Tuesday 3 June 2014

Coastzone Current Events Afterlife Research

Coastzone Current Events Afterlife Research
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October 17, 2014 Coast Insider Audio



In the first half of Thursday's show, analyst Craig Hulet offered commentary on current events such as the Ebola outbreak and ISIS terrorism. Regarding the response to the Ebola situation, the Obama administration neglected to follow the advice of the CDC to take certain precautions, and has embarrassed America on the world stage for failing to not put enough money into stemming the crisis in Africa, Hulet remarked. Further, he asserted that the Ebola outbreak is being used to expand military occupation in Africa; US troops sent to Africa are not doing anything to aid in the Ebola crisis, but are being used to create a large air hub for logistical support for military operations in the region.

ISIS is "the silliest scare tactic I have ever witnessed," and has been brought about by the National Defense Authorization Act, which legally allows for the Pentagon and CIA to deliberately use propaganda against the American public, he stated. "We are being conned into believing that the worst possible things are taking place, and your only safety resides with the federal government," he added.



In the latter half, retired Australian attorney Victor Zammit and his research partner Wendy Zammit discussed medium contacts with deceased spirits, and evidence for the afterlife. After visiting and researching a number of mediums internationally, they began to study and work extensively with physical medium David Thompson, who is based in Sydney. While in a trance state during seances, Thompson uses materialization to exude ectoplasm, which spirits travel through to arrive in the room, and then independently walk around, interacting with participants and answering questions, Victor explained.

One of the spirits that Thompson brings through is an Englishman named William who says he died in 1897. He's described what it's like in the afterlife, such as time passing more quickly than it does on the Earth plane. An amazing thing about William, said Wendy, is that "even in the dark, he can go straight to people...call them by name, and put his hand on their head." Another medium the Zammits were highly impressed with is the late Leslie Flint, who made numerous audio recordings of his spirit communications.



On this day 25 years ago, the deadliest earthquake to hit the San Francisco area since 1906, struck at 5:04 pm with a 7.1 magnitude. The tremor hit just before the live TV broadcast of the World Series game at Candlestick Park, and the sportscasters took on the role of news anchors. In our obscure holiday department, say hello to Four Prunes Day.

Coast to Coast AM Schedule 10.17.14 - 10.24.14:

Here's what's coming up in the next week!

Friday, October 17, 2014: Writer Peter Bebergal will discuss the connection between rock and roll and the mysterious world of the occult. Drawing on key developmental moments in rock history, he'll outline the occult influence on numerous musical giants including Elvis, David Bowie, Black Sabbath and Jay-Z. Open Lines follow in the latter half. Hosted by George Noory.

Saturday, October 18, 2014: Guest host Connie Willis welcomes Bishop James Long, an independent Catholic Priest, and ordained Deacon, who'll discuss the true nature of demonic possession, and exorcisms. First hour guest, alien abduction expert Prof. David Jacobs addresses perplexing UFO evidence.

6-10pm PT: Art Bell - "Somewhere in Time" returns to 3-21-96, when Richard C. Hoagland spoke about his press conference at the National Press Club in regards to ancient alien ruins on the Moon.

Sunday, October 19, 2014: In the first half, George Knapp welcomes Air Force insider and former FAA employee, Robert Salas, who will offer ample refutation to the Air Force statement: "No UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security." Is there an American Loch Ness Monster? What is the likelihood that plesiosaur-creatures that have supposedly been extinct for millions of years, are alive and well and living in a US lake? In the second half, sociologist Robert Bartholomew will discuss the weird history of a monster called Champ through key sightings and events spanning decades.

Monday, October 20, 2014 : First Half: Author and monetary expert expert Craig Smith reveals how your money is becoming increasingly vulnerable and unsafe if kept in the banks - which are hackable, trackable and taxable by 'spendaholic' politicians. He'll cover the future of money, and alternatives which makes the Federal Reserve unnecessary. Followed by world-class spell collector and independent scholar, writer, and teacher, Judika Illes who'll discuss everything related to witchcraft - mythic witches, modern witches, sacred goddess witches, even demon witches. She'll reveal magic spells, rituals, potions, recipes, celebrations, and traditions. Hosted by George Noory.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014: Foremost remote viewing teacher, Edward A. Dames, Major, U.S. Army (ret.) will discuss the current cases his agency (Matrix Intelligence Agency) is working on as well as updates on his predictions that North Korea would use a nuclear weapon in anger and that a global economic collapse would happen concurrently with global pandemic. Hosted by George Noory.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014: Documentary filmmaker and alternative media activist Alex Jones is passionate about exposing the forces controlling world events and undermining our personal freedoms. He'll discuss some of the many volatile issues unfolding worldwide including the Ebola epidemic, the real threat behind ISIS, and the latest from the Bilderberg group. Hosted by George Noory.

Thursday, October 23, 2014: We have mourned the loss of many "Coast to Coast AM" guests but tonight George Noory remembers and celebrates the contributions from some of our favorite departed guests with highlights from their best interviews.

Friday, October 24, 2014: Paranormal expert Joshua P. Warren will discuss his latest book about Robert the Haunted Doll, as well as Halloween lore, paranormal investigations, and haunted objects. Open Lines follow in the latter half. Hosted by George Noory.


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