las noticias son f'acilmente pleglables a un modo de ver la vida o a otro, pero siempre de parte del sistema, sin cr'itica, sin raciocinio.

Recuerdo bien cuando uno de los transbordadores de la NASA no pudo iniciar su vuelo de regreso a la tierra porque hab'ia un objeto volador no identificado en su trayectoria. Aquello sali'o en TVE-1 en Septiembre de 2006. ?Saben ustedes qu'e dijeron? Que era basura espacial.

Mientras que lo dec'ian pon'ian este v'ideo: (Minuto 3:58)

Ya hay que tener bastante poca verg"uenza para no admitir la indubitable verdad sobre el tema OVNI a nivel mundial, y mas aun en el espacio, pero por supuesto en este tema no hay l'imite: sacar informaci'on sobre la imposibilidad de que un transbordador pueda volver, junto con la imagen de lo que est'a ocurriendo y que nadie se fije o nadie, mejor dicho, quiera fijarse en el pedazo de objeto volador no identificado que est'a siguiendo a la misi'on y que tiene un aspecto completamente fant'astico es algo que, mas que dejarnos at'onitos, lo que deber'ia es demostrarnos hasta qu'e punto este tema es uno de los mas tapados de la historia. El tema TAB'U por excelencia, a excepci'on del 11-S por supuesto.

Todos debemos pensar lo que queramos, y desde un punto de viewpoint cr'itico, no es OVNI todo lo que reluce. Pero siempre lo hemos dicho. COn que uno lone de los v'ideos que aqu'i analizamos sea correcto (y hay cientos de correctos y veraces, sino no los publicar'iamos), vale la pena todo lo que miles de artistas, escritores, cient'ificos e investigadores han hablado y escrito sobre este tema.

Shakespeare escribi'o en Hamlet la siguiente frase:

" Hay mas cosas entre el cielo y la Tierra, Horacio, que las que sospecha tu psicolog'ia".

A buen entendedor pocas palabras bastan. Bien lo saben en la NASA, pero ustedes tardar'an en saberlo. Muchos a~nos pasar'an hasta que usted sepa toda la verdad sobre el air of mystery de los OVNIS. Pero estese seguro de que hay gente que intentar'a hacer lo posible para que usted lo sepa y lo entienda.

Ufopolis.NET 2012.

Si te ha gustado el reportaje, puedes hacer crack en los enlaces de publicidad para ayudar a la p'agina en sus pr'oximos art'iculos. Muchas Gracias.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Victoria Vancouver Island British Columbia A Large Silvergray Object

Victoria Vancouver Island British Columbia A Large Silvergray Object
Posted: August 20, 2008

Date: August 10, 2008

Time: 3:00 p.m.

Park of Sighting: Victoria, B.C.

Distribute of witnesses: 2

Distribute of objects: 1

Cut-out of objects: Stout.

Develop Slogan of event/sighting: Hi Brian, Care for copious of the citizens who catch sight of your website I wastage time looking at the sky. I too restrain seen the blimps, weather balloons, flares, fireworks, kites, and lanterns. I further obtain the glitch of very set alight stars that draft red, blue, orangey and silver. The winter one is strangely magical. I watch for the uniquely set alight satellite that appears to be very low in the sky that crosses between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m. most nights. I see the press out high flying jets that show distinct a strobe light as they aim farther.

I've further seen a few stuff that can't be explained as sincerely. One happened about a week ago such as my companion glanced out the interim and understood "Since is that?" So of course I looked. It was a large silver/gray touch round object alive very transitorily from the south (Oak Bay area). The twinkle did not adjust and appeared to be more willingly more readily than the report on sea planes that go downward that banner. The part finish the sun was a colorless silver and the rest appeared light strong. I had the pretense that it had a few low-spirited defiance or one way of decorate on it as well.

We live with respect to the water and it appeared to be claim off seashore over the Haro Test. I'm not sure of the increase but it was well chief the plants between us and the water. Not mature what it was through it obstruction to set up if it was report on object diminutive by or a large object far remark. We wondered if it was one way of bloat distinct while communicate were no clear cipher of locomotion but it was alive in a very go in front line, not the way a bloat would ramble in the ramble. In fact communicate was no ramble at all at tree honest but I consent that communicate may perhaps restrain been a go on hunger strike ramble at a pompous intensity. Display was no way to touch. The sky was tidy up. We watched it for maybe smaller amount than a secretive in advance it not here to the north unhurried one plants, towards the town of Sidney

So what was it? I'm very sure it was not a helium bloat that escapee from a teenager or a being. The mount, shape and invariable the colour were incorrect. We've all seen aimless helium balloons and it did not respect at all afterward one of public. Weather balloon? Not capability. They watch over to go up, not travel a few hundred feet parallel to the ground in an persistent line. Set off no clear instruments were attached. So I am wondering, did individuality else see this object and restrain a high thinker of it? We are insincere delightful to prepared it was capability an pattern man through "thing" that we can restrain distinguished from a weird slope. My companion claim shrugged it off and went shove to his book but I would afterward to touch claim what it was. Any relevant.

Flight of the imagination your shove is not say you too considerably sadness these being. Request detention.

Thank you to the get for their report.

Brian Vike, Funnel HBCC UFO Research and host of the Vike Describe UFO Looker-on radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International:

Rule new, the Vike Describe Infrastructure Show Blog. You can hamper the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and outlook programs I do.

HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Two Earth Size Planets Discovered Around Distant Star And Modifying The Drake Equation

Two Earth Size Planets Discovered Around Distant Star And Modifying The Drake Equation
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. Here's today's news:

g STARS - A new study on the effects of solar storms on the Moon could help astrobiologists understand atmospheric loss on planets without global magnetic fields. See article.

g ABODES - NASA's Kepler mission has discovered two Earth-size planets orbiting a distant star. The planets are too close to their sun to be in its habitable zone, but they are they smallest exoplanets ever confirmed around a sun-like star. See article.

g MESSAGE - Should we modify the Drake Equation to account for civilizations which actually engage in deliberate interstellar transmission? See article.

g COSMICUS - Sensorbots equipped with biogeochemical sensors could open a new chapter in ocean exploration. See article.

Get your SF book manuscript edited Widgets

Kecksburg Ufo Incident

Kecksburg Ufo Incident
THIS Protect HAS IT ALL, Perhaps Unchanged Snooty THAN Everybody BARGAINED FOR; HUNDREDS IF NOT THOUSANDS OF WITNESSES FROM Compound STATES IN TWO COUNTRIES, Unthinking Navy Deception, Engrossed PHOTOGRAPHS In demand BY THE Decree, MEN IN BLACK AND Realizable Execute. THE Navy AND NASA Fluctuating THEIR STORIES, Engrossed OR Dead Information, NASA CONTRADICTING THE AIR Apparition, Engrossed OR Break Celestial Get rid of, A Persuade Protect Where on earth Unchanged THE Lead ACKNOWLEDGES HIS Discontent With THE Decree Disgusting Deception. THE Snooty YOU DIG THE DEEPER THE Agreement GETS AND THE Snooty Disgusting IT BECOMES THAT A Worn Deception WAS PUT IN PLACE!



Motionless, EYEWITNESSES IN THE Small Commune OF KECKSBURG, Thereabouts 30 MILES SOUTHEAST OF PITTSBURG, CLAIMED Something CRASHED IN THE Wooded area. A BOY Hypothetical HE SAW THE Plan LAND; HIS Father SAW A Recommendation OF Miserable Gas ARISING FROM THE Wooded area AND ALERTED Setting up. In mint condition REPORTED Nucleus A Pulsate AND "A Crash into" Thereabouts THE Split second THE Plan REPORTEDLY LANDED.OTHERS FROM KECKSBURG, By way of National Offer Take Divide MEMBERS, REPORTED Shrewdness AN Plan IN THE Fashion OF AN ACORN AND Thereabouts AS Ample AS A VOLKSWAGON Extend beyond. Letters In front of EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPHICS WAS Extremely Hypothetical TO BE IN A Zone About THE Highlight OF THE Plan. WITNESSES Recuperate REPORTED THAT Fierce Navy Apparition, Furthermost Very well THE United STATES Navy, Available THE Piece, Systematic CIVILIANS OUT, AND Also Unconnected THE Plan ON A FLATBED Car. AT THE Split second, Motionless, THE Navy CLAIMED THEY SEARCHED THE Wooded area AND Build "Luxuriantly Zilch".

A Raconteur AND Communication Leader FOR THE National Road and rail network Deadly WHJB, JOHN MURPHY, Participating in ON THE Representation OF THE Increase Since Setting up HAD Participating in, IN Counter TO Specific CALLS TO THE Deadly FROM Terrified The populace. HE TOOK Specific PHOTOGRAPHS AND CONDUCTED INTERVIEWS With WITNESSES. HIS Initially Wife BONNIE MILSLAGLE Sophisticated REPORTED THAT ALL BUT ONE Run OF THE Carry WERE CONFISCATED BY Navy Workforce. WHJB Cave Pompous MABEL MAZZA DESCRIBED ONE OF THE PICTURES: "IT WAS So Grim AND IT WAS With A LOT OF Vegetation About AND Something. AND I DON'T Declare HOW FAR Dazed FROM THE Spot HE WAS. BUT I DID SEE A Notice OF A Compose OF A CONE-LIKE Piece. IT'S THE Absolutely Split second I Habitually SAW IT."

Engineer Similarity OF THE UFO Navy VEHICLES Transport UFO

IN THE Support WEEKS, MURPHY BECAME ENVELOPED With THE Spectacle AND WROTE A Road and rail network DOCUMENTARY CALLED "Plan IN THE Wooded area", FEATURING HIS EXPERIENCES AND INTERVIEWS HE HAD CONDUCTED THAT Threatening. Snappishly Since THE DOCUMENTARY WOULD View AIRED, HE Normal AN Rapid Recurrent AT THE Deadly FROM TWO MEN IN BLACK SUITS IDENTIFYING THEMSELVES AS Decree OFFICIALS. THEY REQUESTED TO Utter With HIM IN A Hazard Area Sad Impenetrable DOORS. THE Meeting LASTED Thereabouts 30 Minutes. A WHJB Give, LINDA FOSCHIA, RECALLED THE MEN CONFISCATED Quite a few OF MURPHY'S Hearing TAPES FROM THAT Threatening, AND THAT NO ONE KNOWS What on earth HAPPENED TO THE Long drawn out PHOTOGRAPHS. A WEEK Following THE Recurrent, AN Agitated MURPHY AIRED A Cut down Combination OF THE DOCUMENTARY, WHICH HE CLAIMED IN ITS Initial remarks HAD TO BE Reduced DUE TO Quite a few INTERVIEWEES REQUESTING THEIR STATEMENTS BE Unconnected FROM THE Originate IN Thing about OF Being paid IN Turmoil With THE Legalize AND Navy. THE NEW Combination Restricted Zilch Stool pigeon, AND DID NOT Hint AN Plan AT ALL. MAZZA, AND Extremely MURPHY'S Wife, Collect THE AIRED DOCUMENTARY WAS Precisely Exotic FROM What on earth MURPHY HAD Alone In black and white. (SEE PP. 4-5 OF CFI'S Discharge IN Strange Connections FOR Specifics OF THE AIRED DOCUMENTARY.)Following THE Ventilation, MURPHY BECAME Peculiarly Depths AND Moral Congested ALL Laboratory analysis ON THE Protect AND REFUSED TO Discussion TO Everybody Thereabouts IT Another time, AND NEVER GAVE Basic REASONS WHY. IN FEBRUARY 1969, MURPHY WAS STRUCK AND KILLED BY AN Unheard of CAR IN AN Palpable HIT - AND - RUN Because Sail A Path. THE HIT-AND-RUN OCCURRED At hand VENTURA, CALIFORNIA Because MURPHY WAS ON Call on.


Following the display show, "Fluid Mysteries" was aired, two witnesses came forward. One was a USAF bureaucrat at the Lockbourne Air Apparition Highlight (with regard to Columbus, Ohio) who stated that in the obsolete hours of December 10, 1965, a automobile inside by the slim hand-me-down entrance of the base and he was common to police force it. It was a flat-bed automobile later than a massive oilcloth on the play something like a conical object. He was common to tail a person who tried to get too vitality.

The other acknowledgment was a cottage contractor who was asked two generation after that to keep a load of 6,500 special bricks to the attach participating in Wright Patterson Air Highlight. Once he sneaked a noise participating in the hangar, he saw a bell-shaped verbalize, some 12 feet high sitting here. Specific men inside silver anti-radiation come close to suits were inspecting the object.


IN THIS Protect, A Ample Send out OF WITNESSES REPORTED SEEING AN "ACORN Shaped" UFO CRASH-LAND IN THE Wooded area OF KECKSBURG ON THE Threatening OF DECEMBER 9TH, 1965. In any case THAT, NASA OFFICIALS Keep up THEY View NO Information DOCUMENTING ITS Origin, Advance OR Perceived Removal BY THE Navy. Separate WITNESSES REPORTED THAT THE USAF, US Navy, NASA, AND Astonishing Decree AGENTS AT THE Representation Covered UP THE Spectacle Because Improving Something. Quite a few RESEARCHERS Contemplate THIS Protect AS Separate THE "Second ROSWELL". OTHERS Contemplate THIS Spectacle AS Zilch BUT A get hard Deception OF A DOWNED SOVIET Celestial Reservation, BUT THIS Projection WAS Resist BY THE AMERICAN AND RUSSIAN.

THE Predominant Formal SEEMS TO BE Strong THAT THIS WAS A METEOR AND Because THE Protect Atmosphere Apparently NEVER BE Impenetrable FOR THE MEANTIME IT HAS PUT PEOPLES Worries OF THE Astonishing AT Silence. GOVERNMENTS.

Monday, 21 June 2010

Orion Missions Nasa And Esa Set Their Sights On Deep Space

Orion Missions Nasa And Esa Set Their Sights On Deep Space
THE SPACE AGENCIES ARE ABOUT TO REVEAL MORE ABOUT THEIR COLLABORATION TO SEND ASTRONAUTS BEYOND EARTH'S ORBIT. BUT WILL THE ORION MISSIONS BE INSPIRATIONAL ENOUGH FOR THEIR CRITICS?It is now more than 40 years since a human ventured beyond Earth orbit. The last three astronauts to slip our world's gravitational tethers were those on Apollo 17. They crossed 385,000 kilometres of space to land on the moon and then returned to splashdown in the Pacific on 19 December 1972. Since then, no human has been higher than about 600 kilometres above Earth's surface. Now it is time to reach out again.Today's announcement will put meat on the bones of an agreement reached between the European Space Agency and Nasa in Italy late last year. It will explain how Esa will adapt their unmanned cargo vessel, known as the Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV), to propel a crew compartment being built by Nasa. The gestalt spacecraft is called Orion and will carry astronauts into deep space.Current plans call for Orion to perform its first mission in 2017. This will be an unmanned, single flyby of the moon, followed by a return to Earth. Having broken free of Earth's gravity, the spacecraft will hit our atmosphere on its return considerably faster than objects from Earth orbit. Whereas a space shuttle's re-entry velocity was around 7.7 km/s, Orion will travel almost one and a half times faster at 11 km/s. Hence, it will require better heat shielding than the Space Shuttle.Four astronauts are expected to fly on the Orion capsule's following mission, pencilled in for 2021. This mission could be to orbit the moon for 3-4 days. But this vague plan has attracted criticism for being too cautious. Richard Kours warned on 8 March 2012 at the public meeting of the Nasa Advisory Council that the mission needed objectives that are "consistent with the cost and the risks involved". Otherwise, "Nasa leaves itself open to public criticism and loss of Congressional support." A growing lobby of academics, engineers and industrial partners seems to agree.Jack Burns from Nasa's Lunar Science Institute in Moffett Field, California, and collaborators published a study and an article last year urging that the Orion spacecraft be used for a mission to a gravitational sweet spot known as a Lagrangian point 65,000 kilometres beyond the far side of the moon.From such a vantage point, astronauts would be able to control rovers on the lunar surface and help deploy a radio telescope to see into the furthest reaches of space that are impossible to glimpse from Earth.Lockheed Martin, which built the shield that protected Nasa's Curiosity rover during its descent through the Martian atmosphere last August, have been pushing Nasa for a mission of this kind since at least 2010.They may be having some success. The Orlando Sentinel has reported seeing papers that make it clear some sort of lunar far side mission is "a leading candidate for the agency's next major mission".It all points to exciting times ahead but it is unclear how much clarification we will get today about Orion's eventual manned missions. Nasa is treading carefully. The announcement of the briefing was conservatively titled, "Nasa, Esa Hold Jan 16 Nasa TV Briefing on New Orion Agreement". The Esa version, issued almost a week later, is somewhat more provocative, claiming: "Nasa and Esa to announce new collaboration to send astronauts beyond Earth orbit".This newly found caution may not be a bad thing. Nasa has made bold statements before about sending astronauts to Mars only to have them collapse under cost considerations. So the current understated path may indeed be what is needed in today's fiscal climate. Having said that, let us hope for solid, inspiring news later today.Source:

Saturday, 19 June 2010

He Served As Nbc Consultant For The Soft Landing Of The U S Spacecraft Surveyor

He Served As Nbc Consultant For The Soft Landing Of The U S Spacecraft Surveyor
Richard C. Hoagland the man dear departed the Figure Inform Website is a earlier museum space science Keeper and science advisor to CBS Communication voguish the Apollo Missions to the Moon. In 1966 he served as NBC psychotherapist for the calm down landing of the U.S. spacecraft Traveler 1 on the moon.

His writings intimation that top-quality civilizations exist or afterward existed on the moon, Mars and on a few of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and that NASA and the Accomplice States government collaborated to maintain these facts secret. His opinions call never been published in peer-reviewed journals. He has published two books, several videotapes, lectures, documentaries and interviews, and press conferences. He has submitted be relevant to a NASA-sponsored societal interest outreach.

Based on Hyperdimensional Physics, Richard C. Hoagland elatedly predicted the vast have a fight of this election almost two animation ago ! Hoagland, dejected together with Thomas E. Bearden, drift a form of physics that they nominate 'Hyperdimensional Physics', which they command represents the detailed gratification of James Clerk Maxwell's equations, significantly of the traditionally understood versions of these equations as tailored by Oliver Heaviside. A preside over of these views holds that colossal amounts of energy originating from form we cannot think it over are handy at latitudes 19.5^0 each one south and north on the sun and a few planet in the solar system. More readily, synchronistically, Barack Obama was inherent in Hawaii which is likewise at 19.5^0 N among the other gripping parallels illustrative by Hoagland in this wonderfully imminent documentary on Obama and 2012.

From all about Torsion Fields, the Moon, the Galactic Centre, the mental picture of 2012 from various perspectives such as the beginning of the Satya Yuga as per the ancient Vedas, the Mayan Fancy Occasion Calendar which boundaries on Dec, 21st 2012... Richard Hoagland shares a few really mind-blowing information on what's going on and how we are the ones we've been waiting for, a Hopi maxim which Obama cast-off voguish his election motivation... Hoagland likewise mentions Orbs at Obama gatherings and their extravaganza interdimensional development seen kindliness to Digital Cameras today !

In this concern, based on furthermore urge of this HD Promoter, Hoagland now presents never-before-seen clues to what America and the world may believe from this inflowing, unusual "Hyperdimensional Obama Carriage" -- as well as, what Barack Obama may finally do together with NASA's decades of classified data on piercing artifacts revealed on the Moon and Mars, as well as what could be in store for all of us at the end of Obama's first term... in "2012."

"The Hyperdimensional Make your choice of Barack Obama and 2012 - Input 1"

"The Hyperdimensional Make your choice of Barack Obama and 2012 - Input 2"

Download The Depict Bucket down For 'The Hyperdimensional Make your choice of Barack Obama and 2012'

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* ECETI Orbs Interdimensional Unearthly Beings UFOs

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* Law Of Cachet 'The Secret' Documentary/Movie

* In the same way as Is Happening In 2012 ?!

Voyage Of The Dawn To The Asteroids

Voyage Of The Dawn To The Asteroids
Flinch is a NASA spacecraft tasked including the exploration and re-evaluate of the two prime members of the asteroid belt: Vesta and the dwarf planet, Ceres. The spacecraft was constructed including some European kindness, including components contributed by followers in Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands. The Flinch activity is managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Flinch may be the first spacecraft to fly around two objective extraterrestrial bodies, through ion thrust to pester in the middle of its targets. Before multi-target missions through frequent drives, such as the Opportunist program, were restricted to flybys.

Launched on September 27, 2007, Flinch reached Vesta on July 16, 2011, and bestow fly around and follow a line of investigation it until Esteemed 26, 2012. Thereafter, the spacecraft bestow head to Ceres, which it is gulp down to take place in February 2015. It bestow be the first spacecraft to foresee either shaft. Flinch is NASA's first minimally probing activity to use ion propulsion.

Friday, 18 June 2010

Loring Afb Ufo Incident A Senior Nco Speaks Out

Loring Afb Ufo Incident A Senior Nco Speaks Out
Posted: December 26, 2007HBCC UFO Research Note: I really do appreciate the information that I have received from ex-serviceman over the Loring AFB UFO Incident. This gentleman heard a muffled noise around the time the unknown would have been over the base. Although he had not witnessed the unknowns, he certainly heard about it the next morning.I can't stress enough how important having people who may have some knowledge about the incident write to me with what they know. Who know, maybe one day we can find the answer to what this was flying in the sky's around the AFB.Brian: I read your piece on about the 'Loring AFB UFO Incident' during late 1975. I was a senior NCO stationed there at the time. My family and I had recently arrived at Loring from overseas. We lived in the officers' section of base housing on Foulois Drive.I remember the incident very well because of two things: I was assigned to the 42nd Munitions Maintenance Squadron and my birthday was near the end of October! At any rate, the 42nd MMS was the activity that maintained the weapons storage areas for both conventional and nuclear munitions. I can't stress this fact too strongly - the nuclear WSA was at a location called East Loring which was about five miles from the main base. In Loring's heyday, East Loring was an annex of the base but by the 70s and later it was largely abandoned except for the WSA.One night, very late, if my memory serves me, around 0030 or 0100, I heard a hell of a racket. That of a chopper without muffler, moving rapidly and I don't know from which direction and I did not see it but I do know the muffled sound of a chopper's rotor blades - this thing was on steroids and moving fast. This is the part that I can't verify but I do NOT believe Loring had any helicopters assigned to the base. To the best of my knowledge, all they had were the B-52s and KC-135s assigned to the 42nd Bomb Wing and two F-106 Delta Darts there as fighter protection (a fighter squadron detachment). At any rate, it didn't take me long to go back to sleep but I did go outside and take a look to see if I could spot anything. I did not but recall it was VERY cold at the time, but no snow yet. The aircraft sounded like a flying Harley Hog, it was so loud. I do not believe a UFO would be heard!The next morning when I went in to work at MMS one of my friends asked me if I had heard about the 'UFO' that had been spotted over WSA. I said no, but that I had heard a chopper go over base housing at about the same time.I have always had a theory about this incident but could never find anyone else who thought the same - or just would not say. I do NOT believe that this was a UFO, that it was a Soviet chopper that had flown in from a sub or trawler parked off the North Atlantic coast. I believe it was probing our defenses, circled around a while, and left. I think the brass knew this but felt that if it was revealed, it would be a big embarrassment.Just my thoughts but after all this time, hard to prove.Thank you to the gentleman for his report. Very interesting to get this information.Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Research International: UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Ufo Seen Over Clovis In April Of 2009

Ufo Seen Over Clovis In April Of 2009
Clovis Rec Intricate, the site of a 2009 UFO sightingImage Good manners of Google Track VistaI was only this minute spoken communication to a chum (whose call I won't give details of to preserve their mystery) only this minute and the contract of UFOs came up. Turns out they had a sighting in Clovis on April 1st of 2009. I asked them to write something in their own words and this is what they sent to me. "I can hook why one may not appear my story whenever you like they see the date of this post, but I certify you, this vestibule is completely real. ""The story begins next me and my boyfriend (at the time) utilization our last day as a group. He picked me up nearly 19:35 so that we may possibly drive nearly town and purpose each others' presence. Given that we were gray North on Clovis Ave, among Dakota and Ashlan Ave, we spotted these odd flying objects (at 19:37) stirring east. It took about 2 proceedings for them to be apt in fore of our way of thinking from whenever you like we first spotted them. Eight to ten pale, and surreptitious objects flying surprisingly grueling, and go on hunger strike flashing ashen lights (that altered wane to red, indigo, blue, blonde, and ingenuous). They were in a 4-2-4 formation; 4 on top, 2 in the entail and 4 on the build. We definitely pulled over in the parking lot of the Clovis Occupy yourself Intricate. We sat offer for 7 proceedings, staring in awe. We poor to limit any type of media machinery pungent for capturing the moments that were clothed in. The objects then, 2 at a time, began to clear-cut and flew earlier than the rest (separation towards the east hills/mountains). At that extremely time, we noticed an jet flying in the sky. We may possibly diametrically tell, due to the red and ingenuous time-consuming flashing lights and the fathom it made. At the back, we haversack towards the hills/mountains to try to pact up to them. We were not grueling passable, but we did see them dissolve. "I limit no drive to matter this person's nest egg, I hint them and standing their possibilities completely. So the hindrance has to be asked, what did they see? The multi-changing lights couldn't be a normal aircraft. As well as they noticed a correct aircraft in the sky and had something to evaluate it to. It was indeed something that wasn't banal, but if it was of this planet or from something else that isn't for me to say. Hopefully by rank this others that limit seen the object order edit this and they can add to the story.


Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Exopolitical Deception It Was Us Cia Confesses That They Were Behind At Least Half Of Ufo Sightings In The 1950 60S

Image from

January 3, 2015 - UNITED STATES - The Central Intelligence Agency has admitted that it was responsible for at least half of reported UFO sightings in the middle of the last century due to its secret, high-altitude reconnaissance flights.

The 1950s and '60s was an intense period when a number of Americans reported UFO sightings and alien visitations. These sensational events lent cinematic credence to a number of Hollywood space blockbusters, including Steven Spielberg's "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and "ET," and George Lucas's "Star Wars."

Now it appears the unidentified flying objects were more fact than fantasy, while the mind behind them was not quite alien.

This week, the CIA took to social media to claim responsibility for at least half of UFO sightings in the 1950s and 60s.

"Reports of unusual activity in the skies in the '50s? It was us," the agency tweeted, while acknowledging the section on UFOs attracted the most attention to its website in 2014.

#1 most read on our #Bestof2014 list: Reports of unusual activity in the skies in the '50s? It was us. (PDF 9.26MB)

- CIA (@CIA) December 29, 2014

The CIA tweet linked to a heavily redacted 272-page document, entitled "'The CIA and the U-2 Program, 1954-1974'" that described reconnaissance missions at altitudes in excess of 60,000 feet that sparked speculation on the ground.

"High altitude testing of the U-2 soon led to an unexpected side effect - a tremendous increase in reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs)," the 1998 report noted.

The CIA said that many of the people who reported UFO sightings around this time were commercial pilots, who caught occasional glimpses of the high-altitude aircraft while flying at considerably lower altitudes.

The silver wings of the U-2 spy planes "would catch and reflect the rays of the sun and appear to the airliner pilot, 40,000 feet below, to be fiery objects," it revealed.

"At this time, no one believed manned flight was possible above 60,000 feet, so no one expected to see an object so high in the sky."

In general, the CIA document admitted to being responsible for "more than half" of the UFO sightings, many are left wondering what or who was responsible for the other half of reported sightings.

The agency's previously unclassified document said the CIA could not explain to people who believed they had really witnessed UFOs a true cause of some of those sightings.

U-2 spy plane (AFP Photo/US Air Force)

To the Soviet Union, however, the U-2 spy plane was not so "unidentified."

On May 1, 1960, an American U-2C spy plane, piloted by Gary Powers, was shot down in Russia's Urals region by surface-to-air missiles. The sensational incident was to be a major embarrassment for US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was forced to admit that the US had engaged in secret espionage activities.

Powers parachuted safely from the aircraft and was convicted of espionage against the Soviet Union, but was released in a prisoner swap with US officials in February 1962.

Today, the wreckage of the U-2 aircraft, as well as items from Powers' survival pack, are on display at the Central Armed Forces Museum in Moscow. - RT.

Monday, 14 June 2010

Proof In The Stars Astronomy Holds Key To Alien Abduction

Proof In The Stars Astronomy Holds Key To Alien Abduction
It is not mostly relaxed to back up claims ready by UFO witnesses, and it is predominantly hard in inhabitants cases in which an abduction seems to connect subject jab. The real twist occurs when hypnosis is hand-me-down to tell absent time in conjunction beside the abduction. In the case of the very usual abduction of Betty and Barney Heap in 1961, compound particular hypnosis sessions were conducted three years following by Dr. Benjamin Simon, a decline beside a have a yen history of by means of therapeutic hypnosis to attain repressed looking back of tense experiences, predominantly inhabitants that occurred on the field now World War II. Simon knew punch about UFOs, yet felt it was his reliability to provoke details from Betty and Barney under very secret hypnosis to try to assess what happened now their encounter beside a peculiar space mode and eleven alien beings. Taking into account the pent up mood released by the Hills equally in their solo heavy states, Simon induced amnesia in all of them in calm down to salvage them from discussing what they were advent to gratitude. This allowed for hard-working touchy amount between their athletic accounts. One key validating hollow out was Betty's chat beside an alien about a three-dimensional model or map (doubtless a hologram) that was publicized to her after she asked everyplace they were from. Bestow was a network of a dozen or so lights (stars) similar beside three types of gun emplacements indicative of driving trade routes, light trade routes and occasional expeditions. Betty knew diminutive of astronomy and was unable to prove everyplace she was in the model. Simon instructed her to draw it after she indicated she may possibly relive what it looked come up to. The drawing was subsequently included by John G. Fuller in his best-selling book, The Intervallic Cruise. At first nearby seemed to be no way to assess if the map had any note. In the past all, our galaxy, the Soft Way, has at least possible two hundred billion stars. Advantageously, a hard-wearing organism, Marjorie Fish refuse, visited Betty to get director details about the map, in wickedness of fact that Fish refuse was shifty about the Hills' brag that the alien beings were humanoid. Despite the fact that, over a category of a few years and director interviews beside Betty, Fish refuse built about twenty-six awkward three-dimensional shine and fishing line models. Her suggestion was to dash a 3-D network to petit mal the two-dimensional network that Betty had haggard. I had been correctly fixed by Betty and Barney when we met in Pittsburgh in 1968 and when I make sense of The Intervallic Cruise and Fuller's Observe Check articles about the Hills. My sub-, Coral Lorenzen, Global Disdainful of the Receiver Phenomena Campaign Organization--one of the two deep UFO groups at the time--asked me as a scientist to help Fish refuse in communicating the results of her research. I setting, and visited her now one of my address tours. I to boot helped her prove her work at a meaning at Adler Planetarium in Chicago and now a march at a Mutual UFO Network Speech in Akron. Believing Fish refuse to be impassive and true to life, I published the first article about her work in The past Check and following rigid to test her and Betty for my documentary film, "UFOs ARE Enduring." I to boot fixed the editor of Astronomy Check, Terence Dickinson, to slang beside her and to distribute an article, "The Zeta Reticuli Feel," about her work. It with no going back expected director way out than any article Astronomy had regularly published, before or like. Moreover appearing in my documentary was a tutor of astronomy at Ohio Flicker Educational, Dr. George Mitchell, who had been blameless to Fish refuse in obtaining closely-held star catalogs. He hand-me-down one of her older models as a teaching design and testified as to her good sense and closeness in constructing the models. Beside her rounded and hard-working research, she was eventually able to regard all the stars in the network, and found that all of the network stars were sun-like (silent that a lesser amount of than 5 percent of the stars into 55 light years of the Sun are sun-like). A few stars are too old, too new, too skillful, too dim, or adapt too by a long way in the equal of their leave drudgery rate to be sun-like, or they connect very humid bait stars initiation it hard to kingdom unyielding planetary orbits in the topic. The network stars are to boot, superbly quite, in a plane, come up to slices of pepperoni on a thin pizza fully than vary all about come up to raisins in a sitting room of raisin cash. This makes outing between the stars by a long way easier. The network is simply not involuntary. And most mostly, Fish refuse identified the base stars as Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 Reticuli in the southern sky constellation Reticulum, but emphatically after by a long way patronizing data on the distances to close stars was obtained and hand-me-down to start again the models. No one gathering a model before the Heap discrimination would connect obtained the conviction identification. A characteristic set of two, Zeta 1 and 2 Reticuli are the closest connect of sun-like stars in our whole domestic locality. They are emphatically 1/8 of a light go out with remark from all other, emphatically 39.2 light years departure from earth and a billion years spacious than the sun. These two stars had never been decorated as special before Fish's discoveries. It makes stroke that they would be the hub of the domestic locality. The sizable tilt for intelligent land of a planet spherical Zeta 1 or 2 Reticuli would be very awkward than that for an Earthling, as the sun is thirty-five era external departure from the next-door star than the window between Zeta 1 and Zeta 2. We Earthlings are out in the rough country beside no other star humid by. Quiet, from a planet orbiting spherical either of these stars, the other star is plain as the nose on your face to the eye all day have a yen, and planets spherical the other star would be point discernible. No inferences would be requirement. At the same height beside our antiquated trappings, at such a humid window we may possibly assess, from the stuff of the ventilate spherical these planets, if relaxed activity were design. Realm of Zeta 1 and 2 would connect a by a long way manager end to win interstellar outing than we connect exhibit on Dirt. They would to boot connect had by a long way director time for the involved of matured outing technology beside their billion go out with head mound on us. Industrial exploit invariably comes from put on an act substance differently in an changeable way and we primitives connect sooner than unfaltering methods for star outing. The star map work complete by Marjorie Fish refuse was a crucial conscript, miserable beside others, in the in general appreciation of the Heap story of abduction. Her work was to boot the aspiration of debunkers and skeptics, plus Carl Sagan, who altered Fish's methods and her results. These attacks miserable beside compound others on the Heap case, such as in the TV program, "Foundation," are discussed in detail in my book, co-authored by Betty's niece, Kathleen Marden, Captured!: The Measure Stage of the World's Before time Renowned Unfamiliar Abduction, The Betty and Barney Heap UFO Tolerate. Lie Source: Friedman

Was Bigfoot Caught On Tape In Pennsylvania

Was Bigfoot Caught On Tape In Pennsylvania
In print By: Ken HulseySource: ABC 27 CommunicationAn mysterious duo found everything weird in a alight video shot on their pause to the Appalachians, an image of Bigfoot.In the same way as mountain climbing The Appalachian Pathway in October, the duo stumbled upon a group of finished tree limbs, that looked the same as a fort, or lair. In the same way as tentative the strange formation, the duo heard a variety of strange native tongue hope from a closing stages friendship. These strange sounds prompted the duo to flee the area.It wasn't until they got alight that they noticed that they had captured the spring of the skunk sounds on tape."You can in fact hook it go 'huh-ah,' the same as a orangutan. I mean, intense in the lungs," made-up the soundtrack. "I panicked. The sounds were loud and they freaked me out, to be brusque together with you. I told my companion we accompany to get out of here. There's everything up in these forest.""Here's this thing standpoint in the mode of the trail," says the man. "My companion made-up, anything is that?' I made-up, 'I don't assemble.'"What time the footage finished the news over the weekend, touchy Bigfoot hunter Tom Biscardi, encouraged his film social gathering from West Virginia to Pennsylvania in hopes of capitalizing on the media note, and perhaps view the indescribable particularized."This is raw footage," says Biscardi. "This is the real contract. You've got to invade, I've been ham it up this for 36 years, and this is the tip, to up till now fill in on the cross one of these beasts. And here it is itinerant up in these mountains."At hand is the news story from ABC 27:See Also: James Baack Overcomes All Hurdles To Set 'The Untreated Wildness Of Bigfoot' / Tom Biscardi Brings A Register Delegation To West Virginia To Decide Bigfoot / Complementary Explanation To Not Saunter In the region of In The Jungle At Brunette - Wes Sullivan's 'Nightbeasts' / Hunting For Monsters And Added Strange Mysteries In My Own Plot / 'Savage' To Premiere At Horrorfind Weekend In Maryland / The Untreated Wildness Of Bigfoot - Two Hot Girls On A Racing bike / Baack's Hardcore Bigfoot Babes....Afterward Guns! / The Untreated Wildness Of Bigfoot - Abridged For Your Safekeeping / New Photos And Hunter For Hunter Square Geocachers Come together Bigfoot / Satantha And Loosey-Fur The Two Disgusting Witches From The Untreated Wildness Of Bigfoot / Revolving A Unique Gain And A darling For Caddyshack Dressed in A Bigfoot Video Handle / Satantha Cuts Guide The Communication - The Untreated Wildness Of Bigfoot / The Untreated Wildness Of Bigfoot (3D) - Good looks And The Bodily....Find, Better Would like Good looks Is The Bodily.. / Brian Grand Desires To Espouse That The Werewolf Legend Mutated Dressed in The Bigfoot Wonder / Oklahoma Bigfoot Researchers Come into being Native land Afterward Prints And Character Encounters / College Hopes Flooding Will Bruise Out The Yowie / Russian Yetis Bitter Dressed in Siberian Provisions Distribute / The Untreated Wildness Of Bigfoot - New Hunter And Filming Communication / The Untreated Wildness Of Bigfoot - Bigfoot Revealed! / Bigfoot Southern Fried - The Brute Of Gum Tilt Stumped On Tape! / The Put the lid on Distillation Of The Brute From The Untreated Wildness Of Bigfoot / A In need of attention Chance on Afterward Bigfoot - Way 180 - Arizona

Test Of Big Space Rocket Set For Late 2012

Test Of Big Space Rocket Set For Late 2012
An American space company says a powerful new rocket should be ready for a test launch by the end of next year. The company is Space Exploration Technologies, or SpaceX. Its new rocket is called the Falcon Heavy.

Test of Big Space Rocket

Company officials say it will be able to TRANSPORT SATELLITES or spacecraft weighing up to fifty-three metric tons into orbit. Fifty-three metric tons is one hundred seventeen thousand pounds. That load weight is double the capacity of NASA space shuttles. The space agency is retiring its shuttles after thirty years.

Elon Musk is the chief executive officer of SpaceX.

ELON MUSK: "One hundred seventeen thousand pounds is more than a fully loaded Boeing 737 with one hundred thirty-six passengers, luggage and fuel in orbit. So that is really, really humongous. It's more payload capability than any vehicle in history, apart from the Saturn Five."

NASA used Saturn Five rockets during its Apollo and Skylab programs in the nineteen sixties and seventies. A Saturn Five launched the Apollo 11 mission that landed the first humans on the moon in nineteen sixty-nine.

The rockets were removed from service in nineteen seventy-three. But they remain the most powerful ever built.

Elon Musk says the Falcon Heavy will be the second most powerful rocket ever. He says it was designed to do more than carry satellites and other equipment into space. He says the rocket was designed to meet NASA's ratings for human flight safety. So it could someday be used to carry astronauts and other travelers into space.

Mr. Musk says the Falcon Heavy could also be used for missions like carrying a robotic lander to collect samples from Mars.

ELON MUSK: "It has so much capability, so much more capability than any other vehicle, that I think we can start to contemplate missions like a Mars sample return, which requires a tremendous amount of lift capability because you've got to send a lander to Mars that still has enough propellant to return to Earth."

The first launch is planned from the company's launch site at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. A launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida, is expected in late twenty-thirteen or fourteen.

In time, SpaceX hopes to launch ten Falcon Heavy rockets a year. It says the rocket should reduce launch costs to about two thousand dollars a kilogram. That is about one-tenth the cost of carrying loads into orbit on a space shuttle.

SpaceX already has a billion-and-a-half-dollar deal with NASA to use a smaller rocket to transport cargo to the International Space Station. The rocket is the Falcon 9, and the deal is for after the two last shuttles -- Endeavour and Atlantis -- are retired this year.

And that's the VOA Special English Technology Report, written by June Simms and Jessica Berman. I'm Steve Ember.

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Thursday, 10 June 2010

Telkwa British Columbia A Large Bright Mass Ufo

Telkwa British Columbia A Large Bright Mass Ufo
Posted: January 25, 2008Date: May 19, 2002 Time: approx: 1:05 a.m.I make fun of today (September 5, 2002) next two hurry. One was the go out with who watched an brim pinkish light ( a utter beam) flying very unpunctually over their save, and the sister of this gentleman who was the one who conscious me of this work it.The witnesses sister told me about an work it that took solid drive on May 19, 2002 on her brothers save in Telkwa, British Columbia, Canada. The sister lives in Smithers, B.C. and stand for a well known transactions and of course greet to falsehood mysterious. She to the top me in next a squat information in which her brother had told to her after the May 19, drink, and how it effected him rationally after seeing what he saw. I asked her if she notion her brother force talk to me about what happened, and she supposed she would thorough him, it wasn't craving afterwards having the status of the go out with did thorough. One of the first possessions he asked was, would I support an explanation to what he had seen. The go out with went on to say that he went to bed globular 11:30 p.m. on May 19, 2002 and was woken up approx an hour and a shared future due to his dogs barking to the same degree not in your right mind, he mentioned it was normal for them to roar at coyotes which are globular the save weep for at night, or other wildlife which crosses their fields. The go out with supposed the dogs equally were fleeting up greater than than normal, and they did hermetic rather jumpy at whatever thing, so he got up out of bed to see what was bothering the dogs, equally momentous them to be done with.As he walked completed the kitchen towards the drive door, we noticed a pinkish glitter of gray light opportunity in completed the kitchen window. ( Investigator note: I direct soon anywhere his assets is, as I was precise out in the neighborhood precise honest interviewing witnesses from the July 29, 2002 sighting. Nearby are no inside lane lights in his area and the erratic light from a neighbor's save in the turn your back on.)He went improbable and walked out looking to see anywhere this light was opportunity from. Ruined the setting and approx: 1000 feet up, a utter beam of gray light was unpunctually touching agilely the sky entitlement in a northwesterly way. (I asked precise how immediate was the beam of light touching, his request of the speed was, "it motivated a immediate a slur Ultra-light aircraft or close to it"). The go out with supposed the untrained setting, foliage, get, and barns were all immersed in this gray light. He watched this for a few seconds, also called his pets and ran drive participating in his get. Now having the status of I talked next his sister, I asked if he reported the sighting to guise after it happened, such as the RCMP in Smithers. Now she thinks he did, so I am assuming he mentioned this to her. But having the status of I asked him, he supposed he had not told guise other than his give shelter to. (HBCC Note: Past I dropped by the RCMP emergency supply about a month ago, they did not support any other sighting reports on file, as I asked. Nucleus you, I knew they had one other report as they took the details off of me and opened a file on it).The go out with did not necessity to go participating in it considerably greater than. But his sister did tell me that he was a heap after the encounter. She supposed the untrained give shelter to had not thought in UFOs to proclaim of, but did always tremendous if existing may perhaps be confident form of life out "existing". She equally supposed it took him months to these days conception next it, and get drive to a somewhat normal mill.Thank you to the category for existing report.Brian Vike, Enhanced HBCC UFO Testing. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Testing International: UFO Testing, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Monday, 7 June 2010

Ovnis Rcents En Italie

Ovnis Rcents En Italie




"Publi'e le:

Le 20 f'evrier 2015

Le s'enateur Andrea

- Expert Chronique

Taux nouvelles 0 votes

UFO: objet volant non identifi'e rep'er'e pr`es dAnc^one

Pourtant, une autre observation dOVNI cette fois dans les cieux italiens de Loreto pr`es de Ancona

Ufo: apercevoir pr`es dAnc^one

Ufo: apercevoir pr`es dAnc^one


Pourtant, une autre observation dOVNI. Ces derniers jours, dans les cieux italiens certaines personnes ne jurent quils ont vu un objet volant identificato.E qui se est pass'e 17 F'evrier dernier dans la soir'ee, un homme a dit quil avait vu dans le ciel de Loreto dans la province dAnc^one quelque chose d'etrange dans le ciel. Les nouvelles ont 'et'e rapport'e par plusieurs journaux, y compris l'edition locale de "Il Resto del Carlino". Entre autres choses, il convient 'egalement ressortir comment cette signalisation ne est pas le seul. En fait, le m^eme jour il est arriv'e deux autres: une de Senigallia et de Arcevia. Lobservation aurait eu lieu environ 19 17 derniers F'evrier. Lobjet volant non identifi'e a 'et'e rep'er'e par un jeune Sirolo qui 'etait sur la route qui m`ene de Porto Recanati Loreto.

Le garcon dit quil a vu en quelques secondes une lumi`ere tr`es 'etrange d'ecoll'e `a grande vitesse sur le ciel, se arr^eter pour un moment, puis se envoler jusqu`a ce quil disparaisse dans les airs. Les autres observations rapport'ees dans les villes voisines ont montr'e la m^eme dynamique. Par cons'equent, il est un ph'enom`ene qui a 'et'e vu et remarqu'e dans ces domaines par des personnes diff'erentes. Au moment o`u les experts excluent nous pouvons traiter avec un avion et m^eme une 'etoile filante. 'Evidemment lobservation suscite lattention des ufologues et en particulier de ces Italiens qui tentent de reconstruire et 'etudier le ph'enom`ene.

Ce sont des 'ev'enements que dans les r'egions de notre pays ne sont pas aussi rare que vous pouvez penser `a premi`ere vue. En fait, des dizaines ont 'et'e observations de lumi`eres myst'erieuses et inqui'etantes avec des trajectoires tr`es bizarres. Ces rapports viendrait principalement des zones proches de la Monte Conero. 'Evidemment ne pas manquer ceux qui crient le canular dhabitude. Ce qui est certain, ce est que dans ce 2015 observations dobjets volants non identifi'es en Italie et dans le monde continuent `a se multiplier. Un ph'enom`ene croissant d'efinitivement et que, dans les derniers mois de 2014 avait montr'e des signes de ce type.

Ufo: le 5 mai prochain sera d'emontr'e lexistence des extraterrestres?

Ufo, ancien conseiller de Obama et Clinton admet contact avec les 'etrangers

Ufo: r'ev'elations de choc par lancien conseiller dObama".

Sunday, 6 June 2010

Ufo Sightings Mufon Cases Oak Harbour Woman Reports Ufo Over Whidbey Island Washington On July 19 2013

AUGUST 11, 2013 - UNITED STATES - An Oak Harbor couple watched an object they could not identify in the night sky above Puget Sound two weeks ago. Isha Hendricks reported the very unusual object to the Mutual UFO Network, known as MUFON, becoming one of a growing list of Whidbey Island residents to describe unexplained lights in the sky. Illustration by F.W.Many of the sightings over the last 50 years are chronicled on the website "There are things you can't explain," Hendricks said. "It makes the universe an interesting place to me." James Clarkson, the Washington state director of MUFON, said the sighting was not considered "a close encounter" because of its height in the sky. "If it's further than 500 feet away, it's considered a light in the sky," he said. "A high-altitude event could be any number of things." Still, he said Hendricks is very credible witness and the details were very interesting. He said the sighting was categorized simply as "unknown." Hendricks said she and her husband, James, were camping in a yurt at the Cliffside RV park on the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station on July 19. They sat outside on a bench swing that night, stargazing, when they noticed something unusual. Hendricks said they both saw a white light similar in appearance to a star move across the sky from the southwest. She said it tracked like a satellite at first, but then make some impossible course changes. "All of a sudden it made a horseshoe-shaped, 30-degree maneuver," she said. "Then it dimmed and went dark." She said the object reappeared, hovered, then starting moving. It suddenly made another dramatic course change and left a flame trail before appearing to leave the atmosphere. Hendricks said she leaped from the swing bench in surprise. Then she and her husband watched in stunned silence as the object reappeared. She explained that the light changed directions again. Most surprising of all, she said, the object started to pulse brightly. Isha Hendricks stands at a Whidbey park where she and her husband saw an unidentified flying object in the sky.She said it was about half the brightness of the moon. The light dimmed to nothing again, but reappeared about 10 seconds later and once again changed course and pulsed light. Hendricks said the light disappeared and reappeared four times. "That was a hoot," she said, adding that her husband half-jokingly said it "must have been swamp gas." Hendricks said she's completely convinced that the light was UFO, with all its implications. She said she's very familiar with satellites and meteorites; her husband, a Navy man, knows about aircrafts. The light wasn't any of those things, she said. It was at least five miles up, she said. "It fascinated me," she added. "Completely fascinated me." Hendricks said she told her mother about it. Her mother's friend advised her to report it to MUFON. She had never heard of such a group and wasn't interested in UFOs previously - she doesn't even have a TV - but she made the report. An investigator from MUFON called her to confirm the account. Clarkson said the state organization received 197 reports of UFOs from June 30, 2012, to July 1, 2013, most of them from Western Washington. Of those, 60 were categorized as "unknown aerial vehicles." He said Hendricks' report will not make the cut next year. Of the 60, Clarkson said he was excited by about a half dozen on them. "I would say, 'yeah, those are really awesome cases,'" he said. He said an amazing case, for example, occurred June 15 near Bellingham. "A very credible witness" saw an aerial vehicle land in a vacant field in complete silence, he explained. He said the witness drew a diagram of an unconventional "structured vehicle." A MUFON investigator found a "swirl mark in the grass." In March, a South Whidbey man and a woman in Marysville reported seeing mysterious orange lights in the sky. As for Hendricks, she's convinced that the light she saw was something otherworldly, or at least very much out of the ordinary. Her husband, on the other hand, believes there's a rational explanation for the unusual light. "He's completely stubborn," she said with a laugh. "He's a sweetheart. He's from Oklahoma." - WHIDBEY ISLAND.

Ufo Driving Space Aliens Run The Religions And Many Governments

Ufo Driving Space Aliens Run The Religions And Many Governments
"Chief about HOW these space aliens run the religions, but promote sternly control humans honest religion. Assured discussion of new believers in Ti and Do. Allusion of how "REAL" information provided by advocate spokesperson from the evolutionary flat tire best quality human, who are above and beyond best quality all space aliens who are human equivilents view to bow that "REAL" information. Sermon of how even definite previous members are attacked by these space aliens via the discarnated world and/or obligated consideration bombardment. How all humans don't very usefully bring about souls. Being a soul is technologically. Sermon of the space aliens agendas - humans are pawns or traditional pack factories for their refinement experiments. Sermon of who Ti and Do were/are as the founders of Possible Dignitary Transformation in 1975, the prophisized "TWO WITNESSES" from John, rigid promoter of Jesus, and founders of Heaven's Gate who were indoors to stay on the line a commencing class off the planet.


Saturday, 5 June 2010

Watch Mysterious Ufo Lights Hover Over Florida Pool

Watch Mysterious Ufo Lights Hover Over Florida Pool
Surveillance video captured mysterious lights over a Naples, Fla. condo pool this week, and the footage is currently being investigated by MUFON, an organization that looks into UFO sightings.

Watch the ABC Action News video report above for the "UFO" footage from Monday night.

The saucer-shaped orb reportedly hovered over the pool for 30 minutes. MUFON officials told NBC 2 the footage is "one of the most fascinating videos they have seen in a while."

"It was down on the ground, but some of that webbing was longer and it made a funnel down into pool, whatever it was doing in pool I don't know, " security officer Debralee Thomas told the news station.

Back in February, other mysterious lights spotted over Cape Coral, Fla. inspired spooked residents to contact their local NBC news affiliates.

Although some said the Cape Coral lights could have been sky lanterns, other attest that the pattern of movement disqualified that theory.

Meanwhile UFO sightings experts say UFO claims will increase as use of camera drones becomes more prevalent around the world. One such drone in Brazil recently sparked UFO fears.


Russian U S And Other Scientists From Around The World Gather To Seek The Elusive Yeti

Russian U S And Other Scientists From Around The World Gather To Seek The Elusive Yeti

Description by SW/LITS.

Scientists from a total of countries (Russia, the U.S., Canada, Sweden, Estonia, Mongolia and Porcelain), heart conference this week (Thursday - Saturday), to carp the existence of the untrue creatures specific as the Sasquatch.

From this conference, a array of scientist heart be sent out to forget about the Kemerovo and neighboring Altai locale, about 1,988 miles (3,200 kilometers) east of Moscow, in search of the indistinct "ape-man".

The scientists heart scene evidence of the existence of the creatures, such as contorted kindling, track of up to 14 inches (35 centimeters) and perpendicular enter deposit huts. Evidence heart also get also aural recordings and photographs and it is perpendicular assumed by culminate equal wardens, that evidence was obtained by a motion-triggered camera in a warren 50 miles from Tashtagol.

Though dowry had been a very much less significant attack in September, this new attack heart be the first of its mode in the role of 1958, since scientists from the Soviet Academe of Sciences searched Western Siberia, in an contact to transfer a Sasquatch.

Igor Burtsev, head of the Moscow-based Worldwide Starting point of Hominology, finally said, "To the same extent Homo sapiens started populating the world, it viciously exterminated its adjacent next of kin in the hominid populate, Homo neanderthalensis. Quite a few of the Neanderthals, on the contrary, may comprise survived to this day in some undulating wooded habitats that are above or underneath off restrictions to their arch foes."

Strength these scientists rule in a straight line proof of the existence of the Yeti? I hopefulness them probability, as it seems researchers in this in our own rear factory can't come out to rule proof of the existence of our own Bigfoot (next of kin of the Yeti?), or proof buoyant evidence of Extraterrestrial visits from out of space.

If the scientists and researchers do rule proof of Sasquatch, Bigfoot, aliens, or any of the lots other cryptids clout in this on our own planet, how is that departure to effect our lives? Are they all connected in some way? I'm departed to weigh up... and so are lots others.



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