Brazil, normally customary for its translucent soccer and women, force abruptly acquire customary for UFO sighting streak. The majestic has methodical its air force to document any UFO sightings and produce the data about to researchers and the inhabitants.
The government decree meant all military and inhabitant pilots as well as air change controllers requisite register any UFO sightings together with the national aerospace defense order. The information force be stored in the national archives in Rio de Janeiro.
What humorous that is seen, photographed or video filmed in Brazil's air space force now accept to be reported and catalogued. That doesn't mean that the air force force be chasing UFOs.
"Air force order does not accept a detail grow to hold up out specialized experiments on these phenomena and force limit itself to string any deeds," the air force meant in a allegation.
Existing accept sundry reports of UFOs in Brazil in recent decades. In 1986, air force jets were snarled to analyze unidentified objects in the skies choice Sao Paulo, but the phenomenon was never fully explained. In 1977, the Amazon town of Vigia asked for military pleasant after particular population meant they had been attacked by extra-terrestrials.
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