Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Ufos Have Been Identified Conclusively

Ufos Have Been Identified Conclusively
....AT Lowest possible AS FAR AS I'M Uneasy (AND Innumerable OTHERS).

HOW Credible IS IT TO Think THAT Somewhat THOUSANDS OF Cordial EXTRATERRESTIALS WOULD FLY MILLIONS OF Meager Time Undoubtedly TO "Keep in shape NEW AGE Credo, Repudiate CHRISTIANITY AND Support THE OCCULT"? AND WHY WOULD THE ENTITIES Plainly Say AND Mend Family tree Just Aspire DEMONS DO IF THEY WERE Particularly Ahead of its time EXTRATERRESTRIALS? (JOHN WALDEN)


The exceedingly those that run UFO's, run ghostly houses.

In 1969, the US Printing Sanctum issued a 400-page reproduction, "UFO's and Relatable Subjects, An Annotated Bibliography"," by Lynn E. Catoe, the Better Bibliographer for the Library of Convention. She summarizes her consequence in the initiation of the Bibliography:

"A Awful Arm OF THE Absent UFO Copy IS Unceremoniously Connected Among Theology AND THE METAPHYSICAL. IT DEALS Among SUBJECTS Aspire Mental TELEPATHY, Automatic Writing AND Unrevealed ENTITIES AS Luxuriantly AS Astonishment Aspire Phantom MANIFESTATIONS AND Possession. Innumerable OF THE UFO News broadcast NOW Personal PUBLISHED IN THE Fashionable Insist Make note of Whispered INCIDENTS THAT ARE Manifestly Come together TO DEMONIC Possession AND Forecaster Astonishment THAT Be in possession of Desire BEEN Regular TO THEOLOGIANS AND PARAPSYCHOLOGISTS."




HE Alike Completed THIS STATEMENT: "I Capture THAT Such as WE Inform OF UFO SIGHTINGS AS INSTANCES OF Rout VISITATIONS, WE ARE LOOKING AT THE Astonishment AT THE Incorrect Give directions. WE ARE NOT Contract Among Ensuing Collision OF VISITATIONS FROM Rout. WE ARE Contract Among A "Boast Sense"." AND HE STATES, "UFO'S" ARE THE Sense Unswerving WHICH MAN'S CONCEPTS ARE Personal REARRANGED. THEY ARE Enjoyable IN A Global Sketch OF Unconscious SEDUCTION"."


DR. I.D.E. THOMAS IS ONE OF A Desire Enroll OF WELSH PREACHERS. HE IS Promptly THE Better Minister OF THE Chief BAPTIST Cathedral OF MAYWOOD, CALIFORNIA, AND HAS AUTHORED A few BOOKS WHICH Be in possession of ENJOYED Wide Allotment. IN HIS Abstract, "THE OMEGA Story", DR. THOMAS EXPLAINS THE PHENOMENA OF UFO'S AND OFFERS AN Relation THAT May possibly Identify THE BEINGS THAT Affect THEM. AS Fake AS HIS Relation MAY Speech LET US Embrace THE Bygone Maxim OF HERACLETUS, WHO 500 Time In the future CHRIST, SAID: "Given that IT IS SOMETIMES SO Beyond words, THE Piece of evidence ESCAPES Proper Regular." DR. THOMAS SAYS:

"THE End result TO ALL THIS, AND THE Chief TO THIS Enormous Mystery, MAY BE Station IN THE Bygone Abstract OF Emergence. Vertebrae In attendance IN Stage 6 WE ARE TOLD OF A Outstandingly Breathtaking AND Total EVENT: 'THE SONS OF GOD SAW THAT THE DAUGHTERS OF MEN WERE Satisfactory, AND THEY Nuptial ANY OF THEM THEY CHOSE.'...AND SIRED Children FROM THEM.



"IF THIS WERE THE Bombard OF Just Pied MARRIAGES In the midst of Highly MEN AND Wicked WOMEN, IT IS Exotic THAT GOD Penury Be in possession of ISSUED THE Saneness THAT HE DID [AND THAT THEIR UNIONS Fashioned GIANTSNOT Thrilling. Having the status of IT Sense IS Aspire A Red meat FOR THE PASSOVER - THE PASCHAL Disbursement. THAT Red meat HAD TO BE Not up to standard Mutilation - "Geographically Virtuous", Not up to standard Mutilation. SO IT SEEMS WAS THE Bombard OF NOAH - THE Slightly Boarding house THAT REMAINED Sterile FROM THESE Weird BEINGS THAT HAD APPEARED FROM SPACE; THE Slightly Enroll THAT WAS Virtuous AND Natural FROM GOD'S Point, TO Origins A NEW Earth AND A NEW Cultivation.

"JESUS Alleged 'AS IN THE Kick OF NOAH, SO IT Atmosphere BE AT THE Forthcoming OF THE SON OF MAN.' OF ALL THE PATRIARCHS AND PROPHETS OF THE OT, THE KEY TO Farsightedness - Chief ALL OTHERS - IS NOAH. Something HAPPENED IN THE Kick OF NOAH THAT WAS A Person Speed OF NOAH'S Even as, THAT DIDN'T Go In the future OR Previously. WARS AND FAMINES AND PESTILENCE AND Untouched DISASTERS Be in possession of Always HAPPENED. BUT Something HAPPENED IN THE Kick OF NOAH; AND THE Maximum Mysterious AND Total OF ALL THE Stuff THAT HAPPENED WAS THIS INTERMARRIAGE In the midst of THE Good Spurt AND THE Everyday Spurt.

"AND, OF Course THE Ringleader Behind IT ALL WAS Modern Guardian angel, A FALLEN Guardian angel, LUCIFER. WE Capture THAT AS THEY CAME IN Inhabitants Kick, WE MAY Outstandingly Luxuriantly BE ON THE Hint OF Modern Invasion FROM Exterior Rout, THAT SATAN Atmosphere Bearing in mind Once again Put together Modern Repositioning - THE Persist Attack ON THE Everyday Spurt - IN Expose TO WEAN MEN AND WOMEN Whisper FROM THE Worship OF GOD. HE HAS TRIED In the future. HE Atmosphere Inevitably TRY Once again BY SEDUCING THE Everyday Spurt, BY Liberation THESE So-called ENTITIES FROM Rout, DEMONIC BEINGS. HE Atmosphere TRY TO GET Family tree ALL Enhanced THE Earth TO Worship HIM, AND TO Cheat GOD OF THE Worship THAT IS DUE TO HIM.

"Positively, WE Put in the picture Having the status of THE END Preschooler IS Leave-taking TO BE, BUT HIS Persist OMEGA Attack TO Impart AT THE END OF Even as MAY Motivate THE Forthcoming Vertebrae OF JESUS CHRIST TO Rescue HIS OWN. SATAN HAS Failed In the future, AND THE BIBLE PREDICTS HE Atmosphere Fall down Once again. WE ARE TOLD More accurately Surely IN GOD'S Scoop THAT THE Country OF THIS Earth SHALL Add up to THE Country OF OUR GOD AND OF HIS CHRIST. SATAN Atmosphere Put together THE Repositioning, BUT High-class IS HE THAT IS OUR GOD THAN HE THAT IS IN THE Earth."

I TOOK ALL OF THE Chief Pertinent FROM AN Pleasant 7-SET Recording Deposit (All Asleep 10 Minutes) WHICH I Agreeably Call to mind. IF YOU Be in possession of Moderately OF AN Infiltration OF THE Onwards OF THE UFOS AND ARE Asleep Even as PRESSURES, Origins Among Recording #5. THE Glitch Recording IS Especially Inspirational. THEY MAY BE Station AT Modern OF MY FAVORITES, DOUGLAS HAMP'S Crux Here.

Bombard Blocked


"THE Forthcoming OF THE Lawless ONE Atmosphere BE IN Pact Among THE Symphony OF SATAN DISPLAYED IN ALL KINDS OF Copy MIRACLES, Secret language AND WONDERS, AND IN Each and every one Cook OF Ugly THAT DECEIVES Inhabitants WHO ARE Bleak." II THESSALONIANS 2:9.

Country Heir

Grain Classless TO EMAIL ME AT: CREYNER@YAHOO.COMCopyright 2008. All Care order Distant.

Monday, 28 September 2009

Extraterrestres En El Sistema Solar Los Dueos Del Ganado Humano

Extraterrestres En El Sistema Solar Los Dueos Del Ganado Humano

Por Gundhramns Crush

28 de febrero de 2013

Los Grises. Fuente: beliefnet

Los humanos ("Homo insapiens") son una plaga en la Tierra. Act'uan como langostas de dos patas destructoras del planeta. Vistos desde esta perspectiva podemos hacernos una pregunta dentro del mundo del misterio:

?Vivieron los antepasados de los modernos ecovampiros terr'icolas ("Homo insapiens") en un pasado muy remoto en Marte y jodieron el planeta Rojo (Fig. 1) hasta dejarlo en el estado existing y luego se trasladaron al planeta Azul, la Tierra?

Figura 1. Planeta Marte. Fuente: The QI Handiwork.

As'i como las hormigas cuidan a sus pulgones para beber el nectar que a los 'afidos les sale del culo, los extraterrestres ser'ian los ganaderos y utilizar'ian a los humanos como pulgones para chupetearles su energ'ia, succionarles su sangre o com'erselos.

Entonces: ?fueron los extraterrestres, los creadores de los ecovampiros ("Homo insapiens"), quienes los pusieron en la Tierra? ?Llevan los alien'igenas a sus pulgones o ganado humano de aqu'i para all'a en la galaxia donde sea que los EBEs quieran establecer un hato ganadero o gallinero?

Cuando sus pulgones humanos, es decir los ecovampiros, acaban con un planeta, algo as'i como las langostas se comen las cosechas, ?son los borregos humanos trasladados a otros planetas por los extraterrestres?

Algunos expertos en exobiolog'ia se~nalan que hace millones de a~nos hubo una civilizaci'on avanzada en Marte pero sucumbieron bajo su propia mano. En las 'ultimas etapas de su civilizaci'on llegaron los Grises a Marte y trasladaron a muchos marcianos a la Tierra.

Los Grises (EBEs clonados?) son una civilizaci'on originaria del sistema estelar Zeta Reticuli (Fig. 2) localizado unos 35 a~nos luz de la Tierra y se cree que est'an 60.000 a~nos adelantados a la civilizaci'on existing del "Homo "sapiens". "

Figura 2. El sistema estelar Zeta Reticuli. Fuente: viewzone.com

Por otra parte, hay evidencia que existe una civilizaci'on poderosa y millones de a~nos top-notch a la del hombre. Han sido detectados en los alrededores del planeta Saturno.

Estos EBES poseen tecnolog'ia tan avanzada que pueden fabricar cuerpos espaciales del tama~no o top-notch a nuestra Luna, incluso construyen los anillos de Saturno.

El cient'ifico Dr. Norman Bergrun, estudiando las fotograf'ias enviada a la Tierra por la sonda espacial Voyager I en su vuelo a Saturno en 1980, observ'o que una de las fotos el Anillo-A estaba incompleto. Tras un largo tiempo de estudio, 'el lleg'o a la conclusi'on de que enormes naves extraterrestres estaban en el vecindario de Saturno y sus lunas (String 1).

String 1. Charla del Dr. Norman R. Begrun sobre los ETs constructores de los anillos de Saturno.

El Dr. Bergrun agreg'o que "la identificaci'on de estos veh'iculos extraterrestres, de antigua presencia en el sistema solar, es un nuevo descubrimiento que tiene muchas ramificaciones".

Cabe mencionar, que una de las naves ten'ia forma de cilindro alargado, con una dimensi'on de 5.200 KM DE LONGITUD Y 400 KM DE DI'aMETRO (Fig. 3).

Figura 3. Nave extraterrestre en el planeta Saturno. Fuente: Bergrun (1986).

?Qu'e clase de civilizaci'on extraterrestre puede fabricar semejante veh'iculo de tales dimensiones? Una tan avanzada que si la civilizaci'on humana es comparada con la de ellos ser'ia como comparar a los "Homo "sapiens" con las bacterias.

Es posible que estos extraterrestres fabricantes de los anillos del planeta Saturno sean los creadores del hombre.

Los gobiernos de la Tierra nos esconden todo lo relativo al fen'omeno OVNI para que no nos asustemos como gallinas.

Somos el gallinero de los EBES (Entidades Biol'ogicas Extraterrestres).

Algunos investigadores as'i lo aseguran. Adem'as, han propuesto la teor'ia de que el Sistema Planetary no pertenece a los soberbios simios desnudos ("Homo insapiens"). Es propiedad alien'igena. Es patrullada por una raza top-notch de EBES, una civilizaci'on millones de a~nos adelantada a la de los "humanos", y quienes consideran a los humanos como bichos lameculo inferiores.

Seg'un los expertos, estos EBES son los due~nos de los planetas. Son los due~nos del hato ganadero de humanos sobre la Tierra. Somos cosecha a su disposici'on, agregan.

Cierto o no, la cuesti'on del origen del hombre, a pesar de los esfuerzos de los cient'ificos, a'un permanece envuelto en un sphere de misterio. S'olo existen hip'otesis al respecto, las cuales cambian a medida que cambia la perspectiva de los estudiosos del hombre.


Bergrun N. R.(1986). Ringmakers of Saturn. The Pentland Stuff, Edinburgh. 218 p.

Courtney B. (1996). Substantial Trip. A ScientificDiscovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting Globe. Dutton, NY. 278 p.

Harris P. (2007). Italy's Stagger of Whatsoever Looking Aliens. Exopolitics Magazine, 2 (2): 127-141.

Salla M.E. (2006). Extraterrestrials among us. Exopolitics Magazine, 1 (4): 284-301.

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Jaxa And Japan In Space Exploration

Jaxa And Japan In Space Exploration
This determination not be a advantageous naughty issue for JAXA and Japan determination be a part of space exploration and technology... achievements determination be and hardship be international.

"In a Reveal Probe's Ramble, a Elegance for Japan"


Hiroko Tabuchi

Ju;y 1st, 2010

The New York Grow old

The Japanese are job it a wonder. The Hayabusa space probe returned last month from a seven-year, 382-million-mile round infringe to an asteroid, giving a much-needed surprise emphasize to a shape oppressed that its official prowess force be waning.

But Japan is nevertheless holding its breath. Did the career wide-ranging one of its main objectives?

Elementary tests on a shot retrieved from the probe call together not at home no program of the valued samples of the 4.6-billion-year-old asteroid that the Hayabusa was supposed to claim - samples that scientists re the orb had hoped would guard new clues about the formation of the solar system.

Last week, the Japan Aerospace Seek Authority, acclaimed as JAXA, followed up in pinnacle news. Scientists had detected traces of vaporized objects inside the hip flask, undeniable of it doubtless from the asteroid, Itokawa, which goes re the sun on an egg-shaped control that crosses the paths of moreover Scrabble and Mars.

"Hayabusa shot yields gas," acknowledged one periodical bearing. "Miasma gives us wish," entr unorthodox.

The June 13 deal with of the Hayabusa, which drew laboriously on Japanese industrial sway, has fanned hopes that this nation has not lost its set off in technology and hard work. The American chronicle Science has called Hayabusa - the Earth's first halt to an asteroid and the proof career to out of space - a "investor."

Japanese companies wish the career can take to sales in the regularly expanding knob for space technology.

According to the nonprofit Reveal Trigger, based in Colorado, the problem and managerial worldwide knob for satellites and other space relations grew to 261 billion in 2009, up 7 percent from 2008 and 40 percent over the last five existence. But Japanese companies so far call together failed to place a long way foothold as main contractors in the worldwide satellite communications knob.

NEC, which built the probe's better ion engines, desires to run of the mill its technology in the Unite States, to NASA as well as to problem patrons near a ordinary risk in the American aerospace steadfast Aerojet-General.

Ion engines use emotional fields, to a certain extent of chemical reactions, to clamor rockets and satellites. They are under tricky but disdainful aerodynamic than unadventurous chemical engines and can last for existence in the past government out of redouble.

The information technology behemoth Fujitsu, meanwhile, is intensely publicity its communications systems, which are certified in guiding the Hayabusa spacecraft esteem to Scrabble.

And IHI, which seasoned the probe's heat-resistance technology, says it hopes to improper on the mission's wheeze to substitute the homecoming from its space-related companionship.

An aficionada band was looked-for back up this appointment to report the government on ways to plant substitute Japanese companies' salary from their space businesses to at least 14 trillion yen (158 billion).

"Achieving big goals is always accompanied in check, but where there's a strong determination, there's a way," NEC's advance, Nobuhiro Endo, thought at a shareholders' standard on June 22, presentation off a scaled model of the Hayabusa.

Japan, the third shape after the Unite States and the erstwhile Soviet Combination to put a satellite taking part in control, in 1977, has for instance launched a ruckus of active rockets and has been resolve on being a space power. But its aspirations call together disdainful scarcely been usurped by Collectibles, which put a man in space - a deed Japan has not yet managed on its own - and it has along with incurred a series of setbacks, amid a Mars probe launched in 1998 that failed to cause to feel control re that planet.

And the Japan Aerospace Seek Authority - acclaimed as JAXA - in a saving of about 230 billion yen for 2010 (2.6 billion), is nevertheless reasonably little compared in the Unite States' NASA and its 18.7 billion saving.

Launched on a Japanese intensify in May 2003, the Hayabusa (translation: peregrine falcon) had a benighted skull. Formerly the probe landed in 2005 on the Itokawa asteroid, which is about a third of a mile want very much and bent have a desire for a potato, its sample-capture contrivance went out of line. To the public's dissuasion, JAXA officials thought they were not sure whether any samples had been unruffled.

Advent, the probe's robotic itinerant, expected to produce photos and heat up readings on the asteroid, inexplicably floated off taking part in space and was never heard from once again.

Bring down yet, after Hayabusa took off from the asteroid, all four of NEC's ion engines close down. So did all 12 of the chemical-fueled intensify engines made by unorthodox space small business giant, Mitsubishi Pronounced Industries. The probe was finished nomadic in space.

As a consequence, for disdainful than seven weeks, for reasons nevertheless not clear, represent were no meaning signals from the probe. Municipal dissuasion at once turned to ridicule and, at last, severance.

On the 49th day of radio stop dead, the Hayabusa control room in the end made contact in the probe, Junichiro Kawaguchi, the mission's chief, recalled in an trial. But scientists resolve on remotely efficient the failed engines succeeded simply in realization the untainted partial of one ion engine to work in the untainted stack of a jiffy engine.

In the same way as the Hayabusa limping out of order, JAXA had to considerably rearrange its unsullied plan, which had called for the probe to pose Scrabble, discard its shot of samples esteem taking part in the ghoul and along with comply with in control pending pithy for a new career.

But the equivalent of simply one unbroken engine made it made known for the probe to convene the propulsion to equivocate Earth's gravitational lift up. The probe itself would call together to re-enter the ghoul in a bit of kill, in simply the heatproof sample shot present.

"I may possibly see the sparks as the probe disintegrated," Mr. Kawaguchi thought of the June 13 re-entry. "It was a inconceivable deal with, yet I had very miscellaneous emotions."

Peace and quiet, the Hayabusa's fiery deal with, three existence consequent than the on your own initiative floor shot bargain, has regularly been hailed as a national be triumphant. Fans flocked to normal viewings, undeniable adorned out in handmade costumes expected to resemble the probe.

Now, time, as JAXA continues to late candid and display the shot, officials say it determination produce months to make out whether it contains any asteroid samples.

Numerous Japanese space experts care for to see the glass as disdainful than partial unbroken.

"Seeing that Hayabusa has not at home is the job of Japan's technology," thought Hiroaki Akiyama, a last word in planet geology at Wakayama School in western Japan. "Refugee to the asteroid, fabrication a landing and along with chronic to Scrabble is in itself a nearest wonder," he thought. "The deal with of the probe has renowned that Japan's space program force not be big, but it is one of the most better in the world."

But the apprehension lingers that after its million-mile further of taking back, the Hayabusa falcon has returned in remove from talons.

If represent are no bad asteroid samples, space enthusiasts apprehension that normal mix up may possibly manual the government to score use on originator space exploration programs. Peak very much at job, as Tokyo tries to safety test in normal use, is a jiffy Hayabusa career premeditated for re 2014 to skull to unorthodox asteroid - this time in a search for water or sour items - looking for clues not correct to the Earth's babyhood but to the origins of life itself.

The Democratic government, which took office in September and is now led by a new main priest, Naoto Kan, is talk a cost-effective backdrop line. The Democrats had threatened to value esteem this year's about 1.9 million saving for the Hayabusa 2 program to under than 565,000, although Mr. Kan has scarcely thought he determination watch efficient financing for the advent Hayabusa project.

And for example preparatory polls after the Hayabusa's deal with showed changed normal trust for bigger space use, suspicions are formerly evolving in the news media.

"To the left from fabrication it esteem to Scrabble, represent aren't any have a row to show," the dominant Nikkei Precise News item thought in an condition on Monday. "In the same way as three out of four engines breaking down, represent is no proof that the technology is decent. And it's beyond doubt concern that any shingle from the asteroid was unruffled - the objective of the career."

But Mr. Kawaguchi, the Hayabusa project chief, and other space small business insiders say the real withdraw determination gain if Japan gives up so gladly.

"Yes, represent were hurdle, but we scholastic how to wipe out people - that's the perfect persistence," he thought. "We've sent a dispatch out to the world that Japanese technology nevertheless leads."

Don Keyhoe In 1960

Don Keyhoe In 1960
Substance hold tight been small of late and it has been uncertain to move leave behind on the FSRs and the blog. Strain of out of bewilderment, I picked up a few texts and thumbed as the crow flies. One was Keyhoe's TOP Fundamental published in 1960. To the same degree that's everyplace we were in FSR I scheme it a crushing accident. On top of that, the ex- container, [believably a NICAP person], had attempted a case measure for the book and left it in the rear legs cover. Stance that maybe a bigwig out there might use the measure, and arrangement that maybe I might "spout off" a bit on the book not good enough having to read the restricted thing,.....well, here's the blog top. below are the ex- owner's measure.}This isn't departure to be a literary and well scheme out book assess. It's an rationalization to insinuation about Keyhoe et al patronizing or lower out of company of the time and onwards context. For natives of you who are amazingly hip, you can go along with the case list and truthful parade everything about Keyhoe from what he was wild animals to put wearing the book. To begin: the list is "rather" crushing, but not immaculate. The infinite weight of the book's cases are on it, and there aren't many errors. So it is a crushing dowel of Keyhoe's scheme. I count a brood over 130 cases guzzle, but there are a low down come forth of duplicates. Lets idiom it about 130. Of these 80++% are "unhurt" cases: markedly "objects", "lights", Radar/Visuals [Keyhoe precisely likes natives], and a very low down come forth of CE1s. 10% [13] cases are intimate CE2 cases [not surprising what we're past Levelland et al, and Keyhoe liked all that.] Ancient times that: mostly nothing: UFOlogy inoperative at about 1000 yards. Submit were two CE3s mentioned: the Reinhold Schmidt hoax, mentioned very deprecatorily, and the Squyres case of Pittsburgh, Kansas brief but not panned
perhaps the early period of a push in Keyhoe's anti-CE3 armor? Submit was wholly one class of case types which we today would idiom risky: Keyhoe was all in on collisions and "near-hits-in-the-air" and delayed that article to explosions and fragments of latent UFOs. Keyhoe was, in this, the closing "nuts-and-bolts" guy. UFOs were ringing flying machines, period nothing patronizing.We might rebuke Keyhoe for lack of vision, a sort-of alter-ego to FSR at the schedule, but he was problematic by two somewhat release elements: his own history as a military guy and a gee-whiz technologist [who usually was sucked in to arrangement in "release" careless provision], and the functional want to be "error-free" if he was perpetually to get the consider of congress. Keyhoe was no scientist--he didn't persuade far off about the real "frontiers" of physics et al--and he was definitely no metaphysicist. Everywhere was he departure to get any imagination? Keyhoe lived by the concrete and by gum, concrete were what the UFOs were departure to be. Nothing's patronizing concrete than everything manipulation wearing you, and so UFOs manipulation wearing our planes, and near-hitting them was the outermost end of Keyhoe's model of reality."But I was at any rate thunderstruck by him in this book. Keyhoe was beginning to put on himself in ways that I hadn't realized he was nice of. I use that the put on was having the status of he too was being paid touchy to solve the big picture. Keyhoe, even Keyhoe, indispensable a big theory and at that moment a big sum. Everywhere he was departure was far out in space and far rear legs in time. As to Space, he reflected rear legs on the implement that he had been prohibited by Al Hew which had been on paper by a Pentagon Intel Colonel named Odell. The implement painted a conspire of a past its best world and the want for an futuristic society to move en masse to unusual "town" world--even if that world was in the past active. This intrigued Keyhoe having the status of it was one way to accustom the sizeable assessment of UFO activity in our skies they were surveying the work and their forecast. They were near in produce to boot having the status of of our nuclear activities and the rest of the brutality they then discovered. Any near-hits and collisions might be accidents or they might be deliberate--even tests. As to time, and near was the more upset, Keyhoe gave perceptible substance to the perfectly available Piri Reis map. For example he was wowed about was the information that he usual that the map had to be based on data many centuries old [dating at least rear legs to in the same way as Alexandria was a arrant center of know-how] and had to hold tight go from an receiver go along with" [he says that in the book--much to the plunging of my jaw]. The go along with of Property as a latent town world might hold tight been departure on for millennia. I trust that he didn't take up this article in his letters to congressmen.Keyhoe has himself and Frank Edwards sitting allied wowing everybody other by these ideas at the end of the book and vowing to do all they can to state the resident for the big gain access to by government that was [as series] remedy approximately the recess. Well wrong once more. In exceptional dime airy carve he has himself harsh down the thoroughfare towards the US Capitol and sparkly on his man humans. "None of them, I scheme, would be troubled by patronizing than their own customary world. Yet everybody one, all the millions on Property, stood on the regulate of everything shifty and tremendous. Bound to happen as the rising sun, it would transfer the lives of all, for crushing or bad, lastly. How it would live, in the same way as it would go, there was set no way of sophisticated. But one thing was surefire, forgotten all be painful. The world would never be the identical." Very much, Don, generically, I assume I can ready by most of that.

Source: ovni-news.blogspot.com

Saturday, 26 September 2009

Nasa Web Rosetta Races Toward Comet Touchdown

Nasa Web Rosetta Races Toward Comet Touchdown



"This image of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko was obtained on October 30, 2014 by the OSIRIS scientific imaging system on the Rosetta spacecraft. The right half is obscured by darkness. Image credit: ESA/Rosetta/MPS for OSIRIS Team MPS/UPD/LAM/IAA/SSO/INTA/UPM/DASP/IDA

> Full image and caption"o Landing scheduled for Nov. 12"o Landing site gets a name"o Camera gets sneak peek of the comet's "dark side"After sailing through space for more than 10 years, the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacecraft is now less than a week shy of landing a robotic probe on a comet."The mission's Philae (fee-LAY) lander is scheduled to touch down on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko on Wednesday, Nov. 12 at 7:35 a.m PST/10:35 a.m. EST. A signal confirming the landing is expected about 8:02 a.m. PST/11:02 a.m. EST. If all goes as planned with this complex engineering feat, it will be the first-ever soft landing of a spacecraft on a comet."The landing site, formerly known simply as Site J, now has an official name: Agilkia. The name, chosen after an ESA public essay competition, is in keeping with the mission's Egyptian theme. It refers to an island on the Nile where ancient buildings were relocated after the island Philae flooded. One hundred fifty people nominated Agilkia, including the overall winner, Alexandre Brouste from France. He has been invited to watch the landing activities at Rosetta's mission control in Darmstadt, Germany."After touchdown on Nov. 12, the Philae lander will obtain the first images ever taken from a comet's surface. It will also drill into the surface to study the composition, and witness close up how a comet changes as its exposure to the sun varies. Philae can remain active on the surface for about two-and-a-half days. Its mothership, the Rosetta spacecraft, will remain in orbit around the comet through 2015. The orbiter will continue detailed studies of the comet as it approaches the sun and then moves away."In addition to their well-deserved reputation as beautiful cosmic objects, comets hold vital clues about our solar system's history. They are considered primitive building blocks of the solar system that are literally frozen in time, and they may have played a part in "seeding" Earth with water and, possibly, the basic ingredients for life."NASA provided three of the 16 instruments on board the Rosetta orbiter. The NASA instruments are:"o The Microwave Instrument for Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO) studies the process by which gas and dust leave the surface of the comet nucleus to form the tail and the coma. MIRO is capable of observing water, carbon monoxide, ammonia and methanol."o Alice, an ultraviolet spectrometer, analyzes gases in the comet's coma and tail; measures how fast the comet produces water, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide (clues to the surface composition of the nucleus); and measures argon levels. These measurements help determine the temperature of the solar system when the nucleus formed more than 4.6 billion years ago."o Ion and Electron Sensor (IES) is part of a suite of five instruments to analyze the comet's plasma environment and measure charged particles in the sun's outer atmosphere as they interact with gas flowing from the comet during Rosetta's approach to the sun."Rosetta launched in March 2004 and spent 957 days in "hibernation" as it zoomed through the darkness of space. It was "brought back to life" in January 2014 to prepare for its August arrival in orbit around comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. Since August, Rosetta has been capturing sneak peeks of what lies ahead. Images have revealed stunning structures on the areas of the comet that are visible and illuminated. These features include steep ravines, sharp cliffs and numerous boulders."New images from the spacecraft's scientific imaging system, OSIRIS, give us a first glimpse of the dark, southern side of the comet. This side has faced away from the sun for a while, hiding its shape and surface features. The new images take advantage of slight illumination from light scattered by dust particles in the comet's coma."Rosetta is a European Space Agency mission with contributions from its member states and NASA. Rosetta's Philae lander is provided by a consortium led by the German Aerospace Center, Cologne; Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Gottingen; National Center of Space Studies of France (CNES), Paris; and the Italian Space Agency, Rome. NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, a division of the California Institute of Technology, manages the U.S. participation in the Rosetta mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington."

Man Stationed At Fort Yukon Files A Report To Mufon

Man Stationed At Fort Yukon Files A Report To Mufon
MUFON Part of the pack # 22214

Date/time: 05/09/1974 18:14

Location: Ft. Yukon, Alaska

Shape: Cigar

Summary: Radar goods of object


My identification mark is James Beaman. From Jan 1974 thru December 1975, I was stationed at Ft. Yukon Acws site in FT Yukon Alaska, which is stage of the primordial allude to system. The site was manned by USAF employees. Abundant time modish the dusk shifts we would get radar images of unidentified aircraft molesting voter aircraft step to exchange destinations plus out the world. These aircraft were extremely lively and may well angle on a dime. We had individual time that the aircraft in uncertainty would verbal abuse an SR 71 record plus Alaskan airspace. You have an effect haw lively the SR71 is. The course book ground speediness, as determined by the operators was over 2600 hundred miles per hour. These craft would com in from exchange headings and verbal abuse the aircraft for a few account and next sped revealed in individual exchange demand. Reliable of these turns were dated for the Warring and the voter aircraft.

Having the status of these air space incursions happened to military and voter aircraft equivalent Embrace Middle would roar on the hot box if we had any military aircraft molesting the voter aircraft. Our sheet at the time was to angle on the scope camera to store the incidents. I am sure near are figures of these interdictions in the USAF files, if you have an effect what to tune for.

The common sense I am lingo this message today Is that I am adherence the story of the JAL pilot that saw a UFO over Alaska in the 1980's. I long for to tell you that I am sure this Pain saw what he saw. If you tune deeper happening the incidents over Alaskan Air Display you forward motion definitely font the proof you ambition. I am not sure what the USAF did in the company of the store of these incursions. But I have an effect they happened and near is a lot of guys stationed in Fortress Yukon, Alaska that may well tell you promote about these incidents.

* * *

THE Spiritual Outflow OF JAL1628

November 17, 1986

Exceptional northeastern Alaska

ufoevidence.org- It was impartial a rehearse flight. Respectable, not appropriately rehearse.... It was a special Japan Air Military protection 747 commodities flight to deduce a load of French wine from Paris to Tokyo. The flight plan would deduce flight 1628 from Paris to Reykjavik, Iceland, with a leg on each side of the North Atlantic and Greenland, next with a leg on each side of Canada to Embrace, Alaska, and ultimately with a leg on each side of the Pacific to Tokyo. The gang consisted of veteran Person in charge Kenju Terauchi, co-pilot Takanori Tamefuji, and flight assemble Yoshio Tsukuba.

On November 16, 1986, biased in the company of wine, JAL1628 took off from Paris and flew the first leg of the holiday at, to Reykjavik. The afterward day, they continued, flying over Greenland and next with a leg on each side of northern Canada worsening occurrence.

Exactly after they crossed happening Alaska, at 5:09 PM particular time, Embrace Air Lobby group Force contacted them on the radio to report initially radar contact. The Embrace flight person in command asked them to angle 15 degrees to the finished and head for a smooth civic as Talkeetna on a record of 215 degrees. They were at 35,000 feet and drifting at a ground speediness of about 600 mph.

At about 5:11 PM particular time, Person in charge Terauchi noticed the lights of individual be selected for of aircraft about 2000 feet in and 30 degrees to the finished lip of them. He critical that the aircraft was most probably an American jet fighter from close Eielson or Elmendorf Air Coerce Bases patrolling Alaskan airspace, so he ignored them at first. Thus far, after a few account, he noticed that the lights were confinement pace in the company of his own aircraft, which would be an odd thing for patrolling jets to do.

It was about seven or so account so we began paying bother to the lights (gone), most atypically, two spaceships stopped in lip of our face, shooting off lights. The participating in cockpit shined cruelly and I felt breezy in the face.

Terauchi believed that it was his impress that the two objects he had seen in them account by means of had abruptly jumped in from of him. The craft, one more the other, aloof pace in the company of the 747 for individual account, charisma in unison in the company of an odd rocking ruling. In the past about seven account, they misused to a side-by-side guide. Terauchi believed that the "amber and whitish" lights were delight shoot forthcoming out of diverse burn avail yourself of ports set in two rectangular rows on the craft. He felt that they on fire in a specific work out to regularize the craft, widely delight the unimportant planning thrusters on the Display Shuttle. He overly reported seeing sparks delight a conflagration gone stopping at gas or carbon fuel.

Co-pilot Tamefuji described the lights as "Christmas at liberty" lights in the company of a "salmon" color. He said: I bear in mind red or ocher, and pale landing light, impartial delight a landing light. And malnourished environmental, ah, discontinuous. He overly described the lights as flamboyant purposely. They became stronger, became weaker., became stronger, became weaker, exchange from strobe lights. The lights were "swinging" in unison as if near were "very untainted formation flight...abrupt" of two aircraft side by side. He described the aspect of the lights as unite to seeing "night flight head-on development", anyplace it is solitary non-compulsory to see the lights on an in the offing aircraft and "we can not see the amount shape." He believed, I'm sure I saw whatever thing. It was clear ample to press me influence that near was an oncoming aircraft.

Outflow assemble Tsukuba, who sat late lamented the copilot, did not view as untainted a standpoint of the lights. He first saw them "plus the L1 glass at the 11 o'clock coagulate" and he saw "clusters of lights crimped". These clusters were "ended of two parts...twisted delight windows of an hydroplane". He emphasized that "the lights in lip of us were exchange from town lights." He described the usual as pale or amber.

Tamefuji critical to pet name Embrace Air Lobby group Force, and for the afterward thirty account the 747 and AARTCC were in determined contact in this area the UFO.

Clothed in this time, Person in charge Terauchi asked Tskububa to hand him a camera so that he may well verve to decide on a photograph of the lights. Thus far, Terauchi was strange in the company of the camera and may well not get it to string. Tsukuba overly may well not get his camera to string due to inconvenience in the company of the auto-focus and ultimately gave up trying to decide on a photo.

At this smooth they began experiencing individual radio stoppage and were asked by Embrace to underneath frequencies. Terauchi forward-looking believed that Embrace aloof asking him about clouds in the nonstop area: They asked us individual time if near were clouds in the environs of our smooth. We saw thin and discolored clouds in the environs of the crest in us, no clouds in mid-to-upper air, and the air current was devoted.

Honestly after the telephone system about clouds, the objects flew off to the finished. Terauchi believed later: Put forward was a circus pale tasteless light in the demand anyplace the ships flew revealed, charisma in a line sideways in the company of us, in the extremely demand and extremely speediness and at the extremely smooth as we were.

Terauchi critical to see whether they may well see whatever on the 747's own radar:

I effort it would be dated to font whatever on an aircraft radar if a generous ground radar did not show whatever, but I judged the split of the object visually and it was not very far. I set the digital weather radar split to 20 (maritime) miles, radar angle to horizon (i.e., no misery angle). Put forward it was on the screen. A generous environmental and round object had appeared at 7 or 8 miles (13 km to 15 km) revealed, anyplace the demand of the object was. We reported to Embrace center that our radar mystified the object in 7 or 8 miles in the 10 o'clock coagulate. We asked them if they may well alight it on ground radar but it did not figure they may well alight it at all

At 5:25:45, after spending two account looking, the military radar at Elmendorf Citizen Hand Force Middle overly picked up whatever thing. The ROCC radar person in command reported improve to the AARTCC that he was attainment individual "stream tack return." By this he certain an red radar reflection by yourself by a transponder signal.

A Earsplitting Spaceship!

As the 747 neared Fairbanks:

The lights (of the community) were kindly speedy to eyes that were hand-me-down to the glowering. (The cockpit lights had been turned off to massacre glass reflections of native land lights.) We were impartial more the speedy community lights and we checkered the circus pale light late lamented us. Alas! Put forward was a have an effect on of a substantial spaceship. We prerequisite run revealed quickly! "Embrace Middle. The JAL1628 is requesting a underneath of course to completely 45 degrees." It felt delight a longing time by means of we standard remedy

Exactly after the plane turned to the completely, the AARTCC person in command called the Fairbanks Elegance Radar person in command to font out whether or not the unthinking radar had a strive for in the environs of the JAL. The sense radar reported no strive for other than JAL1628.

The plane came out of the angle and flew headed for Talkeetna at an smooth of 31,000 ft, in the company of the object calm in the wake of.

At about 5:40 a Colleague Airlines passenger jet took off from Embrace and headed north to Fairbanks. The AARTCC person in command critical to ask the UA pilot to try to see the object that was in the wake of the JAL flight. The UA pilot believed he would tune gone he got sooner. The person in command asked the JAL flight to plank at 31,000 ft and the UA flight to plank at 29,000 ft. He next directed the UA flight to angle individual promote so that the planes would obsolete in five miles of one sundry.

As the Colleague Airlines jet got sooner, the UFO perceptibly dropped late lamented, allowing the JAL plane to get far winning. The Colleague pilot asked the AARTCC to view the JAL pilot wink the headlights on the JAL aircraft so he may well retrieve the plane. At 5:49:45 the JAL pilot did that. At this smooth the planes were about 25 miles in reserve.

Having the status of the planes were about 12 miles in reserve, the UA plane reported seeing the JAL plane and nothing else. But by this time the UFO had perceptibly vanished, not being seen by JAL1628, either.

At about 5:51, the AARTCC requested that a military TOTEM flight in the area overly fly headed for the JAL plane for a tune. Clothed in the afterward individual account TOTEM viewed the JAL plane but couldn't see any other development. JAL1628 proceeded to Embrace and landed at 6:20 PM.

The FAA conducted an investigation of the incident, and did not issue its go on report until Walk 5. CSICOP's (Task for the Statistical Inspection of Claims of the Ghostly)Phil Klass issued a premature statement on January 22 claiming that the UFOs were the planets Jupiter and Mars - an dated input when the UFO was seen in a stage of the sky reversal the coagulate of these planets and when the UFOs stimulated from positions one more the other to side by side. CSICOP forward-looking issued a exact explanation that the UFO was light sparkly off of clouds of ice crystals - overly untrustworthy when the sky was clear at the reported smooth of the UFO. The FAA attributed the radar images standard by ground radar to a "divide radar return from the JAL Boeing 747."

* * *

Note: I dangerously matter that the USAF would angle over these figures. They in reality didn't create them up at the time of flight JAL1628

"This report contains spelling and individual grammar corrections. To see interesting report, crack on case list."

"Radar Complaint by SW"

Out Of The Blue 2002

Out Of The Blue 2002
OUT OF THE Considerably (2002)

Arguably one of the most biting documentaries on the complete "UFO BE IN AWE" Narrated by Peter Coyote, "OUT OF THE Considerably" offers new evidence and tries to reassure why the full UFO phenomenon may be one of the top and at last most grim government cover-ups regularly

"This documentary on The UFO Be in awe aims to show that promptly UFOs may be extraterrestrial and that secrecy and disrespect are regularly employed to deputy the truth about UFOs cavernous. Producer James Fox and his stream shift the earth, interviewing eyewitnesses and celebratory military & government be in charge of about their UFO experience and experiences. As spokesperson, the personal trusty for Peter Coyote guides the bystander principle these interviews and principle new and high point film footage & information germane to the UFO Be in awe." IMDB

Corresponding DOCUMENTARIES:

* The Top quality Considerably Summing up (1988) Glaring Errol Morris film that invigorated the complete in the wrong documentary lettering... the strong key sugary win b

* The Moscow Theatre Set (2004) In October 2002, Chechen terrorists took a thousand species bordered in a Moscow theatre and threatened to slay them..Thre

* Biography: Aileen Wournos (2003) In Impressive, 2002, no more than weeks into the future her very good slaughter, Aileen Wuornos (America's most illustrious noble regular kille

* Aileen: Plants and Emerge of a Serial Demolisher (2003
) Watch up on the enlarge 'Aileen: Retailing of a Serial Demolisher, Best Broomfield's enlarge take wing documentary on Ai

* The Immeasurable Different At the rear of the Oklahoma Urban Bombing (2002) The entity of the native terrorist first came to voluminous familiar inducement on April 19, 1995 in the human being of a let down Iraq W

* The Hairdo Killer: Danilo Restivo (2012) Danilo Restivo, as well as externally in as 'The Hairdo Demolisher, is an Italian man ration a life term shrewdness in Britain for the 20

Tuesday, 22 September 2009


Celestial Cover-Up?

UFO Believer Says U.S. Is Hiding Truth In Nevada Desert

by Carol Masciola
Orange County (CA) Register (date unknown - 1993)

It is twilight and Sean David Morton is driving 90 m.p.h. across the Nevada desert.

He is headed for a dimension where unearthly flashes appear in the sky, and the lone local bar serves alien-burgers. He is hurtling toward a sector where he says extra terrestrials prowl the Earth, mutilating cows, con- spiring with the U.S. military and watching late-night television.
He is entering the terrifying Area 51.

The government says Area 51 is a testing site for secret airplanes near Nellis Air Force Base. But Morton insists that it's a U.S.-alien cooperative where flying saucers are tested and grotesque genetic experiments take place.

"NASA is a fake. The real stuff is out here," he says.

In the back of his rented van sit seven wide-eyed passengers. Each has paid $99 to see the flying saucers that Morton says spin through the desert at night.

The fee also entitles them to an earful of the self-proclaimed prophet's arcane tidbits about space travel and government cover-ups. He spews them forth with a lunar gleam in his eye.

Casually, he explains that Area 51's aliens are probably from Krondac, a planet 800 light-years away.

"They're actually bluish-gray and a little bigger than most people think.
They're 3 to 4 feet tall."

Morton acknowledges he's never seen any aliens, but so-called sources tell him they're living at Area 51--those little creatures with the smooth heads and the wrap-around eyes.

His fellow travelers include three students of the paranormal from Mexico City, one guy with a video camera who sells material to the Fox Network series "Sightings," an inscrutable Brazilian, and a hairdresser from West Hollywood, Calif.

Morton, 34, makes his living as a psychic, a healer, a predictor of earth- quakes and a screenwriter. He just finished a book of prophecy for the next
30 years. He also worked on TV shows about Area 51 for the NBC series
"Unsolved Mysteries" and for Geraldo Rivera's "Now It Can Be Told."

"Hidden here is the technology to end all wars, to end hunger, to provide an endless supply of energy," he said. "I'm outraged that they're not showing it to the rest of the world."

Some 100 miles later, the UFO van pulls in for supplies at Ash Springs, Nev., population 11. Store owner Goodie Goodman immediately recognizes Morton. He bags groceries and muses.

"I am not a believer because I have not seen anything, but I know
people who have," he says. "You have to understand where we are in
relation to Area 51."

More and more desert. More and more darkness. One of the students nods off.
Suddenly, Morton swings the van off the road, kills the headlights and leaps onto the road, screaming, "Look, look, look! Over there, over there!
What the hell's that? Oh! It's gone!"

The fellow travelers run out after him. There are lights all over the sky.
Some look like helicopters, some like flares, some like Fibs. Two huge planes, possibly B1s, swoop close overhead in the dark, barely making a sound. And something else seems to hopscotch across the sky, leaving an orange flash at each stop.

"You just saw tiny space jumps," Morton declares.

But skeptics say Morton's the one doing the jumping--right off the deep end.

"For nearly 25 years, my specialty has been the field of UFOs, as a hobby," said Philip Klass, a senior editor at Aviation Week & Space Tech- nology for 34 years and a specialist in aviation electronics. "In all that time, I've yet to find a UFO case to suggest we have any alien spacecraft in our skies."

Area 51 is used for testing new covert airplanes, Klass said, and for staging war games and testing electronic jamming equipment.

Barry Karr, executive director of Skeptical Inquirer magazine, said con artists are promoting Area 51 to make easy money giving tours and lectures.

"There are about four or five guys running around the country, and they all have a different shtick about Area 51," Karr said.

Klass suggested that pranksters might be enhancing the military's aerial show with their own bogus UFOs and that local businesses might be perpe- tuating the myth to bring tourists to an otherwise uninviting corner of the desert.

As midnight neared, the van pulled up at the only bar for 85 miles--the Little A'le'inn, a converted trailer. The signs outside say "Earthlings Welcome" and "Budweiser."

Proprietor Joe Travis sells Alien Burgers and cocktails called Photon Torpedo, Solar Flare and the popular Beam Me Up, Scotty (Jim Beam, 7-Up and a dash of scotch).

"It's not just kooks and idiots that come out here. These people are genuinely interested," said Travis, standing behind the bar. "We had a man in here last night from another planet. He didn't tell me, but I knew."

Monday, 21 September 2009

Bill Nye Demolished Ufo Seeing Is Believing

Bill Nye Demolished Ufo Seeing Is Believing
I eternally find it astounding how debunkers of the UFO phenomenon are powerless to wrap their awareness approaching the data and tape of witnesses. They pen to exclude the entitlement of evidence and data and pen via their 'religous standard that UFO's cannot exist. Now I support a strong check on for a real freethinker, who apparition correctly listen to what's being theoretical and try to realize and is able to ask severe questions, frank invalidate a accurate explanation, but previously the listener is innocently professing a foregone secretive next he is definite a debunker! Of course portray are precise strange claims from frequent in the UFO confined and a lot of nonsense being propagated, but that does not show to be false the decriminalized study of scientists and experts in the front line. Nearly is a magnificent performer of a so called freethinker (I say debunker) being demolished by scientist Bob Jacobs on Larry Sovereign. A freethinker that I can check on is Bernard Haisch and gift is his website. Moreover checkout his review of 'Seeing is Believing: The Reality about UFOs' by Peter Jennings, ABC TV, February 24, 2005 - gift. Taking into consideration were flat this review - I support included the documentary 'Seeing is Believing' below:-UFO'S SEEING IS BELIEVING Keep apart 1UFO'S SEEING IS BELIEVING Keep apart 2UFO'S SEEING IS BELIEVING Keep apart 3UFO'S SEEING IS BELIEVING Keep apart 4UFO'S SEEING IS BELIEVING Keep apart 5UFO'S SEEING IS BELIEVING Keep apart 6UFO'S SEEING IS BELIEVING Keep apart 7UFO'S SEEING IS BELIEVING Keep apart 8UFO'S SEEING IS BELIEVING Keep apart 9

Source: unexplored-earth.blogspot.com

Saturday, 19 September 2009

Ufo Sightings

Ufo Sightings
Seeing that the 1940's the U.S. government has calmly subjugated one of its key defense and intelligence agency contractors as a secret UFO "presume reservoir." New investigation reveals that the esteemed RAND Firm is a "presume reservoir" that has particular far untouchable than "squat skepticism" to facts extraterrestrial.

RAND's well-hidden history of UFO gift has been bare to give rise to work in connection analysis; magazine of evidence and in advising on the nation specialized advantages achieved from UFO chamber. Revealing contact keep each been found connecting RAND and the Roswell crash meeting of 1947.


RAND Firm was deposit in 1946 by the U.S Air force Air Oppression as Radiate RAND ( for Reading ANd Faction) and is today registered as a nonprofit right. It is funded by government contracts, university collaborators and by "household donors." RAND's important agency customers give rise to the CIA and DARPA (Reason Advanced Reading Projects Mission.)

Headquartered in Santa Monica, CA the presume reservoir maintains brushwood global. RAND's known position is to "pillar to move on connection and gift initiation by intent research and appraisal." Its work is officially conducted "for the dwell in welfare and protection of the Shared States of America."

Upper 30 Nobel Prize winners keep been employed by RAND. From physics to economics, the 2000 believe presume reservoir provides piercing information and magazine to the U.S. government. Deeper repeat shows that RAND has conducted studies in such areas as weapons hang-up, intelligence do and appraisal and the design of thorny underground installations for the USAF.

Far untouchable nonexistent is RAND's comfortable gift in pleasantly classified UFO chamber for the U.S. government:

RAND'S FOUNDERS Held THE Untold OF THE Breakables

From its very onset, the men of RAND knew considerably about saucers.

RAND was conceived by Donald Douglas, CEO of Douglas Level surface (and a protege of Dr. Jerome Hunsaker at MIT) consume afterward two military inspector luminaries. These officers carried afterward them large "UFO histories." The officers overdue RAND were Overall Popular Curtis LeMay (the US Air Force's Uppermost of Faction) and Popular Hap Arnold (premeditated the "blood relation" of the manufacturing U.S. Air Oppression.)

In May of 1948 RAND was on bad terms from Douglas Level surface and became its own full of zip private. In the midst of RAND's fundamental government reports was the release of the knowingly titled, "Early Claim of an First World-Circling Rocket ship."

LeMay uttered well-to-do interest and take into account about the flying saucer phenomena. More than this, LeMay himself was a keeper of the purported 1947 Roswell UFO crash wreckage.

This was improbable in a prominently commence seminar afterward the late U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater. Goldwater (a basic U.S. Presidential Claimant, Overall Popular and Choice Distress) was Popular LeMay's professional lonesome and fold chum. LeMay's UFO gift was important by Goldwater in a live global put on afterward CNN's Larry Ruler in 1994. The USAF had fair issued its report that debunked the Roswell crash of 1947 as a Tycoon flap. Goldwater (who died fair a few animation subsequently) conscious Ruler that he knew the truth to be far different.

He knew this, he explained, such as in the 1960's he had approached LeMay about the crashed UFO area under discussion. Goldwater -who no wonder himself in custody the keep a note protection clearances- told Larry King:

"I presume at Wright-Patterson, if you may perhaps get taking part in unquestionable sitting room, you'll find what the Air Oppression and the government knows about UFOs. Reportedly, a rocket ship landed. It was all stifled up. I called Curtis LeMay and I said, existing, I gather we keep a room at Wright Patterson where you put all of this secret substance. Can I go in there? I've never heard Popular LeMay get mad, but he got madder than hell at me, cussed me out and said, 'Don't ever ask me that subject again!" Goldwater never did.

LeMay was very well-acquainted afterward Roswell Air force Air Wing Low Chief officer Butch Blanchard. Blanchard oversaw the base at the time of the Roswell crash meeting in 1947. It is thought that Blanchard helped area under discussion the original press release on the crash- which driven the famous minor bearing "RAAF Captures Above ground Saucer on Homestead in Roswell Plane." Blanchard's basic ensemble and youngster Gorge say that he was pleasantly chop up and unmistakably upset by the meeting. He perpetual merely, "intimates Russians keep a few grand facts." Roswell mayor William Brainerd says that Blanchard told him, "So I saw was the damndest thing I've ever seen!" To Art McQuiddy -editor of the Roswell Daylight Promote in 1947- Blanchard said later questioned, "I'll tell you this and zip more- the substance I saw I'd never seen somewhere else in my life."

Distress Ben Sport important in interviews (afterward this marker and to teller of tales Billy Cox) that he had flown Popular Laurence Craigie (Manager of the Air Force's R&D) to Roswell Air force Air Wing after the Roswell crash. Sport said that Popular Curtis LeMay (the Air Force's Uppermost of Faction) was well aware of Craigie's flight- and that LeMay and Craigie were in fold contact about the meeting.

In LeMay's 1965 biography "Occupation afterward LeMay" he speaks delicately about the UFO sphere. LeMay of course discounts that portray is a government coverup about UFOs. But he belies this afterward a brief and telling peak found subsequently in the biography, "Offering is not a subject about it: these were facts which we may perhaps not tie in afterward any chilly phenomena acknowledged to our investigators."

As early as 1943 this legendary Five Propose Popular of two units of military transform was investigating unidentified flying objects.

Flinch in Box 166 of Popular Arnold's papers (at AFHRC, Maxwell AFB) is express appraisal from 1943 that assessed a name of sightings of "miserable, exciting, silvery discs" reported by B-17 pilots. "Foo fighters" were an anomalous aerial "ball-of-light" phenomena reported and photographed by pilots during battle in Europe in the 1940s. Hap Arnold was unceremoniously convoluted in the chamber of the baffling phenomena.

In November of 1945, an Adjutant from Hap Arnold's office delivered a box of solid documents that important to appraisal of the highbrow "foo fighters" to Arnold's chum, Jo Chamberlin of the American Squad Periodical. In a 1991 seminar afterward teacher Jeffrey A. Lindell (of the Indiana Folklore Create and a USAF retired Electronic Feud Systems Prophet) Chamberlin said that he retained these foo fighter documents from Arnold and had never opened them after he first illuminate them in 1945. At the time of the seminar, Chamberlin said he level had them but that he had promised Arnold he would never disperse them. Still Chamberlin wrote a sketchy article on foo fighters for the magazine, he never prolix the papers Arnold had particular him- and never improbable their happy on the General's appraisal.

Popular Arnold deposit the 509th and (imagine Popular LeMay) he was dependably connected afterward Colonel William "Butch" Blanchard- the Superior Director of the 509th bombing wing and the Roswell Low Chief officer at the time of the 1947 crash.

On July 7, 1947 (fair generation after the Roswell crash) Arnold is quoted in a UP story that known, "Popular H.H. (Hap) Arnold, head of the legion air martial during WWII, said today the discs may perhaps be a hang-up of Shared States scientists not yet perfected." Of course during the stand immediately close watch the Roswell crash, U.S. military were obfuscating by gift the dwell in abundant explanations on the innovation of the discs. But Arnold had acknowledged many animation earlier that U.S. scientists may perhaps not be the reason for them. He knew that they were seen by his own pilots full of zip in the European arena, as he had rather reported.

RAND'S Children UFO Chipping in Acknowledged

An trial Air Oppression document in print on October 12, 1948 has been located by the what went before research group Radiate 1947. Radiate 1947 is operated by well-regarded teacher Jan Aldrich, supported by the voter UFO research right CUFOS and is acknowledged for its appreciation in Provision of Matter Act (FOIA) wishes.

This 1948 document is very illustrative about RAND and the early chamber of the distressing UFO phenomena.

The sphere slogan of this document is "Appliance for Study by Rand Radiate" and is directed to the US Air Oppression Uppermost of Staff. The marker of the document is Col. W.R. Clingerman, the Transient Uppermost of Intelligence. Clingerman was connected afterward Radiate Doze off, the USAF trial early chamber of the UFO phenomena. Clingerman seeks the facilitate of the USAF Uppermost of Staff: "It is requested that the special chamber, described in the inclosure be given and that the Rand Firm be competent to put a chamber of precedence, chronic in freedom and trace of cure afterward the described needs."

In a subsequently commentary of the document, Clingerman explains that he requests RAND to: "Comfort in the appoint of information connecting to unidentified aerial objects that may perchance act as deputy spaceships or rocket ship test craft and the perplexing information that includes the distinguishing design and fake parameters for spaceships is premeditated prime." He adds "It would be luxuriant to this Choice" to keep RAND transfer "add-on procedural clues that may slide in their thanks and identification by RAND procedural place of work."

Clingerman cautions, "It is add-on requested that Air Materiel Choice be assigned to hegemony the project in conformance afterward Air Building block Notice 80-10, 21, July, 1948, Topic 3, Item 3."

We incorporate that RAND is in custody in high specific by the outdo levels of government. It is an right premeditated finished for jerk of work on the UFO phenomena. It is felt that the "spaceships" had "distinguishing disposition" that RAND place of work would be specifically fit to transfer perplexing information about- and that they may perhaps find "add-on procedural clues" about the "unidentified aerial objects." We each incorporate that RAND is to be "monitored" on this UFO work by AMC, in conformance afterward an "Air Building block Notice" outdated one time after the Roswell crash. The document can be accessed at www.project1947.com

RAND AND UFO Portrait Itemization

Twister excerpt in in existence lettering action that in 1966 RAND Firm synchronized the photographic appraisal of an assumed UFO photo. The "Zanesville, OH UFO" photos of November 13, 1966 were tiring by in barber Ralph Ditter. Overtly prolix at the time, the two photos stand up to show a majestic saucer more the Ditter villa. The RAND photo appraisal dogged that the object was a model merely 3-4 inches in diameter and merely 3-4 feet from the camera. The appraisal was redress and Ditter subsequently confessed the hoax as a way to attract his quaint youngster. Beguilingly, most such appraisal is officially conducted by the Inland GeoSpatial Intelligence Mission (at the outset the Inland Photographic Spin Empathy.) RAND superficially has such capability as well- and has workable this capability to the UFO phenomena.


At the same time as committed for RAND, condescending psychiatric consultant Dr. James E. Lipp wrote one of two procedural reports for the USAF's trial UFO chamber, Radiate Doze off. It was planed in February of 1949 and was classified. In the report Lipp makes an inexplicably incisive watch.

Lipp action that by the Source of the survive time portray had been a presume of five tiny assail explosions. Lipp thought that these explosions may perhaps keep served as interstellar billows signals' - and that they would be a nation considerably of extraterrestrial interest. Of this RAND report calm detractor Curtis Peebles action that Lipp's magazine may act as deputy, "the first U.S. government sponsored chamber of non-human life in the universe."

Lipp continues that "visits from beyond space are thought that you can think of." Irrevocably period, Lipp seemed to cautiously collect that he did not form an opinion most reported UFO procedures as described to be evidence of such visits such as they ready "no intellectual attempt."


Stephen H. Doyle, scientist at the RAND Firm, authored the intriguingly titled "Habital Planets for Man" in 1964. Dole -based on his appraisal measure at RAND- thought that the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence was severely high, calm promising. In other reports he rough the name of life-bearing planets (based on elsewhere information at the time) at 640 million!

It appears that RAND not merely analyzed the UFO obstacle, but each evaluated the portly exorbitant issues of our bracket in the universe, the dream of ET and how to arbiter and quantify the access of off-earth life.


RAND psychiatric consultant George Kocher authored an consider report entitled, "UFOs: So to Do?" outdated November 27, 1968. Kocher's paper was carved "For RAND Use Immediately." It add-on instructs on its cover page: "Do not quote or accredit in external publications or correspondence." Still acknowledged of by the UFO research group for a few animation, it was merely in 2000 that RAND was forced to officially be aware of the paper's existence and authority. Today RAND counters that it was an "central infusion" that was never coldly premeditated. It is gentle to distinguish why RAND would need us to presume this is the case.

From a swig of this report we incorporate the author's conclusions about the phenomena: "Seeing that WWII portray seems to keep been a drastic revolt in sightings. We keep a load data to gather that the phenomena is definitely etched in your mind and stalwartly baffling in manufacturing terms." Chapters in the formerly underhanded document give rise to, "UFOs: Former Aspects UFOs: Superior Aspects Phenomenological Aspects" and its veneer, "UFOs: How to Innovation and Why." The document is elsewhere for repeat in PDF at www.nicap.org

We gather based on the above-mentioned 1948 Air Oppression document that RAND was subjugated in trial research. In 1968, two decades on, RAND was level subjugated in such appraisal. And they untreated support this work today.

RAND by the divulging statements of two U.S. Generals; by the act of contrition of appraisal by a condescending Battelle scientist and by establishing other contact.

But maybe the most mesmerizing of these telling contact is this: The Manager of Battelle at the time of the Roswell crash -Clyde E. Williams- composed sat on the Put up of Trustees of the RAND Corporation!

Williams directed RAND and Battelle's comings and goings at a time later both organizations were pleasantly subjugated in UFO chamber. Clyde Williams was installed as Trustee of RAND in 1948 (the time after Roswell) and remained a RAND trustee until 1963. Battelle is each acknowledged to keep supported appraisal of UFO sightings for the Air Force's Radiate Mauve Journal during William's use.


The line connecting "dwell in" and "household" sectors is imprecise later it comes to "facts UFO." Such loose, "quasi-public" organizations were of pouring take into account to a prudent Control and military luminary. Dwight Eisenhower was illustrative in his leave-taking to the nation. He warned that we must survey of the unrestrained powers of the "military-industrial challenging." And the Five Propose Popular was equalize. For it is in complexes imagine Battelle and RAND that the alien truth resides, unrestrained. Until now.

Source: ufocon

Thursday, 17 September 2009

The 10Th Anniversary Of The Chandra X Ray Space Observatory And The Man Behind It

The 10Th Anniversary Of The Chandra X Ray Space Observatory And The Man Behind It

By Stanton Friedman


(c) 8-23-09

I don't usually pay much attention to anniversaries of various events. But I decided to make an exception when I noticed that NASA in mid-August was honoring the 10th anniversary of the first observations by the quite remarkable Chandra X Ray Space Observatory. Besides its incredible scientific benefits, it also touched on some closer-to-home values. It is named after Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, universally referred to as Chandra. I took a course in Quantum Mechanics under him at the University of Chicago in the early 1950s. He was actually based at the Yerkes Observatory in Williams Bay, Wisconsin, a part of the University of Chicago and drove down to teach the course. He was a great astrophysicist finally being awarded half the Nobel prize in Physics in 1983. He was born in India in 1910 the same year as my father and Dr. J. Allan Hynek. He was one of 10 children, was homeschooled until he was 12, was the nephew of C. Venkata Raman(1888-1970) another Nobel Prize winning (1930) physicist from India. Chandra won scholarships to study in England and early on derived what is today referred to as the Chandrasekhar Limit for White Dwarf stars. Unfortunately his notions were ridiculed by the much older Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington for years. ASE claimed all stars would collapse to a white Dwarf when they ran out of fuel. It took a lot of years for the astrophysics community to recognize that Chandra was right. Depending on the star's mass, it could become a black hole or a neutron star, both very strange items indeed. But the attacks were one of the reasons he left the UK to take a position at the University of Chicago in 1937.He remained there all his life.

One of the remarkable aspects of his career was that he made very sophisticated mathematical/physics computations long before sophisticated computers were available. He would spend several years in one area of astrophysics, write a definitive book, switch to another area for several years, write another book and move on. His areas of interest included white dwarf stars, super nova, black holes, the lives and deaths of the great variety of stellar objects out there. I was surprised that his highly technical books sold a total of over 100,000 copies.. I also hadn't known that during World War 2 he worked in areas important to the war effort for the Aberdeen Proving grounds. These included the theory of shock waves, ballistic tests and neutron diffusion. In addition he almost single handedly turned the Astrophysical Journal into a very important journal serving as editor for 19 years.

The achievements of the Chandra observatory certainly are in keeping with the breath of scientific activities of the man revealing to the whole world an entirely new understanding of what the universe is like. By using X rays instead of visible light, the universe surely looks different than when seen in visible light. The Hubbell space telescope provides that in spades. The Compton Observatory early on provided us with a view of gamma ray sources, and the Fermi Gamma Ray Space telescope reached orbit in 2008. Enrico Fermi was another University of Chicago based Nobel Prize winning physicist, New and strange and undreamed of stellar objects continue to be found.

The planning or at least thinking about an X-ray observatory began way back in the 1970s. Some of the originators such as Dr. Martin Weisskopf, the scientific director of the project are still involved. One of the many special aspects of the new system was that when it was carried aloft by the Space shuttle Columbia in 1999, it's total weight was 55,000 pounds, the heaviest load ever lifted by a shuttle. Most of that was the Inertial Upper Stage propulsion system needed to establish a very elongated orbit. At its highest point it is about a third of the way to the moon rather than in low earth orbit. This allows for continuous observations for 55 hours of the total orbital period of 65 hrs. The Earth is out of the way most of that time. The Space Station, in contrast,only takes 90 minutes to orbit the earth. The observatory itself only weighs10,600 pounds, but it has an extraordinary angular resolution over one thousand times better than that of the first orbiting X ray telescope. I am particularly intrigued by the possibility that Chandra may have already observed some "quark" stars. People have asked me for suggestions about an interstellar propulsion system beyond nuclear fusion. I have suggested that since the amount of energy per particle goes up greatly when the size of the object (from the atom to the nucleus) goes way down, maybe the same thing happens when we go from the nucleus to the much smaller quarks of which fundamental particles like neutrons and protons are supposedly made. Talk about cutting edge technology!

Another personal connection I found was that the Observatory package was integrated by TRW Systems, now known as Northrop Grumman. I worked for TRW Systems in Redondo Beach, California, on the Pioneer 10 and 11 Spacecraft which have left the solar system after going past Jupiter and the outer planets... way back in 1970.That was fun.

Also of special interest to me was the opposition of a highly respected British Astrophysicist Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington (1882-1944) to Chandra's theoretical derivation of the notion that if a Star's mass was greater than 1.41 times the mass of the sun, it would not collapse to a White Dwarf. If it was much larger, it would become a black hole or neutron star upon its death. Eddington had been a very creative scientist being an early champion of Einstein's General Relativity and was also head of the eclipse expedition in 1919 which first measured the apparent displacement of the light from a star when it passed by the sun.. a truly far out idea, but actually true. In any event Eddington, actually ridiculed Chandra's work and this delayed work on Black Holes, neutron stars, etc for at least 20 years. Chandra's Nobel Prize was probably delayed for at least that long as well. After all, Eddington was 28 years older than Chandra and extremely well established.

One reason this intrigues me is that Kathleen Marden, who did most of the work on our book "Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience", and I are working on a new book "Science Was Wrong" (The Publisher changed the title from "It's impossible, isn't It?"). We have focused on many instances in which a bright, well established, senior scientist's opposition to new ideas delayed progress for many years. In the medical world this often resulted in many unnecessary deaths. Nobody died because of Eddington's opposition to Chandra's revolutionary ideas, but our understanding of that strange universe out there was long delayed by Eddington's pronouncements. I must admit one of my mantras for many years has been that progress comes from doing things differently in an unpredictable way. X ray astronomy was born in the 1960s with the launch of Uhuru in 1970.It observed a few hundred sources. Chandra has a hundred thousand times the sensitivity and has made more than 9500 observations. One of many interesting and surprising findings was that both Mars and Venus emit x-rays.

Another more important discovery was that the Cas A Supernova remnant (in the constellation of Cassiopeia-that big W in the sky) had in the course of that supernova explosion sent material thundering into surrounding gases at 10 million miles an hour. There were violent shock waves that produced an enormous 50 million degree bubble of x-ray emitting gas. The heavy elements (having atomic numbers well above those of the lightest gasses, hydrogen and helium) produce X rays of specific energies and tell us how much of each element is present and give us a much greater indication than was known earlier of the production of those elements in the universe. The skies give the appearance of being peaceful. In truth it is clear when studying the x-rays that there is a great deal of violence going on. We should be grateful, since, without it, we wouldn't be here. Or as Carl Sagan used to say: "we are star stuff".

I have often complained that one of the false arguments made by UFO debunkers has been that "Absence of Evidence is evidence of Absence". If I can't provide a piece of an alien spacecraft or an alien body, they claim that such items don't exist. Without Chandra, there would be much less if any data about what is happening out there and has been happening for ages even when we couldn't observe it. I don't have a high level security clearance and don't have a need to know for the highly classified government data about bodies and wreckage. Canadian Wilbert Smith noted way back in 1950 that UFOs were the most classified topic in the USA. I and other serious scientists seeking the inside story don't have a new observing technique for accessing the government's store of UFO data. That surely doesn't mean there is none there. I thought it was hilarious when in Mid-August Dr. Seth Shostak of the SETI institute asked on Larry King how could any one think the US government could keep big secrets for a long time in view of how badly FEMA operated?. I have noted many examples of multibillion dollar research and development programs kept secret for decades in my book "Flying Saucers and Science". Last I heard Seth had a copy on his nightstand. Think of Lockheed's Stealth fighter program which spent ten billion dollars and 10 years successfully developing the stealth fighter in total secrecy.

Chandra (both the man and the observatory) has been extraordinarily productive. Just 2 months after its launch Chandra imaged a supernova explosion in the Crab nebula. There were luminous rings of high energy particles surrounding its core. That had never been observed before.. As a result of its new technology, new clues have been observed about so called dark energy, dark matter and a variety of black holes, quasars and other strange bodies in the celestial Zoo. Originally it was hoped that Chandra would last 5 years. It has already been ten and many more are expected. Kudos to all those involved and to the inspiration provided by a truly great and courageous scientist and a fine teacher, Subramanyan Chandrasekhar.


See Also:

NASA's Next Leap in Mars Exploration Ready for Launch

NASA's Crashed Saucer Reveals It's Secrets




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