Saturday 14 June 2014

Roswell Ufo Crash 65 And Still Captivating

Roswell Ufo Crash 65 And Still Captivating
The Roswell UFO Crash has celebrated its 65th birthday, the incident occurred on July 8th, 1947. As a follow up to Kenneth Arnold's sighting in Late June of 1947, Roswell put UFOs in the the spot light and the rest is history. These two events started the dialogue which has become what Ufology is today. True, there is evidence of UFO events that occurred prior to 1947 but these events, namely Roswell, put UFOs into the hearts and minds of Americans. We all know the story. So there is no need to repeat the details here. Its a heated debate that rages on to this day. Was it a Flying Disk with Alien occupants? Was it a weather balloon? Was it a top secret U.S. government craft, or perhaps an enemy spy craft? It all depends on who you believe.According to Ex-CIA agent Chase Brandon. An Alien craft did crash at Roswell on July 8th, 1947 complete with Alien occupants. In a recent statement he made while being interviewed on Coast to Coast AM, Brandon claims to have essentially stumbled upon a box containing this information in a hidden vault at the CIA headquarters in Langley.I know there will be many people writing off Brandon's statement as a ploy to sell his new book, The Cryptos Conundrum. Or they may try to discredit him by referencing the fact that he was the CIA liaison to Hollywood and consulted on such television shows as Alias, and movies like the Bourne Identity in his later years with the Agency. The truth is, this guy is the real deal and he was a proven true blue, clandestine CIA operative for 35 years. Brandon does not need to make a statement like this to sell his books, his life and his credibility sells his books. It will be interesting to see how this statement heats up the Roswell Crash debate. It is quite a bombshell from a very credible individual. It is not every day you hear someone with a background like Brandon making statements like this. Chase Brandon no doubt has opened the floodgates, and I'm sure he will be asked to elaborate on his statements. It will be interesting to see if he shares any more tidbits of information, even though he said he will not under any circumstances share the details of what he witnessed within the box at Langley. Time will tell. What do you think about Chase Brandon's statement? Is he telling the truth? And what do you think happened at Roswell back in July of 1947? Please comment.


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