Sunday 28 August 2011

Mufons 600 Lb Gorilla Common Sense

Mufons 600 Lb Gorilla Common Sense

Happy Holidays

Star Teams Fist case:

I don't know, maybe I am crazy, but hasn't anyone over there on the new well funded "Star Team" at MUFON ever heard of speedy investigations? Heralded as an investigative team able to get anywhere in the country within 24 hours, the Star Team" took almost a week to interview a witness of a close encounter of the "second kind". Some of his experience was reported over the phone to MUFON in real time. If the Star Team had gone to the witness's home by the next day, stealthily I might add, MUFON's Star Team may have fully documented the "Men in Black".

By the time the "Star Team" got around to the site to interview the witness, he had already been questioned and warned by the "Men in Black" and harassed by helicopters. The Star Team waited until the end of the week even though he complained to them about burns and sickness the next day which had do to with a direct attack by the object. These episodes around post close encounters can include a wide range of phenomenon including: Men in Black, threatening phone calls, government men, harassing helicopters and paranormal phenomenon. This has been well documented in hundreds of reported close encounters by MUFON itself. It's like MUFON investigators will not draw from the rich UFO history on these types of encounters. Of course no one could guarantee these post UFO encounters will happen but that's what innovative investigation is all about...taking chances. Those who don't learn from history are destined to repeat the same mistake over and over. This lack of speedy action seems to have permeated MUFON to its core.

A man probably had a powerful UFO close encounter of the "second kind. The person reporting this to MUFON on the phone was very credible and as it turned out later...way later, he had physical evidence to back it up. This case is documented in the latest MUFON Journal double issue Oct/Nov 09.

Let's go straight to the time line as reported by chief investigator John Michael Kledis, and secondary investigators Robert Coey:

This was Star Teams First Case:" andit had all the elements of a drama. First report Friday September 11 9-11:30 pm all 125 feet of it.

The Triangle released other smaller objects of various sizes and shapes as he watched. They were about eight to ten feet wide. These objects moved about and seem to land behind some trees. They then would go back near the triangle. The witness became very excited and decided to get his DVD camera. When he tried to film this object, the camera became inoperative (the next day and in the future it was fine). This is when the witness went to get his spotlight: a one million candle version. The witness decided he would aim the spotlight at this craft. The "triangle seemed to absorb the light" as it was first pointed at it, but then it reacted with an intense bluish white beam directed at the witness from the front section of the triangle. The experiencer, feeling great heat, ducked away from it and ran went into his house.

He continued staring at the object through the window as it slowly moved away. He called MUFON and was speaking to the investigator as he described the continuing experience and watched as the two smaller remaining objects beside the triangle "shot straight up into the night sky at incredible speed" as the main object moved away slowly into the distance.

Next will be Saturday September 12th (no time given):

The witness called MUFON to complain of burns and sickness. (For me, this was is a critical moment in this case because of its implications). MUFON calls the witness and sets up a meeting with him "as soon as possible" (a week?) What followed has been repeated so many times in UFO history, that I don't know why MUFON did not see the possibility of it happening, and to try some preemptive investigation.

2am Sunday morning, September 12th, UFO Witness's home is buzzed by 5 helicopters with searchlights, one coming very close to his home. His wife witnessed them, also.

7am Sunday morning, September 12th. Two men in a dark sedan, one around 40 and the other younger, came to his door and asked to interview the witness about his sighting. They stated to the witness "we are here about the UFO report you gave." The witness assumed they were MUFON.

Later that day MUFON contacted the witness to confirm an appointment they had made for later in the week. (good going MUFON: always a bride's maid). So I ask you, the reader, am I crazy or do you also see a missed opportunity here? First, if they had made it there by Saturday (convincing the witness how important it was to be there as soon as possible) they could have staked out the house and recorded it all. Second, either someone is tapping the phones at MUFON or some of the people at MUFON are in "intelligence".

Sunday 5-6pm, a helicopter circles the witness's premises and he gets a photo of it. No lost time on other phenomenon was noted.

MUFON's "Star Team" is never going to achieve anything that is new if they continue to do what has been done for decades: after the fact investigations.

On a brighter note there is a new editor of the MUFON journal and he sounds like he wants to bring the Journal up to the twenty first century. He seems to want to include new authors and he has decided to "open Pandora's box" and ask suggestions from those of you out there in MUFON land.

My suggestions:

First: Stop publishing articles attacking old UFO cases that rarely prove anything anyway, and start publishing articles on UFOs sightings in the 21 century.

Second: Publish articles critical of MUFON. We know the organization is not perfect and it needs to be air out from some of the old stuff. Who else but the rank and file can help MUFON achieve this?

My first allegiance is to the UFO witness and to getting his/her/their experience out to the investigators as quickly as possible. It is up to the investigators to gather the best supporting documentation possible. I doubt MUFON's Star Team will ever be able to do this if they constantly play catch-up.

Joe Capp

UFO Media Matters

Non-Commercial Blog

DVD: Family harassed by MIB




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