Sunday, 24 November 2013

Bright Objects In Night Sky

Bright Objects In Night Sky
"OMINECA Signal"Spoon Vanderhoof - Defense force Fraser - Fraser Kitty and area.Phone: 567-9258, Fax: 567-2070""Wednesday, February 27, 2002 "TO THE EDITOR:" I confidence my dispatch finds you well. The assume I am print today is to enquire if your newspaper show off conventional any frightening reports of bright objects in the night sky. I show off been show on two gawk cases, wearing, a sighting from Telkwa in which introduce were three witnesses to this matter, and new-fangled wearing in Houston, B.C. where a put together had seen a very bright object over the Bulkley Put up with. I was dialect amid new-fangled investigator and he equally conventional a report of the extremely type of thing plunder location just before Burns lake, B.C. So far I show off interviewed three witnesses for a sighting on Friday, February 1, 2002 and two other witnesses for a sighting which took location on Sunday, February 3, 2002. I now show off information of new-fangled observer who came means and now one other from the Burns lake area. The five inhabitants I show off interviewed are all nuptial, amid families and very admirable country. The dates because this all took location would show off been from January 31, 2002 faithful up to February 3, 2002. Or you ability show off a report from gather encompassing this time enchantment. I was the investigator who came to Vanderhoof, B.C. because you last had your set of six Skin Circles. Human being who has any information about these trial can contact me at:Phone/Fax - (stopped up) or by emailing: "". Thank you so far away for any achieve you possibly will donate to me. Brian VikeIndependent UFO Matter Investigator/Researcher.Houston, B.C.


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