Monday 5 August 2013

Taking Back The Roswell Site

Taking Back The Roswell Site
"Editor Note: The following is an abridged account by Dave Ruffino who took part in taking back the Roswell site for Christ on July 1, 2005 together with David Flynn and several other Christian brothers. Dave Ruffino has graciously given his permission to repost his written account here and has also provided the video of the event. His account can be read in its entirety here. After David passed away, Dave Ruffino and Jim Wilhelmsen hosted a memorial radio show in David's honor here."

By: Dave Ruffino

"ROSWELL IS TO UFO'S WHAT JERUSALEM IS TO CHRISTIANS AND JEWS", and what Mecca is to Muslims. But the fascination that we have toward Roswell isn't that we worship UFO phenomena or that we ever hope to see such a thing while we're there. Our sense of wonder about the place is that so many others consider it to be almost holy ground for the UFO community. Around the Fourth of July the town explodes into a frenzy of everything extraterrestrial. On every street you can find something that related to aliens or some sort of occult theme. But amongst all of the satanic revelry there are a group of Bible believing Born Again Christians who hold on to what God has given them; a mission to preach to those who are UFO thrill seekers.

We woke on Friday [July 1, 2005] in great expectation that we would be heading out to the crash site at an early cool hour so that we could beat the heat. As I sat in the restaurant eating my free breakfast I wondered what the trip would show us. I wondered if we would pick up any artifacts that the military might have missed back in 1947 when they supposedly recovered wreckage from the site we would soon tread upon. I also thought about the possibility of running across rattlesnakes or maybe scorpions during our trek. Joe [Jordan] echoed this concern several times, warning us to be very careful about rattlers.

I hooked up with Joe Jordan who told me that David Flynn and his team were preparing to go and I got real excited. Joe told me that the site we were going to visit was not the site that most people visit when they come to Roswell. He told me that there are actually four sites but I can't recount whether the one we would soon visit was included in that number or not. So, Joe and I hopped in the Explorer and started to follow Dave and his crew. We drove for a few miles until we found a dirt road to turn onto, following Dave [Flynn] and his GPS crew. The road was quite dusty and I'm sure that the air filter of the rented SUV was getting pretty dirty.

Following the Flynn mobile down the dusty dirt road.

We drove for quite a distance in the desert. Man, it was so beautiful out there. To quote Buzz Aldren from Apollo 11 when he described the moonscape, "magnificent desolation." We came to a fork in the road and Dave thought that we should stop and get our bearings. The picture below is of Dave checking the GPS unit along with Joe Jordan from CE-4 Research Group.

Joe Jordan and David Flynn check our directions using GPS.

After a lot of driving on a lot of bumpy and rocky roads we finally got as close to the crash site as we could get by driving. We would have to hike in the rest of the way. I have to say that our hike was a rigorous one. It probably would have been easier had we done it in early spring or late fall when temperatures are much lower, but we were there in July and nothing was going to stop us from finding our goal.

GPS Readout of actual crash site

Latitude = 33^0 28.195 North

Longitude = 104^0 55.999 West

Altitude = 4,497 Feet

We looked around for any identifying landmarks. Believe me, there were very few. In the desert we were in everything looked the same and it would have been easy for someone to get lost if they weren't adept at directions. There was one identifying mark though; a place called Lewis Well which can be seen in the background of the following picture.


Lewis Well can be seen as a dark area in the center of this picture. It was the only landmark."

After a cursory sweep of the area we decided to get to the Spiritual matters that we came to perform. We took very few pictures of this event because we all participated in the matter at hand. After Joe set up the video camera we all stood side by side, all in one accord. I started with a prayer that the Lord had given me the night before. We thought it very important that we claim the land for Yeshua and His Kingdom. Here is a text copy of the prayer:

Bless this land Lord. Turn it again unto thyself. Turn around all evil perpetuated by this place and events that happened here, and bring about good. Sanctify this land so that only Your Name will be magnified by its remembrance.

For many years this place has been associated as 1947. We proclaim it to be a symbol of 1948, which is when your prophetic time clock started again ticking. We proclaim it as a sign of the coming of the Son of Man.

We pray for a renewal for Roswell and all the surrounding area. We pray for changed hearts and renewed minds. In the Name of Yeshua we claim Roswell for you. We place your banner over her residents. We claim her elected officials for you. We claim that her attraction toward Babylon will become an abhorrence of evil. We claim her occult businesses for you, that they may turn and become outlets of Holiness.

We stand here on this land in recognition that when two or more are gathered in your name, you are with us. We also recall your promise, that whenever we ask our Father anything in Your Name, we can rest assured that that purpose will become a realityAMEN

After the prayer Joe Jordan read from the book of Psalms; the twenty third psalm to be exact. We thought that this psalm would be a fitting one to read over a place who's legacy has brought about so much spiritual strife. Joe then read the communion account in the Gospel of Luke and we shared communion; citing the blessings in both Hebrew and English. After that, Joe recited a benediction in Hebrew and he blew the Shofar to seal what we had done. Before he blew the Shofar though I felt that I should recount for those watching the video, the story of Joshua and the Israelites marching around the city of Jericho. It was a powerful time. After Joe finished blowing the Shofar, David Flynn came over to me and showed me that the sound of the horn caused the hairs on his arms to stand on end. We had definitely made an impact in the Spiritual realm. Joe even sprinkled anointing oil on the ground to consecrate it for Yeshua.


The Warriors who reclaimed the real crash site for Yeshua: left to right; Joe Jordan, David Flynn, Fred Fredrickson, Dave Ruffino, Gino Michaletti and Mark Flynn"

After the ceremonies everyone walked around and looked for artifacts of a crash and for any geologic anomalies that might have been made from a crash. Aside from what looked like a long scrape in the ground we came to the conclusion that after the crash the Army probably did a thorough check for materials. We also surmised that more than fifty years of wind and water erosion had probably removed any other evidence that might have occurred on the earth. More here.

"Here is the video of David Flynn and the other gentlemen taking back the Roswell site for Jesus Christ.



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