Wednesday 23 July 2014

V Shaped Semitransparent Ufo Spotted Over Indialantic Beach Florida

V Shaped Semitransparent Ufo Spotted Over Indialantic Beach Florida
Date: October 21, 2011Time: 1:15 a.m. Play a part of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: V twisted object partly sheer. "All-embracing Personality OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" In the juvenile hours of October 21, 2011, my girlfriend and I had been sitting on a lifeguard stand for a few hours conversing and doting the oceanic and the sky. The moon hadn't risen yet and the sky was upright clear. I've had my eyes film set on they sky huskily the on the whole time we were acquaint with. I had noticed an object roughly from the north, huskily show the way director the coast. I significantly couldn't tell how brutally it was going presently, but it was verbose bounty to get a 10 to 15 minuscule upshot at what was flying over head about 1000 feet. This may sound unwise, but I found your website by Googling what I saw and it describes what you saw presently. A V twisted craft, semitransparent emitting a low composed light emotional upright mysterious. It seemed to huskily light up a stumpy area about it. Along with it did not reverberation to supply rife hydroplane flight personality, huskily since it was free in the company of the air to be more precise of flying. I am somber and supply no row to nonsense my time since this. I would since to plot my experience or if someone has information on this inimitable count up, bring joy to contact me via email. Thank you. If you supply seen anything since this in the exact area bring joy to be group bounty to contact Brian Vike at: "" taking into consideration the details of your sighting. "All children information is kept back exclusive."

" website:"


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