Saturday 19 March 2011

Thur June 24 2010 On The X Zone Radio Show With Rob Mcconnell

Thur June 24 2010 On The X Zone Radio Show With Rob Mcconnell
The following interview can be heard starting at 10 pm - 6 am Eastern on The TalkStar Radio Network from our Washington DC Affiliate at">SEGMENT 1: 10 pm - 11 pm Eastern / 7 pm - 8 pm Pacific

MARY LYNN - Psychic - Over the past 20 years, Lynn Stevenson has been guiding her clients as an intuitive along the paths they have chosen, advising them of what is ahead. Now, as a Certified Power Coach, she has the ability and opportunity to help her clients walk down the path to reach the end goal. With a regular client base extending beyond the borders of Canada into the United States, Europe, Africa and Australia, Lynn's business has grown into what it is today: Fastrac Coaching ">SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific

CHRISTOPHER MONTGOMERY - UFO's and Missile Silos - Christopher Montgomery began his career in the mid 1980's writing for "The Journal Of Natural Health and Parapsychology," Canada. Since then, Christopher Montgomery has penned articles for UFO Magazines and worked as a writer for USA Networks. Radio experience includes the X-ZONE with Rob McConnell in Canada as well as WAIF in Cincinnati and KRVL in Arizona. Well known for his appearances on television together with the documentary "UFOs In The Bible" by Weller Grossman Productions. He now resides in the Seattle, Washington area and heads an organization entitled the UFO Research Center. Their web site URL is

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific

HEATHER WOODWARD - Clairvoyant, Medium, Author - Heather Woodward is an author, a clairvoyant, an "accidental" medium, and a psychometrist. Since 1996, she has per- formed tarot readings, paranormal investigations and psychic profiling - helping others with her born-given gifts for over 12 years. Heather is the author of Ghosts of Central Arizona, a book about her personal experiences in the some of the most haunted and supernatural locations in Sedona, Jerome, Cottonwood and surrounding areas. -

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific

TRAVIS WALTON - Fire In The Sky - In November 1975, a group of six tree-trimmers were driving home from work in a truck in the Sitgreave-Apache National Forest in Arizona, USA. The driver stopped the truck when he noticed that a flying saucer was hovering about fifteen feet above some nearby trees. Travis Walton approached the craft on foot, despite the objections of his workmates. He was then knocked to the ground by a blue and white light. When the men in the truck saw this, they were terrified and sped off down the road leaving him for dead. Once they had calmed down, they returned to that spot and couldn't find any sign of Travis or the flying saucer. Five days later, Travis was returned to earth wondering what had happened to him for the past few days. -


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