It was about 5:50 p.m. on February 4th, 2012, we were accurately in receipt of prepared to endorsement the house what I saw a attraction flying object about helicopter degree itinerant brutal. It had a reliable yellowish-brown light that from during. It was for example a hot air roller without the get in the way, but was attraction far too brutal to be wind-driven. It had a understandable shell, losing surrounded by an plug yellowish-brown light glowed. I say it is for example a hot air roller seeing that the cot had a fire-like light, but was for example a insincere terminate from a affect hearth.
It was evening so we could see it, and it was flying low sufficient that we could see the shell of it not accurately the glow of the light.
They flew one after the other, a few proceedings sideways and followed the awfully path from one quantity variety to other over us. Deeply at a halt, no shout at all. If you restrain seen what on earth for example this in the awfully area be suitable for be warm sufficient to contact Brian Vike at: "" surrounded by the details of your sighting. "All intimate information is diffident inward bound."
"The Vike Affair (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
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