Friday 12 April 2013

Otherworld Portals In New York

Otherworld Portals In New York
by Robert Goerman

Two things happen every morning in the Goerman household. First and foremost, my feline alarm clock, Archimedes, impatiently taps my nose until I awaken and feed him. Having obediently sated my cat's hunger, I take coffee in hand and enjoy a scrumptious breakfast of "Phantoms and Monsters," that fascinating blog by colleague Lon Strickler, and receive my daily dose of paranormal phenomena, cryptids, UFOs, ultraterrestrials, multidimensional beings, conspiracies and alternative news.

On Wednesday, November 7th, 2012, Lon posted a reader submission that he had received in late 2009. At that time, he asked the author, identified to us only as Dee, if she was willing to point out the location, but she deferred, responding only that it was very near Cooperstown, New York. The account is entitled "Beings From The Rock" and Dee describes her encounter that took place in the springtime of 1990.

Dee explains how she and a girlfriend decided to take an afternoon stroll in the wooded countryside. While resting near a large outcropping of rocks, both heard a humming sound coming from one of the nooks. The girlfriend started walking toward the noise and said that the sound was coming from inside one of the large boulders.

The pair stood there for a few minutes when they noticed that this boulder seemed to shimmer like water. The shimmer grew and changed into a greenish hue. Without warning, two small beings emerged from the shimmering portal and approached the women. These humanoids were about three foot in height with long blonde hair and very dark, large round eyes. Their hands had four distinct fingers and were very rough textured. Dee and her friend found themselves paralyzed and unable to talk.

Dee wrote that "they took each of us by the hand and started pulling us toward the rock. We both quickly regained our ability to move and broke away from their grasp. As we ran down the hill, we could hear them running behind us. A minute or so into the chase, I felt something hit me on the back and realized one of the beings had thrown a stone at me. I stopped and looked back, but they were gone though I could hear voices from a distance that sounded like there were more of these beings and the sounds were getting louder."

The women ultimately reached their car and escaped. Once safely home, they agreed not to tell anyone else about the incident.

There is no wiggle room here. This episode is either a hoax or it represents multiple witness contact with mysterious humanoids from another realm. If this is indeed a hoax, then perhaps I know all too well its derivation.

Let us forget the controversy surrounding Philip Imbrogno for a moment and examine his Celtic Mysteries in New England, (Llewellyn Publications, 2000) co-authored with Marianne Horrigan. Imbrogno received a very bizarre report of an encounter with small, hooded dwarf-like beings along Reservoir Road near the town of Southeast, New York.

According to Imbrogno and Horrigan, it was during the spring of 1992 when a team of investigators belonging to an unnamed organization that conducted paranormal research were along Reservoir Road at two in the morning when they began to hear what they described as "a buzzing sound." One of the members of the group, a gentleman in his late fifties, started walking toward the noise. The other members of the group tried to keep their flashlights trained on him as he slowly walked into the darkness.

"Off to the right was a large outcrop of rock, he could still hear the noise and was sure that it was coming from inside the rock. As the others watched, they tried to call out to him because they had difficulty seeing him, as there was some type of distortion around the area. As he stood and stared at the rock, he went into a hypnotic, dream-like state, and was unable to move. As he watched the rock, it started to shimmer and it looked like a circle of blue water. Then out of the portal that had formed in the rock three dwarf-like, hooded beings walked out. The beings slowly walked towards him and, even though he was scared, he was unable to move. The three beings surrounded him and then, all at once, grabbed hold of him. They started pulling him toward the rock, and although his companions called out to him, he now felt very calm and wanted to go.

"Then he realized what was happening and began to awaken from his trance-like state. He was still unable to break free from the dwarfs and was now being forcibly dragged to the portal in the rock. As the others ran down the road, they shined their lights on the beings. This seemed to frighten them, and broke their grip, ran up the hill, merged with the rock, and disappeared. The researchers were so upset about what had taken place that they never returned to that location, and some of them quit investigating the paranormal."

Right now, I am savoring my second cup of coffee as I write this. What do we have here? Are we dealing with two nearly identical hoaxes? Or do we have something else? Maybe we only hear from the folks that get away.

Feel free to contact my Nonhuman Research Agency and share your insight and experiences. As a professional, I respect the wishes of colleagues and witnesses and promise to safeguard confidences and privacy.

Yours in research,

Robert A. Goerman

Nonhuman Research Agency

615 Earl Avenue

New Kensington, PA 15068-4801



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