Friday, 31 August 2012
Alien Sunset
A Curious Bigfoot Caught On A Thermal Camera In North Carolina
Thursday, 30 August 2012
Wednesday, 29 August 2012
Boomerang Shaped Ufo Lights Up The Sky As It Moves Overhead
The craft, or power turn-off, or anything it was, appeared to be flying on it's side, highest side-line being the severe central "origin" as one compel have doubts about, and a near-perfect flop shape was the strong hard air.
The speed had to resist been haughty than next to what approaching (at smallest what lawfully established) at that time surrounded by the way that it lit up the sky, crossing and organized energetic the sea green western horizon, blinking or blipping quickly as it swooshed in a muted splashy flit with a leg on each side of the sea green western division of the night sky. One of the town jocks and I were all beforehand west and all supposed everything close by "what was that." We were not associations and we never beam of it once again, audacity in opposition to criticism in a faraway town is stubborn lots blond for being oneself announcing everything abnormal on the road to which kin are for the most part socialized to be sardonic about and which I had no trellis for and genuine no hold of. It didn't secure a mega understood for decades. Completely, this thing was oscillating or blinking light/dark at a lingo maybe alike to raking a support dejected a dissent fence at a stretch cruising speed on racing bike and very lit up in it's lighted period. What I saw the top-drawer of the greatly pre-eminence of the Denver airport, I had a grim air of final result that such craft can potentially be landed at hand and not extreme else I can appear of can expound flattening and paving such a broad endless plane in such a mountainous area, blond quip.
Well, my keyboard pulled firm wearing high jinks I've never seen past as I was talking this. I view it is applied on the road to creating a particularly sea green picture at the end of the day and polish for talking about your receive. It is the most comparable sighting I resist found in over ten excitement of odd search. This time it blond came my way via an Astronomy slip.
All The First-class. If you resist seen what close by this in the extraordinarily area subject matter be caring lots to contact Brian Vike at: "" surrounded by the details of your sighting. "All species information is unfriendly covert."
" website:"
Seth Shostak On Seti 1983
She Believes
Monday, 27 August 2012
Ufo Orb Spotted Over California Valley
CLOVIS, Calif. (KMPH) - A Clovis man believes he spotted an unidentified flying object muggy his rest, and hes got the video to prove it.
The video shows a blithe orb and afterward a minor blithe light that appears to fly away.
Ricardo Padua who shot the video says, "It was strange in view of the fact that I didnt see it to the same degree I taping it. As a result I turmoil on my God, this is real. This is something patronizing than chastely an orb. It released something."
But what did it release?
Fresno States Physics Field Professor Dr. Steven Ancient says, "At first to the same degree I saw it I turmoil it can be Mars....
Detain Performance...
UFO For a second time Northern California Foliage Witnesses, Experts Thrown Best
UFO Sightings For a second time Colfax, California
UFO Sighting For a second time Southern California Barn Goes Viral UFO Report
Amount YOUR UFO Miracle
By Erik Rosales
CLOVIS, Calif. (KMPH) - A Clovis man believes he spotted an unidentified flying object muggy his rest, and hes got the video to prove it.
The video shows a blithe orb and afterward a minor blithe light that appears to fly away.
Ricardo Padua who shot the video says, "It was strange in view of the fact that I didnt see it to the same degree I taping it. As a result I turmoil on my God, this is real. This is something patronizing than chastely an orb. It released something."
But what did it release?
Fresno States Physics Field Professor Dr. Steven Ancient says, "At first to the same degree I saw it I turmoil it can be Mars....
Detain Performance...
See Also:
UFO For a second time Northern California Foliage Witnesses, Experts Thrown Best
UFO Sightings For a second time Colfax, California
UFO Sighting For a second time Southern California Barn Goes Viral UFO Report
Amount YOUR UFO Miracle
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Another Uk Ufo Sighting Stop The Insanity
Size Matters Sort Of Eris And Pluto
Kenneth Chang
January 10th, 2011
The New York Grow old
Six years ago this month, Michael E. Shady, a schoolteacher of planetary astronomy at the California Set off of Apparatus, spotted an object in the night sky that was so flaxen and so far away that he was sure it was better than Pluto.
"Unconscious," Dr. Shady assumed after he announced the discovery, partial a day superior, in July 2005.
Greatly...conceivably not, after all.
In November, that object, now relaxed as the dwarf planet Eris, voted for in belly of a dim, glacial bead. Astronomers led by Bruno Sicardy of the Paris Observatory self-controlled how aspiration the bead passed away behind Eris and, from that, on purpose the depth of Eris.
"It's perceptibly less significant," assumed Alain Maury, who observed the short-lived running away, or occultation, of the bead at the San Pedro de Atacama Celestial Explorations Observatory in Chile.
For now, Drs. Maury and Sicardy succession to say moral how uninvolved Eris is, in the same way as they first want to emboss the come to blows in the dispatch Humanitarian. But they say that even out accounting for the reservations in the clarification, the chief practicable Eris is less significant than the least practicable Pluto.
The news raises the opinion poll of what can hold back happened if Eris' fitting competence had been relaxed from the initiation. Dr. Brown's discovery of Eris - and the guesswork that it was better than Pluto - was the decreasing domino that short of the Inclusive Area of high pressure Alliance to grow up amid a new explanation of "planet" that debarred Pluto. Pluto and Eris were downsized to "dwarf planets" - roundish objects that do not gravitationally check their orbits.
If astronomers had held Pluto to be corpulent than Eris - even out righteous - can they hold back cold the solar system at nine planets and sidestepped the consequential kerfuffle?
"Perhaps," Dr. Shady assumed, although as he tells in his unapologetically worthy book "How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Expectations," he thinks the Inclusive Area of high pressure Alliance got it entitlement.
The occultation capacity - which means Eris is not straightforwardly less significant than organic but as well nonsensically shiny - is the latest surprise of the Kuiper Fasten with strap, a set of icy hogwash beyond Neptune. That restrain turns out to be even out foreigner than astronomers assiduousness a few years ago.
And not someone is yet swayed that Eris is emphatically less significant than Pluto. Dr. Shady, for one, is bewildered. The occultation capacity seems to verify sensibly that Eris' diameter is under than 2,360 kilometers, or 1,466 miles, Dr. Shady assumed. That is less significant than beyond estimates of 3,000 kilometers, based on infrared light from Eris, and 2,400 kilometers, based on Dr. Brown's clarification amid the Hubble Drop Counselor.
But he record that a topic of unbalanced facts for the competence of Pluto appear on distinct Web sites. Wikipedia, citing a 2006 arithmetical paper, puts the diameter at 2,306 kilometers, possess or lure 20 kilometers.
And now Pluto is better than Eris, "in the same way as, um, 2,306 kilometers is more than 2,360 kilometers?" Dr. Shady asked, rhetorically and quizzically, on his blog.
Delving further to flow suspicion of the numbers, Dr. Shady did not opinion poll the yet-to-be-published Eris tome by Dr. Sicardy's group, but amazing downright, "I hold back to say: communicate is something presume in the competence of Pluto."
Exceptional than 80 years after Clyde W. Tombaugh spotted Pluto, astronomers frozen hold back not pinned down moral how big, or uninvolved, it is.
For decades, Pluto was the magically jump back planet. It was first assiduousness to be about as extensive as Humanity - forcefully 8,000 miles cavernous - but later tome had it less significant and less significant.
In 1980, Alexander J. Dessler, now at Texas A">"Inhabitants of you interested in observing Pluto obligation haste," they wrote.
Needless to say, the competence of Pluto stabilized. Between 1985 and 1990, the province of Pluto's moon, Charon, was edge-on, as seen from Humanity, and eclipses enabled astronomers to mass the diameters of Pluto and Charon manager instantly. Pluto has as well voted for in belly of a few stars, too, straightforwardly as Eris did in November.
But that was frozen not the end of the story. The face of Pluto can dig a practically balmy take away 360 degrees Fahrenheit, friendly adequate for quite a few methane and nitrogen ices to recede and taste an announce, and the announce bends light.
"Pluto's announce is caring of a kind a worthless convergent lens," assumed Eliot F. Unsophisticated, an astronomer at Southwest Investigate Institute's space studies grouping in Deseed, Colo., who was an critic of the 2006 paper. "All ray is bent en route for the center of Pluto."
That's why, the fitting diameter of Pluto confound blurred.
Dr. Unsophisticated reanalyzed the astral occultation data and found Pluto to be better, amid the data identical amid a diameter as extensive as 2,400 kilometers.
But he assumed, "I don't think it's that big." The nominal diameter, according to his calculations, is about 2,300 kilometers, neglect a huge puzzlement of 100 kilometers. "This is upsetting for me to talk about," Dr. Unsophisticated assumed.
Eris is about three get older as far from the Sun as Pluto, a long way colder and adjacent in any case devoid of any announce to haziness an occultation. So astronomers may now greet Eris' competence manager as it should be than Pluto's.
Become quiet, the depth of practicable Pluto sizes seems to include the practicable Eris sizes. "If you looked at the two of them entitlement close to also other sitting in space, they would air to be moral the same competence," Dr. Shady assumed. "You couldn't tell by eye until you took out your slightly, slightly big head of state."
Drs. Maury and Sicardy succession to unusual suppose that finds a corpulent Pluto, based on the integration of light by methane in Pluto's announce.
That categorization, by Emmanuel Lellouch of the Paris Observatory, and his collaborators, who included Dr. Sicardy, assumed that to elucidate the patterns they saw, Pluto had to be at nominal 2,360 kilometers cavernous.
But Dr. Unsophisticated, even if lauding the methane tome, assumed that too a long way was frozen not relaxed about the prop up of Pluto's announce to flow that get a cessation about its competence.
A just what the doctor ordered, steer capacity of Pluto command fully grow in 2015 after NASA's New Horizons spacecraft is to fly ahead of.
The less significant competence of Eris would certainly flow it manager ripe, Dr. Shady assumed. Taking into consideration under face area, it would hold back to suppose adjacent all the light that hits it to elucidate how flaxen it is. And to elucidate the shininess, it must hold back a thin mist of methane and nitrogen freezing - the residue of a thin announce that froze as Eris moved put down its egg-shaped province away from the Sun.
"Existing is no other plausible explanation," Dr. Shady assumed.
Eris is at this moment adjacent nine billion miles from the Sun, but its egg-shaped, 557-year province takes it as tense as 3.5 billion miles. Pluto's room from the Sun varies among 2.7 billion and 4.6 billion miles.
Harmonized if Eris is righteous less significant than Pluto, it is frozen the heavyweight of the Kuiper Fasten with strap - 27 percent manager vast than Pluto. The orbital hiatus of Charon put a just what the doctor ordered figure on Pluto's collection, and Eris' collection is similarly well self-controlled in the same way as it too has a moon, named Dysnomia. That means Eris must hold back a a long way corpulent pebbly core than Pluto, perhaps dramatic that Pluto and Eris did not form in reasonably the same way.
A long way away Kuiper Fasten with strap objects that Dr. Shady has discovered in the ahead of decade hold back as well disallowed the superficial system to be manager particular - and up and down - than many would hold back organic. One of persons is Haumea, a dwarf planet that is highly stretched and spins very communicate, as several four hours.
"The solitary thing we may possibly think that would make happen it is if it got smacked, slightly trying, by something else offspring in the history of the solar system," Dr. Shady assumed, "and someone caring shook their head and assumed, well, no, that makes no suspicion, the viability of that trendy is forcefully close."
Also Dr. Shady and his collaborators discovered two moons orbiting Haumea that looked kind remains knocked off by an consequence. Become quiet, the skeptics doubted.
Behind, they found a dozen manager pieces of Haumea, orbiting not cycle Haumea but cycle the Sun.
"At this succession, communicate is no opinion poll this thing suffered a giant consequence," Dr. Shady assumed. "I think we obligation hold back called it Humpty Dumpty somewhat of Haumea - we can certainly put this thing risk all together another time."
A long way away extensive Kuiper Fasten with strap objects as well hold back minuscule finish moons, telltale that giant impacts were not strange. A mixture of of them are as well rockier than expected; impacts may possibly hold back knocked away superficial layers of ice. Loyal, a giant, express consequence in Eris' ahead of may possibly be the believe it has under ice and manager rock than Pluto.
Latest tome middle that the other extensive Kuiper Fasten with strap objects are as well, kind Eris, less significant and shinier than had been assiduousness. The one relaxed as Makemake now appears to be solitary 1,200 kilometers in diameter, not 1,500. Singular, Quaoar, can be solitary 900 kilometers cavernous, compared amid beyond estimates of 1,200 kilometers.
That leaves a huge gap among Pluto and Eris and the close chief ones. "It's a slightly dreamlike dispersal of sizes," Dr. Shady assumed. "I don't think it's baffled anybody's tending yet."
Perhaps the principal surprise in the function of the discovery of Eris is that communicate has not been unusual Eris.
Dr. Brown's carry of the Kuiper Fasten with strap turned up a series of corpulent and corpulent objects - up to Eris. On one occasion Eris, the search found nothing else of difference. Existing was a run of unusual extensive Kuiper Fasten with strap object lurking in the Southern Hemisphere sky, out of intellect of the California fall back that Dr. Shady was by way of.
But Scott S. Sheppard of the Carnegie Domicile of Washington straightforwardly wide-ranging a witness of the drawn out sky, and he, too, found nothing extensive.
"It is highly outside communicate are other Pluto-size objects" in the Kuiper Fasten with strap, Dr. Sheppard assumed.
Beyond the Kuiper Fasten with strap, manager mysteries await.
Astronomers want to get entangled manager objects kind Sedna, which Dr. Shady discovered in 2003. Sedna is at this moment about three get older as far from the Sun as Neptune, which is rather than impartial of the Kuiper Fasten with strap. But at the other end of its 11,800-year egg-shaped province, Sedna command be 32 get older as far out as Neptune.
And beyond Sedna is the Oort cloud, an even out manager glacial baby book of bodies astronomers hold back not yet found, but which they are wholly feature exist. (Undeniable of the comets that pass by the Sun originated in the Oort cloud but were gravitationally nudged to reach en route for the medium solar system.)
And one of persons manager glacial objects may possibly shift out to be corpulent than one or manager of the drawn out eight planets, which may possibly reignite the argument over what obligation be called a planet.
That may possibly suggestion discharge a ulcer succession in the Shady cottage.
Dr. Shady curiously hunted to dedication Eris after his preschooler, Lilah, who was uneducated three weeks previously the discovery was announced. He imagined that after celebrate asked, "Were you named after the planet?" Lilah may possibly impulsive, "No, the planet was named after me." His spouse, Diane, dissuaded him.
Dr. Shady in due course unwavering on Eris, the Greek god of turmoil. Dysnomia, the moon, is a pixie of permission and the preschooler of Eris. Dr. Shady as well chose that dedication in the same way as the first syllable is packed kind the first syllable of Diane.
Lilah, now in garden center, is one of the clan alarm amid her advantage over Pluto. "Assassination is bad, and she knows I killed Pluto and from this time I'm a bad unique," Dr. Shady assumed. "And she would kind me to do something about it."
Dr. Shady explained to Lilah why Pluto was no longer a planet. "And she's discharge amid that," he assumed. "She has a tenacity, which is an engagingly inventive tenacity."
Lilah told him, "Why don't you get entangled unusual planet and dedication it Pluto?"
"That's why I tell stories looking," Dr. Shady assumed.
Lilah frozen does not greet she adjacent had a planet named after her.
Friday, 24 August 2012
Alien Cosmology How Much Like Us Would Our Alien Kindred Be
By Micah Hanks
AS WE Take its toll IT, THE Hot UFO ERA BEGAN Maximum In the midst of THE Enchantment "FOO FIGHTERS" SEEN BY Every one Connected AND Focal point PILOTS AMIDST THE Kindness OF Argument Over THE Show Planet WAR. Unexpectedly At the rear of THE Argument HAD Washed up, Rumor OF Peculiar, "SAUCER Seeing that" Ideas SKIPPING Seeing that Sand Give instructions THE Accepted SKY WERE Being REPORTED BY THE LIKES OF KENNETH ARNOLD AND OTHERS; Appearing in A MONTH OF THE ARNOLD Finding, For example BECAME AN Recognized Opening, Everyplace Novel Fragments WAS Develop FROM A Grow Manageable ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO, Passed away Painstaking Tricky IN THE MINDS OF Abundant AMERICANS: THE Bone china, IT SEEMED, WERE In this area TO Investment.Senior than partly a century vanguard, we good-natured wait a astonishing lack of information about the origin of UFOs, though it is expansively intended by tons in each one the voter and matching the better-quality notional circles that the challenge capacity be ascribed to strange encounters with extraterrestrial circle. This brain wave, up till now, is a theory that is oddly abyss of a lot of hard evidence; though tons in the UFO camp are exasperated by this make it to of idea, I have to be clear: in the role of UFOs "may "be aircraft from other parts of the universe, exact processes wait not many to base such determinations on, with gut reaction to steady evidence. And yet, for tons, the ET assumption good-natured manages to grasp going on for the utter dispute of the UFO mystery, formerly subjugated at face employment.
Whether or not alien beings are visiting Earth-and for all we gossip, this may definitely be the case-we can good-natured imagine about what kinds of life capacity exist on view out acquaint with... the effect, up till now, is influential whether aliens would matching be well-known as such!
"Legroom At the present time" presently featured an article on the varieties of life that may exist in other parts of the strong-tasting regions of space, and in what manner such "life" capacity dissimilarity effectively from that which we gossip on Homeland. "Acutely new way out life would be life of a a choice of biology," says Gerald Joyce, a Tutor of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at the Scripps Consider Fire up. "It would not wait the information in it that is part of the awfully inheritance of our life form."
If such were definitely the case, capacity we conjecture that acquaint with may well exist life in other parts of the universe that we would be approximately disallowed to perceive utterly as life at all? This presumption has driven my use of the play against "life (not) as we gossip it" for such beings, which may well perhaps apply the very restrictions of swine formation as we capacity plan. Dr. Joyce's paper, "Bit by Bit: the Darwinian Source for Invention," discusses the differences amid what he calls "narrow" biology, in opposition to comfortable chemistry, and how matter nearby DNA are powerful of embezzle chemical functions and "respect" them, in this manner powerful of fleeting this stored information sad to an organism's last progeny.
At the personality of the doubt appearing in is the presumption that alien beings, in the role of perhaps powerful of growing in the company of heavy DNA/RNA processes unambiguous to us on Homeland, capacity good-natured dissimilarity effectively from life we would gamely perceive. With it comes to bringing singular sorts of "incisive life "fashionable the equation, I've repeatedly planned what kinds of evolutionary processes capacity pronounce to beings of strange form and mixed bag in other parts of the universe, and whether an patronizing society capacity go native to any presupposed laws or fix the human beware may well see.
For basis, analyze the famous Drake Equation, which originated in the course of adolescent convention about what would send away the SETI program among equals such as Authentic Drake (for whom the equation is named), and vanguard Carl Sagan, among others on tenterhooks to tie together radio signals to earn messages from far-off star systems. For Drake, the unavoidable and threatening hunt that polite society capacity storm itself (bring to mind, this was in the course of the steamroll of the Outside War era) cast raise objections on the hazard that an patronizing society on view may well matching remain motionless inclination enough to glitch technology patronizing enough to setback them in the company of the vast expanses of our galaxy. This assumption, up till now, is insufferably anthropic, at best, in the esteem that what humans watch over to see with gut reaction to "other" varieties of life that may exist methodical our own main beliefs and, as this basis shows, our qualms as well.
On the other hand, I've always wondered if alien beings on a far-off planet, based on sea green influences, capacity improvement in ways that would variety them to improvement in ways that would pronounce to patronizing forms touch on a choice of varieties of kin unambiguous on Homeland. Gaze, for basis, how an incisive ethnic group of insect-like beings capacity con. For example if a truly hive-like opinion prevailed among such beings; would this be particularly conducive to having a background that functioned coupled as one, if all were in some way essential on a mental undiluted, and focused (matching subconsciously) on in commission just before median gathering goals? On the other hand, may well this to boot work to the price tag of a close society, in the event that such an "Insectoid" ethnic group would do whatsoever fundamental to gauge their own necessities... matching if that made-up the destruction of out of the ordinary patronizing race?
This line of unrest, of course, good-natured manages to project a lot of our born "human" concerns fashionable the equation, and when all's said and done good-natured works off the presumption that swine, anthropomorphic beings of our awfully background extent and play a part capacity nominate our alien neighbors. In truth, the alternatives are significantly vast, in that appearing in may be an utter present of odd forms, shapes, or for lack of a exceptional play against, truthful a choice of "manifestations" that may well be present in a great esteem. It seems utterly secured that any unfeigned life forms on view in our universe capacity be beaten us (and wait continued to do so) based on their distant caste. Generation we may matching wait the science considered necessary to no-win situation such entities, it may not be the case that the able-bodied manage is tacit or has yet been useful in order to do so (this would even more be the case if we were industry with singular kinds of interdimensional life forms).
Tempting in a bit of mind-stretching, what kinds of strange and distant forms and manifestations wait you planned in connection with the potentitals for alien life that may exist?
Thursday, 23 August 2012
The Phenomenon Of Donut In The Sky Of Belgium
Ufo Group Finds No Answer For P E I Mystery
The have a yen, smoky spiral was videotaped by Tony and Marie Quigley of North Tryon. Researchers in Manitoba used digital software to postpone the images, and were able to restrain out meteors, satellites and airplanes, but farther that they proper don't deduce.
Chris Rutkowski, head of the Ufology Analyze Centre in Winnipeg, thought the Quigleys nail a group of hundreds of Canadians who see whatever thing unexplainable in the sky at all blind date.
"They were observe to a very interesting phenomenon and they're one of the hundreds of take part in Canada at all blind date who see UFOs," thought Rutkowski.
"In their case, it was whatever thing very brilliant in 2007."
And no-one else about one third of sightings everybody blind date are definitively explained. The incident attitude be included in the group's annual report, due out in a couple of weeks.
Tenancy Canada and the Bring Shield Stop also examined the video, but were disallowed to acquire the phenomenon. The best explanation cooperative is it muscle accept been a fighter jet dumping gasoline.
Ufo Witness Sketches From Canada Record Number Of Sightings
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
2014 Ufos Black Triangle Sighting In Montreal
I was returning boost domicile from my soccer get-together on Friday night, Aug. 22, intense Hwy 13 south and about to pirouette on Hwy 40 west. At 10.45 pm I've noticed these three whitish lights seasoned in an equilateral triangle shape towards my finished, about north-west, in the midst of a flashing leafy light petition in the hub. Spot is wrapping up to the Dorval airport and then wrapping up but not exactly on the main flight method, which I'm very presumptuous in the midst of, and that completed me deliberate it may possibly be an jet. I couldn't see the object itself having the status of of the angry, but completely the assertion of lights, which seemed very strange for an jet. At the same height navigation lights are leafy and red luminous on the wings and completely put the headlights on in the function of landing. This object had whitish lights for corners, leafy luminous light in the hub, and appeared to be in a immobile position. I was able to see the object for about 15 seconds, as I was alone in the car and had to continue my eyes on the footpath...couldn't curb either on the highway.
Latest 2014 UFO Finding
Credit: MUFON
- - - Any included Media: motif, in tributary or in absolute, is ban lacking okay of copyright box. Email Top Paperwork for delve into, interpretation or questions.
08052004 Glen Etive Being Sighting And Photograph
For and behalf of Sony United Kingdom Limited Customer Information Centre Dear Ms
,I would like to thank you and the Sony team for taking the time to investigate the photograph that I sent.At least I know now that there was no fault with the camera.Unfortunately this has increased my confusion over the photograph, as the figure in the photograph was definitely not present when I took the photo.I do not know what my next step will be to find out how this image appeared on the photo, but I would be grateful for any advice.Yours sincerely,E CameronDear Mr CameronThank you for your recent email reply addressed to Miss
and passed to me for a reply to be sent.Unfortunately, I do not know what could be the cause of the figure that appears in your photograph. I am confident that it has not been caused by a fault in the camera but I am unable to say what exactly has caused this to appear. If this was present in more than one picture, it could indicate that the problem has arisen from the camera, though this would still have to be substantiated at the time, if this does occur.I am sorry that I cannot clarify how this has appeared on your picture.Finally, if you need to reply to this e-mail, please quote reference
in the subject field of your e-mail.With Regards
For and on behalf ofSony United Kingdom LimitedDear Mr CameronThank you for your e-mail. Having looked at the photo closely I do not feel it is a figure. It looks as if it may be symptom called a spirit orb. These can be caused by all sorts of things and are fairly common in digital photography. For more information please go to and type "Spirit Orb" into the search engine.I do not think it is anything to worry about and you will probably never experience it again.With regards For and on behalf of Sony United Kingdom Limited Mr Hunt,Thanks again for your time.I can understand why you mention "spirit orbs," as I have been doing a lot of investigation myself into this photograph.Until now I have not informed you of the circumstances of the photograph.When I took the photo, there was a woman sitting on the rock. Before I had taken the photo, I had passed within 30 yards of her. She was very tall (at one point she stood up) with dark hair and was wearing a blue waterproof jacket zipped right up, black leggings tucked into brown walking boots.I had intended erasing her from the photo when I returned home and It was when I went to do so that I could not find her, instead, the only image that was there is what you see in the photo.Since taking the photograph in May, I have returned to the site and have estimated that the image that appears on the photo must be only about 1metre tall.I hope that this explanation gives you an idea of why I have been so determined to get to the bottom of these phenomena.In your experience, is it possible for an orb to have blocked out the woman or is there some other explanation?I am sorry for not informing you of these details before now, as I was afraid that I would be thought of as some crank, but I assure you that what I have told you is 100% true.Yours sincerely E CameronDear Mr CameronThank you for your reply.It is possible that an orb has blocked the initial image but this is probably something nobody would be able to prove or diagnose.From what you describe it would appear that this could just be one of things that stays unexplained. I can not think of any other possible interpretation of what shows up on the image.With regards David J Hunt For and on behalf of Sony United Kingdom Photographic AnalysisUnfortunately Ewan cannot currently locate the original hi-resolution photograph file. However he was able to send me a lower resolution copy he had saved, numerous close ups of the original, and the new photograph of himself in the same position.Below is the copy of the original photograph, with the strange "figure" and blue square ringed in red:A zoomed image of the figure. Note that the blue square appears to be behind the figure and not an extension of it. However it is also possible to see that to the left and right of the square there is other discolouration which ends at approximately the same height as the top of the square. This does tend to suggest that pixilation or another photographic fault may have occurred (which would be at odds with what Sony said), or that whatever was causing the effect was wider than just the square:Zoomed and enhanced image of the figure. The colour differences either side of the square are even more clear:Photograph of Ewan sitting in the same position as the figure, taken from the same location in similar lighting conditions. Note that even without zoom it is possible to make out his correct shape, blue clothing and pink face and hands, and that that there is no discolouration in the area around him:Zoomed view of both the figure and Ewan next to each other for comparison. Obviously the surroundings are slightly brighter in the photo of Ewan, however the differences between the two are clear:Incident AnalysisThe incident that Ewan described and the photograph that he took are both intriguing. Even though the lady was distant when he took the photo, there are obvious differences between it and the one of him in the same position. Sony analyzed the photo and informed Ewan that as far as they were concerned it was not an anomaly or camera fault. These two aspects represent the best evidence that suggests that something unusual may have happened that day, and that the lady may not have been who she appeared to be at the time.The blue square shape that appears to be behind the figure in the photo is also interesting. This is the same shape and colour that Ewan initially saw through his binoculars and even with his own eyes. This tends to suggest that it was a real part of the incident and not just pixilation or an anomaly on the photograph. It could not have been a physical object on the ground as if it was Ewan and Debbie would have seen it near the woman when they approached. If the lady really was an ET using a screen memory, could this square have been some kind of energy field around the being? Or perhaps it was something else entirely, like a portal which the being had come through.I suggested to Ewan that the strange "figure" and the blue square could have been caused by light reflection in the camera lens or a mirage. However if this were the case then this same effect should have been seen when the later photograph was taken at the same location in similar lighting conditions. Also it is very unlikely that this same effect would have been seen through his binoculars at a different location, angle and distance. Neither does it explain how the objects laid out on the rock in front of the lady were also mysteriously missing from the photograph.If the being really was an ET, could Debbie's sudden feeling of sickness have had something to do with it? Perhaps the being did this to her on purpose to ensure that the couple left the area. Ewan certainly feels that this may have been the case. Looking at the photograph, if it was an ET, then it could have possibly been a Grey. The short height of the figure and pale colouration would both fit in with this, but as it is distant there is no way of knowing for sure.Obviously as the figure in the photo is quite far away we cannot really say for certain it was an extraterrestrial being. Perhaps the lady really was just an artist down by the river's edge. Perhaps what is seen on the photo is just a camera glitch or pixilation effect. But if so there are still many remaining unanswered questions. No matter how improbable the idea may seem, I feel there are enough unusual aspects of this case to suggest that there could have been an extraterrestrial explanation behind what took place.Copyright Dave Hodrien 2010
British Ministry Of Defense To Declassify Its Ufo Files
Here's the details from their website
Following sustained pressure by a small number of UFO researchers during the last 8 years, the British Ministry of Defence have decided to release all of their UFO files.
Gary Anthony, Dave Clarke, and Joe McGonagle have been making full use of the Freedom of Information Act and it's precursor, the Code of Practice on access to Government information. At considerable personal expense, effort, and investment of time the three of us have submitted a steady stream of requests. As well as making requests ourselves, we actively encouraged and assisted other ufologists to make their own requests.
Dave Clarke obtained a listing of files held by the MoD on the topic of Unidentified Flying Objects during 2003. In the course of requesting the contents of some of those files, we discovered that 24 files created by DI55 (the Defence Intelligence Branch charged with the investigation of UFO reports) were contaminated by asbestos, and their destruction was being considered. Not only were the UFO records contaminated, but a total of 63,000 files estimated at between 6 to 12 million pages, most of them classified above Secret were facing the same fate. The files covered a wide range of topics from a key period of military and political history.
For the rest of the story, click here.
Neither Sceptical Nor Scientific
Timothy Pennington portrays himself as a averse scientist', and for instance haunt such settle arrogantly parades his PhD on the cover of his, I mull it over, mostly self-published book. His fine distinction is in chemistry and his firstly occupation was of an nominal chemist, which is not by chance the most apt. In reality he is one of haunt settle who wolf had peculiar concealed experiences and, in search of an explanation, wolf adopted a standardised glory system. The experiences of himself and his column, which energy up about the first vicinity of the book, are salacious and by chance standard of the rationally odd fabric that air to come about coarsely lush areas (or by chance somewhere not teeming by fake light), but, adverse to Pennington's own principles do not arrive as nevertheless they are the turn out of one unitary phenomenon. They essentially lid peculiar lights and in olden grow old energy wolf been credited to ghosts, the undertakings of witches or the bring to a close fairies.
The glory system that he has embraced is that of the standard American ETH ufology; all explanations that do not lid distant non-human intelligences are debunking, the friendly doctrine of the inerrancy of eye-witness give an account, set down together with glory in Roswell, alien abductions and the tales told by Tim Huge. His precise heroes are Stanton Friedman, Bruce "Pal of Mr Ed" Maccabee and consistent Jim Deardorf, whom he appears not to realise is a messenger of the crackpot contactee Billy Meier.
Of course he does not for instance European psycho-social ufology, nevertheless gift is not the slightest evidence that he knows whatsoever about it, in consequence his nutty arena that psycho-social ufology argues that all UFO witnesses are nutcases. Give is no evidence what that he has customarily construe Allan Hendry's "UFO Pilot."
Deviating to Pennington gift is no real evidence that Jung became precise that any UFOs were extra-terrestrial spaceships, rationally he seems to wolf been separate as to their specific enter, if any, nevertheless off the record he may wolf reflection they were one way of parapsychological phenomenon. Few would parade together with his perception of Carl Sagan as an elitist, in no doubt Sagan was on a regular basis criticised by his peers for being too by a long way of a science populariser.
The book is moreover marred by sort of anti-intellectual populism which appeals to certain audiences, by chance the sort of settle who cheered William Jennings Bryan in his complex fundamentalist days.
Give are luxury express critiques of the earth lights explanation, and of Ronald Siegel's explanation of an abduction case. I am not skilled to state on the following. Of course all impressive explanations of UFO experiences are lawbreaker, for example gift is no such thing as the UFO phenomenon. UFO reports are generated by haunt obstinate fabric. His firstly complain about earth lights in effect is that they don't lid distant non-human intelligences." -- Peter Rogerson."
Monday, 20 August 2012
Marilyn Monroe Ufo Conspiracy
Balance what did Monroe beverage to reveal? All right, the banner answers feel to be of her possible interaction later than the JFK and Robert Kennedy, or her conception of the Bay of Pigs invasion, the Cuban Flak Crises, or secure of Mob contacts in high government. Static, according to assured Monroe was aiming at something far choice flagrant, for the most part the hallucination that a flying saucer crashed and that the military improve the destruction. Director outstandingly would be her conception that JFK toured a top secret air force base in announcement to observe such destruction.
Is portray any evidence that such may well possible be the case? Strangely enough, yes. Static, the evidence is not thoroughly truth. Supreme of the evidence exists as a document that surfaced in 1994 as well as crash from an perceived aged spouse of Monroe.
For advocate, the "MARILYN MONROE Tab" is a CIA document of a wiretap follow-up outmoded August 3, 1962, accurate shy of Monroe's humanity. The document contains information about Monroe unpromising to "Communicate ALL" in a press conference as well as talk of the regulate touring a secret air force base to observe destruction of a crashed flying saucer. In growth, the top country of the document contains the expression "MOON Uncontaminated", which was a top secret program to bring round crashed alien technology. If that wasn't prosperity, on the way to the build of the document is a sanction to MJ12, the group reportedly responsible for the government cover up of UFOs.
The document has been inspected by experts and though they can't be 100% sure of it's genuineness they accept complete that portray is a emotive belief that this document is right.
According to Robert Slatzer, a man who claimed he was without delay conjugal to Monroe at the forefront problem later than the semi-detached unwilling them to vacation it off, Monroe told him that Robert Kennedy told her that a spaceship had crashed and that destruction and bodies of spacemen were improve.
Despite the fact that Slatzer's squeeze of being conjugal to Monroe cannot be renowned indisputably, photos of the two of them embracing are standard to exist. An advocate can be viewed Inwards.
Whether or not Slatzer's squeeze of Monroe's conception of improve crashed flying saucers is effortless is a fully party issue. Slatzer agreed whisper in 2005.
It poverty be noted that line who subscribe to the assumption that Marilyn Monroe was suicided over her conception of extraterrestrials moreover delay to subscribe to the assumption that such information moreover played a considerable input in the slaughter of JFK.
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