Faded Discs is an historical project initiated by respected UFO researcher Wendy A. Connors years ago. Her goal was to literally rescue, clean up and convert to digital format old UFO-related recordings, otherwise doomed because of the deteriorating and unreliable media (reel-to-reel and cassette tapes, for example) upon which they were stored. Confronted with thousands of recordings (long forgotten radio and TV shows, case reports, witness interviews, military UFO accounts and so much more), Wendy has accumulated a collection of documentary gold, intended eventually for The National Archives, and she also offers much of it publicly in return for donations to purchase equipment and to keep this essential historical project afloat. Having heard, contributed "oldies" myself, and reviewed her work (my reviews may be read via the UFO UpDates archive of the Virtually Strange Network -- but more on that link shortly), I can say categorically that if Wendy hadn't begun this project, an immense amount of irreplaceable history and evidence for UFO existence would be lost forever. Thanks for your long dedication out there in New Mexico,Wendy, you're one of a kind.
Canada is indeed fortunate to call Errol Bruce-Knapp its own. For many years he has hosted his "Strange Days...Indeed" weekly radio program, part of the Virtually Strange Network, now available via pod-cast, and it's my pleasure to include above a link to his bustling website. If you want to stay current, I mean literally day-to-day current, you absolutely must check out the "UFO UpDates" section, where an ever-expanding list of written contributions from respected UFO researchers, scientists, intellectuals, media representatives and just plain folk continuously takes the "pulse" of the international UFO subject's status. Errol is a great talk host and mediator, very congenial and every bit the gentleman. Click the Virtually Strange Network link at the top of this page and explore the truth.
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