Friday, 12 September 2014

Ask Yourself This

Ask Yourself This
"If you didn't believe in other worlds, Ultra/Extra terrestrials, Bigfoot, Sea Monsters, Ghosts, Ufo's or Alternate Realities and Ancient Technologically advanced civilizations, would your life be any more or any less fascinating?"Because there are mysteries to be pondered, everyday, across the globe and only those of us who wake up with the knowledge that life is NOT about waking up, going to work, taking a shit and then going back to bed...only we can give OTHER people a reason to wake up in the morning.So give thanks for the high strangeness in the world. Give thanks for the people who have no qualms about finding answers. God bless them, whomever they are, because they make the world a cooler place to live.HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL THE RESEARCHERS INTO THE UNKNOWN...BECAUSE YOU MAKE MY WORLD A BETTER PLACE!



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