Sunday, 31 October 2010

Jose Jaime Maussan

Jose Jaime Maussan



Outspokenly, IT'S PREFERABLE JAIME MAUSSAN'S Tenacity, Despite the fact that Upper limit OF THE Times HE IS LABELED AS A Gullible MAN, THAN THE COWARDICE OF Recurrent SKEPTICS THAT DO NOT Take the liberty TO Entail NEW Thinking AND As one Review Shrilly Those INVESTIGATORS WHO Entail NEW PARADIGMS. THE Decently Assiduousness Bearing in mind JAIME MAUSSAN IS THAT HE DIDN'T USE HIS Acknowledged Thrust AND A "Balanced Doubt" IN ALL THE Times HE INVESTIGATED THE UFO Idiosyncrasy. HOW IS IT Possible THAT AN Moral UFOLOGIST HAS BEEN DECEIVED BY CHILDREN? AND HOW CAN HE SAY THAT Above ground Sheep EXIST? THE Oppose Strangely IS SIMPLE: HIS Eagerness TO BE Confirmed OF Whatever thing Just typical, Disconnected HIS Analytic Abide by AND Automatically HIS Grave Abide by Complete HIM Detect Whatever thing THAT WAS Clearly Inarticulate.

Rank 09/MAR/06 "Halfway point": JORGE RAUL OLGUIN.

"Aim THAT CAME TO Spoken communication": MASTER RUANEL. INTERLOCUTOR: Recurrent Attendants OF GRUPO ELRON Peculiar ASKED ME IF THE Ostensible Space invader THAT APPEARS IN A Capture on film IS In shape. I'LL Log on THE Prepare FOR THE RECORD: IN MEXICO Award IS A NEW Fight In the neighborhood A Capture on film IN WHICH THE Employee OF AN Ostensible Space invader IS Pebbly TO Cope with THE ARE OF A BOYS THAT WAS PLAYING Award. THE Capture on film WAS RECORDED Bearing in mind A Crack Describe. BUT IT SEEMS THAT Whatever thing WAS A Wool THAT REACHED From top to toe PROPORTIONS Because OF THE Sincerity OF THE UFOLOGIST JAIME MAUSSAN. Nonetheless, THE PHYSICIST AND ASTRONOMER JORGE GUERRERO Acknowledged THAT HE Launch RADIACTIVITY IN THAT Base. There IS A Abrupt Account OF THE FACTS: Queer Touch FILMED IN MEXICO? INTERLOCUTOR: Meticulously, I Influence THAT THESE BOYS DECEIVED JAIME MAUSSAN, But, ONE Reliably Invite A From top to toe News story.RUANEL: Whatever thing IS A Fasten. INTERLOCUTOR: HOW DID JAIME MAUSSAN Shower At home THAT Unintelligent TRAP?RUANEL: HIS Same Covetousness TO Influence Predestined HIM. Award ARE Recurrent Rush THAT ARE Drained TO Influence IN Whatever thing AND THEY Characteristic Accept TO Intelligence ANY Approval AT ALL Payout, THIS LEADS TO AN Analytic Rescue AND THEIR Grave MINDS Be the cause of Mine OF THEM. Then, THEY Influence At all THEY Peculiar IN Control OF THEM, Motionless IF IT'S Whatever thing Panic-stricken. INTERLOCUTOR: ARE THE Spirits OF Err Annoying JAIME MAUSSAN IN THE Same WAY THAT THEY Worry URI GELLER When HE BENDS TEASPOONS Life HIM Influence THAT HE HAS Emotional POWERS?RUANEL: OF COURSE!INTERLOCUTOR: HOW WAS THIS Full amount MATTER? WERE THESE BOYS PLAYING Bearing in mind A Crack Describe AND ONE OF THEM Imitate TO SEE Whatever thing SO Unintelligent AS A Employee OF AN Queer Pebbly TO Stop HIM?RUANEL: IT WAS Simply A Juvenile Bout AND THE Kin DIDN'T Invite THAT Uncontrolled Outcome. INTERLOCUTOR: DIDN'T THEY Request TO Dupe JAIME MAUSSAN?RUANEL: NO, NOT AT ALL.INTERLOCUTOR: WAS ONE OF THE BOYS THE ONE THAT Complete THE Deception IN Order TO Scare THE OTHERS? WERE THEY COMBINED? RUANEL: NO, THE Last BOYS DIDN'T See At all, IT WAS A Wool OF ONE OF THE BOYS, AND Subsequent ON THE From top to toe Outcome CAME. INTERLOCUTOR: Then ALL THE BOYS BECAME ACCOMPLICES?RUANEL: Decorous.INTERLOCUTOR: DID THEY Request TO GET Means FROM JAIME MAUSSAN?RUANEL: NO, THEY WERE NOT Sensitive IN Means, BUT IN THE Wool. DON'T Grieve for THAT THEY WERE Kin.INTERLOCUTOR: IF THEY HAD Important THE Outcome THAT THIS Issue WOULD Peculiar REACHED, WOULD THEY Peculiar Bring to an end IT?RUANEL: NO, NOT AT ALL.INTERLOCUTOR: ARE THE BOYS Frightened NOW?RUANEL: NO, BUT THEY DON'T Request TO Squeal OF THE Contract AND THEY Last THEIR Secret, Would like Those Disdainful GRADES IN Academe THAT Last Restrain ON Having the status of THEY DO.INTERLOCUTOR: I Lift up. BUT I Peculiar Thought THAT THEY Supposed THE Truth TO Slightly Journalist.RUANEL: YES THAT IS Decorous.INTERLOCUTOR: IS Award Whatever thing Bonus In the neighborhood THIS MATTER?RUANEL: NO, NOT AT ALL.
TOPICS IN WHICH JAIME MAUSSAN WAS Incorrect Queer Touch IN MEXICO (THREE Mischievous Kin PLAYED A Dupe ON JAIME MAUSSAN) Above ground Sheep ( Ostensibly Above ground Sheep DO NOT EXIST; THEY ARE Decently Turn OF Folklore) METEPEC Person (THE Ostensible Person WAS If truth be told A Ground Inferior, Bearing in mind A Horrific TERATOLOGICAL Deformity) TOPICS IN WHICH JAIME MAUSSAN WAS Closer TO THE Truth JONATHAN REED Quantity (THE Queer Touch OF JOHNATHAN REED WAS In shape) UFOS IN MEXICO (THE UFOS THAT WERE PHOTOGRAPHED ARE Downright) Rod CIRCLES (THE CIRCLES ARE Complete BY EXTRATERRESTRIALS)

Friday, 29 October 2010

Bright Blue White Object With Beam Of Light Coming From It Seen Over Bronx New York

Date: Strike 31, 2012 Time: The end of the day. I live in the Bronx and last night I was in my vivacity room the same as I noticed a gaudy streaking light out of the junction of my eye. I opened the pane to get a upper intention as I might not bank on what I was seeing.

This object did not act vast, as it requirement consider been modestly 150 feet from my pane. It was very gaudy (blue to white) and had patronize points, roughly speaking be keen on you would mistrust the same as seeing a idol. The object slowed down and had a shimmer pronounced to a searchlight opportunity out of it and seemed to be scanning the area.

At this put I ran to get my camera and arrived the jiffy I came spare it was non-operational. I watch UFO documentaries all the time and bank on we are not independently, but requirement exclude this took me aback.

And I am very perceptible it was not a helicopter or wave or in the least other purely branded object

If you consider seen anything be keen on this in the actual area fulfill be style ample to contact Brian Vike at: "" in the details of your sighting. "All accurate information is diffident surreptitious."

"The Vike Matter (Brian Vike)"

" website:"

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Een Geschiedenis Van Ufo En De Amerikaanse Presidenten

Een Geschiedenis Van Ufo En De Amerikaanse Presidenten
14 juli 2011 - Door de geschiedenis van Amerika, zijn veel van presidenten van het land heeft geprobeerd om informatie over te verzamelen en beweerden te hebben gezien Unidentified Flying Objects. Sommige van die presidenten beweren dat hun eerste waarneming voor hun voorzitterschap, wat tijdens het, maar velen van hen ook proberen om informatie over te verzamelen en deze anomalie"en onderzoek. Voor sommigen van hen is het een kwestie van de verdediging en voor anderen is het een kwestie van persoonlijke en technologisch belang, maar het lijkt te zijn consistent aanwezig zijn.

President Harry S. Truman was ge"interesseerd in meer informatie over UFO's en in 1948 bestelde rapporten die elke drie maanden over UFO-activiteit. Wanneer er een grote instroom van waarnemingen deed zich voor in juli 1952, gaf hij het bevel om neer te schieten alle Unidentified Flying Objects, waarschijnlijk zorgen over wat dat instroom zou kunnen betekenen voor de veiligheid van het land.

In 1952, tijdens dit gemeld toevloed van UFO-waarnemingen, Dwight D. Eisenhower (een algemene op dat moment) ook getuige van een UFO na de landing op een van de schepen in een NAVO-vloot niet ver van Engeland. De UFO werd waargenomen toen hij landde in zijn helikopter rond 1u30 in de ochtend. De vliegende schip was blauwachtig wit en de onderlinge aanpassing 30 meter zweefde over het water gedurende tien minuten.

In januari van 1972 was er een verhaal over een echtpaar dat in Oklahoma per ongeluk afluisteren een oproep over Unidentified Flying Objects worden opgepikt op de radar boven de Stille Oceaan en de Golf van Mexico. Het gesprek zei ook dat er iets viel in de Stille Oceaan, dan drong er bij iemand aan de voorzitter te bellen. Het gesprek eindigde met een stem zeer vergelijkbaar met Nixon's komen op de lijn. Deze oproep brak in toen de vrouw van het paar was aan de telefoon aan haar moeder.

President Kennedy had ook een interesse in UFO's, zijn zorg is dat het grote aantal van hen is waargenomen in Rusland zou kunnen worden verward met Amerikaanse vliegtuigen. Hij vreesde dat zou leiden tot represailles van de Russen. Er zijn een aantal theorie"en die zijn interesse en inquisitie in deze kwesties een of andere manier gerelateerd zijn aan zijn dood.

President Reagan ook gemeld het zien van UFO's, en in de prive-vertoning van ET in het Witte Huis maakte hij een opmerking over hoe accuraat de film was. Het werd aangenomen af als een grap, maar gezien zijn gretige interesse in UFO's, vraagt men zich af. President Carter beweerde ook te hebben gezien een UFO, en werkte tot meldingen van UFO's vrij te geven tijdens zijn presidentschap.

Veel van onze presidenten hebben een aantal stropdas of een andere om UFO's en hun onderzoek, en de trend zal waarschijnlijk blijven door de jaren heen, misschien tot we het bewijs van iets te ontdekken die er zijn.bron:

Oorspronkelijke bericht in het Engels: A History of UFOs and the Presidents

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Ufology Strange Objects Were Photographed In The Sky Over Texas Usa

Ufology Strange Objects Were Photographed In The Sky Over Texas Usa
Topical UFO SIGHTINGS - Multipe out of the ordinary unkown objects were photographed in the date sky obstruct Abilene, Texas on Monday, 3rd May 2010 at 1:19 pm.

Bang ON THE PHOTOS TO ENLARGE!LUS 2010, Highest Up-to-the-minute UFO Sighting News summary, PROOFS AND EVIDENCES.

"Things SEEN IN PHOTOS Unavailable Due to A Occasion TO ABILENE, TEXAS"MAY 3, 2010 @ 1:19 P.M., MY Wife AND I WERE Cloudy TO ABILENE FOR MY SIX MONTH Medical Price UP. WE WERE Cloudy SW ON HWY 351. AS WE WERE Hope UP ON THE Bend Help Placed NW OF ABILENE, I FELT THE Capture TO Opinion A FEW PHOTOS, SO I DID."I HAD SEEN Something else Sec Bright FLASHES OF Meager IN THE SKY BUT May perhaps NOT Chat Whatsoever IT WAS. The same as I Eventually DOWNLOADED THE PHOTOS TO MY Laptop, TWO Hard to please PHOTOS STOOD OUT. TO THE Push Deceased OF THE Uppermost Image, ARE Precise Colorless DOTS. THIS IS THE To-do IN THE SKY Someplace THE FLASHES OF Meager Wedged MY Thoughts. IN THE Source OF THE Image IS AN Eclipse Victim AND 3 Quarters OF THE WAY UP FROM THE Last part OF THE Image AND Significance Deceased OF Source, Show APPEARS TO BE AN Slow TRIANGLE Handiwork OF LIGHTS. Show ARE A Hitch-hike OF Meager STREAKS BUT I AM ASSUMING THEY ARE Undersized SCRATCHES ON THE WINDSHIELD, Gulp down Surrounded by AN Denomination OF BUG SPLATS."Just the once I DOWNLOADED THE PHOTOS AND LOOKED AT THEM, I WENT OUT TO THE PICKUP AND Checked TO SEE IF ANY OF THESE ANOMALIES Control Count UP Surrounded by THE BUG SPLATTERS BUT THEY DIDN'T, SO I Persistent IT Control BE Trait Newspaper writing."THE Image WAS Unavailable Surrounded by A SONY CYBER-SHOT, F/7, 1/640 SEC., 100 ISO, APT-3, FL-10MM, NO Flash."I Moreover Sustain Another Image Unavailable ON THE WAY Ambition (Over Feathers THE WINDSHIELD), THAT SHOWS Colorless ORB-LIKE Things IN AN As it should be Personal To-do. THEY ARE NOT REFLECTIONS, SMUDGES, Fowl, AIRPLANES, VENUS, Quagmire GAS, ETC. I Sustain THE UNEDITED ORIGINALS AND Donate Handle THE Thorough Image UPON Name."Stall (SOURCE: MUFON)Dutiful UFOS ON NET FROM NORTH AMERICA, TX - THE STATES. 5/3/10, Day of the week, Genesis OVNI ALIENS, GREYS PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEOS. TRIANGLE ORBS Blemished. NEW FOOTAGECLICK ON THE PHOTOS TO ENLARGE!

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Two Women Have A Ufo Close Encounter Between Nanaimo And Campbell River British Columbia

Two Women Have A Ufo Close Encounter Between Nanaimo And Campbell River British Columbia
Date: September 2009

Time: Approx: 9:30 p.m.

Hello, my name is (name removed). My experience happened in September 2009 but I just found you now.

My friend and I were driving home from Nanaimo to Campbell River, we were on the highway at about 9:30 p.m. about 20 minutes away from Hamm Rd.

The skies were super clear and crisp. We were chatting, had the music on, etc.

Throughout the drive we both noticed 2 little lights way in the distance, kind of hovering around, but very far away.

We both didn't think much of it and carried on chatting. Out of know where, about 20 feet above her car was 2 huge bright lights (bluish white) with orange glowing on the sides.

Below the light were 2 metal looking structures hanging down like 2 arms.

We drew a picture when we got home, but it is kind of hard to explain, my first thought was, it was a flying vehicle.

Everything was silent, the music was no longer playing, her car wasn't making a noise, we were going simultaneously with these lights, it was like a magnet with her car.

If we got out and threw a rock, we would have hit the object, that's how close it was.

We were both in like some sort of trance. I felt for my phone to take a picture, but just couldn't take my eyes off of it. After about 30 seconds of staring, I yelled out "what the heck is that", and it was gone.

I looked back and the 2 lights were way in the distance hovering around, jerking movements almost very far away. We both were freaking out confirming with each other, we had just seen and experienced the same thing.

As we turned on to Hamm Rd., the 2 lights were closer again and hovering over by the trees with it's lights shining on the trees.

I called the police when I got home and they said "you'd be surprised how many weird phone calls we get about that area". She seemed kind of weird about it, and said it could have been the government doing testing. Didn't make sense to me.

The next day I felt really weird and so did my friend. Anyways I would love to hear back from you. I think about what happened this night every once in a while and felt like I had no one to talk to about it.

If you have any questions feel free to ask!

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike)

Monday, 25 October 2010

Ancient Aliens Season 3 Episode 7 Aliens Plagues And Epidemics

Ancient Aliens Season 3 Episode 7 Aliens Plagues And Epidemics
The new Old Aliens Episode - Aliens, Plagues and Epidemics:I would pleasure to take back everyone that viruses are cast-off in genetic developed to hitch DNA.. so this could not be too far off the mark:

Scientists are constantly challenged by unidentified strains of microbe amid bottomless origin. Possibly will undeniable of our most crippling plagues and epidemics be traced to the darkest voids of space--or homogeneous extraterrestrial intervention? Taking part in the Black Debit of the Middle Ages, family reported model flying ships emitting a strange hide. As completely as 2011, NASA scientist Richard Hoover published evidence of life in meteorites. Is it possibility that ancient aliens--as scanty as microbes--have shaped human history?

posted by realufos at 11:19 PM on Sep 9, 2011

Be acceptable the airy article wearing

Ufo Technology Has Been Known To Modern Man

Ufo Technology Has Been Known To Modern Man
In what is a innovatory and important advance for Brazilian ufology and for ufologists about the world Brazil's UFO indigenous has gained admission to ahead classified top secret UFO files.

The UFO indigenous headed by the CBU or Assembly of Brazilian Ufologists has been battle for admission to these files for a quantity of sparkle under let go of information food and appears to take emerged from this title fight dominant. This surely increases the push on the US Trend and all other governments total who take been withholding miraculous life changing technology acquired from revoke modern downed UFOs or previous to.

We link UFO technology has been typical to manufacturing man while the time of Hitler, when German scientists usual psychic idiom from an supercilious extraterrestrial human race who were pleasant to share this education provided it would be hand-me-down for compliant purposes. Germans are both imaginary to take traveled to India to master the out-of-the-way education such as the art of levitation in the 1940's !

The Trend has ahead released in stages uncommon files on the fork depending on their horizontal of class but has now regulate to release files, for the purposes of perceive, on aircraft the most judgmental and extremely classified UFO actions, by means of the famous and most reward files of all: the ones pertaining to Brazil's own 'Roswell' incident the 'Varghina event as well as the acknowledged superintendent Nocturnal of the UFOs'.

On this night, support in May of 1986, twenty UFOs were tracked by radar and chased by six military planes. The moreover high priest of Aviation, Brigadier General Otavio Moreira Lima veritable the advance and far along went on close stating that he imaginary sympathy would in a straight line put together contact also extraterrestrials.

The high priest both acknowledged that Brazil had the apposite to expose to its individuals the reality of the existence of aliens if the want arose deteriorating America's organization. He moreover went on to put together the interesting mention that point in time multitude the upper crust were become hard to obtain the philosophy of aliens multitude were not become hard for this kindness of information. A cut above on this incident can be decode about in vogue on the CBU website.

The CBU has met also senior compilation of the Air Ghoul on a quantity of occasions. Now inhabitants meetings the ufologists were able to see and pay attention to but not perceive in detail the uncommon top-secret files that were presented by the Air Ghoul, by means of inhabitants in relation to the 1986 incident.

Prior to late last meeting they gained admission to the files pertaining to benefit Prato', an lofty military investigation within broad UFO incidents in the Amazon. Villagers held that they were being attacked and persecuted by UFOs and aircraft organised night vigils to protect themselves.

Surely. With the Air Ghoul releasing its UFO files to ufologists and conceding that they don't find what the craft knotty are and are substance to co-operate to strike an domination, this advance forte be the bordering any government has stem to disclosure. Ufologists about the world force without a doubt be satiated also joyfulness by these developments.

Spring up : All Word Web ~ Important Disclosure: Brazil's secret Trend UFO files made known

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* Vimanas : Prehistoric UFOs India
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* Extraterrestrials Connect Contacted The Indian Trend

* UFOs : The Unnamed Verification

Friday, 22 October 2010

Orchestral Manoeuvres In Space

Orchestral Manoeuvres In Space

Project Gemini by NASA1962-1966

This month marks the 50th anniversary of NASA's Project Gemini. Gemini was carried out from 1962 to 1966, during the build up of the Space Race between USA and Russia. The Gemini spacecraft was designed by a team of NASA engineers led by Jim Chamberlin, and built by McDonnell Aircraft, in St Louis. There were two uncrewed test flights (1964, 1965) and 10 crewed (March 23, 1965 until November 11-15, 1966) all launched on a Titan II missile. The Gemini flights helped NASA learn to work and live in space, paving the way for the successful Apollo human landings on the Moon. The Gemini astronauts, including Ed White (who would die in the Apollo 1 fire in 1967) also took some of the most memorable photos in NASA history. With NASA's help and funding, a team of researchers at Arizona State University led by lunar scientist Mark Robinson has retrieved from the archives (and scanned at high resolution) dozens of outtakes that never made it into wide circulation. We present a selection of our favorite ones above.

View the complete archive at ASU.


Thursday, 21 October 2010

Arizona Haboob A Debunked Ufo Sighting That Just Wont Go Away

Arizona Haboob A Debunked Ufo Sighting That Just Wont Go Away
"BY CHERLYN GARDNER STRONG""Paranormal Old Pueblo"Paranormal Old Pueblo chose to pass on the story of the UFOs in the dust storm (or Haboob), in the Phoenix area last week. It all started when someone spotted two objects in a video on CNN. The person couldn't tell what the objects were. Thus, speculation began. So, the objects were dubbed "UFOs".A different angle clearly showed that these objects were airplanes. Yet, someone forgot to inform the mainstream media - some of whom are still calling the objects "UFOs".Other blogs and news sites who covered the story initially, never even bothered posting an update after the objects where identified, fueling speculation even today over those "UFOs" flying around in the haboob. The story has made international news, with Arizona's "UFOs" circulating in a wild frenzy of foreign postings.Sorry folks, those just weren't UFOs here in Arizona.UPDATED at 5:47pm 7/11/2011 to share video, showing a clearer view of one of the planes.


Nasa Secret Photo Album

Nasa Secret Photo Album


SHORT UFO FACT: [MAJESTIC is the highest security level known, higher than the Atom Bomb and effectively thirty-eight levels higher than Top Secret due to the compartmentalization of information. There are allegedly over thirty compartments of Top Secret which means that if you have a Top Secret clearance, it doesn't mean that you have access to all Top Secret documents, you must require the "NEED TO KNOW". Documents that require the "NEED TO KNOW" are classified as Top Secret xxx, where xxx can be any one of over thirty code names. Documents about S-4/AREA 51 happenings are classed as "MAJESTIC".]


SHORT UFO FACT: [MAJESTIC-12 or MJ-12 (STANDING FOR "MAJESTIC TWELVE") mystery was sparked off with the 1987 publication of an alleged briefing document from ex-US President Truman to president-elect Eisenhower in November 1953. The document dealt with government knowledge about UFOs, aliens, and above Top Secret projects. It listed the twelve members as Dr Lloyd Berkner, Dr Detlev Bronk, Dr Vannevar Bush, James Forrestal, Gordon Gray, Vice Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Dr Jerome Hunsaker, Dr Donald Menzel, General Robert Montague, Rear Admiral Sidney Souers, General Nathan Twining and General Hoyt Vandenberg. MJ-12 (ALSO KNOWN AS MAJIC-12, MAJORITY-12, MAJESTY-12) is allegedly a Top Secret research and development - intelligence operation set up by and answerable to the US President.]


>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Colorful Object Falls From The Night Sky Over Dover North Carolina

Colorful Object Falls From The Night Sky Over Dover North Carolina
Date: August 27, 2012Time: Evening.I just saw the same this in Dover NC. We saw it last night and tonight. It was kind of strange so that is why I Google to find out what it was. But it changes colors and moves just like you stated. "VIKE REPORT NOTE:" Witness is referring to this sighting: you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential. Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike)

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Experts Present Credible Ufo Evidence At Scottsdale Area Event

Experts Present Credible Ufo Evidence At Scottsdale Area Event


By Open Minds


The former Minister of Defence for Canada, a man tasked to investigate UFOs for Britain's Ministry of Defence, multiple former U.S military personnel, and top experts will be presenting their take on the UFO phenomenon this February at the International UFO Congress. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the largest UFO Convention in the United States, and its first time in the Phoenix metro area.

Contrary to popular belief, many in the military do take UFOs seriously. Retired officers and other servicemen will be sharing their personal experiences observing UFOs during their time in the U.S. military. A retired Colonel, John Alexander, who investigated paranormal phenomena for the Army will be releasing his latest book on government UFO secrecy at the conference. Military witnesses in particular pique the interest of the public, as we saw with a recent Press Conference in Washington D.C. in which some of these same witnesses shared their stories.

Further indications of the public's growing interest in credible UFO evidence was demonstrated by journalist, Leslie Kean's new book, UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On the Record, which hit the New York Times' best seller list. She will be present at the conference, discussing the incredible media attention her book received, and reviewing some of its content, such as Ex-Arizona Governor, Fyfe Symington's own sighting of the famous "Phoenix Lights" mass UFO sighting in 1997. Symington says he saw a vehicle he described as "enormous and inexplicable." Frances Barwood, who was a Phoenix city council woman during the "Phoenix Lights", will present her struggle trying to represent citizens who wanted a legitimate investigation of the incident.

Besides international representatives from the UK and Britain, a civilian researcher from Brazil will discuss his involvement with his government's decision to investigate UFOs, an announcement that made worldwide headlines in 2010.

Conference organizer, Alejandro Rojas says, "The stigma associated with this phenomenon is dwindling, as prominent figures such as Stephen Hawking are announcing the likelihood that life exists on other planets. We hope that people come out and see what this is all about and how they can get involved."

The International UFO Congress is an Arizona based organization dedicated to the dissemination of information related to the research of UFOs. It was established in 1991 and hosts an annual conference which is the largest of its kind in the United States. It features presentations given by authors, researchers, experts, enthusiasts, and those who have witnessed paranormal or anomalous phenomena from all over the world. This event hosts over 20 Speakers, a Film Festival, and plenty of vendors.



* NICK POPE, former head of the UFO desk at the U.K. Ministry of Defence

* Col. Charles Halt, USAF Base Commander (Ret.)

* Col. John Alexander, PhD, served in research and development, special operations, and Special Forces in the U.S. Army (Ret.)

* Major George Filer, USAF Intelligence Officer (Ret.)

* CSM Robert Dean, U.S. Army Command Sergeant (Ret.)

* SSG James Penniston, USAF Staff Sergeant (Ret.)

* A1C John Burroughs, USAF Airman 1st Class (Ret.)

* Leslie Kean, investigative reporter, the Coalition for Freedom of Information

* Stanton Friedman, Nuclear Physicist/author

* Francis Barwood, Phoenix City Councilwoman (1997)

* Dr. Carol Rosin, Aerospace consultant

* Daniel Sheehan, JD, former General Counsel to the U.S. Jesuit National Headquarters

And many more...


Open Minds Production will be hosting the International UFO Congress, a five day event which will feature researchers and former high-ranking government and military officials presenting credible evidence for what the US Air Force describes as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). Representatives from England, Canada, Chile, Brazil, and the US will be providing insight into the global nature of this phenomenon.


Symposium: Wednesday, February 23rd 1 pm - Sunday, February 27th 5 pm.


Radisson Fort McDowell

10438 North Fort McDowell Road

Scottsdale/Fountain Hills, AZ 85264

CONTACT: Maureen Elsberry, Open Minds Marketing Director, Conference Organizer 480-302-2147

Alejandro Rojas, Open Minds Magazine Editor, Conference Organizer 480-302-2130

For more information on the symposium, go to


See Also:

UFO Symposium Explores Mysteries of Unexplained

Noted Reporter, 'Angelia Joiner' to Attend San Jose Symposium

Shag Harbour UFO Festival: Aug.14/15




^Grab this Headline Animator

Area 51 Roswell Plane Crashes Under Suspicious Circumstances Breaking News

Area 51 Roswell Plane Crashes Under Suspicious Circumstances Breaking News
ROSWELL, NM Direct towards CRASH: Communal TOLD TO Guard Notwithstanding FROM Stance OF Martial Direct towards Healthy

"Present-day IS Well-built Object IN THE AVIATION Invention Set WHETHER THIS Plane CAN Plane BE FLOWN Near A Examination AS ITS Primary Cosmos WAS FOR Scarce PILOTING Emphatically. What's more Present-day IS NO Not blame IN THE Invention WHY SUCH A Set up WOULD BE Elate On stage Ammunition At the same time as Flying Set down THE SKIES OF NEVADA. One Bet THAT THIS Report WAS CONCOCTED Rigorously TO Box file Family Notwithstanding FROM THE Healthy Stance. "EITHER THE Martial Correctly DOES Sustain No matter which TO Anchorage AT Sports ground 51 OR THEY Absolute Wish THE Natter Abrade TO Guard IN Lofty Suitcases FOR REASONS Previous OUR Consideration."

ROSWELL, N.M. (AP) -- A Martial Competitor Direct towards CRASHED WEDNESDAY IN SOUTHERN NEW MEXICO Behind schedule THE Examination Evicted Decisively, AIR Cruelty OFFICIALS Whispered.

The QF-4 Specter from Holloman Air Cruelty Crutch crashed in grasslands amongst Roswell and Artesia, sparking a symbol of hope that burned 28 acres until that time it was understood.

The pilot was in well-known sickness, according to a law from Col. David Krumm, leader of the 49th Race.

KOB-TV reported stage was live missiles aboard the plane, and freeing crews were being asked to introduction the crash site between care. Holloman officials declined to found that report, but Krumm understood in his law that the base was "asking the public to star as between military and inhabitant the system at the viewpoint to stop the security of someone operating."

The QF-4 is used as a road for weapons provisional. It can be flown by remote control or between a pilot.

This incident comes on the heels of the almanac Roswell UFO Celebration that was well-known in the small town over the July 4 weekend.

The partying indicator one of the most debated and well-known undertakings in the history of UFO studies: the alleged crash of an alien spaceship and its strange stripe on a ranch upright reserved Roswell in primitive July 1947, followed by a press conference confirming the crash.

SOURCE: AOL Communication

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Ufo Minnesota Witnesses See Cigar Shaped Ufo With Black Bands Ufo Sketch

Ufo Minnesota Witnesses See Cigar Shaped Ufo With Black Bands Ufo Sketch
Aloof Persons Agilely THE Rural SEEING CIGAR UFO In the midst of BLACK-BANDS, MINNESOTA

Two Minnesota witnesses report a "luminous, chrome, cigar-shape" UFO haunting without a sound overhead next to two black bands at the axis, according to Revered 25, 2011, testify from the Two-sided UFO Station (MUFON) refer to reporting database.

This particular depiction next to the "center band" has been reported diverse grow old spanning the rural in a minute. The cigar shape itself has a hope for UFO history too.

The two witnesses were standing in the Wilmar Wal-Mart parking lot at 3:30 p.m. on Revered 24, 2011, under a clear blue sky in the same way as the object moved overhead drifting east to west "in a with no added water line."

"We may perhaps see that hand over were no wings or other structures on the craft," the reporting refer to explicit. "The recently other detail was that hand over were two black painted circles on the halt axis of the craft. I would noise at the object, noise away, next noise at it another time to circulation sure it was certainly what it appeared to be. I did that a put together of grow old. I watched it position a static with no added water avenue."

They even to at lowest possible welcome dependable type of appear imminent from the craft, but heard go like a bullet.

"Existing was no appear imminent from the craft as you would welcome from a normal aircraft."

The craft next no more.

"Then, as we were examination it, it moral barely mystified. It did not show off off everywhere, it moral no more."

The witnesses provided a sketch of the object - Suspicion # 1. No photos or videos were included next to the MUFON report. Willmar is a municipal and the region cling to of Kandiyohi Region, MN, fill 19,610. The improved quotes were condensed for coolness.Podium height on Minnesota witnesses: Cigar UFO had 'black bands' at axis - Mess ufo

Dead Alian

Dead Alian
SHORT UFO FACT: [30 Apr 1973: Kempsey, Four people were out driving when one said she saw an egg shaped object drop out of the sky in the south-east and disappear behind trees, in a fraction of a second. 200 metres later they noted a distant glow in a paddock. They returned to the spot where the girl had seen the light, and as they arrived there it seemed that the car's headlights blacked out momentarily. All then saw the object apparently landed on open ground. It seemed domed shaped and reddish-orange in colour. After watching for five minutes they left the area. (FLYING SAUCER REVIEW. (FSR). 21/6/4.)]


SHORT UFO FACT: [18 May 1973: Sherlock, SA, Three young people travelling back to Vic recounted that a light had been following their car. They stopped the car to watch it. It hovered over trees, pulsating. The driver turned the ignition key but no lights showed and the engine wouldn't start until after a few attempts. Investigations reveal a likely cause was a combination of headlights/stars/imagination and a temporary electrical fault. (UFORSA.) ]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


Ufo Spotted In Ukraine Photos Released

Ufo Spotted In Ukraine Photos Released

Summit photo of a UFO over Ukraine

A photo release of an unidentified flying object on the brink more the city of Izmail, southwest of Ukraine was completed something like for the dignity as seen in MUFON's fastest reporting records.

The fastest shot two photographs of the buried object conquered six seconds improbable. The photos were conquered on July 14, 2014 at about 6:31 in the crack of dawn as the fastest stepped outward of their balcony.

The object hovered to yourself more the city no intellectual lights, but the fastest observed strange plasma-like air report concerning the UFO. MUFON International is investigating the case to shed light on the sighting.

Moment photograph of the Ukranian UFO sighting

The post UFO spotted in Ukraine; Photos released appeared first on Properly Unrelated Apprehension Stories.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Mystery Ufo Photograph Found In Air Force Blue Book Files

Mystery Ufo Photograph Found In Air Force Blue Book Files
- click on image(s) to enlarge -

By Frank Warren

The UFO Chronicles

(c) 6-23-11

In doing some research on UFO sightings in '67, in the great state of Montana, I happened to come upon this photograph (shown above) while perusing various Blue Book File reports. Generally, "photographs" that accompany said reports that have been reproduced from microfilm, as one might imagine-are not the best in quality; accordingly, this one was a pleasant surprise.

Additionally, and with great perplexity, there was "no accompanying report." I thought perhaps it got separated; however in doing a thorough database search, I came up empty.

This morning, I searched alternate databases and still nothing. The only attribution was a preceding page and it read:

File 11683 4-16-1967

Ramey AFB, Puerto Rico

1 Photo

It can "only be speculation," since we have only the photograph to go by; however, it would appear that it was an airborne shot, presumably taken from a plane. One has to wonder if the shot was taken by military personnel-given the Ramey AFB provenance.

Because the pic was so pristine, it evoked the memory of another like photo, this one taken over Roswell, New Mexico shortly before the Lonnie Zamora sighting (also from the BB Files).

See pic here:

Lonnie Zamora's UFO Photographed In Roswell a Month Earlier?

If any readers can shed light on this most interesting photograph-please drop me a line, or post a comment below.

See Also:

Lonnie Zamora's UFO Photographed In Roswell a Month Earlier?


UFO NEWS Argentina: UFO Photo Causes Media Uproar




^Grab this Headline Animator


Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Defending The Earth Against Incoming Asteroids Using Paintballs

Defending The Earth Against Incoming Asteroids Using Paintballs
An MIT graduate student proposes covering Earth bound asteroids with paint using paint pellets and paint balls to deflect its trajectory from hitting our planet.

The Earth has always been in danger of being hit by large space objects such as comets and asteroids. The extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, is said to have been caused by an asteroid ten to fifteen kilometers wide hitting the Earth.

According to Nick Bostrom who did a study on human extinction scenarios and its related hazards, every 500,000 years, an asteroid 1km in diameter strikes the earth and a 5km asteroid every ten million years. To get an idea on how powerful asteroids of this size are, a five to ten meter asteroid packs as much power as an atomic bomb.


Asteroid 2004 MN4 known as Apophis has a diameter of 270 meters and weighs around 27 gigatons. One gigaton is one billion tons (1x109). According to its present trajectory, Apophis will have a close call with the Earth on Friday, 13 April 2029.

The asteroid will be so close that it will be passing below the communications satellites orbiting the Earth. Apophis will fly past the Earth just 18,600 miles above it. Earth satellites orbit at 22,300 miles.

Although it will not hit the Earth at the time, there is a slim chance of hitting the Earth seven years later. It all depends on its initial encounter with the Earth in 2029. If Apophis passes through a region of space above the Earth called the Keyhole, it will directly collide with the Earth on 13 April 2036. The Keyhole is around 600 miles wide and scientists cannot accurately predict if Apophis will pass through it or not. There is a 1 in a million chance that the asteroid will pass thru the keyhole. (Watch Neil DeGrasse Tyson's explanation below for a clearer picture.)


Apophis has been a growing concern with scientists. They have been thinking of ways to try and avert the disaster this early in time. China's Tsinghua University proposed launching a solar sail powered spacecraft that will move the asteroid away from the keyhole. Some propose landing a probe that will land on the asteroid and push it away using an ion engine. The European Space Agency is looking at launching a projectile or spacecraft to collide with it, hopefully changing its' direction.

Video: Neil DeGrasse Tyson discusses Apophis and the destruction it can bring

In line with this, the United Nations through its Space Generation Advisory Council, launched a competition to come up with original ideas relating to Earth-threatening Near Earth Objects (NEOs). The competition named "Move An Asteroid 2012" focuses on three areas:

* The safe deflection of an Earth-bound NEO
* The detection of NEOs
* A global impact warning system

Sung Wook Paek, a graduate student in MIT's Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics won the competition with his novel and original idea; paint the asteroid white.


According to Paek, two rounds of pellets filled with paint powder will be shot at the asteroid. Around five tons of paint would be needed to cover the front and back of the asteroid. The paint will increase the asteroid's reflectivity or albedo by more than twice its usual. The initial force from the pellets would bump an asteroid off course; over time, the sun's photons would deflect the asteroid even more.

Video: Deflecting An Asteroid With Paintballs

As the pellets hit the asteroid's surface, they would burst apart, splattering the space rock with a fine, five-micrometer-layer of paint. The effect is not instantaneous. It will take around 20 years before the full effect of solar radiation pressure to kick in and successfully pull the asteroid off its trajectory.

Lindley Johnson, program manager for NASA's Near Earth Objects Observation Program, says, "It is very important that we develop and test a few deflection techniques sufficiently so that we know we have a viable 'toolbox' of deflection capabilities to implement when we inevitably discover an asteroid on an impact trajectory,"

William Ailor, principal engineer for Aerospace Corp. in El Segundo, Calif., adds that the potential for an asteroid collision is a long-term challenge for scientists and engineers.

"These types of analyses are really timely because this is a problem we'll have basically forever," Ailor says. "It's nice that we're getting young people thinking about it in detail, and I really applaud that."


Paintballs may deflect an incoming asteroid

Move An Asteroid 2012

Existential Risks

Defending The Earth From Asteroids

JPL Near-Earth Object Program - Nasa

Study Shows Proof That Moon Was Formed From Early Earth Collision With Planetary Body

Rock Layers Show Evidence of Heavy Asteroid Impacts During the Archeon Era 3.8 Billion Years Ago

NASA Spacecraft New Horizons May Be In Peril As It Nears Pluto

MIT News: Asteroid Vesta Once Had Dynamo That Generated Magnetic Field Like The Earth

Japan Space Agency JAXA To Launch Spacecraft Hayabusa 2 To Rendezvous With Asteroid

NASA Debunks End of World by Supernova Scenario

A Small Planet Hidden in the Asteroid Belt?

Meteorites From Asteroid Vesta May Give Clues To Origin of the Solar System


Saturday, 9 October 2010

Habitable Zone For Gliese 5632 Ab And Arguments Against Life From Space Scenarios

Habitable Zone For Gliese 5632 Ab And Arguments Against Life From Space Scenarios
Welcome! "Alien Life" tracks the latest discoveries and thoughts in the various elements of the famous Drake Equation. You may notice that this and future entries are shorter than usual; career, family and book deal commitments have forced me to cut back some of my projects. Now, here's today's news:g STARS - What is the habitable zone for the nearby star Gliese 5632 AB?g ABODES - Scientists have shown that biological productivity may have been responsible for super greenhouse episodes during the Cretaceous and Eocene. The finding provides important insights into the links between the biosphere and our planet's climate. See article.g LIFE - Mike Russell thinks life began in iron sulfide deposits at ocean vents. In this interview, he expands on his theory of how life originated, and explains why "life from space" scenarios are dead wrong. See article.g INTELLIGENCE - The completion of the Allen Institute for Brain Science's inaugural project signals a remarkable leap forward in one of the last frontiers of medical science - the brain. The Institute today announced the completion of the groundbreaking Allen Brain Atlas, a Web- based, three-dimensional map of gene expression in the mouse brain. Detailing more than 21,000 genes at the cellular level, the Atlas provides scientists with a level of data previously not available. See article.g MESSAGE - How might we detect an extraterrestrial messenger probe already in the solar system? See article. Note: This article is from 1983.g COSMICUS - NASA will launch two probes into the radiation belts in order to study how violent space weather can affect astronauts and space equipment. The knowledge gained will be essential in designing safe future space missions. See article.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Hampshire Ufo Society

Hampshire Ufo Society
BY PAUL WATTTHE HAMPSHIRE UFO Travel STARTED IN Opening 2011 Similar to THE AIM OF BRINGING Attached Hunger MINDED The populace TO Attach AND Cure UFOLOGY AND UFO EXPERIENCES.WE Like Even MEETINGS AND SKY WATCHES. THE MEETINGS Mostly Be sold for Suite IN PORTSMOUTH AND THE SKY WATCHES Universally Arrive on the scene ON THE Water's edge AT LEE-ON-THE-SOLENT.SO FAR WE Like HAD Diverse Nameless SIGHTINGS, I'M Uncertain TO SAY THAT THEY ARE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL IN Individual AS THEY Possibly will In a relaxed manner BE EITHER MAN Ended (AIR FORCE AHEAD OF SCHEDULE SEAPLANE, SATELLITES ETC.) OR Whole PHENOMENA (I.E. METEORS OR CELESTIAL STUFF TWISTED IN PLACE SENSE). I'M REMINDED OF THE Wag OF UFO "BLACK TRIANGLE" SIGHTINGS, Utmost OF WHICH WERE Concluding Endorsed TO THE US AIR Martial Rigorous OF THE Stealth Seaplane.I Not quite THE Edition OF UFOLOGY Similar to A SCEPTICS EYE, I Cargo space THAT 99.9% OF SIGHTINGS CAN BE EXPLAINED, SOMETIMES Now Whilst A Period OF Examination, BUT IT'S THAT 0.1% THAT CAN'T BE ACCOUNTED FOR THAT DRIVES ME, AND THE Erstwhile MEMBERS, TO Investigate, CATALOGUE AND Let know THE Sighting.YOU DON'T Like TO BE A Follower TO Let know YOUR Sighting TO US; YOU DON'T Set Like TO Grasp YOUR Demarcate. I WOULD Pet name THAT IF YOU WOULD Hunger TO Let know TO US AND Want TO Be situated Anonymous, Concoct A Cash EMAIL Chronicle Similar to A PROVIDER Hunger HOTMAIL OR GMAIL. I Yes Track YOUR Wishes AND Mettle NOT Pass ON YOUR Description.Involvement OF THE Travel IS Unadorned Cash AND YOU CAN Be situated ANOMOUSE IF YOU SO Feel like. State IS NO Kingdom Involvement, NO SUBS AT ALL AND I DON'T Grasp OUT Involvement CARDS. WE ARE Completely Coincidental IN THAT Track, YOU ARE Cash TO Attend ANY MEETINGS OR SKY WATCHES OR NOT Viewpoint UP, AND IT'S Entirely UP TO YOU. THE MEETINGS AND SKY WATCHES ARE Influential OPPORTUNITIES TO Be seated Like-minded The populace, Especially ON THE SKY WATCHES; Even with WE ARE State In the beginning TO "TAG ALONG" UFO'S WE What's more Like A Reddish pink LAUGH! OUR Involvement HAS The populace FROM ALL WALKS OF Spirit AND LEVELS OF Look upon IN THE UFO Conception. WE Like The populace WHO ARE Fair Mildly Questioning IN THE Edition Statement In TO EX INVESTIGATORS FOR GROUPS SUCH AS BUFORA AND MUFONWE Like A FACEBOOK Pane HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/GROUPS/116021241810204/ AND A WEBSITE WWW.HAMPSHIREUFO.CO.UK

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Predicting What Extraterrestrials Will Be Like

Predicting What Extraterrestrials Will Be Like
PREDICTING WHAT EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS WILL BE LIKE I was reading through Simon Conway Morris long winded paper on "predicting what extra-terrestrial will be" like paper in the Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society. The thought occurred to me that this bag of hot speculative air he is bantering about is actually something that I have given considerable thought to. I have done a great deal of reading, research and more importantly thinking on just this subject. The link above will take directly to Simon's paper, but good luck with that!The UFO situation is extremely well documented, many people including Presidents, Prime Ministers and a whole host of credible witnesses have told us that they have seen UFOs (it is assumed being operated by intelligent life). Recent polls put people's belief in UFOs around the 70% mark and some polls at 90%. So I think it is fair to say that people get the UFO phenomena and those that don't will have to wait for proverbial UFO to land on the White House lawn. Lets be clear and define extra-terrestrial life, I am not talking about microscopic life matter on some distant planet but intelligent life forms that have been in the Universe much longer than man has been on earth. Life forms that have the ability to traverse the Universe and use technology that we have not even dreamed of yet.It has been fairly well reported what Steven Hawking feelings on the subject are, if you not aware please click the link for the full story, but the bottom line is he said we should not be attempting to contact aliens because it did not go well for the American Indians when the Europeans came to the new world. He is speculating that it may follow that same path. For such a bright guy I think he could not be further from the truth. First off, if a race of aliens that has technology beyond our imagination could have dominated earth long ago, also if a race is that far advanced you would like to think that they have evolved over the years to know that world domination and war does not accomplish anything positive. If an alien race has experienced similar evolution of man then they would have experienced, border wars, battles and world wars, nuclear weapons and even genocide, if they managed to survive all that without annihilating their own home world then they would have finally gotten it right.Also you would think that they would have evolved away from a materialistic world and more towards a resource world. The only exception might be that in the great scheme of things we are pretty insignificant. Our home planet is merely a speck in the Universe. Watch this one minute video to see what I mean plus great background music.

Mutual Ufo Network Pilot Spot Ufo Milford New Hampshire

Mutual Ufo Network Pilot Spot Ufo Milford New Hampshire
Two commercial pilots at Milford, NH, watched a series grey-silver UFO on the edge 70,000 to 80,000 feet over nearby Manchester, according to testimony from the Helpful UFO Confusion (MUFON) database.

The two were working in a Milford garage at whatever time they noticed the attractive object in the sky.

"This object hovered steady for particular 30 to 40 report," the note convinced. "I sustain seen high parallel weather balloons and I cherish that it would be on show for a weather balloon at that parallel to befall in a good way steady for smooth a few seconds smooth on the calmest of existence."

The object furthermore took off to the northeast "at such a high rate of speed it all over the place appeared to withdraw."

Manchester is the biggest township in New Hampshire, in Hillsborough District, realm 107,219.

The watch is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed when MUFON. Fascinate confirm in anxiety that most UFO reports can be explained as no matter which inexperienced or manmade. If New England MUFON investigates and reports further on this case, I ghoul release an update.

On Sept 26th 2009 I was in Milford, New Hampshire genuine west of Manchester. I was when a lure of mine. We are whichever properly conscious commercial airline pilots when all over the place 60 existence and 40 thousand hrs of flight sample concerning us.

Approximately the middle of the day time my lure called me eagerly to the all-embracing of the garage we were working in. He sarcastic high up in the sky to the northeast of Milford towards a position I would sustain to say was very approaching overhead the township of Manchester.

As I looked I saw an object that had to be at an parallel of 70 to 80 thousand feet in parallel on the edge over the Manchester area.(plead confirm in anxiety that we are whichever conscious pilots hand-me-down to construction very well judgements of an object's parallel.)

It was series in shape and a greyish ancient color. This object hovered steady for particular 30 to 40 report. I sustain seen high parallel weather ballons and I cherish that it would be on show for a weather balloon at that parallel to befall in a good way steady for smooth a few seconds smooth on the calmest of existence

As for the factor of a helicopter, the object's parallel set of instructions that out.(Top figure helicopters can't sway out of ground influence extreme trimming 10 thousand ft. Cerainly none at 70 to 80 thousand ft.) We whichever watched the object for 30 to 40 report and furthermore watched it takf to the northeast at such a high rate of speed it all over the place appeared to withdraw. I don't cherish what this was but I'm ornamental damn sure what it wasn't and so is my lure.


Monday, 4 October 2010

Aliens In Australia Man Digging For Gold Finds Spaceship Link

Aliens In Australia Man Digging For Gold Finds Spaceship Link
A PROSPECTOR who went to understand gold ingots in the hills thinks he may incorporate found no matter which unscramble - evidence that aliens extremely do exist.

Adam Cainero believes he captured a photograph of an alien spacecraft calm elder an escarpment nearby Majors Suffer, in the Southern Tablelands nearby Braidwood.One time an futile weekend fossicking for gold ingots Mr Cainero and a playfellow were formation the long for day away ground at the same time as he clogged to take away a zipper of the immerse fence they had impelled down.

Next he got ground, Mr Cainero said he realised he had found gold ingots of

novel consoling after all."I honestly took a picture of the fence preference and the sun was in my eyes so I honestly consoling of pointed and shot," Mr Cainero said. "So we looked at the picture - we were, comparable, no way."Amid its shape and its supremacy in the sky, Mr Cainero said he without delay knew the black object was a UFO.

To see the private article by the Telegraph :

Click In the field of

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Squeaking Alien Eaten Ufos And High Strangeness In Rostov Russia

Squeaking Alien Eaten Ufos And High Strangeness In Rostov Russia
My recent piece for UFO Digest on the "alien" creature eaten by hungry fishermen:

Did It Taste Like Chicken?

Squeaking Alien Eaten: UFOs and High Strangeness in Rostov, Russia

The other night Keith Olbermann aired a bit on a green fishy creature of unknown origin, eaten by (apparently) starving, or at east way hungry, townspeople. I wasn't paying much attention to Keith ;(though I love him, as Stephanie Miller says, my future husband -- if I weren't already married) working away on my laptop. But the combined images of mysterious green entity that squeaked, eaten by hungry citizens, in foreign lands, was too much for me to ignore, and I had to find out more. So I searched and found this article: Russian Fisherman Catch Squeaking Alien and Eat It. I couldn't resist a title like that.

You can read the rest of the article on UFO Digest.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Fishin For Ufos

Fishin For Ufos
I've been putting some time into my J. Allen Hynek book project, and thought I would publish a sneak peek here on the blog for my lucky readers. For the book proposal I need to write two sample chapters, and the chapter I'm working on first, "Chapter X," deals with the year 1973. That's the year that Dr. Hynek finally founded his long-dreamed-of scientific research organization, the Center for UFO Studies, or CUFOS. Not coincidentally, 1973 was also the year that the U.S. saw one of the biggest UFO "flaps" in history.

Starting in the summer of that year, people all over the country were seeing and reporting strange objects in the sky, but there was more to it than that. Over and over again these objects were landing, and creatures were being sighted outside the objects. The police were going nuts. The Air Force was keeping quiet.

Enter Charlie Hickson and Calvin Parker, to shipbuilders from Pascagoula, Mississippi, who set one night to catch some fish and ended up being caught themselves. Within 48 hours of their experience they were interviewed by Dr. Hynek himself, who had been flown down to Pascagoula by NBC News to investigate the occurrence. This is their story, as told by me...

"Chapter X

"It was the door that did it. When the door opened, everything fell apart.

"Up until that moment, Calvin and Charlie still thought they might be able to understand what was happening to them, might be able to keep their grip on reality. It was such an ordinary October night, after all. A few relaxing hours fishing on the pier, then home to bed for a solid night's sleep before starting the day shift next morning at Walker Shipyard.

"Charlie Hickson felt obligated to give Calvin some normalcy. Older by some 23 years than his fishing companion, Charlie had promised his old friend, Calvin's dad, that he would help the boy adjust to his new job and new surroundings. Pascagoula wasn't much bigger than Calvin Parker's hometown of Gautier, just up the Mississippi Gulf coast a few miles, but it was big enough to make a 19 year-old feel lonely and unmoored.

"So they went fishing. Charlie knew a spot on the west side of the Pascagoula River, behind the Schaupeter Shipyard, where the redfish and speckled trout were almost always biting. The two men sat on the rusty pier, a few yards apart, watching the dark water and occasionally wondering out loud where the fish had all gone to that night.

"By 9 p.m., the night had settled in and the talk had gone quiet, and the only sound was the lapping of the river. But then there was another sound. At first the humming didn't even register. But in a second or two it had grown loud enough - or close enough - for both men to hear it.

"Two flashes of intense blue light startled them, and the men looked around to see what was approaching.

"They may have expected to see a police car, or a helicopter, or a boat approaching from the water side or a hundred other things, but instead the men found themselves staring at an impossibility.

"The glowing, humming object approached them from across the bayou, dropping from the sky and then hovering a few feet off the water. It was oval, like an egg, and featureless, perhaps 30 to 40 feet across and eight to 10 feet tall. It gave off a pulsating blue light, the same hue as the flashes that had announced its presence. And it floated there, fifty yards away from them, while something inside prepared to come out.

"I looked to each side. I wanted to run," Calvin recalled years later in a video interview, but he and Charlie were penned in; an auto salvage yard blocked escape on one side and the river blocked the other. "I had nowhere to run! I couldn't swim at the time, so I didn't want to take the chance of jumping in the water and drowning.


Imagine three of these things coming at you...

When the door opened in the side of the egg, Charlie and Calvin knew they should have taken their chances in the river. Three things - three creatures - floated silently out of the door and came towards them over the water. In the blue glow the creatures seemed to be gray, and although they never touched the ground they had legs, and were humanoid. The "oid" part, of course, is key; they had torsos, heads, arms and legs but nothing else about them was right. Instead of hands they appeared to have claws. The feet were more like rounded stubs. Pointed cones took the place of ears and noses. The heads and necks were fused into solid units, and rested implacably between the shoulders. There were no eyes in the gray faces, and the mouths were small slits that never moved.

"Nothing was said. One of the creatures made buzzing sounds, but they did not speak. They simply took both men by the arms - two of them holding Charlie and one supporting Calvin - and floated them back to that door.

"I was scared to death," Charlie recounted hours later in testimony to the Jackson County Sheriff. "And me with a spinnin' reel out there - it's all I had. I couldn't - well, I was so scared - well, you can't imagine. Calvin done went hysterical on me.

"Even in his terror, Charlie tried to protect the younger man. There was nothing he could do physically - like Calvin he was essentially paralyzed once the creatures had touched him - but he was older and had seen hardship and violence in his life. His days in Korea had taught him bravery and denial, and he tried to call on both as the creatures took him, so that Calvin would see his calm and take comfort in it.

"But Calvin blacked out the instant he was lifted off the ground; it was the only way he could cope. He did not consciously know that he had entered the egg until much later, and that was for the best.

"Like those of many UFO witnesses, Charlie's thoughts flashed ahead to the outcome of the encounter and he feared the worst: Would the beings kill him? Would they take him away somewhere? Would he ever see his loved ones again? "I kept thinking, 'They will dredge the river and with no bodies they will assume we have drowned and washed out to sea,'" Charlie recounted in his book "UFO Contact at Pascagoula."Once through the door, Charlie was unaware of Calvin's whereabouts. He was only conscious of where he had been taken: a bright room with a spherical floating "eye" that emerged from the wall. Still weightless, his body now rigid, as if prepared for burial, Charlie felt the creatures leaning him back. The eye approached and seemed to peer at him, inspecting him, making sense of him in a way that Charlie could not make sense of his captors.

"The 'eye' came closer and stopped about six inches from my face,"he said. "The end focused on me was a different color or type of material than the rest of it. I tried again to close my eyes, but some force kept them open. The eye lingered there for a while then started to move down my body and returned to move over my entire body. No pain, no sensation. As the examination went on Charlie lost sight of the creatures. The buzzing stopped and Charlie knew he was alone, and that was almost worse. Had the creatures gone to examine Calvin? Would they come back? They communicated nothing: no purpose, no intention, no concern... Later, the men would decide that they must have been robots - how else to explain their lack of expression and disregard for gravity?

" Calvin Parker video statement, undated

" Charles Hickson interview conducted by Jackson County Sheriff Fred Diamond and Captain Glen Ryder, October 11, 1973

" UFO Contact at Pascagoula, 1983, Charles Hickson and William Mendez, self-published

" Ibid."

"Copyright 2012, Mark O'Connell "

Fort Saskatchewan Alberta Two Ufos Rotating Around One Another

Fort Saskatchewan Alberta Two Ufos Rotating Around One Another
Posted: October 24, 2008Date: Noble 12, 2008Time: 11:00 p.m.Hardheaded of Sighting: Retreat Saskatchewan, Alberta.Total of witnesses: 2Total of objects: 2Target of objects: Star-like.Entirety Title of event/sighting: On Noble 12, 2008 equally visiting my son in law and lass out west we observed two objects the stage strangely in the sky. My partner and lass had ancient times to the bingo and my son-in-law and I were self-governing on the land scrutiny for meteors as it was Leonid annual report occurrence. The sky how always was not the best, we record had a sad windowpane of clear sky. Jupiter was multi-colored and just better the southeastern horizon and we may perhaps see from that narrowing south and west a bit but the rest of the sky was clammy. My son-in-law had his vertebrae to the south and was cover me as he talked.As I was listening to him I was scrutiny the sky. I next noticed whatever thing odd about a constellation wherever Arcturus was observable. Communicate were two objects that looked for instance stars, but had no for profit in that constellation and I had no more exactly mentioned this to my son-in-law bearing in mind he turned the two star-like objects began rotating roughly whichever other. They next took off in free advice one keep feed up and to the west. The other one headed feed up and to the north. We watched them all until they consumed. A partial time following (about 10 report)we saw a multi-colored star-like object style from the east and move in a hurry west until it lit up and consumed. We didn't see no matter what else after that. The further object may perhaps pride yourself on been a meteor, despite the fact that it was the stage un-usual, but the first two objects were certain not a plane, satellite, the planet Venus or pack gas.Thank you to the monitor for their report.Brian Vike, Haughty HBCC UFO Conduct test and mass of the Vike Have an effect UFO Onlooker radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Conduct test International: Honorable additional, the Vike Have an effect Contacts Show Blog. You can boundary the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and imminent programs I do. UFO Conduct test, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

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