Saturday 8 February 2014

Ufologists Mj 12 Diversion

Ufologists Mj 12 Diversion
The Ceremonial Twelve documents brag not been documented; that is, their acknowledgment hasn't been critical in a way that authenticates them.

Dishonest or real, the MJ-12 papers brag dominated some key ufologists (Stanton Friedman for one) for a enclosure outer the phenomenon. And MJ-12 is definitely exterior to the UFO mystery.

Ufologists who see the documents as the smoking gun of government impersonate (the Immeasurable Watergate that Friedman alleges) miss the squirt, as ready.

Whether or not MJ-12 existed or exists, that firmness does not self-control the UFO enigma; it daintily provides circumstantial evidence that UFOs (or flying saucers definitely) brag been captured and intentional by the government of The Affiliate States. It doesn't go to the foundation of the UFO mystery: what are they, and why brag they given away up in Earth's skies, for many years go on the government that appears to hold their secret(s).

Ufologists (equivalent Friedman) brag been abstracted by ancestors MJ-12 documents. If ufologists can't help they are a hoax or real, what interface do they (ufologists) brag in solving the UFO riddle?

How is it not probable to be a consequence down the designer of the documents if they are a brew by one body or a few who complete them up to trick the UFO community?

Are the hoaxers that conspicuous that they brag been able to go around the FBI and allegedly spiky ufologists (equivalent Friedman, Style, Clark, Randle, Maccabee, et al.) for all the years while their appearance?

If the documents are real, how is it that no one has been able to definitively fortify them? The UFOs themselves are harder to announcement, so if the MJ-12 papers put be there for, how far away harder tendency it be (and has been) to announcement what UFOs are?

The understand of UFOs, as a psychologist sees it, is an leak from reality - shipshape for ancestors who design that UFOs incarnate a mega-reality.

The understand of MJ-12 is an leak, as a psychologist sees it, stylish reality: the leak from real reality to a put on reality, one long-established to bogus a body is firm together with some piece of real life but who has definitely elope stylish a mirage world that has zilch to do together with the reality of banal source of revenue.

MJ-12 is a hobby, and has been a hobby, but it continues to eat greedily ufologists, who won't, or can't, detect the thing that MJ-12 purports to planning with: UFOs.



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