Friday, 28 January 2011

Nasa Kepler Mission Discovers Two Planets Transiting The Same Star

Nasa Kepler Mission Discovers Two Planets Transiting The Same Star
NASA's Kepler spacecraft has naked the first spot on planetary system afterward better than one planet flight in be the forerunner of, or transiting, the exceptionally celebrity

The transit signatures of two persuasive planets were seen in the data for the sun-like celebrity nominated Kepler-9. The planets were named Kepler-9b and 9c. The discovery incorporates seven months of remarks of better than 156,000 stars as passion of an ongoing search for Earth-sized planets liberated our solar system. The conclusion impulsion be published in Thursday's business of the reconsideration Science.

Kepler's ultra-precise camera income small decreases in the stars' joviality that come about when a planet transits them. The book of the planet can be consequent from these short-lived dips.

The gap of the planet from the celebrity can be exact by measuring the time between conventional dips as the planet orbits the celebrity. Delicate variations in the speed of these dips can be hand-me-down to prove the masses of planets and detect other non-transiting planets in the system.

In June, foresee scientists submitted conclusion for like reiterate that identified better than 700 planet candidates in the first 43 time of Kepler data. The data included five even more leader of the opposition systems that present to enclose better than one transiting planet. The Kepler faction towards the end identified a sixth point in the right direction exhibiting assorted transits and accumulated enough record data to substantiate this multi-planet system.

"Kepler's high temperament data and round-the-clock range of transiting objects label a crude begin of unique quantity to be made of the parent stars and their planetary systems," understood Doug Hudgins, the Kepler program scientist at NASA Workforce in Washington.

Scientists refined the estimates of the masses of the planets by remarks from the W.M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii. The remarks show Kepler-9b is the heavy of the two planets, and also spell masses close down to but underneath than Saturn. Kepler-9b slur adjacent to the celebrity afterward an circle of about 19 time, for example Kepler-9c has an circle of about 38 time. By observing various transits by each planet over the seven months of data, the time between conventional transits can be analyzed.

"This discovery is the first clear identification of coarse changes in the intervals from one planetary transit to the adjacent, what we drop a dime on transit timing variations," understood Matthew Holman, a Kepler foresee scientist from the Harvard-Smithsonian Norm for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Pitch. "This is evidence of the gravitational interaction between the two planets as seen by the Kepler spacecraft."

In grow to the two spot on giant planets, Kepler scientists also spell identified what appears to be a third, greatly less significant transit dedication in the remarks of Kepler-9. That dedication is identical afterward the transits of a super-Earth-sized planet about 1.5 get older the radius of Minced in a hot, near-sun 1.6 day-orbit. New to the job remarks are considered necessary to prove whether this signal is dependable a planet or an sharp phenomenon that mimics the pressing out of a transit.

NASA's Ames Survey Norm in Moffett Battleground, Calif., manages Kepler's ground system stride, foresee operations and science data check. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., managed Kepler foresee stride.

Blob Aerospace and Technologies Corp. in Throw stones at, Colo., responsible the Kepler flight system and ropes foresee operations afterward the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Opening Physics at the Instructor of Colorado in Throw stones at. The Opening Grovel Science Set up in Baltimore records, hosts and distributes the Kepler science data.

For better information about the Kepler foresee, visit:

"Source NASA"


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