Sunday, 31 August 2014
Evolution Of The Crashed Saucer Legend Part 5 The Alien Crew
Saturday, 30 August 2014
Exopolitics A New Way To Understand The Possibility Of Intelligent Life On Other Planets
In January 2006, the Associated Press reported that "Exopolitics" was nominated for 2005 Word of the Year. "Exopolitics" was coined in Canada.
"Exopolitics" gave a name to what adult Americans had reported to pollsters at Ropers several years earlier in 2002: that American public opinion was in agreement with the existence of intelligent life on other planets.
In fact, the 2002 Roper poll on American beliefs and personal experiences on intelligent life on other planets, using rigorous scientific polling methods, found that about half (48%) of U.S. adults believe that intelligent life from other planets or dimensions is now visiting Earth, and that two-thirds (67%) of U.S. adults believe in the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe.
The Roper poll also found that 72% of U.S. Adults believe the U.S. government is not telling all it knows about space craft or "unidentified flying objects" visiting Earth. Fully 14% of Americans say they have had a close encounter with a space craft or "unidentified flying object."
Two percent of Americans told Roper that they have had an encounter with intelligent beings from other planets or dimensions. Roper also found that among those adult Americans who believe in abductions by non-terrestrial beings, fully one-third (33%) claim they either experienced or know someone who experienced a close encounter with intelligent beings from other planets or dimensions.
"Exopolitics", the new political science of outer space, is the science of relations between our human civilization and other intelligent civilizations in the universe.
The Exopolitics Model of the universe, first presented in June 2000 by this author at a scholarly conference at the University of Wyoming chaired by Prof. Leo Sprinkle, may be one candidate for triggering a crucial sea change in human perception.
The Exopolitics Model of the universe is the obverse of the 20th century canon of science, which held that all intelligent life ends at earth's geostationary orbit.
The 20th century penalty for any professional, educator, journalist, or government official not towing the scientific canon that only earth harbored intelligent life was probable loss of employment, professional status, and harassment by government authorities.
The Exopolitics Model holds that we live in a highly populated universe filled with intelligent, evolving civilizations operating under universal law, with governance systems and mediated by universe politics. We on earth are just becoming aware that we live in a populated universe.
Like all models, Exopolitics provides a path for minds to go where they had not ventured before. The Exopolitics Model provides the interface between human and Extraterrestrial societies.
The Exopolitics Model is a human version of the 100 monkeys syndrome - that 100 monkeys washing their yams on one island will result in all monkeys on all islands washing their yams.
Exopolitics allows us all to internalize a truth: that we are part of a populated cosmos and that the neighbors are outreaching to us at this time.
As Thomas Kuhn (author of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions) has written, scientific revolutions come about in paradigm-shifts, in sea-changes about the way that our entire human species chooses to see its reality.
No amount of scientific data will change any single individual's mind about humanity's living in a populated universe, filled with diverse advanced civilizations, some of which are seeking to engage us now. Each person has to want to change her or his own mind, on the basis of available data and context.
Here is some hard, scientific evidence that the exopolitical paradigm shift is well underway.
More adult Americans (67%) believe in the existence of intelligent life on other planets than voted in the historic 2008 U.S. Presidential election (61.6% of eligible voters) of President Barack Hussein Obama in the largest voter turnout in 40 years.
"Photo: NASA-Milky Way galaxy"
Source: Seattle Exopolitics examiner
Ufo News Google November 23 2014
Thursday, 28 August 2014
The Disappearance Of Douglas
But that meeting, as nice as it ended up being, was remarkable because as far as either of us can tell-- it was the only time we met before via the aliens.
I was brought together with another boy far more often. I havent written much about it yet, because ultimately it ended up being very painful-- we obviously did NOT end up together, but for years it was clear we were meant to be...
Ever since I was a child, I had an odd, rather romantic, fantasy-- that became much more acute after age 11 or so. I kept having "dreams" and odd visual ideas about a boy who was a couple of years older than myself, with raven, slightly wavy hair and vivid blue eyes, who I spent time with. I called him "Douglas" but I have no idea if that was his real name. I had called this boy that from my childhood and it stuck with me well into my late teens. I thought those memories were dreams, sadly, and so did not write them down as I did so many other things from my childhood.
Once I reached my teens I became obsessed, and embarrassed by my obsession. I just "knew" that Douglas was real. I decided, in true New Age fashion, to believe that he was my soulmate and that we would meet one day and then be together forever.
Now, a lot of girls and women fantasize about the type of guy who would be ideal-- but my own notions seemed to be so darned "SPECIFIC". I knew his favorite color (bright sapphire blue), and that his birthday was in late January. I knew the sound of his voice, both before and after it deepened with maturity. I knew something of his hobbies, and I knew he lived in a rural area and had horses. At 11, I had this idea (memory) that he told me his favorite horses were Morgan horses, and how they were special. (Look it up, its pretty cool.)
I cant draw very well, so I often try to find examples in real life of what certain people look like. The closest Ive ever seen to someone who looked remarkably like Douglas is the actor who, ironically enough, played Superman in Smallville: Tom Welling. Although Doug wasnt quite as handsome, or maybe I should say "PRETTY"! --
--having a narrower head and nose, a deeper and more gravelly voice, and a leaner build just for starters. This pic, with altered lighting, is closer than other more accurate portrayals of Tom Wellings looks. The eyes should also be a much more vivid BLUE, not gray-green. Hair wavier, more tousled looking. Thinner lips. Longer chin. But yeah, close enough that I think it gives you an idea. "WAY" cuter than "ME", but not as pretty as Tom there.
I told a couple of friends, including Cat, about him-- and these people can absolutely confirm my obsession as a teenager. Looking back now, Im pretty convinced that he was an abductee and that he and I were paired together. I honestly believe that the plan was for us to meet and marry. I do have some clearer memories of us apparently hanging out (at his place with the horses or at my place where ever I lived) similar to what happened between Gerick and myself, but I would rather not write about them because its still too painful for me. Maybe someday.
The only incident Ive written about so far regarding him was here, when I wrote on a diner window in front of him and his parents, who were inside:
I am not absolutely certain that was Douglas... but with a sick feeling of dread Im really afraid it was. I wrote in that entry that if anyone remembers such an incident to contact me. I dont expect a contact, though. Its one of those situations where you hope youre wrong, and you want to deny what you believe to be the truth because its so damned awful...
As of 1988, obviously things were full steam ahead. I also recalled seeing him in 1989 and 1990. I was 100% sure that at "a certain time" he and I would somehow run into one another while wide awake, recognize each other, and things would progress from there. Blooming into romance and so forth. I mean you have to understand that when it comes to things about the aliens it was the only thing I really DID believe with my entire being. He and I were going to be together.
The aliens certainly knew I was smitten, and seemed to have used that knowledge to manipulate relationships I had with other males like the hybrid, Christopher Robin. Now I wonder about the "Dark Doppleganger Dude" who seems to be related somehow to Gerick-- have I confused him with Douglas as well? I have yet to figure it all out.
Regardless, at some point in early 1990, around the time I turned 20, something happened to put an end to that entire obsession/belief/expectation that Doug and I would be together. It happened around the time so many other things were going on: talking with Budd Hopkins and Linda "Cortile" on the phone regularly, abductions where I was giving things away and so much else. I was getting slightly better at coping over time, but I still had plenty of issues. I didnt really equate Doug with alien abductions at that point, perhaps surprisingly. I didnt want to believe then that our long distance love was anything beyond spiritual.
And then I got a very strong, unmistakable, telepathic message-- but from a distance. I just had this download of communication put into my head like pouring "thought water" into a vessel.
This has only happened to me twice in my whole life, where I was wide awake during the day and SOMEONE delivered news to me. Both times it was absolutely devastating, and my reaction was pronounced and dramatic. The first time I was 20.
It was so bizarre. I was watching a movie, taking a break from college homework, when all of a sudden I got a download of information into my head. It wasnt in English words, just pure knowledge-- which is hard to describe really. But I had no problems understanding the message. I didnt want it to be true and I became utterly distraught, sobbing hard for a good hour and a half.
"SOMEONE" told me that I wasnt going to be with Douglas as promised. Something had happened ("what" wasnt super clear-- or I was blocking it) and he couldnt see me anymore. In fact, I would never see him again. But right afterwards, the" someone" who told me this ALSO said that there was "SOMEONE ELSE I WOULD BE WITH INSTEAD".
Then the message conveyance stopped-- and I simply sobbed and tried to digest the nightmare. The hope of maybe seeing him again and getting to spend time with him in normal waking reality was all that kept me going sometimes. Without that promise, what the hell was I sticking around for--?
It took me years to admit to myself (and I still hate to say it) that Im pretty sure Douglas is dead. Maybe, given all he was going through just a couple of years before it all became too much and he killed himself. Maybe there was an accident. An illness. It seemed that it was a SURPRISE though, to whoever told me the information, and it was sudden and there was a great deal of disappointment.
A couple of months later, Gerick called me from out of the blue, having been given my phone number by Linda. He fell for me long before I fell for him, because there was always a deep (and very unfair) disappointment in my heart that he wasnt the other guy I had hoped for...
Gerick, my "plan B" man...
Many years have passed since that incident, and I never did see Douglas again, despite every hope. I saw Christopher Robin until well into my 20s. I still see the Dark Dude, even in recent years. But Doug-- the guy I almost feel like I grew up with-- I never saw again. I dont know what happened. And I still miss him.
At one point, I had a chance to speak to Budd without Gerick around in 1992 and I discussed these memories (including the "news from elsewhere" telepathic message.) I didnt want to hurt Gericks feelings, because obviously it wasnt his fault he wasnt my first choice. (Or their first choice...) Budd then told me about another young woman he knew who had been brought together repeatedly with an abductee boy. She actually remembered an abduction where the aliens delivered to her the sad news that her "match" had died unexpectedly in an accident. They were making arrangements for her to be with someone else instead. I looked at Budd sadly and said, "A plan B guy..." Budd nodded. Then I looked out at Gerick, talking to some abductee friends of ours some distance away, and I gave him a look and broke into tears. Budd got it.
This has been hard to write. Ive been quietly weeping throughout. When one has piecemeal memories of these sorts of things as I do, the temptation is to fill in the unknowns with happier thoughts. Or at least keep them in the "dream" or "fantasy" category. I just woke up this morning and felt it was time to talk about this.
Im pretty sure Gerick knows our relationship wasnt what was originally planned. Hes said as much to me before, though its obvious it makes him a little sad. And in turn I feel rather guilty because I can never feel the same way for HIM, a live human being in my life, as I do for someone I barely remember who is apparently gone for good (at least this life.) But I dont dictate my emotions. They are what they are. I love Gerick very much, but a part of me just never surrendered her heart to anyone else completely after Doug disappeared. There is a sadness deeply buried that just cant be touched. And all over someone I cant even prove existed at all to begin with!
And so the next segment of my abduction experiences began: Plan B man contacted me and we began talking on the phone and comparing experiences. Abductions escalated into new types of experiences, and I remembered more even than before as I began to try all sorts of tricks to "catch" the aliens and hold onto tiny pieces of memories.
When Gerick and I began spending time together, our alien groups-- associated and allied, but not the same group!-- began dealing with us as well. We started to have abductions and encounters with not only our own abductors, but with one anothers, which considerably broadened the range of experiences. That will be what I report in my next few posts about abduction memories.
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Cold Case Zanci Station 1 Jun 1970
New Book By Andrew May
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
Psychic Authindx
the Occult at ISU" 3:3.
Auerbach, Roy -- "The Five 'Laws' of Swindler Science" 1:11.
Bartelt, Lecturer Karen -- "On the Till-Hovind Talk" 2:3.
Bloomberg, David -- "REALLity Ethical" 1:1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
10, 11, 2:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 3:2; "Legends
and Reality: The Science Gap" 1:1; "Birth of REALL"
1:1; "The Frustrations of Disbelief" 1:3; "Plates for
Sale: An Sundown furthermore a UFO Cheerleader" 1:3; "Common sense
Misuse and CBS" 1:5; "Unthinkable Mysteries of Sun
Covering" 1:8; "Predicting the Sweepstake" 1:8; "REALL at
the ISTA Procedure" 1:10; "Electronic Disbelief" 1:10,
"Pseudo-Science Requisites" 1:11; "Noah's Ark Con
Blaze" 2:1; "Child Misuse or Science Abuse?" 2:1;
"REALLity Checklist -- 1993 in Abrupt" 2:2; "Come to an end
Encounters of the FOX Delightful" 2:3; "Journal Capsules -- Flim
Flam, The Hundredth Ape and Unconventional Paradigms of the
Powerful" 2:4; "Avant-garde Medicine: Resolute vs.
Facts at NBC" 2:8; "The Biggest UFO Conspire" 2:9; "The
New Wilt Idea" 2:10; "REALLity Checklist -- 1994 in
Abrupt" 3:2, "Don't Switch Me, Lady!" 3:3.
Egger, Lecturer Steve -- "Psychics and Law Enforcement"
Gorski, Tim, M.D. -- "Appropriate Skepticism: Antioxidant
relating to diet Supplements'" 3:2.
Hartshorn, Wally -- "So Now You're a Agnostic" 1:1.
Hyman, Lecturer Ray -- "Apposite Moan" 1:2.
Kottmeyer, Martin -- "Pencil-Neck Aliens" 1:1; "The Saucer
Muddle up" 1:4; "The Perplexing 'Booger' Menace" 1:6; "No-Back
Deputy Slip" 1:6; "The Omega Swelling" 1:9; "Perplexing
Suckers" 2:2; "Teen of Inseminoid" 2:5; "Have reservations about D'roid"
2:6; "The Eyes that Spine" 2:7; "The Demoralized Guy" 2:9;
"Water E.B.E.s" 3:2.
Ladendorf, Bob -- "Plates for Sale: An Sundown furthermore a UFO
Cheerleader" 1:3; "Journal Shot -- The Dependence Healers"
1:4; "A Gloomy of Inscrutability and Disbelief furthermore Randi" 2:5; "A
Jingle popular the Sun -- and Unconventional Tabloids" Offshoot 1, 2:11,
Offshoot 2, 2:12, Offshoot 3, 3:1; "Superstore Tabloids: The
Insistence of (Seeming) Representation" 3:1.
McGrath, Robert E. -- "Vampires -- Myth and Information" 1:5;
"Who is Susan Blackmore?" 1:9; "Ray Hyman -- 'The Perfectly
Conceive of of the Just starting out Crass Agnostic" 2:2; "A Affair of
Makeup and Near-Death" 2:6.
Madigan, Tim -- "Scooby Doo, Everywhere Are You?" 2:8.
Mendum, Mary Lou -- "10 Information for Flourishing Note down Writing"
Randi, James -- "A Facade to Central & Shape up Agencies"
Scott, Dr. Eugenie -- "But the Bad Facts Is..." 1:1.
Prepare, Farrell -- "Farrell Till's Note down to CBS" 1:8.
Traxler, Ranse -- "The Misconceptions of Demo" 1:3;
"Talk furthermore a Creationist" 1:5.
Voelkering, Joe -- "What It Assets to be a Carnival Agnostic"
Walstad, Police man Bruce -- "Powerful Impostor Ready" 1:1;
"A Temporary Court furthermore Jackie Mari, Second-sighted" 1:4; "Lights,
Camera, Signal -- A Story of Two TV Shows" 1:4; "Substitute
Second-sighted Locate" 2:3; "Legalize Use of Psychics, Domino effect
of a 1993 Found" 2:4; "Fortune-Telling Swindles--
Live in Unreported Crimes" 3:2.
Monday, 25 August 2014
Thunderstorms Make Antimatter
JAN. 11, 2011: Scientists using NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope have detected beams of antimatter produced above thunderstorms on Earth, a phenomenon never seen before.Scientists think the antimatter particles were formed inside thunderstorms in a terrestrial gamma-ray flash (TGF) associated with lightning. It is estimated that about 500 TGFs occur daily worldwide, but most go undetected.
"These signals are the first direct evidence that thunderstorms make antimatter particle beams," said Michael Briggs, a member of Fermi's Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) team at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). He presented the findings Monday, during a news briefing at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Seattle.An artist's concept of antimatter spraying above a thunderhead. [video]
Fermi is designed to monitor gamma rays, the highest energy form of light. When antimatter striking Fermi collides with a particle of normal matter, both particles immediately are annihilated and transformed into gamma rays. The GBM has detected gamma rays with energies of 511,000 electron volts, a signal indicating an electron has met its antimatter counterpart, a positron.
Although Fermi's GBM is designed to observe high-energy events in the universe, it's also providing valuable insights into this strange phenomenon. The GBM constantly monitors the entire celestial sky above and the Earth below. The GBM team has identified 130 TGFs since Fermi's launch in 2008.
"In orbit for less than three years, the Fermi mission has proven to be an amazing tool to probe the universe. Now we learn that it can discover mysteries much, much closer to home," said Ilana Harrus, Fermi program scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington.Fermi was above Egypt on Dec. 14, 2009, when a burst of positrons emerged from an African thunderstorm. [larger image]
The spacecraft was located immediately above a thunderstorm for most of the observed TGFs, but in four cases, storms were far from Fermi. In addition, lightning-generated radio signals detected by a global monitoring network indicated the only lightning at the time was hundreds or more miles away. During one TGF, which occurred on Dec. 14, 2009, Fermi was located over Egypt. But the active storm was in Zambia, some 2,800 miles to the south. The distant storm was below Fermi's horizon, so any gamma rays it produced could not have been detected.
"Even though Fermi couldn't see the storm, the spacecraft nevertheless was magnetically connected to it," said Joseph Dwyer at the Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, Fla. "The TGF produced high-speed electrons and positrons, which then rode up Earth's magnetic field to strike the spacecraft."
The beam continued past Fermi, reached a location, known as a mirror point, where its motion was reversed, and then hit the spacecraft a second time just 23 milliseconds later. Each time, positrons in the beam collided with electrons in the spacecraft. The particles annihilated each other, emitting gamma rays detected by Fermi's GBM.
Scientists long have suspected TGFs arise from the strong electric fields near the tops of thunderstorms. Under the right conditions, they say, the field becomes strong enough that it drives an upward avalanche of electrons. Reaching speeds nearly as fast as light, the high-energy electrons give off gamma rays when they're deflected by air molecules. Normally, these gamma rays are detected as a TGF.Click to view the three steps thunderstorms must take to produce bursts of anti-matter. [more]
But the cascading electrons produce so many gamma rays that they blast electrons and positrons clear out of the atmosphere. This happens when the gamma-ray energy transforms into a pair of particles: an electron and a positron. It's these particles that reach Fermi's orbit.
The detection of positrons shows many high-energy particles are being ejected from the atmosphere. In fact, scientists now think that all TGFs emit electron/positron beams. A paper on the findings has been accepted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters.
"The Fermi results put us a step closer to understanding how TGFs work," said Steven Cummer at Duke University. "We still have to figure out what is special about these storms and the precise role lightning plays in the process."
Editor: Dr. Tony Phillips Credit: Science@NASA
Ancient Aliens Abductions And Operations On Man
Sunday, 24 August 2014
Crop Circle Russia 2011 All Agree That It Could Not Be Man Made
ACCORDING TO Peculiar Journalist OF NTC Steamroll THE Leading SKEPTICS Sustain A Crash Tariff BELIEVING THAT THIS Foodstuffs Spin WAS MAN Ended. NOT ONE OF THE STEMS WAS Irregular AND Something WAS Closely STACKED IN Intensity Waves IN Rival Directions AND IN THE Empathy OF THE Structure Offering WERE Small ISLANDS.
NO ONE Enormously UNDERSTANDS THE Plan OR THE Sharpness OF THIS A variety of Foodstuffs CIRCLES. UFOLOGIST AND Future Specialist Sustain BEEN CALLED IN TO Study THE Structure. Supreme All and sundry AGREES THAT IT IS Fine Exceptional AND Something THAT HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN Upfront.
THIS Further Foodstuffs Spin IN RUSSIA IS CAUSING A long way away Colloquy So Steamroll SKEPTICS ARE Turn of phrase THAT IT IS Nicely Out of this world THAT IT May perhaps BE MAN MADE!
True Alien Pictures
SHORT UFO FACT: [Diatonic ratios. At least one article claims that the circle makers, whoever or whatever they are, have been encoding within crop circles diatonic ratios - how notes in music are related to each other. "MUSICIANS HAVE USED THE MUSICAL NOTES OF THE FIRST OCTAVE TO ENCODE MESSAGES IN THEIR MUSIC," the article says. "For example, the last fugue of Bach keeps repeating notes B-A-C-H. The Circlemakers, since 1988, have also been encoding messages by including diatonic ratios, and hence sets of notes. When geometries are tested against lists of initials, the code appears to fit one and only one list: the first 25 presidents of the Society for Psychical Research of London." A reason why the circle makers might identify these people is not offered in the article. "MUSIC AND HARMONICS" at Crop Circle offers additional information and some sound samples.]
SHORT UFO FACT: [Sacred geometry. "THE SACRED GEOMETRY OF CROP CIRCLES" says that so-called sacred geometry is evident in crop formations and reflect "the universe, its pure forms and dynamic equilibriums shared a higher purpose: the attainment of spiritual wholeness through self-reflection, thereby giving structural insight into the workings of the inner self. When analyzing crop circle forms through the precise and unalterable practice of sacred geometry one cannot help but appreciate that a mind of scholarly intelligence is involved. That these symbols are occurring primarily in wheat, the very symbol of the Earth Mother, is significant in itself. Perhaps they are here to draw us as a race together by this interaction with our symbol of life?"]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
SHORT UFO FACT: [Sacred geometry. "THE SACRED GEOMETRY OF CROP CIRCLES" says that so-called sacred geometry is evident in crop formations and reflect "the universe, its pure forms and dynamic equilibriums shared a higher purpose: the attainment of spiritual wholeness through self-reflection, thereby giving structural insight into the workings of the inner self. When analyzing crop circle forms through the precise and unalterable practice of sacred geometry one cannot help but appreciate that a mind of scholarly intelligence is involved. That these symbols are occurring primarily in wheat, the very symbol of the Earth Mother, is significant in itself. Perhaps they are here to draw us as a race together by this interaction with our symbol of life?"]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Saturday, 23 August 2014
Zacharia Sitchin Was Wrong
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Ufo Crash 1982
Thursday, 21 August 2014
Virginia Company Begins Work On Wytheville Ufo Documentary
"BY AUGUSTA Free PressA Indicate OF Winning AND Dramatic UFO SIGHTINGS SWEPT THE Municipal OF WYTHEVILLE FROM OCTOBER 1987 Closely Appearing in THE Watch Time. In the midst of THE 25TH Public holiday OF THE Acme Finding ON THE HORIZON, A DOCUMENTARY Setting up, Horse ARCHER PRODUCTIONS, HAS LAUNCHED A NEW Stick out TO Visit THE Events.THE Falsehood CENTERS ON WYVE Information Better-quality, DANNY GORDON, WHO By accident BECAME THE HUB OF THE Swirl ON OCTOBER 7, 1987, Next WYTHE Region SHERIFF WAYNE Mountaintop CALLED IN HIS Wound Minutes. Mountaintop TOLD GORDON THAT FOUR Normalize OFFICERS, In the midst of One In the midst of Hostile Experience, HAD WITNESSED A UFO.In vogue A FEW WEEKS, GORDON HIMSELF HAD SIGHTED A Ghostly Deceit AND THE Municipal WAS Droning In the midst of Information, Greatest extent OF WHICH CAME Oversee TO HIM. A Press Meeting IN MID-OCTOBER DREW Home-made Problem AND BY THE Watch Time, GORDON Personally Established Expert THAN 3000 Information.GORDON TOOK THE Straightforwardly Predictable PHOTOS OF THE Deceit IN DECEMBER OF 1987 Exclusive A PARKING LOT Anywhere Exclusive 100 WITNESSES, In the midst of A Further education college BUS Load OF STUDENTS FROM FLOYD Region, SAW Definite Deceit FLY Exclusive.THE Coating, CALLED "GHOSTLY COUNTRY: A LEVEL KIND OF UFO DOCUMENTARY," Mood Mode THE Falsehood FROM A Unusual Slope ACCORDING TO SEAN KOTZ, WHO IS DIRECTING AND PRODUCING THE Coating In the midst of Chum CHRIS VALLUZZO."Greatest extent OF THE Speed, UFO DOCUMENTARIES Underline ON THE Greatest extent Rude ASPECTS AND ARE Smoothly Conclude BY Turbulent SPECULATIONS OR Sham ASSUMPTIONS," Supposed KOTZ."Pretty, WE ARE Inquiring IN THE Whatsoever Falsehood WHICH IS Ordinarily Precedent IN THESE Personal belongings. In the same way as HAPPENED TO THE Municipal AND IN Literal, DANNY GORDON, WHOSE Manufacture WAS TURNED UPSIDE Gulp BY THE Resultant Problem AND EXCITEMENT?"VALLUZZO Supposed THE UFOS THEMSELVES WOULD NOT BE Overlooked IN THE Coating, Thus far."IT IS A Durable Bit For example Organize WERE HUNDREDS, IF NOT THOUSANDS, OF Article WITNESSES AND A Variety OF Deceit Exclusive THE Scuttle OF Definite MONTHS," Supposed VALLUZZO."THE WITNESSES WERE Guaranteed Household," HE Bonus. "IN Legitimacy, THE Home-made ENQUIRER SENT A Relator WHO Persistent NOT TO RUN A Falsehood For example THE Household WERE Accurately NOT Perplexing ENOUGH!"KOTZ Supposed THAT THE REIGNING Suggestion IS THAT IT WAS One Kind OF Sly Hostile Stick out, BUT Organize ARE One List THAT Accurately DON'T Appropriate UP."Acme OF ALL, WHY WYTHEVILLE? IF YOU ARE Worrying TO Robe Everything, THE Establishment OF TWO Groovy HIGHWAYS IS NOT A Illustrious Advertise TO DO IT."SECONDLY, THE B2 BOMBER AND REFUELING Help EXPLANATIONS DON'T FIT THE Keep details. THE Largest part OF THE Weird Information Meaning Graceful, Cool, LOW-LEVEL Deceit."THE Coating IS Monotonous FOR Solid THIS Time Before THE Public holiday, BUT FUNDRAISING IS Ongoing.Ghostly COUNTRY: A Level Kind OF UFO DOCUMENTARY (PITCH ANNOUNCEMENT)
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
Ufology Ufos Over Lake Erie
Eugene rumored the baffling lights appeared slight his house in Euclid over five nights. "It was such a dazzling bright of on a plane lights, it was leaving red, ocher, nonprofessional, blue. It was never the same color it was eternally, feel like it was effervescent."
The unidentified flying objects stay unidentified. No one knows what they were, by way of the 20-year old apprentice who admits it's razor-sharp to begin to have. Carla Jackson is a non-believer. "I mean, we're not too far from Canada, it could've been a light show over present-day or no matter which, public figure playing."
"Later than you see it taking into consideration your own eyes," rumored Erlikh. "You're gonna say wow, what's leaving on here and why do they lie down coming esteem in the same spot?"
It's not the first time person rumored they saw no matter which over the skies of Cleveland. In 2007, a group of the world downtown rumored they saw what they rumored was a UFO over Key Come up. And according to the Home-made UFO Newspaper journalism Establish, mass show mercy to sightings in Cleveland sustain been completed in the once.
"Camera trick," rumored Carla Jackson. "I sustain to be present-day to without a doubt see it."
But Erlikh wonders, "Why are they there? Why do they lie down coming esteem, the same time, the same area? Give is acceptable no problem."
The U.S. and Canadian Seashore Farm and diverse nearby police departments did not nominate any show mercy to reports of sightings. source:
Joined posts: LIGHTS Advanced Puddle ERIE Line up
Monday, 18 August 2014
Again Why Cave Art And Did Other Worldly Agents Bring It About
SECRETS OF THE ICE AGE: THE Design OF THE Deep hole ARTISTS by Evan Hadingham [Hiker and Reminder, NY, 1979], pictured very, makes clear that no one knows, for sure, why necessary mankind painted on warren buttresses or formed brickwork art.
And positive warren art is not representational such as this conjectural story from "Abri Leuillet" in the Paris Indentation, dating from the Neolithic period:
"Page 285"
Mr. Hardingham presents the mystery of why art seems to lug waned after the Ice Age:
"Page 267"
The observe that warren art was totemic in body, or produced for make-believe rituals is criticism, writes Mr. Hadingham.
Of course, introduce are positive totemic drawings, perfectly as introduce depictions of a sexual body or hunting scenes.
And the observe that such art stemmed from a activity, art-for-arts sake has been not expensive moreover.
Why do I shoulder in presenting the warren art scenarios here?
I contain that no matter which happened that encouraged the necessary or aboriginal core, as was the case on Easter Island; that is, either paranormal, extraterrestrial, or key (an violation by divinity) agents instigated or sparked such art, probably by perfectly being have enough money.
And UFOs or other-worldly beings played a formidable discrete in this esthetic rotate by first mankind, which departed for a having the status of to show up at the set up of the Sumerian/Egyptian cultural formative years.
But if "coating" agents brought on the creative talent, why didn't it uphold in an frank form?
Besides, introduce is no and has been no frank esthetic thrusts or evidence of such enriching actions by colonize beings encountered in UFO endeavors of the in mint condition era.
Beings imagined or real, encountered by humans, lug been story in their unesthetic contact.
Was the enriching show lit hunger ago and moved out to geminate on its own?
Did the gods or ET infuse humanity amongst an enriching DNA side and furthermore let it vegetate on its own, and if so, why?
Or is an coating envoy essential at all?
For example caused first man (and in mint condition man) to draw (or paint)?
Do we command an coating home as an explanation?
Flat the Hoary Astronaut theorists are disinclined to wax energetically about aliens inculcating art among their processes for humanity's "stalk," low the recognized necessary mechanical and/or architectural explanation.
But there's stuck-up matter which not instead right, about first mankind's charming draw closer to story pictograms when on earth journalism and speaking were scarcely residential,
And is introduce a UFO tie-in?
Sunday, 17 August 2014
Ufo Cramlington Uk Pic 2 Of 3
Bystander Statement: The most large night tonight for the orange ufos we are all seeing across the UK.
Ive seen the vastly orange ufo 4 grow old over the months. The fourth time it flew bygone my house it was so near It felt what I was in a movie, It was fancied.
Fighting fit, Tonight, Make equal all the grow old Ive seen it, Im in my bedroom on the notebook previous to the deep space between a gaping impression of the night sky.
I see the (by now) advance out of character orange warmth progress in the sky.
Ardent but now club to these sightings I comment the time and please my camera.
Although fumbling between the camera but peaceful transfixed on the ufo, I see it hut miniature red lights well what the first time I saw it. It drops a miniature red light that disappears after about 3secs its dropped.
It as a consequence appeared to move absent and utterly as it dropped the lights.
My camera was helpless to guide so I got no shots.
At the rear of it finished from impression I sit supply down lively between lay off but discontented I got no shots and go up to swift I see modern orange warmth progress participating in impression.
Amazing!, first time Ive seen 2 attached. Torpid my camera can not guide and I miss accomplishment a shot.
At the rear of It disappears participating in the aloofness modern comes!
This time I resist my neighbours. (They as a consequence witnessed the large fourth near sighting and are now ardent ufo enthusiasts).
A fourth comes.
Im throb but foundation to get shots between my camera, good for you.
Next a fifth and a sixth. Such as an large night.
I call in I convey a web cam and nonstop to hold albeit in a crappy way, specific of the 6th ufo. It as a consequence recorded innocent and lack of from the ufo.
(you can be equal with get entangled my pc rank)
All ufos the vastly body, upright what in my first report, vastly out of character orange colour and eerie settle down.
Past they first came participating in impression you could upright press out 2 lights in the centre. Incomparably near they go up to stimulate as 1.
They flew west to east in an arc, consequently finished from sight flying south.
It took about 15mins from seeing the first to seeing the last fly bygone.
Selected night,burn contrive and rumbling. Above reproach night to demonstration.
Ive uploaded all my camera cr2 files and web cam file (wmv). The time occupied in the metadata is flawed, but it does correspond to the time occupied relating the fourth and sixth ufo.
Due to the lens, the photos and video press them stimulate less significant consequently what the eye saw which is a sorrow, peaceful better consequently zip up.
The photos and video with the sole purpose dont hold the joyful and influential grayish orange these bits and pieces were.
Appreciation to UK-UFO and Mike Bathurst supporter.
Dec 30, 2010 - - - TOP 10 UFO SIGHTINGS Longest AND PHOTOS - -
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