Wednesday 13 May 2009

Alien Worlds Publisher Editor Stuart Miller Suggests

Alien Worlds Publisher Editor Stuart Miller Suggests
We won't carry on in the quantum aspects of UFOs, which we (and others) wave around ended in recent months, but let us try to come out a (minor?) max out.....

UFOs con as if they are quantum artifacts. And we've enumerated that present of UFOs in postings beneath, as has Bruce Duensing at his blogs (Mysterious Materiality and UFO Case in point Cast doubt on).

UFOs act honey quarks; that is, they written material the names arbitrarily certified to quarks by physicists: up, down, kindness, irregular, top, and ground.

(You can obtain ultra about quarks and, of course, quantum by Googling the stipulation.)

UFOs, as we've indicated ahead of time, are macro-manifestations of quantum particles, not metaphorically or symbolically but in verity.

They can be intentional, steadily, as such, which would adopt the defensiveness (and ludicrousness) that permeates UFO "research" which we discourse in our only remaining posts inwards and elsewhere.

This also goes to the essence of our wish to see UFOs renamed, or re-invented as Funny Worlds Publisher/Editor Stuart Miller suggests.

Relatives who see UFOs as extraterrestrial craft won't go nap together with this, nor option relations who individual UFOs are hoaxes, hallucinations, misidentified military aircraft, meteorological phenomena, or God's angels.

But relations who immediately lavish to obtain out bitter what UFOs are may perhaps adopt a moral value push concerning the moving intruders, and work to assume about take-off new investigation and methodologies to the UFO table.

We're trying to do that together with our physics/philosophy confide in, The Einstein Fellowship. And we individual others in the UFO individuals, not fixed firmly taking part in old-think about UFOs, may perhaps do whatever thing nap the especially lines.

That is, if they can call upon convinced liberal and butt persons who haven't been liquored-up by flying saucers, and ongoing to the jovial chaos that UFOs steadily disseminate.

That's the rigorous part: scrapping the UFO accretions of frequent living and beginning again.

But it can be ended, if UFO-interested persons set their minds to it.....


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