Tuesday 23 October 2012

Colin Andrews Today I Must Sadly Announce I Will Be Signing Off For A While The Cross Roads But The Work Goes On

Colin Andrews Today I Must Sadly Announce I Will Be Signing Off For A While The Cross Roads But The Work Goes On

"The Cross Roads" to which I have often referred to over the years in my presentations, is a time just as the Hopi prophesied and the Maya too. A critical time for humanity with choices reduced to just two. A "Cross Roads" in time where we can take the path to destruction or start over a fresh towards a wonderful period, learning from errors made with fresh minds and new attitudes. I have no doubts what ever, as proven by the large body of evidence within these pages that THIS IS INDEED THAT TIME.

Today sees the launch of a critically timed production, a DVD called "Wisdom of the Wayshowers" (above) I am proud to have been invited to be a small part of the documentary which is receiving great reviews in the USA, Europe, South Africa and Brazil. You can watch the trailer by going to my Storespage and while you are there take a free look at two new flip books in the Andrews Archive Series. HERE. I would just like to mention that as with all media interviews I do, I receive no payments or royalties, and that is also the case with this new DVD production. I am honored to have been with such wonderful minds and amazing individuals in its creation.

SADLY TODAY, I MUST ANNOUNCE THAT THIS DAY MARKS THE TEMPORARY END POINT FOR REGULAR UPDATES TO THIS WEBSITE. Apart from the fact that essential funds to run the site and do the research have run out, there is other important work competing for my time. I am committed to several research projects and investigations, which I will report back to you about when they are completed. I have been asked also to research and write a major new book to be called "'On The "Edge of Reality'" which will be published next spring. This is itself a big undertaking and working with my wife Synthia to beat very tight deadlines.

I believe this website and those of you who have kindly supported my work, have made solid cases for The importance of Interaction within the Crop Circle Phenomenon, The reality and importance of Climate Change - Global Warming, 2012 Prophecy as a very real cycle end, The UFO Realityand Governments Responsibility to announce what they know. I have been successful in proving the case against the British Ministry of Defence that their official position on the UFO and crop circles was a lie. Ive been shown by the Australian Government to have been correct in my view that weather modification was partly to blame for bizarre radar returns on their official networks and that HAARP might still also be in the picture. Consciousness and the new frontier which we are now heading is where my work has moved and I am totally dedicated to ensuring truth is at the front of future human endeavors and that the ten generations in the future we are now effecting harness hope as the central ingredient for the children who will be looking to take advantage of it and continue the process of Spiritual growth.

Thank you to the thousands of you who visit my pages daily and to those from many countries who regularly send me information, some vital to work in hand. For the work that is still left to be done, any who might wish to make a small donationwhich will be immediately put to work can do so HERE- Thank you all so very much. - "Colin Andrews, signing off, Saturday August 11, 2012."



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