Saturday 4 January 2014

Ufo Sighting In Port Coquitlam British Columbia On March 7Th 2015 Four Very Bright Redorange Balls Of Light

Ufo Sighting In Port Coquitlam British Columbia On March 7Th 2015 Four Very Bright Redorange Balls Of Light
My husband and I were driving home we had just rounded a corner going up a slight hill (we live on Mary Hill)and immediately we both saw the bright lights and my husband slowed to a stop in the truck. The lights were in the centre of our vision, directly down the road we were driving, could not miss them. (we both had witnessed a light phenomenon in Mexico in the Mayan Riveria about 7 years we knew what we saw immediately wasn't right....)I was trying to look and fumble at my phone to try to get a video asap. The lights were just over the top of the trees/houses there were 5 lights, four of them were hovering, moving extremely slowly in unison, three out front were in an arc pattern and then one centred at the back about 20 or 30 yards behind and between the orange/red lights (very very intense balls of light)was a much smaller rapidly and irratic moving white light between the lights. It was moving extremely fast and I could not decifer a pattern in its movement, just rapid movement within the parameter of the other lights. The entire group of lights were moving extremely slowly to the right...west direction it looked like they were right over Eastern Drive, the street we live on. We were driving up Western and were about 7 or 8 blocks away from Eastern Drive when we first spotted the lights and slowed and stopped the truck. I tried my best to video on my phone but was shaking so badly my husband never took his eyes off the lights, and we started to drive quickly towards them about another block and just past Lamprey they clean just disappeared. Just completely dissapered like the lights turned off, no rapid movement or anything and no sound.. We do get a lot of helicoptors as well as float planes in our area so we are very used to the noise and sound of aircraft. I had my window down and there was only the sound of our vehicle. We drove very fast up the last of the way to Eastern and tried to see if we could see anything at all as Eastern was more at the crest of the hill, and there was nothing....crystal clear night, stars way up in the distance....I could clearly see orions belt, as well as a airplane way off in the distance...absolutely no other lights. we drove the two blocks to our house at the corner of Eastern and Elinor. we ran inside and out to our deck that has a full view of the entire valley, and absolutely nothing. I thought I saw one red orange light to the North West but it was over near SFU hill and disappeared quickly, and I wasnt' sure if my eyes were playing tricks. We called our neighbor who also ran out and looked in the sky with us for about 5 minutes....nothing at all. We were both very rattled by this and I had the shakes for the rest of the night...
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