Monday, 22 October 2012

Ufo Sighting In Woolwich Township New Jersey On September 12Th 1980 2 Sightings In A 2 Week Period

Ufo Sighting In Woolwich Township New Jersey On September 12Th 1980 2 Sightings In A 2 Week Period
I was watering Beckett Golf club on a clear night in Sept. 1980. I saw a bright lime green shooting star fall. When I got home I looked up meteorites in the encyclopedia and learned they can give of gases of different colors. Two weeks later Two weeks later was the real show. I walked out of the work shop (ANOTHER AREA ON THE GOLF COURSE) and in front of me high up about 1:00 high was another(or the same 1 returned)hovering motinless fo 3-5 seconds. It was a round glowing flouresent lime green object. Then a saw a flouresent red-orange pencil like tail stretch out of it and it darted away. I could see it travel with the red following it until it disappeared behind the tree line. Trees were pretty far away so I knew it wasn't a bottle rocket.

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