Monday 25 February 2013

How Ufos Do Those Amazing Things

How Ufos Do Those Amazing Things
By alienlog1One of the late Arthur C. Clarke's famous quotes is "ANY SUFFICIENTLY ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY WILL APPEAR INDISTINGUISHABLE FROM MAGIC." When things are hard to believe, people often refuse to believe and skeptics have a field day. One of the things I try to do in my Alien Log books and my lecture is to remove the mystique associated with UFOs. I try to give a "nuts & bolts" explanation for the fantastic things that have been reported. I believe my years as an engineering professor have prepared me for this by teaching me how to explain complex things is a way that is easy to understand. I try to do this using only three dimensions plus time and using classical physics plus a little relativity thrown in. I stay away from parallel universes, eleven dimensions, worm holes, and time travel. While I do believe that time dialation does allow us to go into the future, I am skeptical about going backward in time.Trained observers have reported UFOs making maneuvers at fantastic speeds, well beyond our own technological capabilities. 100 G accelerations and high G manuvers with near right angle turns are just a few things these craft are capable of doing. Any skeptic reading reports of 100 G accelerations will use that as evidence that the reports can't be true else the occupants would be crushed. Our best pilots in our best planes are limited to 10 Gs before damage occurs to the plane or the pilot. The same goes for right angle turns. Another observation is these craft have been clocked flying at thousands of mile per hour yet they do not produce shock waves. How can that be?There is a wealth of information on UFOs in the form of sightings by highly credible and highly trained witnesses. I believe that by laying out this information it is possible to formulate a hypothesis as to how the above speeds and maneuvers can be accomplished without invoking inter-dimensional travel or wormholes.In 1947, the German Government commissioned the famous rocket scientist, the late Hermann Oberth, to study the issue of UFO sightings. In his report, he concluded that UFOs were not built by human beings and that they were flying by means of artificial gravity. Other scientists who have studied the issue have agreed that they are somehow creating or manipulating gravity. I AGREE! Propulsion by means of gravitational fields is the ONLY explanation that makes sense to me....Read more @ UFO DIGESTTHE UFO STORE FOR BOOKS, MAGAZINES, DVDS, APPAREL AND MORE: CONSPIRACY, UFOLOGY, ANCIENT MYSTERIES...!"FIGHT THE FUTURE! JOIN THE RESISTANCE @ FACEBOOK/WATCHERREPORT!"



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