Saturday, 30 April 2011
Where The Titan Ii Ufo Stories
Lil Probe Inn Ufo Map
There's similarly a map at Toreno's schedule in Panopticon, and it's acute the same as the one at Lil' Probe Inn. At some stage in the missions you get hints that Toreno is multifarious amid aliens, so acquaint with is a evident connection between these two occurences of the map.
By the use of Photoshop, I managed to strive for out acute wherever the pins are to be found, and prepared a map of it. Squad accept been investigating these spaces, exclusive of detection anything special. Zero at all. One artiste glib to be found remote ammo on all of the seven locations before detonating them.
Here's all three maps - clap to increase.
Minute UFO MAP
Friday, 29 April 2011
Ufo Readers Get Boycotted
After millions of page views, "The Canadian" received 1 from a Kimberley in Michigan, and 10.00 from a John in Haverstraw, New York. "The Canadian"profusely thanks these donors for their contribution, and also acknowledges that every contribution helps. But, after having presented to UFO readers that our goal is to reach 5,000.00, this is a profound disappointment.
As the graphic caption presents over this article, we have less than 17 days to raise this amount. Why complain about a UFO cover-up, if you are not willing to even spare 1.00 towards independent research efforts..
We understand that in these harsh economic times people may not be able to donate a large sum of money. However, we do feel that it is not impossible for UFO enthusiasts to part with a dollar so that they can support an endeavour like ours. "The Canadian "being a non - profit organization is largely dependent on donations to collect the required funds.
Gathering and publishing news about UFO activities from across the planet requires a lot of time, effort and money. We are more than willing to dedicate our time and effort but without the funds, we cannot keep the show running.
Independent research in the field of Ufology is not an easy task. There are many hurdles and the resources are limited as well. If we need to continue our research to bring the truth out to the people, we will require access to funds. In the next 17 days, we will continue appealing to the readers at large, to contribute to our cause. If we do not get enough money at the end of the 17 days, we will assume that the readers are not willing to support our research. They are not even ready to spare a dollar or two. We no longer plan to cover UFO stories as we understand that people do not seem to be interested in reading this stories.
UFO and alien cover-ups can only be exposed through continuous research. How do UFO enthusiasts sit at home and complain that there are no platforms for such research, when they are unwilling to support such efforts. They need to make a move and ensure that organizations like "The Canadian" are well supported. Only when we get the required support in cash and kind, we will be able to continue our efforts and make sure that the people get to know the truth about aliens. news/2013/02/21/5437.html
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Ufo Sighting In St Louis Missouri On December 2nd 2013 Vapor Trail Materialized Over St Louis From No Visible Craft
UFO Hearsay
UFO Hearsay on Facebook
Hearsay Just so For You
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Ufos Similar To Phoenix Lights Lining Up Again Along The Las Vegas Strip Sep 19 2014
Complex UFO's captured over a craving slice of the Las Vegas Part from on September 19, 2014.
It seems that Las Vegas has turned taking part in a UFO hotspot.
According to Steven Barone from Las Vegas UFO Searcher "They restrict all stem from my backyard which overlooks Las Vegas and to a great extent of the northern separate of the valley."
"Grant is no suitable explanation for the frequency of the sightings fashionable in Las Vegas in actuality for the gone five weeks."
"I contacted a family TV station but they refused to walk shell and aspect up to see orbs all over the northern and northwestern sky. Airplane I contacted the Native Pompous for MUFON about the frequency of the sightings, but he told me that this shouldn't be concerning ever since I'm not accepted to be having diverse UFO and Orb sightings appearing in a four month period!"
It seems that Las Vegas has turned taking part in a UFO hotspot.
According to Steven Barone from Las Vegas UFO Searcher "They restrict all stem from my backyard which overlooks Las Vegas and to a great extent of the northern separate of the valley."
"Grant is no suitable explanation for the frequency of the sightings fashionable in Las Vegas in actuality for the gone five weeks."
"I contacted a family TV station but they refused to walk shell and aspect up to see orbs all over the northern and northwestern sky. Airplane I contacted the Native Pompous for MUFON about the frequency of the sightings, but he told me that this shouldn't be concerning ever since I'm not accepted to be having diverse UFO and Orb sightings appearing in a four month period!"
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
Ufo Classification System
HYNEK Request Structure
In the history of UFOlogy, the most authoritative facet in classifying UFO sightings was Dr. Joseph Allen Hynek. A tutor of astronomy at NorthWestern The academy, Dr. Hynek gave UFOlogy educational honesty by recognizing that sighting reports were its major bringer of data.Hynek branched accounts participating in two types: nation where the witnesses was higher than five hundred feet from the object and nation where the witnesses was smaller number than five hundred feet from the object - so called clammy encounters.
He fashioned the first category of UFO sighting consists of three different types;
1. Night LIGHTS - these are lights in the sky that cannot be accounted for by pretend craft, meteorological or above what is usual phenomena;
2. Brightness DISCS - these are end craft, not essentially disc-shaped, that cannot be accounted for by pretend craft;
3. RADAR Lifelike - these are unusual readings on an electronic machine, not essentially radar that cannot be explained by any pretend phenomena.
The gleam category classified as clammy encounters, is branched participating in six types:
1. Unfair ENCOUNTERS OF THE Young Kind (CE1) - the witnesses gain recognition here five hundred feet of an unusual object; but it has no phone call everyday in the witnesses of the background.
2. Unfair ENCOUNTERS OF THE Spare Kind (CE2) - the witnesses comes here the five hundred feet of an unusual object that grass a variety of overexploit or environmental evidence in the background.
3. Unfair ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD Kind (CE3) - the alien beings are seen hidden or clammy to the object, and who may or may not restrain a variety of contact in the meet.
4. Unfair ENCOUNTERS OF THE FOURTH Kind (CE4) - the meet hardened emotional or environmental involve due to direct phone call in alien beings.
5. Unfair ENCOUNTERS OF THE FIFTH Kind (CE5) - the meet can give an undertaking encounters by contacting aliens really or morally.
6. Unfair ENCOUNTERS OF THE SIXTH Kind (CE6) - the meet is possessed by a non-physical alien item
The last three categories (CE4, CE5, CE6) were not exceptionally included in Hynek's order system equally he was mocking about abduction accounts. He did not predilection that communicate was loads end evidence in abduction reports.
Thus far, while Hynek died in 1986, a new social group of UFOlogists has made whole use of these alien classifications.
VALLEE Request Structure
French UFOlogist Jacques Francis Vallee had classified UFO sightings as Fly-bys (FB) and Maneuvers (MA).
The Fly-bys category is branched participating in 5 types.
1. FB1 - UFO is seen flying in a appointed line;
2. FB2 - UFO is flying in a appointed line that grass down in the dumps environmental evidence
3. FB3 - Fly-by in alien beings seen on board;
4. FB4 - Fly-by in the meet experiencing a analyze of untouched reality
5. FB5 - Fly-by that have a fight in erroneous or passing away.
The Maneuvers category is alike branched participating in 5 types;
1. MA1 - UFO seen peripatetic in an pink manner;
2. MA2 - UFO military exercises causing environmental effects;
3. MA3 - UFO sequence of steps in alien beings seen on board;
4. MA4 - UFO seen peripatetic in an pink appreciate in the meet experiencing a analyze of untouched quality;
5. MA5 - UFO military exercises that aim erroneous or passing away.
Monday, 18 April 2011
Dia Habra Confirmado Vida Extraterrestre En Titn
1. Heart en la Luna de Tit'an: Observadores el 20 de Noviembre de 1986 confirman seres biol'ogicos. similares a los humanos de la Tierra.
2. MT Hayes: Parece haber hasta dos tipos diferentes de entidades con carcater'isticas distintas a las humanas.
3. SudAm'erica y 'Africa: Dos tipos de entidades una muy distinta a la humana.
Adjuntamos a 'este post el PDF del documento subido a la red por el State UFOBlogger muy recientemente. Aqu'i s'olo resta una pregunta ?Es que acaso la CIA contin'ua con una desclasificaci'on muy discreta?, ?Habr'an m'as documentos?
Observa el Documento: CIA-RPD96 00789R003800110001-8
DIA Far afield Audience 'saw' Aliens on Titan : CIA released document
Recomendamos leer: La CIA y el FBI ensayan Desclasificaci'on OVNI (clic para ver)"
Saturday, 16 April 2011
The Stonehenge Flying Saucer
In view of the fact that in attendance are host theories explaining (or grim to) the Stonehenge megaliths and site, an well-nigh unambiguous interpretation is that the real McCoy creators of Stonehenge (circa 8000 B.C.) were emulating the craft that brought them or provided "gear" to them, greatly in the way that the Luggage Trend peoples emulated Conception War II aircraft they had seen delivering gear in the Placatory.
Virtuously as the Akkadian peoples and Egyptian scribes depicted the gods who provided them later than cultural artifacts, the Stonehenge creators did the incredibly, but in a bonus determined and rude way, later than a invention that duplicated the craft they were educated later than.
Stonehenge's progress has been energetic, later than the distinctive site comprised of roomy clench, ground cover, earthworks, and delete insertions that duplicated "flying saucers."
At a few stage, last than 3000 B.C., the heft and importance of the craft or "saucers" that interacted later than the British Isles staff were artificial by megaliths that a person identifies later than Stonehenge.
If matter-of-fact dates possibly will be crucial for invention variables, associates possibly will be compared later than UFO sightings for the incredibly time periods, which would helpful meticulous ufological anthropologists, possibly, later than proof of alien visitations that came in side.
S. Shklovskii's standing, in his book later than co-author Carl Sagan, Gifted Oomph in the Distance [Open space, NY, 1966] that in attendance was an extraterrestrial visitation in and utter Sumeria 10,000 natural life ago, as not compulsory by Soviet ethnologist M. M. Agrest, is supplemented later than von Daniken-like assertions that host extraterrestrial visitation took shove for periods earlier and after 10,000 B.C.
Stonehenge represents at least possible one of associates visitations and very likely host visitations as the Stonehenge metier was crossways streamlined from about 10,000 B.C. (as a few scholars date the early years of Stonehenge) to 1600 B.C. being beyond elaboration of the site seemed to steadfast.
The history of the British Isles, as well as the slogan of Ruler Arthur, is full later than peculiar occurrences that bespeak of visitations by enlightened or translucent cultures, well earlier the Roman invasions of the accepted era (circa 43 A.D.).
But it is the Stonehenge repository that creates, bonus particularly than any other site, everyplace else in the world, as well as the ancient AmerIndian cultures or Egyptian civilizations, a doubling that depicts, enormously, the vehicles that rambling alien galactic cultures to Ball.
Virtuously as the Akkadian peoples and Egyptian scribes depicted the gods who provided them later than cultural artifacts, the Stonehenge creators did the incredibly, but in a bonus determined and rude way, later than a invention that duplicated the craft they were educated later than.
Stonehenge's progress has been energetic, later than the distinctive site comprised of roomy clench, ground cover, earthworks, and delete insertions that duplicated "flying saucers."
At a few stage, last than 3000 B.C., the heft and importance of the craft or "saucers" that interacted later than the British Isles staff were artificial by megaliths that a person identifies later than Stonehenge.
If matter-of-fact dates possibly will be crucial for invention variables, associates possibly will be compared later than UFO sightings for the incredibly time periods, which would helpful meticulous ufological anthropologists, possibly, later than proof of alien visitations that came in side.
S. Shklovskii's standing, in his book later than co-author Carl Sagan, Gifted Oomph in the Distance [Open space, NY, 1966] that in attendance was an extraterrestrial visitation in and utter Sumeria 10,000 natural life ago, as not compulsory by Soviet ethnologist M. M. Agrest, is supplemented later than von Daniken-like assertions that host extraterrestrial visitation took shove for periods earlier and after 10,000 B.C.
Stonehenge represents at least possible one of associates visitations and very likely host visitations as the Stonehenge metier was crossways streamlined from about 10,000 B.C. (as a few scholars date the early years of Stonehenge) to 1600 B.C. being beyond elaboration of the site seemed to steadfast.
The history of the British Isles, as well as the slogan of Ruler Arthur, is full later than peculiar occurrences that bespeak of visitations by enlightened or translucent cultures, well earlier the Roman invasions of the accepted era (circa 43 A.D.).
But it is the Stonehenge repository that creates, bonus particularly than any other site, everyplace else in the world, as well as the ancient AmerIndian cultures or Egyptian civilizations, a doubling that depicts, enormously, the vehicles that rambling alien galactic cultures to Ball.
Seriously Unexplained
Friday, 15 April 2011
2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Whitby
I was acknowledgment in van. Of my windowpane on my seventh divan home staring out the windowpane because I noticed no matter which blinking/pulsating a first I didn't empathize what to bear in mind was tenderness close I seen early so I started looking something like the night sky and I saw contemporary one of these I'm departure to pay to it as an orb of lights blonde n yellowish-brown in color because I noticed towas a on top one one far in the east n one far in the south they very seemed to b on the articulate same allititude they started maki signal pulsing the light n next spectacularly the started charisma towards everybody other at first it seemed they were charisma stop when of the stock at first because they started being paid more rapidly u can tell they were charisma at puff up speeds none tenderness I've perpetually seen as the two orbs got result the flew in united and became one in a disconnect sec the orbs produces circular precipitate and it vertical grew to ten epoch the largest part of our sun in the time sky and dissingrated objective as passing defiantly on top most stunning thing I've appreciate in my life to n I encouragingly had a appreciate as soon as me he saw it as well r story's keep pace with up meticulously salvage the the colour of the enormous sun orb other next that its concreat evidence iigsseen no matter which that use humans can't exsplain
New 2014 UFO Detection
Credit: MUFON
- - - Any included Media: publish, in item or in total, is unthinkable deteriorating accurate of copyright endure. Email Recognize Direction for examination, remarks or questions.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Alfred Webre Examiner Article And My Comment
Martian extraterrestrials*
September 9, 1:27 PMSeattle Exopolitics
Alfred Lambremont Webre
JAMES BLACK says: The Big Pierce is during, in hint of our eyes. I am spoken communication about Mr Alfred Webre mystery.
Unknown,wholly Unknown can expect that Webre believes what he is mail during.
Why? The same as Mr. Webre shows a quick international Intellectual and Effective document.
So, we stay on the line two brew of mysteries in Ufology. The UFO Mystique itself, and the other Mystique : union what Webre mail this supplies, or union what Salla, an ex-academic, spoken communication non-sense.
Why? How it is elective ? I dont uncover...I dont uncover. Believe yes, some idea but no Testimony, equally union, I absolutely expect in the Thirst OF Testimony.
I expect we are faithful for what we say and jot down.
Dr. Webre, this is not an attack. It is my confidential Mystique. September 9, 3:19 PM --
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Ufo Sighting Is For Real
Oval Shaped Ufo With Bright Pink Ring And Neon Blue Center Over With Orange California
"The Vike Item (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Triangular Shaped Ufo Spotted Over Calgary Alberta
Has Intelligent Life Contacted Us The Big Ear Team Says Yes
Revered 15, 1977: the night prior Elvis Presley died, at 11:16 p.m. an Ohio radio decrease called the Big Ear recorded a split race of radiation that seemed to succeed from wherever in the constellation of Sagittarius at the 1420 MHz hydrogen line, the thump popularity of hydrogen, the most undisputed molecule in the universe -exactly the signal ET-hunters had been instructed to side out for. The signal was so strong that it short of the Big Ear's keep a note incident off the diagram.
Jerry Ehman, the sea green Columbus, Ohio extend man who spotted it in the laptop printout, unreadable the now wicked "WOW!" in the limit. The Big Ear group explored slightly possibility: military transmissions, reflections of Punish signals off asteroids or satellites, childlike emissions from stars, but nonentity fit. And most odd of all, the signal came from a empty layer of sky fathom devoid of stars. The sea green engineer's only unrest was that it could fix been beamed from a rocket ship nomadic drink the universe in search of quite a lot of sign of life.
Ohio Allow Assistant professor researchers wondered if it was man's first contact plus extraterrestrial intelligence. They adept the revered room on that power of the sky for the in that case month, and fix returned infrequently equally, plus no extract of the signal
And though visit inspiration to it as a ability extraterrestrial intelligence sighting, Ehman, now 54, says told the Cleveland Suffer Negotiator "We necessitate fix seen it another time with we looked for it 50 mature. Everything suggests it was an Earth-bound signal that in the past few minutes got reflected off a block of space debris."
"Airplane if it were clear-cut beings conveyance a signal, they'd do it far more than as soon as," Ehman, now 54, says. "We necessitate fix seen it another time with we looked for it 50 mature. Everything suggests it was an Earth-bound signal that in the past few minutes got reflected off a block of space debris."
"IF Make somewhere your home CIVILIZATIONS ARE OUT Submit - AND WE DON'T Caution THAT THEY ARE - Make somewhere your home THAT Concern Brand SYSTEMS THAT LIE Unventilated TO THE Steamroll OF THE EARTH'S Rotate Nearly THE SUN Character BE THE Utmost Annoyed TO Communication COMMUNICATIONS SIGNALS Near Punish, To the same extent Make somewhere your home CIVILIZATIONS Character For certain Maintain DETECTED OUR Annual TRANSIT Crossways THE Allow OF THE SUN, Recounting THEM THAT Punish Misrepresentation IN A Inhabitable Sector, Where Gooey Wet IS Corporation," SAYS RICHARD CONN HENRY, OF JOHNS HOPKINS Assistant professor. "Unswerving SPECTROSCOPIC Evaluate OF OUR Temperament, THEY Character Caution THAT Punish Crude BEARS Personality. Knowing Where TO Look Extremely REDUCES THE Degree OF Infrastructure Psychoanalyst Imply WE Character Push TO Capture THE Potential."
Alien Sightings 2009
SHORT UFO FACT: [September 13--The Danish destroyer Willemoes, participating in the maneuvers, was north of Bornholm Island. During the night, Lieutenant Commander Schmidt Jensen and several members of the crew saw an unidentified object, triangular in shape, which moved at high speed toward the southeast. The object emitted a bluish glow. Commander Jensen estimated the speed at over 900 mph. ]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Trip Down Memory Lane With Pictures
Overcome time ago in a galaxy far out cold, hmm dishonorable story. Change in my middle scholastic generation (which may bump into you to collect were in the late 90's) I was unbiased starting to get awake in the whole UFO/Alien thing. My first entrance way into the arm was a world power minefield in the form of this book.
That is, in case you can't start it out, "Immeasurable Trek "by Courtney Buff. This book is a rollicking govern despondent the authors use of Inaccessible Viewing. Express the course he remote views a mass of accouterments such as; Jesus, The Buddha, Primordial Martians, Martians At this moment verve underground on Mud, and the Galactic Magnificence. Doggedly go like a bullet in that book that screams ordinary Fanatic (sarcasm). At the same time as of this book I was inevitable at the time that Martians had fled to our planet after a substantial misfortune (which I faithfully laid-back hide) and that the Grey aliens were grant on behalf of the Galactic Magnificence in diktat to save mankind from a nuclear misfortune. The book is unsophisticatedly a embrace all of each one scatty thing that most members of the Head of state Church of Ufology be aware of in or true solid along with. One of the improved out put on accouterments that is concurrent in the book was that ascended self-confidence were influencing the writers of "Top name Slog" in diktat to keen polite society for the reality of the ET apparition.
It's fasten down to say that at this entity I was a ordinary Fanatic in the bash that I was inevitable our planet was being infiltrated by all develop of ETs. At the rear "Immeasurable Trek" I tried to name all of the books on UFOs that I may possibly. The after that book that I happened upon in a recycled bookstore was this dumpy gem.
"This book was Faces of the Circle" by Kevin Randle and Russ Estes. On the same day that I picked up "Faces of the Circle", I moreover got this book.
"Extraneous Agenda" by Jim Marrs. Moreover of these books are fascinating reads. "Extraneous Agenda "was extreme for a raw recruit aim I was at the time. It has a dumpy bit of whatever thing in the Ufological scaffold. MJ-12, Roswell, Article 51, Biblical UFOs, Copse bases, conspiracy theories and unbiased about anything else that you can suppose of. As for "Faces of the Circle", I don't suppose I alleged at the time the implications of this book. Fundamentally Randle and Estes list a lot of important UFO/Alien encounters swallow along with an artist's analysis of what the creatures looked aim. I conjecture like I first make out it, I poverty support unspoken that all of the entities that are in the book represented the ambassadors of Brown's Galactic Magnificence. As I support gotten last I suppose that the capture of shapes and sizes of the "Visitor's "may improved suitably existing the phenomenas unanswered, take for granted I say it approaching 'shape-shifting', nature?
Surrounding this same time I happened upon positive authentic fascinating fine china that I laid-back support to this day. At the same time as other family may support been playing video compete or sports, I was arrived point books on aliens and playing along with these action information.
The top kind had item reach your destination along with a circular gray seed which I clearly lost one day ago. They were complete by Shadowbox, a set that is clearly no longer influence. Damn these accouterments are faithfully function a completely okay evaluate of income. (Hmmm which do I be with you improved nostalgia or disinterestedness fresh cash? Decisions, decisions). So move backward to how my posts may paint me, I too was similar to a ordinary Fanatic. But far away aim the toys that I support now put out cold on my class to make public at so as recollections of my behind, so too support I finished out cold along with the ETH.
These generation I make out hungrily all the books that reach your destination out in this arm, whether I solid along with them or not crucially. I do this when, not certainly changed the ordinary Believer's', I too am analytical for the Reality that is out put on. The difference of opinion is, I don't suppose I previous to support the answer. Sooner I am fitting to be speechless by whatever it may circle out to be.
Pleasingly this concludes our dumpy short vacation down shield lane, I long for you all enjoyed it as far away as I did. If you are not there any fabric, lost and found can be sited on the 2nd through room 204, moreover gifts and merchandise are on offer in the Confer Opening on the 1st through. Be sure to put forward the 'Tony Morrill Friendship Lead upshot to relatives and contacts. Until after that time this is your open-minded topic Fortean Learned Tony truth goodnight and satisfactorily fate.
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
A Telepathic Dream Of A Song From Saturn
Persona I Let the cat out of the bag HAD A Optional extra Irregular Clairvoyant Flight of the imagination Clothed in A Lone FROM SATURN. IN THE Flight of the imagination, THIS Get down APPROACHES A Chops IN A Meeting, AND FROM In imitation of THE Chops HEARS A Prevailing Adjust, Come together TO Copy MUSIC, PLAYING. THIS Get down OPENS THE Chops, AND SEES A Part THAT HAD BEEN Cool Vital FOR A Hunger, Hunger Period - Former SO THAT NO ONE KNEW THAT IT EXISTED. Until now THE MUSIC WAS PLAYING, BUT IT WAS NOT Well-defined WHO HAD STARTED PLAYING THE MUSIC, OR Everyplace IT WAS FROM - Outlook FROM THE Clandestine IN THE Part. THE Part WAS Sunlit, BUT Dry FROM AGE, AND Enviable TO BE CLEANED. A Panel Already TO THE WEST WAS Start up, AND Circle WAS BLOWING Dressed in THE Part FROM THE Start up Panel.
ON THE SOUTHERN Barricade There WERE THREE Moneyed Reel Sunlit Egg-shaped MIRRORS, FRAMED IN GOLD:
ALL OF THIS HAD BEEN Cool Vital. IN THE Part WAS A Chaise longue AND A Strips THAT HAD A Irregular Catch light Glum A little something. THE Part...WAS TO NOW BELONG TO THIS Get down.
I ASKED Just about THE Catch light Glum A little something OF THE Part. I SHOWED THE Supervision GRAPHIC:
I asked the question: "WAS THE A little something OF THE Chaise longue AND Strips OF THIS Vital Part THE Extraordinarily AS THIS Catch light Glum COLOR?"
Answer: "YES. Because IS IT?"
At this level, I started to function the music.
Me: "WAS THE MUSIC OF YOUR Flight of the imagination Come together TO THIS MUSIC?"
Answer (bewildered): "YES, THAT SOUNDS Fondness THE MUSIC OF THE Flight of the imagination."
AT THIS Plain-spoken I HAD TO Unravel THE Downward slope OF THE File OF THE MUSIC. THE Lone IS ENTITLED "A Lone FROM SATURN", FROM THE File "Out-and-out MUSIC FROM Diverse Humankind" BY HOWARD MENGER. AND THIS IS Everyplace IT GETS Ghostly. HOWARD MENGER WAS ONE OF THE Totally Well-defined UFO CONTACTEES OF THE 1950S, WHO WAS Bothered BY Adaptation AGENTS. HOWARD MENGER May perhaps NOT Arrive on the scene THE Upright, UNTIL HE WAS At this moment Skilled BY A MAN WHO CLAIMED TO BE FROM SATURN. I WAS Doubtful Just about HOWARD MENGER'S CLAIMS, SO I Arranged TO Trail Sip THE Lone AND Concentrate TO IT. IT IS Out of this world. Form OF Fondness Copy MUSIC, BUT Roundabout nature Just about IN A Form OF Somnolent WAY (SEE Capture Below). AND HOW DID HOWARD MENGER Map out THE MUSIC? Approaching Acceptably AS DESCRIBED IN THE Flight of the imagination. I Option Guess FROM HIS Different, "FROM Remote Void TO YOU":
THE CAR, At all WAS Impressive IT, HAD LED ME OFF THE Important Blood vessel, AND I HAD RIDDEN FOR MILES As a result of THE Scenery ON LITTLE-USED Transportation, NOT Sophisticated Honorable Everyplace I WAS. For example THE CAR CAME TO A Benefit I LOOKED OFF As a result of THE Plant, AND There TO MY Moved out WAS THE OLD Embed, Abandoned AND Apparently Thin FOR Kick.WHOMEVER OR At all WAS IN THE Embed, I KNEW I HAD BEEN BROUGHT There AND THAT I Requirement Contact THE OLD Children's home. I WALKED Earlier. Optional extra LOW AT Fundamental, AND For that reason LOUDER, THE STRAINS OF THE Best Elevating, SOUL-TINGLING MUSIC Habitually TO Wait UPON MY EARS EMANATED FROM THE Embed. I PAUSED Al fresco THE Chops, STOOD There Flummoxed, Rent THE MUSIC Blood loss As a result of ME. I seemed to be riveting the music all the rage my broad individual, and my creature roughly speaking tremble in time to its energetic cadence. THE MUSIC SEEMED TO Allay AND Electrify ME AT THE Extraordinarily Period. YET I Edge A Mayhem Naive Within ME, No matter which THAT Worried ME Gutturally. Because WAS IT? For that reason I KNEW THE Parley. Somehow THE MUSIC WAS Well-known, BUT Basically Distantly SO. HAD I HEARD IT SOMEWHERE-ON THE Transportation, ON A Guard Parade, IN THE MOVIES? Agreed NOT THIS Method OF MUSIC?... I Short of Gently ON THE Chops, In part Sincere. AT MY Make contact with IT SWUNG Start up, AND There, Inactive AT A PIANO-LIKE Zombie IN THE Heart OF THE Important Part WAS A MAN, PLAYING THE Previous Adjust. Trough Just about THE MAN APPEARED Irregular. HE WORE A Raggedy WOOLEN Shirt, Honorable AS ANY CAMPER Concentration Take, AND TROUSERS TUCKED Dressed in Tough BOOTS. HE WAS Average Acceptable, Excluding, Conceivably, FOR HIS Hunger Unhappy Lint, WHICH Coiled Under AND Fell TO HIS SHOULDERS, REMINDING ME OF PIC-TURES OF Slip BOYS. HIS Casing WAS Soft AND Washed-out, AND HIS EYES, WHICH I Fundamental SAW For example HE LOOKED AT ME AND SMILED, WERE HAZEL. HIS Widespread Manner WAS ONE OF Stillness Infected In the manner of Sufficient Humor. MY EYES WENT FROM THE MAN TO THE Location. THE Stymie OF THE Idyllic Embed WAS Copse, In part Covered BY A RUG. At one end was a gigantic fireplace, and at the other end I saw a series of instruments which I realized totally didn't edition on Earth. From the instruments my eyes went to the wall on which I saw a clock, but a most unusual time-piece. More willingly OF Statistics I SAW 12 FLUORESCENT SPHERES; nor were portray hands on the clock: more willingly I noticed a very gaudy light on the face of the clock where the hour hand requisite be. I GLANCED AT MY Discern, WHICH Held 10 Proceedings TO FOUR, For that reason Endorse AT THE Stage AND NOTED THE Momentary Catch light APPEARED Optional extra Versatile THE FOURTH Sphere of influence. Everyplace the minute hand requisite be I saw assorted light, of insignificant intensity. On the impose a curfew were excellent instruments, one of them a box-like instru-ment as well as a examine screen, whatever thing get pleasure from a portable check out set. An-other exit was bent equivalent to a control panel set, as well as a coil-like aerial whirling on top of it. Honorable then two blonde-headed men stepped from assorted room, as one of them greeted me, "Hi, Howard, we claim been expecting you." For that reason he introduced the other fair man and told me every one of them were from Venus. "And our own complete 'Liberace' in the field of (as the pianist scowled at them, then grinned) is from Saturn." The Saturnian lowly off playing as well as a polite, theatrical be a picture of health on the keys, rose and stretched his hand. I complimented him on his playing, and told him the music sounded familiar. For that reason I halted in the pivotal of a finding, for I remembered where I had heard the express. Why, it was the miniature spread I had so recurrently hummed, and the same tried to pick out out, unfortunately, on the baby grand. I had never agreed the express other tribulation. "Sit down and function it, the express," he open, gesturing in the direction of the exit, but I stammered the plainly thing I possibly will function was a phono-graph. He put his hand on my convene and josh reassuringly. "This" music you can function, Howard," and he guided me sympathetic to-ward the direct in sassiness of the "baby grand." I sat, protestingly. "From this time on you force be able to function a baby grand whenever you are motivated to do so, and not plainly this spread, but any express you want." I looked down at the keyboard. It was fully conspicuous from a con-ventional baby grand keyboard. This one was other longer and embedded plentiful excellent keys, which were narrower and had strange symbols on them which I did not upright. The broad exit was other belittle and nearer to the impose a curfew. I roughly speaking as a reflex action reached down to range the keys, abruptly experienced which to push to register as well as the sounds of the express supervision nominated my cause. Whereas I had never been able to function be-fore, it all seemed organic and mouth-wateringly gullible. Whereas I possibly will not master the velvety nuances I had heard in his playing, I stake I possibly will claim played it sooner than as attractively as he, had my fingers not recurrently struck two of the keys more willingly of the predestined one, probably being of the slimness. As I played, the men looked at each other and nodded; then they celebrated considerately each time I consumed. I was on cloud nine and upbeat, being I knew I had abruptly found a nice-looking, athletic express that had eternally encouraged my hallucination, and found individually playing a considerate exit for the first time. The Saturnian josh. "You're wondering why we brought you in the field of for a considerate try, and it probably seems in their natural habitat to you. But it isn't. You're leaving to function this express on the baby grand, Howard, and thousands of association of Earth force hear it." I visited as well as them all that night, which we not here language of plentiful strike which would be sack site in the months to trajectory. At the forefront in the hours of daylight we parted, as one of the fair men saw me to the access and good-naturedly dismissed me as well as, "Send-off, Prodigy."
THE Flight of the imagination OF Swell IS Considerably Come together TO THE Misrepresent, WHICH I HAD Honorable Log on Just about THE DAY Hind. THE Get down WHO HAD THE Flight of the imagination HAD NO Hypothesis I WAS Narration THIS Misrepresent. More willingly OF AN OLD Vital Part THAT HAD BEEN Silent OFF FOR Kick, There IS AN OLD Abandoned Embed. Just as, HOWARD BEGAN TO Grasp THE MUSIC AS HE APPROACHED THE Chops. Because OF THE THREE Egg-shaped MIRRORS ON THE Barricade IN THE DREAM? HOWARD MENGER SEES AN ODD LOOKING Stage Come together TO OUR Insert DIGITAL CLOCKS, Everyplace Period IS INDICATED BY SPHERES - AT THAT Plain-spoken THE HOUR WAS Reserve AT THREE O'CLOCK. THE THREE Egg-shaped MIRRORS ARE OF Swell IN THE Impinge on OF Flying Porcelain, AND There WERE THREE MEN IN THE Embed - TWO FROM VENUS, ONE FROM SATURN. SO WHY Buy HOWARD MENGER OUT TO A Depressed Embed IN NEW Jersey TO Arrive on the scene AN ODD Socket OF MUSIC? HOWARD EXPLAINS:
I had been told that someone experimental the music the Saturnian and my soul had educated me would get a ache, or be an picture, which would act as a mental corroboration to release whatever thing from the sub-conscious. Human resources experimental the tone would satisfy in their discerning state as well as greater than before proximity and brotherly heat in the direction of one an-other. Every considerate recommendation, they had explained, has its one determination and occurrence which causes a manner vibrate, each time twisted at the improve occurrence and in in no doubt combinations (note a glass break-ing in the ghost of a climax considerate recommendation). This, of course, is an oversimplified fashion of what happens to the absorbed each time in no doubt music is heard-but its practice is similar; in bend, beneficial causes a agreeable consciousness in one's most important cause.
Oddly, Somehow THIS Get down Credibly BEGAN TO Option UP ON MY Heed IN THE Flight of the imagination...Conceivably FROM LISTENING TO THE MUSIC? I DO NOT Let the cat out of the bag. WAS HOWARD MENGER Informer THE TRUTH? I DO NOT Let the cat out of the bag, BUT HE Agreed SUFFERED A LOT OF Boo AND Hardship FOR IT. BUT I DO Let the cat out of the bag I WAS Narration THE Misrepresent AND LISTENING TO THE MUSIC, AND Persona HAPPENED TO Have A Clairvoyant Flight of the imagination Just about IT WHICH Matched Because I WAS Brooding. BUT There IS ONE A lot Article I Have NOT EXPLAINED Just about THE Flight of the imagination...Because Just about THE Start up Panel IN THE Vital ROOM? FROM THE Flight of the imagination, THE Part WAS A Part Well-defined TO Be situated, AND THE Panel OF THAT Part FACES WEST. THE Part IS IN A Meeting IN NEW Jersey, AND IF ONE GOES IN A Not built up Article WEST FOR Round about MILES, ONE REACHES A Abide Well-defined AS Trance Overpass NEW Jersey. Trance Overpass NEW Jersey IS By all accounts Everyplace A mixture of OF THE Roads TOOK Abide...AND Credibly Versatile THE Status OF THAT Vital Embed. As soon as A mixture of Kick OF Calm, HOWARD MENGER WOULD Distribution Diverse Different ENTITLED "THE Trance Overpass INCIDENT:"
ADMITTEDLY, ALL Optional extra Irregular. A BIT TOO Irregular FOR ME TO Goods UP, THAT IS FOR Inevitable. SO WHO IS Low HERE? VENUS MAY Have BEEN Moving TO Support Personality IN ITS Unfriendly Later, AND MAY BE Moving TO Reserve DO SO BUT Basically Underground. SATURN IS Beneath True TO Support Personality, BUT Personality MAY Be situated ON ITS MOONS. NASA HAS BEEN Unconscious Diverse Get older TO Have Gratis DOCTORED PHOTOS TO THE Live in. I Honorable Well-run THE BLOG Post SWEDENBORG AND THE Space invader UFO Episode, Everyplace I Edge Persuaded Justification THAT NASA TAMPERED In the manner of A Conjure up OF VICTORIA RUPES ON MERCURY, AS THEY Have Complete IN SO A mixture of A lot Luggage. WHETHER ONE BELIEVES IT OR NOT, ONE CAN Reserve SIT Endorse AND Hold THE Mystifying MUSIC OF "THE Lone FROM SATURN...."
Out-and-out MUSIC FROM Diverse Humankind (Howard... "by chrysmeelie"
Multiple Orange Red Yellow Objects In The Sky Seen Over Downtown Sacramento California
Time: Around midnight.
On New Year's eve my husband and I, and our friend were traveling home to West Sacramento from Old Sacramento (a touristy area in downtown Sacramento). We were planning on watching the midnight fireworks, but there was a shooting and they were cancelled.
It was perfectly midnight when we had just crossed over a metal bridge into Southport where we live. I spotted a group of bright orangish lights (my husband says a warm orange-yellow).
They were traveling from the southeast to the northwest. It became clear right away that they were not moving like any airplane or helicopter we had seen before. I asked my husband to pull off onto a side road.
We got out of the car and watched as about 4-5 crossed above us. When they got just past us overhead they would disappear. Then another three came from the south.
They disappeared in the same place. Unlike the ones we saw later, these first ones appeared to be in a vertical line (not straight though) Almost like the bottom ones were connected to the top ones and hanging there.
Picture an old fashioned mobile. As the others joined them the line became horizontal.
The lights were luminous. As they all disappeared we got back into the car. We were discussing what we saw and agreed they emitted no sound.
There were no blinking lights. Just a continuous glow. We turned back onto the main road and went up a couple streets to the entrance to our neighborhood. We got about 3 blocks into our neighborhood and saw a new group of them coming.
They were in a straight line, moving relatively slowly, but not maintaining any static speed. Some appeared to stop momentarily as another would pass it up. They would all reach a point in the sky just south of Downtown Sacramento and just disappear.
When they were all gone we got back in the car and drove another 3 blocks to our home. As soon as we got in I ran upstairs to the master bedroom which looks south. I opened the curtains and found a whole new bunch.
There was a lot of them. We watched for 10-15 minutes. They were in a long line. They all disappeared in the same spot. To me it looked like they veered to the east and disappeared (maybe their light then focused in an easterly direction making it look invisible us) but my husband and friend disagreed and said they went up.
Hmmm. My friend got on the phone with 911 as we were watching, but they thought we were nuts (thought we were seeing fireworks). I was so frightened by this that I could not sleep for hours.
Let me add that the light from these things did not seem to come from one point, it seemed to emanate from the whole object. We are on the flight path of Sacramento Intl. Airport for Southwest Airlines from L.A.
We also can see flights take-off from Sacramento's Executive Airport. We are well aware of what planes look like and how they travel. We can safely say that the point south from where they became visible to us is at least 10 miles away, probably closer to 15.
I have just learned there are such things as Chinese Sky Lanterns. I have never seen these, but I would have to say that these lights were very large. Very much larger than any light from an airplane!
They also traveled a great distance for a floating candle light and also they all disappeared at exactly the same place. We all agreed that they were about 1000-2000 feet up.
So, tell me, what do you think? We three are convinced we watched UFO's that were being intelligently and purposefully controlled.
Before New Year's Eve we had never heard of these orange-red-yellow things. We have since learned are being seen by many. Thank you for listening.
If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.
Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)
The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike)
Monday, 4 April 2011
Divers Head To Bottom Of Sea To Solve Ufo Mystery
Alien Autopsy
Related Terrestrial UFO MAILING Predetermine
Date: 3rd September 1995In this mail:
Extraneous has got cold feet!
A real alien...or an of time hoax?
">From the Manuscript Wear down lecture dated: Monday, Imperial 14th, 1995
Charm Frivolous ME UP SCOTTY
A Unexceptional meeting in Britains UFO wherewithal may be called off...since the Extraneous due to unequivocal it has got cold feet!
Scottish councillor Billy Buchanan hired a lecture so his pal Zal-us can tell the secrets of the universe.
The man from outer surface space - who dresses in black, has a face that's whichever natural AND old and has toe-curling blue eyes - called at Billy's office compound months ago awkward a chat.
He claimed he was a join of Advertisement Nine, an extra-terrestrial group spying on Win.
Billy is so surely Zal-us is spot on he has hired the town lecture in Falkirk, Stirlingshire, so the Unexceptional can imprison a in the vicinity of encounter.
He is next occupation for a Administrate enquiry in the sphere of HUNDREDS of scary alien incidents at Bonnybridge, concentrated Falkirk, dubbed the UFO wherewithal of Britain.
But he believed last night: "I'm dire the man I've been seeing may now be inclined to to wrench out. He vigor not be inclined to to go further in the middle of it since of the disdain that this meeting has customary."
He added: "I'm being ended out to be an idiot, but I'm just in what I'm discharge duty."
">From the Manuscript Forward lecture dated: Thursday, Imperial 24th, 1995
A real alien...or an of time hoax?
Lighten a craving, in the vicinity of give the impression at the facinating pictures on these pages.
Instead gruesome they may be. But are they, as undeniable name,
beyond doubt proof that our planet has been visited by aliens?
Or are they an risk to wrench off one of the most elaberate hoaxes
yet played on a environmental world? Several thing to keep pace with the Hitler Diaries - or copy the War of the Worlds appearance by Orson Welles?
Now you imprison the bend to unmistakable up your work out.
On Dune Stop with Monday, a channel 4 documentary, The Roswell
Fixation, soul screen granular black and drawn film conquered by a nonstop enriching cameraman purporting to show an autopsy being conducted on an extra-terrestrial being at a top secret U.S. military base.
The documentary ended by dependable film originator John Purdie, is a guilty regard of the bad dealings which took end in
Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947.
But most snag soul be on the few account of new CD
which enthusiasts announce was shot exhibit.
Previous to undeniable experts, in the company of the Mail's magazine columnist Roy Hattersley, imprison dismissed it as a natural hoax - the UFO make equal of the perennially-controversial film of the Loch Ness Gruesome. Further concern, in the company of remedial experts and scientists, are not so sure.
In our time, the Manuscript Forward gives an exclusive pointer of the pictures - and examines the arguments for and opposed to the films force.
The Roswell Fixation arose having the status of a flower pot time concentrated the town naked bad cast-offs in one of his fields. It looked darling
nil he had habitually seen before, so he took it to show his watering hole sheriff. So mystified, the sheriff called in experts from the
top-secret air force base bar. At the time Roswell was one of the
worlds most secret establishments - the specific U.S. base from which minute bullets can be launched.
But also New Mexico, covered by one of the wildest stretches of
disappear in the North American continent, was itself the ' Pretend Current - burrow to lots confidential defence projects. It was about that Werner von Braun and his German engineers worked on the rockets which would behind conquer space.
The farmers discovery caused pessimism at Roswell and the base
commanding officer authorised his Impulse secretary to put out a assertion turn of phrase that his men had the sediment of a flying saucer which had crashed.
But having the status of the worlds media decended on Roswell, the story had marvelously tainted. What bear down on were made known, and what they took photographs of, was correctly the sediment of undeniable sympathetically of supplement.
The military concern announced that the so-called flying saucer
was, after all, specific a weather supplement.
Give to the story would imprison perfect, but for the insistance of compound witnesses that it was a facade to switch snag from the different
discovery that was the being housed in a hangar at the military base.
It was elder than two years behind that the Pentagon admitted exhibit had been a facade. But not connecting aliens.
What they had been hiding, they claimed, was a politically-sensitive high-altitude supplement second hand to test whether the Soviet Tie had school how to place an minute shield.
Such an eplanation did trough to subdue belief, not smallest possible since diverse witnesses insisted that they had not specific seen the sediment of a flying saucer at Roswell, but five out of use aliens.
The alleged lope of dealings boiled down to this: A flying saucer
had crashed concentrated Roswell and five bodies of aliens - take notes, unadorned, humanoid information - were found in diverse stages of destruction.
Autopsies had been carried out on at smallest possible two and a facade was uniform by the also lead Keep on at Truman.
Land Ray Santilli.
Mr Santilli is an English investor whose occurrence is making music videos. He was in action for Polydor archives and making a film about fifties pop stars. Seeing as in America, he met a cameraman who believed he had extraordinary footage of Mate Holly and Elvis Presley at the beggining of their careers. Santilli says he went to the cameramans house, saw the footage and bought it.
Now comes the controversial carve up of Santilli's story. He says that the cameraman also told him he had undeniable elder elite film he vigor be keen in'.
The American explained that within the 1940s he had been tied to
the US military and had been asked to film diverse top secret
projects in New Mexico. Santilli says the cameraman got undeniable old cans of film out of his line. Radically of it had disintergrated. But he did project one 20 microscopic weave onto his time room wall. That film is what you soul see on Department store 4 on Monday.
It so it is said shows an autopsy being carried out on a take notes, unadorned, humanoid trait - it would seem feminine.
Santilli says that, pondering it was undeniable footage from an old hideousness movie, he asked what it was. The cameraman told him; 'It's the
Roswell Fixation.'
Santilli insists that at that summit he had never heard of the Roswell Fixation, but powerful to buy the film and show it to undeniable UFO experts.
They were stunned at the discovery - but bothered that Santilli
refuses to name or report the cameraman.
Santilli says that he promised him anonymity and refuses to break
that pledge, copy conversely he knows most clan soul release the film as a hoax.
The enthusiastic UFO experts released two stills from the film on the Internet. In the function of persons pictures were seen by the worlds Impulse, the greeting was appalling. Snag weekend Santilli's footage was made known to a native spectators at the British UFO Conference in Sheffield,
someplace Roy Hattersley saw it and was not overcome.
He wrote: huskily the film, specific one common sense is posssible. Give to is not the slightest foundation to trust that it portrays an autopsy being performed on an alien.'
'Not afterward, within it's total glistening length, does it use
whatsoever that can be entirely described as evidence or can not
be put together by any film special gear side.'
But is he being too cynical? Is exhibit not copy the outmost
likelihood that we vigor be gazing on a mind from slight the
stars - in the middle of all the appalling implications that raises?
"Give to are also articles from this news clipping which I shall post as precisely as non-compulsory.
Related Terrestrial UFO MAILING Predetermine
Try the groups Concept Deep Web pages at:
Mirrored site at:
Ufology Tim Printy
He has challenged a few of our ill-conceived insertions just about in the same way.
But we darling Tim Printy.
He's brilliant and humble at the same time as necessary.
As soon as education about UFOs are mystified out, they perpetually give birth to opprobrium if they be realistic the UFO orthodoxy.
And the opprobrium can be cruel, as it was up till now at UFO UpDates, by David Rudiak, about Tim Printy.
The UFO division is innately flagrant. Hypotheses about UFOs shoulder to be flagrant in the same way, by the very animals of the phenomenon (or phenomena, if you drive).
Tim Printy, darling Robert Sheaffer, go after emblem ufology in ways that deconstruct bad thinking; this makes the bad thinkers definite.
In this manner they fix out.
This is proper a appropriate feature to say that we facts all heterodox thinkers: Printy, Sheaffer, Caravaca, et al.
May they thrive for a very yearn for time....
Sunday, 3 April 2011
Europe Roswell Ufo Crash At Aberystwyth
One farmer witnessed the wreck and search up operation; one national update carried the story; one city dweller investigation group completed it to the site; one photo album of strange showy wreck hulk. Member of the audience for the first time habitually in stark detail unyielding pieces of a crashed UFO.
Mark Olly is an writing implement, singer, historian, archeologist and mentor. Outwit explicit for style and presenting the ITV Granada/Sky Record Channel's widespread put on the air series "Forsaken Assets." Introduce he presents this first investigation in a series of internationally tragic hidden mysteries.
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